Thursday, October 5, 2023

Return of the 8th Class Magician (manwha until chapter 25)

ian phage, mc, 8th class magician
ragnar, mc's trusted friend, emperor, betrayer of mc
vanessa phage, mc's mom
lord aaron
terry greenriver, emperor
herbert leon, owner of the ivoey tower, 5th class magician
hayden greenriver, crown prince, heir to the empire
arnold, captain of the moglian territory knights
marcus moglian, lord of the moglian territory
ravi moglian, son of marcus moglian
margarey moglian, daughtet of marcus moglian
hogar, head butler of the moglian estate??
alchemist redio/radio, inflicted with mana poisoning
douglas hamon, son of the alchemist redio/radio, greatest alchemist in mc's past life.
oliver raywood, 2nd royal palace captain
cecilia coldwalker, part of the escort of the crown prince when the prince was tasked to escort mc back to the capital, part of the ivory tower, a spy of the coldwood empire
michelle greenriver, one who led the high class magician  alongside the emperor vs the dragonians
hairi/hiley greenriver, direct sister of the crown prince, royal princess, an incognito magician
kevin, secret magic tutor of of hairi greenriver
helena/helene, lay of fire, 4th class magician, red hair

greenriver empire
mana reaction test, to check children of 12 of their magic aptitude
mogrian village, hometown of mc
ivory tower
greenriverdium, capital of the empire
lloyd town, the place where mc find alchemist redio and douglas

1 mc gets poisoned by his friend the emperor ragnar. his friend fears mc's power. mc as a last resort ised a dagger artifact to regress him 30 years back.

2 mc is sent back before a magic aptitude test. mc gets check, mc decides to show amazing magic. the magician overseeing the teat immediayely determines mc as a wizard with a status equal to a noble. there was a commotion involving his mother. mc came to the rescue. the guard perpetrator kneels and begged for forgiveness. mc easily threatens the perpetrator guard.

3 that night, mc kills the perpetrator guard, incognito. mc vows to protect those precious to him. meanwhile, the emperor and the ivory tower owner caught news of mc. the emperor tasked the crown prince to escort mc to the capital?

4 mc knew what would happen next. the ivory tower and the royal family will be fighting over him. soon after, mc receives a royal decree of being ackniwledge by the ivory tower and the royal family as a magician. mc with his mother is then escorted to the moglian lord's household to reside? while they wait for the escorts to fetch him to the capital. mc trains for 15 days. after, mc is asked by the head butler to assist in finding lord moglian who went missing. mc is hesitant about helping but if he does not, the future might be drastically change and thus making mc lose his ability to somehow predict the future. mc joins the search.

5 before leaving, the lord's daughter meets with mc and begs mc to help with the search. mc borrows her mana ring. mc leaves for the search. with mc's summon, they locate the lord, his son and their escorts. they were fighting vs a horde of goblins. mc uses his magic to deal with the goblins.

6 search and rescue successful. when lord marcus wakes up, he ommediately had mc meet with him. the moglian lord gaves mc the ring he borrowee from the lord's daughter, it was a gift to mc and also a promise of friendship of the moglian family to mc. after, with the moglian lord's permission, mc went to an alchemist in the moglian territory. mc needs the alchemist to nake him an elixir to improve his mana. when they find they arrive, the town the alchemist resides in is being attacked by bandits.

7 mc and his knight escorts rescued the town. mc meets with the alchemist radio. mc also found radio's son, douglas hamon, the greatest alchemist in mc's past life. mc thinks that douglas is the one who concocted the poison given to him by the emperor in his past life. mc is conflicted of killing douglas or making his poisoner an ally. mc heads out.

8 that night, mc meets with the alchemist radio and his son. mc learns of the alchemist family having a journal of msmy potions and elixirs. mc makes a proposition, mc will help in managing radio's mana poisoning and in turn radio nd son will come with him to the capital and make mc mana elixirs. the alchemist thinks about it.

9 next day, the father son went back with mc. before they could return, a knight rushed towards them and told them of the crown prince about to arrive in the moglian territory. mc borrows the new bearing knight and heads back first. meanwhile, the emperor and the crown prince have already discussed of the ivory tower and the 5th prince ragnar colluding. the emperor tasked the crown prince to get mc on his side.

10 mc arrives on time. the crown prince does not like mc. mc saw a spy from the coldwood empire, cecilia coldwalker. during the banquet, mc is in the training grounds. cecilia tries testing mc out. mc defends himself and revealed a few things he knows about the spies od the coldwood empire. cecilia went all out, mc easily defend. he prepares a counter.

11 the royal escorts and the ivory tower mages arrives. cecilia thought she could get away. mc concoted a lie to reveal the whole truth. cecilia gets detained.

12 the crown prince meets with mc and ask him what reward he wants. mc wants to visit the old ivory tower site. the prince grants it. the prince finds it a childish whim for mc. mc plans on finding an artifsct, the dragon scroll. later on, they arrive in a village where the old ivory tower waa. they'll be staying there for 2 days while mc explores the old site.

13 mc explored the old site and found the dragon scroll. when he opened it it was empty. mc's plan of able to use time magic again ceased.

14 they arrived in greenriverdium. the ivory tower blocked them and handed them a letter from the emperor, the csptive cecilia will be handed to the ivory tower. mc knows it for the sake of keeping the face of the magicians. mc is then granted a mansion. mc and his mother, vanessa walked around inside. the two had a funny wholesome moment. after, mc went to royal castle?? mc meets with the emperor.

15 the emperor judges mc? the crown prince is there. although mc wanted to very direct, he chose not to. when asked for a reward, mc wants to explore the castle. the crown prince supported it and says it was mc's childish whims. mc is granted a seal and also other rewards. after the audience, mc roans the castles and went to the royal imperial sanctum. he found what he was looking for.

16 they are mushroons, stone heart mushroom. while inside the sanctum he found a secret. the royal princess hairi greenriver is a magician that is hiding her capabilities from the ivoey tower. such act is a crime. mc let it pass, for now. mc went back to the mansion and met with alchemist redio. mc ask for the alchemist to make him a secret potion. the potion will be used vs interrogation magic. mc also received a letter from the ivory tower. they want to meet with mc.

17  mc acquires the potion and went to the ivoey tower. when mc got there, mc drinks the potion. the ivory tower higher ups wants to interview?? mc. they also have a magic that detects if mc is lying. thanks to the potion he drank, all his answer, no matter true or not, is always read as the truth.

18 one of the mages, helene, asks mc what he is. mc answered sarcastically. the tower owner then asked if mc is related to the death of the soldier guard during mc's mana test. mc wanted to try something, he dispelled the potion he drank and lied. every higher ups noticed mc lied. after, they end the interview?? they then want mc to see his mana capacity. they let mc stack his mana in an orb. although hesitant about how things will be, mc let out all his mana and broke the orb. mc surprised the higher ups

19 the ivory tower higher ups were fearful of mc and they want to put a leash on him, some sort of binding duty? they promote mc to a high class magician. mc is then given a magician support. then mc is toured inside the tower. mc saw his past life colleagues and was also given the same room he got from his past life. mc is determined to a force of his own to stand vs ragnar and the current tower owner. after, mc is greeted by helene.

20 with mc being all too great, mc had to be separated from the other students. helene is mc's teacher for combat magic. helene wants to measure mc, they dueled. mc goes all out?

21 mc gave helene a trauma. itbturned out that with the tower owner planned on making mc submit through helene. but it simply failed. after, prince ragnar asks the tower owner details about mc.

22 douglas is admitted to the royal alchemy academy. mc is on a 1v1 training program, currently, mc has nothing to do. after, mc is invited to a party by the first prince. mc obliges. unbeknownst to mc, it was a plot for first prince to introduce mc to others and to indirectly say that mc is on his side. mc is entirely unaware. he only had a hunch that it was planned by the emperor.

23 the crown prince also introduced mc ti hiley, the first princess? younger sister of the crown prince. after, mc decides to slip out the party. mc meets with the crown prince's headknight oliver raywood. oliver asks mc allegiance, mc says he will not support the 5th prince. oliver foubd the answer satisfactory. oliver then asks for mc to be his training partner. mc rejects it until oliver presents to mc a necklace artifact. mc accepts. after, an explosion somewhere nearby happens?

24 mc and oliver checked out the royal siblings. mc had hunch. the terrorists are allies of the captured spy cecilia. the terrorist wanted the info cecilia got. after the terrorist, isabel, was able to get info frkm cecilia, cecilia was immediately disposed of. mc appears and killed isabel. ivory tower personnels appears to find mc with two dead bodies beside him.

25 after the incident, the emperor reprinaded the ivory tower and had the tower cut from the spy investigation. mc is rewarded by the emperor of his action. mc is lent the robes of the magician michelle greenriver. after, mc met with hiley. mc tells her he'll keep things a secret. after, ragnar apoears before mc. mc is conflicted about things. the 5th prince invites mc for lunch, hiley says mc has plans with her. as for the next offer, mc declines. when ragnar leaves, mc had a soliloqi, mc will make sure to foil every plans if ragnar and face the same despair mc felt in his past life.

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