Thursday, May 18, 2023

Eminence in Shadow (light novel volume 2) - prologue, chapter 1 and chapter 2

Prologue: to lindwurm, the sacred land

Cid Kagenou, mc, alter ego - shadow
Alpha, the first member of shadow garden, Elf
Rose Oriana, princess of the kingdom of art, Rosiana, student council president of the academy
Natsume, a famous author, also Beta's alter ego as a normal person
Beta, the second original member if the shadow garden, brain of the team
Alexia Midgard, princess of the kingdom of Midgard
Archbishop Drake, the clergy man whom Alexia is investigating
Epsilon, fifth original member of shadow garden, elf, according to mc, the best magic user of the original members, nickname Epsilon the Faithful
Executioner of the Cult
*Olivier, great hero
*Venom the wandering swordsman, summon the great hero Olivier while undertaking the goddess's trial

Lindwurm, Sacred Land, a land proclaimed holy by one the prevalent religion
Goddess's Trial, an event for anyone selected to be blessed by the goddess. those who werw blessed were granted power and were even without status, were able to may princesses of kingdoms. (as explained by Alexia: "..The Goddess’s Trial is a battle that
happens once a year when they open the door to the Sanctuary. Memories of
ancient warriors are awoken from within, and challengers come to fight them.
Any dark knight who applies in advance can participate, but there’s no
guarantee an ancient warrior will answer their call. Several hundred dark
knights enter each year, but only about ten end up actually getting to fight.”)

when mc received Alpha's cryptic measage of inviting him to the Sacred Land, mc obliged since alpha's plans and proposition always yielded great result for mc's taste.

as a weak character thay mc portrays himself, instead of running at full speed towards his destination, he opted to ride a carriage. on his way there, mc met up with princess rose oriana. rose oriana insisted mc to join her, mc accepts. while the two were alone in the carriage, in princess oriana's pov, while she describe her reason for going to the sacred land, she assumed mc is joining the goddess trial. it's a trial to grant any who joined and win power and recognition, even able to marry princesses of kingdom. with this in mind, rose oriana, thought mc will be joining the goddess trial in order for him to marry her. on the other hand, in mc's pov, princess rose oriana was only describing her faith and religion while at the same time trying to convert mc to he religion.

when the two arrived in a town to rest, princess rose oriana insisted mc to stay in a hotel room beside her. although hesistant at first, mc obliged as it is convenient for him. the two had a date, in rose oriana's pov, after they had dinner. all expenses were shouldered by rose oriana.

two days later, the mc and princess rose oriana arrived in the sacred land. as the two walk on the streets, mc noticed a keychain of a sword with an arm around it. mc asked princess rose oriana about it. she explained it was the sword of olivier the hero and the arm of diablos. the hero cut off the arm of diablos and seal the arm beneath the sacred land. she pointed the church on top of set of stairs. princess rose oriana also tells mc that there is ruin at the top of the mountain way above the church. mc bought the keychain for his "good" friend Skel Etal.

as the two continued their walk, princess rose oriana spotted a book signing of her favorite author, Natsume. princess rose oriana asked mc to wait for her as she gets an autograph. mc obliged. mc then check out the works of the said author. he was dumbfounded when he found out all the stories were completely plagiarized from the stories of his previous world. mc assumed the author was like himself who reincarnated. but his worry turned to disappointed upon realizing the famous was actually Beta, one of the original members of shadow garden. the two had a quick convo regarding Beta's new endevour. she says that business was booming for her. mc got disappointed that Beta was plagiarizing authors and were leeching off from mc. it was actually mc that had told many stories for Beta since she liked reading. but just like earlier, his negative thoughts immediately vanished when beta tells mc that she was actually doing undercover.

As soon as Beta handed the book mc had for the autograph, beta tells mc that she wrote "their" plan in the book.

after going out, mc checked what was written. it was written in ancient language, which mc do not understand. instead of being disheartened, this excited mc even more as he felt himself like a spy undercover and deciphering codes.

when returning back to their hotel room, princess rose oriana had to leave mc as she will be meeting with soem big shots. she even tells mc that she couldn't introduce mc to rhem since the two are 'just friends for now.' in mc's dense pov, she meant him converting to her religion. 

the next day, mc decided to take a bath. the sacred land is supposed to be famous for the hot spring. something the mc likes to have.

in the hotspring, mc thought he would be alone since hsrdly anyone uses the hotspring in morning. unfortunately, mc was not alone. Princess Alexia was also there. odd enough, though they were in a supposed exclusively for the high rollers, the hotspring waa a mixed bath.

Alexia indirectly apologized to mc for what she did to mc on the rooftop of the academy. Mc also apologized for suspecting Alexia being a serial killer. The two then discussed why they were there. alexia tells mc that she was a guest for the goddess's trial while mc was told to go to lindwurm for somethinf interesting. his guess was the goddess's trial. alexia then explains the goddess's trial and after then tells mc that she isn't exactly participating as a contestant. she was investigating the some issues with the pope. After, alexia tells and even orders mc to join the crimson order, her sister's knight unit. mc declined.

In the side of Alpha, she was in the crime scene trying to get answers from a dying clergy, the archbishop drake. but before she could find more answer, the paladins were already nearing. Alpha had to conclude her investigation as she banished in the crowd of the paladins to the rescue. They only find the dead archbishop and alpha is gone. the paladins did not even know someone was already there investigating.

later that night, princess rose oriana once again left mc by himself. she was asked to join a party in the church. even though mc was not invited, he would not even go if he was. instead, mc ipted to choose to be like batman.

mc stands on top of a clock tower, he looked almighty as he looked down on the people on the streets. this is something the mc likes doing. then he launches towards a masked figure he saw was running away from the church. as mc engages the masked figure, before even clashing, the masked figure's head flew off. it was epsilon, the fifth original member of the shadow garden who did it. in mc's pov, everything was still all just a game. mc asked how the plan was. epsilon tells mc that their target was killed off by the Executioner of the Cult and said person vanished before they could ecen deal with him. mc was thrilled upon hearing the word executioner. then she tells mc that they're switching to plan b, this got mc even more excited. mc tells epsilon that he'll do what he can while he'll leave the rest to them. although even at this point, he don't even have any clue of what's actually happening, he just go with the flow of being the all knowing leader that he thought they, the members of shadow garden, pretend to perceive him.

chapter 1: fun times at the goddess's trial

Princess Alexia Midgard
Princess Rose Oriana
Natsume, famous author, Beta's alter ego, original member of the shadow garden
Acting Archbishop Nelson, the bald acting archbishop who took up the position when the current archbishop was murdered
Annerose, a traveler from Velgalta, country of swordplay
Borg, ancient warrior, illusion warrior
Aurora, the Calamity Witch, illusion warrior, mc gave her a nickname, violet

during the goddess's trial, in the vip stand, three beautiful woman are sitted. they are the special guests for the occassion. it was princess alexia midgard, princess rose oriana and natsume, the author. with them is the acting archbishop nelson. nelson gave his opening speech, while the three beautiful women greeted and waved at the audience. alexia was hiding her resentment while she was there. she was angry at two things/person, one is at acting archbishop nelson, who held off her investigation towards the the archbishop, for the reason the archbishop and nelson also said that she needed to get further more approval if she wanted to investigate more about the case. this would inevitably take a lot of time and by then precious evidence could have already come to pass. even though she's royalty, princess alexia cannot do anything against the religion, what more, a prevalent religion favored and honored by the greater mass. the other thing that got to alexia's nerve is the author Natsume, whom she feel somehow jealous of some sort, in terms of popularity although being quite recently renown and as well her physique. alexia finds the author to be dubbious and the sort to hide many secrets.

Natsume on the other hand, feels deep hatred towards Princess Alexia. It's because she caused many problems for mc. It was also Princess Alexia that mc saved. (though reducted: natsume/beta feels jealous towards princess alexia) upon greeting the crowd, natsume notices alexia trying to one up her in terms of physique. but no matter how hard alexia tries, she simply couldn't beat natsume. as natsume smirked towards her small silent victory, alexia notices it. the princess stepped on the authors foot. even though nstsume knew ot was intentional and alexia tried hard to feign, the suthor controlled her temper as she mist for the plan of the shadow garden

meanwhile, princess rose oriana was in cloud nine as she smiled and greeted the crowd. she had been this since early morning, as said by princess alexia.

in the audience sit, mc awaited the commencement of the trial. it was at sundown, even mc was bored he ponders how to make things exciting but does not other wise. he is very powerful and if he joins the trials, his secret might be revealed, if in case a very strong illusion warrior appears. in the end mc gives up. by the time he realized he was thinking innhis thought, the event had already started. it was not as exciting as mc thought, though there were many participants, only after a few failed participant have the fighting already started. participant number 14, annerose, was the first person to summon an illusion warrior. but even the first fight and the participant even won, was not something that could entertaim mc. but afterwards, mc's opinipn changed as there were a few more summoned warriors that appeared but none have yet successfully beat the challenge except for the fiest battle.

as the event continues, mc was surprised when he was called on to participate. the participation fee was 100,000, mc is not actually well off, even though he last time got some money from the shadow garden, and those who've won gets renown, something probably mc wouldn't ever want. there were only 150 participants but mc never recalled ever signing up.

after formulating a plan to get him out, mc made himself vanish and appear as his alter ego, shadow, the leader of shadow garden. in order to avert all attention from cid his background alter ego. mc as shadow planned on infiltrating the trial and taking it on himself as the masked anti hero.

mc as shadow, enters arena to face the illusion warrior meant for him.

The three beauty's in the vip stand were surprised to find shadow appearing. although, both natsume and alexia are mich concerned, princess rose oriana was much more concerned trying tonfind where cid had gone off to. tje archbishop, although was flustered to find shadow to appear during the trial, he was so sure that his paladin order are able to capture mc.

suddenly, as mc spoke cool words to summon the next warrior, natsume and archbishop reads the ancient letters that flashed. it read Aurora the calamity witch. although, beta/natsume already knew of her, mostly by the researches the shadow garden have been pinning order to find this person, she had to feign ignorance. archbishop nelson, on the otherhand, explained that the aurora was a villain long time sgo who caused great chaos. and seeing as that in the trial, the summoned warrior will seek to fight the participant, archbishop's worry about shadow have subsided. natsume, although faithful towards mc, she couldn't hrlp but feel a bit worried. aurora after all, caused so many devastation and even the archbishop stated that aurora is the most powerful woman ever recorded in history. princess alexia, on the otherhand is rooting for shadow silently. upon noticing this, natsume/beta felt impressed by alexia's eye towards mc's prowess.

natsume made a gesture to signal a change in plan. she knew that epsilon had already moved in the background

the two combatants, mc as shadow and aurora, the illusiom warrior, stood facing each other as if gauging each other's strength with eyes alone.

In mc's mind, she gave aurora a nickname, Violet. As the two continues to observe and gauge each other, mc let violet have the first move. after dodging the lethal attacks that violet threw at mc, with a sudden forward attack, mc impales violet. as blood gush out, mc tells violet that he wanted to fight her at her full strength.

the crowd who watched, especially nelson who was full of himself that aurora would beat mc was silent. the three beauties were impressed, mostly natsume and alexia. after realizing the match had ended, nelson orders his paladin to capture mc. but he had already fled. suddenly, a bright light engulfs the arena.

chapter 2: investigating the sanctuary

Princess Alexia Midgard
Princess Rose Oriana
Natsume, author, alter ego, Beta
Acting Archbishop Nelson
Executioner Venom
Delta, theriantrope (human beast), original member of the shadow garden
Epsilon, one of the original members of shadow garden, elf
Olivier, the great hero, elf, face similar to alpha
Calamity Witch, mc named her Violet, the summon ancient warrior mc faced off

unsolicited door, unbeckoning door, welcoming door,
goddess's trial, the trial held for participant warriors to fight warriors of the past. those who win are granted power, title and recognition
diablos cell)

As the white light dissipates, a door suddenly appeared in the arena. archbishop nelson orders the paladin to evacuate the audience as well the vip guests. when princess rose oriana asks what the door was, nelson answers it's the door to the sanctuary that have responded in the goddess's trial. (not much is revealed yet)

suddenly, alpha and epsilons as well as other shadow garden members appear. they intend to go inside the sanctuary as well as taking in nelson with them. when princess rose oriana and princess alexia midgard are about to retaliate, epsilon shows natsume as another one of their hostage. although alexia wants to fight, princess rose oriana stops her, after all natsume is princess oriana's favorite author.

when the door started closing, the shadow garden group enters along with nelson and natsume. unfortunately, before they all had entered, executioner venom whom nelson know appears and attacked epsilon. the attack chopped off epsilon's breasts off.

then epsilon had a wonderful flashback. about how she was most beautiful and revered before her signs of the curse of diablos appearing. after, she was abandoned by those who loved her. then mc arrives and helped her. she loves mc as well but seeing as she was not as good as the rest, she made sure her beauty is at the top. but her physique were not that comparable to the rest so once she found out about the slime suit, using her magic, she used the suit to make her physique even more pronounce and better. it was all to her look good in tue eyes of mc. but she must keep this a secret to others. her precision in magic is just  a byproduct of her controlling the slime suit.

when acting archbishop nelson tries praising executioner venom, he was taken aback when he finds epsilon still alive. in a blink of an eye, epsilon managed to reconnect the lopped off breasts that were actually just her slime body suit. she took nelson by the neck as he dragged him inside the door. she tells nelson that she had already dealt with executioner venom as the late assailant's head dropped on the ground. when the shadow garden members have entered, before the doors closed, princess alexia followed inside, princess rose oriana did as well.

after following inside, the three girls, natsume, alexia and rose oriana, found themselves on top of each other. after standing up and regaining their composure they find themselves surrounded by the shadow garden. although the three seemed to be at a major disadvantage, rose oriana drew her arms. but alexia immediately calmed the situation by lying that they fell through the door. alpha and the other member of shadow garden knew what happened but they let it go alpha tells alexia that it's better if she knows some of the truth. alpha then orders the other members to leave, only the three girls, acting achbishop nelson, alpha, epsilon and an unknown girl are left in the scene.

when nelson inquires what the group were looking for, alpha responds that they want to know the truth about the cult of diablos. alpha then went to the statue of a beautiful knight maiden. rose and alexia thought the great hero olivier was a man but alpha points out it was a woman, and an elf. alpha unmasked herself and showed her face reflected on the erect statue. nelson ws surprised to find who alpha was. he thought that alpha should have died long ago due to the curse.

alexia seemed to have a faint understanding of what was going on while rose oriana have no clue or whatsoever. although, rose slowly pieces the puzzles together. the cult and the shadow garden are battling in a hidden war. even the act of terrorism that have recently happened in their academy may have possibly been a part of it.

alpha then transfers magic from her to the statue, it seemed to be a summoning ritual. after the process completes. the great hero olivier appeared. alpha invites her to join her as a very bright light engulfs the sanctuary.

Back to mc, as he successfully fled the scene in order to hide himself, he find a magic door that seemed to be pursuing wherever he goes, no matter how mc ran away. Thinking that the door would be very suspicious if he returned back to the hotel room, he first decided to destroy the door but it seemed to be futile as the door just repaired itself. With no options left, mc enters the door.

Mc finds himself in an open area. There's only a door and a bound woman in the area. Upon inspection, mc learns the woman to be Violet, the summoned warrior mc fought. Mc frees Violet, upon her request. The two teamed up in order to leave the place they are in, the sanctuary. Violet explains that they cannot use magic there since they are being absorbed in the center of the sanctuaty, much like the device used during the school terrorism. Without magic she is helpless.

Violet tells mc that in order for them to escape they must destroy the sanctuaty core. mc agrees but then he asked her what will happen to her. She tells mc that she'll disappear since she is just a memory.

The two entered the door, they were transported to a dense forest. Violet explains they are in a memory, hers. as they journeyed on, they find a little girl crying. mc tells violet she looks like her. violet tells mc that in order for them to proceed they must finish the memory. violet violently consoled the little girl to stop crying, she explains to mc that the little girl was her. when the little girl stopped crying, the surrounding suddenly shattered and it became pitch black. as they continued to move forward, mc found himself lose his sense of direction as it became completely dark. after a while of walking in the dark, a bright light flashed and the two were teleported to a battlefield.

the battlefield was filled dead bodies of soldiers scattered everywhere. violet leads mc. after walking for a while, they once again find a crying little girl, it was again violet when she was young. violet asks mc to lend his sword to her. mc obliged. as violet was getting ready to strike, mc suddenly grabbed her out of harm. a zombie suddenly attacked violet, she would have been wounded if mc didn't save her.

Mc asks violet what would happen to her if she dies, she answers that she might return back to the place where she was bound. Mc then took the sword and took care of the zombie horde. upon realizing mc could easily deal with the zombie but unlikely he could keep at it without magic, mc pushed through and killed the crying girl. as the two were overwhelmed by the zombie horde, everything suddenly shattered and they were thrown into the darkness, much like earlier. as they continued walking through the dark, a bright light flashed. they now find themselves in the center of the sanctuary.

In the side of the girls and the acting archbishop, they appeared in is a long corridor. As Olivier led them to a room full of children, olivier also turned to a little child. In the room they find children caged and seemed to have been subjected to experimentations. The boys were mostly fine, only a few girls were able to survive. Alexia concludes the girls were possessed by the curse of diablos. Alpha orders acting archbishop to answer. Je gave a vague answer that they needed power to standup against diablos. Alpha adds that it was olivier who cut off am arm of diablos in order to get a sample, olivier was one of the xhildren who survived the experimentation and they are using "diablo's cells" in order to fight diablos. alpha then say they are in a memory.

The girls and the bishop appeared in a science laboratoru cell for experimentations. as they walked further, the young olivier grew older. alpha explains that the cult used olivier to gain more power. even though olivier is powerful enough there was motif behind her helping the cult. or rather there was something that was holding her. they appeared on different past scenes. the first, after the laboratory scenes, were the battlefield anf the captured diablos arm. although torn off, it still lives. the cultist managed to chipped away portion of the arm and made medicine, alpha produces a red pill, the same pill that alexia saw that his ex-fiancee used in order to transform. the bruised torn off arm regenerates after. alpha explains that the so called sanctuary they were in is the artifact/device used as a seal for the diablos arm. the cultist in the scene produced pills in order for them to become powerful and strong.

the scene changes once again, this time it showed a scene of men flocking over a red liquid, the same as the blood of diablos. suddenly they find a young nelson among the men who craved the liquid. alpha interrogates nelson further. nelson tells them that the liquid they saw is called beads of diablos. he explained that they will gain power omce consumed but there are two consequences. first is that they must be intake the medicine once a year and second only twelve of them are made each year. alpha then connects how there are twelves members in the knights of round. and the top members of the cult of dialos calls themselves as knights of round. it was also  said that it used to only worked on women but thanks to the research men have also acquired the means to attribute the power.

(at this point, alpha is assuming the cult of diablos and the church are one and the same)

alpha then explains that because of this, the cult is looking for descendants of the hero, olivier, as well as gathering the body of diablos in order to produce more of the medicine.

acting archbishop then reveals himself to be part of the knights of twelve of the cult. he is the eleventh knight known as nelson the avaricious. as nelson tries powering up. the shadow garden member who was holding nelson stabbed and killed him. alpha reveals it was delta, one of the original member. delta explains she did it on instinct. but alpha warns her as she points out the dead body of nelson to suddenly vanish. in the blink of an eye, nelson appears and atracks delta. delta evades. before they could clash, alpha tells her to keep her guard up. suddenly delta felt her magic being drain as her disguise magic suddenly broke and it revealee herself as a theriantrope, a human beast hybrid. nelson tells them that they should have gotten closer to the sanctuary core as the magic gets drained the closer they get to the center but to him it was already enough.

nelson once more introduced himself as the eleventh knight of round of the cult.

The three engaged in a very one sided combat. although nelson was able to produce many copies of himself, they were simply no match to the power of alpha and delta. and before nelson was on his last straw, he summoned the great hero Olivier to defend him. but suddenly epsilon appeared and told the two ladies they need to go since their investigation is almost complete. the shadow garden member left nelson and the lifeless and unchallenging olivier on their own. alpha tells them they don't need to kill weakling and that their primary object was the source of the sanctuary's power. nelson did not felt any remorse for being defeated instead he felt happy that he found out an information about alpha of the shadow garden. he tells himself that he will tell his discovery to the higher ups. but after that, he found someone else inside the sanctuary. he felt like venting. he and olivier went to welcome the other guest that appeared.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

29-sai dokushin wa isekai (manga until 19)

29-sai dokushin wa isekai de jiyuu ni ikita.. kata

7.1, mc gets reincarnated in a fantasy world in order to live there. he also has status window. he went to the adventurer guild to register. after spending a few day. mc meets with his first FL, a weak adventurer. after adventuring with him, he feels the first fL is just trouble. but she date rape him. now, mc gets attached to her. after a few more adventures. she reveals again to mc she is a runaway princess who did not want to marry what her kingdom chose for her. first time reveal was when mc was drunk. then mc promises himself to make first female lead happy. after getting more skills and training them, the two became quite famous in the guild. a few days aftee, they join a goblin extermination quest with other party and adventurers.

9.1, the goblin uproar turns out to be caused by trolls. the expedition team managed to defeat them with great help coming from mc. then the knight captain somehow took interest in the mc. the first FL because wary of this. she warns mc about it. after getting the reward from the guild, mc treated the adventurers for a drink. first FL became jealous becaise mc was being surrounded by girls. mc then reassures her that she's the only one for him. the next day they went on a date.

10, during the date, mc gave FL a dagger. everyone who noticed congratulsted them. mc didn't know what was happening. not until the tavern girl explained it. it was meant as a marriage proposal. mc then took it back first, knelt in front of FL and did it properly. FL accepted. elsewhere, the knight guard gave his report as well as mc's identity to a noble.

12, after answering the summon of the nobility. mc was put to a test. after, it was assessed that the mc is a hero. mc was then asked if he could be. without prior knowledge of what is to happen, the mc accepted the title. when mc return and told it to female lead, she was devastated. she explained thst although heroes are revered there are nobles who seeks to kill them because of power. mc became afraid because he dragged female lead with him. then they ran away and decided to go to the female lead's country.

16, the two decided to go to a ruin first. in their they managed to loot treasures and also see a magic scene of how heroes are summoned with sacrifices. mc then revealed to female lead he was from another world. but just as she accepted him an arrow flew and killed female lead. mc was outraged. he immediately killed all the assassins but one. he then asked the assassins who sent them it was a noble in the kingdom. before mc could killed the last one, female lead suddenly got up and stopped mc. she was saved by the magic ring they got. after, the knight captain came to rescue them. at first, mc was still raging but female lead stopped him and asked to trust the knight captain. mc's attitude changed when they returned to the kingdom. he realized he has the potential to wage war and conquer to protect his lover. in the asdventurer guild their rank rose. and somehow mc is not too trusting with people. the two then returned to the inn they were previously residing.

17, when in the middle of the night, mc dreamed of a dead female lead and she was blsming her. mc woke to find female lead entering the room with water. mc apologized and female lead comforted him. she then tells him her story of how she ran away and how the voice of god, the same god that summoned me, led her to him. mc finally came back to his senses.

18, they went with the knight captain to answer the summon of the king. in their travel, though mc have came back to his senses, he still couldn't forgive himself. he thought of the surviving assassin he almost killed. after arriving in the capital, they bid farewell to the knight captain and waited for the audience to happen.

19, during the audience, the female lead easily took control of the situation. being a princess getting attacked by another country's military forces is in of it self a big public scandal thst may lead to war. mc then formally accepts to be a hero on conditions of having a house in the capital and still be an adventurer. after the audience, mc and female lead were asked to stay in the castle until their new house is finished.

(seriously, even though the female lead is shown to be loving and caring, i as a reader gets to wonder if she's just that. some of her actions is leading to her wanting be successful. she feels like a scheming type. in the first place, why would she want to go back to her country when they first ran away.)

20, their house is finally finished. they went there and met with the butler and the maid who will take care of the house.

I can change the timeline of everything (manhua until 52)

i can change the timeline of everything 10+?, after transmigrating, mc gains time magic. he can reverse or forward the age of things even skills and such. in his new body, mc's the weakest head of a declining clan. certain seniors are trying to take over. their claims is that mc is unable to power up. with mc's power, the expire supply he has he restored. he used them to power up. he then went to the meeting to announce himself able to power up. but a senior refuses to give mc an opportunity to go to an academy, for whatever reason probably for powering up. the senior suggests his lover be the one selected. mc refused. the senior suggests a battle. mc agreed. his elder sister gave him power up medicine and goes to find a power up item. in her search a rude prince help her. mc powers up. his elder sister presented the item he needed. the senior planned to sabotage his power up by sending a fellow servant to take away his power up item. the senior though scheme to have the item destroyed and the servant be killed to have no witness. it happened. but mc used his time power to reverse things. during the deliberation, mc showed up with the dead servant and all the crimes done by the senior were revealed. before he was executed, an enemy rescued him. it was part of a clan that gave mc expired medicines. the senior went to the lover to proceed with the match vs mc. they did not know, mc restored the power up item. at the same time, he powered up as well.

30, during the match, two notable people watched. they are the princess who sells expired medicine to mc and a heir of clan who eyes mc's clan's source of income. mc immediately beat the lover. after, mc mocked the heir. then he went on to speak with the princess of expired meds. he already knew it was them that helped the senior traitor. the princess wanted to have mc's family treasure to power up. mc schemed that they must first be wed and have a child. the princess goes on faking it. mc knows. after the meeting with the expired meds princess, she promises mc to send him more meds for power up. mc then tracks the lover he beat. in town, they found the lover and the senioe traitor. the lover was killed by elder sister. the traitor managed to ran away but was killed by the guard of the expired princess to show her sincerity to mc.

35, there was a problem is mc's clan winery, their main source of income. the head was bought of by the heir trying to take over mc's clan's business. mc dealt with the traitor. he then made refined wines that are 50 years of age. at the same time, the rude prince came to mc in order to introduce him. mc asked for a gift since he knew he was eyeing his elder sister. the rude prince at fiest gave weak skill books, mc refused. only when the prince gave him a legendary book not even the prince has learn, did the mc accepted the gift. but after receiving the gift, mc sent the rude prince away. elder sister tells mc that the admission for the power up academy is near. mc tries learning the legendary skill book.

38, mc dealt with the winery problem. he also schemed and told the heir that eyes their business that it was the head winery they took was the one who gave mc's clan the recipe for the better wine. afterwards, mc went to the mountain to start collecting utems for the legendary skill book. there he met three people looking for herbs. seeinf that the three didn't want young herb, mc followed them and picked up the young herbs. the three noticed mc and they let him be.

40, after trailing, the four adventurers finds two beast fighting over a medicinal flower. one of the beast triumph. the three tries fighting the wounded beast but overpowered them and then trap them. after losing hope, mc asks the three for all the herbs they have in order to master the first level of the legendary book. the three gave their all herbs to mc and after learning the first level, mc easily dealt with the beast. unfortunately the flower the three were eyeing was desteoyed in the aftermath. the three introduced themselves students of the academy the mc will be attending and then bid him farewell.

43, mc recovers the destroyed flower and took it for himself. back in their territory, certain assassins that once tried abducting mc back then, return, the old senior and elder sister tries fending them off. a few assassins broke through and tries getting mc. mc finishes them quickly. the rude prince arrived and was surprised to find mc already learned the first level of the legendary skill book.

47, the expired meds princess arrives in the mc's household, she wanted to get the family treasure for power up, she even gave him more expired meds and even a poisonous orb. mc was just playing with her. she promises her he will give it to her within a few days. after a few days, messengers from the academy arrives and gives mc a transport stone to get to the academy. then the expired meda princess arrives. she though she has gained the fsmily treasure but mc duped her and reveals he knew as well how she has been duping him. the expired princess left without any incident. mc knew there will be something more. mc then continues with his power up.

53, after successfully powering up, the box left by his parents gave him suddenly acted up. mc was able to open it. inside was a letter and the family treasure. it was too late when mc realized it and he immediately hide it in his body. many clan family and experts suddenly gathered around mc's household to get the treasure. elder sister wanted mc to use the academy stone for him to go away. but mc declined. he wanted to protect his family. they fought of many of the trespassers. mc used his time powers to up his knowledge about the legendary skill book. the rude prince who suggested him helping them in exchange for elder sister was shock to see mc becoming stronger than him in his very eyes. then a demon human suddenly appeared. elder sister and his grandpa guardians were beaten. mc stood his ground instead of running. he uses time power in order to gain advantage of the situation.

I level up alone (manwha until chapter 56)

level up alone, 5, a brief backstory of monsters appearing in the world, the world officials agreeing to an space alliance, and people getting powers to defest monsters. mc is a porter, someone like baggage carrier as well loot picker. he was used as a bait to a powerful lizard monster. suddenly a system and an entity, called ego, appeared. she granted mc with temp powers to defeat the monster. after, the hunters took the credits. the porter's job is to dismantle the carcass. mc gains a dismantling skill. after their job, it was revealed mc's father is bedridden and his mother and sister left them when he was young.

8, mc goes to his night work, a dismantling factory. with the aid of new system power as well the ego, mc was able to complete an 8 hours job for 3. mc then went home. his neighbor a highschool student tells him to quiet down since mc was noisy. he was excited with his new powers. he then learns about mana energy. next day, he quickly goes by his routine. and when he got home, he decided to try infusing mana to a throwing. he went out to do target practice. it was successful.

9, mc experienced mana exhaustion after practicing and gaining a new skill. when he went back home, he saw his neighbor about to be mugged/kidnapped. mc stepped in and rescued her. the cold neighbor suddenly warmed up to mc because he rescued her.

12, mc went to the gym to excercise, he gains a new physical enhancement skill. he went to check his father in the hospital. his father's sickness is getting worse. there was no cure except for heaking done by awakened players. mc wanted to gain such skill. so he decided yo level up. next day he went out on a hunt, again as a porter but this time with the aid of his system. he infused their bullets with mana. it made the hunt easier.

14, mc gained a new skill, observation, after trying out his mana. he then went back to the hospital to visit his father. mc then unknowingly used his mana to try healing his father. mc gained a new skill, heal. after his visit, he was taken by the money lenders who is swindling mc. but instead of fighting back, he opt to just pay.

16, mc wanted to be a hunter but the process was too long. hunting without permit from the association is illegal. but given the circumstance, mc bought hunting gears amd rented car. he also quit from his night company. he then went on for his first hunt.

19, mc had a slight problem passing the border to the hunting grounds. but with an officer concluding that mc was meaning to kill himself, since no one enters the area alone, mc was let in. the hunt started hard but quickly mc managed to deal with it. he gained a few levels, increased his skills and  gained new skills, stab and chain. when returning, mc was not checked thoroughly. he buried the monster corpses to not let unwanted investigation to happen.

23, mc asked his mentor senior for advice on selling crystals in the black market. mc was given an address. he went there and sold his crystal to an old but powerful lady. mc paid his entire debt from the miney lenders. mc went back to the hospital to find his father's condition getting worse. mc used his heal skill over and over again. the skill leveled up but he went to a mana exhaustion and was coma for two days. the money lenders looked for mc to find out how he got money. mc's neighbor girl, was havig a hard time since mc went missing. when mc woke up, his ego system tells him what happened. the doctor and nurse tells mc that his father's condition stabilized. mc went to visit his father. he decided to use heal but suddenly his mana was being siphoned. it was revealed it was not sickness that was afflicted to his father but a monster parasite.

25, after getting discharge, mc decides to go take the exam to be a hunter. the money lender is still pursuing him. meanwhile, a cave beneath the city was discovered. hunter investigator took over the expedition underground. unfortunately, a monster suddenly appeared out of the cave. a sinkhole formed on the city streets and the monster was unleashed. mc was there in the scene.

29, mc tries holding monster while helping civilians. a high class hunter appears and immediately defested the monster. mc was them sent to the association for the test but he was temporarily detained since he used his skills even though he has no license. the officer hunter who took charge in the cave discovery appears and gave his okay signal for mc's release. mc was then tested. he already passed the exam and he only need to be tested. it showed f class.

33, mc's first job was a raid for troll monsters. the party that hired him was actually about to scam him. after the successful completion of the job, mc's mentor arrived and rescued him from the scammers. mc got the pay he deserved and the mentor gave mc an address for a shopping mall to get him new equipments using the reward he got. mc then got his new gun and a customed made chain weapon.

35, after mc receives his custom weapon, mc tried contacting his debt collector. but it never went through. his payment was also declined when mcntried sending money. then mc goes on a solo hunt in an orc colony.

41, mc was somehow successful with his few kills but ended up running away after getting into a horde. during his solo expedition, he met a hunter girl from another team. she opened up to him, she says she find herself amazed at how brave mc for doing solo. she had a traumatic experience being alone when she was young and so she never liked being alone. with that in mind, mc hired porters to assist him. his hunt became more efficient. but soon after in a nearby area, mc sees the hunter girl's party in a pinch against a mutant monster. mc came to the rescue. they defeated the monster but the hunter girl died as she requested mc to save her friend first.

42, after the incident, mc's heal skill maxed out and evolved. he got two new healing skills now, and one of them could treat mc's father. meanwhile, the debt collectors are seens changing office and as if looking for somebody. they needed an info in the hunter association for someone.

level up alone, part 3, 44, after wishing the highschool girl next door for her exam, mc went to the hospital to cure his finally cure his father. mc adk the nurse in charge to kee things in secret, mc cures his father while also killing the parasite afflicting his father. next day or days, the highschool girl next door texted mc she aced everything. mc's father was ready to be discharged. mc was reluctant since he was lying to him to what he is actuallu doing. fortunately, the doctors wanted to check on the father more. the father agrees for one month. in order to keep his lie, mc needs to get money to move out. meanwhile, the debt collector pursuing mc went to the hunter association, back to his gf, in order to get info. the debt collector is noticed by a hunter officer that is looking in on mc. on a sad note, the mother of the highschool girl called her, and papers of going to porter training were shown on her desk. mc wanted to talk to the highschool girl.

46, mc meets with his friend. his friend's father is an owner of a dismantling company. he asked mc to help him find a hunter for him. mc volunteered himself, he needed money anyway. mc went on a two week hunting for his friend. it was greatly a success to a point even the company was harding a time keeping up with the abundant raw material mc was sending. somehow the highschool girl went missing, or rather mc cannot contact or meet her. the gf of the debt collector was found by the hunter officer. but because her separate investigation may be hindered if she reported the leak, she chose not to. the debt collectors were looking for a hunter that reported some other hunter for failing to do their duty. coincidentally, mc is the they were looking for. the clients seems to be the hunters that were rude and bad to mc when he was still a porter. mc's friend asks him to meet him for a drink as well to give payment for the raw materials they got. 

47, his friend gave him the address of the debt collector as well the scheme they plan. suddenly disappearing and after a while when the interest rose, they will suddenly appear. mc went to the debt collector and paid half of the total debt as well promising to pay the rest next time. the debt collector was really angry, they made a deal with the client looking for mc. meanwhile, the officer hunter found out about mc's illegal activities and wanted to proceed with the address but stopped when she saw the rude hunter going to the debt collector. when mc was finally about to move out, he wanted to talk to the highschool girl but the only news about her was her leaving a few weeks hence. mc finally moved on to a new house but suddenly he got a call from the hospital, mc's father went missing.

48, when mc arrived in the hospital it was revealed his father was kidnapped. the debt collector suddenly called mc, they have mc's father with them. they seek ransom and probably revenge.

50, mc went to the place marked by the debt collector with the money. when mc handed the money, the rude hunters suddenly appeared seeking revenge vs mc. fortunately the officer hunter suddenly join. when the battle was heating up, the debt collector tries to flee with mc's father. the officer hunter let mc go follow them.

51, mc follows and stopped the debt collectors from escaping. on the side of the officer hunter, one of the three managed to go passed her. when mc was about to rescue his father, the leader of the rude hunters suddenly leaped in and attack mc. with nothing else, mc decided to allocate all his stats for the offensive. he defeated the rude hunter. but suddenly, the debt collector took mc's father as a hostage. then lights went on, the hunter association has surrounded the scene. mc then used his ability to deal with the debt collector.

52, after the incident, everyone involved were arrested including mc. he was charged with the illegal deeds he originally did. going on illegal hunts and such. but luckily, his mentor saves him by threatening the investigatio department for letting a leak of information happen. (probably end of season1, it ends with mc talking to himself and pitying his weakness. the last scene was  mc's ego companion seemingly smiling)

level up alone, 53, the highschool girl is currently training to be a porter. mc brings his father to their new home. the father was surprised to find their home to be filled with new furnitures and appliance. the father reveals he already knew mc's lie and he was only shocked when it was someone clarified it during the kidnap incident. after their heartfelt talk, the father went out to drink with his friend. mc decide to clean up their house. mc then finds a book. it was actually for summoning demon. the face smiling in the end of season1 was actually a demon interested in mc.

54, the demon made a contract with mc. his current ego system got mad at mc. also mc's status window changed. it got summon demon and after the contract with the demon, he was told to make offerings. mc decided to on hunt and so he tries calling his usual porters. but he just found out they were getting married and that they will be sending a different porter to aid mc. the new porter was the highschool girl that mc lost contact with.

55, it seems like the porters in a financial pinch that's why both minor went to become porters. mc immediately hired the highschool girl along with her dude friend. during their hunt, after slaying a few monsters instead of having the monsters they defeated be dismantled, mc makes use of his new summon demon skill. a demon suddenly appear.

57, the demon appears and tested mc. after mc became successful, the demon decided to make a contract with mc to make him stronger. after the contract, the demon call all the nearby monsters in the vicinity to attack mc and his porters. the porters were trying to hold on and when they were about to be overrun, mc appears and started the defense.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

OniAi (light novel volume 1)

Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankei Nai yo ne!

march 25 first day together
akiko himenokouji, little sister
akito himenokouji, mc, big brother/narrator

evening. little sister wants to sleep with mc. mc thought it would only be sleeping but little sister meant sleeping in an intimate relationship. the two argues. in the end, little sister gives up and says that when mc fell asleep, she'll just sneak in the room. mc without saying anything else, threw her out and locked his door.

march 26 second day
akito himenokouji, mc/big brother/narrator
akiko himenokouji
*Arisuga/Arisugawa Family, the family who took in the little sister when their parents died and the two siblings were separated for 6 years
*Kyotsugu, foster parent of little sister
*Shouko, foster parent of little sister
*Takanomiya Family, the family who took in mc

morning. mc and little sister while eating breakfast. the little sister wants to discuss about her brother complex. the mc tries avoiding it but the little sister is insistent. mc had to give in while they eat. little sister decides she should be reward for her brother complex. mc rejects but it seems the little sister is quite happy just discussing it with her brother. although mc is against his sister having brother complex, he still finds her cute. there discussion gets to the point of first name calling. at first mc agreed to it but after finding out what little sister's intention were, he immediately rejects her. but their discussion of little sister's love for mc went on.

march 27 third day
akito himenokouji
akiko himenokouji
friend over phone

mc talks with his friend over the phone. their discussion is about little sister and how her desire for her brother was indirectly caused by mc. the discussion goes that it is normal to think affectionately about the first caring person one sees as the opposite sex. normally it's the parents and in time, one who finds affection grows to understand the difference about being familial and romantmtic. in mc's case, he became the person the little sister grew to like but since being separated with her, instead of losing the desire, it only strengthen.

after the phone conversation, it had been a while since little sister went to take a bath. mc wanted to check on her but knowing it could lead to a disaster, mc decided to call her while he's outside. unfortunately, the little sister wearing only her bath towel went angrily on mc and lashed out at his mistake. mc had no idea what it was. the mistake of mc was he did not peep on his little sister. mc wad a bit confused. the little sister wanted mc to take a peep at her. but mc refused. little sister went on to explain that she made herself gorgeous for her brother and it was his sin not to look at her. she then went back to the bath as she hints what she want mc must do. but mc just left her to take a bath. after a while, little sister lashed out at mc again and told him that he won't be speaking to her because of his mistake. mc let it be. after a while, little sister couldn't take it and asked to reconcile with mc. mc obliged and little sister became cheerful again.

march 28: fourth day
akiko himenokouji
akito himenokouji, mc
blond haired beauty, a girl mc meets at the mall
sawatari ginbei haroumi, mc's friend
arisugawa family, took in little sister when the siblings were apart
takanomiya family, took in mc

afternoon, the siblings agreed to shop for other necessities. once they got to the shopping district/mall. mc pondered his limits. back in the family that took in little sister, she was very well off, she even had msny servants around her. meanwhile, living with him, they're barely have the financial means to meet luxury. but the little sister, comforted mc and tells her that she is much hsppier living from now on with his brother. she then also questioned where mc got the money he got even though the two have fully cut off financially from the families who took them in, mc manages to dodged it.

once they started shopping, mc feltnafraid that his sister couldn't do normal life tasks since she was sheltered by a very well off family. but mc felt relieved when she managed. suddenly, akiko wants to go on the product on sale but mc have to buy the other necessesary items. so mc have to make themselves split up for the shopping. though hesistant at first, akiko agreed, this is also to the fact that mc had to convince akiko.

after going their separate ways, mc met with a blond haired beauty. they had a very mysterious and awkward first meeting and conversation. she had weird way of speaking. she also says she apprently just wants to tease mc. mc did not dislike that though.

when mc and blond haired beauty separated. mc met up with akiko. mc foundher finished up with her shoppong as well as somehow have managed to do some of mc's tasks. when mc ask how akiko managed with the little amount momey she got. she tells that the sales people gave her more. mc is impressed how she was able to do it. she also mentioned she's secretary of the student council in their school thay is why she can be dependable.

odd enough, both akiko and blond haired beauty have the same vibe that mc is feeling. although he doesn't realize it.

march 31: seventh day
akito himenokouji, mc
akiko himenokoini, sister
swatari ginbei haroumi, mc's friwnd over the phone
nikaidou arashi, the president of the student council of st. liliana academy.

the two frinds, mc and gin, ate conversing on the phone. gin is somehow worried mc will do something to his sister. but mc assures gin he wouldn't. tell gin tells mc his feeling of being betrayed. that mc up and left suddenly, even though the two were friends, mc kept his plans of moving a secret. mc apologize, gin accepts it but the latter plans on taking on a revenge, while laughs over the phone. mc feels angry as well afraid, somehow, of how gin would exact this revenge he mentioned.

after the phone conversation, mc laments on his shortcomings, although it was his plans to move put, it was his sister who does most house duties. he commends her for being great. but since the sister is out for student council duties even though it's still summer break, mc is left alone in the house. suddenly, the student council president knocks on the door of their house and introduced herself to mc.

mc invites the president for tea. the conversation went on to the president saying that the families who took the siblijg in asked for the president to monitor them. but the president somehow feel trusting to mc so they should not be worried about anything in the meantime. all the while durimg the conversation, the president keeps blatantly asking mc to be her man. to which mc always declines. in the first part as well, the president planned the sister to go out for a bit, with the task of council duties as a fake reason to converse with mc alone. it's like the president is assessing the mc all through out.

while finishing some chores, mc reflects on what the president said. suddenly sister appeared mad at mc. the sister immediately took the laundry mc had. she got mad since mc was holding sister's underwear. mc felt it was nothing and not realizing how delicate it was for the sister. mc reason that it was fine for sister to have mc peep at her as she baths, even though he never did. sister says it's a different matter. mc had to give in and apologize. then sister asks for reward, first a kiss then a hug. mc denies it but since sister was persistent about it, mc just gave her praises as mc tries changing the subject. mc also asked about the president, although he kept the visit a secret as was told by the president. this had somehow change the topic.

sister praises the president but she warns mc not to go near her as she is, in her own words a 'predator'. sister fears the mc would be eadily taken by her. but mc reassures her nothing like that will happen. sister got mad and tells it's really possible. she even went on saying that, before mc's chastity is taken by someone else, she should be the first one. mc just ignores her later remarks. sister notices mc ignoring her/changing the topic, this got the sister mad, somehow.

april 3 10th day living together

Akito Himenokouji, mc
Akiko Himenokoujk, sister
Nasuhara Anstasia, the blond haired beauty mc met while shopping

The chapters starts with mc descroibing how amazing and prestigious the school they will be attending, St. Liliana Academy

the siblings were going to tour the school both of them will be attending for the coming school year. mc as a transferee and sister as the secretary of the student council. mc was hesitant as he knows he is not as capable as his sister. the sister assures him he will be fine. in their convo, it's revealed it was sister who asked for mc to attend the same school when they live in together.

after the tour, sister had to do student council duty. before leaving mc, sister tells him to not at any cost go near the student council room. it was a warning for mc. at first mc was confused but he had to agree. he knew his sister was talking about the council president but she added there was something more.

mc then wemt on exploring all the while regretting that it was a mistake for him attending the school but he must accept it. in his thought, mc suddenly find himself on the sports field. upon realozing it, he decided to check on the woman tracks team that were practicing. suddenly, blond haired beauty appeared and accuses mc of being a pervert. mc immediately denies this and tells that he just want to bask and breath the air around the campus. this just escalated the thought of blond haired beauty. after a convo fill with innuendo, mc agrees to have blond haired beauty to guide him in the campus. though it was just a glint, it was unsual to find a hint of smile on an expressionless character that is the blond haired beauty.

but before they could start the tour, blond haired beauty commented once more in mc's odor, like the first time they met. this made mc mad since he made all the check before hand that there was nothing about his odor that was unpleasant. mc then asks which part of his body that smells. blond haired beauty didn't tell. it seems she jusr wanted to have a chat with mc and without telling mc about the odor she smells, the convo will always keep on going. as time passed on with the convo will with innuendo coming from blond haired beauty, the two failed to realized the time they spent chatting. blond haired beauty needed to leave, mc have no choice since it was done voluntarily and he didn't want ti take up much of her time either. in mc's pov, chatting with blond haired beauty may seemed annoying but mc does not dislike it. before parting, blond haired beauty tells mc her name, Nasuhara Anastasia, ana for short. (something i forgot to mention: during the convo of mc and ana, ana deliberately admits she liked to tease/annoy mc)

mc then meets sister. sister tells mc that his feel of hesitation has suddenly vanished. mc connects it to ana. ana and mc's conversation had melted away his reluctance. mc then tells his sister that it must be because he made acquaintance with a student. although mc confirmed it was a girl. sister was not reluctant when she hears mc describe the girl acquaintance to have a lovely smile. mc did not mention ana's name. sister mentions that she fears a girl who hardly show expression, much like ana. then sister suddenly got jealous as he never say that her smile was lovely. mc amswered with:

“That’s obvious, isn’t it? Akiko’s smile is lovely. It’s not necessary to go out
of my way to state the obvious. After all, your smile’s the one I love the most
in this world.”

with that the sister collapsed as her nose bled. she was ecstatic to hear mc say that.

april 6 13th day

akito himenokouji, mc/brother
akiko himenokouji, sister
sawatari ginbei haroumi, friend of mc
*anastacia nasuhara
*nikaido arashi
*shouku arusagawa
*kyotsugu arusagawa
*arusagawa family
*takanomiya familya

mc talks to gin over the phone. their conversation was about the new acquiatances mc got in the school. gin tells mc that ana is probably from a very prestigious family and that is a good ally to have. the president, nikaidou, is a good person to keep as a friend in moderation. then gin, like before, asks mc to reconsider his decision of moving out. it's also revealed her that gin was also asked by their adoptive fostrr families to persuade mc. but mc is set on stone to be with his sister. gin had to give up his prospect for the time being. gin tells mc that he'll be visiting soon.

akiko was outside waiting for mc to finish with his call.

when the phone call finish, akiko enters mc's room. she was wearing a kimono and she appeared spectacularly elegant in mc's eyes. the sister then kneeled and bowed her head it was a sign of great respect and appreciation. the sister tells mc how grateful she was for mc for everything he did. and she tells her of her own shortcomings and aplogogized for her doubts while waited for her brother to come back to her. mc felt it was unfair that he too owed her just as much. mc tells her how grateful he was to have a wonderful sister and he also apologized for his own shortcomings and also for also doubting his sister. then mc praises the sister. this in turn made the sister bashful. when mc somehow feel her embarassment, mc can't help but push on with his compliments for his sister. this made his sister collapsed. probably from being too joyful and happy to hear everything mc told her.

Two sentences in their convo that are surprised attacks, according to akiko:

“Even more than back then, you’ve turned out to be really beautiful.”
... (other convo)
“You really are cute. You’re the number one cutest girl in the world for me.”

april 7 14th day

akito himenokuji, mc
akiko himenokouji, sister
anastasia nasuhara, blond haired expressionless beauty, vp of student council
nikaido arashi, predator gangster, president of student council
sawatari ginbei haroumi

It's the first day of school. still at home, the dorm the twins currently live in, mc is lamenting how weird he lookes like in his new school uniform. he find himself looking not good wearing the uniform in front of the mirror. so mc asked for his sister's opinion. upon meeting her, mc finds out the sister actually wear glasses but she decides not to whenever she's with mc. she says it degrades her cuteness despite being able to see clearly. without the glasses, akiko always have a hard time but she forces herself to be able to normally. their conversation went on to how akiko should wear it, while akiko tells mc that she planned on ditching them. but mc urged her to, so she had to. but as a compromise, she'll only not wear them when she's with mc. as mc tells her she'll protect her in case she couldn't see anything, as a sign of love, akiko felt ecstatic but had to control herself, if not her nose would bleed again. mc also rwalized asking her sister about his look is pointless as in akiko's brother complex pov, anything mc wears he'll look good. mc also felt refreshed and more at ease after having converse with akiko.

after that, two went off to school.

when they arrived, the first person they met was ana. she insulted mc. but mc knew she was just teasing her as she had already said. suddenly, sister got mad. she reveals that ana is the vp of the student council and also the one person mc must avoid othe than the president. but ana then casually insult akiko while telling her thst it was already too late, as mc and ana had already met each other before and akiko don't have anything to do with mc and ana being together, all the while insulting akiko. when mc suddenly tells akiko to calm, this agitated her more. suddenly, ana confessed to mc. mc couldn't have a response because this was all too sudden. and akiko just lost it and suddenly lashing out her thoughts.

suddenly, the student council president appear. she tells both akiko and ana to be her women. but both decline. then when she noticed mc. she tells mc to be her man. mc declines. suddenly nikkaido, the student president, appoints mc as assistant to the secretary, which is akiko. akiko was happy at first but when the president tells that she wants mc to be close to her as well, akiko suddenly got mad. ana also got mad and started a rivalry against president for mc. when akiko wants to join, she was disregarded as both say the two are siblings.

while the three are having feud, mc had somehow placed the three girls in order. akiko being cutest, ana in terms of beauty, and the president in terms of sex appeal.

suddenly, sawatari ginbei haroumi appeared to stop the quarrel. mc was surprised to find his friend. SHE was wearing a uniform the same as akiko. when mc asked why she was there, gin says it's her revenge on mc that she mentioned over the phone.

mc's thought on the matter:

"Something like that she’d pay me back twice-fold, that she’d prepare for a
proper full-scale review of my actions, and that before long she’d come to

mc was surprised that gin transferred to St. Liliana academy. but akiko was even more surprised, the bestfriend whom mc talks over the phone all the time was a girl. 

gin, as introduced by mc, is a close friend of mc while he was in kyoto in the takanomiya family. gin comes from a complicated family household which has yet to be said.

gin then joins the fued between rivals. mc suddenly asked why she did it, gin then answers him in cryptic message:

“You’re always treatin’ me so cruelly. When a girl goes to the far-off east on
her own chasin’ after someone, just what do you think that means? I guess
this proves that denseness isn’t curable. You’re a pretty good example for
that, if I do say so myself. Well, that’s just the way Akito is, I guess…”

with this, mc was just left more confused.

and then after a bit of introduction, somehow the president felt assured that everything was going well. she decided the three of them rivals, president, ana and gin to have a girl time and just skip the school opening ceremony. akiko on the other hand, was left out. she protested why she wasn't included. the three tells her that she doesn't need to since she's blood related to mc. when akiko continues to protest, the pres pass the obligation of explaining to mc:

“You’re a good girl, you know?”
“Really. You’re obedient, honest, and cheerful – you listen to everything I
say, and you do things without me even asking. If you’re not a good girl, then
who is?”
“So I’ve lived up to Onii-chans expectations…?”
“Of course. You did way beyond my expectations. And you’re not only a
good girl, you’re a cute one as well.”
“Really. Your smile’s cute. And it’s cute that whenever you laugh, your teeth
are showing. How your eyes give off that slightly vivid yet soft feel is cute,
and how your bangs collect in uniform just like a straight line – it’s cute as
well. Your energetic way to walk’s cute, how your back’s perfectly straight
when you sit’s cute. And how you easily start sulking’s cute, and so’s the
way you quickly recover your sunny nature. I’ve always treasured you.”
“Wawa― Saying something like that, wawa―”
“I love you, Akiko.”
“I-I love you as well! I, too, have always loved Onii-cha―”
“Although it’s still nothing more than the love of an older brother for his
younger sister.”

akiko suddenly ran off crying when she told her frustration towards mc. mc knew it would happen and so she let her be. the three rivals set off to the student council office have their girl bonding. gin was also offered the position of treasurer.

as a closing remarks, mc reveals that he and akiko are not exactly blood related as was known throughtout the volume. but he keep this as a secret.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Eminence in Shadow (light novel volume 1)

chapter1 (includes prologue)


Cid Kagenou, the main character

Claire Kagenou, mc's elder sister

Alpha, the first member of the Shadow Garden, elf

Beta, she likes books, second member of the Shadow Garden,

Delta, one of the members of the Shadow Garden

Viscount Grease, the first boss

Before mc reincarnated, he always have the fascination about 'shadow brokers' underground boss that controls everything. They are very strong creatures and are very intelligent but they keep themselves hidden. They are like a mob characters in stories and not many knows of their every existence. So mc trained and trained in order to become one. His training were truly bizarre and effective, but it was never enough. He wanted to be so strong that not even anyone or any type or form of attack could even faze of hurt him, even those that are weapons of mass destruction. After realizing that he could not attain such feat even if he train so much, he came to believe in magic. To be precise mana, chakra and such, in a world where it does not exists. Unfortunately, after such training to gain magic, mc became delirious and followed strange lights without knowing said lights are headlights of a truck passing. MC got hit by the truck and soon after he finds himself reborn in a new world. He retained the memories he have, including his ever growing desire to be a 'shadow broker.'

In this world, were it out of coincidence, magic exists. And because of mc's training to magic in his previous world, mc immediately grasp magic exists and soon quickly trained. But he must be vigilant. A 'shadow broker' is never the protagonist but an unknown existence. He trains by the day only showing barely to minimal effort with his father teaching him. At night, he trains with vigor and that growing desire to be the strongest.

One day, mc hears of robbers staying nearby their territory. Come night fall, mc attacked the robbers effortlessly while maintaining his chuunibyou facade. He felt cool about it. Mc took away all the loot the robbers have as a fund to start his own organization. He also found an intact living 'mound of flesh' that is overloaded with magic. Mc experimented with the body as he tries somehow healing it. (I don't think he intended to heal the body) When the body was healed of the overloaded, a beautiful elf girl was left. Mc intended for her to let her go. But somehow he made her part of his group he planned on making. Mc then tells her of an elaborate lie regarding how the elf girl came to be. She was cursed and had a bloodline of heroes. Long ago, a certain evil, Diablos, was sealed by heroes. But before the evil was sealed he cursed the heroes. Which what became of her. And then some followers were able to escape the heroes and formed a secret evil group of their own. Later on, this evil group grew large and influenced the people that the descendants of heroes are cursed and are abomonation which is why they are treated poorly. And they plan on resurrecting Diabolos. Mc's group is to stop this along. He named it Shadow Garden. The elf girl accepted her duty and thus became Alpha, the first member.

Years later, mc continued training, now along with Alpha. All the while, the group seemed to have increased in numbers, about 8 in total. When mc's sister was about to enter the academy. They have a tradition of children of nobles aged 15, they will be sent to the academy to train. His sister vanished. Mc's parents were worried since they couldn't find her and suspected it was a kidnapping.

Mc went to his group and have them help find his sister. It turns out, Alpha, is already looking into it. Beta, a new member recruited by Alpha, was their to assist mc at that time. She was busy trying to explain their findings. Mc thinks that they were still playing with the shadow garden and that his subordinates already knew of his lies and were just playing with him. Mc suddenly threw a knife on a map and blurted out his sister is there. Beta who was there explaining, quickly analyzed mc's sudden answer. She was immediately impressed. Still, mc thought she was just playing with his chuunibyou act, or something.

Later that night in the location where mc just gave, the first boss viscount Grease interrogated mc's sister. He was the one who planned the abduction, i suppose. He asked her if she was somehow afflicted with a curse before. The sister, though was hesitant at first, just explained that she was in fact felt it previously but mc somehow helped him doing basic stretches and such affliction disappeared. Viscount then suddenly became interested with mc, to which the sister suddenly enraged. But because of her shackles she couldn't do anything. When the viscount was about to experiment on the sister, the Shadow Garden infiltrated the hideout. Grease stopped with what he was about to do and went to face the infiltrators. But when he arrived on the scene, all of his guards and men were killed.

Alpha went on to fight Grease on her own. It was a one sided match, with Alpha winning. She wanted to keep Grease alive for interrogation but the first boss used a power up item in order to escape. Right when the other members of the Shadow Garden tries to give chase, Alpha mentions that the mc is already there. Then, they were even more impressed with mc.

In reality, mc was actually lost. Grease finds mc and attacks him. He fended every attack easily. Then Grease used another power up item. But mc was growing even more bored and so he defeated him with a single attack.

After the infiltration, mc and his group left taking all the documentation and such that they needed to investigate further the evil organization, the Cult of Diabolos. When mc's sister left for the academy, the members of Shadow Garden agreed to leave and move on their separate way in order to do more investigation and such while always leaving a single member to stay with mc. Mc thought that it was their way of saying goodbye to him. He thought that his member have 'grown up' and wanted to stop playing with him. Mc agrees but he never mentioned his thoughts.  He bade them farewell before sending them off. Mc's fascination of being a shadow broker ever grows strong. So even if he is going to be alone, he will continue to be one.

The of the chapter tells the back story of Beta, the next recruit after Alpha. She joined Shadow Garden because she was only following Alpha. She had no resolve whatsoever. At first, during missions where they were meant to kill, she had a hard time, either she vomit after ward or she couldn't get a goodnight's rest. One night, mc approaches Beta and tells her of children's story from the world before he was reincarnated. These stories help ease Beta's mind. Mc did it many times with her, probably with different stories each time. Soon, Beta found herself a reason of staying the group, not just for following Alpha, but to be with mc who saved her when she was still afflicted with the curse and giving her a second chance in life. And so she followed him as a member of the Shadow Garden.



Princess Alexia Midgard, sister of the renown genius princess and mc's fake girlfriend

Princess Iris Midgard, the renown genius princess in term of swordsmanship

Instructor Zenon Griffey, the sword instructor in the swords class one, also part of the royal army

Po Tato, mc's friend in the school

Skel Etal, mc's friend in the school

Cid Kagenou, mc

When mc was finally sent to the academy, he maintained himself to be not too bad but not too good. Managing only to be at close to the bottom, just enough to be not notice by main characters while being able to observe them. During one occasion, mc lost in a bet and as a punishment, he must confess to their school campus beauty, Princess Alexia. Mc found this to be helpful, even though he somehow lost interest in beautiful girls since his group, the Shadow Garden, is already full of beautiful girls. With mc proposing and then being rejected, it will seal the deal of him becoming one of the many side characters that fell in love and got their heart broken.

Unfortunately, when mc confessed to the princess, she accepted. At first everyone got surprise since mc's a total nobody. But comes next day, he tries changing his attitude to have the princess break off with him but it was to no avail. Mc was also sent to join the princess in the swords class one, even though mc is only from class nine (the lowest).

During the class, the instructor Zenon Griffey would talk to princess Alexia with regards to mc. And the princess seemingly feeling angry and somehow wants the instructor to leave her alone. Mc concludes he was only being used as a shield towards the instructor. When mc confronted the princess, she did not deny mc's allegation. In fact, she even stated that she truly hates the instructor, especially how he portrays himself as mr. perfect. She even remarked that no one is perfect. Mc wanted out of their fake relationship but with the power of money, mc stayed with her. Though seemingly, he's just actually acting.

The two continue on for two weeks with being in a relationship as well training. Then one day, the princess tells mc that she will defeat the instructor, in a spar combat, and once and for all stopping his move towards her. Next day, mc was confronted by the Instructor Zenon. Princess Alexia is missing and the main culprit was the mc. He was invited by the royal army for investigation.



Princess Iris, elder sister and a renown genius in swordsmanship

Princess Alexia, kidnap

Instructor Zenon Griffey

Claire Kagenou, minor scene, she shows up to try and plead for mc's innocence

Alpha, on field commanding officer

Beta, on field assistant to Alpha

Delta, a battle junkie, she really likes cause chaos

Gamma, assigned with battle tactics

Epsilon, support role

Luna, president of Mitsugoshi Ltd. company, they own a mall that sells seemingly otherworldly goods

Millia, the daughter of the first boss.

Labcoat guy

Cid Kagenou, mc

After the interrogation, mc was let go. But there were some people other than the members of Shadow Garden that were tailing him. Back in his dorm, he first met with Alpha who tended to his superficial injuries. Mc asked why she was there when it was supposed to be Beta's turn to be with him. She tells mc that Beta will be with him shortly. When Alpha left, Mc tidied up his place to make it look more like a grand room for an epic bosses. When Beta arrive, she informs mc of their plan to during the many facilities of the Cult of Diabolos within the capital. She also mentioned that they employed '114' personnel to do the ground work. All the while, mc was still thinking that they were just playing with him. He was even somehow surprised that they were able to gather that many people to join their cause, that mc thought that he just made up. During the process, once they find the whereabouts of princess Alexia, they will focus on that. She mentions Alpha will be the commanding officer in the small skirmish. She will assist him in the field. Gamma is assigned with battle tactics. Epsilon will be supporting Delta. Delta will be causing the much chaos among them. Mc then hands beta a letter.

Meanwhile, during the time of interrogation, princess Iris was somehow one of the officers who were leading her sister's investigation. During her talk with Zenon Griffey, mc's sister Claire, barged in and plead mc's innocence. Zenon threw her out. Although, princess Iris felt symphatetic to how Claire felt. On the side of princess Alexia, she woke up and she found herself restraint. She was unable to use her magic. The last thing she remembered was when she bid farewell to mc and then she blacked out. She then saw a creature that to the reader's may already know is afflicted with the curse cause by Diabolos. The creature was tied down, it was restrained and shackled much worse than her. After that, a labcoat guy enters and took blood from both Alexia and the creature, he mentions they needed their blood to make more demons. All of which Alexia is unknowledgeable about.

When they executed the plan, mc tells Beta to accompany her to the place of the abduction. It was mentioned in the letter that mc handed to her. When they arrived at the place, they found princess Alexia's shoes with traces of magic and such. Then appears two knights, the same knights who interrogated and beat mc for 5 days. They thought they could overpower mc. Unfortunately, it seemed like mc couldn't hold his anger much longer or perhaps he just wanted to show off. He quickly disposed of the two. In the capital, sounds of explosions, fighting and swords clashing is heard. The plan was on the way. Among the many destruction caused was when Delta sliced and destroyed a building on her own.

In the side of Alexia. She felt the tremors and heard the distant fighting outside. When the labcoat guy enters feeling both serious and belittling the ongoing onslaught, Alexia tries persuading him to let her go. But labcoat guy was not moved. He then took out a syringe and injected a fluid into the restraint creature that was with Alexia. Suddenly the creature grew in size and power, it broke out of its restraints. The labcoat guy felt himself powerful since he is about to unleash a power monster to aid them against their enemies. Suddenly, the creature smashed labcoat and instantly killing him. The creature somehow helped Alexia to break free from her shackles. When she got out of the cell she was imprisoned, she found Zenon Griffey walking towards her.

The instructor then admitted it was him who planned the princess's abduction and that he, being part of the Cult of Diabolos, required the blood of the princess as well as the creature. He mentioned that he planned to be the one to take credit of rescuing her, so that he may be promoted to the highest rank of the knights, the Knights of Round. The two clashed and with Alexia almost losing, enters mc donned in mask hiding his identity.

Outside, the knights of the order are getting wiped out by the empowered creature. Princess Iris came to help. At first she was winning but with the creature's regenerative ability, she soon find's herself on the losing end. Then enters Alpha. She introduced first introduced herself to Iris and soon after says her empathy towards the creature being beaten but always regenerating. With slash, Alpha managed to slay the creature and from it's corpse appeared the dead body of a young girl. It was Millia and she was holding the dagger that was a present from his father.

Back on mc's side. Zenon tries engaging mc first but he was easily dodging the blows. When the instructor felt himself being underestimated he increased his attack but mc just brushed them off while lightly attacking on vital points. When Zenon finally understands he could not beat mc, he took out pills and ingested it. They were the same power up medicines the first boss used. Much the like the creature from earlier, Zenon grew both in size and strength and somehow his body can hardly be considered that of human. Mc sighed. He was disappointed at how weak his opponent was. He gathered up power around him and unleashed his ultimate attack: I AM ATOMIC. It obliterated Zenon as well as making a giant hole upward from the underground facility they were in. Mc left the scene without much trace. During the whole fight, princess Alexia found herself drawn in on the persona who rescued her. Soon after, the boss fight, princess Iris finds Alexia lying on the ground. The two hugged each other after being reunited for such a long time.

After the incident, mc met with Alexia on the school's rooftop. She thanked mc about his remarks liking her own sword style. Then she reveals that she was just using him against Zenon. Somehow, mc already knew about this long before and now that he no longer has any use for her, he's finally free. He really never wanted to standout. She also asks mc if he would like to continue having a relationship with her to which mc outright refused. Princess Alexia immediately became infuriated with it, she attacks mc with her sword. Rumors of a pool of blood on the rooftop suddenly spread around their school. There was no corpse found though.

Few days later, Alexia and Iris have finally gotten over their estrangement. Alexia asks her sister how to ask for a geniune apology for a guaranteed forgiveness. Iris couldn't answer it as there seemed to be no answer for her question. Alexia then shrugged off any more inquiries her elder sister would ask. Iris then concludes that although her sister is wary of people she must have finally found a true friend. Another few days hence, the two princesses went to a mall that is selling otherworldly goods. The owner of the mall is an elf named Luna.



Cid Kagenou, mc

Po Tato

Skel Etal

Princess Iris Midgard

Princess Alexia Midgard

Sherry Barnett, renown research genius

Lutherans, assistant principal of the academy, father figure to Sherry

Glen, a knight that is stationed to guard Sherry

Gamma, one the original member of Shadow Garden. Considered by mc as the brain of the team. She can sometimes be clumsy.

Nu, also known as Thirteen, she serves under Gamma, she an employee of Mitsugoshi Ltd.

During the last days of classes, before summer break, mc and his two buddies, Po and Skel, were taking their sword class. Since mc has broken up with princess Alexia, he went back to the lower classes. One of them mentions about the up coming sword tournament. Both Po and Skel stated that they will be joining. When mc was about to say he won't, Skel said that he already registered mc. This infuriated mc but he didn't show him. It's because mc just wanted to have a peacefuland quiet outside lifee and joining will just make him standout. In a lightning fast and impossible to see motion, mc smacked Skel into collapsing. The two conscious friends helped their fallen friend to the nurse clinic. Before getting there, mc noticed both princess Alexia and princess Iris as well as other knights entering their school. They were rumored to be conducting an investigation on something. MC remembers Alexia mentioning to him that her sister Iris was forming a new knight unit.

Following the princesses and the knight unit. Princess Iris requested for an aid to the renown genius in research Sherry Barnett. They wanted an artifact found in one of the facility of the Cult of Diabolos to be investigated. Though Sherry was reluctant at first, with the motivation from his father figure Lutherans, she accepts. Glen was assigned to guard Sherry since there was a fire incident with the gathered evidence against the Cult of Diabolos. Any information and items, that went leaked and in possession of the knight orders were destroyed during that incident. And it was highly likely, the Cult would attack Sherry who is currently investigating the artifact. Alexia was permitted to join her sister's knight order, she was allowed to investigate the movement of the Cult and it's involvement with the fire incident case but only when it's not too dangerous.

After class, evening, the three friends, went to the mall as suggested by either Po or Skel in order make up for mc, somehow. He tried cancelling his registration after classes but he wasn't able to since the participants have already been paired. His friends mentioned to mc about chocolates, something otherwordly, and they were supposed to gift it to girls to come like them.

When they got there, there was a line of queue of 80 minutes just to enter. Mc tries persuading the other two that they won't make it back before curfew but his friends were unmoved. Although, one of them also mentioned of a roaming slasher/serial killer, the other laughed it off and says that they are knights in training and they could handle it. Mc was interested with the slasher/serial killer rumors. So the three stayed in line. Suddenly, an employee approached the three students and asked for mc to follow her for an interview. Both Po and Skel wanted to join but the employee said that mc would be enough. Mc agreed and followed. When they entered the mall, mc was guided to the backrooms and into the employee only office door. When mc entered he found a long hallway and a throne at the end. The whole room were glamourously decorated fit only for royalty. Beside the throne was a beautiful elf. It was Gamma, one of the original 7 members of the shadow garden. She may not be the strongest in their team but she certainly has the smarts and brain to keep up with others.

Mc is led and seated to the throne. He was very much impressed on how Gamma prepared everything. He used his magic to recover a portion of everyone health as well as help circulate their magic ability. It's a menial task for mc, he considered it even as nothing but just to put on a show. But to everyone, it was truly a blessing. Everyone in the throne felt exalted, especially Gamma. Gamma reveals that their organization owns the mall as well the Mitsugoshi Ltd. company and they have already branched out to different countries.  She got all her product ideas from mc whenever he would tell her about products from the otherworld. Everything was kept hidden from mc. He then felt a bit dejected, since it was from him that they were getting this success. While on the otherhand, mc is left poor. Where his previous money went, it was not mentioned. Mc tries borrowing a bit of money. Suddenly, a big cart loaded with money enters the throne room. Mc was surprised and he felt reluctant at first since it was too much and he could not possibly return it in case he borrowed that many. This was misunderstood by Gamma. Mc noticed and immediately took a few coins that were worth 3 million. Going back into a more serious matter, Gamma reports to mc that they haven't yet found the culprit for the recent incidents. Mc nods automatically. But in truth, he was completely baffled. He do not know what's going on. Gamma continued that the incident was about the recent serial killing, the 'slasher' that was at large. The culprit was mentioned to be claiming as part of their organization, Shadow Garden. (at this point, mc still things that the girls are just playing with him, even the decorated throne room that Gamma prepared for him was just for his grand performance).

There was also a flash back scene of how Gamma got to join the Shadow Garden. From how it was hard for her when she was still afflicted with the curse to when she joined and got curse lifted. At first, she had it roughed since she wasn't as strong as the others. But somehow, mc tells her of his 'Shadow Wisdom' knowledge about otherworld products (mainly from things mc normally find in stores, chocolates, perfumes, items and such). This motivated Gamma. She thought that mc knew of her weaknesses and so he imparted her with knowledge to able to stand beside her collegeas. She then went on to be a successful business tycoon, all in order to serve the cause of Shadow Garden.

After hearing the report, mc already arrived at a conclusion. He was once more misunderstood by subordinate, Gamma felt helpless since shouldn't be of any use to mc. But she will try harder. She then calls for Nu, to serve directly under mc. She was the same employee that guided mc into the throne room. Mc accepted her service. Before leaving, he asked for some chocolate for him and his friend. He was willing to pay at a discounted price but Gamma just gave him anyway.

Mc suspected it was princess Alexia who was the culprit. Since after breaking up with her, she went on a bloodlust raged that made the incident on the rooftop. And it was only Alexia who was alive to see Shadow. As for the reason, she has none.

After leaving the mall, the three friends went hurrying home since they were past their curfew. But suddenly, mc hears clashes of swords. His two friend didn't hear anything. Mc wanting to go investiage, he made an excuse that he could no longer control his bowel movement, he needed to take a shit even out in the street. The two friends understood and promised to keep it a secret. When the two left, mc went to the fighting scene.

When he arrived, he found Alexia fighting a figure cloaked in black. His hunch was incorrect and his suspect was found innocent. The figure cloaked in black kept repeating: we are Shadow Garden. Mc waited and observed.

Alexia overpowers the figure but suddenly she was attacked from behind. Two figures suddenly appeared. Now she had to face three of these strong figures cloaked in black. When she was finally backed at a corner, she took out a pill, it was the same the power up medicine used by the first and second bosses. But before she could use it, mc suddenly showed himself in guise of Shadow. He quickly eliminated one of the figure. The other two ran away. Before he could follow after them, Alexia tried to ask him questions. Mc stayed to humor her questions with no concrete answers. He was making an effort to sound cool. Then she states that she will kill those who try to hurt his love ones. Mc suddenly let out his bloodlust, the battered princess fell and trembled. Mc disappered in the darkness. Alexia then desperately stood and tried walking to get back to and call for help. She knew her condition would only get worse if she stayed there. Fortunately, her sister, Iris, showed up to help her. In the scene where the fight happened, Iris noticed the power up medicine on the ground. Alexia tried to make her sister not mind it.

MC gave chase to the fleeing figures. He killed another one. When he was about to subdue the survivor, Nu appears. She tells mc that she'll take care of the rest. She has an effective way of extracting information. Mc left it to Nu. Next day, a body hanged on the main street of the capital. Its face warped in agony and despair. Written on its stomach: Path of Fools.

Back to princess Alexia who is now in the comfort of her dorm room. She was resting in her own room and her elder sister taking care of her. Alexia then tells Iris not to fight the Shadow Garden but Iris's mind is unchanged. She tells her little sister that her fear as well her sympathy to the Shadow Garden was probably the due to the trauma she had when she was kidnapped and also of the medicines she was taking. Nonetheless, be it the Cult of Diabolos or the Shadow Garden, as long as the pose a threat to the kingdom, they are Iris's enemiies. She also added that the cult may have already infiltrated not only the knight orders but also the higher ups of the government, which is why she was funding the new knight unit out of her own pocket. Alexia is moved by her sisters conviction and declares she will help her. But Iris rejected it. Alexia was under house arrest for the crimes of stealing evidence, the power up medicine Iris noticed in the scene of the fight.



Cid Kagenou, mc

Po Tato

Skel Etal

Sherry Barnet, academy of science student research genius

Lutherans, assistant principal of the academy, father figure/poster father to Sherry

Lukreia, the deceased mother of Sherry, also a researcher

Nu, an employee of Mitsugoshi Ltd. She serves under Gamma and is lent to assist mc with the slasher/serial killing incident

Rose Oriana, princess of an allied kingdom, Kingdom of Oriana. Daughter of King Raphael Oriana. Currently, the known strongest student in term of swordsmanship in the academy, after Princess Iris graduated. A transfer student and also president of the Student Council. She is currently in her second year.

The next day, mc noticed that everyone were trying hard to hide their laughter towards him. Apparently, mc's excuse of taking a number outdoor spread throughtout class. Mc glared at his two friends. It was apparent his two friends were 'good' at keeping secret, especially if it would damage mc's reputation. Skel then tells them that they will commence their prior plan during lunch. They will give the chocolate they got to girls in order to woo them.

During lunch time, Skel tries giving his chocolate to an upperclassman. But he was stopped by the girl's fiancee. He was then invited to a serious, fun and nice chat by the fiancee of the girl. Both mc and Po leaves the scene. With Skel now left behind, mc and Po went to the library. Apparently, Po had been eyeing a girl. He went on explaining to mc, unlike Skel who just go and give gift to a random girl without knowing who they were, Po already knew everything about the girl he is tracking/stalking. When Po went to his target, he was chased off. The girl was screaming and calling him a stalker.

Having no interest at the mission. Mc gave his chocolate at the first random girl he met in the library without any context or what so ever. When the girl tries asking mc, he just hurriedly left.

Going back to the researcher commissioned by princess Iris knight order. Lutherans find Sherry holding a box of chocolate in her hands. She explains it to his foster father that it was given to her in the library by a student she have never met. Lutherans tells her it was love at first sight and that she must give him a proper response. He went on saying that the box of chocolate she got was from a famous company and acquiring such thing is by no means an easy task. Afterwards, he asks Sherry how her research is going. She tells him there's a unique code written in the artifact and it was the same as the ancient code her deceased mother, Lukreia, was researching on. Lutherans then tells Sherry she is requested by a college town to study there, right before having a fit of coughs. Sherry refuses the opportunity and tells him that she'd rather stay with her foster father to take care of him instead. She was grateful to Lutherans to how he took care of her when her mother died.

After classes, before mc went back to his dorm, he was approached by an upperclassman. It was Nu. Mc was somehow shocked at how different she looked. She tells mc that she's good at using make up. She always wanted to feel being a student at a school. She remembers a bit of her past. She was a daughter of a marquess until her the curse of Diabolos appeared. Her wanting to meet mc in broad daylight is just one of her many desire she couldn't simply ignore. Mc understood her fantasies and her apparent regret.

After going to a lonely place in the campus, Nu begins her report. She was not able to acquire any information from the figure mc caught no matter how she interrogated the person. She tells mc that the figure is perhaps a Third child of the Cult of Diabolos.

She explains to the reader that the Cult have been abducting orphans and children. They experiment on them and put them many training to make super soldiers. The Third Children are the weakest of the few who've successfully complete such experimentation and training. They normally have low intelligence and have unstable mind. The Second Children are intelligent enough to be ordered with more complex task and have stable mental capacity. The First Children are those who are the greatest of the three and their prowess are comparable to world class fighters and such. Beyond these three type of children are those who exceeded expectation assigned to them or have made great contribution their cause. They are given names. And they are called Named Children. Most of these Name Children usually came from the First or the Second. They are given more incentive to the point of being able to join higher positions in the government as well a position in the Round of the Knight Order. All of these information came from a Named Child of Diabolos that is now part of the Shadow Garden.

Nu didn't mention these to mc because she thought he knew already. For mc's subordinate, probably the main reason why he is mostly kept in the dark is because they thought mc already knew everything. And them telling mc something he already know or something that is common knowledge within their organization is a taboo, it was insulting to mc. Though, in truth, mc knows little to nothing at all.

Nu continues with her report that a certain Named Child of the Cult had appeared in the capital, Rex, the game of betrayal. He was seen gathering their forces for some purpose.

After her report, Nu requested her to walk with mc. Mc indulges her with her fantasy. The two walked away with their arms linked together. Although Mc was nervous all the while.

Next day, the preliminary for the sword tournament commences. Mc is pitted against Princess Rose Oriana. Although he could withdraw and just stay with his friend who in their own circumstances have to withdraw, one got hurt badly by the fiancee of an upperclassman, while the other is accused of criminal offense, MC chose to fight. He want to give his most beautiful perfomance of being a weak mob character. He will make himself in the most brilliant, spectacular and very believable way any audience will see.

The battle went with mc being complete overpowered but he kept standing up trying to face his opponent no matter how heavily beaten he may seem to get. Somehow, due to this, mc got misunderstood. Princess Rose acknowledged mc's indomitable will in face of an opponent many folds stronger. Even though all of it were an act. And in order to show her respect to mc, she readies to unlease her ultimate attack. Unfortunately, the referee stepped in and ended the match. Mc wanted to keep on going but to how the referee sees it, mc is about to die. It was an overwhelming victory for Princess Rose. She bowed her head to the fallen mc to show him her respect.

After the fight, mc slipped out so as not to be taken to the doctor. It was all staged and it would only be suspicious in case he went to the doctor and he was already fine even though in the perfomance there were blood, may blood, and he's badly beaten. When he was about to go back, Sherry suddenly appeared. She tells mc that even though she didn't like fights and battles, she watched his match. She asks him if he was alright. Mc says he is. Then she handed him a box of cookie. She tells mc that they should start as a friend first. Mc didn't know but it her who he gave his chocolate in the library. The assistant principal appears to help Sherry just in case. Only when mc saw Lutherans that mc realized who the girl he was talking with. When Lutherans finds the two have became friend he left them. Sherry insisted on taking mc to see the doctor but he refuse. instead, he invites her to have a cup of tea to go along with the cookie she made for him. Sherry gladly accepts.

Mc finds Sherry to be a main character type, someone he must not get connected with if he so want to conitnue being a background character.

After their little, get together, in his mind, Mc wishes for them to no longer meet. Afterwards, mc asked to have a five days of leave to recuperate from his bruise, this is so to make himself not to be seem suspicious. If he get back to class being alright and fine with no injury or whatsoever after the performance of him being thrashed and beaten during the prelimenary match, his cover would be totally blown.

Back to Sherry who was doing her research with the artifact. There was something that keep bugging her mind or rather her heart. Since Mc was absent for quite while. She couldn't stop thinking about him. Especially, since after the match, though he was badly beaten, he still went out his way to have a tea with her. She also heard rumors that mc and princess Alexia, one of the knights who asked her for the artifact research, had actually dated. When she could no longer concentrate with the research, she went to the person closest to her for inquiry. She went to princess Alexia's dorm room.

When Sherry got to Alexia's dorm, the princess thought she would be asking for assistance for the research she was commissioned. Both her tone and demeneor were serious. But it was not for the research. Instead, Sherry wanted to talk about mc and what's her relationship with him. Alexia tells Sherry that they did date but it was all fake and the two have just broken up. Upon hearing this, Sherry's tone and attitude began to cheer up. She tells the princess that she was glad and both mc and her have just became friends. When Sherry left the room, a sound of glass breaking can be heard.



Cid Kagenou, mc

Skel Etal, mc's friend 1

Po Tato, mc's friend 2

Princess Rose Oriana

Sherry Barnett, genius researcher

Rex, Game of Betrayal, a Named Child of the Cult of Diabolos

Glen, Lion's Mane, vice commander of the Crimson Order, the knight unit of Princess Iris

Marco Granger, a knight of the Crimson Order

Sir Gaunt, seemingly a superior officer in the Cult of Diabolos. Former part of the knights order's Knights of Round.

When mc returns back to school, after his supposed rest. an ongoing campaign of the student council was being held.  He was with his two buddies. Skel asks where the higher years were, po answers they're out for an after school program. so basically only the first and second years were in school. Right when the speeches began, mc suddenly felt his magic powers being blocked it was not only for him but for everyone in the academy. A certain anti magic field seemed to have appear. Suddenly a loud explosion sounded outside. Figures claiming to be part of shadow garden enters the classroom and tells everyone they're taking over the school.

At this moment, Mc felt joyous. he was waiting for this to happen all his life. A terrorist attack in school.

When the figure orders everyone to stand down and obey their orders, the student council Rose Oriana, did not obey. She stood up against the terrorist. Mc knew that no one else, at that very moment, have realized that their magic power is being blocked. The figure suddenly launched an attack against the Rose Oriana. When she tried to fight back she could not feel her magic power. She suddenly felt helpless because it was too late for her. But Mc cannot have that. The main protagonist cannot be the first one to die. He suddenly put on a dramatic show as her shield to the in coming attack. Mc 'receives' the full brunt of the attack. It was a background character's duty to be the first victim, as said by mc.

Mc is thrown on ground. Rose Oriana saw the pool of blood beneath mc growing larger and larger. She went to mc to hold him in her hands. Somehow, she misunderstood mc as she connected every pieces from when they first met, their match in the preliminary, how always stood up with all her attacks then and now him saving her. She felt mc's dying love for her. She had many suitors before but no man would have ever done that for her. She vowed to avenge mc. But at a proper time. Rose Oriana bowed her head and obeyed the terrorists. The students were ordered to form a line and go to auditorium in an organized manner with their hands tied to each other. Mc is left 'lifeless' on the floor.

When everyone is out of the classroom, Mc revives himself. The bruise he sustained was real but not enough to be fatal. He managed to get pass the anti magic field by manipulating his mana, barely. He used his magic to heal himself, although it took a while longer. When mc felt was able to move more freely, he leaves the classroom.

Mc went to rooftop to assess the situation. He always wanted to do this. 'To gaze down at the campus from the rooftop.' Mc also scrutinized how unartistic the terrorists planned their attack. A black costume must be worn during the night, mc says. In his disappointment, mc used his slime ability to make a bullet and killed two black figures. He then spotted Sherry who was raning away hysterically. He shoots her pursuer dead. But Sherry was too paranoid to notice. Mc then gets to the hallway to join her. But before that he finds yet another dark figure about to grab her. Mc rushed at attacker at full speed.

Sometime during the start of the attack, Sherry was too absorbed with her research. It was to the point that she was unaware of the surrounding commotions. She was only brought back to her when broken mirror stinged her face when a dark figure impersonating Shadow appears bursting from the window. At first he wanted to announce he is from the Shadow Garden but he him threw away his black mask and tells his real name. It was Rex, Game of Betrayal. His mission is to retrieve the artifact Sherry was investigating. The two knights guarding her, Glen and Marco tries fighting the villain in order to give Sherry a chance to escape. She ran off with the the pendant artifact all the while covering her ears muffling the sound bloodcurdling screams behind her.

In Sherry's pov. She was trying her best to hide and run away from her the terrorst. Everytime, she find herself about to be attacked or discovered, she hears a 'woosh' and she find herself alone and safe. It happened a few times until she tripped and found mc. He was covered in blood and was having a hard time catching his breath. After checking up on him, mc scolds Sherry for being clumsy and wearing loud tapping shoes while she was running and hiding. Sherry only nodded as her response.

Mc and Sherry went to the assistant principal's office. She rummages through files and documents. She then showed and explained to mc that the terrorists are using an artifact, Eye of Avarice in order to absorb the magic thereby making an anti magic field. Registered personnel coded in the Eye of Avarice makes able to use magic. She then show mc the artifact she was investigating for the knights unit of princess Iris, the pendant. She tells mc it is part of the Eye of Avarice and that it may deactivate the artifact if it is tinkered with and joined together.

The said device/artifact that was storing magic and making the use of magic impossible was part of a research she had conducted before. It posed potential dangers to the academy so Sherry had surrendered it to the kingdom to be stored away.

Sherry planned to modify the pendant artifact she has and use it to disable the Eye of Avaric the terrorist are using. It doesn't have to be put together. Simply having the two artifacts in close proximity would deactivate the anti magic field. That way the captured students as well school personnels would be able to fight back against the terrorists. She went on to tell mc about an underground passage hidden behind a bookshelf in the assistant principal's office. She tells mc that only the principal and her knows this secret passage way. Upon opening it, there were no trace of it being used. Sherry felt her foster father was being held captive as well. At this point, even though Sherry was fearful, upon thinking about how she was always helped by his foster father. She felt herself the need to also help and save others. That is what made her think of their plan. Basically, go to the auditorium, where the Eye of Avarice is and throw the artifact she currently has. It will outright disable the anti msgic field.

But before all that, she have to tinker with the pendant artifact first. Mc is thrilled to hear the plan of Sherry. There will be another great performance for him to act once they start rescuing the students and school personnel. Mc goes out to go to the 'bathroom.'

In the auditorium where the students are being held hostages, Rex enters and reports to his superior, Sir Gaunt. He tells his superior that they have complete overtaken the campus and the knights order were outside. He goes on to say that the knights were not worth their time. But Sir Gaunt, didn't mind the situation. He only wanted the artifact pendant that was in the possession of the Sherry. Rex tells him not to worry since he knows where the artifacts is.

Before leaving, Rex tells Sir Gaunt that they may have a bit of a problem. A few of their men died. Sir Gaunt immediately concludes it's the real Shadow Garden. Sir Gaunt belittles the might of their oppositions, after all he was formerly part of the knight's strongest. After Rex leaves, Sir Gaunt tells himself his goal was about to become real and he will once again be part of the Knights of Rounds.

When Rex and his lackey starts walking down the hallway, his subordinates kept disappearing one by one after sound of a fast flying swoosh. Although he noticed it first, Rex was too late when he orders his men to stay alert. They have all disappeared. Rex then powers up. He saw a glimpse of a boy drenched in blood going at incredible speed hardly any eye could keep track. Rex could hardly keep up with the attacks of his fast foe. But then he realized, his opposition was only using an artifact to power himself up. He claimed the blood the boy was covered is enough evidence. He tells his discovery to the ultra speed attacker. He thought that sooner or later, the boy will eventually run out. He was then suddenly thrown into a classroom, there he found his missing men, all dead with signs of only a single attack done to each of them. Unfortunately, the attacks he keep getting seemed to have grown heavier and stronger. Soon enough his limbs went flying one by one. It was far too late for Rex to realize that his opponent have infinite power. In Mc's barrage against Rex, he could help but be impressed on the latter's resilience. It ended with Rex head flying.

Nu somehow managed to slip into the room where Sherry was originally supposed to do her research. She was wearing a disguise as a student of the campus. She looks at the bodies lying on the floor. She immediately identified the corpse belongs to Glen, the supposed next in line to the commander of the knight order, Crimson Order. Near him is an unconscious knight, Marco Granger. She knew who he was. He was the knight who she was supposed to be married off to. She was not fond of the knight but she did not hate him. She then reminisced what it would be like if the arranged marriage happened. She then thought it would have been one confining life.

Mc enters the room. Nu tells her who the unconscious man was. Mc tells her whether he will kill him or not. But that was not mc main concern as he opens the materials cabinet and looks for some things.

Nu reports that the Shadow Garden are now inside the campus and they were not in a good position to proceed with any plan since most of the members are not able to use their magic. Only the original 7 members would be able to. But the only original member in the capital is Gamma, and she is by no means good when it comes to fighting. Mc tells her he already got a plan. But it would take a while for him to set things up. He plans on altering an artifact that he got in order to deactivate the artifact used by their enemy that neutralize magic usage. Nu is impressed by what mc had just said. Mc asks Nu for some stuffs he was actually looking for. Nu easily found and gave them to mc.

When mc left. Nu somehow wanted to killed her ex fiancee but she chose to spare him. Although, she left a shallow cut on Marco's nape. Before leaving.

When mc returns to Sherry, he handed the items she needed in order to modify the artifact pendant she had. She took a while to finish tinkering. Mc stayed with her all the while. Although he had to occassionally go to the 'bathroom.'

When Sherry finished, she asked mc if he needs any medicine for his bowels because he seemed to have frequent the restroom while she was tinkering. Mc refused and tells her he was fine. She then proceeded with their plan. Mc then tells Sherry that it will be her and her alone that will save everyone in the campus. She let her travel the underground passage alone.

While travelling the dark passage, she reminisce her past. How she never met her biological father. How her mother killed during a robbery when she was 9 and the laughter of the murderer. How she was unable to talk due to the trauma she was scarred with. How at those dark moments, she immersed in her research and her studies just to follow the footsteps of her deceased mother. It was Lutherans that took and showed her kindness. He was her savior in her darkest times. Lutherans supported her in her research as well gave her a loving family. Through that, Sherry was able to recover. And now it's her time to repay and show her gratitude. 

When she got beneath the auditorium, Sherry threw the modified artifact she had. It will automatically react with the Eye of Avarice thereby deactivating it's anti magic field.


Cid Kagenou, mc, his alter ego, 'Shadow'

Rose Oriana, a princess from the Kingdom of Arts, Oriana.

Sir Gaunt, the 3rd boss

Nu, the subordinate under Gamma, she was lent to mc in order to assist their investigation on the slasher/serial killing happening in the capital

Lutherans, assistant principal of the academy, the third and final boss of the volume. His alter ego, Sir Gaunt of the cult of Diabolos

Lukreia, artifact researcher. deceased mother of Sherry Barnett



In the auditorium, Rose Oriana, the student council president, never truly yielded to the terrorists who took them hostage. With a hidden knife, she cut off the restraint binding her hands and she passed it on to the student who was near her. But she didn't act immediately, she knew they wouldn't stand a chance if they act at that moment. Especially since they cannot use their magic. And somehow, she feels that their magic is being slowly drained. She must act fast but not yet. They would only be crushed in case they do. They need an opportunity to fight back. 

Suddenly, a bright light poured into the auditorium. Rose Oriana felt her magic returning. She was now able to use magic once more. She quickly kills one of the hostage takers with her barehand infused with her unrestraint magic. She took the sword and yelled to her fellow hostage magic has returned and they must now fight back. Using the sword she had, she cut left and right the restraints binding the other hostages and heads of the hostage takers. The student who got free also fought back. But it seems the were just outnumbered. Rose's magic started to diminish. She had been using her power at full all the while. But kept on with her lead. She thought of the student who sacrificed his life to save her. Then she pondered for a brief moment of herself being a princess of a kingdom of arts who wants to excel in swordsmanship.

When Rose Oriana finally felt exhausted, she looked at the bravery that her classmates were showing. She felt relieved. She had done her part. She thought perhaps that in the afterlife, she would once again meet the boy who have every truly loved her. But it was not yet her end. Right before her attackers were about to pierce her with their swords, mc in the guise of Shadow appears. He dealt with the attackers, saved Rose Oriana and told her he was impressed with her swordplay.

Mc then summons the rest of the shadow garden to continue with the rescue of the hostages. Nu appears and tells mc that the enemy leader have started a fire in the campus and fled. Mc says that he will pursue the enemy leader himself. Mc leaves in the most spectacular way.

The members of the shadow garden continued fighting the terrorists. Rose Oriana can't feel astonished and impressed on how great and magnificient the swordplay of the sudden force that appeared. They were all too different from the swordplay that she always knew. When the auditorium was caught on fire, Rose Oriana came back to her senses and helped in evacuating the other hostages.

When all the hostages have been evacuated. The group that helped them suddenly vanished without any trace. Rose Oriana can't help but wonder who they were.

Back in the assistant principal's office, Sir Gaunt is seen rummaging through the books and burning them. Mc as cid the student, suddenly appears and calls out to the villain. Mc already knew it Lutherans, the assistant principal, himself who was the leader of the terrorist attack. The villains asks mc how he knew it was him as he threw away his costume. Mc answers he just know when he saw him. Then mc asks why he did it.

Lutherans narrates his past. He was at his peak when he was suddenly afflicted with some kind of illness. Soon after, he was no more. All his greatness have diminished. Then he found a researcher that could potentially help him, it was Sherry's real mother, Lukreia. He helped her with researches and such. But when she found the Eye of Avarice, she instead chose to surrender it to the kingdom as she thought, just like Sherry, it posed a potential risk/danger. And so Lutherans killed her. The villain vividly described how he killed the researcher. And his narration went on with him meeting another researcher that will help him, it was Sherry, the daughter of Lukreia. It was thanks to them, both the mother and daughter, that the artifact is finally complete and was in his possession.

After the narration, the two had a philosopical conversation afterwards:


In response, Cid cracks open his eyes. “I think I understood most of it.

But…there’s one thing I don’t get.”

“Try me.”

“You said you killed Lukreia and used her daughter. Is that really true?”

Cid shifts his eyes off the book and fixes his gaze on Lutheran.

“Of course it is. Does that anger you, Cid?”

“You’ll never know… I can clearly separate what’s important to me and

what’s not, you know.” Cid slightly lowers his eyes.

“May I ask why?”

“I do it to stay focused. I have this one dream I always wanted to achieve,

and it used to seem unattainable. Which is why I kept cutting things out of

my life.”


“We all go through life amassing things we cherish. We acquire friends

and lovers and jobs…and it keeps going from there. But on the other hand, I

cut things out of my life. Deciding what I don’t need. I’ve thrown so much

away. At the end of the day, all that’s left are the things I couldn’t live

without. That’s all I live for, and I don’t really care what happens otherwise.”

Cid snaps the book closed. He rises to his feet and tosses it into the fire.

“You’re telling me the fates of the foolish mother and daughter don’t

matter to you.”

“No. I said I don’t really care, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care at all.

Right now, I feel slightly…disturbed.” Cid brandishes the sword at his waist.

“I think it’s about time we start. Someone might barge in if we take too


“Yes. Sadly, we must part.”


It is beautifully written, at least in my opinion as a reader.

After that, they clashed swords. Unfortunately, Mc, as cid the student instantly lose and 'dies.'

When Lutherans was about to leave the scene, mc, as Shadow, appears. the villain attacks mc but seeing that he could not win, he took out a red pill (power up medicine), ingested it and he also took out the Eye of Avarice artifact. It seems to be able to pour into it's user the magic it had absorbed. With the previous bosses, when they used the the red pill, they grow in strength but their physiology becomes grotesque to a point of being no longer human. With the artifact that Lutherans used, he regained back his youth and he probably grew in strength. (I say probably since the fight with mc is completely one sided. And that's the only fight this villain in his powered up state ever fought)

At the end of the fight, Lutherans tells mc that even if defeats him, his organization, the Shadow Garden, is no more as the villain made sure that all evidence are pointed towards them. Mc laughed at the enemy's threat.

This is their conversation:


“I didn’t think this would be a struggle. Heh, I’m impressed. But no

matter how strong you are, I’ll end all of you.”

“What do you mean…?”

“Well, I’ve arranged for the incidents to look like they’re the work of the

Shadow Garden. From the evidence to the testimonies—everything has been

prepared. Regardless of your strength in battle, you’ll only suffer in the end.”

Lutheran chortles, screwing up his face before observing Shadow’s


But Shadow is laughing. A dreadfully deep guffaw spills out of him.

“What’s so funny?”

“It’s amusing how you think something this insignificant could end us.”

Lutheran stops smiling. “You’re just afraid to admit defeat.”

Shadow shakes his head as if to say, You don’t know a thing.

“From the beginning, we’ve walked the path of neither justice nor evil.

We walk our own path.”

Shadow holds out his burning ebony coat.

“You talk big. Accuse us for the sins of the world. We’ll accept them as

our own, but nothing will change. We’ll still do what we’re meant to do.”

“You say you don’t fear opposing the world? Mighty arrogant of you,


“Then crush it out of me.”


Mc kills the villain the same way as he, Lutherans, kills Sherry's mother. After their fight Sherry arrives in the scene. She walked past mc and towards her foster faster, who had now reverted back to his original state. Sherry asks mc, still as Shadow, how and why her foster father died. Mc answers that it would be better if she didn't know. Mc leaves as Sherry cries.

Rose Oriana rushed towards the first aid tent. She heard of a rumor of a first year boy who had a back injury. All the while after the hostagr crisis in the auditorium, she was actually looking for mc. When she got there she found mc who somehow 'miraculously' survie a fatal attack. He tells her that she accepts his feelings for her. Something that is completely onesided. Their conversation is a bit funny. The two, Rose Oriana and mc misunderstood each other. In mc's view, Rose Oriana is asking how he survived the attack. When he tells her it was miracle, and Rose Oriana says she accepts it. Mc thought Rose Oriana accepts that that is how mc was alive. In Rose Oriana's view, when she tells him that she accepts her feelings, she was actually telling him that she will love just like how he showed his love for her. With her misunderstandingly connects the pieces together previously.

Mc takes a rest afterwards with Rose Oriana by his side until dawn. Her heart race as she strokes mc's hair in his sleep. She whispers to him: *“Since you’ve saved my life…I shall give my heart to you…”*

Some time after the incident, in the Mitsugoshi Building, late at night, Alpha and Gamma were having a conversation. She was disappointed that they weren't able to join the fight. They also talked about the news articles that points out their leader Shadow as well their organization, Shadow Garden, as an enemy of the people. Alpha used to think that their organization was part of justice. But their leader was not like that. He was much more. And their Shadow Garden must be like that.

Alpha orders Gamma to gather all the original seven members of the Shadow Garden.

The chapter ends with Sherry meeting mc for one last time before leaving. She tells mc that she'll be studying abroad, Laugus, the college town that her foster father always tell her about. Before parting, mc asks her what she'll do then. Sherry answers it's a secret and then she asks him if he'll listen to her stories after she's done with what she's supposed to do. Mc promised he will. The two part ways. In the distance, mc somehow heard something from Sherry that he was not supposed to hear. He turned around to see her getting smaller as she go further. He turned his back and went on his way.

66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

9/10 A great read. The story so far is like a character development of the mc. And mind you, the mc is supposed to be OP who is from the anc...