Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Main character is the Villain (r18 manwha until chapter 30)

The Main character is the Villain

lucius, mc, feudal lord and chief priest
aira, castle peta maid, swindler
robin, subordinate of lucius
carl, partner in crime of aira
gilder balfa, farmer/tax evader
sister cierry, mc's childhood friend
eiei, the protagonist/hero of the lore
erina, princess of ahildern, companion of eiei
golden sun feudal lord, the feudal lord who is targetting cierry
evangeline, a powerful witch that have connection with the demon king
eve, a lady pirate who is as strong as the demon king
sellu, mermaid in eve's pirate ship, eve's mother
karin belix/balix, royal palace knight, proxy leader of peta while mc went to aesta
rubicon condrix, son of the grand duke of the north, killed by eve
rubicon alishar, grand duke of the north?
lord amur, lord of the neighboring state that demand relief and funds from the peta state

castle of peta
legend of the heroine
port city aesta
holy sword, a betrayal sword??
amur state, the neighboring state that mc helped. they were greatly devasted when the demonking got resurrected.

1 ... mc gets isekai'ed to a game he plays. he's a tragic and unfortunate character, lucius. but mc knows what will happen. mc first takes care of the most immediate matter, aira the castle. mc pk+1, harem+1?

2 mc then prioritizes his bankruptcy issue, he tackles the tax evasion case of one of his citizen, the farmer gilder balfa.

3 mc investigates. mc pk+1, he took the family of the tax evaders as prisoners. the others who unjustly neglect their tax, paid in full. after, mc's fund is set to get him out of the red line. mc's next concern is his childhood friend, sister cierry and her innocence. mc employed cierry. upon learning what mc did, mc had the tax evader prisoners sold as slaves. after, mc had more plans for aira.

4 plan for aira, walk of shame. day 1, didn't finish. that night, aira begged mc to spare her, i guess: mc harem+1. next day, the feudal lord where sister cierry was from barged in mc's territory asking for cierry back. mc negotiates. the feudal issue isn't over yet. mc then tackles the bandit problem. sister cierry interferes with mc's authority.

5 mc let cierry take charge. things gets out of hand as the forgiven bandits causes trouble. cierry reflects on her kindness. mc infiltrates a bandit camp. plus on mc's pk. mc return back. mc planned the scenario. cierry asked for forgiveness from mc. mc harem +1??

6 after a passionate scene. next issue is the resurrection of the demon king. mc protect his feudal land from monster. after a day's work, they come across an elf. they engage. suddenly, the protagonist, the hero appears.

7 eiei understood who mc is as the feudal lord. erina, the elf, insults mc. mc gave a quest to the hero. after fulfilling the quest, eiei receives the relice of mc's family. erina continues to insult mc. mc asked to have a duel with erina.

8 mc easily won. as agreed, mc will join the heroes party to defest the demon king while erina will be a proxy leader to mc's feudal land. erina respectfully obliged. erina also gave mc a potion in case the hero eiei needed it.

9 before mc and eiei could depart, the feudal lord out for cierry appears and ask if mc needed a proxy. mc immediately answers he has erina as his sub. mc and eiei went with their journey. mc planned on going ntr and kill the hero but thought otherwise as he grew fond and respected the hero in their journey.

10 mc and eiei managed to defeat the demon king. unfortunatwly eiei got mortally wounded and mc's heal doesn't work. mc remembers the potion he got from erina. eiei, the hero, was saved but he became a heroine. on their way back, they come across the perverted feudal lord who is eyeing the heroine eiei, the feudal lord does not know she was the hero. mc plans to exact his plan vs the feudal lord. mc agrees to stay.

11-12 mc intercepted the golden sun feudal lord's plan. the feudal lord's plan with eiei failed. mc failed with his plan to catch the feudal lord redhanded. next day, the continued their journey and finally returned back to peta. erina is in disbelief until eiei prove she was the hero. the two reunites, vow to find a solution and get married. eiei leaves to find a cure. erina continues her stay in peta. mc ntr+1. afterward, erina plans to return back to her kingdom and lie that she magically got impregnated with magic with eiei's son. mc then mentioned a name the demon king said before they defeated him, "evangeline." on a side note, eiei, the heroine, got taken hostage while sailing on a ship as she continue finding the cure for her. eiei gave mc's name to the hostage takers.

13 apparently, the feudal lord of the golden sun was actually executed?? after erina left, mc received a note from the port city aesta. mc is requested to negotiate for eiei's released. mc answers the call and went to aesta. mc faces vs eve. after a failed negotiation they proceed to battle

14 mc went to eve's ship. eve went to eve ship. eve pk mc's crew. mc defeats eve's crew. mc released eiei. eiei tells mc that eve has a mermaid and they can use the mermaid vs eve. mc goes for the mermaid, eiei vs finds the mermaid.

15 mc vs mermaid, sellu. mc defeats sellu. eve gets defeated. they all returned to the port city. mc takes eve and sellu as his prisoner??? mc got harem plans.

16 mc, sellu and eve returned to peta. mc find out that evangeline is a very powerful witch capable of magical prohibition, it makes info about her impossible to be exchanged. when they arrived, mc finds the proxy leader to be karin belix/balix. mc meets with karin belix/balix. mc have her in high regard. taken aback upon meeting her. karin is a fearsome interrogator. after karin passed mc the lead back. mc continues his feudal duty. mc wants to have a convo with selu when suddenly an official barged in mc's place. it was the head of the port city union. they want to torture eve. mc had them leave as he make a decision. mc convo with selu. harem +1

17 mc finds out whu mermaids are sought after. selu asks mc to save eve. mc went to eve and ask her to marry him. in that way, eve will be pardoned of her crimes. eve got mad when she found out selu got added to mc's harem.

18 after a negotiation and persuasion. mc harem +1

19 news spread of mc marrying eve as well the two pirates getting pardoned for their crimes. cierry came to mc's room, concerned with mc's decision.

20 mc totally corrupted cierry. if i said it before, i'll say it again. mc harem +1. confirmed!!

21 mc got a request from the palace to retrieve the holy sword to be used vs evangeline. eve is fine with mc having affair with aira, cierry and sellu. eve will be the peta lead while mc is away, aira and cierry will back her. mc proceeds with the quest. mc is with karin, eiei and erina.

22 erina request to have a session with mc. during the dungeon raid, eiei suspected erina's purity. mc had to step in to save erina and himself. eiei's accepted erina, for now. they proceeded with the quest and acquired the holy sword. they had to rest. mc takes care of dinner. he prepares it with aphrodisiac.

23 two girls get on. mc watches. after, erina calls for mc for a 1v1

24 session on the way.

25 next day, as the 4 finishes up, eiei rn away, it seems he found out about mc and erina. karin invites them to go to the palace for a reward. before that mc have a secret session plan with erina. meanwhile, in the peta lands, eve seemed to caused trouble by killing a noble.

26 on the peta side, while mc is on a quest, eve and cierry is getting along as two wives of mc. suddenly a problem at their border arrive. it was a lord of neighboring state? unlike mc theyy have a higher nobility. they demanded profit/tax? from the land of peta. eve denies them. the noble insults eve. eve went on a rampage and killed the trespassers? back to the present and mc's side. mc receives the news and the other nobility is demanding vs mc. mc got mad that he was helping the neighboring state and that when he left for a while, they suddenly turn their back on him. mc plans on killing them.

27 mc recollects his memory how the neighboring state, amur, demanded many hings from mc during the times of trouble. and even had a higher nobility act as backer for their demands. and when mc leave, they wanted to take over. mc goes to trial to save his wife, eve. mc is winning the arguement. things got heated up.

28 with the holy sword, mc wought the fight. he made it seemed like an honorable fight but in truth, he used poison. after, the court rule eve not guilty and the two nobles dies of poison. mc went back home to find cierry and eve kneeling and begging for forgiveness. mc knows how to punish them.

29 punishment time.

30 punishment continues.

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