Sunday, October 8, 2023

Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World (manga until chapter 30)

apothecary girl
apothecary girl's relative
gon, the brawn and leader of the group
kimon, the archer on the team
al, the tanker and deputy leader of the group

1-30 mc gets reincarnated into a fantasy world. mc is able to check his tatus and his skill is karate. he first used it to survived in the forest he arrived in. after time, mc finds a girl. the girl runs away, they meet a hobgoblin monster. mc saves her, mc get unconscious.

the girl saves mc, turns out the girl is an apothecary. but while mc recuperates, the village they stayed in wanted to get mc's acquired loots. the apothecary girl let mc escape. mc still in his weakened state manage to escape.

a week later? mc returns. mc rescues the apothecary girl and beat up the village goons. mc and apothecary girl leaves the small village. they went for the rock cliff city? during their travel, mc grew affectionate of the apothecary girl. unfortunately, also during their travel, mc realized, he is different from the humans in the isekai world. doing pk's won't net same species exp while mc acquires a hefty amount of exp. when the two arrives in the rock cliff, mc drops apothecary girl to her relative's apothecary. mc leaves apothecary girl.

mc joins the adventurer guild. he joins a adventurers group with a rude delinquent member, gon. things went well. save for thr fact that gon is pretty much a bully to others adventurer beside their team.

after mc gets used to things, mc is warned by the guild receptionist that he's in danger, since mc is not someone who spend his earnings wastefully, others wants to target him for his money. mc defeats every attacker. except for one time when mc got dealt with a cheapshot poison. mc gets saved by the apothecary girl. mc have to leave, as also adviced by apothecary girl's relative.

after a while, mc met up with his group. he mentions breaking past the level wall. during his starting days as an adventurer mc is informed by the receptionist about level walls that people must defeat a way harder monster in order to break through the wall and continue leveling. they need special weapons to defeat said higher tier monster. mc uses his saved up cash for them to acquir a special weapon in order to defeat a high tier monster.

after a bit of prep and a heck lot of questing, mc and his team finally went to fight the high tier monster. they defeat it.

when the return a celebration was held for their success. next day, unfortunately, a noble targets them. mc tells his team he'd act decoy and incite them on him while the rest flee. the hesitantly agreed to it. mc kills the noble that wants them and they escaped.

mc returned back to the forest he started in when he first arrived in the world.

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