Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Auto Hunting with my Clones (manwha until chapter 47)

autohunting with my clones

jeong sangwoo, mc
park wontae, a class hunter, in charge of the 10th portal awakening program
george lucas, s class hunter if america, blink skill, leader of enlighten guild
jang deokchil, wukong logistics supervisor, asked mc to tutor his daughter
kim gyeongdo, friend of mc with super strength after the awakening
hayeon, daughter if jang deokchil, mc will be tutoring her
han myeonghwan, c class hunter, proctor of the hunter exam mc participated
ceo kang junmo, jm agency, assistant for hunters
shin hyesung/hyeseong, guildmaster of hyesung guild
kim byeongsik, brown bear guild team leader
Mr Park Montae/wontae, Keinus Guildmaster
Miss Han Miho, Yollo Guildmaster, she got fox ears
Kim Ilgon, Taeyang Guildmaster, white hair and white beard
Oh Byeonghun, korean hunter association, assoc leader, short and bald
Chanwoo, friend a of mc
Jeongseong/jeongseung, friend b of mc
jeong jiwoo, mc's younger sister
kim uhyeon, silvermoon laborer, poisoner/potion maker
kim seonah, yollo guild manager
baek hwan, strongest first generation hunter. currently missing in the tower of odin.
park yuna, keinus team 1 leader, substorage skill
seongtae, part of keinus guild team 1
yang gyucheol, silvermoon guildmaster
kang cheonseong, vice guildmaster of the silvermoon guild
seongah, healer of team 1 keinus guild, deceased
gyeongsik, keinus guild team 2 leader

awakening program, government event to help citizens unlock their potential/awakening
hell guild
dongjin guild
brown bear guild
haseong/hyesung/hyeseong guild, korean guild 1
wukong logistics center, company mc joined for the delivery service
gyeongo-gu university, mc's school
tough body gym
ujangsan field, rabbit hunting ground
World Hunter Association, WHA
Yollo Guild, rank 6 in south korea
Keinus Guild, rank 3 in south korea
Taeyang Guild, rank 2 in south korea
Red Fire Guild, rank 9 in south korea
Scorpion Guild, rank 7 in south korea
megalosaurus guild, south korean guild
mana absorber virus, rarely gets serious. continiously absorb mana from afflicted host until the host dies.
park wontae and park montae are the same person
silver moon guild, a subordinate guild of hyeseung guild
tron company, a company able to further manufacture refined monster gems for human use.
tower of odin, s class unexplored dungeon

1 manwha description. mc got clone skill. clones does his works for him while he idle.

2 mc is in group 37, his is number 7. mc joins the awakening program of the government. he got clone skill. the official who hecked him somehow belittles him. mc does not care. mc went home. he feels lazy to do things. mc made a clone to do his routines.

3 mc made his clone do a work out routine. mc's stats insignificantly rose. in a month, mc made his clone do training, mc is becoming fit, his stats are also going up. mc is just idling. mc wants to register his clone for a gym membership.

4 mc needs money for the gym membership. he finds a delivery job. that same day, mc starts work. mc came with his disguised clone. they begin work. mc becomes very tired, and his clone is looking fine. the supervisor? upon learning a bit of mc, invites mc to tutor his daughter. mc accepts the tutor side hustle. after the work, mc gained some stats.

5 next day, mc wakes up and recalls his clone 1 after the morning routine. mc is also trying to get the regeneration skill. mc leaves clone 1 for training. mc heads to the gym. he meets up with a friend who went with him to the gym. while mc is doing the trial, mc gets called by jang deokchil regarding his tutoring sidehustle. mc leaves the gym and went to jang deokchil's place. mc meets the jang deokchil's daughter.

6 mc meets with ms. hayeon, jang deokchil's daughter. after the intro, they tutor. after the sidehustle, mc went back home. clone 1 had just finished his routine and now went to the delivery work. after thinking things through, mc decided to become a hunter. mc joins a registration and examination for would be hunters.

7 mc passed and became a licensed f rank hunter. mc's clone skill also leveled up. mc also met up with kang junmo who introduced him as assistant to hunter. mc quickly went home to try out his second clone. after some time mc phones kang junmo for some inquiries. they met up. mc asked for newbie friendly hunting grounds. kang junmo told mc about the slime and horned rabbits area. mc accepts the contract with kang junmo for both area. kang junmo is noticing anomalies in their company and he is beijg kept quiet about it. kang junmo's assistant job is introducing hunter to areas, they will take care of equipment purchases at the expense of the hunter, they will also take care of buying some of the loots the hunters managed to find.

8 mc explains his clone technique to kang junmo. after, the two parties came to an agreement. two days later they meet up for the hunter association verification and stats check? after the verification the accessibility permit of mc's clone. mc wants to go hunting. meanwhile, a certain guildmaster is eyeing mc and his clone skill.

9 mc meets with the hyeseong guildmaster. mc greet the guildmaster with confidence. after, they leave the hunter association. mc calls his clone 1 who is doing gym routine, they head for the hunting ground. they left clone 2 on slime grounds. next is the rabbit grounds, with clone 1.

10 mc and junmo picks clone 1. they head to the rabbit grounds. mc is pathetic with the hunt. mc leaves clone 1 in the rabbit ground. mc went back home to rest. the clones are left hunting.

11 next day, the clones made an uproar. they mechanically and endlessly did their hunting task to the point that the people noticed them. mc and junmo checked up on them. after, the clones continues their task. mc goes on with his tutor side hustle. mc mentions he's a hunter to ms hayeon. ms hayeon got thrilled and asked mc to accompany to some hunting ground. mc promises if ms hayeon goes to uni.

12 mc finishes his tutor with ms hayeon. it seems ms hayeon is having a crush on mc. mc went to the rabbit hunting ground and met up with junmo and clone 1. mc checked his bank deposit and he got lots of money. while they settle other things, a hunter came up to them and demand money claiming that clone 1 stole a kill. after a confrontation, mc caught it on video and threatened the hunter he'll post it on the internet fir acting violently vs them. afterwards, mc clone 1 and junmo went to eat dinner. junmo mentions the hunter is from hyeseong guild and it's natural for them to harass other hunters of junmo's jm agency. mc says he already knew and he has a plan.

13 next day, mc and junmo went to the hunter market for equipment upgrades and a skill orb, familiar skill. mc's made the clones go training with cqc combat and gun range all the activating his new familiar skill making the training of the clones very effective for mc to experience the training as well.

14 mc used his familiar skill while his clones are training. mc's stats rose. at the end of the end, mc spota ms hayeon going home. meanwhile a group of hunters are eyeing him.

15 one of the hunters eyeing mc was the bully hunter in the rabbit ground. the hunters confronts mc. mc tries standing his ground but was pushed off. ms hayeon wants to help but it was in vain. mc went back up and goes for round 2.

16 mc has the upperhand. suddenly mc got held by one of the hunter. mc got beat up. ms hayeon helps mc. the other hunter aggros on ms hayeon. fortunately, the other clone appears and saves the day. mc walks ms hayeon back home. ms hayeon found out about mc's skill. mc thanks ms hayeon for helping him and promises to treat her.

17 a month passed. mc reveals to junmo he's bale to crrate three clones and his trainibg is progressing well. mc wamts to make his clones hunt on three areas. junmo made it possible for mc. next day, junmo escorts the three clones. mc is left behind. mc will be practicing his mana technique all the while using familiar skill on his clones. meanwhile, the clones are hunting. on one of the clone's hunting ground, unknown to them, an incident occured. a different monster lurks inside.

18 while the clones hynt, mc realized he didn't have a porter for the monsters hunted. mc orders the clone to collect the monsters they defeated. in the alien fish grounds, while collecting, a clone picks up a human hand. the clone suddenly attacked. mc gets disconnected with the clone. mc calls junmo and asked to escort the other clone to the clone in trouble. mc himself also went there. they met up. mc reports what happened. junmo understood that its a fishman monster. junmo wanted to have the ground reported and closed for safety. mc disagrees and wants his two other clones to check the monster out. junmo let mc. the clones head inside, spots the monster and does a preemptive. their attack wasn't effective.

19 the clones did an epic battle vs the fishman monster. they won but the fishman ran away. it headed for the entrance. a clone who is still able, follows it. the fishman reached the entrance. the clone is able to trip it. the clone's head reached outside the hunting grounds. mc dashed towards the monster and dealt the finishing blow.

20 the higher rank hunter operatives who responded for the repirt arrived. the fishman is already dealt with. the hunt is being assessed. mc gains the blood sword the fishman is using and a garbage stat increasing jewel. mc also gained some stats and a few new skills. junmo advice mc to make the clones first touch the sword first because it might be cursed. mc and his two remaining clones went back home. mc resummons his defeated clone. mc had one of the clones lift the sword. using his familiar skill, mc finds out the sword is in fact cursed. somehow, the clones aren't affected by it. mc decided for them to rest until next day. they will be practicing meditation and mana breathing. next day, their school break ends. mc went back to school. mc met up with kim gyeondo. mc find out no one notices it was him since he drastically changed so much. kim gyeondo invites mc for a drink after class. mc rejects it as he has other plan.

21 in a far away place, the world hunter association just got a divination that a portal and dungeon break would happen. few days hence and the location is in south korea, the whereabouts of mc. the guildmasters ans the hunter association leader had a meeting regarding the prophecy. they formed a plan for the catastrophe and ended up with an agreement of having their members respond and focus on break once it happened. back to mc. class ended, mc met up with ms hayeon. they went out for dinner as mc promised her. while they enjoy their food, a news alert on their phones and even the restaurant tv broadcasted an emergency to make the citizen aware and be prepared of a possible catastrophe happening.

22 after dinner, mc met with his university friends, introduced ms hayeon to them and sent them home. mc is worried about the alert and how unworried the other citizens are. mc spoke about his concern to junmo regarding the added hunter visibility and the light take of the citizens with the warning. after, mc went back home and decided to visit his parents home. mc introduced himself to them. they hardly recognize them. mc also explained his clone skill to them. they talked for a while and start to have dinner. mc decided to stay with his parents for a while. but before they could start dinner, the prophecied dungeon break happened. it's right outside. mc and his family were also attacked.

23 one of the clones disappeared, while another is severely injured. mc and his two other clones takes his family to the shelter underground. mc noticed a man in need of rescue. although his family was against it, mc reluctantly heed the call. mc took a clone with him while another lead his family to safety. mc tells his clone to rescue the fallen man while mc face vs the d class troll monster.

24 the fallen flees to safety. mc tells his clone to ingest the garbage mana stone to power him up. the clone changed appearance. the clone will lso be using the cursed sword. the duo start the subjugation. after a fierce exchange, the duo emeeged victorious. mc wanted to go down to the shelter but with his clone's appearance he chose otherwise. meanwhile, there are other guilds combating the appearing monsters.

25 a certain big name joins the hunter, keinis guildmaster park wontae. he spots mc struggling along with other civilians. park wontae comes as reinforcement to mc. mc gets saved. meanwhile, in the underground shelter, a b rank monster invades shelter. the firefly monster uses a corpse to mimic the other survivor into opening the gate. mc's family is in danger.

26 the one who opened the gate was jiwoo, mc's sister. mc's clone rush towards the firefly monster but not fast enough for mc's sister to get stab. the clone pushed the monster outside the shelter, the shelter system gets alerted and placed the shelter in lockdown. on mc's side, as they are resting, park wontae praises mc. mc wanted to converse on when he suddenly lost conract with one of his clone. mc immediately went to the shelter. as of now all of mc's clone have disappeared. mc rushed wity the cursed sword. the curse is eating away at him. the other hunters in the scene are fighting each other for the riches. back on the mc's family side, as mc's parents tries helping mc's sister jiwoo, the shelter gate broke. the firefly monster enters. with all hope lost, mc suddenly appears. he saw his sister on the ground. mc enters berserk mode.

27 mc goes for a dying will attack, suddenly a hunter stops mc. park wontae and his team  joins the fray. mc begged them to help his sister first. park wontae reassures mc they are both fine and saved. after, mc woke up from a nightmare. he's on a hospital bed. hunter park wontae is beside him. a bit of a backstory before/after the meeting? it was the guildmaster of hyeseung guild that made the association leader lighten the warning alert on the people. this way, the hunter will be needee more and the blame will be put on the civilians for not heeding the alert.

28 mc woke up. his parents immediately went to him. mc remembers his sister.  unfortunately, jeong jiwoo, mcs sister is badly hurt and is in a coma. she's afflicted with mana absorber virus. mc blames himself for being heroic and not prioritizing his family. afterward, ms hayeon visits mc. mc reveals he'll stop tutoring her and mc will be quitting school.  mc will be focusing on getting money through hunting to save his sister and also to find a cure? mc went to park montae's guild, keinus.

29 mc meets with park montae. after explaining a bit of mc's clone skill, park montae asks for mc's help in rescuing his sistet and keinus guild's team 1. mc accepts, in the first place mc is very much indebted to the keinus guild for what happened after the dungeon break. after, they begin training for the dungeon keinys team 1 is trapped in. after the training, mc met up with junmo. mc is determined to cut ties with his friends. in a few days mc continuously train and get beat up. mc thought of a sure fire way to win vs the trainer, his clones plus the monster changing gems.

30 the clones became monsters but were still under mc's control. they proceed with training. despite the boost in strength, the four, mc and his 3 clones, still couldn't keep up. despite this mc continued on. he did not like to stay being weak, especially in times of trouble. he wanted to be stronger for his family. timeskip after 6 months. mc or his clone?? head to a hunting ground but were stopped by another guild, the silver moon. mc has entry permit, a guild member tries attacking mc. mc counters.

31 mc and his clones faces vs the silver moon goons. meanwhile, guildmaster park wontae meet with junmo. park wontae check mc's stat growth. it was enought to call mc d rank. the guildmaster wants to initiate the keinus guild team 1 rescue. back to mc, mc enter the hunting ground and met up with the rabbit grounds hunter bully. mc interrogate the rabbit ground hunter. the hunter inside are made to gathermonster changing gems. they do so to either pay off their debt or as laborer of the silvermoon. mc let the laborers leave all the while taking the gems they gathered. mc made clone 1 eat them. meanwhile, a silvermoon laborer, kim uhyeon is being chased by a c class monster from the same hunting ground. something to mention, the monster changing gem gives permanent stat boost on the clones, the permanent boost applies to mc. the clones becomes monster as  side effect but are still under mc's control. mc does is free from the side effect. if the monster clone dies or gets resummoned, they become human again. the stat boost mc acquires stays with mc.

32 mc rescues kim uhyeon. mc and his clones fought vs the c class monster as well the other d class monsters. clone 1 who consumed a lot of the gems looked like an ogre monster. mc is the user of the cursed blood sword. after the fight, kim uhyeon gave mc a potion for clone 1 who was badly injured. in exchange for a timed life, clone 1 fully regenerated. mc orders clone 1 to keep on hunting. kim uhyeon is surprised with mc's rank and his ability as a "summoner." mc has a few questions for kim uhyeon. meanwhile, the yollo guild are stacking up on the monster changing gems. they were as per requested by keinus guildmaster, park wontae.

33 mc asked kim uhyeon why she mentioned the hyesung guild, rank 1 in south korea, as she ran away. kim uhyeon explaind the silvermoon guild is a subordinate guild of hyeseung. after, mc let his clone 5 escort her out the dungeon. mc also gave kim uhyeon his business card in case she wants to break ties with or escape from the silvermoon and hyeseung guild. mc continues his raid. clone 1 dies. mc resummon him. meanwhile the some silvermoon guild member are still in the dungeon. they are not just coercing the weaker hunters to slavery but they were actually guarding a drug lab. they are manufacturing refined monster gems, higher stat boost but at a worse side effect. as the silvermoon goons escape. kim uhyeon secretly followed them. kim uhyeon took tge refined monster gems before escaping. meanwhile, the clones have just finished their escort order and mc just finished his raiding. mc then gets a message from keinus guild, the team 1 rescue will commence. next day, the silvermoon goons went back ti the secret lab and they found that their refined monster gems were missing. their culprit were either mc and his team of clone of beat them or the laborers. they suspect it was mc.

34 a brief history of the tower of odin. briefing of mc's mission. a backstory of how the team 1 entered the tower of odin and despite their supplies, after a few months steady raiding, things suddenly fell apart. team 1 is in grave danger and guildmaster park wontae blames himself.

35 the team 1 last report. after the report, park wontae had mc ready for the rescue mission the next day. meanwhile, the silvermoon guildmaster, yang gyucheol, is reprimanding his people for the blunder with the refined monster gems. the subordinayes reports it was mc who took the refined gems. the guildmaster gave them order to track mc and bring mc to him. the vice leader of the silvermoon is also sent with the task. next day outside junmo's agency, mc had a convo with junmo. mc is fine with the rescue job but he is wondering why the mission ever took place if the dungeon had already been conquered. the one who conquered it mentioned there was no treasure there but a monster. after, they find kim uhyeon sleeping outside the office. mc treats her for a meal. after, mc employs?? kim uhyeon for her potion making skill. mc had to leave them for he had other appointment. before mc leave, kim uhyeon gave mc two deadly potions, mc is delighted. the potions kim uhyeon will be used by the clones, it will have no side effect for mc plus it's like a temporary 'second life' for the clones or whatever.

36 the next day? kang cheongseong and other silvermoon members attacked the yollo guild and stole their monster gem supplies. the silvermoon will meet their quota for the hyesung guild. on the otherhand, mc went abroad to the tower of odin. once they got there, mc went to the keinus guild barracks. there they heard the yollo guild had just been attacked. despite that, the plan commenced. mc will be stationed in the barracks among with park wontae and his vice leader. mc's clones will do all the work. mc will be using his leveled up familiar skill to immersely travel with his clones. after a few preparations, the clone enters the dungeon. mc is in fully dive in one of the clone. they were greeted a wave of d class monsters. mc is eager to go all out. unfortunately, his other clones quickly and easily dealt wity them. currently, mc have 6 clones.

37 they were a quarter to their destination. the clones got in trouble when they aggrevated the ice golem monster. a clone got knocked out, fortunately, mc had a plan vs the ice golem using a teleport scroll on the golem's core.

38 mc team won vs the ice golem. mc leveled up his clone skill. he can now summon 7 clones. meanwhile, rabbit hunter gets hunted by the silvermoon vce guildmaster. rabbit hunter begged for mercy as he told everything. back to the clones, they are near their destination when suddenly they get attacked?

39 a clone stopped an attack from an invisible monster. suddenly invisible monsters showed up for the clones. mc couldn't see them, mc let the clone handle the clone body. clones are going toe to toe vs the invisible monster. meanwhile, team 1 is checking the surrounding outside of their hiding dimensional space. park yuna is surprised to see a battle is going on. mc notices the dimensional space open. mc tells them he comes to aid them as the clones rush towards the dimensional space. the invisible monsters follows them.

40 with the aid of the surviving team 1 members, mc got inside the dimensional space safely. mc notices the survivor is missing a person. park yuna explains that their healer was one of them that got mbushed. they requested mc to fetch her body as they wouldn't want to leave her behind. mc agrees to their request, told them his conditions for accepting their request and a brief explanation of his power. meanwhile, jm agency is getting attacked by the silvermoon guild. junmo is being roughed up but the assistant never betrayed mc. unfortunately, the silvermoon found a paper regarding mc. they head for mc's neighborhood. kim uhyeon sees what's going on.

41 kim uhyeon learns the reason mc is being hunted. it was her fault for stealing the refined monster gems. the silvermoon thought mc stole them. back to clones, mc's clone heads out to retrieve their team 1 beloved member's body. the clones got surrounded. mc used the exploding potion kim uhyeon gave him. the clones manages to snatch the team 1 members body and get it back to the dimensional space. mc orders team 1 to use the teleport scrolls immediately. team 1 leaves. the clone who took the explosion potion explodes taking down with him a bunch of the monster. with mc's skill to gain stats from defeated monsters, mc received a heck lots of bonus stats.

42 keinus guild team 1 managed to escape from the tower of odin. park wontae and prk yuna reunites after a long time. the keinus guild promises to help mc in case he needed help. after sorting things out, the team is about to leave the dungeon area when suddenly receives a message from kim uhyeon. she mentions jm agency got attacked by silvermoon and junmo is taken in. mc mentions this to park wontae. they hand mc a teleport scroll. in te vicinity if the silvermoon guild, kim uhyeon just got attacked, mc suddenly came out of a portal. all hell's about to break lose.

43 the fight was anti climatic. mc and clone is just overpoweres plus mc is just mightily pissed. kang cheongseong has a stealth skill like the monsters in the tower of odin. mc and his clone detected him and after the other goons got beat up, mc has the upper hand.

44 a brief scenario of mc's former university friends drinking. they talked about mc's attitude of being full saiyan when people ue cars about get hurt. in the meanwhile, mc and his clones are about done rounding the goons. kang cheongseong notices the potion in mc's pocket and thought it was the rrason mc is mightily strong. kang cheongseong stole the potion and use it. it was the potion that kim uhyeon made for mc. kang cheongseong's strength suddenly stats grew exponentially.

45 kang cheongseong fights vs mc and his two other clones, the other clones have their own tasks. kang cheongseong mentions mc's family are also targetted. as the fight rages on, mc held on until the side effect activates. kang cheongseong phones his goons to hold mc's family hostage. fortunately, keinis guild is by mc's family from the start.

46 keinus team 2 leader, gyeongsik arrives before the silvermoon goons could get to mc's family. meanwhile, mc goes full thomas wayne batman flash point paradox on kang cheongseong. after, mc went to consult with junmo who was resting. mc asked if it would right for him to have his rank reevaluated. mc being a no body, makes other look down on him plus the people he care about are easily pushed down. mc wanted to go higher so people would respect him and thus make others fear of doing something vs the people he care about. junmo mentions the pros, people will show respect towards him, and cons, more people will be looking at mc, for a higher rank. mc made up his mind. timeskip?? mc went to the hunter association for rank evaluation. the rank evaluation can only go up one at a time and the hunter must fight vs a monster of higher ranking as well show evidence/proof. after applying, mc sat on the lounge of the hunter assoc and after a while, asked the receptionist to promote him.

47 a brief sidestory, kim uhyeon apologized to mc as she told the truth. she was the one who stole the refined monster gems from the silvermoon guild which placed the blame on mc. mc let it slide. back to the promotion, within a day, mc rose from rank e to rank b. a week later, beside the keinus guild and the silvermoon guild being the talk, mc took the spotlight on the hunter news. afterward, keinus guild deposited a hefty amount of money on mc's account, it was good enough to keep mc's sister in a safe spot after contracting the illness. mc is planning to get the s class healer bless to help him save his sister. meanwhile, yollo guildmaster han miho visits silvermoon guild and dealt the finishing blow as an answer when the silvermoon wrecked yollo's guild for the monster gems.

(story continues with more intrigues regarding the guilds)

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