Tuesday, May 16, 2023

I level up alone (manwha until chapter 56)

level up alone, 5, a brief backstory of monsters appearing in the world, the world officials agreeing to an space alliance, and people getting powers to defest monsters. mc is a porter, someone like baggage carrier as well loot picker. he was used as a bait to a powerful lizard monster. suddenly a system and an entity, called ego, appeared. she granted mc with temp powers to defeat the monster. after, the hunters took the credits. the porter's job is to dismantle the carcass. mc gains a dismantling skill. after their job, it was revealed mc's father is bedridden and his mother and sister left them when he was young.

8, mc goes to his night work, a dismantling factory. with the aid of new system power as well the ego, mc was able to complete an 8 hours job for 3. mc then went home. his neighbor a highschool student tells him to quiet down since mc was noisy. he was excited with his new powers. he then learns about mana energy. next day, he quickly goes by his routine. and when he got home, he decided to try infusing mana to a throwing. he went out to do target practice. it was successful.

9, mc experienced mana exhaustion after practicing and gaining a new skill. when he went back home, he saw his neighbor about to be mugged/kidnapped. mc stepped in and rescued her. the cold neighbor suddenly warmed up to mc because he rescued her.

12, mc went to the gym to excercise, he gains a new physical enhancement skill. he went to check his father in the hospital. his father's sickness is getting worse. there was no cure except for heaking done by awakened players. mc wanted to gain such skill. so he decided yo level up. next day he went out on a hunt, again as a porter but this time with the aid of his system. he infused their bullets with mana. it made the hunt easier.

14, mc gained a new skill, observation, after trying out his mana. he then went back to the hospital to visit his father. mc then unknowingly used his mana to try healing his father. mc gained a new skill, heal. after his visit, he was taken by the money lenders who is swindling mc. but instead of fighting back, he opt to just pay.

16, mc wanted to be a hunter but the process was too long. hunting without permit from the association is illegal. but given the circumstance, mc bought hunting gears amd rented car. he also quit from his night company. he then went on for his first hunt.

19, mc had a slight problem passing the border to the hunting grounds. but with an officer concluding that mc was meaning to kill himself, since no one enters the area alone, mc was let in. the hunt started hard but quickly mc managed to deal with it. he gained a few levels, increased his skills and  gained new skills, stab and chain. when returning, mc was not checked thoroughly. he buried the monster corpses to not let unwanted investigation to happen.

23, mc asked his mentor senior for advice on selling crystals in the black market. mc was given an address. he went there and sold his crystal to an old but powerful lady. mc paid his entire debt from the miney lenders. mc went back to the hospital to find his father's condition getting worse. mc used his heal skill over and over again. the skill leveled up but he went to a mana exhaustion and was coma for two days. the money lenders looked for mc to find out how he got money. mc's neighbor girl, was havig a hard time since mc went missing. when mc woke up, his ego system tells him what happened. the doctor and nurse tells mc that his father's condition stabilized. mc went to visit his father. he decided to use heal but suddenly his mana was being siphoned. it was revealed it was not sickness that was afflicted to his father but a monster parasite.

25, after getting discharge, mc decides to go take the exam to be a hunter. the money lender is still pursuing him. meanwhile, a cave beneath the city was discovered. hunter investigator took over the expedition underground. unfortunately, a monster suddenly appeared out of the cave. a sinkhole formed on the city streets and the monster was unleashed. mc was there in the scene.

29, mc tries holding monster while helping civilians. a high class hunter appears and immediately defested the monster. mc was them sent to the association for the test but he was temporarily detained since he used his skills even though he has no license. the officer hunter who took charge in the cave discovery appears and gave his okay signal for mc's release. mc was then tested. he already passed the exam and he only need to be tested. it showed f class.

33, mc's first job was a raid for troll monsters. the party that hired him was actually about to scam him. after the successful completion of the job, mc's mentor arrived and rescued him from the scammers. mc got the pay he deserved and the mentor gave mc an address for a shopping mall to get him new equipments using the reward he got. mc then got his new gun and a customed made chain weapon.

35, after mc receives his custom weapon, mc tried contacting his debt collector. but it never went through. his payment was also declined when mcntried sending money. then mc goes on a solo hunt in an orc colony.

41, mc was somehow successful with his few kills but ended up running away after getting into a horde. during his solo expedition, he met a hunter girl from another team. she opened up to him, she says she find herself amazed at how brave mc for doing solo. she had a traumatic experience being alone when she was young and so she never liked being alone. with that in mind, mc hired porters to assist him. his hunt became more efficient. but soon after in a nearby area, mc sees the hunter girl's party in a pinch against a mutant monster. mc came to the rescue. they defeated the monster but the hunter girl died as she requested mc to save her friend first.

42, after the incident, mc's heal skill maxed out and evolved. he got two new healing skills now, and one of them could treat mc's father. meanwhile, the debt collectors are seens changing office and as if looking for somebody. they needed an info in the hunter association for someone.

level up alone, part 3, 44, after wishing the highschool girl next door for her exam, mc went to the hospital to cure his finally cure his father. mc adk the nurse in charge to kee things in secret, mc cures his father while also killing the parasite afflicting his father. next day or days, the highschool girl next door texted mc she aced everything. mc's father was ready to be discharged. mc was reluctant since he was lying to him to what he is actuallu doing. fortunately, the doctors wanted to check on the father more. the father agrees for one month. in order to keep his lie, mc needs to get money to move out. meanwhile, the debt collector pursuing mc went to the hunter association, back to his gf, in order to get info. the debt collector is noticed by a hunter officer that is looking in on mc. on a sad note, the mother of the highschool girl called her, and papers of going to porter training were shown on her desk. mc wanted to talk to the highschool girl.

46, mc meets with his friend. his friend's father is an owner of a dismantling company. he asked mc to help him find a hunter for him. mc volunteered himself, he needed money anyway. mc went on a two week hunting for his friend. it was greatly a success to a point even the company was harding a time keeping up with the abundant raw material mc was sending. somehow the highschool girl went missing, or rather mc cannot contact or meet her. the gf of the debt collector was found by the hunter officer. but because her separate investigation may be hindered if she reported the leak, she chose not to. the debt collectors were looking for a hunter that reported some other hunter for failing to do their duty. coincidentally, mc is the they were looking for. the clients seems to be the hunters that were rude and bad to mc when he was still a porter. mc's friend asks him to meet him for a drink as well to give payment for the raw materials they got. 

47, his friend gave him the address of the debt collector as well the scheme they plan. suddenly disappearing and after a while when the interest rose, they will suddenly appear. mc went to the debt collector and paid half of the total debt as well promising to pay the rest next time. the debt collector was really angry, they made a deal with the client looking for mc. meanwhile, the officer hunter found out about mc's illegal activities and wanted to proceed with the address but stopped when she saw the rude hunter going to the debt collector. when mc was finally about to move out, he wanted to talk to the highschool girl but the only news about her was her leaving a few weeks hence. mc finally moved on to a new house but suddenly he got a call from the hospital, mc's father went missing.

48, when mc arrived in the hospital it was revealed his father was kidnapped. the debt collector suddenly called mc, they have mc's father with them. they seek ransom and probably revenge.

50, mc went to the place marked by the debt collector with the money. when mc handed the money, the rude hunters suddenly appeared seeking revenge vs mc. fortunately the officer hunter suddenly join. when the battle was heating up, the debt collector tries to flee with mc's father. the officer hunter let mc go follow them.

51, mc follows and stopped the debt collectors from escaping. on the side of the officer hunter, one of the three managed to go passed her. when mc was about to rescue his father, the leader of the rude hunters suddenly leaped in and attack mc. with nothing else, mc decided to allocate all his stats for the offensive. he defeated the rude hunter. but suddenly, the debt collector took mc's father as a hostage. then lights went on, the hunter association has surrounded the scene. mc then used his ability to deal with the debt collector.

52, after the incident, everyone involved were arrested including mc. he was charged with the illegal deeds he originally did. going on illegal hunts and such. but luckily, his mentor saves him by threatening the investigatio department for letting a leak of information happen. (probably end of season1, it ends with mc talking to himself and pitying his weakness. the last scene was  mc's ego companion seemingly smiling)

level up alone, 53, the highschool girl is currently training to be a porter. mc brings his father to their new home. the father was surprised to find their home to be filled with new furnitures and appliance. the father reveals he already knew mc's lie and he was only shocked when it was someone clarified it during the kidnap incident. after their heartfelt talk, the father went out to drink with his friend. mc decide to clean up their house. mc then finds a book. it was actually for summoning demon. the face smiling in the end of season1 was actually a demon interested in mc.

54, the demon made a contract with mc. his current ego system got mad at mc. also mc's status window changed. it got summon demon and after the contract with the demon, he was told to make offerings. mc decided to on hunt and so he tries calling his usual porters. but he just found out they were getting married and that they will be sending a different porter to aid mc. the new porter was the highschool girl that mc lost contact with.

55, it seems like the porters in a financial pinch that's why both minor went to become porters. mc immediately hired the highschool girl along with her dude friend. during their hunt, after slaying a few monsters instead of having the monsters they defeated be dismantled, mc makes use of his new summon demon skill. a demon suddenly appear.

57, the demon appears and tested mc. after mc became successful, the demon decided to make a contract with mc to make him stronger. after the contract, the demon call all the nearby monsters in the vicinity to attack mc and his porters. the porters were trying to hold on and when they were about to be overrun, mc appears and started the defense.

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