Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Knight only Lives Today (manwha until chapter 22)

The Knight only Lives Today (manwha until chapter 22)

Not a new concept but the pacing and the story is simply exhilirating.

Mc is a platoon leader of a misfit squad of the army. The squad members are exceptionally skilled at their own specializations. Mc, however, has no remarkable talent or whatsoever, except for one thing, day reset.

First wall, in the start of the story, a clash of armies happened, mc is in among the front line, unfortunately, he gets killed. mc is in a abyss like place and gets face to face with death, a boat man, probably charon in the greek mythology who accompanies soul to the after life. Mc denies going with the boat man. mc wake up in the barracks, it was, again, the start of the same day. only this time, he recalled of what happened. cycle continues, mc keeps dying. this is sort of like the movie edge of tomorrow. mc gets to find out in and out of whats to happen during the battle except for one thing, there is always this one soldier who kept on killing him. it was the same soldier from the beginning to the Nth! time he came back. It was a wall he couldn't surpass. mc must learn skills.

Mc goes to his platoon member, rem, a barbarian. the training was done for just a day, except, mc came back a lot of time until he mastered beast heart. from this, we can say his day reset capability allowed mc to relive each day over and over again all the while mastering and learning whatever he wants to learn.

finally, mc faces against the wall, the same soldier who killed him over and over again and won. suddenly, a beast man appears, a frog man, mc got almost killed. thankfully, mc was saved by the rest of his crew. mc beat his first wall.

mc got injured in the clash amd was sent to the infirmary, here he met with two others, a leader of anothe squad and a man name cran.

second wall, days goes on until mc realized when one day he wake up it was the same day. mc got assassinated at night. day cycle, night time, mc tries facing the assassin but mc always get caught in surprise.

same scenario, mc sought help from one of his platoon member, mc gets gain detection skill using his hearing. after a few more cycle of die learn repeat, mc finally beat the assassin. mc gets to find out that cran might be a higher up in the army, and the army leader is an elf.

next days, with mc getting the attention of the elf commander from the assassin incident, he gets assigned as a member of a recon team. they are tasked to scout for enemies.

the recon team leader belittles mc, they get ambushed and got annahilated. things kept on going with mc learning of the best positions and strats in order to complete their mission or survive. finally when mc learned a lot of things amd set it to motion, mc took the lead of the recon team. instead of going back, mc lead the team to the enemy base, wrecked havoc and escape. mc saw his next wall, a platoon leader of the enemy army, unfortunately, the fight is put off. the recon team's objective was to scout and return. it left a bitter taste to mc for not being able to surpass the wall bit at least they managed to survive.

things have calmed in the barracks with the base being stationed closer to the enemy lines. mc decides to train, one of mc's squad member sees mc's determination and decide to teach mc swordsmanship. mc accepts the teaching, unfortunately, mc could get train more since they were all asked to go mobilize. another clash of army to happen.

on the moment of the battle, the two army faced each other. suddenly, a dark fog envelop the battle field. rem immediately know it was sorcery. mc sees this as an opportunity. mc will deliberately get killed, all the while learning tactics and strategy for the clash. and when mc dies and gets returned, mc will continue learning swordsmanship. it kept on going and going for about years and years until mc finally learned swordsmanship. on one instance of mc's death, mc met with the boat man and told how mc was foolish enough to crave for death.

when mc finally learn of what to do, mc asks rem about sorcery to which mc realized how to disperse the blinding fog. mc also gets told of a technique. unfortunately, mc needs real battle experience to learm this.

mc once again went to the battlefield with the intent of finishing the day, mc's main targets are the flags which the sorceror used to make the fogs. mc had to do it over and over again. mc also learn about the technique but it was pointless. until finally mc found the next wall.

the final flag that mc haven't yet reach is withi distance. mc is suddenly stopped by a knight. the knight recognizes mc but due to mc's multiple time of reset, mc did not remember the knight. before mc gets killed, mc realizes it was the knight, the platoon leader, that he faced but couldn't surpass during the recon scout mission. mc smiles, finally having reach the wall and the opportunity, once again to surpass it.

after a few cycle of die learn repeat, mc comes to realize and learn the technique his squad member trying to teach mc. it's like the observation haki in one piece, sole point of focus. it's a technique that can only be learned in the condition of having face death.

finally, the moment arrived when mc can finish the day. mc reports the sorcery of the enemy army to the army commander. mc's advice fell? on deaf ears. mc orders the people around him to stand guard during the fog, they obeyed. mc takes rem and the swordsman tutor in his platoon to accompany him. the squad members will take aggro from the rest of the opposing army while mc goes for the main objective, not the flag but the wall he wants to surpass.

third wall, mc vs enemy platoon leader. mc used his observation haki to beat the platoon leader, unfortunately, he wasn't able to get the kill since the enemy squads are surrounding mc. mc gets surrounded and beaten but mc continued on to the objective. mc manages to destroy the flag, the fog disappears. their army is now able to fight. unfortunately, mc is in deep enemy territory and he's surrounded. when he is about to be killed, a panther appears and save mc. suddenly, reinforcments arrives to support mc. but a dangerous soldier from the enemy ranks also appearsed. the allied soldier faces the dangerous soldier of the enemy but he was outmatched and got thrown. the pather who aided mc also got beaten. mc faces the dangerous soldier, using his observation haki as well a battle sense to copy partially the technique of the enemy platoon leader, mc managed to survived a heavy blow. the reinforcement charge behind mc. the enemy army were forced to retreat.

mc gets rescued. mc also took the beaten panther with him. mc falls unconcious while the clash between the two army raged on.

only until here. :)

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