Saturday, May 11, 2024

Am I the strongest? (manga until chapter 36)

this will cover the season 1?? of the anime

Hart(anime)/Lionhart/Haruto, mc
haruto c/hart c(anime), clone of mc
Freyma/Frey/Flay(anime), the red wolf girl, a demon
liza, the blizzard dragon
Gordo zemfis/Gold zenfis(anime), margrave, a relative of mc? who adopted mc after hearing what happened to him and as a substitute for the still born child of his wife
Natalia zemfis, wife of gordo zemfis
Char/charl(anime)/Charlotte, younger stepsister of mc
irisphilia/iris, butler girl, first friend of mc in the academy
prince raiuss, rude blood related brother of mc
princess marianne, blood related sister of mc
queen gizelotte, lightning princess, blood related mother of mc
johnny, the skeleton mc defeated and tamed and now leads a monster village
gigan, the golem mc defeated and tamed, her?? personality is opposite of how she looks like
porkos, assistant teacher to tia
tiaretta luciejannel, tia, prodigy teacher in the academy, leads the ancient magic research lab
schneider haalfan, arrogant vice president student

pandemonium, the monster village johnny leads, they serve mc and char
miij crystal, used to measure magic power
shiva, pseudonym of mc as the black warrior
lucifera sect, evil organization

1 mc gets reincarnated with a promise from the goddess of him getting op skills. mc is reborn as a son of the king. mc's powers gets assessed. he only have a magic power of 2. mc gets thrown off to a forest for him to get killed. In truth, the assessment for magic in the fantasy world is too low for them to see the real power of mc which is 1002, they can only see up 2 and 3 digits. mc does not know about it either. in the forest, mc tries magic and is able to make barriers which he can utilize for many things, such as flight, communication and such. mc meets a wolf, frey, mc forms a contract with her.

2 mc grew weak afterward. Frey wanted to help but was unable to. Suddenly, a warrior appears. He wants to adopt mc. Frey is reluctant but mc actually needed the help he could. With a bit of a story telling, mc gets adopted while frey becomes a servant/maid of the noble in order to take care of mc. 9 years time skip.

3 Daily life of mc as a shut in son of the margrave. Mc's current dilemma, his stepsister Char/Charlotte is wary of mc. mc misunderstands, that she hates mc. Mc also makes a clone of himself, mc wants to leave the palace and live a peaceful life, the clone will take his place. the clone is still a WIP. mc reluctantly goes sparring with gordo. gordo is amazed at mc but have doubts about mc being a demon. nevertheless, the will support their children. Mc's barrier magic can now be used as a surveillance magic. few days later, a problem in theirnland occur. gordo returns home defeated after encountering some bandits.

4  mc goes to the scene. mc heals the wounded soldiers. gordo is a great leader that even himself alone could defeat the banditd and yet they were soundly defeated. that night, mc investigates the bandits. mc finds spies and the margrave's own soldiers who betrayed him. mc decides to meet with them. that night, charl sees mc and frey flying. mc had a nice chat with the bandits. he found out the neighboring empire is trying to invade the kingdom and that someone is targetting the margrave. although mc wants to be a shut in and live a peaceful life, mc do not tolerate if his family is placed in danger. the nice chat ended with a good barbeque. next day, the margrave received a report of the barbeque and the a letter from an anonymous sender about the plan of invasion and the life of the margrave. Gordo suspects frey to be the host of the barbeque. Char investigates mc.

5 char interrogates frey. frey happily tells a few things about mc. char became more suspicious of mc. frey reports to mc about char's suspicions. mc uses his barrier magic to put a detection magic on char. char discreetly and openly tails mc. mc let her be. one day, char and natalia announced they will go on a trip for a festival. meanwhile, fret is out settling and calming the monsters around their territory. suddenly, mc's detection on char alarmed. the mother-daughter gets attacks in their way. they ran away but are being pursued.

6 the attackers are empire soldiers. the duo managed to get hidden. natalia qants to sacrifice herself to save her daughter. fortunately, mc arrives. mc deals with the empire soldiers. mc wants to remain incognito but when char calls out to him, mc couldn't help but answer and reveal himself. char sees mc as a hero of justice. mc decides to go with that. back in the castle, char's distance feel with mc disappeared as char easily became attached to mc. their parents let it be.

7 char is attached to mc. mc sees char as tok precious for him to stop her. mc can't help but dote on char. mc then introduce char to anime. char got hooked. char also showed prodigy level of genius when she easily learned the foreign language of the anime she watched.

8 mc gave anime restriction on char. char continues to get more attached to mc. mc can't help but dote on her.

9 one day, margrave gordo leaves with his troops in order to defeat some bandits. char asks mc to help with the subjugation and mc has to do it heroically. and so the hero, black warrior/black knight (anime) is born. mc gets exhausted but can't help it since it is char's wish.

10 mc's clone become sentient. mc now has a stand in. suddenly, the royal siblings, mc blood related siblings, arrived, raiuss and marianne. raiuss felt offended on gordo's welcome. raiuss challenged mc to a sparring match. mc easily defeats raiuss.

11 that night, raiuss is told they would go survey the territory the next day, the queen asked raiuss to invite char. char tells the invitation to mc. mc will also join the survey. mc uses his magic to do a night survey of their route. mc finds wizards doing something weird. mc dond the black warrior and investigate. the wizards summoned skeleton warriors and a golem. mc easily tamed? them. mc subdues the wizards and learned their target is the survey tomorrow and their main target id char. they were ordered by the queen. mc pieces the puzzle together that it was the queen who is targettig their family all along. the queen fears char's capability and so he puts mark on her. mc decides to face his own blood mothers to put a stop on this matter.

12 the survey of the royal sibling, mc and char proceeds peacefully. raiuss changed to being respectful to mc? during a break, mc inquires gordo regarding the queen and her plot vs the margraves family. gordo tells such conspiracy is somewhat truthful. mc has a plan vs the queen, his real mother.

13 char became a base intel support to mc while mc goes hero.

14 mc confronts the queen. he dons the mask of the black warrior. mc easily won and puts a slave collar on the queen. the queen is ordered not to meddle with the margrave family and if she forcefully remove the collar she'll die. mc leaves the queen alive but defeated.

15 peace time arrives in the margrave's territory. gordo tells mc he'll be attending school in the capital next term? mc refuses.

16 gordo explains it mc was recommended by the king and it was requested by princess marianne. mc felt obliged to return the favor of them adopting him. gordo asks mc to get an attendant who will be taking care of him in the capital. afterward, mc has a plan of his clone as his stand in as well as him wanting to get expelled in order to leave school early.

17 mc is staying in a remote house he made near the margrave territory. its like a safe house for mc to laze around. frey and char visits for maid duty and anime. mc makes teleport magic using barrier.

18 mc looks for an attendant. mc visits the monster that were summon by the wizards during the assassination attempt of char. there are monsters that were recruited by frey to settle in. mc fails to find an attendant. frey inquires mc about it. mc rejectd her.

19 a news of a dragon stranded in the border arrived in the margrave. gordo tasks mc and frey to deal with it. char asks mc to rescue the dragon. mc makes a contract with the dragon. mc name her liza.

20 liza gets employed as a maid in the margrave's household. liza is a capable maid. liza became a personal maid of char. mc decided to have liza as his attendant in the capital. mc will use his teleport magic so liza could still serve char.

21 mc announces to his small peer his attendance to school. char thinks mc will go to a dangerous place as mc always described school as an evil place. without mc, char calls for a meeting, they have char, frey, liza, johnny and gigan. char explains to them mc's going to school and the evil that lurks in it. chars assigned everyone a task. liza reports what happened to mc. mc understands and let them all be. mc wants to keep char's childish innocent/imagination or something?? mc also asks liza to be his attendant. liza acceptd the task.

22 mc and liza goes to the capital. raiuss and marianne plans to meet mc in the academy. the queen wants the royal siblings to inquire mc about the black warrior. at this point, the queen is really like a mad woman. meanwhile, mc is actually chilling his log cabin. mc made a teleport barrier connection from the log cabin to a nearby area of the capital. mc calls it the Anywhere Door.

23 mc and liza arrives nearby the capital. they saw a passenger carriage being chased by a bull monster. mc dons his black warrior costume and saves them. mc as the black warrior became acquianted with an unnamed butler outfit girl. liza is suspicious of the butler girl. char named the black warrior, shiva.

24 mc and liza proceeds to enter the capital. mc does some paper works, receives a dorm, and made a anywhere door from his dorm to the log cabin. mc returned back to the cabin. mc wanted to rest. char proposes they go out in the capital to eat out. mc obliges. after eating, char tasks the other of collecting intel in the capital. char and mc goes on a cute sibling date. mc cannot help but dote on char. during the sibling date, mc and char meets the butler girl. the butler girl recognizes mc. mc denies it. butler girl accepts it. char notices something off with butler girl.

25 mc made his clone, hart c, be a stand in for him. the real mc must take a test and an interview. hart c does not want to oblige with mc's wishes. mc goes to school for exam. he is alone for the test, no other student were there. mc plans to fail it. mc answers some questions on how he understand it. after, mc goes to a research room for an interview. mc meets tia. mc gets his power measured. the measuring device broke. tia is amazed and wants to recruit mc to her club/lab. mc's test exam became useless as the answer mc aced is the only thing tia cared about. mc refuses to join tia's lab. mc failed to fail.

26 mc made hart c stand in for his early classes. hart c has no magic. mc gave him a magic gun and cast around him a shield barrier. hart c enters school. after a few classes, hart c stumbles upon butler girl. butler girl accidentally? had a problem with a vice president student, schneider. mc gets roped in. schneider pulled a magic attack vs butler girl and hart c. hart c gets hit. fortunately, thankd to the barrier, hart c is well. hart c uses his gun to attack back. hart c then runs away. hart c reports what happened to mc and then retired for the day.

27 mc gets issued a duel for nobles. mc wants to refuse but the courier tells mc of the dire consequence he'll receive especially on the name of the margrave. meanwhile, butler girl went to schneider to have the duel cancelled. mc with his barrier magic has a lot of surviellance. he knows what butler girl will do. butler girl meets schneider. butler girl requests the duel cancelled. schneider wants to humiliate her. mc steps in. mc dons his shiva outfit. mc saves butler girl. mc places a magic block curse on schneider.

28 next day, mc attends class. instructors applauds mc's bravery vs schneider. tia tries recruiting mc. mc meets with raiuss and marianne. they all want mc to join them. butler girl appears and want to talk with mc. mc uses butler girl as an excuse to get away from the others. mc and butler girl leaves.

29 mc and butler girl are alone. butler girl inquires mc about hart c as another person. mc instictively cast a barrier. mc asks butler girl to just let things be. butler girl obliges?? butler girls apologizes and thanked mc. butler girl then asks to be friends with mc. mc ask, "yeah?" the two became friends. butler girl explains how she came to be which was almost like mc with strange power even when as an infant. mc takes it as a normal thing.

30 back in the mc's territory? near the margrave. frey, liza and char are taking an open bath. frey tells of a backstory of herself and the demonlord before he gets slain. the demonking is actually a kind person. the demonlord's name is irisphilia. the butler girl's name is irisphilia. iris is attending tia's lab. mc will also join her. mc asks iris to go to his room to make their class schedules.

31 char is in mc's dorm room. char is alright with mc having a harem and her as the second wife. mc feels like its a pace for char and so mc lets her be. the two proceeds to pick out their classes, char observes. mc lets char picks out the rest of his classes. char praises mc even more. iris believes them. afterward, char leaves through the anywhere door. mc had to close iris's eyes for her not to see the teleport magic.

32 next day or same day? hart c and iris goes to tia's lab. schneider was there. tia is investigating the magic block curse set on schneider and calls it ancient magic. tia investigates it and points the connection to mc or to be precise the black warrior shiva who was known to be in the margrave's territory. hart c denies any connection. tia is assertive and does not take no for answer. shiva suddenly appears.

33 mc as shiva tells her about his hero duty. tia reveals schneider to be part of an evil organization. mc did not anticipate to know that. tia suddenly casts restraining magic on shiva. shiva easily breaks free. shiva restraints tia with his own magic. tia promises not to look for shiva. shiva releases her. shiva leaves.

34 welcome party for hart c and iris to the ancient research lab. a bit of back story of a bit of similarity of tia and char. tia reveals the reason why iris joined the lab is so that she could get strong. despite being at the same age as mc, iris's power level doesn't seemed to rise. with iris being the ancient research lab, they might find an answer to help her. while everyone was sleeping, mc and hart c had a existential talk of how their lives used to be and how it's better now. meanwhile, schneider plans to have mc as well the other 3 in the ancient reseach lab to be killed to save his face from disgrace for cancelling the duel. mc has his magic record what schneider ordered.

35 the assassin attacks the lab. mc as shiva was there to intervene. mc easily dealt with the assassins.

36 mc as shiva attacks schneider's mansion. schneider injects himself with something that caused him to become monstrous. mc vs schneider. suddenly, char communicates with mc and asks to save schneider. mc obliges and makes his fight mosy flashy just like in the anime char watches. char helps a bit by giving mc a hint. the figt ends, chars felt she watch a good anime. mc tries confronting the defeated schneider. schneider became like a mad man without reason. mc fixed the mansion and retires back home.

(end of anime from this part)

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