Wednesday, May 29, 2024

777 Harem (manga until chapter 12.1) °

@yuki kakeru, mc
@forteis, knight guard of the mercury kingdom
@helene, princess of the mercury kingdom
@iris teresia mercury, little sister of princess helene, in charge of enforcing law in the town of roizen
@salamas, a merchant and a manager of a trading company
@miu mi myu, beast maid that mc acquires from salamas
@kefka almosso, a government official who made a deal with criminals to smuggle copper supplies.
@elenoar, demon sword wielded by the barbarian king. cursed sword of the supreme ruler, rodotos. she is now owned by mc. she turned into a little lady when mc went to the lottery room
@io acos, c rank adventurer, a novice wizard
@alexis, a rank adventurer, ace of the roizen branch adventurer guild
@delfina homer lamanry, the merchant that helene introduced to mc
@nana kanou, barbarian queen
@mari, the little sister fiona. server and cook in a diner in roizen town
@fiona, a server in a diner in roizen town

#mercury kingdom
#lottery room, the place where mc entered when he won the secret grand price. mc got his abilities here and it's here mc is able to use the lottery tickets he get. they a promo of 10+1
#lottery ticket, acquired by doing great deeds and acquiring achievements, they can also be acquired by having a transaction with a substational amount of money involved.
#roizen town
#euboi, frontline fort vs the barbarians

1 mc tries a loterry. mc won a secret grand prize. mc saw a man who also wonthe secret grand prize. the man got tentacle powers and is isekai'd. mc's turn to get isekai'd. mc gets to roll for his power up. mc can re-roll as many times until mc git the power that he wants. mc acquires the x777 all abilities. before mc gets isekai'd, mc is told that mc can immediately return if he truly wish to return but after mc can no longer get back to the isekai world. mc gets isekai'd. mc faces a bull monster. with mc's x777 ability, mc easily beats the bull monster. mc hears a scream. mc went to the location to find a group of guards, a carriage and more bull monsters. mc aids the group and beat the bull monsters. after, the knight greets mc and thanks him for saving them. then a princess, helene, came out of the carriage and thanked mc. mc is given a fan as a token from helene. mc just need to give the fan to a royal guard and the guards will already know what to do. princess helene had to take care of his business and so they parted ways with mc. mc is left with the bull monster's body. a merchant, salamas and a group of adventurers suddenly arrived. they greet mc. salamas wants to buy the body of the bull monsters, mc lets them. mc went with them to get his prize. mc is given a lot of money. mc sees a piece of paper and asks salamas what the paper was. salamas says he don't know and he can't see any paper that mc sees. mc hides it and has a hunch it has somrthing to do with the lottery thst isekai'd him. mc sees a beast maid working for salamas. mc gets charmed and unknowingly flashed the fan given to him by princess helene. salamas sees the fan. it's fan given to most trusted person by the royal highness. salamas felt the need to serve mc. mc accepts the offer. mc wants to get a house and a maid, the beast maid. mc went to the mansion he bought along with the beast maid he got. the maid's name is miu mi myu. mc wants to pet miu.

2 mc pets miu. after, mc entrust the mansion to miu and even promises to give her money to help with the mansion. miu gets surprised and asked if mc is sure. mc reassures her. miu obliged. after, mc takes a bath. miu wants to take care of mc. mc lets her. mc feels something urging him to something. suddenly, they got attacked by a ghost. the mansion mc got is a haunted mansion. mc readies up to exterminate the ghost that attacked them. miu is scared. mc reassures her by telling her he'll protect her. they explore the mansion. the ghost uses ice magic. mc carries miu to protect her. suddenly, mc gets hit. miu was worried. mc goes dying will from hitman reborn. mc finds the source of the attack. mc finds the ghost and beat it. mc gets another paper. after, mc couldn't himself back anymore. miu reciprocates. the master and maid did an intimate thing. after, mc checks the papers he keep getting. mc now have two papers. mc realizes they are lottery tickets. mc remembers the room he went to before getting isekai'd. mc think it hard and a door appears.

3 mc enters the door and arrived at the lottery room once again. mc meets with the jester in charge. mc will acquire random items to help him if he uses his tickets. there is also a promotional 10 pulls plus 1. mc tells the jester he'll come back later once he get more tickets. mc returns to the isekai world. mc and miu goes out to eat. miu is more grateful for letting her eat delicious food and for her to eat with mc. mc reassures her. miu is even more grateful. after, the server went to mc to chat for a bit. the server then tell mc that mc should've brought smaller bills next time they pay since there's a shortage of smaller bills. mc paid with a silver coin and the total amounts only to a few copper. there is a shortage in the supply of copper. suddenly, mc overhears a convo, only mc hears it because of his x777 ability. mc leavea with miu. the convo is from a mansion outside the diner. the convo is about hording coppers and doubling it's price. mc wants miu to alert the police. suddenly, a noble man appears, kefka almosso. mc tells them of the plot inside the government office. kefka sees the royal fan given to mc. kefka had mc arrested. kefka is a government with connections to the criminals. kefka orders to get mc killed. mc goes dying will hitman reborn. mc takes miu to a safe place. mc then goes on a rampage. mc vs kefka. kefka launches fire magic on mc. mc takes it. the fire magic gets negated thanks to mc's magic resistance x777. mc uses ice magic he acquired from the mansion ghost. mc beats kefka and also went overboard into freezing the whole government office of kefka. mc acquires a lottery ticket.

4 few days later, mc gets a summon from the royal princess, helene. mc goes to kefka's office. the office is still frozen. mc meets with princess helene. helene's sister, iris, greets mc. it wad actually iris who wants to meet mc. she wants to her what happened from mc. after mc's report, the iris tells that the incident with the copper smuggling have happened multiple tines in the past. mc then suggests of making paper money with the royal crest as new currency. one of the royal subordinate is againsr tge suggestion. iris finds mc's idea to be a dependable, economic-wise. iris will take mc's idea to consideration. after, the two siblings asks mc for an escort quest. mc will be a body guard to princess helene. they went to the frontier fort, euboi. when they got there, they receive reports of strange happening in the war vs the barbarians. mc asks if things will be resolve if in case mc joins the game. without hearing the answer from the royal siblings, mc takes up a single sword and heads for the war. suddenly, the barbarian appears are running for fear towards the garrison. they seek refuge. they then find the cause of panic, the barbarian king is going on a rampage, it is due to the cursed sword, elenoar, he is holding. mc vs barbarian king. mc's sword broke. mc deals with the enrage barbarian king only with the blade of his broken sword. mc win. the cursed sword flies towards the ground in front of princess helene. helene gets possessed, she now holds the cursed sword, elenoar.

5 possessed helene summons undead skeletons. mc takes care of the skeleton. helene goes on a rampage. helene then targets iris. princess helene utters words to mc. she's seeking help to kill her. mc hears it. mc gets a sword and then goes super saiyan trunks. mc attacks the sword princess helene is holding. mc saves helene. the cursed sword, elenoar, gets impaled to the ground. there are still a lot of the undead skeletons. mc notices the sword, elenoar. elenoar starts enticing mc. mc wields the swords. elenoar can't possess mc. mc attacks the undead skeleton with elenoar. mc defeats all the undead skeleton. princess helene then gains conciousness and immediately went to mc. she wants to be with mc. elenoar mentions a side effect of being possessed by the demon sword, sexual urges. if the urges can't get satisfied, the affected will die. mc tells the soldiers and iris, that he'll take care of princess helene.

6 mc went back to his mansion and satisfied princess helene's urges. after, mc finally acquires a number of lottery tickets tonget the 10+1 bonus. mc heads to the lottery room. when mc got there, both the jester and mc was surprised to find a little lady beside mc. the littly lady is elenoar, she reverted back to his human form. she started attacking mc. it was ineffective. mc then places the lottery. mc got a white stone that can heal, then some black stone that can use attack magics. mc lets elenoar takes the last pull. elenoar wins an unlimeted teleport feather, warp feather. mc thanks elenoar. the two leaves the lottery room. elenoar becomes a sword again. mc meets with miu and helene. helene wishes to go back to fort eubio. mc takes helene back to fort eubio with the warp feather. iris welcome them. princess helene reunites with iris. mc bids the royalties farewell. but before mc leave, princess helene tells it will take time before she gets by mc's side. mc says he'll be waiting for her.

7 as per salamas's request, mc joins a subjugation quest from the adventurers guild. he has his sword, elenoar, with him. mc gets acquainted with io acos, a c rank adventurer novice wizard. the quest is lead by alexis an a rank adventurer. they will be dealing with monsters guarding a cave and afterward will be sealing the cave. this is to prevent a stampede. alexis then place the attention to mc by mentioning that mc is a nobody and will just break out the flow of the group. mc let it be. the group easily manages a wave of monsters. mc is impressed. mc also asked elenoar about the monsters they are facing, they were undead skeletons that same elenoar summoned. mc asks if elenoar can control the monsters, elenoar says she can't. suddenly, a earthquake happens. a giant orc appears and crushed the adventurers group vanguards. elenoar says the orc, sandros, is her subordinate. elenoar ordered sandros to kill mc. instead, sandros is mad vs elenoar. sandros goes on a rampage. the group were about to get crushed until mc stepped in. mc faces sandros.

8 mc rushes to sandros. the other adventurers tries joining. the adventurers are just getting in mc's way. io casts lightning on sandros, it was effective. mc went to io and ask her help get the adventurers out of combat. io wants to help but she wants mc to do the evacuation while io faces sandros. mc obliges. io gives mc time for the evacuation. their plan is working until io gets hit. io is about to die then mc arrives and use the white stone in io. the adventurers are now evacuated. mc starts the clean up. io gets up and wants to help mc. mc accepts. mc wants io, on his signal, to cast the strongest lightning magic in him. io follows. mc goes bankai with elenoar. io cast lightning on mc. mc catches the lightning spell with elenoar. mc slices sandros. mc win. io falls hard for mc. mc acquires lottery tickets.

9 mc and io went out on a mining trip. io is in seventh heaven because gets to adventure with mc and she could show off to mc her magic. until, mc showed a better version of magic to io. io asks mc how he learned lightning magic. mc answers when io hit mc with lightning magic, mc is able to use lightning magic. mc and io continues mining for orichdite. after mc and io teleports to the royal palace. io was surprise. mc is then greeted with a hug by princess helene. io gets surprised. mc then tells helene where they went adventuring. helene immediately understood what mc need, a connection to a merchant able to buy mc's gathered material. io's heart gets crushed. not only does mc and helene are in a relationship, helene understood mc way better. helene notices io's sadness. helene whispers something to mc. after the trip to the palace, mc wants io to tell him whats in her mind. io is reluctant. mc requests to hear it. io wanted to join mc's party but after what happened she is having doubts. she is doubting herself. mc then reassures her she's great. mc also told that alexis is grateful not only to mc but to io as well for the sandros incident. mc teleports io to the adventurers guild and tells her that it was partly her doing that the some of the adventurers were alive in the guild. mc then asks io if she wants to form a party with him. io accepts. mc then kissed her and wants to make love with her. io accepts. next days, a visitor arrive. a beautiful woman, delfina homer lamanry, meets mc. the visitor also gave a gift to miu.

10 delfina is the merchant that helene sent to buy materials mc and io mined. she was doubtful of mc at first but she was a good merchant. her air of doubt and superiority vanished when she tells the sword mc is using is fake. mc lets delfina hold elenoar. delfina gets possessed. mc fixed her up. delfina no longer have doubts with mc. mc wants to stay connected with delfina for business purposes. delfina misunderstood and says she can be mc's woman if mc could rival her fortune. mc let things be and instead of the fortune rivalry, mc asks delfina to stay in his house. with a kiss from mc, delfina obliged. after, mc and elenoar went to the lottery room. there is an event going on. the prizes for the event are loan out skill duration. with loan out, mc can loan to someone else his ability. but while the duration is in effect, mc will go back to normal. mc finds it interesting. mc let elenoar do the gacha. it was all a missed, they only got consolations prizes which can loan skills for 5 minutes. mc went back to the mansion. delfina becomes his accountant? mc asks delfina to buy lands around the mansion for him. after, mc had a giant bath house inside the mansion made. mc had all of his girl take a bath with him. while mc enjoy the bath, mc gets lottery tickets. helene then asks to leave first. she says theres a new attack of the barbarians again and she is needed. a new barbarian queen, nana kanou is leading them. mc is interested with the barbarian queen. meanwhile, elenoar is left in mc's room. suddenly, the defeated ghost in the mansion appears in mc's room. elenoar notices the ghost.

11 mc goes out to eat. its only him and elenoar. mc notices elenoar's different air and attitude but mc let it be. elenoar wants to attack a server. mc stops her. mc meetd the little sister of the server, mari. mari cooks the dishes in the diner. after, mc finishes his meal and was about to pay, the server went to mc and asks for help. mari went missing. mc receives a letter, it was from elenoar. elenoar wants mc to meet her in the mansion. mc and the server teleported to his mansion. mari is in possession of elenoar. elenoar summons the ghost in the mansion. its a 2v1 match. the ghost and elenoars attacks are ineffect against mc.

12.1 mc loans his ability to fiona. its a 2v2 match now. fiona takes care of the vanguard, mc goes for elenoar. mc kisses mari. elenoar gets sent flying off. mari's possession wore off. mc hears elenoars reason for doing the trouble. elenoar feels mc is leaving her out behind. mc reassures her that she is one of the beings she trusts the mosts and he acknowledges all the help she did for him. elenoar will stay by mc's side. after, the two sisters gets reunited. then mari experienced the side effect, fortunately, the side effect of the possession varied for mari. in mari's case, she got very hungry for food. fiona will be treating her. the ghost in the mansion notices the two sisters. the ghost vanished??

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, I Am Dependent On The Heroes (manga until chapter 1)

@accel granz, mc, from dragon knight to carrier class
@miko, shrine maiden who helped mc changed his job class
@beseria, the dragonness partner of mc

#dragon knight's king helmet, an item to change one's class to a dragon knight.
#transporter sack, item box for the carrier class

1 mc went to the temple to change job class. mc gets the lower job class, carrier. mc accepts it. mc did not like fighting, for mc to get a lower job class, it was like a dream come true for him. finally, mc could enjoy peace. mc's skill one is a transporter's sack, something dimensional backpack. mc's stats are irregular, aside his luck being E rank, his other stats appear as filled with errors. before mc leaves, the miko in charge of mc's job.change tells mc she will get it fixed. mc went back home with beseria, mc's dragonness partner. in their travel, mc leveled up as a carrier. mc wants to level up more and so they kept walking. whwn mc and beseria finally arrives, mc gains another level. mc then checks the capacity of his transporter sack. mc tries it water. suddenly, mc receives a sign, mc leveled up to level 30. mc wants to travel. back in the shrine temple for job change, the miko who help mc changed job received a message from the job change god. mc's real stats are revealed. all of his stats are insane, S and SS and his luck stat is not E but EX.

Isekai De Te Ni Ireta Seisan Skill Wa Saikyou Datta You Desu (manga until chapter 16) °

Isekai De Te Ni Ireta Seisan Skill Wa Saikyou Datta You Desu
It Seems the Production Skill Acquired in Another World is the Strongest

@kou kousaka, mc
@chrome, merchant mc found being attacked by an armored bear. head of the scarlet company
@docs, a b rank mercenary, hired by chrome. abandoned his duty when the bear attack. he attacked chrome for reporting them.
@milia, receptionist in the onnen branch adventurers guild, she took care of mc's adventurer registration. she wrote the onnen branch adventurer guild guide booklet. she is secretly onnen branch adventurer guild assistant manager
@gise, instructor in the onnen bramch adventurer guild, he took care of mc's practical exams
@zitan bardan, head chief of the onnen branch adventurers guild
@irisnewt fafnir, dragonfolk tribe adventurer, mc's partner for his first quest. possesses the skill dragon god's shrine maiden which let her use the dragon god's shield.
@ferris, twin sister of irisnewt fafnir. she has the dragon god's shrine maiden skill and premonition
@lerich d'hubert, 3rd son of a duke. an archeologist. expert on ancient civilization. a laboratory of archeology professor. develo a number of daily necessity magic items.

#transferor, summoned beings for other world, mc is a transferor
#creation skills lets user produce item from acquired ingredients. produced item has/have bonus effects
#talent type skills, passives
#inteligence type skills, active
#in the other world, a person can only have three skills at max, and it cannot increase more than than. and no level up exists.
#city of onnen, the first city mc visits. this is where chrome, the merchant, live
#artisan god's eye, a filter vision skill. when user activates this skills, he filters out his vision in order to easily locate certain things
#material transmutation, raise the rank/grade of certain items. a number of an item is required to get a single higher rank/grade of an item.
#underground city no.1, an ancient ruins under the onnen territory. mc is its new owner.
#adventurers guild
#mercenary guild
#helper slime
#glasses slime
#stampede, a phenomenon when a great numbers of monsters starts moving to a one direction

1 mc gets summoned in another world. mc is asked to choose his destiny. mc gets a hidden destiny. mc acquired different skills. mc uses his full assist skill so mc could quickly understand and fully his other skills. mc tries out his storage box, dismantling, and creation. (it's like he's in minecraft with this skills). mc also tested out his dexterity when he threw a wooden axe he made. mc's passive is transferor skill, a bonus to attributes and senses for the summoned people, it's at level 99. mc suddenly hears a scream. mc goes to the location and found a merchant being attack by a bear. mc is hesitant at first but steeled himself to help the merchant. mc easily defeats the bear.

2 the merchant's name is chrome. mc introduced himself as a craftsman. the merchant is in disbelief. the armored bear is an a rank monster and mc easily beats it. chrome suggests mc to go back to the city with him. mc accepted the offer. chrome is in a dilemma that his coachman ran away with the horse. chrome cannot leave the merchandise inside his carriage. mc suggests placing the carriage in his itembox. mc easily did so. chrome gets even more amazed. in order to keep mc's identity and secret hidden, mc lies and tells his a craftsman who trained so hard and for too long in the woods and the mountains so his common sense and power is a bit off. chrome did not question mc. mc inquires a bit of the world from chrome. chrome happily answers mc's questions. mc also found out of the escort of chrome who left him when the bear attacked. mc and chrome arrives in the city of onnen. there they found the mercenaries chrome hired. they were lying to save their face. chrome tells the truth. the mercenary gets arrested. one of the mercenary got loose and attack chrome. mc interferes and knocked the mercenary unconcious with his crafted chair, it has a special effect. mc is called to the knights office to answer some question. chrome backed him up. mc gets released. mc and chrome heads to chrome's mansion. mc gets accomodated and fed. mc plans on leaving and finding a job after. next day, chrome says mc could stay in his mansion for a month. it was his thanks to mc for saving him. mc accepts the offer. after having a meaningful talk, chrome suggests mc to register as an adventurer in the adventurers guild. chrome also advice mc to wear an armor so they wouldn't mistake mc for someone weak. when chrome leave, mc crafted an armor from the defeated armor bear. mc will register as an adventurer.

3 mc went to the adventurers guild. the adventurers are wary of mc. mc hears his nickname, bear killer. mc talks to the receptionist, milia. mc registers and then he takes the practical test. mc aces the test. mc gets an adventurer id card. mc is now a registered adventurer. milia teaches mc about rules and systems in the adventurers guild. milia then hands mc a quest to take. it's a simple gathering quest issued by the pharmacy guild. mc accepts the quest. milia tells mc that adventurers who are taking their quest will be accompanied by a high ranking adventurer. milia looks for an adventurer to partner up with mc.

4 mc gets partnered up with irisnewt fafnir, iris. iris is a dragonfolk tribe adventurer. the duo prepares for the quest. iris guides mc. while preparing, mc gets know that receptionist milia is a very talented person and will soon take up higher management in the onnen branch adventuree guild. mc also find out that the item box for ordinary people are very limited and so the item box skill is considered a failure skill. people would instead use magic pouches to as a sub for the item box skill, pouches also have larger capacity. on the otherhand, mc always tell anyone who asks about his item box that his has unlimited capacity. when the preparation is complete, the duo heads to the quest location. mc uses his item box to gather the herbs. iris is suprised with mc's use of his item box skill. mc then uses his artisan god's eye skill to easily locate the herb they need to gather. after an hour they finish the quest. before they head back, mc inquires iris about dragonfolks. iris thought mc will discriminate her. mc says he envies them for being strong and being long lived. iris took it as a compliment. after, the two returned to the adventurer guild. milia gets surprised at how fast the quest was finished and how great the conditions of the herbs gathered. mc explains how he used his item box to gather the herbs. milia takes the quests items and after verifying them, milia hands mc his rewards. milia also said that if mc's gathering method gets verified, mc will receive more reward. after, mc returned back to chrome's mansion which is also an inn for chrome's employer. mc gets a rest, he is not used to wearing armor and is more comfortable to wearing his own suit. next day, mc gets a subjugation quest. mc's target are wolves. mc heads out to the location but is having a hard time finding the wolves. in the meantime, mc found herb ingredients. using mc's creation skill, mc made a healing potion and an antidote potion, it has greater effect thanks to the creation skill's bonus. soon after, a wolf appears. mc readies for combat.

5 mc beats the first wolf. then appesrs 4 more. mc defests 1 more. mc levels up and gains a new skill, automatic collection, autoloot. mc defeats the wolves and easily collected the materials. suddenly, 4 more wolves appear. mc beats them but the wolves kept coming. in the end, mc got more than 2k amount of wolven corpses in his item box. mc's level also increased by a few. mc decides to rest in a nearby pond. mc finds a duo adventurers, the duo adventurers were tired. mc greet them. the duo informs mc they must get out of the area. a huge black spider is lurking around the area. the spider is supposed to be deeper and further away. the duo mentioned that it was thanks to a dragontribe adventurer, iris, that they got away. mc is concerned for iris. mc asks the duo for direction. the duo tells mc the whereabout of the blackspider. the duo were reluctant to tell mc, but one of them hears the spirits which said it's fine to let mc go. the duo tell mc the direction of the spider and they also tell mc they'll get help. mc heads to the direction of the blackspider. mc arrives to a recently cleared area. a battle had just happened. mc finds iris lying on the ground. mc approaches iris. suddenly, the blackspider emerged from the ground.

6 mc vs spider. the spider has a very hard carapace, mc's attack were in effective. mc gets trap by the spider thread. mc uses his item box to store the spider thread. mc finds the weapon of iris. mc dual wield iris weapon and his sword. mc manages to beat the spider. mc gains level and a new skill, auto mapping. mc can now open a map window. mc uses his potion and antidote to fix iris. iris gets fixed. iris is worried about the spider. mc tells her he dealt with the spider. iris wants to repay mc for saving her. mc just asks her to invite him dinner. iris accepts. iris's trust to mc gets deeper. iris is still exhausted, mc carries her back.

7 mc with an unconcious iris returns to the adventurer guild. the duo adventurers and milia greets mc. mc and milia went to a private room. milia tells mc her secret, she the branch assistant manager to the adventurer guild. milia expresses her gratitude to mc for subjugating the black spider. milia asks the report of what happened. mc reports the lonely wolves. the numbers mc subjugated surprised milia, 2048. milia then ask about iris's poison. milia said, the cure for the black spider poison hasn't yet been invented yet. mc then showed the antidote he made that cure iris's poison. mc will then be reward for his subjugation. milia wants mc to be recognized for his achievement. mc will then be promoted soon. after the meeting, gise invites mc to have dinner. mc obliged. when mc got to the diner, he is greeted by the many adventurers of the city. they toast for mc's heroism. mc got a new nickname, spider killer. iris arrives. the human people are wary of iris being a dragonfolk tribe. mc did not want that. mc went to iris and had the attention to her. mc tells iris is also a hero who in her bravery allowed the duo adventurer escape and also bravely fought a one sided battle vs the black spider. the people in the diner rejoice. 10 days after. mc becomes a d rank from f rank. he needs to do a lot more quests and subjugation to get to c rank. the quest includes city quests. mc's current quest is assisting a diner. mc made an apron from the wolf pelt he has. it granted mc bonus to cooking and dish cleaning. mc did his job remarkably. mc's next quest is city renovation. mc helped with moving materials using his item box. mc finishes his quest and then went back to the adventurer guild to report. afterwsrf, dinner with iris. iris has been inviting mc for dinner everyday. during dinner, the two chat. iris reveals she went to onnen to find an underground city. iris is looking for ruins of ancient civilization.

8 mc seems interested. mc open his map skill. iris notices it. mc tries locating an underground city. the map showed an entrance to an underground city. the two decided to investigate the next day. next day, iris and mc went to the location. they found a suspicious rock. mc can't lift it. iris suggested to mc to place the rock in his item box. mc did so. when the rock disappeared, a door is uncovered behind it. iris immediately knew the door is made of a special material, orichalcum. mc reads a description on the door. suddenly mc gets a status window that says the ownership of the underground city will be transferred to mc after a trial. suddenly, an orichalcum golem appears behind them. the golem suddenly attack with laser. mc suddenly realized the laser is magic. mc's black spider gauntlets has magic absoprtion bonus. mc will tank and aggro the golem while iris go for the offense. they innitiate the clash. iris's attack left an opening for mc. mc deals the final blow. mc levels up and acquires the ownership of the underground city. iris's feelings towards mc becomes deeper. mc opens the door. the duo heads inside.

9 while the two explored, iris asks if in case mc is a transferor. as iris explains, a person with many skills and are not from the land they are in. in iris understanding, mc is a foreigner from another continent. mc confirms it and ask iris if she could keep it to herself. after a while, the two arrived in a open area with a sky above their head. the two encounters a slime. the slime introduced himself not an enemy but a helper slime. suddenly, more slimes appear. they are caretakers of the underground city no. 0. they called mc their master. after a bit of explanation, mc's status window pop up, mc's creation skill got updated. mc can now do city building with his creation magic. mc makes a house out of nothing. mc gets a new system of city building added to him. the slimes are amazed at mc. beforr they could further develop a city in city zero, mc had to first report their discovery to the adventurer guild. the two leaves city zero and went back to the adventurer guild. they came looking for milia. milia is out for a meeting. mc reports their finding to the current receptionist. it turned out to be a great discovery. the receptionist immediately scheduled the two a meeting with a superior. the two had a lunch while waiting for meeting. the bond of the two slightly deepened. after a while, a noble meet up with the two. he introduced himself as lerich d'hubert, a 3rd son of a duke and an archeologist. lerich wants to hear the city zero discovery.

10 mc and iris takes lerich to the city zero. lerich find out mc is the master of zero city. the three head inside the house mc built in city zero. lerich discusses the ancient civilization. mc thinks that the ancient civilization is very much like earth, the place he was originally in. the discussion goes on that the ancient civilization disappeared after a great calamity appears and wreck havoc. the calamity then after takes a long slumber. the recent appearing of high rank monsters and their increase in numbers might be the cause of the calamity awakening. lerich asks mc to build structures in city zero in order to make it an evacuation area in case the calamity appears and also for lerich to do his research. mc obliges. mc quickly made a village. iris almost slipped and mentioned mc is a transferor. lerich went to the house to investigate. the slimes furnishes the inside of the houses. after the building are complete, lerich says he will report his investigation to the king. lerich is actually a top notch professor. suddenly, an earthquake happened in city zero. the slime asks mc to follow. they all it. they found a giant black door.

11 the trio touches the door. they got ported to a deep part of city zero. a glasses slime appears and tells them that was the place they were monitoring the calamities. there is also one calamity sealed within the onnen territor. the glasses slime says that there were more than one calamity. they were all surprised and  worried. the glasses slime tells them that the one sealed in the onnen territory is a black dragon and within 10 days it will break free. they were then lead to a projection room where they saw what the black dragon did in the past. it was terrifying. lerich suggests they head back to onnen city and have the people evacuate to city zero. they all head to the onnen adventurer guild. milia greets them and congratulated them with the underground city discovery. unfortunstely, they cannoy rejoice since a stampede is about to happen and its direction is onnen city. milia asks mc if the city zero is a good place for the onnen citizen evacuate. mc tells them that was plan all along. the adventurers guild gets evacuated first. the adventurers tells mc that they will do their best to help with the evacuation of onnen citizens. suddenly, glasses slime appears and reports to mc a stampede is having and the magicule in the north are acting up. glasses slime says the black dragon calamity is awakening sooner than they expected.

12 mc takes milia and zitan to the projection room. they watch the video of how the black dragon terrorized humanity. glasses slime says the stampede will happen by the next day. zitan says they will make haste of the onnen citizen evacuation. glasses slime then takes mc to a different area of city zero. mc is shown three doors. each door specifically opens only to the jobclass was asked to select when mc first gets isekai'd. since mention didn't choose any of the jobclass, mc gets to open all doors. on the first door, mc gets gram, dragon slayer magic sword. it was first broken but mc used his creation skill to fixed it and added other bonus effects. gram is very effective vs thr black dragon. next door, mc gets a tank vehicle that looked like in the "ghost in the shell franchise." mc remade it to an ai robot golem, namely destroyer golem. it will be used vs the stampede. and theblast door contains the broken dragon god shield. mc tries fixing it but he wasn't able to. glasses slime says he needs a special gem found in the dragont tribe in order for shield to be fixed. afterward, glasses slimr gave mc a charm spell. a spirit will come when mc need help. after, mc discusses with iris what happened in the evacuation. iris says it was going well. mc then mentions to iris the treasures he got. iris says the main reason why iris is looking for underground cities and ancient civilization is to find the dragon god shield. mc wants to give irid the broken shield. iris wants mc to fix it. mc mentions he can't and he need a special jewel to fix it. iris then gives mc the special jewel to fix the shield. iris says their dragon tribe has a special treatment for transferor like mc. mc fixes the shield. mc then says he can't use the shield since it has a specific jobclass requirement. iris says her class is that.

13 mc is in his room. mc ponders that everything seemed odd that everything that happened is leading to his success. milia knocks on mc room. she wants to have a convo with mc. the next day, mc and iris will face the black dragon alone. milia gives mc a ring to protect mc. suddenly, mc gains a new skill, material transmutation. milia is surprised when mc said so. milia then felt she has fulfilled one of her mission of bring the ring, a family heirloom, to mc. next day, mc tests out his new skill, mc made himself a new armor set. mc then meet with the evacuated citizens. mc greets them. the citizen who realized who mc was rejoice and applauded mc. suddenly, milia apoears and report that the stampede has begun and currently 70% of the onnen citizen have evacuated. milia tasks mc to go face the stampede. mc and iris heads out. mc then summon his destroyer golem to aid them vs the stampede. the stampede appears in the horizon. mc orders his destroyer golem to initiate.

14 the golem destroyed a portion of the monsters before it went to cooldown. mc and iris will go for the attack. the two had a competition of who takes out more enemies will be treated by the loser to a dinner. the duo goes rampaging. afterward, mc sword, gram, notices the awakening of the black dragon. the gram gives mc an additional bonus. mc went to iris and told her the dragon has awakened. the destroyer golem will take care of the stampede while the duo will face the black dragon. the duo heads to the dragon. mc and iris comes face to face with the dragon. the two readies for the battle.

15 mc goes for the offense while iris is the shielder. mc and iris vs the "extremely weakened" black dragon calamity. the dragon unleashes a mana drain field. mc uses getsuga tenshou with mana all in vs the dragon. the dragon gets hit. the dragon retaliate with dragon fire. iris makes a barrier to shield them. it broke. suddenly, the ring milia gifted mc activates. mc's mana goes max plus beyond. mc unleashed a barrage of getsuga tenshou. the dragon's head gets cut off. mc defeated the dragon. they won vs the calamity.

16 days later, the onnen city celebrate the victory vs the calamity. mc gets a new nicknsme, dragon killer. after, mc meets chrome again. chrome acts like a philosophical teacher to mc. days laters, mc and iris goes out on a date. mc says she saw milia leaving town. she was summoned to the capital to receive an award for the guild stopping the calamity. the duo would also be awarded after. the two discussed about the other calamities that may awaken. mc mentions he gains a new skill, calamity summon. he can now summon the black dragon. when the other calamity awaken, they will be ready for them. then iris tells mc a bit of her story. of her having a twin sister, ferris, who is also has a dragon god's shrine maiden skill. her sister was killed when the temple was attacked by monsters. as a dragon god's shrine maiden, iris went on the journey to find a transferor and the dragon god's shield. now that she accomplished her mission is done. iris did not yet want to go back to her hometown. mc plans on going on a journey. iris wants to come with mc. after their date, the bond of the two deepened.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

My Daughter is the Final Boss (manwha until chapter 63, season 1) °

@seol-ah, mc's daughter, the final boss
@lee seojoon, mc
@yu/yoo eunhye/eunhae, seol-ah's mother, mc's ex-girlfriend
@kang cheol-ee, the greatest smithy before regression
@granpa jaehwan, mc's father. seol-ah's grandfather
@sung soohyun, star hunter, chivalric order's guild master, eunhye's boss before the regression
@goh heeyeon, mc and eunhye join forces to defeat the dungeon boss in the collapsed mall. mc knows her as a great sword wielder in the future
@goryeo sword saint, grandfather of goh heeyeon. before regression, a party mate of mc when they faced the final boss
@heo mansoo, mc's random team member during the final phase of the hunter license exam, a magician
@kang daeho, mc's random team member during the final phase of the hunter license exam, pugilist, mc recognizes him from before his regression, known as fist king before regression, fighter class in the dungeon tower
@william taylor, a mage from the mage tower. he comes to find the mage after the golem field boss incident. manager from the english branch of the msge tower before regression.
@ha iram, daughter of the chairman of the Hi-tech company, weapons collector class in the dungeon tower
@ha jungsoo, father of ha iram, chairman of hi-tech company
@sophia lambidou, greatest swordmaster, knight's guild master of athens, greece
@alexis zorba, right hand man of sophia lambidou
@23, the talking teddy bear in the second floor shelter of the tower dungeon
@erzebet, the lady with a green aura. she has her eyes on mc and those who's precious to him
@albert, the blue lizard mc found in the scenario quest in the fourth floor of the tower dungeon
@elise, the little girl with a hint of green on her black hair. mc found her in the scenario quest in the fourth floor of the tower dungeon
@master, the cat seol-ah found after mc and eunhye left for greece to meet with the knight's guild. the cat taught seol-ah magic.

#orderer, team party leader
#cracks, dungeon break. a rift opening in reality and monsters goes out of it.
#three types of cracks, 1 one time cracks, monsters appears and after, the crack disappears, 2 corrosive crack, cracks take over places and becomes a permanent dungeon, 3 permanent crack, opposite of one time crack, they are permanent and spawns monsters regularly
#fields, a place/area wherr many permanent cracks exists.
#mage tower, an organization comprise of mages, before mc's regression, they are the ones who took seol-ah away.
#Hi-Tech, a famous weapons manufacturing company in korea
#whenever armor, mana armor. soft and comfortable, if infused with mana, it becomes hard.
#king's ring, the ring mc acquired as a reward in the tiger's den dungeon. it was supposed to be a normal ring, as ha iram examined it, until mc defeats a monster and the ring suddenly absorbs the soul of the defeated monster. if infused with mana, the user can choose how many soul it will consume. the user then will receive a temporary buff. the number soul absorb depends on the number and strength of the defeated enemy. the downside of using the ring is that the user will gradually lose his humanity the more he uses it.
#specter guild, mc's guild thst is sponsored by ha iram.
#the knight's guild, chivalric order, of sung soohyun is heavily influenced by the knight's guild of sophia lambidou
#the dungeon tower updates the job class of the participants. first floor randomly set them in separate rooms which the participant have to make his way to the second floor in order to meet the others. participants also acquire points.
#private system, the person job class for participants who enter the dungeon tower
#shelters in the dungeon tower, participants can rest here and they can use their acquired points to buy items, necessities and information.
#equipments bought in the shelter store of the dungeon tower cannot leave the tower
#floor bosses beyond the first floor of the dungeon tower gives the participant who defeated them perk bonus.
#floors beyond the first floor allows participant to meet in random pairs. the rest are else where.
#skill mastery, there are 6 known grades, inferior, lacking, normal, excellent, superior and peerless. and 1 hidden grade, extreme.
#gae derg, a legendary weapon mc bought in the tower dungeon store. it can negate magic.

1 final battle about to begin. mc along with the sword saint party meets the final boss. mc acknowledges the final boss as his daughter. mc turns around to defend his daughter. mc vs sword saint party. mc loses. mc gets a unique quest, go back to the past, regression, and prevent his daughter's five misfortune and becoming a villain. mc wakes up in his room. he hears a knock in his daughter. mc meets yu eunhye, she's accompanied by their daughter, seol-ah.

2 mc remembers the future he was from. it was him who caused his many great misfortunes upon both seol-ah and eunhye. mc lets them in. eunhye is surprised of a changed mc. eunhye tells mc of their circumstance, mc lets them rely on him. eunhye isn't convince of mc. mc understands. eunhye plans o  joining a guild in order to support seol-ah. mc is worried.

3 eunhye goes to a guild and gets a contract. mc tells eunhye to be wary of loopholes and hidden motives in the contract. mc.tells eunhye ifnin case she needs help, mc can be relied on. mc and seol-ah goes for an ice cream. mc is still remembering the future he was from. mc is determined to make seol-ah happy and get as much memory with her father. suddenly, a dungeon break occurs.

4 a bull monster appears. the monster is targetting mc. mc tells seol-ah to hide. with the knowledge of mc from the future, mc faces the bull monster. mc lands a crit but the bull goes berserk. mc sees seol-ah is in danger from debris. mc goes to seol-ah. mc saves seol-ah. mc gets hurt and collapsed. but before mc loses conciousness, mc notices help have arrived. eunhye enters the ward mc is staying in. she was worried for both seol-ah and mc. after seol-ah get some rest, mc and eunhye talked about seol-ah and her having powers. eunhye is worried.

5 eunhye reveals it was seol-ah anf the circumstance of them staying with mc is also seol-ah's doing. mc reassures eunhye that no matter what, he will protect seol-ah. eunhye's trust for mc deepened. eunhye then discussed her meeting with the guild. eunhye did not sign the contract. mc tells eunhye that he'll help her. the trio goes to a weapon shop of kang cheol-ee, before the regression, kang cheol-ee is the greatest weapon smithy. mc and eunhye acquires a weapon. mc suggest they go to a start preparing for a dungeon raid.

6 mc trains eunhye. while the family rest, seol-ah shows off her mana. the couple are worried for their daughter. eunhye asks mc who'll take care of seol-ah while they go dungeon raiding. mc has a plan. mc and seol-ah went to meet mc's father, grandpa jaehwan. grandpa jaehwan agrees to babysit seol-ah. mc and eunhye goes shopping for equipments. other than shopping, mc has a plan. mc saw eunhye's boss, sung soohyun, before regression who pushed eunhye to fall to debt. after a while, a dungeon suddenly appear in the shopping mall.

7 panic spread among the civilian. mc takes the initiative. mc meets another hunter from his future, goh heeyeon. they managed to defend the civilians and fend off the monsters. hunter sung soohyun wants to get acquianted with eunhye, mc interferes. suddenly, a mother cries help. her son got poisoned. mc suggests they defeat the boss in order for them to get out immediately and have the boy treated. sung soohyun denies mc's suggestion. goh heeyeon backs mc. mc, eunhye and goh heeyeon gets ready for the boss. the two ladies assigns mc to take the lead. mc reluctantly accepts. mc knows goh heeyeon is testing him. the trio finds the boss, a slime. goh is underestimsting the boss. mc is telling them to be cautious.  eunhye makes a mistake. goh is still confident. the boss attacks eunhye. mc saves eunhye. the boss shows its true form.

8 the trio takes cover from the boss's barrage of attack. goh goes out to take aggro while mc and eunhye for the offence. goh tries soloing the boss. goh miscalculates and gets cornered. mc saves goh. eunhye gives them cover fire. the boss's slime core gets exposed. the trio goes for the counter. outside the shopping mall, many people gathered as they await for the dungeon to open so that the trapped people can get out. grandpa jaewhan and seol-ah is among the crowd. suddenly, the dungeon open, the trapped gets freed. seol-ah reunites with her parents.

9 seol-ah gets to meet goh heeyeon. grandpa jaehwan is mad at mc. in mc's father's residence, mc is getting ready to be scolded. grandpa jaehwan acknowledge's the couple's ability to become hunters. grandpa jaewhan had a heart to heart talk with eunhye. eunhye feels more reassured of her and seol-ah being with mc. grandpa jaehwan agrees to continue baby sitting seol-ah whilr the couple are away. mc plans to have himself and eunhye go take the licensure exam.

10 mc dreams of the future he came from. he saw his daughter blaming him for what she became. mc wakes up to find seol-ah by cheerily waking him up. mc goes for an off day. mc chills on bed with seol-ah. he ponders about his decreasing bank balance and the required money to become licensed hunters. suddenly, both mc and eunhye received 1 million won. they get a call, it was goh heeyeon. the money was sent by goh heeyeon's team as share of the couple for the boss subjugation and other loots. they also discuss about the couple joining the licensure exam. goh heeyeon offers to baby sit seol-ah while the couple takes the test. after, the couple takes seol-ah out shopping. on the day of the exam, goh heeyeon takes care of seol-ah, the couple takes the test. in another scene, from the goryo sword house, a man also readies for the test.

11 the couples pass the written test, next is the practical, participant vs simulated monster 1v1. there are guild agents spectating, they eye to recruit promising hunters. goh heeyeon invites the sword saint, her grandfather to spectate. seol-ah meets the sword saint. eunhye passed the practicals. mc uses his knowledge from the future and aced the practicals. the sword saint is amazed with mc. goh heeyeon treats the couple and seol-ah dinner? for passing the examination. mc is wary of goh heeyeon's possible hidden agenda. goh heeyeon then inquires mc about the weapons the couples used. mc likes the idea of the two sides meeting, the sword saint and the soon to be legendary weapon maker, kang cheol-ee. mc knows it will happen much later on, he wonders what would happen if the two factions meets earlier.

12 mc introduced goh heeyeon to kang cheol-ee. mc and eunhye prepares for a final phase of the licensure exam. the final phase is a practical dungeon raid of a three man team, the participants are randomly selected. mc is teamed with heo mansoo, a magician, and kang daeho, a pugilist. mc takes the lead for the group. an examiner is there ti accompany them. heo mansoo is whiney. mc intimidates heo mansoo to make it clear who the lead is. the explore the dungeon. suddenly, they enter a hidden area, this is not part of the exam.

13 mc knows his action will cause a different effect in the current timelime. mc expected it and want to clear the hidden area and it's hidden quest. mc wants to obtain an elixir as a reward, it grants user a boost in power. mc and daeho goes duo while heo mansoo is captured by the monsters. the duo raids. daeho is amazed and inspired by how mc deals with things. the duo goes to the boss area. heo mansoo lies on the ground unconcious. suddenly, the boss appears and ambushes the duo. daeho gets caught by the boss ant. mc uses his knowledge from the future and frees daeho. the duo goes for the counter. mc plans their attack. daeho follows. daeho catches and lifts the boss ant. the boss ant's weakness gets revealed. mc takes the shot. the boss ant gets killed. mc receives an achievement and a reward for finishing the quest of the hidden area. afterward, mc and eunhye passes the final phase of the exam and acquires their hunter license. while the family of three leaves the venue, seol-ah displays her power by acquiring a hidden snack from euhye using her magic. this worries the couple.

14 back at home, mc discusses what happened with eunhye. mc explains that seol-ah's power manifesting is based off her emotion and her being a child would make it easy to go out of control. another thing is that the mana around seol-ah is thin, which make her mana sensitive. mc suggests that they need to get her to a placed filled with mana, there are only two places, inside the dungeon and out in the fields. eunhye wants to argue with mc but stops. eunhye trusts mc. mc thought of a person to help them. afte,r, the family of three went to visit the goryo house. when they got there, goh heeyeon welcomes them. mc asks goh heeyeon if they could use the fields the goryo house uses for training. goh heeyeon will ask for permission for the couple to use personally. goh heeyeon leaves. another visitor of goh heeyeon arrives, it's sung soohyun. sung soohyun, notices the couple. sung soohyun wants to have a talk with mc.

15 mc and sung soohyun talks privately. sung soohyun demands a share of the reward from the dungeon mc, eunhye and goh heeyeon raided, the mall dungeon. mc argues that sung soohyun is a coward who did not participate in the dungeon raid. sung soohyun says his reputation overrules mc's argument. mc and sung soohyun goes for a fight. mc is at the advantage. mc knows sung soohyun will use his charisma to bend the truth and possibly take eunhye to his guild. mc did not want that. mc charges for a final attack but suddenly gets exhausted. his body have not rested for a while and although mcnhas the knowledge and experience he acquired before the regression, mc body had not yet adapted. sung soohyun takes this as an opportunity and plans to kill mc and tell that it was an accident. goryo sword saint steps in and interferes with sung soohyun's plan and kicked sung soohyun out of their territory. the sword saints tells mc to take a rest in his area. the sword saint also gave the couple the permission to use the fields in his territory. after two days of rests, mc and eunhye goes training in the fields. while the couple trains, goh heeyeon baby sits seol-ah. goh heeyeon witnesses the power of seol-ah.

16 the couple finishes their training. they meet up with goh heeyeon and seol-ah. goh heeyeon inquires the couple about seol-ah's power. the couple tells goh heeyeon what they know of seol-ah's power. the couple trusts goh heeyeon. goh heeyeon plans to keep seol-ah safe and so decides to go with the couple. as the trio+seol-ah walks around the field, sound of siren suddenly echoes. they ran for the exit unfortunately it got blocked before they could leave. suddenly, they get a message, a field boss had just appeared, it's a golem boss. it's seemed ti be attracted to the mana of seol-ah. eunhye takes seol-ah to go retreat. mc and goh heeyeon takes the vanguard. suddenly the golem boss focuses on eunhye and seol-ah. mc and goh heeyeon had to go and attack. they manage to break the golem but not the core. the golem regenerates itself and catches mc and goh heeyeon. the golem was about to crush mc and goh heeyeon when suddenly, seol-ah's stuff bear join the vanguard.

17 seol-ah uses her magic to make a giant ice teddy bear to restrain the golem boss. mc and goh heeyeon manages to escape. giant ice teddy bear vs golem boss. giant ice teddy bear wins. the four manages to complete the quest. back in home, eunhye treats mc's wound. on the phone, goh heeyeon promises to hide the what happened during the field boss incident. seol-ah is still sleeping, she exhausted herself from creating the giant ice teddy bear. meanwhile, the goryo territory receives another unexpected visitor. goh heeyeon unexpectedly meets them. mc inquires seol-ah about the ice teddy bear. seol-ah doesn't understand how it happen, she just mentioned she got mad at the golem boss and things just somehow happened. suddenly, mc gets a call from goh heeyeon. goh heeyeon informs mc that the mage tower have noticed the sudden surge of mana in the goryo territory and they are coming for mc's family. the guests who visits goh heeyeon visits mc's house. mc is worried. suddenly, a status update of his appears, the first misfortune of seol-ah had just began.

18 mc informs eunhye about who their visitors will be. mc has a plan. mc asks seol-ah to hide her mana deep within her. mc tells eunhye that seol-ah not being able to control her mana is because no one had taught her how to. mc welcomes the visitor, he is a mage from the mage tower, william taylor. william taylor and his crew investiages mc's house and also scanned them. they found nothing of extraordinary. they let the family be. mc calls goh heeyeon and tells her their in clear for now. mc is still worried though since the quest status regarding seol-ah's misfortunate hasn't updated yet. meaning they will still encounter the mage tower sooner or later. mc needs to prepare. a week later, ha iram, a famous hunter goes to a dungeon to promote her equipments. she enters a dungeon and found no monsters inside. suddenly, she gets attacked.

19 ha irams gets beaten. suddenly mc appears and saves her. mc is in the personal ward of ha iram. ha iram wants to give mc a reward for saving her. mc declines. ha iram offers mc two gift. ha iram wants mc to join a dungeon exploration of the tiger den dungeon. mc accepts the quest and even say he'll go solo. mc states that if this is how ha iram will be testing mc then mc will go all out. ha iram lets mc do what he wants. mc went back home. they had a wholesome comedic family moment. few days later, mc heads inside the tiger den dungeon.

20 before proceeding because light source in the tiger den is ineffective, mc takes a night vision elixir. the item mc acquired from the hidden area quest during the final phase of the hunter licensure exam. mc easily deals with the monsters, mc's only problem is the number of the monsters he's facing. suddenly the monsters stops attacking. mc then hears a voice. mc investigstes. mc finds and gets ambushed by a talking monster. it was a talking dragonoid monster, a mimic. it uses human voice to lure it's unsuspecting victim. mc vs mimic monster. mc is in the advantage. suddenly, the mimic monster materializes an image of mc's daughter. mc gets hypnotized. the mimic monster takes a bite on mc. mc activates the second gift he got from ha iram. a mana armor. mc defeats the mimic monster. before mc could deal the final blow, the mimic monster shows a the tragic future to mc, concerning seol-ah. mc withstand the mind attack and kills the mimic. suddenly, a lady with a glowing green aura appears befote mc. she knows who mc is.

21 mc gets cautious of the green lady. the green lady tells mc that she will be changing the reward mc will be receiving for being the first to complete the tiger den dungeon. mc is informed he must only use it when he really needs it and mc must not lose himself. mc clears the dungeon and acquires the reward. mc comes back home. seol-ah greets mc. mc is taken aback as his memory of the mimic and the time before his regression filled his thoughts. mc hugs seol-ah tightly and apologize for making her wait. mc is try to redeem himself of the future he was from. eunhye notices a ring that mc is wearing. the ring is the dungeon reward mc acquired. ha iram examines the ring and found nothing special about it, it's just a ring. meanwhile, eunhye is suspecting mc of having an affair. eunhye can't get it off her mind especially since, mc and eunhye are ex'es, they aren't married and the only connection they have is seol-ah. suddenly, mc appears by eunhye. eunhye gets surprised. mc gives eunhye two gifts. one is the same mana armor as he has. the second is a dungeon raid application. mc and eunhye will join a small group to raid a dungeon. day of the dungeon raid, the team comprise of mc, eunhye, goh heeyeon, kang daeho and ha iram. the roles are, goh heeyeon and kang daeho as vanguards, eunhye and ha iram as rear guard supports and mc as the leader.

22 the party of five start their dungeon crawl. when mc defeats a monster, his ring, the one he got from the tiger den dungeon, king's ring, absorbed the soul of the defeated monster. mc couldn't do much about the ring as he wants to keep it hidden. the party continued their crawl untul they arrived in front of the boss room. they enter. suddenly, a trap gets activated. they dodged it. the knight in armor boss stands up.

23 mc's party vs the armored knight boss. eunhye deals the final blow. mc absorbed the soul. unfortunately, the armored knight, isn't actually the boss of the dungeon. a hand comes out of a coffin nearby. the boss asks mc why he has the ring. the rest of the party did not understand what thr boss is saying, only mc can understand. the room suddenly became dark. the boss launched an attack aimed at mc. mc defended and held his ground. thr boss wants the king's ring.

24 suddenly, another armored knight appears. mc tells the other four to fight the armored knight. mc will deal with the boss alone. mc is at a disadvantage but he must not be defeated. it's for the sake of seol-ah. mc infuses mana to his ring. suddenly, a status window asks mc how many souls mc wants to use. mc goes all in. mc receives a temporary buff. mc gains the upper hnd and defeated the boss. mc absorbs the soul of the boss. the other four just finished their fight vs the armored knight. mc's party finishes the dungeon. mc gets a status window prompt, it tells the ring consumed a bit of mc's humanity. back home, seol-ah and eunhye are having a wholesome family moment. in a corner, mc is pondering about what the ring had just consumed. mc realized he can't look and feel happy although he's supposed to be, especially when he's having a peaceful and enjoyable time with his family.

25 seol-ah goes to mc and requests for a hug. mc obliged. suddenly a status window appears and tells mc a portion of humanity gets restored. meanwhile, william taylor of thr mage tower visits sung soohyun. william taylor inquires sung soohyun's visit in the goryo territory. william taylor explains what happened in the territory. sung soohyun informs willism taylor of mc's daughter also being in the goryo territory at the time of the field boss incident. back to mc, mc is pondering about the reward he got from the five man party dungeon they just finished. the reward he got is physical enhancement item but it will make the user forget a year worth of memory. mc is having doubts whether he would use it. eunhye suggests they all go out and enjoy themselves. eunhye says seol-ah is acting odd. mc realizes that although he's doing everything for seol-ah's sake, he's forgetting to give seol-ah good memory. mc agrees to spend time together. unfortunately, on the day for them to go out, it started to rain. seol-ah hears they'd go out but it got cancelled due to the weather. seol-ah uses her magic to stop the rain. meanwhile, william taylor is suspecting the couple and even go so far to investigate the back ground of eunhye and seol-ah. unfortunately, william taylor witnesses a magic use that stopped the rain.

26 mc worries that the magic might alerted william taylor who's still in korea. mc immediately considers of them going out as an alibi in case they get questioned again. mc's family went to the zoo. cute wholesome family moments of the trio. when the outing is done, the trio heads back home. william taylor awaits for them in front of their house.

27 william taylor is determined to find the magic user. william goes aggressive and wants to check seol-ah. mc and eunhyd tries to defend seol-ah. the couple gets restraint with magic. william checks seol-ah. wiliam found the overwhelming powet of seol-ah and wants to eliminate her. mc tries stopping william. william threatens to hurt seol-ah. mc stops. william suggests taking seol-ah back to the mage tower. eunhye goes for a surprise attack.

28 eunhye manages to get seol-ah and escaped. mc vs william taylor. mc is at a disadvantage. mc uses his king's ring, goes all in and knocks william inconcious. when william woke up, he has an amnesia.

29 mc used the elixir to make william forget what happen. mc then makes a wild story to connect things. mc gets the trust of william. when william leaves, mc receives a status window, seol-ah's first misfortunes gets averted. mc completes his first quest. mc also receives a portion of seol-ah's memory from before his regression. mc saw what happened to seol-ah when she was sent to the mage tower, this is all before the regression.

30 seol-ah had tragic life before the regression. a status window appears and tells mc, that he absorbed seol-ah's memory, a new quest changing the future and a status window that says accelerating and a number after that is continuously changing. mc's guesses that the next misfortune of seol-ah concerns the death of eunhye. mc must prevent that. mc must get stronger. mc then went to ha iram to answer her summon. ha iram wants mc to make a dummy guild. ha iram wants to enter dungeons and become a hunter but her father doesn't want her to. with a guild, she can. mc will also be properly compensated. mc accepted the offer. ha iram tells mc to gather team members for the guild. mc already have names for people he wants to join. a week later, mc gets to register his guild, specter. after, mc gets to meet ha jungsoo, ha iram's father. hs jungsoo wants ha iram out of the specter guild and even bribes even with better conditions than what ha iram offered to mc.

31 although ha jungsoo's offer is way better, mc refused it. mc says he'd gain more by having ha iram on his side. ha jungsoo concedes however, he has a condition, mc has to make it real. no more dummy guild, but a true and real guild and ha iram must be active. after, mc discuss what happened to ha iram. mc says he's fine with whatever. ha iram asks mc why he wants to go so far for her. mc says he wants to get a connection with someone. through the phone, mc manages to speak with sophia lambidou from greece, athens. mc asks her about the hidden dungeon their guild is keeping. mc wants to conquer the tutorial tower and thereby releasing the curse placed on sophia. sophia do not know how mc managed to get info about hidden their hidden intels. sophia wants to talk with mc face to face. mc gets tickets for him and his guild mates. they're heading to greece.

32 ha iram questions why sophia lambidou wants to speak with mc. mc discusses a secret if the knight's guild of sophia, the hidden tower dungeon which strengthens the knight's guild members. mc tells the specter guild that he also wants all of them to get stronger in the tower dungeon. this is for the sake of eunhye surviving which in turn prevents seol-ah's second misfortune. the whole guild agrees to take part in the dungeon tower. seol-ah will be baby sat by grandpa jaehwan, mc's father. the specter guild goes to athens, greece. they are welcomed by alexis zorba of the athens knight's guild. meanwhile, seol-ah is being baby sat by grandpa jaehwan. seol-ah spots a cat and pets it. grandpa jaehwan leaves her for a moment. the cst suddenly talk to seol-ah. back to the specter guild, they arrived in the knight's guild hq. the specter members are given free time to rest. mc is immediately summoned to sophia's office.

33 mc meets with sophia lambidou. sophia goes hostile and threatens mc. mc sees the bluff. mc tells sophia about the curse she has and mc knows how to help her. sophia doubts mc. sophia asks mc to have a mock duel. mc vs alexis zorba. mc wins the duel. mc gets the approval and acknowledgement of sophia lambidou. next day, they set for the tower dungeon. it will be a twelve man party. alexis zorba holds a grudge on mc.

34 alexis zorba leads the twelve man party to the dungeon. alexis's grudge is more apparent. they enter the dungeon tower. mc gets an error in his status window. mc wakes up inside a castle jail. mc gets assigned the job class spearman. mc finishes his floor 1 test and enters the boss room.

35 mc vs armored shield knight boss. mc uses his spearman's class skill and defeats the boss. meanwhile, back in korea, seol-ah took the cat and intends to make it her pet. or rather seol-ah conversed with the cat. the cat knows of seol-ah's magic secret. the cat wants to be kept by seol-ah and in exchange the cat will teach seol-ah magic. the cat wanted to be called master.

36 mc wakes up. he was unconcious after using his thrust skill at the extreme grade. mc passes through the second floor door. mc arrives in a jungle. a status window appears and tells mc to heads to the shelter. mc arrives at the shelter. mc meets a talking teddy bear, 23. 23 says mc is the first to arrive. the shelter also act as a store. mc uses his acquired points to get info. after resting, mc heads out. after mc left, a silhoutte of a person enters the shelter and asks who the person that arrived before him.

37 mc's task is to get to the 3rd floor. based on the info mc got, he need to beat the floor boss to get to the next floor. beating bosses gives perks to the one who defeats the boss. meanwhile, eunhye enters the dungeon tower and she meets erzebet, she maybe the one who granted mc the king's ring. erzebet wants to help eunhye. also, eunhye is like mc, when she entered the dungeon tower, she gets a status window telling an error has occured and eunhye couldn't move and open her eyes. back to mc, mc searches fornthe boss monster. mc finds the boss monsters, it a magic treant boss. mc faces the treant boss. the treant boss suddenly speak and inquires mc about the king's ring he is wearing. the treant boss becomes stronger. mc gets cornered. suddenly, kang daeho appears to save mc.

38 erzebet fixes the error in eunhye's error status. erzebet seemed to know seol-ah?? afterward, erzebet leaves eunhye. eunhye can finally move. eunhye finds herself in warehouse. eunhye prepares to face her trial. back to mc, mc and kang daeho joins together to fight the treant boss. mc exposes a weak spot of the boss. kang daeho takes the killing blow. the two acquires points. the two heads for the wall boundaries. mc suggest they not go yet. meanwhile, goh heeyeon is having trouble in the third floor.

39 goh heeyeon just finished the second wave of the gauntlent trial of the third floor. the next wave will arrive soon after. goh heeyeon is having trouble. suddenly, ha iram appears to aid her. meanwhile, alexis zorba is in the second floor, he finds a lady with a green aura. alexis zorba kills the green lady. suddenly, eunhye appears. the lady with a green aura suddenly revives herself. she is looking for mc. meanwhile, mc and kang daeho just finished their third floor trial. after, the duo finds ha iram and goh heeyeon resting in the third floor. the four group up and follows mc's lead of fighting the floor 3 boss. mc explains they needed the point so they could use it for the store in the floor 4 which have a better selection of goods. they enter the a suspicious room. it was a bed a room and lady just woke up on it. the lady notices mc and hugs her. the lady calls mc 'your majesty' and she's glad of 'your majesty''s return.

40 the three sees mc's infidelity. mc tries to explain. mc finds out it was only him who could understand the lady. mc immediately understoid it was the same as the previous bosses they defeated. the bosses reacts to the king's ring mc is wearing and only mc could understand what the monsters/bosses are saying. mc pushes lady away. the lady suddenly becomes a monster, a centipede. mc, goh heeyeon, ha iram and kang daeho vs centipede boss. the centipede boss summons maid monsters. mc had ha iram and kang daeho stall the centipede boss for time, and ha iram will take care if the the maid monsters. mc will act as a defense for ha iram.

41 ha iram is doing her best vs the maid monsters. goh heeyeon takes the aggro of the centipede boss while kang daeho charges his skill. kang daeho charged up and aims his skill on the centipede boss. it was effective but not enough. mc tells the duo vanguard to keep the boss in place as mc charges his skill. kang daeho and goh heeyeon holds down the boss. mc apoears behind the boss and unleashes his skill. it was very effective. the centipede boss gets defeated and they won points. mc collapsed due to exhaustion. suddenly, the third floor they are in was about to collapse, kang daeho carries mc as they all head for the fourth floor.

42 mc wakes up on a soft bed. beside him is 23 sitting on a table. 23 explains, the 4th floor is the same as the 2nd floor that it's a safe haven. mc goes outside and find alexis zorba and a knight's guild member who used a ticket to get out if the dungeon tower. mc inquires why the knight's guild members are not doing the quests in irder to get points. alexis zorba explains the members only need the private system, the job class, and the items bought innthe shelter stores are only usable in the tower. alexis zorba suggests mc to buy the get out ticket just in case they need it during the 5th floor boss, the final floor. mc unfortunately used up all his points for something, a scenario ticket. 23 explained only to mc that it's like a hidden quest and the participant who unlocks and bought it will be the only one who can join the hidden quest. 23 also explains that scenario hidden quest is nothing more but just an illusion. 23 tells mc, he must nit mistake illusion for reality. mc uses the scenario ticket. an error status appears but it became fixed. mc finds himself in a jungle. mc wonders around and spots a strange blue lizard. the blue lizard wants mc to follow. mc follows the blue lizard. after a bit of wonder, mc finds a little girl, she has a hint of green on her hair. she's hurt on her ankle.

43 the little girl calls the blue lizard albert. she can understand albert. she is wary of mc. albert reassures her. mc treats the little girl. the little girl still does not trust mc but she has no choice. mc helps her and carries her through the forest. on their way, mc realizes elise is a mage. elise felt hostile towards mc. suddenly, they get ambushed. albert goes knight mode. elise got mad at mc and blames him for leading her there. elise attacks the assailants as well as mc. an assailant almost attack elise, fortunately mc saves her. elise asks mc why he did not know her.

44 mc carries elisenand continue there trekk through the forest. mc notices elise kept taking down hidden assailants. mc rushes through the forest until they got somewhere safe. mc asks why they are chasing elise. elise says she did nothing bad. elise says that there was a prophecy that she would end up destroying the world and that's why the king placed a bounty on her head. elise wants to leave mc. mc wants to help elise. elise says she used cursed magic on the assailant who were pursuing them. mc realizes elise is a witch, just like seol-ah before regression. mc kept in mind the world he is in right now is a illusion from the scenario quest. but mc sees seol-ah in elise. mc wants to help elise. elise places a curse on mc and interrogates her. mc answered truthfully. elise accepts the offer of help. elise says her real name is erzebet. suddenly, mc gets a status update on his scenario quest. it says he needs to help erzebet to escape out of the forest. mc asks erzebet questions. erzebet is confused why mc does not know common knowledge. mc hides he's from another world and feign ignorance. erzebet is wary not just of the bounty hunters looking for her but even more afraid of paladins looking out to get her.

45 they're almost out of the forest. albert returns from his recon. erzebet says there's a town inside of the forest. she knows its trouble for her to get in. mc says he'll help her. the trio, mc and erzebet goes to the town. mc poses as a herbalist and erzebet poses as mc's daughter. mc tells villager of their made up circumstance. they enter the town and got themselves a lodging. while erzebet rest and eat in their room, mc heads out to gather info on how they could get out of the forest. when mc reached the inn reception hall, he noticed people have gathered there. suddenly a knight paladin appears in the crowd. the paladin greets mc.

46 erzebet is eating in their room. she thought of mc and felt she could trust mc. suddenly, she hears a knock on the door. somehow, mc talked outside the door and in a roundabout way was able to suggest erzebet to run away. the paladins holding mc barged in and broke the door. erzebet is no where to be found. mc got loose from the hold of the paladins. mc vs paladin unit. mc is strong but he is outnumbered. with nothing else, mc uses his thrust skill to break the inn they were in. erzebet saw the explosion.

47 erzebet wants to go back. albert didn't want to. erzebet wants to save mc. suddenly, out of the rubbles and smoke, mc appears. mc is safe. mc is able to use his skill and get out conscious thanks to his king's ring. they continued their escape through the forest. the paladins are hot on their tail. mc is running out of mana. the captain of the paladins attacks and hit the person mc is carrying. it was albert. erzebet is elsewhere. they acted as bait while erzebet continued her escape. the captain ordered the paladins to find erzebet. the captain will fight mc. the captain is using a superior kind of mana infused on his weapon. mc is getting pushed back. mc wants to counter and attack. the captain mentioned his power is called aura and mc's mana is just an immitation. their weapons clashed. mc's weapon broke.

48 mc gets cornered. mc remembers from before regression of the aura infusion the paladin captain has. mc has a plan to counter it. mc plans to learn the aura infusion on his fight with the captain. mc takes his broken spear and continued his fight. mc understands aura. it isn't simply infusing mana to weapon, it is shaping mana in the form of the weapon. mc manages to learn aura and pushed back the captain.

49 meanwhile, the paladin unit found erzebet. erzebet was about to give up hope when suddenly, she saw mc riding the paladin captain's horse. mc sucksnat riding the horse. erzebet helps mc to tame the horse. mc tells erzebet to take the horse while mc will negotiate with the paladin unit. he has the unconcious captain with him. mc plans on negotiating with the paladin unit with their captain as their hostage. mc negotiates with the paladin unit. mc wants erzebet to escape on her own while mc deals with the bargaining with the paladin unit. erzebet did not want mc's plan. mc reassures her. erzebet leaves mc. erzebet is worried for mc. when erzebet escapes, mc gets a status update on his quest. mc finished his scenario quest. back in the tower dungeon, the specter guild members are worried for their missing guildmaster. it already had been three days since mc went missing. alexis zorba is with the specter guild members.

50 mc returned back in the tower dungeon. 23 greets him. mc asks if therr are other rewards aside points from finishing the scenario quest. 23 says there's no such thing. mc is confused he got a reward, it was a blank piece of paper. aside that, mc thought the scenario quest is an illusion world, mc is confused why his weapon is still broken after finishing the quest. with the acquired points mc received, mc bought a legendary weapon. he needed it when facing the tower boss. mc meets with the specter guild. they were worried for mc. ha iram is disappointed with what mc bought in the store. mc explains he needed it for the boss. after, the specter guildmember bought a ticket in the store to get them to the 5th floor. alexis zorba is not with them. the specter guild finds the throne room and is guarded by two giant knight statues. mc explains his plan. one must bait the knight statues away from the rest of the team, while the rest of the team will barge open the throne room's door with brute force. mc takes the role of the bait cause his fast. although eunhye did not like the idea, they still followed mc's. unfortunately, things did not go as planned.

51 when mc tries taking the bait, the knight statues kneeled. mc realized his king's ring made the monsters mistake him as their king. the specters can't brute force open the door. mc touched the door. the knight statues moved and open the door for them. the specter guild enters the throne room. the boss sitting on the throne barrage the specter guild with magic. mc tells everyone to take cover. suddenly, mc goes out to take the hit. mc gets iut alive. the weapon he has can cancel magic. mc gave the specters roles. mc will be the vanguard, kang daeho will be the dps behind mc. ha iram and eunhye will be sub dps. goh heeyeon will protect the sub dps.

52 specter vs the boss, the king of the tower dungeon. the specter guild defests the boss. eunhye dealt the finishing blow. after the intense boss fight, the boss's robe goes to eunhye and wear itself to her.

53 eunhye is fine. mc tries taking the robe from eunhye. the robe resists and goes back to eunhye. the team discuss what had just happened. since no status window is popping up, they assumed the boss they just fought isn't the real boss of the tower. eunhye ask her robe where the real boss is. the robe points towards a direction and suddenly a giant dragon emerged from the floor. the specter guild tries range attacks, it isn't effective. the dragon boss attacks. the specter guild were thrown off. ha iram isn't looking good. the other member goes for cqc, mc stops them. the dragon is covered by curse. mc says its the same thing thst sophia lambidou got afflicted with. suddenly, eunhye notices movement on the floor beneath the dragon. a great number of monsters emerged and appeared before them.

54 the monsters that appeared are also covered with curses, the same one the dragon boss has. goh heeyeon goes to the vanguard. kang daeho retrest to the back, he can't do anything vs the monsters with curse. ha iram is also out. it's only mc, eunhye and goh heeyeon. a few of the monsters got loose from the vanguard. eunhye is not being targetted by the monsters. goh heeyeon gets surrounded. kang daeho saves her by throwinf a giant debris towards the monsters. unfortunstely, kang daeho gets afflicted with the curse and get out of commission. ha iram gets targeted. eunhye goes to ha iram. eunhye notices a special thing about her robe. eunhye goes towards ha iram to protect her. eunhye tells everyone the robe she got negates curses.

55 mc understands what to do. mc borrows eunhye's robe. eunhye throws the robe to mc. this time the robe did not resist mc. mc wore the robe and heads for the dragon boss. mc can't get close. the dragon boss's tail is fending mc away. meanwhile, the active specter guild members deals with the monsters. ha iram goes dying will and rain a barrage on the monster while herself takes on the brunt recoil of her gun. ha iram throws a grenade, dealt with most of the monsters and passed out. goh heeyeon then reveals she was also afflicted with the curse earlier on. but goh heeyeon is not eyeing the small fries. goh heeyeon aims for the dragon boss. goh heeyeon cuts the tail of the dragon boss.

56 goh heeyeon creates an opening for mc before she got hit by the dragon boss and is now out of commission. mc deals a critical blow. eunhye goes to the collapsed mc. now mc is also out of commission. right when eunhye thought everything is solved, the dragon boss goes phase two. the dragon boss goes on the rampage. the dragon boss aims for mc. eunhye goes to cover mc. mc comes to his sense and saw kushina and minato from naruto. i mean, mc saw eunhye got stabbed with a giant icicle.

57 a status window appears it says mc couldn't prevent the second misfortune for seol-ah. eunhye dies. mc goes berserk and thrashes with the dragon boss. this proved useless. mc's mind is a mess. he blames himself for the death of eunhye and for not stopping seol-ah's misfortune. suddenly, erzebet appears before mc. erzebet knocks mc back to his consciousness. mc then remembers his promise to erzebet and also to seol-ah. mc is now back in control, mc goes for round 2 vs the dragon boss.

58 mc vs dragon boss. mc uses his king's ring to buff himself, mc then uses aura on his gae derg. mc then unleashes his skill and finishes the dragon boss. before the dragon boss gets defeated, mc notices something. the dragon boss is actually albert. status window appears and says the tower dungeon is cleared. mc gets the highest point in the dungeon tower. mc gets a special benefit. right before collapse another status window appears. the status window says an unused reward is being used, it is the scenario quest reward, a blank ticket.

59 mc woke up. he's on his bed back in their house. mc then meets with erzebet, in her lady with a green aura form. mc realizes it was her who gave him the king's ring in the tiger den dungeon. erzebet decreased the side effect of the mc's king's ring. mc is confused how erzebet is real when the scenario quest is just an illusion. erzebet then says the robe mc is wearing is actually hers and she wants mc to give it to someone else, namely seol-ah. mc asks how erzebet knows of seol-ah. erzebet replies she just and because she knows they're both witches. before their chat ends, erzebet tells mc about the butterfly effect. she knows mc is changing the time line, mc is not from their current time line. and sooner or later the many changed mc do will ultimately affect how things will be sooner or later. she tells mc that he needed allies in order to face what is to come. erzebet notices mc's sad expression. erzebet explains to mc eunhye is alive and everyone in the specter guild is well. the blank ticket mc receive is actually a restore ticket. it reverses what happened to a number of bodies from to a certain point. in the case for mc, the specter members gets restored and are well. erzebet then leaves. but before she could leave, mc asks why she's helping him. erzebet mentions what mc said back in the scenario. erzebet is helping mc because he's on her side.

60 the room mc is in disappears. a status window appears. mc is given the benefit of changing class. mc wants to change seol-ah class but it was impossible. mc opts to change his class to something more powerful. but in doing so, mc will lose and be unable to use all the experience training he has before the regression. the status window says mc could add growth in his spearman class. it would greatly increase mc's potential while retaining all his past knowledge and experience. mc chose to do so. mc wakes up. he's once again on a bed. alexis zorba greets him. the knights guild found them specter on ground unconcious on the day they defeated the tower dungeon. suddenly, the specter guild members flood the room. mc saw eunhye. mc hugs her tightly. a quick rundown of what happened. before the tower dungeon gets defeated, sophia lambidou had to be hospitalized due to her curse getting worse. after the tower dungeon gets defeated, sophia lambidou gets well. mc meets with sophia lambidou. sophia lambidou wants to reward mc. mc declines and says having the specter members receive private system is in itself the reward. mc did not mention his class change. sophia did not want only that. mc let the reward be a dinner for his specter member. after, mc and the team have to leave. alexis zorba personally went to mc, apologizes and gives his thanks for saving sophia lambidou. alexis zorba then gives mc a calling card and says if in case they need help, the knight guild in athens will respond. after, mc returns back to korea. grandpa jaehwan is carrying seol-ah, the couple are welcomed by their daughter, seol-ah.

61 mc, eunhye and seol-ah got back home together. mc is pondering on what would happen due to the butterfly effect. mc's head is a mes. suddenly a wild seol-ah appears. they had a cute family moment. later on, grandpa jaehwan arrives in mc's residence. he brought seol-ah's cat, master. eunhye agrees to have the cat as a pet. mc agrees as well. after, grandpa jaehwan has a private convo with mc. grandpa jaehwan reprimands mc for leaving seol-ah for a long period of time. grandpa jaehwan wants mc to make up for the time apart with the family bonding together. mc obliges. meanwhile, mc overhears seol-ah is talking to her cat. mc wonders if seol-ah's power as a witch is manifesting. later that night, master the cat appears on mc's bed. mc tries talking to master.

62 the cat did not respond. eunhye is there to witness mc's act. mc blames the tower for him to actually believing he could talk to cats, bears and robes. mc asks eunhye they should plan and have a family trip sith seol-ah. afterward, they go on a family trip. it a wholesome cuteness overload.

63 more family outing wholesome overload. mc ponder if he could find someone to teach seol-ah magic. but let it slide for now. at the moment, mc likes having good memories with seol-ah. later that night, eunhye had a nightmare. a nightmare of mc's before regression. she dreamt of mc rejecting her and seol-ah. she also saw sung soohyun over working her in his guild. eunhye woke up to find her family is asleep. meanwhile, in the mage tower in the UK branch, william taylor is discussing with colleague of the many dungeon breaks appearing all over the world. after having a fit of a head ache, willism taylor forms a pattern out of many dungeons appearing. a giant tempest formed and korea is in the middle of it all.

(end of season 1)

Friday, May 17, 2024

Drawing: The Greatest Mangaka Becomes A Skilled “Martial Artist” In Another World (chapter 53 to 97)

archduke courdomi/cold girusadan/karinz giyursadan, lord of the frontier town, karinz, vs hordes of oder. one of the seven heroes
centaros/centaur/kentaros, centurion to archduke cold
agnes, centurion to archduke cold. a dragon that can transform to human form.
marie cougar, grand daughter of agnes, also a dragon that can morph to a human, unfortunately, she gets defeated
benedict admiral stromheim, commander in chief of the stromheim kingdom, medis team reinforcement
countess helen kleis, general of the magic corps of the stromheim kingdom, medis team reinforcement
marquis elmont baratian, commander in chief of the knight's corps of the stromheim kingdom, medis team reinforcement
gildane marion, magical advisor grandmage of the stromheim kingdom, medis team reinforcement
kaisera stormheim, queen of stormheim
oriana viglasil, demonic sword emperor, 4th, four sword emperor of stormheim
galahau forgotton, dark sword emperor, 3rd, four sword emperor of stormheim
sigurth palahayos, magic sword emperor, 2nd, four sword emperor of stormheim
calviner/calvina mayan, insane sword emperor, 1st, four sword emperor of stormheim, fiancee of oswell stromheim, sister of katia maian
medisfina maian, first heiress of the stormheim kingdom
katia maia, sword instructor of medisfina
akira rainford, mc
prannie kreis/kleiss, a golden rank student, a summoner, part of oswell's team during the duel.
prol bryce, magic genius and now an instructor in the royal magic academy of stormheim
karameis, singularity summoner, the evil cult leader from the kidnapping incident of mc and medis past
oswald nivilian, singularity spirit lord
celeria sword maian, mother of medisfina maian, sister of katia, git defeated by oder
maine, the singularity of spatial magic

odars, in game of thrones whitewalkers
singularity, a group of 4 great warriors who wanted dominion over the world
icarus nienrir, great king of mages, the person the singulairty wants resurrected

53 the situation in the north frontier town karinz is getting worse. more odars are appearing. back to mc, mc is summoned to have an audience with the queen. mc meets the queen as well the four sword emperors of stormheim. the queen asks his purpose of only now revealing himself. the queen asks if in case mc will stsy to serve the kingdom.

54 the nobles sees mc as a threat. medis vouches for mc. the queen is not convinced. the queen wants mc to be sent to the frontier town, kalinz. suddenly, there is a dispute in the throne room. the queen wants medis and mc to go to kalinz to defeat the oder. it will secure medis fate to the throne. oswell wnts to refute this. the queen denies oswell. medis is unsure, she totally dragged mc out of the dream he wants, a peaceful life as a shopkeep of their family store. mc suddenly voice out his decision. he will go to kalinz to protect medis. the queen saw it as a conviction and promises to reward mc a title of a baron and land when they return. in mc's thought, if mc refuse, the queen will just do everything in her power to get mc. mc has no power to refuse.

55 oswell is enrage. he aim his anger towards his subordinate, calviner, the insane sword emperor, she works for oswell. oswell is not yet through and will not easily hand the throne to medis. he has a plan. back to the protagonists, medis is sulking that he dragged mc deeper into her problem. katia made mc talk privately with medis. medis is a wreck. mc tells medis that he has made up his mind, he will go with her. all the time, mc is just selfish and unlike his team during the duel, they are ready to go all out for the dream they want. mc will go with medis for her sake as a precious friend. 

56 mc discusses his situation with the medis team plus prannie kreis. with mc being incognito with his power, mc committed a sin vs the kingdom and in order attone, mc will go to the frontier town kalinz. prol bryce will be mentor for the medis team. mc gets a visitor it was diva, mc's mom, and aria, the rainford elven maid. mc explains he will go on a trip to kalinz for a school training. mc lied. the family had a lot of catching up. that night, mc gets a night visit from aria.

57 aria knows whats mc's situation is. aria tries convincing mc that he could just refuse. but mc is determine to follow things through. aria is worried for mc. mc reassures aria and thanks her for her caring and worrying for him. meanwhile, oswell is cooking up a plot vs the queen kaisera, his mother. on a side note, singularities are the one plotting the oders.

58 mc, medis and katia goes to the north. they brought reinforcement with them. on their way, katia apologizes to mc. she feels it's her fault mc got dragged into the mess. mc says he's doing it for medis and inspire katia. katia feels wanting to be a mother/elder sister to mc. meanwhile, in the north, archduke courdomi and his men are having a problem of either retreating or continuing their search for survivors. unfortunately, news of reinforcement causes the archduke and men to forcibly return and welcome the arriving help. meanwhile, somewhere in the north, more oders are being created, the resource is from the defeated warriors. a singularity is making them.

59 katia and medis discuss the plan with her subordinates. they will go defense in karinz as they wait for the grester reinforcement of the world alliance. they also discuss vital points in the area believed to be the source of the oder. after the greater reinforcement arrive, they will join force to go all out vs the oder. mc will go with the summoners unit. mc meets his superior, countess helen kleiss. kleiss wants to measure mc's true magic power.

60 kleiss measures mc's magic power over 50k. prol bryce is at 4k, kleiss is at 1.8k

61 katia and medis, makes grilled sandwich using magic. meanwhile, mc's magic gets measure up to 100k. everyone witnesses it. it boosts everyone's morale.

62 mc meets with war council. mc explains he once drank an elixir which is probably why his mana pool is so vast. medis knows something is amiss with mc's tale. medis will nit inquire further about mc's more secrets unless mc tells it directly to her. after, some of the war council, minus katia and medis, discuss if in case mc goes rouge. they talk among themselves and will trust the faith mc receive all the while they will remain vigilant just in case. they arrive in karinz. the medis team meets with the karinz team. the karinz team are a bit late fir the meeting, they arrive battered and covered in blood.

63 lord karinz welcomes them as he forcefully carries his body. lord karinz then ask the medis team to get a rest. medis refuses and wants to immediately discuss the plan for the battle. lord karinz laughs at it and says hr himself is the one in command and medis should just up and leave the reinforcements to him. he argues the battlefield is very different and that medis is very green be discussing or be out in the fields. katia stands for medis and says medis is more than meets the eye. lord karinz refuses and even insults the heroes who left the frontiers.

64 the higher ups wants to go head to head. medis interrupts and stops the possible conflict of katia and lord karinz. medis says her team will stay as a force to aid the north and will do the council the next day as lord karinz wanted. the talk settles. before leaving, lord karinz claims he despises maian. ancestor of katia and medis. afterward, mc and medis goes out to the city of karinz to have an undercover check of the city. medis invites mc to join the council the next day. the two then head to the taverns to get info, they find lord karinz enjoyinf himself with women by his side.

65 mc and medis goes to the corner to check what's happening. the people of karinz rejoiced that reinforcement arrive. they also throw insults to medis, they all think she is weak willed and would mostly run away at the start of battle. medis let them be. medis explains to mc that there is a deep resentment of the karinz people and the stromheim. the karinz people gets inundated to the stromheim kingdom since the karinz is too small and the economics is too weak. the stromheim people don't like this and so a bad blood between the two happens. this is all made possible by the maian hero. suddenly mc's and medis's cover gets blown. katia appears and saves them. katia has been following mc and medis. lord karinz notices. lord karinz wants the duel with katia to happen. mc and medis gets dragged with the mock battle. meanwhile, an army of oders marches towards the frontier town.

66 the duel happens. lord karinz is intoxicated but is able. he teased katia. lord karinz is set for medis next. mc blocks lord karinz. katia insults lord karinz. the karinz people defend lord karinz. medis saw that lord karinz is worthy of the title. suddenly, a news arrive. the oders are coming.

67 a council immediately happens. medis surrenders the authority of her team to lord karinz as they are more knowledgeable with the terrain and strategists vs the oders. on the otherhand, medis wants to be deployed in the frontline alongside her mc and katia. lord karinz immediately denies her. he says medis will be a symbol for the people and she should handle the internals. even the medis team agrees to lord karinz decision. medis has to oblige. the troops prepare. the battle is much thought out, the soldiers will carry bombs, if in case they get infected, they could commit suicide just so not to add to the army of the enemies. the troops head out.

68 the troops arrive at the three garrison, where the invasions are happening. the troops are struggling. suddenly, an elite oder appears. the troops were mistaken that the oder monsters are mindless. the oders are playing a war tactics vs the troops. the troops retreat. suddenly, lord karinz appears to the aid one of the garrison.

69 lord karinz goes one man army vs the oder. its an even struggle, with lord karinz at the many disadvantage. lord karinz goes counter and suddenly boost the troops morale. lord karinz leads his mean. in another garrison, the medis team gets defeated.

70 somewhere in the north, the singularities discusses how the oders are bringing them soul for their planned resurrection. they need to have medis killed in order for their goal to be met. meanwhile, in the karinz castle, medis and katia are sparring. suddenly, they receive a message that two garrisons are requestion reinforcement and only lord karinz group are able to fight the oders. the oders are immune to magic. the request for reinforcement came from kleiss and she request specifically for medis's unit.

71 medis's unit, medis, katia and mc heads out. agnes, the one lord karinz left to keep an eye out for medis goes with them. agnes is a dragon that can transform into a human. the three rode on dragon agnes's back. suddenly an oder dragon appears and attacks them agnes loses a wing. the four falls. mc makes a golem to catch them.

72 mc makes a series of golems to continously catch them as they get to the ground. agnes says the dragon that attack them is her grand daughter. they turned her into an oder. mc and agnes gets separated with medis and katia. mc and agned gets surrounded by oders. katia and medis gets faced with an elite oder and the oder dragon. mc goes gate of babylon and wreck having on the oders that surrounded them.

73 mc continues his barrage. he then summons a golem for them to ride. agnes stay by mc's side as his shield vs oder that pass through mc's attack. although they were at an advantage they could not move. the golem is too slow and they are simply outnumbered. mc tries something new with his magic. he makes an agnes of his own, a living person. mc gets to summan an agnes of his own. mc's agnes is the agnes in her prime. the agnes gets bewildered by mc's magic.

74 mc and agnes breaks free from the horde ofnoders thanks to mc's agnes. the real agnes tries asking about mc's power, mc says it's a state secret. agnes accepts it. agnes then inquires mc's mana. mc says he's fine. agnes gives mc a dragon gem that measures the wearers current mana. mc mana supply is in the green. agnes is surprised with the mana pool mc has despite the continues summons.

75 katia and medis vs the elite oder. katia overpowers the elite oder. the elite oder tries to run away. medis realizes its the dragon that attack them. katia tries dealing the oder a final blow. suddenly, a singularity appears and saves the oder elite. the singularity says the oder elite is necessary to kill the princess, which is probably medis.

76 the singularity prepares to kill medis using the oders. meanwhile, mc and agnes are moving towards medis and katia. katia fights the oders and tells medis to retreat. the singularity will not let any of them escape.

77 medis and katia gets held down by gravity magic. katia goes full buff and starts her counter. unfortunately, the gravity magic gets amplified. the oder elite attacks medis, katia is unable to move. suddenly, lord karinz appears to save medis.

78 lord karinz takes the lead. he orders katia to retreat with medis. he tells them that garrisons 1 and 2 are already reclaimed. rescue for the garrison 3 survivors are on its way. lord karinz heads to eliminate the singularity. the singularity gets unmasked but is unharmed. the gravity magic goes even stronger. medis almost getd killed, katia saves medis. katia gets bitten on the neck and overwhelmed by oders.

79 lord karinz stops medis from trying to save katia. lord karinz reveals it is medis's late mother who requested for lord karinz to protect medis and he is doing as he promised. katia breaks free from the oders that attacked her. unfortunately it was already too late. katia's fate is sealed. katia wants to become a sacrifice to let medis and lord karinz escape. suddenly, the singularity extends his gravity territory and summons even more oder. lord karinz can easily escape with his blink magic, but medis can't come with him. so he can't. everything was becoming hopeless. suddenly, a pack of salamander appears and attacks the oders. mc arrives.

80 mc realizes katya is now an infected. his anger goes straight to the singularity. mc summons four golems and destroys the pillars that amplifies the enemy's gravity magic.

81 mc morphs his dragon and attacks the singularity. the singularity deflected it with his magic. soon after, pillars once again started for the gravity magic. suddenly, the singularity explains the circumstance mc is in, from how he gets abused and used even by his friend. the singularity invites mc to become one of them.

82 the persuasion continues. suddenly, katia interrupts. she reveals it was her and not medis who mainly dragged mc to where they are now. she wants medis to succeed the throne in order to continue the maian legacy. katia then says the maian bloodline has a skill that negates the oder infection. all blood inside her will get released and suddenly new blood flows inside her. it has a 30% success rate. katia immediately does so.

83 mc refuses the singularity. suddenly, the once 30% mana pool that prol bryce fixed for mc increased. mc makes divine beast spears and once again launch it towards the singularity. the singularity blocks it but the gravity magic set on then gets weaken. mc opts for a gate of babylon attack. lord karinz gets surprised attack by the oder elite. agnes notices it her grand daughter. lord karinz counters. the oder elite goes full speed and was about to hit lord karinz. suddenly, agnes appears and defeats the oder elite.

85 in the midst of mc's barrage, a hand appear beside him, it was the singularity. medis take up the sword and protected mc. medis joins the fight. mc on the offence, medis on defence for mc. the singularity goes phase two. he keeps up his gravity magic and reanimate the defeated oder. medis says not to give up hope, as long as mc keeps attacking, the singularity will get weaker. medis takes the lead.

86 mc launches his divine beast spear to the singularity. the singularity is unscathed but the gravity magic disappeared. the singularity tries attacking mc. medis defends mc. medis commands lord karinz to the the initiative and helpmdefeat the oders around them. lord karinz saw medis's mother through her. lord karinz has a flashback of his first unrequited love and his duty to protect his first love's daughter, medis. lord karinz acknowledges medis as a hero.

87 lord karinz finally joins the fight. medis tells lord karinz to go face the singularity while medis goes defense for mc. lord karinz gives them three minutes for their own plan to set up. suddenly, the singularity goes phase 3. medis gets hit.

88 medis suddenly awakens her full powers of the maian bloodline. mc was about to get hit, medis blocks them all.

89 the singularity tries attacking medis. medis easily deflected all the attacks. mc is now safe with medis as his guard. lord karinz fights the reanimated elite oder, grand daughter of agnes. lord karinz destroyed the gem on her head. thebelite oder gets defeated. lord karinz aims his sword towards the singularity. lord karinz passes through the singularities barrier.

90 lord karinz manages to hit the singularity. the singularity goes "haku in naruto" and used his barrier to hide his true body while making copies of himself from other barriers. mc intervenes and attack all the barrier. lord karinz finds the real body of the singularity. lord karinz manages to get a clean hit on the singularity. the singularity eyes mc.

91 the singularity ports behind mc and launches an attack. medis goes defense but it wasn't enough. mc gets caught. medis quickly saves mc. lord karinz goes for a hit. the singularity gets thrown off balance. suddenly, the singularity is in the middle of medis and lord karinz. the two heroes strikes the singularity at the same time. unfortunately, medis suddenly fails as her buff rans out. the singularity saw this an opportunity and attacks medis and mc at the same time. medis saves mc. medis gets hit.

92 medis reveals that mc alone is the one that give her comfort, amidst the politics and many things that are happening. and it made her mission to protect mc at all cost. the singularity goes for round 2. mc goes serious mode. he summons heroes.

93 mc let medis, lord karinz, agnes as well the body of katia leave. mc, along with his summoned heroes, face the singularity. the battle is at an impasse with mc at perfectly coordinated attack and defense. the singularity charges a burst attack. mc notices his mana pool at half. the singularity is almost out of mana.

94 mc withstood the singularity's burst. the singularity no longer have any mana. mc goes counter with his own divine beast spears aimed at the singularity.

95 the singularity gets defeated but before dying, the singularity cast one final attack and created a black hole. the magic aims is to swallow everything in the karinz territory and explode. mc has a plan. mc plans to contain the black with his summons. mc's mana is almost depleted. lucky, mc's mana pool usage expanded. mc is able to complete his summon vs the blackhole magic.

96 mc seals the blackhole, everyone who survive the oder saw the magnificent light that came from the explosion of the blackhole which mc sealed. the other singularities realizes, maine lost. maine is the singularity mc and his allies faced. medis returns to mc's side. mc smile. medis hugs mc. they just won the battle.

97 lord karinz realizes katia is alive. agnes finds her granddaughter marie cougar also to be alive. they rush back to karinz to help the two katia and marie. suddenly, mc collapsed. mc saw a dream of aria going with another man. mc couldn't accept it and wanted follow. mc hears a voice not to follow them. mc wakes up from his nightmare. he's lying on a bed in karinz.

66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

9/10 A great read. The story so far is like a character development of the mc. And mind you, the mc is supposed to be OP who is from the anc...