Wednesday, May 29, 2024

777 Harem (manga until chapter 12.1) °

@yuki kakeru, mc
@forteis, knight guard of the mercury kingdom
@helene, princess of the mercury kingdom
@iris teresia mercury, little sister of princess helene, in charge of enforcing law in the town of roizen
@salamas, a merchant and a manager of a trading company
@miu mi myu, beast maid that mc acquires from salamas
@kefka almosso, a government official who made a deal with criminals to smuggle copper supplies.
@elenoar, demon sword wielded by the barbarian king. cursed sword of the supreme ruler, rodotos. she is now owned by mc. she turned into a little lady when mc went to the lottery room
@io acos, c rank adventurer, a novice wizard
@alexis, a rank adventurer, ace of the roizen branch adventurer guild
@delfina homer lamanry, the merchant that helene introduced to mc
@nana kanou, barbarian queen
@mari, the little sister fiona. server and cook in a diner in roizen town
@fiona, a server in a diner in roizen town

#mercury kingdom
#lottery room, the place where mc entered when he won the secret grand price. mc got his abilities here and it's here mc is able to use the lottery tickets he get. they a promo of 10+1
#lottery ticket, acquired by doing great deeds and acquiring achievements, they can also be acquired by having a transaction with a substational amount of money involved.
#roizen town
#euboi, frontline fort vs the barbarians

1 mc tries a loterry. mc won a secret grand prize. mc saw a man who also wonthe secret grand prize. the man got tentacle powers and is isekai'd. mc's turn to get isekai'd. mc gets to roll for his power up. mc can re-roll as many times until mc git the power that he wants. mc acquires the x777 all abilities. before mc gets isekai'd, mc is told that mc can immediately return if he truly wish to return but after mc can no longer get back to the isekai world. mc gets isekai'd. mc faces a bull monster. with mc's x777 ability, mc easily beats the bull monster. mc hears a scream. mc went to the location to find a group of guards, a carriage and more bull monsters. mc aids the group and beat the bull monsters. after, the knight greets mc and thanks him for saving them. then a princess, helene, came out of the carriage and thanked mc. mc is given a fan as a token from helene. mc just need to give the fan to a royal guard and the guards will already know what to do. princess helene had to take care of his business and so they parted ways with mc. mc is left with the bull monster's body. a merchant, salamas and a group of adventurers suddenly arrived. they greet mc. salamas wants to buy the body of the bull monsters, mc lets them. mc went with them to get his prize. mc is given a lot of money. mc sees a piece of paper and asks salamas what the paper was. salamas says he don't know and he can't see any paper that mc sees. mc hides it and has a hunch it has somrthing to do with the lottery thst isekai'd him. mc sees a beast maid working for salamas. mc gets charmed and unknowingly flashed the fan given to him by princess helene. salamas sees the fan. it's fan given to most trusted person by the royal highness. salamas felt the need to serve mc. mc accepts the offer. mc wants to get a house and a maid, the beast maid. mc went to the mansion he bought along with the beast maid he got. the maid's name is miu mi myu. mc wants to pet miu.

2 mc pets miu. after, mc entrust the mansion to miu and even promises to give her money to help with the mansion. miu gets surprised and asked if mc is sure. mc reassures her. miu obliged. after, mc takes a bath. miu wants to take care of mc. mc lets her. mc feels something urging him to something. suddenly, they got attacked by a ghost. the mansion mc got is a haunted mansion. mc readies up to exterminate the ghost that attacked them. miu is scared. mc reassures her by telling her he'll protect her. they explore the mansion. the ghost uses ice magic. mc carries miu to protect her. suddenly, mc gets hit. miu was worried. mc goes dying will from hitman reborn. mc finds the source of the attack. mc finds the ghost and beat it. mc gets another paper. after, mc couldn't himself back anymore. miu reciprocates. the master and maid did an intimate thing. after, mc checks the papers he keep getting. mc now have two papers. mc realizes they are lottery tickets. mc remembers the room he went to before getting isekai'd. mc think it hard and a door appears.

3 mc enters the door and arrived at the lottery room once again. mc meets with the jester in charge. mc will acquire random items to help him if he uses his tickets. there is also a promotional 10 pulls plus 1. mc tells the jester he'll come back later once he get more tickets. mc returns to the isekai world. mc and miu goes out to eat. miu is more grateful for letting her eat delicious food and for her to eat with mc. mc reassures her. miu is even more grateful. after, the server went to mc to chat for a bit. the server then tell mc that mc should've brought smaller bills next time they pay since there's a shortage of smaller bills. mc paid with a silver coin and the total amounts only to a few copper. there is a shortage in the supply of copper. suddenly, mc overhears a convo, only mc hears it because of his x777 ability. mc leavea with miu. the convo is from a mansion outside the diner. the convo is about hording coppers and doubling it's price. mc wants miu to alert the police. suddenly, a noble man appears, kefka almosso. mc tells them of the plot inside the government office. kefka sees the royal fan given to mc. kefka had mc arrested. kefka is a government with connections to the criminals. kefka orders to get mc killed. mc goes dying will hitman reborn. mc takes miu to a safe place. mc then goes on a rampage. mc vs kefka. kefka launches fire magic on mc. mc takes it. the fire magic gets negated thanks to mc's magic resistance x777. mc uses ice magic he acquired from the mansion ghost. mc beats kefka and also went overboard into freezing the whole government office of kefka. mc acquires a lottery ticket.

4 few days later, mc gets a summon from the royal princess, helene. mc goes to kefka's office. the office is still frozen. mc meets with princess helene. helene's sister, iris, greets mc. it wad actually iris who wants to meet mc. she wants to her what happened from mc. after mc's report, the iris tells that the incident with the copper smuggling have happened multiple tines in the past. mc then suggests of making paper money with the royal crest as new currency. one of the royal subordinate is againsr tge suggestion. iris finds mc's idea to be a dependable, economic-wise. iris will take mc's idea to consideration. after, the two siblings asks mc for an escort quest. mc will be a body guard to princess helene. they went to the frontier fort, euboi. when they got there, they receive reports of strange happening in the war vs the barbarians. mc asks if things will be resolve if in case mc joins the game. without hearing the answer from the royal siblings, mc takes up a single sword and heads for the war. suddenly, the barbarian appears are running for fear towards the garrison. they seek refuge. they then find the cause of panic, the barbarian king is going on a rampage, it is due to the cursed sword, elenoar, he is holding. mc vs barbarian king. mc's sword broke. mc deals with the enrage barbarian king only with the blade of his broken sword. mc win. the cursed sword flies towards the ground in front of princess helene. helene gets possessed, she now holds the cursed sword, elenoar.

5 possessed helene summons undead skeletons. mc takes care of the skeleton. helene goes on a rampage. helene then targets iris. princess helene utters words to mc. she's seeking help to kill her. mc hears it. mc gets a sword and then goes super saiyan trunks. mc attacks the sword princess helene is holding. mc saves helene. the cursed sword, elenoar, gets impaled to the ground. there are still a lot of the undead skeletons. mc notices the sword, elenoar. elenoar starts enticing mc. mc wields the swords. elenoar can't possess mc. mc attacks the undead skeleton with elenoar. mc defeats all the undead skeleton. princess helene then gains conciousness and immediately went to mc. she wants to be with mc. elenoar mentions a side effect of being possessed by the demon sword, sexual urges. if the urges can't get satisfied, the affected will die. mc tells the soldiers and iris, that he'll take care of princess helene.

6 mc went back to his mansion and satisfied princess helene's urges. after, mc finally acquires a number of lottery tickets tonget the 10+1 bonus. mc heads to the lottery room. when mc got there, both the jester and mc was surprised to find a little lady beside mc. the littly lady is elenoar, she reverted back to his human form. she started attacking mc. it was ineffective. mc then places the lottery. mc got a white stone that can heal, then some black stone that can use attack magics. mc lets elenoar takes the last pull. elenoar wins an unlimeted teleport feather, warp feather. mc thanks elenoar. the two leaves the lottery room. elenoar becomes a sword again. mc meets with miu and helene. helene wishes to go back to fort eubio. mc takes helene back to fort eubio with the warp feather. iris welcome them. princess helene reunites with iris. mc bids the royalties farewell. but before mc leave, princess helene tells it will take time before she gets by mc's side. mc says he'll be waiting for her.

7 as per salamas's request, mc joins a subjugation quest from the adventurers guild. he has his sword, elenoar, with him. mc gets acquainted with io acos, a c rank adventurer novice wizard. the quest is lead by alexis an a rank adventurer. they will be dealing with monsters guarding a cave and afterward will be sealing the cave. this is to prevent a stampede. alexis then place the attention to mc by mentioning that mc is a nobody and will just break out the flow of the group. mc let it be. the group easily manages a wave of monsters. mc is impressed. mc also asked elenoar about the monsters they are facing, they were undead skeletons that same elenoar summoned. mc asks if elenoar can control the monsters, elenoar says she can't. suddenly, a earthquake happens. a giant orc appears and crushed the adventurers group vanguards. elenoar says the orc, sandros, is her subordinate. elenoar ordered sandros to kill mc. instead, sandros is mad vs elenoar. sandros goes on a rampage. the group were about to get crushed until mc stepped in. mc faces sandros.

8 mc rushes to sandros. the other adventurers tries joining. the adventurers are just getting in mc's way. io casts lightning on sandros, it was effective. mc went to io and ask her help get the adventurers out of combat. io wants to help but she wants mc to do the evacuation while io faces sandros. mc obliges. io gives mc time for the evacuation. their plan is working until io gets hit. io is about to die then mc arrives and use the white stone in io. the adventurers are now evacuated. mc starts the clean up. io gets up and wants to help mc. mc accepts. mc wants io, on his signal, to cast the strongest lightning magic in him. io follows. mc goes bankai with elenoar. io cast lightning on mc. mc catches the lightning spell with elenoar. mc slices sandros. mc win. io falls hard for mc. mc acquires lottery tickets.

9 mc and io went out on a mining trip. io is in seventh heaven because gets to adventure with mc and she could show off to mc her magic. until, mc showed a better version of magic to io. io asks mc how he learned lightning magic. mc answers when io hit mc with lightning magic, mc is able to use lightning magic. mc and io continues mining for orichdite. after mc and io teleports to the royal palace. io was surprise. mc is then greeted with a hug by princess helene. io gets surprised. mc then tells helene where they went adventuring. helene immediately understood what mc need, a connection to a merchant able to buy mc's gathered material. io's heart gets crushed. not only does mc and helene are in a relationship, helene understood mc way better. helene notices io's sadness. helene whispers something to mc. after the trip to the palace, mc wants io to tell him whats in her mind. io is reluctant. mc requests to hear it. io wanted to join mc's party but after what happened she is having doubts. she is doubting herself. mc then reassures her she's great. mc also told that alexis is grateful not only to mc but to io as well for the sandros incident. mc teleports io to the adventurers guild and tells her that it was partly her doing that the some of the adventurers were alive in the guild. mc then asks io if she wants to form a party with him. io accepts. mc then kissed her and wants to make love with her. io accepts. next days, a visitor arrive. a beautiful woman, delfina homer lamanry, meets mc. the visitor also gave a gift to miu.

10 delfina is the merchant that helene sent to buy materials mc and io mined. she was doubtful of mc at first but she was a good merchant. her air of doubt and superiority vanished when she tells the sword mc is using is fake. mc lets delfina hold elenoar. delfina gets possessed. mc fixed her up. delfina no longer have doubts with mc. mc wants to stay connected with delfina for business purposes. delfina misunderstood and says she can be mc's woman if mc could rival her fortune. mc let things be and instead of the fortune rivalry, mc asks delfina to stay in his house. with a kiss from mc, delfina obliged. after, mc and elenoar went to the lottery room. there is an event going on. the prizes for the event are loan out skill duration. with loan out, mc can loan to someone else his ability. but while the duration is in effect, mc will go back to normal. mc finds it interesting. mc let elenoar do the gacha. it was all a missed, they only got consolations prizes which can loan skills for 5 minutes. mc went back to the mansion. delfina becomes his accountant? mc asks delfina to buy lands around the mansion for him. after, mc had a giant bath house inside the mansion made. mc had all of his girl take a bath with him. while mc enjoy the bath, mc gets lottery tickets. helene then asks to leave first. she says theres a new attack of the barbarians again and she is needed. a new barbarian queen, nana kanou is leading them. mc is interested with the barbarian queen. meanwhile, elenoar is left in mc's room. suddenly, the defeated ghost in the mansion appears in mc's room. elenoar notices the ghost.

11 mc goes out to eat. its only him and elenoar. mc notices elenoar's different air and attitude but mc let it be. elenoar wants to attack a server. mc stops her. mc meetd the little sister of the server, mari. mari cooks the dishes in the diner. after, mc finishes his meal and was about to pay, the server went to mc and asks for help. mari went missing. mc receives a letter, it was from elenoar. elenoar wants mc to meet her in the mansion. mc and the server teleported to his mansion. mari is in possession of elenoar. elenoar summons the ghost in the mansion. its a 2v1 match. the ghost and elenoars attacks are ineffect against mc.

12.1 mc loans his ability to fiona. its a 2v2 match now. fiona takes care of the vanguard, mc goes for elenoar. mc kisses mari. elenoar gets sent flying off. mari's possession wore off. mc hears elenoars reason for doing the trouble. elenoar feels mc is leaving her out behind. mc reassures her that she is one of the beings she trusts the mosts and he acknowledges all the help she did for him. elenoar will stay by mc's side. after, the two sisters gets reunited. then mari experienced the side effect, fortunately, the side effect of the possession varied for mari. in mari's case, she got very hungry for food. fiona will be treating her. the ghost in the mansion notices the two sisters. the ghost vanished??

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