Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Slave B (manwha)

(the characters is not placed at the top but in between some chapters since copy paste is acting up)

niro, mc, half elf
sara, adoptive mother
jiras, adoptive father
wendy, sister of mc
silvy, sister of mc
emperor muren, once a slave but graduated from excanum academy
lord logan?
lord kundun regas, the owner of mc's family
evan, prodigy and descendant? of kundun, has a syrong prejudice vs slaves
samuel, a guard in the alkali mines, dark knight, taught mc a bit about sword
gigas, warden in the alkali mines
kadiya maragas, headmistress of the excanum academy
jaken, part of group c student candidate
haken, part of group c student candidate
neria, half elf, part of group c student candidate
tarek, group d student, brown colored, brute human
tirasu, group d student, elf princess?, leader of group d
suzy, group d student, noble supremacist human
gen, group d student, black haired elf
savinna, group d student, noble supremacist human
anomen, half elf, uncle of princess tirasu, deceased
adel, house maid in the household of princess tirasu

slaves are forbidden to touch weapons and books
regas family, owns the family of mc
excanum academy
council of aruka
alkali mines, magic ore mines in azebaum
kundun, legendary great sage
etramus, legendary great sage
lundael, legendary elven queen
gaion, legendary black knight
lugard, divine mage, creator of magic incantation
elves hates the half elves since the half elves are a mixed of human and elves and unfortunately instead of having the two race coexistig, their nature gets amplified, if they are kind, they will be very kind and if they are cruel they will be very cruel.
magsnia tree, bears the all cure fruit
eragon bird, one of the most respected bird species

1 baby mc was found by sara and jiras in a battlefield. they adopted him. later, jiras taught mc to read and wield weapon, despite being a slave. later, jiras dies. sara got bought off as slave to someone else. later, sara was killed by her new master. mc has to protected and take care of his two sisters. mc vows to take vengeance?

2 the emperor visit the town. evan, a prodigy and son of kundun guides the emperor. while they take their leisure, bulls suddenly attack them. mc stops the attack. the emperor notices it was all a ploy of mc. the emperor had mc sent to the alkali mines to work for the rest of his life. mc also knows he's adopted and he's a half elf.

3 mc got sent to the mines. some lord are eyeing to buy mc's sisters. a week later, there a monster incident in the mines. none of the slaves are trained to wield swords and the guards can't fight the monster. mc stepped up and killed the monster. mc got promoted from mininh and became a guard. mc's sister did not get sold off.

4 mc's promotion is only temporarily and conditional, he's still a miner. mc gets training from samuel, a guard. few days later, an attack from monster arrives. the guards and officers of the mines gets killed. mc protects the other miners. but mc is easily defeated. when the monster is about to eat mc, the emperor appears and saves mc. the emperor felt grateful for mc's feat. the emperor grants mc access to excanum academy.

5 mc reunites with his sisters and tells them to be good and bid tgem farewell. mc gets sent to the academy, along with evan. when they got there, mc is revealed to be an adoptive son of the regas family. evan hated it. there is a discrimination vs mc. the students candidates are welcomed. they will be taking the entrance exam after a month. they are divided in groups. mc gets to join group c. along with an elf, mc is with evan. evan is the leader. evan hated it.

6 evans mistreats mc harshly. mc has to obey since he's mc's master. neria, a half elf and a slaves tries to be friend with mc. but mc rejects it. mc is slowly getting to hate neria but suddenly remembers compassion. during the first day of training, mc gets to show his knowledge with swords.

7 mc gets to meet the elf princess. mc realizes there is not mistreatment of slaves in the elven race. after the training, the mistreatment of group c with niro and neria as slaves got worse. mc shows compassion towards neria.

8 mc hold back his intrusive thoughts. nexy day is magics class. mc hides his magic. but the professor knows. after class, mc got reprimanded. mc shows his real talent.

9 the professor says mc must control the 'monster' inside of him vs the nobles who mistreats them. afterwards, the exams will be held 3 days after. the test is divided in the students group and will be a survival type. only three winners out of the five members. during the day if the exam, mc's shoes got wreck by one of their group maye, neria seemed to took great worry for mc. during the exam, neria had to get left behind. mc pushes on. suddenly, neria appears with mc's patched up shoes, she fixed them. neria gives up on her dream. mc wore them.

10 mc gets to the choke point, the location for the survival match. the three nobles were already there. mc beats the crap out of the two other nobles. mc let evan pass through. mc went back for neria.

11 mc and neria became students. there's a new group. neria, group b, gets separated from mc. mc is in group d. the elven princess tirasu is in the group, she became the leader. evan is in group a.

12 mc gets to know a bit about the elven customs. mc finds his voice with being treated as a slave. even his grouate tarek agrees. mc gets to find out princess tirasu is a elven queen candidate and is in cinflict with another elven queen candidate in group a, where evan is. during class, they are told more about the school custom. students will be pitted vs each other to make perfect soldiers. they are told there will be a 3v3 match within the team. the winners will proceed to the enxt year. mc gets teamed up with the elves. the match is a four legged race. mc gets to find out tirasu is very competitive.

13-14 mc teases tirasu?? their team lose the first lesson. next day, for their lesson, they went to a magical forest. mc gets to team up with tirasu again. he protects her and serves her dilligently. they have a noble with them. unfortunately, while the rest, their noble teammate attacks a dragon hatchling, a youngling of the forest dragon, the very queen of the forest. the queen questions them and asked the perpetrator to be offered. mc stepped up, lied as the perptrator and argued with the queen. the queen understood mc and left them. tirasu finds out mc is a half elf, a curse to the elves.

15 there is clear discrimination between tirasu and mc. elves hates the half elves. mc's side once again lost the challenge. after class, the professor explains to mc the history of elves and half elves. mc says he's trying to keep in check the evil within him. next day, tirasu is ignoring mc. and so a year passed? and it's time for their finals. as mentioned, it will be a 3v3 of the same 6 man team, the winning team will get to become second years. mc go to team up with tarek and tirasu. their final test is ti chase away an eragon bird from a magsnia tree without causing harm nor touching either of them.

16 immediately after the exam starts, the opposing team got disqualified for disregarding the rule. they are then informed that the test goes on and it's possible for no member of a group to pass. tirasu tries leading them, but all her plans fail. mc thinks of an idea.

17 the execute mc's idea of wildfire. it worked. they passed the test. after, princess tirasu invited mc to her room. tirasu told a brief backstory of her and how she came to distrust half elves. mc promises he will do better and choose the right thing. he will not give in to the evil inside him.

18 next year, mc got separated from tirasu and tarek. mc is once again in group d. during the after briefing, mc notices neria is doing well and grouped with tarek. mc is relieved. mc got discriminated by his group since he's a slave but it was less harsher, they elected mc as the group leader and dealt with the organizing stuffs. meanwhile, even though neria got discriminated, tarek is vs discrimination. meanwhile, tirasu and evan are group. evan is getting consumed by his hatred, tirasu calms him. during roll call, mc got reprimanded for not being with the group, despite the group themselves isolating mc. mc feels the problem.

emperor muren, the current emperor and the shai who faced vs secneum
lord gaion , tarek's father, undefeated knight
etramus, genius mage of aruka
khundun, genius mage of aruka
lunadel, the greatest among the greatelven families

harvey, the commoner who killed mc's mother
demon lord secneum, the prophecied demon lord that will appear which cause the three kingdoms to unite as one empire
lugard, divine being, directly connected to secneum but is the opposite

there are three major job classes, dark knights for physicals, black mage for magicians and archers for the bow users. other jobs are derived from these three job classes.
omeru, a magic ore for making advance magic equipments
hilla family, one of the three great elven family
etramia dormitory, the dorm for mc's class
mu empire is orignally three kingdom
lorencia, land of knights
aruka, land of mages
noria, land of elves
shai? the hero, one with great authority??
arkadne, the legendary sword of the hero
eye of luggard, used to seal the pieces of secneum

19 the isolation continues. during a lesson, the magic teachers are away for meet. the lesson is practical for monster subjugation, mc is yet again left on his own. he got exhausted and thrown off a cliff. mc is accepting of his fate but suddenly neria appears. she also fell off the cliff.

20 neria heals mc and comforts him. afterwards, the two medidated to regain their lost mana. mc then gained new insight. he felt more determined and refreshed his talk with neria. after returning back to the others, the professors are tallying the score. tirasu's group got the highest, until mc brought his share. supposedly, mc group should have taken first place but mc let neria have the score he got. his teammate git mad at mc, mc stood up and fought back at his teammate.

21 the year continues and mc is still alone. finally the last exam begins. it's a 2 month survival game. 2 weeks past, students are starting to get booted. mc endures.

22 mc tames the monster he has with in the survival test. mc survives the test. he passed. mc is now a third year. mc is teamed up with tirasu and evans. mc is conflicted about it. mc sees neria, she's also a third year now.

23 mc notices neria changed to a beauty. mc is also glad tirasu is the leader. evan on the other hand is still mad at mc. evan tries to compete vs mc during the first day lesson. afterwards, with close to tirasu, it seems evan is jealous of mc?

24 mc and tirasu are enjoying having each others company. evan truly does not like it. next lesson is magics, but the professor is persuading them give up on it, if that is not their forte and instead chose other specialty. they also gets introduced to different jobs and various in betweens/mix. mc gets to demonstrates, it was weak. the teacher says there is something that is blocking his potential. evan gets to demo, it was amazing.

25 mc tries hard practicing magic. he hasn't yet decided what job class he should take. two months kater, their group is sent to a mines. they are to look for a hidden entrance. first one to find it geta a prize. golems were placed as obstacles. things were going great until real monsters appeared. tirasu got surrounded. mc tries helping her but his magic was useless. evan appears and casted his own devastating magic.

26 the three engage vs the monster army. mc tries taking tye boss but got thrown off. evan does the same but met with the same fate. evan and tirasu are out of mana and only mc is the one who have any. mc faces vs the horde. tirasu wants to withdraw with mc, evan held her back. mc is trying to feel his mana. after contemplating, mc felt his mana surging and unleashes his magic. mc defeats the horde and fall to exhaustion. the boss tries taking revenge for hia minions, the teacher appears to handle the rest.

27 tirasu saw the pendant of mc. something one of the magic teacher specifically tood mc not to let tirasu see it. afterward, the headmistress, congratulated the three students, mc tirasu and evan for showing their might vs the monsters. after, they were given 10 points, which will be usable when they're 7th years and they were also given artifacts. it seems there is a backdoor/under the table extracurriculars that evans is getting from the headmistress herself. and then the group are given history books to memorize. the exam will be about the history books. after a monty of studying, the exams happens. mc fails and gets disqualified?

28 on his way back, the escort of mc beat him up and said that they are lower than the slaves of the regas family. when mc returns, he met with silvy and wendy. mc gets mistreated by the master of the regas family for standing up vs evan. even his sisters will be sold off as well to the man, harvey, who killed his mother. mc went to harvey and begged to be the one be taken. harvey made a deal with mc. mc accepts. mc gets worked to great exhaustion and he cannot complain.

29 one night, harvey calls for mc to get beaten. harvey admita he was the one who also killed mc's father and also tortured mc's mother to death. meanwhile, tirasu finds out that evan and the other student in their group schemed to make mc fail. tirasu tells it to the magic professor. tirasu also found out that evan was having a secret meeting with the headmistress and that evan likes her? when mc is getting beaten, the magic professor appears and stops harvey. the magic professor annlinces mc is once again a student and is a higher status to harvey.

30 mc beat the crap out of harvey. before mc could kill harvey, he stops and remembers not to be consumed by the evil within him. mc leaves. harvey laughs at mc but the magic professor overseeing the punishment finishes the deed. the magic professor tells mc about what happened, with the wrong msgic history book given to him and how evan is untouchable since he's protected by someone influential. mc became part of the 16 students as 4th years. there will no longer be any elimination onwards. after, tirasu had  private convo with mc. tirasu reveals mc is part of one of the three great elven family, mc is the half elf son of the elven queen lunadel.

31 tirasu's story is uncertain but she has a hunch that mc is the of kundun and lunadel, two of great legendary names. mc gets to find out that evan is actually mc's half brother if what tirasu said is true. after, evan tries approaching tirasu. evan and tirasu are next door neighbors. tirasu shuns him. evan then approaches mc. mc announces his freedom from the regas family as well as his sisters. mc also tells his great scorn on evan. evan challenges mc. mc accepts it but it should be on the right moment. later on, mc meets his next door neighbor, it neria. mc asks neria to teach him about history. neria immediately accepts.

32 more history. the heroes faced vs secneum and sunder the demonlord to three pieces. two were sealed while another they were unable. khundun sacrificed himself to seal the moving part of secneum.

33 the secneum part took over khundun, the other heroea fight vs khundun. etramus also sacrificed himself to finally seal the last secneum part. back to the present, evan made more deal with the headmistress to gain power. tirasu placed a bug on evan. she found out. tirasu confronts evan. evan confesses he's afraid of mc and only want to save his father, khundun. meanwhile, mc is going berserk vs those who misuse their authority. his father did not die for them.

34 mc is mad at everyone. mc hates everything that have happened. meanwhile, neria wants to confess at mc. after, tirasu approaches mc. mc tells his feelings vs the whole world. mc wants to change it. when neria was able to confess to mc. mc rejects it.

35 tirasu confesses to mc?? mc accepts it?? evan saw everything. the class starts with a practical with the swordsman professor. the lesson is to fight vs the professor. points will be given depending on the hit and outcome. many students try but they all fail. mc enters the fray and defeats the professor. he claims he will become the shai and no one could surpass him. this angered evan.

36 evan goes berserk and started using magic. mc and evan was ready to go all out until the headmistress arrives and comatosed the two. mc and evan got reprimanded after a week. tarek confronts mc and told him that neria was ultra worried for mc and she was the one who took care of him. when mc woke up, he shunned neria. at this point, tarek is in love with neria. tarek beats mc for being an idiot and says he never treated the two indifferent but as friends. tarek leaves. at this point, mc also knew what is going on. mc is heading towards his evil side and he does not want neria to be dragged along with him. aftee, the class meets with emperor muren.

professor jerad, swordmanship professor
professor olmu, magic professor
professor sephio, elven professor
kara meria, a priest in the battle mc is first sent to. she protects the slaves

shai means hero king??
vakrima, seasite city
arukina, capital of aruka

37 emperor gave a speech to the class. after mc meets with the emperor.  the emperor decided to take mc as an apprentice to became the shai. evan is also taken as an apprentice. the magic professor sees this. mc is being taught to control his emotion while evan is being taught about hatred. later on, exams arrive. it will be a duo team. and pk is allowed.

38 neria teams up with tirasu. mc and evan are a destined duo. the two have a lot of thing going on by themselves and between them. but before everything, it seems evan had a nice chat with tirasu and mc also had a clean break?? with neria. the test/trial of mercy begins.

39 as the other duos goes on with the test. mc and evan decide to settle things with themselves. meanwhile, neria and tirasu had a girl talk. tirasu revealed she and mc are exes. it seems mc is set on going down a lonely road he had decided. when neria learns the reason, neria cried and even worries more for mc. tirasu is set on evan.

40 mc and evan unleashes the techniques they learned from the emperor. the battle between the two raged on. somehow, the hidden sealed secneum part reacted with the battle of mc and evan. the battle ends with mc winning. evan asked to be killed. mc then reveals the truth about him being evan's actual half brother.

41 a backstory of kundun's his political marriage. lunadel's devotion and sacrifics to kundun. the love of kundun and lundel. kundun's infidelity, the existence of evanarus/evan and abandonment.

42 end of backstoey with muren trying to help lunadel. back to the battle of the brothers. evan realizes it was mc who caused his mother's grief and vows to kill mc. evan powers up and corners mc. mc lets himself get swept and be in evan's mercy. evan begins to understand. evan stops himself. after, the class meet up and shows tally. many students got zero score or deductions.and neria gained points. she leads the score closer to become shai.

43 the headmistress contragulates everyone for passing and announces they will be soon dispatched for war but before that will be a vacation and banquet. there will also a a dance. tarek asked neria, she accepted. evan asker tirasu, she also accepted. mc does not feel too good.

44 mc felt lonely?? tirasu and evan entered the same carriage. tarek and neria entered the another carriage. tarek and neria are enjoying their time, tarek is falling harder. tirasu and evan talked about the power given to him by the mistress. evan tells the truth of his power to have come from secneum, the demon lord, but only a portion. after, they arrive in a certain tiwn to take rest. mc notices the other girls. he feels lonely??

45 tarek and neria becomes closer? tirasu gets to understand evan a bit better. mc is still lonely? although mc gained a new friend, whenever he sees the othee happy, mc is feeling something discomforting. during the ball, mc saw the others. he can't help himself but shake.

46 mc is feeling weird. mc indulges himself with alcohol. meanwhile, the magic professor stalks the headmistress. they are plotting something. meanwhile, mc got wasted. tirasu comes to his aid. evan can't take it and had himself carry mc back to his room. in his drunken state, mc speaks that he loves neria. evan hears it. on a side note, although tarek confesses to neria. neria's feeling is still with mc. and the real and onky reason that she accepted to be with tarek is because tarek asked her. it's also the same with tirasu, although she is slowly drifting away from mc.

47 after the ball, the magic professor investigated further the plot of the headmistress. the students are also going to be dispatched. they are divided in two, mc gets to team up with everyone except for tarek. but before they go, professor olmu warns tarek? to be cautious. after parting with the other group, they head out. after getting brief, the teams are split to duo. mc and neria gets team up, evan and tirasu are paired and then the rest. they are given their own platoon.

48 mc is met with a problem. they are ordered to save 100 capable men but is told to forget 500 slaves. meanwhile in the slave encampment, a priest, kara is protecting them using her barrier magic. it was broken after a week long of putting it up and the boss finally attacking it. but before the monster could breach, mc and his platoon comes to their aid. the officer and professor sees their heroics as insubordination.

49 as mc's team fight for the slaves, the main mission is going grim. the 100 men in the castle are in dire state. mc secures victory for the slave rescue. mc encourage the slaves to fight wity them. with the main mission falling apart. mc's team arrive along with the slaves they rescued, they join the battle.

50 the professor gets ready to face the boss. mc and evan get sent to infiltrate the enemy line and go for the aid of the mission objective. with the rescued priest, the combatants get buffed. mc and evans faces the real boss. they got defeated at first but evans unleashes his demonic power and freed them. mc saw the opportunity and help slay the real boss. meanwhile, neria gets to learn greater healing magic from the priest. afterward, they won the battle. the priest, kara meria became the new lady of the domain. kara gave the slaves right to carry weapons to protect their home, and get education to get better. after, kara thanked mc and neria. the professors acknowledges mc? (end of season1)

kaiphis, a commander of the demon army
kuzen, admi  of the tower of desire
aruin, the elven student that is a rival of tirasu to the rlven queen candidacy

teritia, a strategic location for trades and commerce of the three kingdoms
exyphias, monsters that can change the heart of people
tower of desire, tax area, a preschool counterpart of excanum
in the tower of desire, the higher up classes grades the lower classes.
professor olmu's real name is retinan azbaran

51 mc gets reprimanded for disobeying order. mc is conflicted about his morals and duty. the are yet again divided in groups. they are to defend three strategic locations. mc along with neria and profssor jerod successfully defended a base. when they meet with the people inside, they are told there was a slave rebellion that happened i side the inner base. mc wants to side with the slaves. professor jerod asks to speak with the slaves. mc is noticing something is amiss, including the weak monsters that besieged the base.

52 the enemy is one who can bring out the evil within people. mc is easily susceptible. the people seemed different. the slaves they saw have a sob story of being mistreated, mc gets mad. jerod tries speaking witht he lord of the base but they were denied. mc gets rowdy, neria tries stopping him. the lord argues with mc in a calm and logical manner. even neria cannot deny them. the lord wants to have a dialogue with the slaves. before the dialogues even began, the rebellion heats up and attacks the lord.

53 the slaves attacks. mc is conflicted and had to be snapped back to reality. mc is still confused as neria helps mc. neria gets attacked. she fell unconcious. mc learns the truth. the slaves were given rights but they became greedy. mc knows what to do. mc faces the slaves.

54 (shits like a scene from the frozen throne, the fall of the paladin arthas) mc is killing the slaves he vows to have the world changed for. suddenly they received a message from olmu regarding their real enemy. jerod aids mc and tells the enemy is kaiphis, a demon commander that can break one's thought. they must find the demon. mc finds a hidden door and enters it.

55 mc gets entangled in a mess as his mind gets corrupted. mc was about to fully give in when neria arrives calling out to mc. mc snaps out and prayed to be save by neria. neria does everything to get mc out until finally, mc gets released. mc hugs neria and asks to help him. neria accepts him??

56 mc realizes neria's place. mc stands up and separated neria from the fight to commence. mc faces vs kaiphis. mc gains new power from within him. arkadne, the sword chose mc as it new owner? mc defeats the demon commander. after, mc reunites with neria and confesses his love for her? with a kiss.

57 after, the battle gets settled. mc defeats a demon general, professor jerod acknowledges mc and neria as heroes. as they return, mc and neria had a wholesome convo. they met with the rest of their team. they got congatulated for defeating a demon commander. after, the rest if their team notices mc and neria becoming closer. evan once again ask tirasu. tirasu rejects evan, evan had just made too may mistakes for her to accept him. meanwhile, as neria rest, mc tells her he'll be meeting his real mother in a few days.

58 mc's whole team are moving none stop for two weeks since they are getting attacked by enemies. they were granted permission to rest in the tower of desire. they are welcome to rest but they have to follow the rules of the place. harsh discrimination vs slave is visibly clear and nobles are very well off treated. evan, tirasu as well another elf are graduates of the tower of desire. they also got to find out about the reason how the barrier surrounding the place is permanent erect. kid labor were used to keep it up.

59 after lunch, olmu appears before mc and neria and told a bit about the tower of desire. the slave kids after graduating will get executed. everything happening with them were only an experiment. they had a convo regarding the slaves mentality. olmu also mentioned that this was all designed by the emperor himself. meanwhile, evan is having a private memorable convo with kuzen. it seems evan did not like what he is remembering.

60 more philosophical convo regarding the mentality of the poor slaves and the rich nobles. evan is escorted to the highest floor of the tower. there is an experimentation of the slave/musril classes graduates. evan finds the slave he himself expelled. meanwhile, mc is conflicted about the truth. olmu hands mc a scroll. the experiment revealed to evan was to make the slaves unable to use magic. it's also revealed that the experimentation has already begun field testing. the scroll mc received also contained the same info. (a noble supremacist shit, the higher up nd nobles wants to make the slaves useless and weak. although the slaves are great in numbers, without magic and with the inability to wield weapon, they will became like livestocks) evan felt the urge to not be swayed by this ideology.

61 evan breaks the chber and killed one of the experiment subject. he is ready to liberate the slaves until mc along with the rest arrive. olmu had kuzan arrested for charges of supporting the secneum army. somehow, evan grew to understand more about himself. later on, the system and admin of the tower of desire were changed. and what happened and info regarding the tower was kept hidden. after, the students on dispatch continues the battle and they head for noria, land of the elves. they experienced war. stronger bonds formed, some lost their lives but they pushed on. until finally they arrived.

62 the elven kingdom is undersiege. the excanum reinforcement arrives. the siege is averted. the kingdom and the queen herself welcomes them. mc saw the queen, she's ill. mc is afraid to reveal to her who he is and how he have lived his entire life as a slave. mc went to neria for comfort. she obliges and assures mc everything will be fine. on a side notw, tirasu find out about the disappearance of the other group. during a dinner banquet prepared for them, as the elven queen does her remarkable speech about life, mc take the stand and ask about half elves. he introduced himself as a half elf and a slave.

63 the elven queen is compassionate about tge half elves. tirasu wanted to introduce mc who he really is. mc interrupts and lies. those who know were shock. neria cried. the queen leaves after. after dinner, tirasu and evan reprimands mc. mc says it's better to just be known as himself without anything else. aside, mc is too worried for the elven queen's health that if she finds out, her health might worsen. afterward, the excanum forces have to leave. the queen parted them with her blessing/buff. mc had a brief convo with the queen. after, mc felt more refreshed. neria notices mc's smile.

64 tarek and the elven aruin are fighting the secneum. they are thrown off a cliff. tarek takes care of aruin. they somehow have a stronger bond. tarek saved aruin 3 times already. aruin is indebted to him.

65 after resting for a night, the next day they set out to lool for their unit and to find a way to go back to the kingdom they are set to. they then face another horde. aruin pays back the debt he has from tarek. after winning vs a horde, they rested. during their rest, their emotions took over them. next day, when they got back to their unit, tarek immediately says aruin is now his love one.

66 mc's side. olmu teaches mc a bit about leadership and politics before revealing himself as a spy from the rebellion and his mission is to look after the emperor. he wants revenge for his family vs the man who killed them. on tarek's side. the enemy are pouring everywhere, they suddenly heard news the secneum seal has already been infiltrated. the excamum forces went to the seal. the headmistress and the professors betrayed the students. the students get murdered. the head mistresss wants tarek's blood, the blood of the legendary hero. as there are only two survivors left, tarek and aruin, tarek unleashes his power, the berserker state??

67 the headmistress reveals to tarek and aruin she is serving the enemy, secneum. the headmistress overpowers them. aruin casted a gate spell but only one of them can pss through. aruin throws tarek to the portal gate before it closed. meanwhile, olmu reveals it was the emperor muren who supposedly destroyed one of the eye of luggard seal and the one who massacred the family and people who is guarding it. olmu is the sole survivor? and the leader of the rebellion is gaion himself? a friend of the emperor and the one who found out the emperor is as much of a danger as the secneum. some men found tarek's unconcious body. they take him to his father, lord gaion.

68 olmu reveald to mc about his family and how the emperor was much like mc, a slave and a half elf and how the emperor betrayed the heroes and made the sacrifice of mc's father unnecessary. the reason is yet to be found out by olmu, as one of his ibjective of being a spy. olmu also states that the emperor is the one teaching the two sons of the heroes in his own way. after, olmu says he will be leaving excanum, the shai, who he believes mc is, must do everything on his own. later on, mc's group met up with the headmistress, she announces the defeat of the other group and it was by the secneum. the surviving students passed their trial. meanwhile, tarek is with his father. they are marching onward to the emperor.

69 the emperor desteoys the prophet tree? the excanum students mourned the death of their friends. after, the students and professor are having a meet regarding the fall of aruka and how the other kingdoms will fare. meanwhile, evan will be having a last private lesson with the headmistress. she is deceiving evans by making him acquire more secneum power in irder to save his father, khundun. later on, mc met with evan as he take a bath. they had philosophical convo about the destinies privileged and the unprivileged and how justice and heroism is something not born with but something made along the path. while evan wants to reject mc as someone on his level, mc wants to acknowledge and grow strong with evan.

70 a brief convo of muren and the headmistress. it was the headmistress's plot to have mc fight kaiphis but she did not account that mc would kill kaiphis. muren orders her to have everyone else killed except for mc and evan. as mc fetch neria to have breakfast with him, the headmistress carries out her order. she starts killing the students. mc prepares to engage vs the headmistress. tirasu and her friend, yans, appear. the headmistress incapacitate?kill? tirasu. evan appears and readies to engags vs the headmistress. the headmistress prepares to fight the shai candidates. a brief backstory of the headmistress, how she was a student of the excanum, how she hunger for power but had no desire for it, how being a protector of the eye of luggard led her to become a follower of secneum, how the emperor gave her amnesty despite being a follower of secneum and how the headmistress/kadiya applied to the excanum and became the headmistress.

71 evan shots magic vs kadiya. kadiya dodges, the magic went to mc. mc's sword, arkadne, absorbs the magic. mc found out it was secneum, evil, mc must not absorb much of it. they take the battle outside the school building. neria and yans tries helping. evan got taken out. mc absorbed more secneum and collapsed. kadiya proceeds with her order as she target the other support. as kadiya prepares to attack neria, tarek appears for round 2.

72 in mc's thought, as he faced secneum another light appears, it was luggard. it gave renewed hope to mc. mc woke up. neria is by his side. mc recovers as well evan. they joined with tarek as well yans, to finally defeat kadiya.

73 the emperor muren marches onward to excanum. mc briefs with tarek. neria and yans tries healing tirasu. evan tries helping. tirasu recovers. suddenly, secneum hordes attacks the campus. as the students readies, gaion arrives as reinforcement. he bears the news that the emperor muren have already infiltrated the campus. mc and the others tries going to evan's whereabout. they found evan with muren. evan followed muren so as not to put his friends in danger. gaion steps up.

74 emperor muren vs gaion. a brief backstory of how muren just played along as someone inferior to his former allies as he himself gain strength. although the fight seemed at equal footing, muren suddenly let go of his sword, caught the strike of gaion and easily overpowered the berserker. muren defeats gaion. muren and evan leavea through a portal.

75 despite mc calling for evan. evan rejects him and went with muren. tirasu wakes u. neria tells hee that evan saved her. there was a meeting with the weakened gaion leading. he appoints mc to lead the battle vs muren. mc is hesitant. everyone around mc kneeled and begged for mc. mc accepts and becomes the rebel king. they head out to laurensia, the whereabouts of the seal of secneum's part that was placed in khundun. mc leads them. muren and evan begins the breaking of the seal.

76 in the secneum seal room, evan's grandfather became a sacrifice. blood is needed to break the seal. along side evan's blood, the seal broke. the secneum possesed khundun broke free. the laurensia castle with its citizens and guards unaware are protected by the secneum monster horde. the emperor orders the citizen to attack those who seek to attack the castle. they do not fight vs the monsters. meanwhile, muren pledges his allegiance to the unsealed secneum. they planned on making evan the new host body. as evan lose hope, khundun suddenly regain consciousness, partially, he attack himself. as mc and the excanum forces arrive, evan got possessed by the secneum.

nuga/lugan/nugal, the half elf that became the reason for the mistreatment of the other half elves. the half elf elven king who gave in to corruption

77 secneum possessed evan's body. evan's conciousness is put into a dream. meanwhile, the battle outside the laurensia castle rages on. a strong secneum monster appears and engages vs mc. mc get overpowered. olmu appears and saves mc. the secret organization lead by olmu arrives to reinforce the excanum forces. olmu tells the opponent mc is facing is nuga, a half elf and once the king of the elves. olmu also says it was nuga who was the main reason why half elves are mistreated harshly by the elves. olmu gives mc a dragon to ride. olmu and his firces will deal vs nuga, while mc will head directly to muren. as muren leads the possessed evan, now secneum, the emperor sealed the evil god. muren plans on sealing both secneum and also luggard.

78 as the battle vs niga rages on, nuga overpowers the secret organization. meanwhile, mc infiltrates laurensia castle. mc finds no guards or anyone to meet him. suddenly, muren attacks mc. mc tries fighting back but was easily defeated. mc woke up to be in the same pedestal that evan was. mc and muren had a philosophical convo about the triviality of life. after sacrificing a few more people, muren was able to summon luggard. they have him in chains. muren tries killing luggard but it was ineffective. muren then had the other eyes of luggard place before him. muren plans on breaking the seals. with evan and secneum as one, mc will be one with luggard. after, muren plans on making the gods his puppets.

79 a brief backstory, when muren fought vs secneum, muren saw the architect, the one who made everything. he requested for a world without god. the architect grants his desire. he gained the knowledge to control the gods. meanwhile, mc gets sent to a dream. mc meets with luggard. they had a religious existential convo. at the same time, evan also had the same convo with secneum. unfortunately, it ended differently. luggard agrees with muren, a world without god, while secneum wants muren to make a new world, while being reincarnated in the never ending cycle?? although hesitant, mc obliged. mc gets to face architect. after, mc breaks from his seal. he states that the gods are dead.

80 muren laughs as he states his wish came true while claiming himself to be the strongest. but when muren tries using his magic, it diminished to nothing. it was the same thing with what was haopening in the raging battle outside. mana have completely vanished. olmu immediately knew that the gods are dead. as the battle raged on, reinforcements arrived, from the elves as well the other kingdom, the secneum army gets defeated?? meanwhile inside, as muren overpowers mc, evan comes to mc's aid. despite magic vanishing, mc was able to conjure magic. muren is defeated. 2 years passed. evan became the new emperor, he abolished slavery. tarek still yearns for aruin. tirasu went to visit mc. mc is living with neria along with their children??? they are living a simple life.

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