Friday, July 12, 2024

Level Up with Skills (manwha until chapter 10)

@kang taesan, mc, easy mode player

@geum joonggeun, hard mode player
@lee changchoon, hard mode player
@lee taeyon/taeyeon, solo mode player
--above are pre regression characters

@kang joonhyeok, post regression, solo mode player
@na jaeyeon, post regression, solo mode player
@lee sang, post regression, solo mode player
@lee taejoon, post regression, solo mode player

@kang dongjoon, post regression, mode player

@broknman/brokenman, npc in solo mode, post regression, labyrinth gatekeeper
@lost king, shopkeeper in the labyrinth
@einzhal, a person searching for god, npc found in the fountain of life area floor 1

@levinenoph, a goddess in the labyrinth

#after returning from the labyrinth, people is in a state if denial and confusion of what happened to earth while they were i side the labyrinth. the usual way beside talking is beating them up to calm them down
#a brief history, the world at peace suddenky got attacked by monsters. humankind suddenly received a status window alert to give them choice to enter the labyrinth, there are 4 difficulties, easy normal, hard and solo. afterward, the returners will save the earth from the monsters that appeared.
#easy, normal and hard, allows players to interact in person with one another of the same difficulty. whereas the solo mode, players cannot interact face to face with one another. a solo player can only personally interact with the environment and the npcs.
#wave, like a monster break but aims to destroy humanity
#boards, just like reddits, players, regardless of difdiculty, are able to interact here by posting chats. this is essential for sharing thoughts, tips and trading. this is ultra essential for solo mode players.
#gods and goddess in the labyrinth grants rewards and blessings to players in exchange for entertainment. they only exist in the solo difficulty.

1 mc just returned back from a capture mission? his capture got killed by a rank monsters. mc killed the monsters. mc goes to the cafeteria with his friend, geum joonggeun. suddenly, a commotion happened outside, a returner just arrived and is confused in what happened to earth. mc steps in to deescalate the situation. mc requests a duel. the returner, lee changchoon, accepts. mc easily beats lee changchoon. lee changchoon suddenly calmed down and accepts what had happened to earth.

2 next up, lee taeyon, a solo mode player returns from her patrol mission. she wanted to discuss matters with mc. mc goes to her place. lee taeyon is intrigued by mc's power. lee taeyon discusses that a wave is about to happen. lee taeyon says it would be worsr than before. mc leaves lee taeyon to tell the news to the others. lee taeyon has plans. mc reveals the news. the others seemed to be anxious, worried and fearful. they are all certain of their fate. mc is tasked with beating 2 s rank monsters. the wave arrives, mc alone goes on the offense to face the s rank monsters.

3 epic battle of mc vs 2 s ranks. mc wins. mc returns to the base to find everyone had already lost their lives. he even found the fallen body of lee taeyon, the strongest human. mc see the monster who killed her, the leader of the wave, the apostle. mc vs the apostle.

4 mc gets defeated. with mc's passive, mc is able to stay alive but he is gravely weaken. mc's passive continues to keep mc alive. mc goes to the fallen lee taeyon. mc saw what lee taeyon was holding. it was a regression stone, ouroboros bezoar. mc takes and use the regression stone. mc went back in time to the time right before the everything ended. suddenly, monsters attack, then a voice can be heard. a status window prompt appears and asks the people to choose what mode of difficulty they are going to choose for their labyrinth run.

5 mc chose solo mode. the highest labyrinth difficulty. mc gets teleported to another world? mc is in a town. mc meets broknman, the gatekeeper of the labyrinth. after chatting a bit, broknman gave mc some starter equipment and let mc in. mc already knew about the gatekeeper when lee taeyon told mc about it, before regression, so mc is able to deal with the npc easily. broknman, an npc, is intrigued by mc's different aura. broknmam have high hopes for mc. mc enters the floor 1.

6 mc finds the item shop in the labyrinth. mc meets the lost king, a dwarven shopkeeper. mc notices nothing is displayed in the shop. after chatting for a bit, mc understood what to do to be seen as a customer. mc leaves. the lost king is intrigued by mc. mc encounters his first fight, a monster rat. it's a floor 5 boss in easy mode and mc is encountering it as a random mob. mc realizes the difference in the difficulty. mc manages to defeat the rat monster and returns to the shopkeeper, the lost king.

7  mc sells the rat monster loot to the lost king. the lost king is surprised. the lost king took it and asked mc what he want. mc wants a giant shield. the lost king asks why. mc says he wants to bash monsters. the lost king like the answer and gave a giant for free to mc. mc is surprised. the lost king showed some wares to mc. mc chose the bow and arrow. the lost king is more interested in mc. mc is confused. the lost king also gave mc direction to the fountain of life in the first floor. it will heal mc's lost hp and he can use it infinitely as long as he doesn't leave the floor. mc is more confused. the story of lee taeyon about the shopkeeper is way different from what mc's witnessing now. that one thing he did of killing the first random mob definitely altered how the story progressed. mc continues his grind. mc noticed that compared to the other difficulty, there are many prompts being shown each time he does something. like proficiency progress, perma bonus stats, unlocked skills and such. mc also noticed gaining skills that he previously got but was sealed but in solo mode, it is unsealed and easily accessible to mc. mc heads towards the fountain of life. mc encounters another rat monster. it's actually a group of rat monsters and mc's surrounded.

(right now, mc is still inside the labyrinth, there's no open area, just floors, walls, ceilings and corridors)

8 mc's stats and his own battle knowledge made him come out of top. mc beats the 3 rat monsters. mc continues and enters through a door. mc finds the fountain of life. the area it's in is a safe area. mc take a drink from the fountain. mc gets fully healed. mc realizing that his mental fatigue might build up, mc took a rest for the night. the next day, mc checks the boards. mc notices the difficulty and worries of the solo mode players that are trying to interact. the solo mode players are having doubts and have not yet started entering the labyrinth whereas the other mode players have already started their labyrinth run. mc shared his tips as a solo player. after, mc ate the raw rat meat he acquired. mc got afflicted with poison status, fortunately, the fountain easily cures mc. mc continues this way if eating. mc then acquires a passive skill, disease resistance. mc then goes for next passive, mc drowns himself in the fountain. mc just revives after going unconcious. mc does this repeatedly until he acquired hold breathing passive, it lets him hold his breath for a longer than normal duration. mc also acquires hazardous danger sense passive, it happened when mc almost died. this passive activates when mc is in danger of getting killed or in the most dangerous of situations. mc then thought of how he's easily acquiring skills. with this in mind, mc wants to continue getting skills.

9 in the boards, the other players are question mc's method of gaining passives. mc honestly answers them and says it's their choice if they want to follow what he says. meanwhile, in the safe area of the fountain of life, mc is continuing his training. after getting a number of passives, mc goes to make his original skills? or main skills. mc gains a defensive skill he once had before regression. while mc is resting in the fountain of life area, a certain npc appears, an old man, a person searching for god, einzhal. instincitively, mc takes out his shield. mc remembers the story of lee taeyon regarding an old man in the fountain of life. suddenly, the old man launches and attack.

10 mc was able to block the attack. mc gains stats and a new skill. the old man throws another attack, mc knows the gap between their strength. mc could not do anything about the second attack. mc got hit and is launch to the labyrinth wall. the labyrinth wall broke on impact. the attack dealt 32k damage, fortunately, the attack is call non-lethal. mc getting one hit killed get nullified. the old man is impressed by mc. the old man introduced himself as einzhal. the old ma goes to explain he does this thing to assess the adventurers who enter the labyrinth. einzhal repeatedly says mc passed with flying colors. mc then asks regarding einzhal's description. mc inquires which god einzhal is looking for. einzhal tells about the goddess, levinenoph. she is a goddess loved by the people in his world. unfortunately, einzhal's world had already been destroyed and he's the sole survivor. no one else but einzhal remembers and worship the goddess levinenoph. mc knows about the said goddess. pre regression, lee taeyon talked to mc about the goddess levinenoph. mc knows which floor the goddess is in. mc remembers that lee taeyon told mc when she found the goddess, the goddess had already been killed. back to the present regression, mc did not yet mention his knowledge about the goddess levinenoph to einzhal. einzhal asks mc if he wants to learn techniques taught by the goddess. mc accepts the offer. but before that, mc asks what's the catch. einzhal says mc should take it as an apology for getting attacked. mc couldn't careless as long as he gets more skills. the lessons begin.

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How a former pro takes advantage by doing easy job (manwha until chapter 84)

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