Paranoid Mage webtoon until chapter 44
A nice action fantasy manwha.
Story starts with mc being alone after attending the funeral of his last known close relative, his mother. Mc goes on with his life. Until one fateful day, whilr on a session of workout in a gym, mysterious fellows attacked the place. As you can see, mc is something special, he can sense magic and the gym instructor he's friends with is actually a dragon. So back to the story, the gym gets attacked. Mc tries rescuing one of the gym goers, mc unintentionally activated his power, portal/spatial magic. A magic officer of GAR (.. g.. arcane.. r something, like a government agency for magical stuffs), happen to find mc. Although mc has been living as a normal human, mundane, the officer immediately suspect mc and took him to custody.
After the interrogation and learning that mc is innocent, they prepare mc to get drafted to GAR. mage are believed to be taught magic when they were still young, mc on the other hand is already an adult when he find out he is a mage. During the draft talks, mc prioritizes his freedom something the GAR cannot give to mc. GAR does want balance and peace? or something. But mc didn't want to get held back and bound. Mc manages to escapes. mc becames a rogue mage, something GAR targets.
rogue mages, mages that went off radar from GAR
dragon folks
Fae, faerie and magical folks
Vampires, the blood suckers
Shifters, the werewolves and the like,
Mundane, the normal non magical human beings.
Mc takes in a fake ID and goes to a far off country town, unknown to mc, it's full of shifters, werewolves or something. But they were on good terms with mc. one day, news of killing happen and the targets were the mundane, the normal people. a conflict happen between the vampires and the shifters in the town. mc gets drag in the mess when a friend shifter gets kidnapped. the shifter friend asks for mc's help. mc helps them out of good faith. the vampires gets eliminated.
few days after, since the vampire and shifter are supposed to be on a peaceful term, the GAR had to step in to manage the situation. GAR agents went to the country town to investigate. thinking that they could be suspecting of mc and might take him, mc flees the country town without anyonw knowing.
the shifters thinking that mc might hold it as a debt they owe to mc, they tracked mc and collaborated with mc. mc wants nothing to with anyone else, he just want to be not bound to anything, but at the same time, mc needs to learn magic. with a promise of getting help for mc with what he needs, mc sets out to defeat the vampire in the shifters' territories. mc does the task, mc gets an intel agent, lucy, and materials to help mc with magic.
while learning magic, mc also befriended a healer mage. mc faked as a teacher all the while learning the basics with the mage. how it happened is just.. magic.
unfortunately, the mage mc befriended is a grand daughter of a prestigious mage, and somehow, mc taught the healer a forbidden magic, which mc just, on a whim, thought about. the mage gets in trouble for learning the forbidden magic but thanks to her grand parent, she got it easy. unfortunately, mc gets taken in custody of GAR when mc decides to meet with the grand daughter and the GAR are already lying in wait for mc.
somehow with mc's magic and.. knowledge with magic (he's a rookie with magic but he's like a prodigy, he just makes things happen), mc escapes.
as mc run away from the GAR, mc finds mundane being chased by fae folks. mc helps the mundane and in the process killes some of the fae folks. these fae folks are royalties. mc gets targetted by some fae kings.
mc goes out of the country and to a portal to another world. mc goes to the dragon folks' world. mc meets with his gym instructor friend who told mc that no kne but dragons are allowed in the dragon world and that the best place for him is the vampire world.
mc goes to the vampire world. mc learns it not a good place for him. after getting materials from the vampire world, mc return back to earth. somehow, GAR peole caught up with mc. mc goes on the run and managed to escape. unfortunately, during the process, some mundanes were killed due to a mage from GAR going full force.
mc goes to america to make try making a base and have the materials he got made to equipments. mc phone lucy to help him out. somehow, the two are having a cute moment during their convo. mc need lucy's help with getting funds, lucy will get commissioned for help. lucy tells mc that the shifter leader will help him out.
mc makes teleport equipments and sold to the shifters, something that is supposed to be off radar, since it's known only one person could make them and she's an archmage in GAR?
unfortunately, trouble is brewing in the GAR. lucy is an employee of GAR, and during the investigation and cases of mc, GAR does a sweep of people related to the case. Lucy manages to get off suspicion but the agents in charge of the investigation still have Lucy in the list. lucy is unaware of this.
in a call, lucy tells mc of what happened in the GAR. lucy also informed mc of the mundane he helped from the fae folks, the mundanes are being interrogated in a US branch. mc have the heroic sense of wanting to save the mundane, mc asks lucy for help. lucy connects mc to a fae folk who is on bad terms with the GAR as well as other fae folks.
mc managed to have a deal with the fae folk. mc will help the mundane in GAR's custody and the fae folk will take them in. the fae folk will take credit? for the mischief.
I stopped here. chapter 44
mc is a learning prodigy when it comes to magic and tactics. he has a sense of duty to help the mundanes but most of all those in need.
things not mentioned earlier:
mc's known parents weren't his actual parents but his grand parents. mc's mother left mc to them and mc's father is still unknown, the dragon gym instructor knows of the story of how mc's mother leave, returned pregnant with mc, and once again leave, leaving mc behind. mc's grand parents are goos people and the reason as to why mc has this sense of heroic duty.
the forbidden magic mc taught to the healer mage is reverse healing. instead of healing and fixing, the magic concentrate the healing magic which in turn burst the insides of the target.
mordite materials are something items that could hurt other worldly beings and this is what could be used to make magic ite.s, this is what mc gathered in the vampire world. mc made teleporters from the gathered materials. this he sold the shifters.
teleporters are made only by the spatial archmage of the GAR. same spatial archmage is looking for mc. as mentioned, mc is able to create a teleporter.
mc's knowledge about the teleporter is due to the help of the healer mage. she let mc see the teleporter her father used. in a short moment, mc is able to understand the teleporter.
teleporter/home bound is different to mc's portal/spatial magic. teleporter is like a warp point that can warp a person or a group of people tp a designated place. mc's portal can go just about anywhere as long as it is within mc's reach.
mc's spatial magic, along with his learning and training (all self taught), allows mc to see things around him. like a byakkugan i naruto. mc can manage his portal sizes. with this set up, mc can assassinate others with surprises attacks.
the archmage for spatial magic desperately wants mc. The GAR is hunting mc as a rogue mage. the fae folks is hunting mc for the killed royalties. the vampires detests mc.
lucy is a quirky gal that likes to flirt with mc. when mc respond to it, lucy is having romantic thoughts with mc. during the sweep for a mole in the GAR, lucy managed to get off suspicious by not mentioning mc's name but by telling she does collab work, or something, with her lover. this interrogation is under a truth serum spell. although the officer in charge of the interrogation still suspect lucy.