It Seems the Production Skill Acquired in Another World is the Strongest
@kou kousaka, mc
@chrome, merchant mc found being attacked by an armored bear. head of the scarlet company
@docs, a b rank mercenary, hired by chrome. abandoned his duty when the bear attack. he attacked chrome for reporting them.
@milia, receptionist in the onnen branch adventurers guild, she took care of mc's adventurer registration. she wrote the onnen branch adventurer guild guide booklet. she is secretly onnen branch adventurer guild assistant manager
@gise, instructor in the onnen bramch adventurer guild, he took care of mc's practical exams
@zitan bardan, head chief of the onnen branch adventurers guild
@irisnewt fafnir, dragonfolk tribe adventurer, mc's partner for his first quest. possesses the skill dragon god's shrine maiden which let her use the dragon god's shield.
@ferris, twin sister of irisnewt fafnir. she has the dragon god's shrine maiden skill and premonition
@lerich d'hubert, 3rd son of a duke. an archeologist. expert on ancient civilization. a laboratory of archeology professor. develo a number of daily necessity magic items.
#transferor, summoned beings for other world, mc is a transferor
#creation skills lets user produce item from acquired ingredients. produced item has/have bonus effects
#talent type skills, passives
#inteligence type skills, active
#in the other world, a person can only have three skills at max, and it cannot increase more than than. and no level up exists.
#city of onnen, the first city mc visits. this is where chrome, the merchant, live
#artisan god's eye, a filter vision skill. when user activates this skills, he filters out his vision in order to easily locate certain things
#material transmutation, raise the rank/grade of certain items. a number of an item is required to get a single higher rank/grade of an item.
#underground city no.1, an ancient ruins under the onnen territory. mc is its new owner.
#adventurers guild
#mercenary guild
#helper slime
#glasses slime
#stampede, a phenomenon when a great numbers of monsters starts moving to a one direction
1 mc gets summoned in another world. mc is asked to choose his destiny. mc gets a hidden destiny. mc acquired different skills. mc uses his full assist skill so mc could quickly understand and fully his other skills. mc tries out his storage box, dismantling, and creation. (it's like he's in minecraft with this skills). mc also tested out his dexterity when he threw a wooden axe he made. mc's passive is transferor skill, a bonus to attributes and senses for the summoned people, it's at level 99. mc suddenly hears a scream. mc goes to the location and found a merchant being attack by a bear. mc is hesitant at first but steeled himself to help the merchant. mc easily defeats the bear.
2 the merchant's name is chrome. mc introduced himself as a craftsman. the merchant is in disbelief. the armored bear is an a rank monster and mc easily beats it. chrome suggests mc to go back to the city with him. mc accepted the offer. chrome is in a dilemma that his coachman ran away with the horse. chrome cannot leave the merchandise inside his carriage. mc suggests placing the carriage in his itembox. mc easily did so. chrome gets even more amazed. in order to keep mc's identity and secret hidden, mc lies and tells his a craftsman who trained so hard and for too long in the woods and the mountains so his common sense and power is a bit off. chrome did not question mc. mc inquires a bit of the world from chrome. chrome happily answers mc's questions. mc also found out of the escort of chrome who left him when the bear attacked. mc and chrome arrives in the city of onnen. there they found the mercenaries chrome hired. they were lying to save their face. chrome tells the truth. the mercenary gets arrested. one of the mercenary got loose and attack chrome. mc interferes and knocked the mercenary unconcious with his crafted chair, it has a special effect. mc is called to the knights office to answer some question. chrome backed him up. mc gets released. mc and chrome heads to chrome's mansion. mc gets accomodated and fed. mc plans on leaving and finding a job after. next day, chrome says mc could stay in his mansion for a month. it was his thanks to mc for saving him. mc accepts the offer. after having a meaningful talk, chrome suggests mc to register as an adventurer in the adventurers guild. chrome also advice mc to wear an armor so they wouldn't mistake mc for someone weak. when chrome leave, mc crafted an armor from the defeated armor bear. mc will register as an adventurer.
3 mc went to the adventurers guild. the adventurers are wary of mc. mc hears his nickname, bear killer. mc talks to the receptionist, milia. mc registers and then he takes the practical test. mc aces the test. mc gets an adventurer id card. mc is now a registered adventurer. milia teaches mc about rules and systems in the adventurers guild. milia then hands mc a quest to take. it's a simple gathering quest issued by the pharmacy guild. mc accepts the quest. milia tells mc that adventurers who are taking their quest will be accompanied by a high ranking adventurer. milia looks for an adventurer to partner up with mc.
4 mc gets partnered up with irisnewt fafnir, iris. iris is a dragonfolk tribe adventurer. the duo prepares for the quest. iris guides mc. while preparing, mc gets know that receptionist milia is a very talented person and will soon take up higher management in the onnen branch adventuree guild. mc also find out that the item box for ordinary people are very limited and so the item box skill is considered a failure skill. people would instead use magic pouches to as a sub for the item box skill, pouches also have larger capacity. on the otherhand, mc always tell anyone who asks about his item box that his has unlimited capacity. when the preparation is complete, the duo heads to the quest location. mc uses his item box to gather the herbs. iris is suprised with mc's use of his item box skill. mc then uses his artisan god's eye skill to easily locate the herb they need to gather. after an hour they finish the quest. before they head back, mc inquires iris about dragonfolks. iris thought mc will discriminate her. mc says he envies them for being strong and being long lived. iris took it as a compliment. after, the two returned to the adventurer guild. milia gets surprised at how fast the quest was finished and how great the conditions of the herbs gathered. mc explains how he used his item box to gather the herbs. milia takes the quests items and after verifying them, milia hands mc his rewards. milia also said that if mc's gathering method gets verified, mc will receive more reward. after, mc returned back to chrome's mansion which is also an inn for chrome's employer. mc gets a rest, he is not used to wearing armor and is more comfortable to wearing his own suit. next day, mc gets a subjugation quest. mc's target are wolves. mc heads out to the location but is having a hard time finding the wolves. in the meantime, mc found herb ingredients. using mc's creation skill, mc made a healing potion and an antidote potion, it has greater effect thanks to the creation skill's bonus. soon after, a wolf appears. mc readies for combat.
5 mc beats the first wolf. then appesrs 4 more. mc defests 1 more. mc levels up and gains a new skill, automatic collection, autoloot. mc defeats the wolves and easily collected the materials. suddenly, 4 more wolves appear. mc beats them but the wolves kept coming. in the end, mc got more than 2k amount of wolven corpses in his item box. mc's level also increased by a few. mc decides to rest in a nearby pond. mc finds a duo adventurers, the duo adventurers were tired. mc greet them. the duo informs mc they must get out of the area. a huge black spider is lurking around the area. the spider is supposed to be deeper and further away. the duo mentioned that it was thanks to a dragontribe adventurer, iris, that they got away. mc is concerned for iris. mc asks the duo for direction. the duo tells mc the whereabout of the blackspider. the duo were reluctant to tell mc, but one of them hears the spirits which said it's fine to let mc go. the duo tell mc the direction of the spider and they also tell mc they'll get help. mc heads to the direction of the blackspider. mc arrives to a recently cleared area. a battle had just happened. mc finds iris lying on the ground. mc approaches iris. suddenly, the blackspider emerged from the ground.
6 mc vs spider. the spider has a very hard carapace, mc's attack were in effective. mc gets trap by the spider thread. mc uses his item box to store the spider thread. mc finds the weapon of iris. mc dual wield iris weapon and his sword. mc manages to beat the spider. mc gains level and a new skill, auto mapping. mc can now open a map window. mc uses his potion and antidote to fix iris. iris gets fixed. iris is worried about the spider. mc tells her he dealt with the spider. iris wants to repay mc for saving her. mc just asks her to invite him dinner. iris accepts. iris's trust to mc gets deeper. iris is still exhausted, mc carries her back.
7 mc with an unconcious iris returns to the adventurer guild. the duo adventurers and milia greets mc. mc and milia went to a private room. milia tells mc her secret, she the branch assistant manager to the adventurer guild. milia expresses her gratitude to mc for subjugating the black spider. milia asks the report of what happened. mc reports the lonely wolves. the numbers mc subjugated surprised milia, 2048. milia then ask about iris's poison. milia said, the cure for the black spider poison hasn't yet been invented yet. mc then showed the antidote he made that cure iris's poison. mc will then be reward for his subjugation. milia wants mc to be recognized for his achievement. mc will then be promoted soon. after the meeting, gise invites mc to have dinner. mc obliged. when mc got to the diner, he is greeted by the many adventurers of the city. they toast for mc's heroism. mc got a new nickname, spider killer. iris arrives. the human people are wary of iris being a dragonfolk tribe. mc did not want that. mc went to iris and had the attention to her. mc tells iris is also a hero who in her bravery allowed the duo adventurer escape and also bravely fought a one sided battle vs the black spider. the people in the diner rejoice. 10 days after. mc becomes a d rank from f rank. he needs to do a lot more quests and subjugation to get to c rank. the quest includes city quests. mc's current quest is assisting a diner. mc made an apron from the wolf pelt he has. it granted mc bonus to cooking and dish cleaning. mc did his job remarkably. mc's next quest is city renovation. mc helped with moving materials using his item box. mc finishes his quest and then went back to the adventurer guild to report. afterwsrf, dinner with iris. iris has been inviting mc for dinner everyday. during dinner, the two chat. iris reveals she went to onnen to find an underground city. iris is looking for ruins of ancient civilization.
8 mc seems interested. mc open his map skill. iris notices it. mc tries locating an underground city. the map showed an entrance to an underground city. the two decided to investigate the next day. next day, iris and mc went to the location. they found a suspicious rock. mc can't lift it. iris suggested to mc to place the rock in his item box. mc did so. when the rock disappeared, a door is uncovered behind it. iris immediately knew the door is made of a special material, orichalcum. mc reads a description on the door. suddenly mc gets a status window that says the ownership of the underground city will be transferred to mc after a trial. suddenly, an orichalcum golem appears behind them. the golem suddenly attack with laser. mc suddenly realized the laser is magic. mc's black spider gauntlets has magic absoprtion bonus. mc will tank and aggro the golem while iris go for the offense. they innitiate the clash. iris's attack left an opening for mc. mc deals the final blow. mc levels up and acquires the ownership of the underground city. iris's feelings towards mc becomes deeper. mc opens the door. the duo heads inside.
9 while the two explored, iris asks if in case mc is a transferor. as iris explains, a person with many skills and are not from the land they are in. in iris understanding, mc is a foreigner from another continent. mc confirms it and ask iris if she could keep it to herself. after a while, the two arrived in a open area with a sky above their head. the two encounters a slime. the slime introduced himself not an enemy but a helper slime. suddenly, more slimes appear. they are caretakers of the underground city no. 0. they called mc their master. after a bit of explanation, mc's status window pop up, mc's creation skill got updated. mc can now do city building with his creation magic. mc makes a house out of nothing. mc gets a new system of city building added to him. the slimes are amazed at mc. beforr they could further develop a city in city zero, mc had to first report their discovery to the adventurer guild. the two leaves city zero and went back to the adventurer guild. they came looking for milia. milia is out for a meeting. mc reports their finding to the current receptionist. it turned out to be a great discovery. the receptionist immediately scheduled the two a meeting with a superior. the two had a lunch while waiting for meeting. the bond of the two slightly deepened. after a while, a noble meet up with the two. he introduced himself as lerich d'hubert, a 3rd son of a duke and an archeologist. lerich wants to hear the city zero discovery.
10 mc and iris takes lerich to the city zero. lerich find out mc is the master of zero city. the three head inside the house mc built in city zero. lerich discusses the ancient civilization. mc thinks that the ancient civilization is very much like earth, the place he was originally in. the discussion goes on that the ancient civilization disappeared after a great calamity appears and wreck havoc. the calamity then after takes a long slumber. the recent appearing of high rank monsters and their increase in numbers might be the cause of the calamity awakening. lerich asks mc to build structures in city zero in order to make it an evacuation area in case the calamity appears and also for lerich to do his research. mc obliges. mc quickly made a village. iris almost slipped and mentioned mc is a transferor. lerich went to the house to investigate. the slimes furnishes the inside of the houses. after the building are complete, lerich says he will report his investigation to the king. lerich is actually a top notch professor. suddenly, an earthquake happened in city zero. the slime asks mc to follow. they all it. they found a giant black door.
11 the trio touches the door. they got ported to a deep part of city zero. a glasses slime appears and tells them that was the place they were monitoring the calamities. there is also one calamity sealed within the onnen territor. the glasses slime says that there were more than one calamity. they were all surprised and worried. the glasses slime tells them that the one sealed in the onnen territory is a black dragon and within 10 days it will break free. they were then lead to a projection room where they saw what the black dragon did in the past. it was terrifying. lerich suggests they head back to onnen city and have the people evacuate to city zero. they all head to the onnen adventurer guild. milia greets them and congratulated them with the underground city discovery. unfortunstely, they cannoy rejoice since a stampede is about to happen and its direction is onnen city. milia asks mc if the city zero is a good place for the onnen citizen evacuate. mc tells them that was plan all along. the adventurers guild gets evacuated first. the adventurers tells mc that they will do their best to help with the evacuation of onnen citizens. suddenly, glasses slime appears and reports to mc a stampede is having and the magicule in the north are acting up. glasses slime says the black dragon calamity is awakening sooner than they expected.
12 mc takes milia and zitan to the projection room. they watch the video of how the black dragon terrorized humanity. glasses slime says the stampede will happen by the next day. zitan says they will make haste of the onnen citizen evacuation. glasses slime then takes mc to a different area of city zero. mc is shown three doors. each door specifically opens only to the jobclass was asked to select when mc first gets isekai'd. since mention didn't choose any of the jobclass, mc gets to open all doors. on the first door, mc gets gram, dragon slayer magic sword. it was first broken but mc used his creation skill to fixed it and added other bonus effects. gram is very effective vs thr black dragon. next door, mc gets a tank vehicle that looked like in the "ghost in the shell franchise." mc remade it to an ai robot golem, namely destroyer golem. it will be used vs the stampede. and theblast door contains the broken dragon god shield. mc tries fixing it but he wasn't able to. glasses slime says he needs a special gem found in the dragont tribe in order for shield to be fixed. afterward, glasses slimr gave mc a charm spell. a spirit will come when mc need help. after, mc discusses with iris what happened in the evacuation. iris says it was going well. mc then mentions to iris the treasures he got. iris says the main reason why iris is looking for underground cities and ancient civilization is to find the dragon god shield. mc wants to give irid the broken shield. iris wants mc to fix it. mc mentions he can't and he need a special jewel to fix it. iris then gives mc the special jewel to fix the shield. iris says their dragon tribe has a special treatment for transferor like mc. mc fixes the shield. mc then says he can't use the shield since it has a specific jobclass requirement. iris says her class is that.
13 mc is in his room. mc ponders that everything seemed odd that everything that happened is leading to his success. milia knocks on mc room. she wants to have a convo with mc. the next day, mc and iris will face the black dragon alone. milia gives mc a ring to protect mc. suddenly, mc gains a new skill, material transmutation. milia is surprised when mc said so. milia then felt she has fulfilled one of her mission of bring the ring, a family heirloom, to mc. next day, mc tests out his new skill, mc made himself a new armor set. mc then meet with the evacuated citizens. mc greets them. the citizen who realized who mc was rejoice and applauded mc. suddenly, milia apoears and report that the stampede has begun and currently 70% of the onnen citizen have evacuated. milia tasks mc to go face the stampede. mc and iris heads out. mc then summon his destroyer golem to aid them vs the stampede. the stampede appears in the horizon. mc orders his destroyer golem to initiate.
14 the golem destroyed a portion of the monsters before it went to cooldown. mc and iris will go for the attack. the two had a competition of who takes out more enemies will be treated by the loser to a dinner. the duo goes rampaging. afterward, mc sword, gram, notices the awakening of the black dragon. the gram gives mc an additional bonus. mc went to iris and told her the dragon has awakened. the destroyer golem will take care of the stampede while the duo will face the black dragon. the duo heads to the dragon. mc and iris comes face to face with the dragon. the two readies for the battle.
15 mc goes for the offense while iris is the shielder. mc and iris vs the "extremely weakened" black dragon calamity. the dragon unleashes a mana drain field. mc uses getsuga tenshou with mana all in vs the dragon. the dragon gets hit. the dragon retaliate with dragon fire. iris makes a barrier to shield them. it broke. suddenly, the ring milia gifted mc activates. mc's mana goes max plus beyond. mc unleashed a barrage of getsuga tenshou. the dragon's head gets cut off. mc defeated the dragon. they won vs the calamity.
16 days later, the onnen city celebrate the victory vs the calamity. mc gets a new nicknsme, dragon killer. after, mc meets chrome again. chrome acts like a philosophical teacher to mc. days laters, mc and iris goes out on a date. mc says she saw milia leaving town. she was summoned to the capital to receive an award for the guild stopping the calamity. the duo would also be awarded after. the two discussed about the other calamities that may awaken. mc mentions he gains a new skill, calamity summon. he can now summon the black dragon. when the other calamity awaken, they will be ready for them. then iris tells mc a bit of her story. of her having a twin sister, ferris, who is also has a dragon god's shrine maiden skill. her sister was killed when the temple was attacked by monsters. as a dragon god's shrine maiden, iris went on the journey to find a transferor and the dragon god's shield. now that she accomplished her mission is done. iris did not yet want to go back to her hometown. mc plans on going on a journey. iris wants to come with mc. after their date, the bond of the two deepened.
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