Thursday, September 7, 2023

Reborn Ranker - Gravity User (manwha until chapter 49)

ichinose ikoma, mc, sword god of speed
ryuzaki, leader of swords of glory?
ohara kenji,self proclaimed helper of newbies, long sword user class
utsonomiya sho, leader of thunder knights
karen, member of the thunder knights, thunder knight class
aoi, leader of a guild?, former friend of satsuki
kisaragi satsuki, shaman class, first duo part of mc after regressio 
zaibe kaoru, the criminal in mc's previous timeline that acquired the special artifact in the crazy dream theater portal, assassin class
fujiwara hoshinan, portal streamer
oga sato, a contracted adventurer for the guild, beast warrior class
serizawa, deputy chairman of the guild
hojou kurebi, chief demon defense force
jugoya seiji, b rank adventurer, class monk
kasai hiru, thief class
inoue shion, she wield a great scythe
kyougoku kikyou, chimera fang member
yumekawa arisu, chimera fang member, illusionist class

swords of glory, an s rank guild
broken clock of a time god, artifact, one time use item, regress user 10 years back, mythic grade
maintained portal, used as a portal for newbies to use?
unexplored/undiscovered portal, no info dungeons, dangerous for adventurers
rare portal, gives extravagant/precious amount of loots
illusion library dungeon/portal, b rank?
contracted adventurer are oike civil servants with duties for dugeon management and such
flood, dungeon break, when monster gets out of the dungeon
it seems satsuki is a yandere type?
ring of wisdom, artifact that lets one summon a great mage from the library
akasha, the boss of the illusion library and the summon when using the ring of wisdom
chimera fang, a dark organization in the underworld

1 monsters started aooearing, status windows gets available to everyone. mc chose thief class. mc got a to a goos team and reached s rank. later on, his guild decided to lay him off for having low offense ability. when his former team leaves their country for a missipn, an s class monster appears. mc decides to figjt the s class monster, mc used his thief skill to steal an item from the monstee. mc got regress item. before mc gets killed mc uses the regress item. mc wakes up 10 years back, his class isn't chosen yet. mc vows to become the strongest.

2 mc needs to get to level 10 before he could change class. mc enters a portal/dungeon. mc meets with ohara kenji, he helps newbies. mc reached lvl 10 and decided to up his fall damage resist skill. after, mc unlocks a hidden class, gravity user. mc knows its the strongest class. ohara kenji felt disappointed mc chose a magic class and persuaded mc to give up on adventuring. suddenly, a high level monster appears. ohara kenji readies to face the monster.

3 mc helps ohara kenji. the two of them beat the monster. mc levels up. ohara kenji feels inspired to move forward. they head outside the dungeon/portal.

4 mc decided to find a temporary party but found rude adventurers. mc rethinks his decision. first he must level up, gain acheivement and find a long term team, one that he'll be compatible with. mc finds a maintained portal to conquer and level up in.

5 the adventurer receptionist worries for mc choosing a dungeon beyond his level. mc insisted. mc went to the dungeon and defeats one monster. mc leveled 4 times. mc chose to stay for a bit more. meanwhile, the rude adventurers is also in the same dungeon, they'll be fighting a high level monster.

6 the thunder knights party gets beaten. mc aopears befire the party is killed. mc alone faces the high level boss monster.

7 mc defeats the boss monster and saves the thunder knights party. after, mc submits the monster drop to the adventurer receptionist. mc is then approached by utsonomiya sho and invites mc to join their party. mc rejects it. mc plans on joining a high tier dungeon that will soon appear. crazy dream theater dungeon.

8 mc gathers more achievement, increased his level and rank. mc needs a duo party fornthe crazy dream theater dungeon. mc scouts. mc finds a shaman class adventurer that got fired by her party, satsuki. mc invites satsuki. after a bit of persuasion, mc got her as a party member. shaman class is a good compatible with gravity user and a good class for the crazy dream theater dungeon.

9 mc plans to head to the vrazy dream theater dungeon. mc persuades satsuki he'll be there to protect her so she need not worry. next day, they head inside the ctazy dream theater portal. although satsuski feels inferior and tells she'll try her best, even being a decoy. mc tells her to just use her basic shaman magic, mc will take csre of the rest. shaman uses mana drain on enemies and transfer mana to mc, with gravity user having high mana usage, it's the best team up for them. other than the unique artifact that mc wants in the portal, mc wants to stop the criminal from getting the item thus changing the timeline.

10 mc and satsuki does the mana drain strategy. they fully recovered their mana and arrived in front of the boss room. they head inside with a plan in their mind. meanwhile, the soon to be criminal lurks behind them.

11 mc and satsuki defeats the boss. mc acquires the artifact he wants, the balance breaker.

12 the balance breaker reduces skill delay and mana usage. mc levels his skill up and gain a new skill. then the soon to be criminal, zaibe, appears and congratulates the two. zaibe attacks mc, mc dodges. the three readies to engage.

13 they fight. although mc and satsuki have the upper hand, they simply couldn't take it the long way since they had just fought vs the boss. mc and satsuki is running out of mana.

14-15 satsuki transfer her own mana to mc. mc regains his mana. the two defeat zaibe. the gave zaibe to the authorities. as the two celebrates in a diner. the two gets recognized as the duo who beat a portal in a day and subdued a serial killer. mc decides they should leave. but before that, utsonimiya and aoi wants to recruit them/back to their party. they decline. meanwhile, a portal streamer, fujiwara hoshinan, eyes on the duo who is getting the spotlight from her.

16 in order to up satsuki's weapon, they need money. mc already found a dungeon for them to raid, the grave of the old king. it's a rare dungeon filled with loots. as they head deep inside, they find the team of the portal streamer, fujiwara hoshinan.

17 mc had a conflict with ideals. they had a hunting match. hoshinan is in it for the views as well for her ideal and resolution. mc wants to make hoshinan learn. mc and satsuki gets caught in a dungeon trap/event.

18 it's a riddle type event. mc deals with it. they won and they got a storage ring. they continue with the dungeon crawl. they rest for a bit and meet up with hoshinan's team. the current score is 2 to 6, in favor of mc.

19 hoshinan thought of finding a big catch to defeat mc. their team found the dungeon boss. in front of it is another adventurer about to be killed. hoshinan's team wanted to escape but hoshinan remembers why she herself became an adventurer and a streamer. and that is to give courage and save life. hoshinan leaps in to save thw adventurer. her team followed. the adventurer escaped but hoshinan and her team were beat. but before they get hit by the last attack, mc arrives and saves hoshinan. mc apologizes for not acknowledging hoshinan's resolve. 

20 mc faces the boss. satsuki restores hoshinan's mana. one of hoshinan's team buffs mc. another films the fight. whem hoshinan regains her mana, she joins the battle.

21 3v1 match with mc satsuki and hoshinan vs the pharaoh boss.

22 they win. the boss drops a staff, a new weapon for satsuki. after hearing hoshinan's story, mc apologizes and recognizes hoshinan's resolve. after, hoshinan upload mc's video. meanwhile, mc is thinkingnof getting a data analyst for for them. mc wants another artifact, the ring of wisdom.

23 mc gets promoted to c rank. mc tells satsuki, he aims to be a b rank to enter a high rank dungeon fir an artifact that is possibly connected to the portal appearance. the two went on raiding. ina few weeks, mc is qualified to reach b rank. oga, a contracted adventurer seemed unconvinced with mc.

24 oga, the b rank adventurer argues with mc getting promoted. mc gave sound and good arguments. with verbal debates out of question, oga wants to have a mock battle with mc. mc obliges. oga planned on making mc get injured to the point of losing his adventuring career.

25 despite being a promotional battle? oga gave mc a handicap. mc felt disrespected and went all out? when the battle is settled, oga felt toyed with and unleashes a surprised attack. mc barely got out.

26 oga ends the match and claims mc's promotion denied. suddenly, the deputy chairman of the guild, serizawa arrives. serizawa asks to meet with oga. the promotion test gets concluded. serizawa discusses about a high rank portal to oga. despite being given date regarding the portal, iga brushes them off and heads ti the portal.

27 while mc and satsuki are having lunch. hoshinan appears and tells them she'll help mc by exposing the ugliness in the guild. as they continue their discussion, an alert message appears. a b rank monster appeared. it seems there's a dungeon break, flood. hoshinan decides to go respond. mc and satsuki also join. meanwhile, oga's team is facing the flood. oga is in a bind, he did not read the data handed to him by serizawa and thus fears his position is in jeopardy. oga decides he'd do the job quickly and place the blame on serizawa. unfortantely, the boss that appeared is cimpletely different feom the boss he thought would appear. from lv47, it's a lv55 boss.

28 oga uses his team as decoy. but his plan got foiled by the boss's overwhelming strength. oga tries running away but the boss easily saw through and defeats oga. meanwhile, mc satsuki and hoshinan us responding to the aid of the civilians.

29 it seems oga gets brainwashed? and entered berserk mode as he attacks the defense corps. but before tge defense corps get beaten, mc arrives and stops oga. mc incapacitates oga by cutting off oga's arm. when hoshinan and satsuki finally arrives, they wanted to take the defense corps member and oga out of the battlefield. but the boss just suddenly appeared.

30 the boss summoned many familiars. mc tasks satsuki and hoshinan to take care of the familiars and protect the injured. mc will head tobface vs the boss.

31 despite being battle of attrition with mc at the disadvantage. mc decided to keep going.

32 mc won. after submitting the report to the guild. serizawa finds mc. he admits to himself he failed at seeing mc as someone to acknowledge. meanwhile, oga who was in the hospital vows to take revenge on mc. unfortunately, authorities arrives to arrest? or lay charges? vs oga. he used his skill on his team without consent that made them rampage. after, mc still couldn't apply to for b rank since a b rank denied him, it would take 3 months until he could apply again. despite satsuki arguing for mc's sake, it was the policy. suddenly, serizawa appears.

33 serizawa bypasses the policy and let mc rank up. despite being told by the reciptionist  that he will get reprimanded by the higher up, serizawa says it's their mistake for not letting mc rank up despite showing achievements. after, the dungeon that mc is looking for appeared. mc and satsuki applies to enter. meanwhile, the chief of the demon defense force seemed to also know of the artifact that mc wants, they want to destroy it. they gave an order of killing any adventurers that joined the dungeon raid.

34 mc's application got denied due to having a small number of member and the increase of death rate from the recently opened portal. suddenly mc is trcuirted to a team of jugoya seiji, another b rank adventurer. despite being rude to satsuki, mc claims she's essential. they are both recruited. satsuki feels out of place. after meeting woth the rest of the team, they set out for the illusiory library portal.

35 upon entering, a member of the team, shion, says the two are just baggage to them. they just needed mc and satsuki as numbers so they could enter the dungeon. mc states they also have a goal in the dungeon. without anything else, they proceeded. mc gave advice, but they all just brushed them off. when mc warned of an unbeatable monster at their current level, they did not heed.

36 kasai hiru engages a monster he thought he could easily defeat. butbwhen it launched a surprised attack, mc defends kasai. after, both shion and kasai are disappointed with their sudden inferiority. mc tells them to support each other as he will face the monsters.

37 as mc takes command, shion felt not wanting to listen and aggro'd the monsters, she got attack. mc saves her. despite being at a low morale, mc continues taking the lead. mc takes the aggro.

38 mc finally defeats the rabbit monster. the rabbit drops a skill book, dash skill. after, the team wants to return back. mc tells them they can still stay with the mp recovery strat that satsuki has. meanwhile, the demon defense corp is maming there move for the illusion library portal. two high level members of the chimera fangs enters the portal.

39 with mc taking the lead, the raiding went smoothly. when theybfinally arrived before the boss door, mc asks them if they want to face the boss and also gave a request. mc and satsuki will forfeit the rest of their share but mc must have the item dropped by the boss. the other 3 agrees to it. they prepare for the boss.

40 the prepared before engaging the dungeon boss. after, they head inside boss room and did as planned. tjings were going smoothly, unfortunately, it seems hiru kasai is planning something vs the party.

41 during the mids of their boss raid tries hitting a cheapshot on mc. but mc easily deflected it. the boss unleashes a last attack.

42 with the three rears aiding mc, they finally defeated the boss. hiru kasai looks mc with disgust.

43 as the party rest, hiru kasai does his betrayal. mc already knew it would happen and defended himself. unfortunately, hiru kasai stole mc's storage bracelet and the boss loot. as hiru kasai runs away, he was stopped by two adventurers. the chimera fangs enter.

44 the chimera fang members acquires the boss loot. battle is mc vs arisu and satsuki, shion, seiji vs kikyou/kiki.

45 the battle rages with mc vs arisu. mc has the upperhand, arisu uses one of her ult moves, doppelganger, it creates multiple clones of her.

46 arisu gains the upperhand but mc can still keep up. meanwhile, the 3v1 battle, kikyou/kiki, unleashes is battle form. the three is barely holding on. satsuki is determined to fight back and be someone who can stand by mc's side, she takes the lead.

47 with satsuki taking the lead, the disarmed kiki. unfortunately, kiki can do even without his weapon. meanwhile, mc is getting cornered by arisu.

48 despite getting disarmed, kikyou still pushes vs the three. meanwhile, mc let himself get him si he could lurenin thebreal body of arisu. although still at a disadvantage, mc manages to take back the boss loot, wisdom ring. mc uses the ring of wisdom and summoned the great mage of the library.

49 mc had the summoned great mage, akasha, defeat the doppelgangers. arisu uses another ult but mc is ready with his. with a final clash, mc defeats arisu.

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