Tuesday, May 16, 2023

I can change the timeline of everything (manhua until 52)

i can change the timeline of everything 10+?, after transmigrating, mc gains time magic. he can reverse or forward the age of things even skills and such. in his new body, mc's the weakest head of a declining clan. certain seniors are trying to take over. their claims is that mc is unable to power up. with mc's power, the expire supply he has he restored. he used them to power up. he then went to the meeting to announce himself able to power up. but a senior refuses to give mc an opportunity to go to an academy, for whatever reason probably for powering up. the senior suggests his lover be the one selected. mc refused. the senior suggests a battle. mc agreed. his elder sister gave him power up medicine and goes to find a power up item. in her search a rude prince help her. mc powers up. his elder sister presented the item he needed. the senior planned to sabotage his power up by sending a fellow servant to take away his power up item. the senior though scheme to have the item destroyed and the servant be killed to have no witness. it happened. but mc used his time power to reverse things. during the deliberation, mc showed up with the dead servant and all the crimes done by the senior were revealed. before he was executed, an enemy rescued him. it was part of a clan that gave mc expired medicines. the senior went to the lover to proceed with the match vs mc. they did not know, mc restored the power up item. at the same time, he powered up as well.

30, during the match, two notable people watched. they are the princess who sells expired medicine to mc and a heir of clan who eyes mc's clan's source of income. mc immediately beat the lover. after, mc mocked the heir. then he went on to speak with the princess of expired meds. he already knew it was them that helped the senior traitor. the princess wanted to have mc's family treasure to power up. mc schemed that they must first be wed and have a child. the princess goes on faking it. mc knows. after the meeting with the expired meds princess, she promises mc to send him more meds for power up. mc then tracks the lover he beat. in town, they found the lover and the senioe traitor. the lover was killed by elder sister. the traitor managed to ran away but was killed by the guard of the expired princess to show her sincerity to mc.

35, there was a problem is mc's clan winery, their main source of income. the head was bought of by the heir trying to take over mc's clan's business. mc dealt with the traitor. he then made refined wines that are 50 years of age. at the same time, the rude prince came to mc in order to introduce him. mc asked for a gift since he knew he was eyeing his elder sister. the rude prince at fiest gave weak skill books, mc refused. only when the prince gave him a legendary book not even the prince has learn, did the mc accepted the gift. but after receiving the gift, mc sent the rude prince away. elder sister tells mc that the admission for the power up academy is near. mc tries learning the legendary skill book.

38, mc dealt with the winery problem. he also schemed and told the heir that eyes their business that it was the head winery they took was the one who gave mc's clan the recipe for the better wine. afterwards, mc went to the mountain to start collecting utems for the legendary skill book. there he met three people looking for herbs. seeinf that the three didn't want young herb, mc followed them and picked up the young herbs. the three noticed mc and they let him be.

40, after trailing, the four adventurers finds two beast fighting over a medicinal flower. one of the beast triumph. the three tries fighting the wounded beast but overpowered them and then trap them. after losing hope, mc asks the three for all the herbs they have in order to master the first level of the legendary book. the three gave their all herbs to mc and after learning the first level, mc easily dealt with the beast. unfortunately the flower the three were eyeing was desteoyed in the aftermath. the three introduced themselves students of the academy the mc will be attending and then bid him farewell.

43, mc recovers the destroyed flower and took it for himself. back in their territory, certain assassins that once tried abducting mc back then, return, the old senior and elder sister tries fending them off. a few assassins broke through and tries getting mc. mc finishes them quickly. the rude prince arrived and was surprised to find mc already learned the first level of the legendary skill book.

47, the expired meds princess arrives in the mc's household, she wanted to get the family treasure for power up, she even gave him more expired meds and even a poisonous orb. mc was just playing with her. she promises her he will give it to her within a few days. after a few days, messengers from the academy arrives and gives mc a transport stone to get to the academy. then the expired meda princess arrives. she though she has gained the fsmily treasure but mc duped her and reveals he knew as well how she has been duping him. the expired princess left without any incident. mc knew there will be something more. mc then continues with his power up.

53, after successfully powering up, the box left by his parents gave him suddenly acted up. mc was able to open it. inside was a letter and the family treasure. it was too late when mc realized it and he immediately hide it in his body. many clan family and experts suddenly gathered around mc's household to get the treasure. elder sister wanted mc to use the academy stone for him to go away. but mc declined. he wanted to protect his family. they fought of many of the trespassers. mc used his time powers to up his knowledge about the legendary skill book. the rude prince who suggested him helping them in exchange for elder sister was shock to see mc becoming stronger than him in his very eyes. then a demon human suddenly appeared. elder sister and his grandpa guardians were beaten. mc stood his ground instead of running. he uses time power in order to gain advantage of the situation.

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