Saturday, November 18, 2023

Regressing with the King's Power (manwha until chapter 9)

Regressing with the King's Power

Kim Taehyun, mc
Bae Hyuksoo, school bully
Asmodeus, sss rank boss monster
King, white entity that gvae mc authority
Hwang Jaeyoung, mischievous cousin of mc, has sleep skill
Ahn Hyunsoo, blde of lunacy, a rank awakener. has chuunibyou
Choi Nayoung, school nurse, heal skill
Han Sangdo, b rank villain, stealth skill
Go Taewook, new south korea player association HR deputy manager, observation eye skill. determines player rank potential.
Yu Ayeong, guildmaster of the nightwalker guild, s rank
Jee Jinhwi, chair lmn of the new south korea player association, s rank
Lee Jungjae, s rank
Lim Ahyoung, s rank

abyss, dungeon??
predation, mc's f rank first skill after regressing. ability to take someone's skill? target skill must first be recognized and used by the user. can also be used on defeated monsters as sustenance.
predation passive resists status binding on the user.
player are hunters officially allowed by the government to hunt
undivided, south korean player guild of fighter
alchemist, south korean player guild of craftsmen
magicians, south korean player guild of mages
nightwalkers, south korean player guild of informants
new south korea player association, the authorized agency that manages players
malignant guild, player guild of villains?

1 mc is a porter if an abyss raid group. the boss asmodeus appears and wiped the raid group. mc is the last one standing. the king appears and gave mc power, authority. mc regressed 16 years back. mc becomes an awakened. mc is having a friendly convo with his school bullies.

2 mc had a fun time with his bullies. mc also used his skill predation and acquired one of the bully's skill, stone skin.

3 mc takes the bullies to the school infirmary. mc gets healed and went back home. mc finds his cousin getting bullied by other school bullies. mc tries his predation skill once more. they had a fun time.

4 after the fun time. mc knows what will happen next. mc brings his cousin with him. meanwhile, somewhere else, a gate appears and an imminent break is soon to happen. the personnels who handles it gets defeated? mc and his cousin heads to the gate. a break happens. a high ranker gets sent to respond for tge break.

5 as mc fights monsters, a rank ahn hyunsoo appears and handles the monsters. suddenly a villain apoears and attacks a rank ahn hyunsoo. before the a rank and the villain could face off. the defeated monster regenerates and begins raging. a rank ahn hyunsoo deals with the monster. the b rank villain fights vs mc. meanwhile, mc's cousin, hwang jaeyoung is ordered by mc to take care of their school nurse.

6 mc had fun time with b rank villain han sangdo. mc defeats the villain and acquires his stealth skill. ahn hyunsoo gets defested by the monster. mc in a nick of time saves the a rank hero.

7 battle skip. aftermath if the battle vs monster ended with the human surviving. mc and hwang gets back home. the school nurse did not know what happened. news spread the a rank hero defeated the monster. the a rank hero denies the glory. the monster carcass went missing. mc went dungeon raiding to up his skills and gather resources. mc needs pots to sustain his mana use and recover from fatigue. meanwhile, top rankers yu ayeon and jee jinhwi are having a discussion regarding the malignant guild and their targets as well a certain hs student that is able to face vs monsters.

8 while the school is closed due to the dungeon break, mc did physical training, dungeon raids and business transactions with the alchemist guild. after, school reopens, mc geta confronted by the head bully of the school? Lee Jungjae. When lee jungjae was about to start a friendly convo with mc, lim ahyoung steps in and intervened. the two s ranks almost had a fight. before hell broke loose an announcement stop the two. all students were asked to go to the assembly hall for a player association lecture. lim ahyoung notices a glimpse or a hint of mc's potential.

9 the lecture talks about the students being tested to become players. unknown to the students except for mc, the are all already being checked by the speaker's ability. lee jungjae and lim ahyoung stood out with their impressive stats. lee jungjae wanted to embarass mc. mc plays along and even gave a nasty remark vs lee jungjae. unfortunately, with the attention given, the speaker notice's ability to be unreadable for him. the othe rhigh rankers he were able to read them but not mc. mc went to the library to check up on the king entity that gave him power. out of nowhere, lee jungjae's goon arrives to tell mc he is being summoned. mc mockingly refused. the goons mentioned mc's adoptive family. mc burst out and had a moment of fun with the goons. mc asks where to meet lee jungjae.

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