Friday, May 17, 2024

Drawing: The Greatest Mangaka Becomes A Skilled “Martial Artist” In Another World (chapter 53 to 97)

archduke courdomi/cold girusadan/karinz giyursadan, lord of the frontier town, karinz, vs hordes of oder. one of the seven heroes
centaros/centaur/kentaros, centurion to archduke cold
agnes, centurion to archduke cold. a dragon that can transform to human form.
marie cougar, grand daughter of agnes, also a dragon that can morph to a human, unfortunately, she gets defeated
benedict admiral stromheim, commander in chief of the stromheim kingdom, medis team reinforcement
countess helen kleis, general of the magic corps of the stromheim kingdom, medis team reinforcement
marquis elmont baratian, commander in chief of the knight's corps of the stromheim kingdom, medis team reinforcement
gildane marion, magical advisor grandmage of the stromheim kingdom, medis team reinforcement
kaisera stormheim, queen of stormheim
oriana viglasil, demonic sword emperor, 4th, four sword emperor of stormheim
galahau forgotton, dark sword emperor, 3rd, four sword emperor of stormheim
sigurth palahayos, magic sword emperor, 2nd, four sword emperor of stormheim
calviner/calvina mayan, insane sword emperor, 1st, four sword emperor of stormheim, fiancee of oswell stromheim, sister of katia maian
medisfina maian, first heiress of the stormheim kingdom
katia maia, sword instructor of medisfina
akira rainford, mc
prannie kreis/kleiss, a golden rank student, a summoner, part of oswell's team during the duel.
prol bryce, magic genius and now an instructor in the royal magic academy of stormheim
karameis, singularity summoner, the evil cult leader from the kidnapping incident of mc and medis past
oswald nivilian, singularity spirit lord
celeria sword maian, mother of medisfina maian, sister of katia, git defeated by oder
maine, the singularity of spatial magic

odars, in game of thrones whitewalkers
singularity, a group of 4 great warriors who wanted dominion over the world
icarus nienrir, great king of mages, the person the singulairty wants resurrected

53 the situation in the north frontier town karinz is getting worse. more odars are appearing. back to mc, mc is summoned to have an audience with the queen. mc meets the queen as well the four sword emperors of stormheim. the queen asks his purpose of only now revealing himself. the queen asks if in case mc will stsy to serve the kingdom.

54 the nobles sees mc as a threat. medis vouches for mc. the queen is not convinced. the queen wants mc to be sent to the frontier town, kalinz. suddenly, there is a dispute in the throne room. the queen wants medis and mc to go to kalinz to defeat the oder. it will secure medis fate to the throne. oswell wnts to refute this. the queen denies oswell. medis is unsure, she totally dragged mc out of the dream he wants, a peaceful life as a shopkeep of their family store. mc suddenly voice out his decision. he will go to kalinz to protect medis. the queen saw it as a conviction and promises to reward mc a title of a baron and land when they return. in mc's thought, if mc refuse, the queen will just do everything in her power to get mc. mc has no power to refuse.

55 oswell is enrage. he aim his anger towards his subordinate, calviner, the insane sword emperor, she works for oswell. oswell is not yet through and will not easily hand the throne to medis. he has a plan. back to the protagonists, medis is sulking that he dragged mc deeper into her problem. katia made mc talk privately with medis. medis is a wreck. mc tells medis that he has made up his mind, he will go with her. all the time, mc is just selfish and unlike his team during the duel, they are ready to go all out for the dream they want. mc will go with medis for her sake as a precious friend. 

56 mc discusses his situation with the medis team plus prannie kreis. with mc being incognito with his power, mc committed a sin vs the kingdom and in order attone, mc will go to the frontier town kalinz. prol bryce will be mentor for the medis team. mc gets a visitor it was diva, mc's mom, and aria, the rainford elven maid. mc explains he will go on a trip to kalinz for a school training. mc lied. the family had a lot of catching up. that night, mc gets a night visit from aria.

57 aria knows whats mc's situation is. aria tries convincing mc that he could just refuse. but mc is determine to follow things through. aria is worried for mc. mc reassures aria and thanks her for her caring and worrying for him. meanwhile, oswell is cooking up a plot vs the queen kaisera, his mother. on a side note, singularities are the one plotting the oders.

58 mc, medis and katia goes to the north. they brought reinforcement with them. on their way, katia apologizes to mc. she feels it's her fault mc got dragged into the mess. mc says he's doing it for medis and inspire katia. katia feels wanting to be a mother/elder sister to mc. meanwhile, in the north, archduke courdomi and his men are having a problem of either retreating or continuing their search for survivors. unfortunately, news of reinforcement causes the archduke and men to forcibly return and welcome the arriving help. meanwhile, somewhere in the north, more oders are being created, the resource is from the defeated warriors. a singularity is making them.

59 katia and medis discuss the plan with her subordinates. they will go defense in karinz as they wait for the grester reinforcement of the world alliance. they also discuss vital points in the area believed to be the source of the oder. after the greater reinforcement arrive, they will join force to go all out vs the oder. mc will go with the summoners unit. mc meets his superior, countess helen kleiss. kleiss wants to measure mc's true magic power.

60 kleiss measures mc's magic power over 50k. prol bryce is at 4k, kleiss is at 1.8k

61 katia and medis, makes grilled sandwich using magic. meanwhile, mc's magic gets measure up to 100k. everyone witnesses it. it boosts everyone's morale.

62 mc meets with war council. mc explains he once drank an elixir which is probably why his mana pool is so vast. medis knows something is amiss with mc's tale. medis will nit inquire further about mc's more secrets unless mc tells it directly to her. after, some of the war council, minus katia and medis, discuss if in case mc goes rouge. they talk among themselves and will trust the faith mc receive all the while they will remain vigilant just in case. they arrive in karinz. the medis team meets with the karinz team. the karinz team are a bit late fir the meeting, they arrive battered and covered in blood.

63 lord karinz welcomes them as he forcefully carries his body. lord karinz then ask the medis team to get a rest. medis refuses and wants to immediately discuss the plan for the battle. lord karinz laughs at it and says hr himself is the one in command and medis should just up and leave the reinforcements to him. he argues the battlefield is very different and that medis is very green be discussing or be out in the fields. katia stands for medis and says medis is more than meets the eye. lord karinz refuses and even insults the heroes who left the frontiers.

64 the higher ups wants to go head to head. medis interrupts and stops the possible conflict of katia and lord karinz. medis says her team will stay as a force to aid the north and will do the council the next day as lord karinz wanted. the talk settles. before leaving, lord karinz claims he despises maian. ancestor of katia and medis. afterward, mc and medis goes out to the city of karinz to have an undercover check of the city. medis invites mc to join the council the next day. the two then head to the taverns to get info, they find lord karinz enjoyinf himself with women by his side.

65 mc and medis goes to the corner to check what's happening. the people of karinz rejoiced that reinforcement arrive. they also throw insults to medis, they all think she is weak willed and would mostly run away at the start of battle. medis let them be. medis explains to mc that there is a deep resentment of the karinz people and the stromheim. the karinz people gets inundated to the stromheim kingdom since the karinz is too small and the economics is too weak. the stromheim people don't like this and so a bad blood between the two happens. this is all made possible by the maian hero. suddenly mc's and medis's cover gets blown. katia appears and saves them. katia has been following mc and medis. lord karinz notices. lord karinz wants the duel with katia to happen. mc and medis gets dragged with the mock battle. meanwhile, an army of oders marches towards the frontier town.

66 the duel happens. lord karinz is intoxicated but is able. he teased katia. lord karinz is set for medis next. mc blocks lord karinz. katia insults lord karinz. the karinz people defend lord karinz. medis saw that lord karinz is worthy of the title. suddenly, a news arrive. the oders are coming.

67 a council immediately happens. medis surrenders the authority of her team to lord karinz as they are more knowledgeable with the terrain and strategists vs the oders. on the otherhand, medis wants to be deployed in the frontline alongside her mc and katia. lord karinz immediately denies her. he says medis will be a symbol for the people and she should handle the internals. even the medis team agrees to lord karinz decision. medis has to oblige. the troops prepare. the battle is much thought out, the soldiers will carry bombs, if in case they get infected, they could commit suicide just so not to add to the army of the enemies. the troops head out.

68 the troops arrive at the three garrison, where the invasions are happening. the troops are struggling. suddenly, an elite oder appears. the troops were mistaken that the oder monsters are mindless. the oders are playing a war tactics vs the troops. the troops retreat. suddenly, lord karinz appears to the aid one of the garrison.

69 lord karinz goes one man army vs the oder. its an even struggle, with lord karinz at the many disadvantage. lord karinz goes counter and suddenly boost the troops morale. lord karinz leads his mean. in another garrison, the medis team gets defeated.

70 somewhere in the north, the singularities discusses how the oders are bringing them soul for their planned resurrection. they need to have medis killed in order for their goal to be met. meanwhile, in the karinz castle, medis and katia are sparring. suddenly, they receive a message that two garrisons are requestion reinforcement and only lord karinz group are able to fight the oders. the oders are immune to magic. the request for reinforcement came from kleiss and she request specifically for medis's unit.

71 medis's unit, medis, katia and mc heads out. agnes, the one lord karinz left to keep an eye out for medis goes with them. agnes is a dragon that can transform into a human. the three rode on dragon agnes's back. suddenly an oder dragon appears and attacks them agnes loses a wing. the four falls. mc makes a golem to catch them.

72 mc makes a series of golems to continously catch them as they get to the ground. agnes says the dragon that attack them is her grand daughter. they turned her into an oder. mc and agnes gets separated with medis and katia. mc and agned gets surrounded by oders. katia and medis gets faced with an elite oder and the oder dragon. mc goes gate of babylon and wreck having on the oders that surrounded them.

73 mc continues his barrage. he then summons a golem for them to ride. agnes stay by mc's side as his shield vs oder that pass through mc's attack. although they were at an advantage they could not move. the golem is too slow and they are simply outnumbered. mc tries something new with his magic. he makes an agnes of his own, a living person. mc gets to summan an agnes of his own. mc's agnes is the agnes in her prime. the agnes gets bewildered by mc's magic.

74 mc and agnes breaks free from the horde ofnoders thanks to mc's agnes. the real agnes tries asking about mc's power, mc says it's a state secret. agnes accepts it. agnes then inquires mc's mana. mc says he's fine. agnes gives mc a dragon gem that measures the wearers current mana. mc mana supply is in the green. agnes is surprised with the mana pool mc has despite the continues summons.

75 katia and medis vs the elite oder. katia overpowers the elite oder. the elite oder tries to run away. medis realizes its the dragon that attack them. katia tries dealing the oder a final blow. suddenly, a singularity appears and saves the oder elite. the singularity says the oder elite is necessary to kill the princess, which is probably medis.

76 the singularity prepares to kill medis using the oders. meanwhile, mc and agnes are moving towards medis and katia. katia fights the oders and tells medis to retreat. the singularity will not let any of them escape.

77 medis and katia gets held down by gravity magic. katia goes full buff and starts her counter. unfortunately, the gravity magic gets amplified. the oder elite attacks medis, katia is unable to move. suddenly, lord karinz appears to save medis.

78 lord karinz takes the lead. he orders katia to retreat with medis. he tells them that garrisons 1 and 2 are already reclaimed. rescue for the garrison 3 survivors are on its way. lord karinz heads to eliminate the singularity. the singularity gets unmasked but is unharmed. the gravity magic goes even stronger. medis almost getd killed, katia saves medis. katia gets bitten on the neck and overwhelmed by oders.

79 lord karinz stops medis from trying to save katia. lord karinz reveals it is medis's late mother who requested for lord karinz to protect medis and he is doing as he promised. katia breaks free from the oders that attacked her. unfortunately it was already too late. katia's fate is sealed. katia wants to become a sacrifice to let medis and lord karinz escape. suddenly, the singularity extends his gravity territory and summons even more oder. lord karinz can easily escape with his blink magic, but medis can't come with him. so he can't. everything was becoming hopeless. suddenly, a pack of salamander appears and attacks the oders. mc arrives.

80 mc realizes katya is now an infected. his anger goes straight to the singularity. mc summons four golems and destroys the pillars that amplifies the enemy's gravity magic.

81 mc morphs his dragon and attacks the singularity. the singularity deflected it with his magic. soon after, pillars once again started for the gravity magic. suddenly, the singularity explains the circumstance mc is in, from how he gets abused and used even by his friend. the singularity invites mc to become one of them.

82 the persuasion continues. suddenly, katia interrupts. she reveals it was her and not medis who mainly dragged mc to where they are now. she wants medis to succeed the throne in order to continue the maian legacy. katia then says the maian bloodline has a skill that negates the oder infection. all blood inside her will get released and suddenly new blood flows inside her. it has a 30% success rate. katia immediately does so.

83 mc refuses the singularity. suddenly, the once 30% mana pool that prol bryce fixed for mc increased. mc makes divine beast spears and once again launch it towards the singularity. the singularity blocks it but the gravity magic set on then gets weaken. mc opts for a gate of babylon attack. lord karinz gets surprised attack by the oder elite. agnes notices it her grand daughter. lord karinz counters. the oder elite goes full speed and was about to hit lord karinz. suddenly, agnes appears and defeats the oder elite.

85 in the midst of mc's barrage, a hand appear beside him, it was the singularity. medis take up the sword and protected mc. medis joins the fight. mc on the offence, medis on defence for mc. the singularity goes phase two. he keeps up his gravity magic and reanimate the defeated oder. medis says not to give up hope, as long as mc keeps attacking, the singularity will get weaker. medis takes the lead.

86 mc launches his divine beast spear to the singularity. the singularity is unscathed but the gravity magic disappeared. the singularity tries attacking mc. medis defends mc. medis commands lord karinz to the the initiative and helpmdefeat the oders around them. lord karinz saw medis's mother through her. lord karinz has a flashback of his first unrequited love and his duty to protect his first love's daughter, medis. lord karinz acknowledges medis as a hero.

87 lord karinz finally joins the fight. medis tells lord karinz to go face the singularity while medis goes defense for mc. lord karinz gives them three minutes for their own plan to set up. suddenly, the singularity goes phase 3. medis gets hit.

88 medis suddenly awakens her full powers of the maian bloodline. mc was about to get hit, medis blocks them all.

89 the singularity tries attacking medis. medis easily deflected all the attacks. mc is now safe with medis as his guard. lord karinz fights the reanimated elite oder, grand daughter of agnes. lord karinz destroyed the gem on her head. thebelite oder gets defeated. lord karinz aims his sword towards the singularity. lord karinz passes through the singularities barrier.

90 lord karinz manages to hit the singularity. the singularity goes "haku in naruto" and used his barrier to hide his true body while making copies of himself from other barriers. mc intervenes and attack all the barrier. lord karinz finds the real body of the singularity. lord karinz manages to get a clean hit on the singularity. the singularity eyes mc.

91 the singularity ports behind mc and launches an attack. medis goes defense but it wasn't enough. mc gets caught. medis quickly saves mc. lord karinz goes for a hit. the singularity gets thrown off balance. suddenly, the singularity is in the middle of medis and lord karinz. the two heroes strikes the singularity at the same time. unfortunately, medis suddenly fails as her buff rans out. the singularity saw this an opportunity and attacks medis and mc at the same time. medis saves mc. medis gets hit.

92 medis reveals that mc alone is the one that give her comfort, amidst the politics and many things that are happening. and it made her mission to protect mc at all cost. the singularity goes for round 2. mc goes serious mode. he summons heroes.

93 mc let medis, lord karinz, agnes as well the body of katia leave. mc, along with his summoned heroes, face the singularity. the battle is at an impasse with mc at perfectly coordinated attack and defense. the singularity charges a burst attack. mc notices his mana pool at half. the singularity is almost out of mana.

94 mc withstood the singularity's burst. the singularity no longer have any mana. mc goes counter with his own divine beast spears aimed at the singularity.

95 the singularity gets defeated but before dying, the singularity cast one final attack and created a black hole. the magic aims is to swallow everything in the karinz territory and explode. mc has a plan. mc plans to contain the black with his summons. mc's mana is almost depleted. lucky, mc's mana pool usage expanded. mc is able to complete his summon vs the blackhole magic.

96 mc seals the blackhole, everyone who survive the oder saw the magnificent light that came from the explosion of the blackhole which mc sealed. the other singularities realizes, maine lost. maine is the singularity mc and his allies faced. medis returns to mc's side. mc smile. medis hugs mc. they just won the battle.

97 lord karinz realizes katia is alive. agnes finds her granddaughter marie cougar also to be alive. they rush back to karinz to help the two katia and marie. suddenly, mc collapsed. mc saw a dream of aria going with another man. mc couldn't accept it and wanted follow. mc hears a voice not to follow them. mc wakes up from his nightmare. he's lying on a bed in karinz.

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