Sunday, October 1, 2023

How a Former Pro take Advantage by doing an easy Job (manwha until chapter 42)

arel, mc, reincarnator, got reincarnated 101 times and can remember each pastlives he had.
lady livana ainrest, mc's mother in his 101st reincarnation, concubine of the king, formerly the attendant to ueen elia
chena, maid of livana/mc
theorell ernesia, the royal king
queen elia, the first wife of the king?
lady phinelia kenchester, another concubine of the king
princess kania, daugher of the concubine lady phinelia, tomboyish, adores mc
lanfil tagiran, swords trainer of mc
gamil pernea, private tutor for mc
darmen lanzetz, alchemy teacher of mc, white haired
count dement, lord of the northern territory
asha fernil, exclusive knight bodyguard picked by mc, blonde elegant type, from fallen noble family
seina garel, exclusive knight bodyguard picked by mc, brown haired quirky type, from a mercenary tribe
count tenvest
duke gast
peian, a mage acquiantance of mc??
ian, slave market owner
sir barrell
jeil/zale, the crown prince, son of queen elia
damon, mc's butler???, alchemist
aken, dwarven master of the iron factory smithy
ben, a worker in the iron factory, disciple of aken
lichen ainrest, younger brother of lafy livana, mc's uncle
dia reki, an exclusive mage of mc?

ernesia, the royal family
kenchester, a declining family that used to have great honor
ainrest, a declining family of noble that mc helped to get back on their feet
fry, the baby griffin mc and kania adopted in the forest
dark cult, a group that wanted to terrorize the kingdom and the royal family??
fernil family, a fallen noble family, declinwd due to famine and having a very small countryside territory
fahilia, a northern territory mc was given. the climate here is extremely cold
fahilia has a population 10,000. it have 12 villages. most residents lived off as hunter/gatherers. exempt from taxes due to poor territory conditions
iron factory, a dwarven blacksmith shop
prache family, the family where queen elia came from. they own a merchant company that distributes parchment/paper

1 mc gets reincarnated in a medieval world? he found out his mother is a maid who became a concubine of the king? despite his mother being sad for him, mc is happy. currently, mc is a baby.

2 lady livana is worried. mc is happy for his future and besides, he got all the knowledge he have from from 100 reincarnations. secretly, mc is training his qi even as a baby.

3 mc successfully made himself a passive skill that sucks in mana. five months later, mc can now crawl out. while being taken care of, mc found out their budget for living got cut. mc wants to help out even as a baby.

4 using his magic, mc made a diamond out of charcoal. chena finds it, they sold it and their budget problem got solved. despite lady livana still being worried, mc wants to protect her. she just have to wait for mc to grow up.

5 things have settled and they endured the winter. 1 year passed. mc's birthday came, it's time to announce mc's existence and as part of royalty. mc meets the royal family.

6  mc and his moms get cold greetings from the other concubines and nob families. mc meets with the king. mc wants to impress the king. it fails.

7 it was all mc's plan. the king noticed mc's rugged clothes. the king asked for the budget plans made. when the king sees it, he got furious. the plan is unfairly distributed. he ask lady elia as she was the one who manages the budget planning for the concubines. the first heir step up to protect his mother.

8 the royal heir defends his mother but his argument was useless. lady livana tries defending the queen by saying she wasn't good enough. the king denies lady livana's argument and even fully accepts her and mc as part of the royal family. although feeling defeated and mad, the queen vows to fix the problem and help mc's mother. mc knows the queen's at fault and she's just being nice just to save face. the same goes for many of the guests in the party, mc knows they are part of it. later on, a noble was pointed as the mastermind for the imbalance fund distribution and was executed. mc knew noble is just a pawn and the queen is  formidable foe. after, certain guests visits mc.

9 it was lady phinelia kenchester and her daughter. lady livana and lady phinelia had a private convo. lady phinelia apologized for being part of the scheme vs mc and lady livana and tries giving the funds she misappropriately received. lady livana gave back the fund she received and bore no ill vs lady phinelia. lady livana wants harmony between her and others. although, lady livana knew the main reason, she was the private attendant of the queen before she became a concubine. mc eavesdrop on the convo.

10 the convo goes on, lady livana already knew that qieen elia is at fault at she will fight back for the sake of mc. lady livana also wants to have lady phinelia as ally. prince kania wants to play with mc. mc does not like it. afterward, mc will be three years old in a few months. mc is able to walk now but still unable to talk. kania frequently plays with mc. mc does not like it. upon seeing kania's quality as a swordsman, mc sees potential in her.

11 mc turns five. mc hides his abilities, he knows the misfortune of being known. nad being in his position, it does begets adoratuon but also begets jealousy from others. he hesitantly starts studying. he only does so for her mother. he will skip magic and swordsmanship. later on a mage visits to measure mc's mana. mc does a plan to hide his mana that he'd been increasing since he was a just baby.

12 when the mage sees mc he waa surprised, he could not detect any sort of mana in mc. mc successfully hid his mana. the mage mentions this to mc's mom, lady livina. mc knew it will disappoint her but it's for their own good? mc then gets swords training. mc remarkably shows he's a failure. soon, news spread about mc's incompetence. mc gets a private tutor, gamil pernea, that looks down on him. mc is conflicted about it.

13 mc then launched a plan, mc made great progress and another news spread regarding mc's greatness. the king caught wind of mc's feat. the king sent mc some gift. mc notices a mental enhancement necklace, he decides to give it to kania. mc's plan of making him a lot infamous and a bit needed succeeds. next, mc eyes for sugar?

14 or specifically the taste of cola. mc goes for alchemy and study. he wants cola. 3 years later, mc is having a meeting with certain city management officials. he helps with the city planning and such. he has the monicker of ashen young sage. mc then went to have an audience with the king, he wants to request to learn alchemy. his wish was granted. a certain brilliant alchemist, darmen lanzet, is chosen as mc's teacher.

15 mc's alchemy study is going well. he then request the king to make an alchrmist group. it was granted. mc states his mission, to make a carbonated drink, cola, he leads the team. after, they successfully made a carbonated drink, it quickly became popular. no cola though.

16 the carbonated drink helped with the economy of the ernesia kingdom. mc let his mother's fallen noble family manage the carbonated drink business. mc also made and developed yogurt and msg seasoning. at 10 and 16 years of age, mc and princess kania are good friends. layer on, the king wants mc to work as a government official. mc does not to.

17 one day as mc takes a break from work, mc and kania goes horse riding. mc notices their guards have great mana and they number in plenty. they headed for a monster which felt bad news. although mc warns them and turn back, the guards made kania lead them on. the forest and beyond is kania's training grounds. mc manages the operation of having kania train. after, they camp outside, mc and kania had nice convo about freedom and duty.

18 next day, on their way back, they encounter wyverns. the escorts holds the wyverns back while mc and kania escapes. mc helps incognito. on there way, a cloaked magician blocked their path. suddenly they attacked.

19 the cloaked magician is a necromancer. it killed a bunch of soldier and soon after resurrected them as zombies, some wyverns are also resurrected. the necromancer's target is kania. he announces he's part if the dark cult. mc easily kills the necromancer incognito. mc claims the necromancer died due to mana overuse or something. the undeads are still up, mc and kania escapes. night time, mc and kania are resting in tje forest. mc fakes his feat. kania is assured that mc is by her side. aftet, they notice a wyvern and a griffin fighting. the griffin died, the wyverns leaves. a baby griffin gets left behind. kania decides they should raise the baby griffin.

20 they adopted the griffin and called it fry. fry is staying with mc. the dark cult is also placed in the wanted list. mc worries for kania, he decides to help her with training. kania must learn aura for her swordmanship. mc also gives kania mana incognito. later on, kania learns aura. mc plans on having her ride fry as a rider? after, the king visits them. the king commends mc's interest in swordsmanship and gifts him a sword specifically made just for him.

21 mc fakes it and says his level isn't worth of the sword given to him and asks that kania receives it. the kings allows it on a condition that kania shows him her sword skill. kania does well but she was no match to the king. the king acknowledges it. he also acknowledges mc for teaching kania. before the king could say it, mc rejects the notion of him teaching others how he taught kania. however, mc settles with only helping part of the royal family with training. the king accepts it. a month later, the king's swordmanship rose due to mc's training. the king worries for mc for having such a frail body?

22 the king grants mc to have exclusive knights as his bodyguard. mc is given a list to choose from. mc wants to have female knights as his body guards. the interview commences. mc uses his ability to read through the knights. mc hires asha fernil and seina garel. after, mc had the two spar to assess there abilities.

23 before the spar goes out of hand, mc stops it. mc then proceeds with teaching the two on fighting. last scene, queen elia? is with a cloaked person. she plans on meddling with mc.

24 a brief backstory and the show of resolved of both asha fernil and seina garel to be loyal to mc. during a meet of the king and his officials, they talkes about mc having his own territory and being the one next in line. the king sees it as having mc sent to exile and he also knew mc does not want to be king. but the king have to hear the voice of his people. mc is sent a notice that he will receive his own territory to take care. although mc knew it was some sort of an exile, he was happy to have his own place. independence and away from royal duties and such.

25 fahilia of the north, the territory mc is given. mc announces to his people their date of departure, a month after his 4th bday, as well his assistance to those who would leave him. asha and seina will not leave mc's side. mc worries for his mom, lady livana. mc meets with the mages and asked them to make him an artifact and keep it a secret. they made it within 10 days. mc orders for 50 more. next up, at night, mc had asha escort him, they'll be buying slaves? they head for the slave market.

26 mc arrives at the slave market. mc looks to hire 150 slaves. after transacting, mc and asha heads back. asha asks what the slaves will be used for. mc wants to make them residents of the territory he will receive. he also plan on giving them the artifacts he ordered, one per family. asha sees mc as a noble soul. mc thinks of them as people to autonomously work around him while himself will be doing nothing but living a leisurely life. later, lady livana weeps for mc when she hears mc's leaving. mc assures her everything will be fine. meanwhile, princess kania is mad that mc gets booted and that mc never told her about anything.

27 mc's 14th bday. there were nobles who wishes mc goodtidings while mc knew they were happy that he will be leaving. mc also found out it was all a scheme of queen elia that had mc be given the fahilia territory. before the party ends, princess kania announces she will follow mc and become his knight. the king sees it as a joke, kania proves she wasn't joking. after showing her ability, to further prove she's serious, she went to mc and made the vow of a knight to mc.

28 the day of departure. mc bid farewell to his mother. it was very precious moment. after, they head for fahilia. kania is with mc. on their trip, mc and kania had another convo regarding freedom and endependance. when they arrived in the castle of fahilia along with 1000 troops, 200 slaves as residents and mc's very own entourage, they set to make the territory a place they'll be proud to call home.

29 asha and seina takes the military affairs of the fahilia. kania does what she want. mc start management planning. he begins with meeting the village chiefs. mc asks them to obey his orders and trust him and things will be better. the chiefs obliges and accepts mc.

30 mc starts forming plans for his territory. first is the road ways. next is commerce with merchant companies. last, the territory's specialty, paper. they employ the help of dwarves to build a paper making machine.

31 the dwarves decides who to send to fahilia to help with the request.  mc have free time. seeing kania is bored and is picking on fry/fly, the baby griffin, mc decides to have some time with kania.

32 mc and kania plays chess. kania gets mad and destroys the board. mc tries harder to keep kania busy. mc suggest kania to learn cooking. kania manages to cook a stew. although mc though that his time with kania is over and he's about to get his rest time, butler damon arrives bearing news. the dwarves have arrived. mc meets with the dwarves.

33 mc and the dwarves came to a heated agreement. in less than ten days, the paper making machine is completed. next is a merchant to manage the sales and distribution of the paper. mc's mother, lady livana sent her brother, lichen ainrest.

34 the paper became a hit in the whole kingdom. the paper became most popular with the nbles and merchants. fahilia starts to gain popularity. the king caught wind of it when his personal aide mentions they will start to pay their taxes. the king is more impressed of mc. meanwhile, mc is just lazing around. on the otherhand, the queen, queen elia is not liking mc's rise in popularity. the new paper product of mc hits hard her family, prache, paper/parchment business. their monopoly on the product suddenly ceased. she devised a plan vs mc.

35 mc went to the slavers to hire 5000 slaves. they will become soldiers and guards for his territory. mc trains them and soon after they were loyal to mc. mc also received equipments and armors feom the dwarves that helped in making the paper making machine. one night, certain assassins are sent to the fahilia territory to either destroy the paper factory or to take over it. the fahilia territory is ready for such thing. the infiltrators are easily apprehended and soon after interrogated.

36 their interrogation yielded them nothing as their client kept their identity well hidde . the infiltrators are jailed and will become slaves. mc then tries his new plan/invention, a teleportation device/magic circle made by the peian and the mages he have. mc and kania uses it to go back to the royal palace. when they get to the royal castle, their respective nannies were awaiting them. their own mothers are also awaiting them. mc and kania temporarily part ways. mc had a nice chat with his mom, lady livana. as the mother son enjoy their time, queen elia arrives. the queen greets mc and leaves. lady livana notices the queen's bad temperament. mc also notice the queen is preparing something.

37 afterward, mc and kania return back to fahilia. after, mc is in a dilemma, he wants to hire mages. they are efficient and will be most useful but it will only cause him to gain more unwanted attention. other than wanting to learn magic himself, mages will be another factor as a defense in his territory. mc made an official announcement for hiring mages. after background checks and interviews, mc selects 12 mages. they will be assigned a village and a forest each. mc also picked one exclusive mage for his, dia reki.

38 after the intro, mc led the mages to grimoire library, something the mages desire. also had the library for his own personal use, so he could learn and train his magic. after, mc led them to a cut down forest, mc tells the mages that they will be managijg the maintenance of the forest, grow trees in short span of time and such, which in turn will be used as materials for their paper business. next is managing crops field for the villages, with the aid of msgic tools, the mages will be able to make and maintain fields for the villagers to plant produce. after, mc assigns some mages for magic tools development and some for magical protection of their territory, mostly the castle. mc also found out that dia reki is in possession of mc's unpopular knight aura book. she likes the theory on aura and how she is able to use it for her own. dia reki adores the author and as such she's loyal to mc.

39 mc gets to train and learn magic. after, mc and asha went to the iron factory dwarven smithy. mc wants to have an exclusive contract with the dwarves. he wants a dwarven smithy in fahilia territory. with his knowledge of a certain metal, damascus steel, mc acquires a 5 year contract. after, mc takes a week long rest. kania got worried and went to mc's room. he found mc getting take care of by dia reki using her magic. mc is taking things easy. kania did not like it.

40 mc, kania, asha fernil, seina garel and dia reki had an emergency meeting. the three knights does not want mc to be overly reliant of magic. kania wants to replace dia. dia refuses. kania tests dia if she us rightful to be mc's personal aide and exclusive mage. meanwhile, mc talked with asha and seina. mc wants to know kania's reason for not wanting dia. the two mentions that there had been some security magic tools that broke and kania is suspicious of dia. the two also hand mc a letter demanding dia reki to be returned to the magic tower. mc tells them to back away from dia as he will think of something regarding dia's situation.

41 mc chats with dia rekia. backstory of dia reki. she's a survivor from a plague village, the magic tower takes her in but due to her weak magic she was mistreated. when dia acquires mc's unpopular knight book, she immediately applied what's written in thw book and after, she became a 4th class mage. after dia reki leaves the magic tower, she hates the people in it. she set out to look for mc. she was glad when mc was looking for a mage and so she went to fahilia, became a mage there and an exclusive mage of mc. after, mc had a talk with peian, he learn that dia reki is a bit famous and mc also learned of a penalty regarding mages who leaks secret of the magic tower. mc devises a plan. next day, kania asks dia for a duel. mc got worries but noticed something. before the two clash, the two sets on a different target. the unmasked a hidden mage, it was dia reki's former master who never taught her anything.

42 dia's former self proclaimed master wants to take dia back. dia refuses. the master uses force by summoning golems. the golems were easily defeated. the master runs away. mc already knew the former self proclaimed master to be the one who broke in their territory. the others want to give chase. mc says to let the master be and he'll just file a complaint on the magic tower. that night, mc hunts down the master and kills him. later on, kania accepts dia on the condition that she won't be to excessive with her magic for mc. but dia does not care. she adores mc so much so that she's always willing to anything for mc.

43 skip to mc becoming a 6th class mage.. (story goes on)

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66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

9/10 A great read. The story so far is like a character development of the mc. And mind you, the mc is supposed to be OP who is from the anc...