Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Isekai Walking (manga until chapter 40)

sora, mc, jobless
shun minase, sword king, one of the isekai'd hero
sorceror king, americana gal looking
master swordsman, mafia boss looking
saint, typical japanese student looling
paladin, secretary looking
spirit mage, quiet glasses student looking
ali, friend of skewer vendor, owner of an inn
skewer vendor, a the very first benefactor of mc that helped him
mikaru, adventurers guild receptionist
rai renova, a quest giver, letter delivery
vanessa, a quest recipient of rai renova
syphon, an adventurer in the adventurer guild, leader of goblin's grief?
yuno, an adventurer in the adventurer guild, member of goblin's grief, syphon's wife
rurika, an adventurer mc found in the woods, they are attacked by wolves, d rank, from eldo republic
chris/kris, an adventurer mc found in the woods, they are attacked by wolves, d rank, from eldo republic
arko, an adventurer in the adventurer guild
sera, childhood friend of rurika and chris, beast girl
eris, childhood friend of rurika and chris, elf
sister morrigan, the sister lady who took care of orphans? she took care of the 4 childhoodfriends, rurika, chris, sera and eris

ciel, dust bunny that sticks around with mc
kingdom of elysia/eraeia
republic of eldo, cointry of diverse races
empire of borscheil, human supremacist
kingdom of rass, beast kingdom
holy kingdom of freilen, followers of the goddess
nation of effa, sorceror/magic nation
dtagon kingdom of refle, worshippers of the ancient dragons
dark forest, the whereabout of the demon king and monsters??
sai village, mc's destination for his first goblin subjugation quest
city ot fesis, mc's destination for a tag along escort quest with rurika and chris
trade city fesis, part of eleysa
alessa, mining city, next door neighbor city of fesis

1 mc is doing odd jobs and met up with his friends, he saw the castle of elysia and had a flashback when he and seven others were summon. mc got kicked out since he has no class and no status level. instead of being depressed, mc is more awed with the isekai world he got in. mc got helped from a skewer vendor. mc also gains skill point with his skill walking leveling up. mc then embarked on his first quest? on his way, he now felt determined and have a clearer goal and that is to go explore the isekai worls he is summoned in.

2 next day, mc asks the skewer vendor for a place to work with his skill. mc is told to go to the adventurers guild. mc registers as an e rank. one of the adventurers scared mc. mc takes multiple delivery quests. despite being dissuaded of how scary the world can be, mc resolved himself and does his quests. mc checks his status. he's lvl6 and his stats went up by 10 each time he levels. he continues on with his last quest, a love letter delivery. the quest unfold, the two lovers became a couple. mc went back to thw guild to report his quest completion. it turns out the adventurers were awaiting the news. after mc tells them the good news, they celebrated. mc joins the celebration. he tealized he misunderstood the adventurers. mc comes to love the isekai world even more.

3 week later, mc grows more accustomed to the world and the work deliveries he do. mc is level 16, he acquires more skills. he sets out on a quest out of town. mc's quest is herb gathering. after getting new equipments and a swordsmanship skill. mc sets out for the quest.

4 using his appraisal skill, mc easily gathers the herbs he needed. while mc gathers, a creature appears before him, its a dust bunny monster. mc became partner with the dust bunny. suddenly mc felt presence approaching using his detection skill. mc found two girls fight a pack of wolves.

5 although hesitant, mc lent them a hand. they defeated the wolves. after, the two adventurers, rurika and chris, invites mc to help them with dismantling the wolves.

6 rurika teaches mc how to dismantle. mc barely successfully dismantled one. after, mc joins the two as they head back. mc realizes the dust bunny monster disappeared.

7 after submitting the wolf meats and loots, as well the herb mc gathers, the two girls reports of their failed quest and the monster appearing near the kingdom. the guild leader appears and announced an emergency meeting for b rank adventurers. after, rurika invites mc to have dinner with them. mc accepts. later as they have dinner, mc tells the girls his dream of exploring the world, the girls invites mc to join their party.

8 mc accepts. a brief world history: the divided kingdom and their peace and alliance when the demon king resurrects. next day, they went for a duel.

9 rurika beats mc. mc notices the dust bunny, it seems to be only visible to him. after, rurika tells mc that they go on a bounty quest next as a training. they take on a goblin subjugation quest whicj would take 6 days travels. they will be camping out. rurika briefly teaches mc about long journey quests and resource management. they'll be leaving tomorrow. that night, the dust bunny appears by mc's bed. the dust bunny sleeps by mc's side.

10 the three party sets out for the sai village. they enjoy the scenery. mc learns more about his status and skills. after, they found some edible butterfly looking plants. rurika suggest them to have a break and enjoy a meal. she will be making a dish with the butterfly looking plants.

11 they had a nice meal. rurika notices chris still feeling awkward with mc. rurika decides to help.

12 they had a nice convo about magic. after their break, they continue on. mc felt someone is stalking them. mc suspects they are from the castle and are investigating mc. mc unlocks status conceal? skill. after, they found a place to rest for the night. they will be camping out. after the three settle down and starts to rest, rurika invites mc for a convo. chris is fast asleep.

13 rurika compliments mc for a first day of their journey. she also thanked mc for having a convo with chris. rurika warns mc not to hurt chris. after, rurika leaves mc. mc is the first to be on the watch. he contemplates on why he would ever hurt his first, the very first friend he had since getting isekai'd. the dust bunny appears and mc notices the beautiful night sky. mc feels he'll get along better with his two friends.

14 next day, mc unlocks spatial magic and two other skills. after, they continuebwith their daily uneventful journey towards the village. when they arrive, the situation is dire. they met with the villsge chief and say the 5 goblin they say that were the target became a horde. the village is facing 30 goblins.

15 night came, the rest so by tomorrow they head out to tje goblin then. as mc ponders overhimself intentionally killing, a village boy appears before mc, the boy will be cheering for them. mc gave the boy a healing potion to cure a wound he got. next day, they head to the den. although mc is hesitant at taking lives. rurika urged mc to do so in order to save lives. mc steeled his resolve.

16 they complete the subjugation. chris treats mc's wound. they burnt the corpses and submit the report to the village chief. rurika reprimands the village chief. after, the village throws a celebration for them. the villagers thanked the trio. the dust bunny made a scene. only mc know what happened 

17 the village rejoiced and believed spirits are with them thus heralding bountiful and prosperous times to come. mc asks chris about spirits. chris explains. after, the village chier shares a village exclusive food to the trio. mc asks how to cook the food. the village chief explains. mc asks to buy some resource. mc demonstrate his spatial magic to his two friends. mc asks them to keep his spatial magic a secret since he just wants to travel with the two. the two are glad to keep mc as company.

18 next day, the travel back to the royal capital. they had a pleasant journey. one night, mc is tasked with dinner. they had a great meal. during dinner, mc ask the two until how long they will be partying with mc. mc felt pressured that although they reassure him it's far off, mc feels it's near. mc feels the need to grow stronger when the time comes the two part ways with him.

19 the trio arrived and submitted their report and loots. they also got news the wolf problem near the capital is resolved and that an actual high grade monster is leading them. they settled to have a day off the next day. mc returns back to his room in the inn and ponders over what had happened as well as his growing infatuation with chris?? mc felt happier that things were going well for him. he plan on taking small quests the next day.

20 after a week, mc went to the guild and had a love convo with two veteran adventurers. mc is interested with chris. after, the trio looks for their next quest. rurika then announce that after the quest, the two will be moving up a rank and after, they will be leaving. it seems the party is about to be disbanded.

21 after, mc got promoted to d rank and the two to c rank. mc ask about their plan. they will going on n escort mission to another city and afterward move to the beast kingdom of rass. mc asks if he could join them one last time with the escort mission, the two accepts with the permission from the guild. the prep time is 5 days. during those time, mc took massive amounts of delivery quests in order to have clear his mind of uneasiness. on his way, mc met up with chris who is being hit by someone. chris ran up to mc. chris thanked mc and ask if he could talk to her after mc's errands. after, mc gets to find out the reason why the two are travelling. they are looking for their childhood friend.

22 a backstory of chris and rurika along with their childhood friends who went missing 10 years ago, eris and sera. children who were captured in war are sold to slavers. chris was asking the slaver traders about info until she got harassed. mc asks how they are sure of the other's well being. they showed mc an amulet that tells them the others are still alive. mc feels inspired and amazed by how great the two are. mc says he'll be cheering for them and that on his own travel he'll also be askong about their childhood friends. the two girls cried.

23 mc feels the stalker is watching mc more. mc learns three new skills: concealment, cooking and alchemy. concealment makes mc invisible, cooking gives mc visual notes on how to cook better and alchemy is just straight up op.

24 day of departure, mc is ready. he even up most of his skills. mc met up with the others. the escort mission is composed of five parties and a few wagons. a verteran party, goblin's gried leads them, mc knows them well. after a few words, they set out. on the first day of their journey, when they take a bream, among the newbie members, mc is the only one who is not easily tired.

25 mc gets to cook for the expedition members, his cooking was well received. during dinner, syphon asked mc if he wanted to join their group after their trio gets disbanded, mc rejects and says he need to be stronger first and be ready and only then could he accept. three uneventful days later, they arrived in olka. half way point? of their journey. syphon says they should be ready for more dangers will come after they continue there.

26 they took care of the horses. mc falls for chris even harder.

27 they continue onward to fesis. on theor way, with his detection skill, mc felt presence lurking on a nearby forest. conflicted between not revealing his detection skill and everyone's safety, mc had rurika use her detection on the forest. there are 6 monsters approaching them. mc still feel ancious. the monsters appears, they were running awat from a bigger monster, a tiger wolf.

28 syphon orders the rest to take care of the merchants and the cargos. the goblin grief party engages vs the tiger wolf.

29 suddenly, a different pack of wolves ambushes them. they fended them off. the goblin grief party had their guards down when the tiger wolf suddenly went passed them. it headed for rurika. mc jumped to save her. mc faces vs the tiger wolf.

30 mc tries holding the tiger wolf back until the goblin grief party arrives. everything's going well until mc's sp ran out. mc gets attacked and fell unconcious. the goblin grief party arrives, the tiger wolf runs away. the defense succeeded but mc's injured.

31 rurika and chris paniced as they tried tending to mc's wound. the goblin grief party's priest also help but the wound is just that deep. suddenly, the dust bunny helped mc. mc's wound closed and he got healed. both his friends were worried and relieved at the same time. chris gets a chance to talk with the dust bunny.

32 chris gets to know mc a bit better. chris also taught the dust bunny a way to make mc and the dust bunny to be connected through contract. mc regains consciousnness.

33 chris takes care of mc. mc notices his hp is on the critical, he got tired and went back to sleep. two days later, mc is fully healed. and a few days more, they arrived at their destination, city of fesis. mc wants to go to the adventurers guild but the two girls drag mc back to the inn for him to rest. when mc asked them when they will leave, they say that they might need to train more. as mc rest for the night, he felt lonely as he already misses the two.

34 next day, mc and the two girls went to the adventurers girp. they met with syphon and the goblin gtief party. syphon tells them there will be a subjugation quest for the escaped tiger wolf. the goblin grief party is asked to join the quest. it will happen in ten days. riruka asks for some training and spar while they wait. the goblin grief accepts. after practice, mc decides to take some herb gathering, chris wants to join. riruka wanted to stay and continue practicing. mc notices riruka's determination? mc and chris went on a duo quest. they had a nice convo during the quest. mc plans to make a nice dinner to reward riruka's resolve.

35 after the two submits their quests and bought some ingredients for their dinner, when they return back to the girls room, riruka is missing. mc heads to the adventurers guild training ground. riruka is exhausted but is still practicing. mc and riruka had a convo regarding fear, weakness and responsibility. after sorting things out, they went back. chris had already prepared everything.

36 after their dinner, mc once again asked when the two are leaving. they said before the subjugation queat happens. they need to stock up on potion before tjay so the supplies have not yet increased in price. after, mc showed the two his alchemy skill. mc then tries giving the two potions as thanks for taking care of mc. the two rejects it but mc insisted and said that if they don't want to take it for free why not as a compensation for mc's request. mc wants to get to the mines and acquire a crystal. the mines can only be entered with a party. the two obliged.

37 next day, they head out and arrived in the evening in the mining city of alessa. they a got a room accomodation from the mining supervisor. next day, after signing up, they head to the mines. dust bunny appears, mc follows it, the rest follows mc. then they got ambush by a prankster slime. they ready for battle.

38 the defeat the slime and they head deeper. mc kept using his appriasal skill. when they got to a dead end, mc's appraisal skill pickes up something. they started mingling and after they acquire many magic stones and crystal stones. they weren't able tonget what mc wanted but mc is fine with itm after, the trio had lunch inside the cave. after, they went back out.

39 the trio met with the supervisor. the supervisor checks their loots. she was astonished with the loots the trio got. after mc mentions the whereabouts of the tunnel, the supervisor promises to reqard the trio for the info if it was reliable. they also traded the minerals they got with the supervisor. mc acquires what he wanted to get. the trio return back to fesis. on their way it started to rain. the trio had fun as they get soaked.

40 whenbthey get back to fesis, it continued to rain for a few days, mc as well the other stayed in doors. after the rain finally stopped, mc temporarily part with the two girls, chris and rurika will go with their provisional shopping while mc mentions he will be collwcring herbs but in truth, mc will be rewarding the dust bunny with a feast for helping them in the mines. after the feast, the dust bunny remembers chris's words of forming contract with mc. despite the dust bunny wanting to form a contract, mc does not understand. and instead continues to feed the dust bunny. the dust bunny got mad?? and starts running away. mc gives chase.

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