Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Surviving the game as a Barbarian (manwha until chapter 13)

Surviving the game as a Barbarian

bjorn, jandel's son, mc
karaq, fanon/vanon's third son
karaq, venom's son
aynar/ainar, pheneline's second daughter
orm, kadua's son, isekai'ed but was immediately killed
serum, cenik's fourth son
hans, a temporary companion in the labyrinth of mc
erwen fornacci di tersia, elven companion that mc found

Dungeon and Stone, an addicting game mc got hooked into for 9 years. the world mc gets isekai'ed to
Raphdonia's Blessing
Rafdonia, city
Evil Spirit, isekai'ed charactsrs to the game
Barbarian Heart, items used to make a new spell, high demand
elves and barbarian are on bad terms
crystal union, a guild that is after erwen
monster essence, grants permanent boost once per level??
black whale tavern

1 mc gets isekai'ed to dungeon and stone. those who gets isekai'ed must hide it unless they want to get immediately killed. mc is in a coming of age ceremony. another isekai'ed character gets killed for revealing himself getting isekai

2 mc's turn for the ceremony. as a barbarian class, mc chose a shield as a main hand item? his game knowledge opts his barbarian class as a defensive role? after the ceremony the new barbarians sets out for the dungeon/labyrinth? a barbarian leads the pack. mc helps ainar to lead them. mc enters the dungeon/labyrinth.

3 mc dungeon crawls. mc gets trapped, got a bleeding status. fought and defeated a goblin. mc continues.

4 mc continues to bleed. mc gets to a very weakened state but continues moving. mc encounters a seasoned party. the leader of the party rudely helped mc. mc gets patched up. mc gave the party info in exchange for helping him. they part ways. thr party continued their dungeon crawl while following mc's blood trail. at the end of thr trail, they find the gate to the next floor and the place where mc gets trapped. they felt awe how resilient mc is.

5 mc continues his dungeon crawl. mc gets hungry, thirsty and fatigued. mc finds a temporary companion, hans. mc at first doubts him. with tiredness kicking in mc let his guard down.

6 hans tries killing mc. mc counters. +1 pk point for mc. mc gains new gears. start of day 2 in the labyrinth. mc continues his dungeon crawl. after, mc opt to find barbarian like himself instead of other adventurer humab. he doubts others after what happened. after failing, mc tries looking for a different race. mc finds an elf.

7 after a brief intro. mc gains a temporary night buddy, erwen. after taking turns of switching, mc felt the need the having erwen as an actual mate but is in a dilemma for having the loots split. while mc is on watch duty, a certain party appears that seemed to be looking for erwen. mc tries waking erwen.

8 the two leaves their resting area. after hearing the story of erwen with the guild looking for her, mc forms a temporary party with her. erwen immediately agrees. erwen noticed they were being pursued. mc thinks of a plan to counter. it was a success. unfortunately, the whole guild seemed to be on to the duo.

9 the guild placed a bounty on erwen. the duo head for the next floor. after finding out the location where mc entered the labyrinth which is very near the entrance to floor two, the duo head to the next floor.

10 the duo are sent to a forest. mc let erwen take the lead. they inspect the vicinity around the floor 1 entrance. they find a group of goblins. the duo initiates an attack.

11 the duo defeats them. they continue their dungeon crawl. days past, the duo continue their crawl. they find a rare loot, monster essence. suddenly, another party arrived to try and get the loot. mc immediately had erwen take the essence. erwen absorbs it? mc readies for a fight.

12 instead of engaging, the duo run for the first floor entrance. they want to get there by the time the first floor close so that they could leave the labyrinth. the other party was also rushing for the etrance. just as the two rush, they get ambush and were caughy in a pincer? the other party wait for duo to get tired as a group of goblin rushes towards them. mc has a plan. mc defeats the goblins. the other party suddenly showed up. mc is injured and tired. erwen is still in hiding.

13 a fight happens. mc pk points +2?? after, erwen rushes towards the heaviliy injured mc. erwen had mc take a hp potion. the two quickly loot the dead bodies and rushed towards the first floor entrance. mc tells erwen to meet him in the black whale tavern after. the first floor closes and the duo gets sent back to rafdonia city.

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