Thursday, September 14, 2023

Tsuyoshi (manga until chapter 28)

hoshizaki ainosuke, karate champion, aka bone crusher
yumeoka teru, rival of hoahizaki ainoske
kawabata tsuyoshi, op mc
ching shenmei, work colleague of mc
tanaka gen, artist colleague of mc
satou taku, aryist colleague of mc
liu sheng, lion of north, four fist member
wan yundiao, steel king, four fist member
yan lou lan, rakshasa zen, four fist member
lu zhufie/shufie, rose of destruction, four fist member
hoshizaki etsuko, mother of ainosuke
iwamuro kanzuke, chief cabinet secretary, father of ainosuke

1 ainosuke is a champion karate fighter but he was sad his friend rival was not there to fight him in the end. mc went to his rival, teru. teru told ainosuke about mc. one evening, mc and ching works in konbini. ainosuke seeks mc for a fight but thought otherwise. he thought mc is too weak. a shoplifting hapoens. mc chased the shoplifter, mc defeat the gang. ainosuke request to have a match with mc. mc gave rules. ainosuke agrees.

2 ainosuke vs mc during mc's breaktime. mc wins.

3 daily life of mc. work, sleep, his hobby of painting along with three painter he rents a studio with, the constant invite to fights and such. meanwhile, ainosuke is stalking mc.

4 ainosuke researched about mc but couldn't find anything. he asked his friend teru. teru suggests ainosuke to go to mc himself. ainosuke went to mc in the konbini.

5 ainosuke begs mc to teach himnand make him his disciple. as to not bother customers, mc gave ainosuke a flier for a taichi session he teaches in. ainosuke joins the taichi session.

6 after a few months nothing much is happening. ainosuke follows mc to his art session. they found out ainosuke is great at drawing and had been to an art university. mc asks ainosuke to teach him. ainosuke agrees if mc teaches him his fighting style? after, ainosuke accompanies mc to his work. when the two split up, ching approaches ainosuke and asks if ainosuke wants to know mc's secret.

7 ching is a secret agent from china who is monitoring mc. ching somehow decide to help ainosuke. meanwhile, ching dispatched 4 men to fight mc.

8 mc fights the 4 men. it was only stopped when ainosuke and ching arrives. ainosuke went to mc. mc asks why ainosuke is with ching. after, mc leaves, he felt hurt. ainosuke saw mc crying.

9 next day, ainosuke worries. they meet in the art session. mc tells ainosuke he knew what's happening. mc is getting thrown back to the reality that no girl would be interested in him. mc confesses he liked chin but it wasn't real and when mc heard about ching being part of the chinese government as well the men who he fought. he pieced things together. mc never liked fighting. ainosuke understands a bit about mc. later, ching calls ainosuke to meet with her. ainosuke obliged and meet up with ching along with her 4 friends. ainosuke declares he won't help them as he's  partner of mc.

10 ainosuke defeats one of them. one of the four stops the fight. chings says she'll give ainosuke time to prepare. if they win, ainosuke must help them defeat mc. ainosuke went to teru for help. suddenly the defeated chinese member followed ainosuke and had a fight in teru's place. the place got wrecked. teru's mad.

11 teru faces vs chinese member. teru gets overwhelm. he's current body is not cut out for the fight.

12 although at a disadvantage, teru is not afraid. he is comparing his fight right now with when he fought vs mc. teru fights back, he's starting to get used to fighting once again.

13 the match ended in a draw. after it seems teru and liu, the chinese member, became friends. the two went to the hospital. although ainosuke wanted to join, he got turned down.

14 next day, during mc's konbini shift. ching is being clingy to mc. mc brushes her off. he knows. after, ching went to ainosuke for advice. ainosuke told everything that happened. she blamed ainosuke and asks him to help. ainosuke obliges and tells the art studio address mc goes to. afterward, three of the four fist went to the studio and asks mc for a fight.

15 mc faces them. the first opponent, yundiao, it seems mc's usual technique doesn't work.

16 mc overwhelms yundiao. ainosuke and ching arrives. ainosuke stops mc from beating yundiao further. next opponent is lou lan san, a tai chi master.

17 ainosuke wants to learn what mc knows, zhufie tells a bit aboutnthe technique used. after, lou lan san admits defeat.

18 a brief backstory of shu fie/zhufie.

19 ainosuke stops the fight of mc and zhufie. ainosuke challenges zhufie.

20 backstory of ainosuke, a strong loner who thought his friends were true but were only using him. until he learns about karate and became friends wity teru.

21 ainosuke vs zhufie. ainosuke is at a disadvantage in technique.

22 ainosuke fights back

23 ainosuke fall. suddenly, liu and teru appears. ainosuke stood up.

24 ainosuke readies for a final clash. zhufie does an alter, and defeats ainosuke. zhufie asks mc to face him.

25 suddenly, an unconscious ainosuke stood up and attacks zhufie, zhufie dodges and threw ainosuke to mc. mc uses ainosuke as a battering ram and hurled it towards zhufie. zhufie gets defeated. mc announces it's ainosuke's win and leaves.

26 mc returns to the art studio. moments later, zhufie burst through the window and orders mc to fight with him. it seems the quiet private life mc is trying to protect will disappear.

27 mc knocks out his two artist friends. mc faces vs the enraged zhufie. mc defeats zhufie. after, ching arrives.

28 ching made mc fall for her all over again. mc can't help it. the studio got repaired by the chinese goverment and things went back to the way things are.

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