Thursday, May 18, 2023

Eminence in Shadow (light novel volume 2) - prologue, chapter 1 and chapter 2

Prologue: to lindwurm, the sacred land

Cid Kagenou, mc, alter ego - shadow
Alpha, the first member of shadow garden, Elf
Rose Oriana, princess of the kingdom of art, Rosiana, student council president of the academy
Natsume, a famous author, also Beta's alter ego as a normal person
Beta, the second original member if the shadow garden, brain of the team
Alexia Midgard, princess of the kingdom of Midgard
Archbishop Drake, the clergy man whom Alexia is investigating
Epsilon, fifth original member of shadow garden, elf, according to mc, the best magic user of the original members, nickname Epsilon the Faithful
Executioner of the Cult
*Olivier, great hero
*Venom the wandering swordsman, summon the great hero Olivier while undertaking the goddess's trial

Lindwurm, Sacred Land, a land proclaimed holy by one the prevalent religion
Goddess's Trial, an event for anyone selected to be blessed by the goddess. those who werw blessed were granted power and were even without status, were able to may princesses of kingdoms. (as explained by Alexia: "..The Goddess’s Trial is a battle that
happens once a year when they open the door to the Sanctuary. Memories of
ancient warriors are awoken from within, and challengers come to fight them.
Any dark knight who applies in advance can participate, but there’s no
guarantee an ancient warrior will answer their call. Several hundred dark
knights enter each year, but only about ten end up actually getting to fight.”)

when mc received Alpha's cryptic measage of inviting him to the Sacred Land, mc obliged since alpha's plans and proposition always yielded great result for mc's taste.

as a weak character thay mc portrays himself, instead of running at full speed towards his destination, he opted to ride a carriage. on his way there, mc met up with princess rose oriana. rose oriana insisted mc to join her, mc accepts. while the two were alone in the carriage, in princess oriana's pov, while she describe her reason for going to the sacred land, she assumed mc is joining the goddess trial. it's a trial to grant any who joined and win power and recognition, even able to marry princesses of kingdom. with this in mind, rose oriana, thought mc will be joining the goddess trial in order for him to marry her. on the other hand, in mc's pov, princess rose oriana was only describing her faith and religion while at the same time trying to convert mc to he religion.

when the two arrived in a town to rest, princess rose oriana insisted mc to stay in a hotel room beside her. although hesistant at first, mc obliged as it is convenient for him. the two had a date, in rose oriana's pov, after they had dinner. all expenses were shouldered by rose oriana.

two days later, the mc and princess rose oriana arrived in the sacred land. as the two walk on the streets, mc noticed a keychain of a sword with an arm around it. mc asked princess rose oriana about it. she explained it was the sword of olivier the hero and the arm of diablos. the hero cut off the arm of diablos and seal the arm beneath the sacred land. she pointed the church on top of set of stairs. princess rose oriana also tells mc that there is ruin at the top of the mountain way above the church. mc bought the keychain for his "good" friend Skel Etal.

as the two continued their walk, princess rose oriana spotted a book signing of her favorite author, Natsume. princess rose oriana asked mc to wait for her as she gets an autograph. mc obliged. mc then check out the works of the said author. he was dumbfounded when he found out all the stories were completely plagiarized from the stories of his previous world. mc assumed the author was like himself who reincarnated. but his worry turned to disappointed upon realizing the famous was actually Beta, one of the original members of shadow garden. the two had a quick convo regarding Beta's new endevour. she says that business was booming for her. mc got disappointed that Beta was plagiarizing authors and were leeching off from mc. it was actually mc that had told many stories for Beta since she liked reading. but just like earlier, his negative thoughts immediately vanished when beta tells mc that she was actually doing undercover.

As soon as Beta handed the book mc had for the autograph, beta tells mc that she wrote "their" plan in the book.

after going out, mc checked what was written. it was written in ancient language, which mc do not understand. instead of being disheartened, this excited mc even more as he felt himself like a spy undercover and deciphering codes.

when returning back to their hotel room, princess rose oriana had to leave mc as she will be meeting with soem big shots. she even tells mc that she couldn't introduce mc to rhem since the two are 'just friends for now.' in mc's dense pov, she meant him converting to her religion. 

the next day, mc decided to take a bath. the sacred land is supposed to be famous for the hot spring. something the mc likes to have.

in the hotspring, mc thought he would be alone since hsrdly anyone uses the hotspring in morning. unfortunately, mc was not alone. Princess Alexia was also there. odd enough, though they were in a supposed exclusively for the high rollers, the hotspring waa a mixed bath.

Alexia indirectly apologized to mc for what she did to mc on the rooftop of the academy. Mc also apologized for suspecting Alexia being a serial killer. The two then discussed why they were there. alexia tells mc that she was a guest for the goddess's trial while mc was told to go to lindwurm for somethinf interesting. his guess was the goddess's trial. alexia then explains the goddess's trial and after then tells mc that she isn't exactly participating as a contestant. she was investigating the some issues with the pope. After, alexia tells and even orders mc to join the crimson order, her sister's knight unit. mc declined.

In the side of Alpha, she was in the crime scene trying to get answers from a dying clergy, the archbishop drake. but before she could find more answer, the paladins were already nearing. Alpha had to conclude her investigation as she banished in the crowd of the paladins to the rescue. They only find the dead archbishop and alpha is gone. the paladins did not even know someone was already there investigating.

later that night, princess rose oriana once again left mc by himself. she was asked to join a party in the church. even though mc was not invited, he would not even go if he was. instead, mc ipted to choose to be like batman.

mc stands on top of a clock tower, he looked almighty as he looked down on the people on the streets. this is something the mc likes doing. then he launches towards a masked figure he saw was running away from the church. as mc engages the masked figure, before even clashing, the masked figure's head flew off. it was epsilon, the fifth original member of the shadow garden who did it. in mc's pov, everything was still all just a game. mc asked how the plan was. epsilon tells mc that their target was killed off by the Executioner of the Cult and said person vanished before they could ecen deal with him. mc was thrilled upon hearing the word executioner. then she tells mc that they're switching to plan b, this got mc even more excited. mc tells epsilon that he'll do what he can while he'll leave the rest to them. although even at this point, he don't even have any clue of what's actually happening, he just go with the flow of being the all knowing leader that he thought they, the members of shadow garden, pretend to perceive him.

chapter 1: fun times at the goddess's trial

Princess Alexia Midgard
Princess Rose Oriana
Natsume, famous author, Beta's alter ego, original member of the shadow garden
Acting Archbishop Nelson, the bald acting archbishop who took up the position when the current archbishop was murdered
Annerose, a traveler from Velgalta, country of swordplay
Borg, ancient warrior, illusion warrior
Aurora, the Calamity Witch, illusion warrior, mc gave her a nickname, violet

during the goddess's trial, in the vip stand, three beautiful woman are sitted. they are the special guests for the occassion. it was princess alexia midgard, princess rose oriana and natsume, the author. with them is the acting archbishop nelson. nelson gave his opening speech, while the three beautiful women greeted and waved at the audience. alexia was hiding her resentment while she was there. she was angry at two things/person, one is at acting archbishop nelson, who held off her investigation towards the the archbishop, for the reason the archbishop and nelson also said that she needed to get further more approval if she wanted to investigate more about the case. this would inevitably take a lot of time and by then precious evidence could have already come to pass. even though she's royalty, princess alexia cannot do anything against the religion, what more, a prevalent religion favored and honored by the greater mass. the other thing that got to alexia's nerve is the author Natsume, whom she feel somehow jealous of some sort, in terms of popularity although being quite recently renown and as well her physique. alexia finds the author to be dubbious and the sort to hide many secrets.

Natsume on the other hand, feels deep hatred towards Princess Alexia. It's because she caused many problems for mc. It was also Princess Alexia that mc saved. (though reducted: natsume/beta feels jealous towards princess alexia) upon greeting the crowd, natsume notices alexia trying to one up her in terms of physique. but no matter how hard alexia tries, she simply couldn't beat natsume. as natsume smirked towards her small silent victory, alexia notices it. the princess stepped on the authors foot. even though nstsume knew ot was intentional and alexia tried hard to feign, the suthor controlled her temper as she mist for the plan of the shadow garden

meanwhile, princess rose oriana was in cloud nine as she smiled and greeted the crowd. she had been this since early morning, as said by princess alexia.

in the audience sit, mc awaited the commencement of the trial. it was at sundown, even mc was bored he ponders how to make things exciting but does not other wise. he is very powerful and if he joins the trials, his secret might be revealed, if in case a very strong illusion warrior appears. in the end mc gives up. by the time he realized he was thinking innhis thought, the event had already started. it was not as exciting as mc thought, though there were many participants, only after a few failed participant have the fighting already started. participant number 14, annerose, was the first person to summon an illusion warrior. but even the first fight and the participant even won, was not something that could entertaim mc. but afterwards, mc's opinipn changed as there were a few more summoned warriors that appeared but none have yet successfully beat the challenge except for the fiest battle.

as the event continues, mc was surprised when he was called on to participate. the participation fee was 100,000, mc is not actually well off, even though he last time got some money from the shadow garden, and those who've won gets renown, something probably mc wouldn't ever want. there were only 150 participants but mc never recalled ever signing up.

after formulating a plan to get him out, mc made himself vanish and appear as his alter ego, shadow, the leader of shadow garden. in order to avert all attention from cid his background alter ego. mc as shadow planned on infiltrating the trial and taking it on himself as the masked anti hero.

mc as shadow, enters arena to face the illusion warrior meant for him.

The three beauty's in the vip stand were surprised to find shadow appearing. although, both natsume and alexia are mich concerned, princess rose oriana was much more concerned trying tonfind where cid had gone off to. tje archbishop, although was flustered to find shadow to appear during the trial, he was so sure that his paladin order are able to capture mc.

suddenly, as mc spoke cool words to summon the next warrior, natsume and archbishop reads the ancient letters that flashed. it read Aurora the calamity witch. although, beta/natsume already knew of her, mostly by the researches the shadow garden have been pinning order to find this person, she had to feign ignorance. archbishop nelson, on the otherhand, explained that the aurora was a villain long time sgo who caused great chaos. and seeing as that in the trial, the summoned warrior will seek to fight the participant, archbishop's worry about shadow have subsided. natsume, although faithful towards mc, she couldn't hrlp but feel a bit worried. aurora after all, caused so many devastation and even the archbishop stated that aurora is the most powerful woman ever recorded in history. princess alexia, on the otherhand is rooting for shadow silently. upon noticing this, natsume/beta felt impressed by alexia's eye towards mc's prowess.

natsume made a gesture to signal a change in plan. she knew that epsilon had already moved in the background

the two combatants, mc as shadow and aurora, the illusiom warrior, stood facing each other as if gauging each other's strength with eyes alone.

In mc's mind, she gave aurora a nickname, Violet. As the two continues to observe and gauge each other, mc let violet have the first move. after dodging the lethal attacks that violet threw at mc, with a sudden forward attack, mc impales violet. as blood gush out, mc tells violet that he wanted to fight her at her full strength.

the crowd who watched, especially nelson who was full of himself that aurora would beat mc was silent. the three beauties were impressed, mostly natsume and alexia. after realizing the match had ended, nelson orders his paladin to capture mc. but he had already fled. suddenly, a bright light engulfs the arena.

chapter 2: investigating the sanctuary

Princess Alexia Midgard
Princess Rose Oriana
Natsume, author, alter ego, Beta
Acting Archbishop Nelson
Executioner Venom
Delta, theriantrope (human beast), original member of the shadow garden
Epsilon, one of the original members of shadow garden, elf
Olivier, the great hero, elf, face similar to alpha
Calamity Witch, mc named her Violet, the summon ancient warrior mc faced off

unsolicited door, unbeckoning door, welcoming door,
goddess's trial, the trial held for participant warriors to fight warriors of the past. those who win are granted power, title and recognition
diablos cell)

As the white light dissipates, a door suddenly appeared in the arena. archbishop nelson orders the paladin to evacuate the audience as well the vip guests. when princess rose oriana asks what the door was, nelson answers it's the door to the sanctuary that have responded in the goddess's trial. (not much is revealed yet)

suddenly, alpha and epsilons as well as other shadow garden members appear. they intend to go inside the sanctuary as well as taking in nelson with them. when princess rose oriana and princess alexia midgard are about to retaliate, epsilon shows natsume as another one of their hostage. although alexia wants to fight, princess rose oriana stops her, after all natsume is princess oriana's favorite author.

when the door started closing, the shadow garden group enters along with nelson and natsume. unfortunately, before they all had entered, executioner venom whom nelson know appears and attacked epsilon. the attack chopped off epsilon's breasts off.

then epsilon had a wonderful flashback. about how she was most beautiful and revered before her signs of the curse of diablos appearing. after, she was abandoned by those who loved her. then mc arrives and helped her. she loves mc as well but seeing as she was not as good as the rest, she made sure her beauty is at the top. but her physique were not that comparable to the rest so once she found out about the slime suit, using her magic, she used the suit to make her physique even more pronounce and better. it was all to her look good in tue eyes of mc. but she must keep this a secret to others. her precision in magic is just  a byproduct of her controlling the slime suit.

when acting archbishop nelson tries praising executioner venom, he was taken aback when he finds epsilon still alive. in a blink of an eye, epsilon managed to reconnect the lopped off breasts that were actually just her slime body suit. she took nelson by the neck as he dragged him inside the door. she tells nelson that she had already dealt with executioner venom as the late assailant's head dropped on the ground. when the shadow garden members have entered, before the doors closed, princess alexia followed inside, princess rose oriana did as well.

after following inside, the three girls, natsume, alexia and rose oriana, found themselves on top of each other. after standing up and regaining their composure they find themselves surrounded by the shadow garden. although the three seemed to be at a major disadvantage, rose oriana drew her arms. but alexia immediately calmed the situation by lying that they fell through the door. alpha and the other member of shadow garden knew what happened but they let it go alpha tells alexia that it's better if she knows some of the truth. alpha then orders the other members to leave, only the three girls, acting achbishop nelson, alpha, epsilon and an unknown girl are left in the scene.

when nelson inquires what the group were looking for, alpha responds that they want to know the truth about the cult of diablos. alpha then went to the statue of a beautiful knight maiden. rose and alexia thought the great hero olivier was a man but alpha points out it was a woman, and an elf. alpha unmasked herself and showed her face reflected on the erect statue. nelson ws surprised to find who alpha was. he thought that alpha should have died long ago due to the curse.

alexia seemed to have a faint understanding of what was going on while rose oriana have no clue or whatsoever. although, rose slowly pieces the puzzles together. the cult and the shadow garden are battling in a hidden war. even the act of terrorism that have recently happened in their academy may have possibly been a part of it.

alpha then transfers magic from her to the statue, it seemed to be a summoning ritual. after the process completes. the great hero olivier appeared. alpha invites her to join her as a very bright light engulfs the sanctuary.

Back to mc, as he successfully fled the scene in order to hide himself, he find a magic door that seemed to be pursuing wherever he goes, no matter how mc ran away. Thinking that the door would be very suspicious if he returned back to the hotel room, he first decided to destroy the door but it seemed to be futile as the door just repaired itself. With no options left, mc enters the door.

Mc finds himself in an open area. There's only a door and a bound woman in the area. Upon inspection, mc learns the woman to be Violet, the summoned warrior mc fought. Mc frees Violet, upon her request. The two teamed up in order to leave the place they are in, the sanctuary. Violet explains that they cannot use magic there since they are being absorbed in the center of the sanctuaty, much like the device used during the school terrorism. Without magic she is helpless.

Violet tells mc that in order for them to escape they must destroy the sanctuaty core. mc agrees but then he asked her what will happen to her. She tells mc that she'll disappear since she is just a memory.

The two entered the door, they were transported to a dense forest. Violet explains they are in a memory, hers. as they journeyed on, they find a little girl crying. mc tells violet she looks like her. violet tells mc that in order for them to proceed they must finish the memory. violet violently consoled the little girl to stop crying, she explains to mc that the little girl was her. when the little girl stopped crying, the surrounding suddenly shattered and it became pitch black. as they continued to move forward, mc found himself lose his sense of direction as it became completely dark. after a while of walking in the dark, a bright light flashed and the two were teleported to a battlefield.

the battlefield was filled dead bodies of soldiers scattered everywhere. violet leads mc. after walking for a while, they once again find a crying little girl, it was again violet when she was young. violet asks mc to lend his sword to her. mc obliged. as violet was getting ready to strike, mc suddenly grabbed her out of harm. a zombie suddenly attacked violet, she would have been wounded if mc didn't save her.

Mc asks violet what would happen to her if she dies, she answers that she might return back to the place where she was bound. Mc then took the sword and took care of the zombie horde. upon realizing mc could easily deal with the zombie but unlikely he could keep at it without magic, mc pushed through and killed the crying girl. as the two were overwhelmed by the zombie horde, everything suddenly shattered and they were thrown into the darkness, much like earlier. as they continued walking through the dark, a bright light flashed. they now find themselves in the center of the sanctuary.

In the side of the girls and the acting archbishop, they appeared in is a long corridor. As Olivier led them to a room full of children, olivier also turned to a little child. In the room they find children caged and seemed to have been subjected to experimentations. The boys were mostly fine, only a few girls were able to survive. Alexia concludes the girls were possessed by the curse of diablos. Alpha orders acting archbishop to answer. Je gave a vague answer that they needed power to standup against diablos. Alpha adds that it was olivier who cut off am arm of diablos in order to get a sample, olivier was one of the xhildren who survived the experimentation and they are using "diablo's cells" in order to fight diablos. alpha then say they are in a memory.

The girls and the bishop appeared in a science laboratoru cell for experimentations. as they walked further, the young olivier grew older. alpha explains that the cult used olivier to gain more power. even though olivier is powerful enough there was motif behind her helping the cult. or rather there was something that was holding her. they appeared on different past scenes. the first, after the laboratory scenes, were the battlefield anf the captured diablos arm. although torn off, it still lives. the cultist managed to chipped away portion of the arm and made medicine, alpha produces a red pill, the same pill that alexia saw that his ex-fiancee used in order to transform. the bruised torn off arm regenerates after. alpha explains that the so called sanctuary they were in is the artifact/device used as a seal for the diablos arm. the cultist in the scene produced pills in order for them to become powerful and strong.

the scene changes once again, this time it showed a scene of men flocking over a red liquid, the same as the blood of diablos. suddenly they find a young nelson among the men who craved the liquid. alpha interrogates nelson further. nelson tells them that the liquid they saw is called beads of diablos. he explained that they will gain power omce consumed but there are two consequences. first is that they must be intake the medicine once a year and second only twelve of them are made each year. alpha then connects how there are twelves members in the knights of round. and the top members of the cult of dialos calls themselves as knights of round. it was also  said that it used to only worked on women but thanks to the research men have also acquired the means to attribute the power.

(at this point, alpha is assuming the cult of diablos and the church are one and the same)

alpha then explains that because of this, the cult is looking for descendants of the hero, olivier, as well as gathering the body of diablos in order to produce more of the medicine.

acting archbishop then reveals himself to be part of the knights of twelve of the cult. he is the eleventh knight known as nelson the avaricious. as nelson tries powering up. the shadow garden member who was holding nelson stabbed and killed him. alpha reveals it was delta, one of the original member. delta explains she did it on instinct. but alpha warns her as she points out the dead body of nelson to suddenly vanish. in the blink of an eye, nelson appears and atracks delta. delta evades. before they could clash, alpha tells her to keep her guard up. suddenly delta felt her magic being drain as her disguise magic suddenly broke and it revealee herself as a theriantrope, a human beast hybrid. nelson tells them that they should have gotten closer to the sanctuary core as the magic gets drained the closer they get to the center but to him it was already enough.

nelson once more introduced himself as the eleventh knight of round of the cult.

The three engaged in a very one sided combat. although nelson was able to produce many copies of himself, they were simply no match to the power of alpha and delta. and before nelson was on his last straw, he summoned the great hero Olivier to defend him. but suddenly epsilon appeared and told the two ladies they need to go since their investigation is almost complete. the shadow garden member left nelson and the lifeless and unchallenging olivier on their own. alpha tells them they don't need to kill weakling and that their primary object was the source of the sanctuary's power. nelson did not felt any remorse for being defeated instead he felt happy that he found out an information about alpha of the shadow garden. he tells himself that he will tell his discovery to the higher ups. but after that, he found someone else inside the sanctuary. he felt like venting. he and olivier went to welcome the other guest that appeared.

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