Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Dungeon House (manwha until chapter 11)

kik hyunbok, mc
magician president, the person who sent mc books as help
kristina, the first tamed monster mc named, skeleton, female magician, white blue eyes
kassle/kessle, the next tamed monster mc named, skeleton, avenger swordsman mercenary, emerald green eyes
kai, the next tamed monster mc named, skeleton, honorable swordsman knight, orange red eyes

nucleus for undeads are their vital weakness but it allows them to gather strength and to fully use their capabilities such as mana and aura

1 mc is with his familiars who does dungeon crawling. flashback. mc is an introvert who always stay in his room. suddenly, his door got connected to a dungeon. there were system status window found in the net. he found out he's part of a few who got access to the current dungeon and there's a time limit for them to finish it. few days later, the participants disappeared and he was the only left. mc continues to crawl while trying hard to survive. he can get money from hunting goblin mobs and he could also buy from the internet?

2 Mc checks his stats in the net. he got high luck stats and he can use magic. his skill is monster taming. he regretted not joining the others before so that they could clear the dungeon. later, he heard a knock from his door that's connected to the dungeon.

3 it's a package from the magician president. the president helps people as a way of investment. the package contains books (and an artifact for mc). mc learns magic basics from the book and after he went back to the dungeon for some raiding and taming. mc finds skeleton monsters and tamed one. after returning back to his room, he named the skeleton kristina.

4 next day after resting, the kristina spoke to mc. it seems giving names to tamed monster gives them consciousness. mc learns about a powerful being in the dungeon. kristina have vague memory in the dungeon. mc decides to have kristina teach him magic and also tame more skeleton to accompany him.

5 kristina teaches mc magic. when they raid once more, kristina found out she needs to absorb life force in order to get stronger. mc knows she's conflicted with it. mc orders to kill to get stronger, he'll take the blame as to why kristina does so. kristina thanks mc. After, kristina became stronger. she prepares to fight a horde of goblins headed towards them.

6 mc returns only with kristina. the rest of his tamed monsters got wiped out. kristina suggests mc to get better equips. kristina helps mc get more money and manage stuffs. afterwards they were able to move to other resident, unfortunately, mc is still locked away from the rest of the world. kristina reprimands mc for having thoughts of running away. mc felt determined he'll survive and unleashes a magic fight spirit??

7 mc just undergone mental maturity. he overcame his anxiety and have just grown to become a 1st circle mage. they raid the dungeon and acquired two new tamed skeletons. after a moment of getting to know and having a deeper bond, they introduced themselves to each other. kessle is a mercenary who is out for revenge. kai is a knight looking for an artifact his brother lost in the dungeon, kristina is a magician who wanted to get stronger, mc is a person who wants to survive.

8 the four of them are smoothly raiding the dungeon. kristina suddenly want to make something, she orders mana crystal andnask to be left out in the mean time. the three boys head to the dungeon. they discuss about mc's fortune stats and how it could affect their lives. they went back after a while of failed headhunting and discuss fortune stat matter to kristina. kristina is having a hard time completing the item she wants to make. kessle says its probably mc' sfortune stats. kristina brushes it off.

9 three days later, mc got worried kristina. kristina then appears and hands mc the item she made, it's a spell card to help mc use 2 circles above magic and easier casting. few days later, after grinding a bit more, they head to the first floor boss room. the battle is led by kai alog with the tamed goblin army they have. the mages mc and kristina provided supporting fire, kessle faces the boss as the main vanguard. after, they won the battle and finished the first floor of the dungeon.

10 after returning back, they received a package from the magician president. it contains an armor. nc wants to pay something back to his benefactor. kristina suggest giving a spell card that mc himself made. meanwhile, the msgician president is freling good that one of the person he helped is still alive and kicking. mc's group heads fornthe next floor.

11 the second floor was sinoly to much for them. they had to retreat. kai and kessle suggests to have them get new equipments. kristina suggests having a nucleus for them as undead skeletons.

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