Friday, September 15, 2023

Shincon's One Coin Clear (manhwa until chapter 10)

shincon's one coin clear

yoon taeyang, mc, class monk
bj hyeonhye/hyunhe, manager, supporter via broadcasting, friend of mc and his sister, and  a ranker
byeolrim/byolrim/byulim, sister of mc
71st ranking demon king, overseer of first second and third floor, npc??
icardi, first knight of thebes, central knight commander, npc
rudy, sister of icardi, npc
lette, shop npc for skill/equipment cards
andromalius, overseer for 4 to 6 floors, npc?

dantalian game, just like sword art online, if you die in game, you irl, mission is to clear the 72 floor at extreme difficulty
reward system selection: recovery, one chamber/floor buff and gold coins for investments
there are three chambers per floor
achievements gained increases stats
skillmaking, a system that lets user and npc do original moves

0 sao, but mc has to save his sister from the game. mc goes inside the game. he meets bj hyeonhye, she became like a tinkerbell for mc. there were also viewers watching mc. mc beats the first floor easily.

1 mc just won a tourney from a game. news suddenly broke out of a sao like event. mc remembers his sister is playing the game. along with a friend, mc rushes to his sister side. she's in a capsule, still playing. mc decided to join the game. hyeonhye asks mc to turn on broadcast livestream? so she could guide him. mc agrees and enters the game.

2 after the first floor boss, mc meets with the floor overseer and hands mc a reward selection, recovery, a one floor powerup or gold coin for later investments. next floor is a labyrinth prison. mc has to collect keys, and free a prisoner to help them. hyeonhye spots the prisoner they need and asks mc to free her. mc succeeds. the prisoner immediately aided mc.

3 the prisoner, icardi, thanked mc and promises him her help as long her sister, rudy, comes with them. mc accepts it. rudy shows them a shortcut. they got to the place but it's guarded. icardi made an original move and defests the guard. when they got to the exit, it's locked. rudy tries opening it. suddenly a boss appears. mc also wants to make an original move. mc faces the boss and made an original move. hyunhe and the viewers were amazed. mc beats the boss. rudy opens the exit and they managed to get out. mc once again gained 3 achievements, he now has 6. it's possible to take the noc with him but mc chose to separste with them. mc goes through the gold door. he sees a succubus.

4 aquinella stage, the objective is to satisfy the queen. mc finds the riddle and solved it. mc passed. the 71st demonking appears and congratulates mc for finishing the floor? the previous one are like chambers but are floors

5 mc is then graded for the three chbers he finished. mc got an s grade and acquires another hundred coin. next stage is a sanctuary, a town area for players to rest, meet other players and npc's. mc heads to the tavern to get skill/equipment cards. mc got a rare belt, it adds a synergy bonus to mc. after resting and rejecting the offer of party invites, mc heads to the next floor, 4th floor. a forest floor.

6 the players are tasked to find bosoos, orbs held by monsters or hidden within the landscapes or terrain. hyunhe guides mc. mc heads to a snake's den. suddenly, a group of players appears. they are led by one who have a mind control artifact. they ask for the rare euipment he got.

7 mc defeats the mind controlled player and dodgea the mind control attack. suddenly the giant snake woke up. mc got out, the rest were eaten. mc then return inside to hunt the bosoo. mc got 13. mc also acquires the snake's shed skin which gave him magic def. meanwhile, the giant snake got mind controlles by the artifact. the artifact now seeks mc.

8 as mc gets out of the snake den, he witness a group gets attack by a giant bird. mc tries fighting the bird. the bird takes mc elsewhere. meanwhile, another group is in the entrance awaiting for something.

9 mc got to the bird's nest and acquires 5 more bosom, he got 18 now, and the blade like feathers. suddenly, the giant snake appears. it's being mind controlled by the artifact it ate. mc figts the snake and defeats it. mc also broke the mond control artifact.

10 mc went to the entrance. he face vs the group who awaits those who submits their quest. mc beats the attackers, the rest retreated. mc aubmits the bosoo. he got quite few additional achievements and andromalius gave mc a skill card, a serpent regen card.

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