Saturday, May 13, 2023

OniAi (light novel volume 1)

Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankei Nai yo ne!

march 25 first day together
akiko himenokouji, little sister
akito himenokouji, mc, big brother/narrator

evening. little sister wants to sleep with mc. mc thought it would only be sleeping but little sister meant sleeping in an intimate relationship. the two argues. in the end, little sister gives up and says that when mc fell asleep, she'll just sneak in the room. mc without saying anything else, threw her out and locked his door.

march 26 second day
akito himenokouji, mc/big brother/narrator
akiko himenokouji
*Arisuga/Arisugawa Family, the family who took in the little sister when their parents died and the two siblings were separated for 6 years
*Kyotsugu, foster parent of little sister
*Shouko, foster parent of little sister
*Takanomiya Family, the family who took in mc

morning. mc and little sister while eating breakfast. the little sister wants to discuss about her brother complex. the mc tries avoiding it but the little sister is insistent. mc had to give in while they eat. little sister decides she should be reward for her brother complex. mc rejects but it seems the little sister is quite happy just discussing it with her brother. although mc is against his sister having brother complex, he still finds her cute. there discussion gets to the point of first name calling. at first mc agreed to it but after finding out what little sister's intention were, he immediately rejects her. but their discussion of little sister's love for mc went on.

march 27 third day
akito himenokouji
akiko himenokouji
friend over phone

mc talks with his friend over the phone. their discussion is about little sister and how her desire for her brother was indirectly caused by mc. the discussion goes that it is normal to think affectionately about the first caring person one sees as the opposite sex. normally it's the parents and in time, one who finds affection grows to understand the difference about being familial and romantmtic. in mc's case, he became the person the little sister grew to like but since being separated with her, instead of losing the desire, it only strengthen.

after the phone conversation, it had been a while since little sister went to take a bath. mc wanted to check on her but knowing it could lead to a disaster, mc decided to call her while he's outside. unfortunately, the little sister wearing only her bath towel went angrily on mc and lashed out at his mistake. mc had no idea what it was. the mistake of mc was he did not peep on his little sister. mc wad a bit confused. the little sister wanted mc to take a peep at her. but mc refused. little sister went on to explain that she made herself gorgeous for her brother and it was his sin not to look at her. she then went back to the bath as she hints what she want mc must do. but mc just left her to take a bath. after a while, little sister lashed out at mc again and told him that he won't be speaking to her because of his mistake. mc let it be. after a while, little sister couldn't take it and asked to reconcile with mc. mc obliged and little sister became cheerful again.

march 28: fourth day
akiko himenokouji
akito himenokouji, mc
blond haired beauty, a girl mc meets at the mall
sawatari ginbei haroumi, mc's friend
arisugawa family, took in little sister when the siblings were apart
takanomiya family, took in mc

afternoon, the siblings agreed to shop for other necessities. once they got to the shopping district/mall. mc pondered his limits. back in the family that took in little sister, she was very well off, she even had msny servants around her. meanwhile, living with him, they're barely have the financial means to meet luxury. but the little sister, comforted mc and tells her that she is much hsppier living from now on with his brother. she then also questioned where mc got the money he got even though the two have fully cut off financially from the families who took them in, mc manages to dodged it.

once they started shopping, mc feltnafraid that his sister couldn't do normal life tasks since she was sheltered by a very well off family. but mc felt relieved when she managed. suddenly, akiko wants to go on the product on sale but mc have to buy the other necessesary items. so mc have to make themselves split up for the shopping. though hesistant at first, akiko agreed, this is also to the fact that mc had to convince akiko.

after going their separate ways, mc met with a blond haired beauty. they had a very mysterious and awkward first meeting and conversation. she had weird way of speaking. she also says she apprently just wants to tease mc. mc did not dislike that though.

when mc and blond haired beauty separated. mc met up with akiko. mc foundher finished up with her shoppong as well as somehow have managed to do some of mc's tasks. when mc ask how akiko managed with the little amount momey she got. she tells that the sales people gave her more. mc is impressed how she was able to do it. she also mentioned she's secretary of the student council in their school thay is why she can be dependable.

odd enough, both akiko and blond haired beauty have the same vibe that mc is feeling. although he doesn't realize it.

march 31: seventh day
akito himenokouji, mc
akiko himenokoini, sister
swatari ginbei haroumi, mc's friwnd over the phone
nikaidou arashi, the president of the student council of st. liliana academy.

the two frinds, mc and gin, ate conversing on the phone. gin is somehow worried mc will do something to his sister. but mc assures gin he wouldn't. tell gin tells mc his feeling of being betrayed. that mc up and left suddenly, even though the two were friends, mc kept his plans of moving a secret. mc apologize, gin accepts it but the latter plans on taking on a revenge, while laughs over the phone. mc feels angry as well afraid, somehow, of how gin would exact this revenge he mentioned.

after the phone conversation, mc laments on his shortcomings, although it was his plans to move put, it was his sister who does most house duties. he commends her for being great. but since the sister is out for student council duties even though it's still summer break, mc is left alone in the house. suddenly, the student council president knocks on the door of their house and introduced herself to mc.

mc invites the president for tea. the conversation went on to the president saying that the families who took the siblijg in asked for the president to monitor them. but the president somehow feel trusting to mc so they should not be worried about anything in the meantime. all the while durimg the conversation, the president keeps blatantly asking mc to be her man. to which mc always declines. in the first part as well, the president planned the sister to go out for a bit, with the task of council duties as a fake reason to converse with mc alone. it's like the president is assessing the mc all through out.

while finishing some chores, mc reflects on what the president said. suddenly sister appeared mad at mc. the sister immediately took the laundry mc had. she got mad since mc was holding sister's underwear. mc felt it was nothing and not realizing how delicate it was for the sister. mc reason that it was fine for sister to have mc peep at her as she baths, even though he never did. sister says it's a different matter. mc had to give in and apologize. then sister asks for reward, first a kiss then a hug. mc denies it but since sister was persistent about it, mc just gave her praises as mc tries changing the subject. mc also asked about the president, although he kept the visit a secret as was told by the president. this had somehow change the topic.

sister praises the president but she warns mc not to go near her as she is, in her own words a 'predator'. sister fears the mc would be eadily taken by her. but mc reassures her nothing like that will happen. sister got mad and tells it's really possible. she even went on saying that, before mc's chastity is taken by someone else, she should be the first one. mc just ignores her later remarks. sister notices mc ignoring her/changing the topic, this got the sister mad, somehow.

april 3 10th day living together

Akito Himenokouji, mc
Akiko Himenokoujk, sister
Nasuhara Anstasia, the blond haired beauty mc met while shopping

The chapters starts with mc descroibing how amazing and prestigious the school they will be attending, St. Liliana Academy

the siblings were going to tour the school both of them will be attending for the coming school year. mc as a transferee and sister as the secretary of the student council. mc was hesitant as he knows he is not as capable as his sister. the sister assures him he will be fine. in their convo, it's revealed it was sister who asked for mc to attend the same school when they live in together.

after the tour, sister had to do student council duty. before leaving mc, sister tells him to not at any cost go near the student council room. it was a warning for mc. at first mc was confused but he had to agree. he knew his sister was talking about the council president but she added there was something more.

mc then wemt on exploring all the while regretting that it was a mistake for him attending the school but he must accept it. in his thought, mc suddenly find himself on the sports field. upon realozing it, he decided to check on the woman tracks team that were practicing. suddenly, blond haired beauty appeared and accuses mc of being a pervert. mc immediately denies this and tells that he just want to bask and breath the air around the campus. this just escalated the thought of blond haired beauty. after a convo fill with innuendo, mc agrees to have blond haired beauty to guide him in the campus. though it was just a glint, it was unsual to find a hint of smile on an expressionless character that is the blond haired beauty.

but before they could start the tour, blond haired beauty commented once more in mc's odor, like the first time they met. this made mc mad since he made all the check before hand that there was nothing about his odor that was unpleasant. mc then asks which part of his body that smells. blond haired beauty didn't tell. it seems she jusr wanted to have a chat with mc and without telling mc about the odor she smells, the convo will always keep on going. as time passed on with the convo will with innuendo coming from blond haired beauty, the two failed to realized the time they spent chatting. blond haired beauty needed to leave, mc have no choice since it was done voluntarily and he didn't want ti take up much of her time either. in mc's pov, chatting with blond haired beauty may seemed annoying but mc does not dislike it. before parting, blond haired beauty tells mc her name, Nasuhara Anastasia, ana for short. (something i forgot to mention: during the convo of mc and ana, ana deliberately admits she liked to tease/annoy mc)

mc then meets sister. sister tells mc that his feel of hesitation has suddenly vanished. mc connects it to ana. ana and mc's conversation had melted away his reluctance. mc then tells his sister that it must be because he made acquaintance with a student. although mc confirmed it was a girl. sister was not reluctant when she hears mc describe the girl acquaintance to have a lovely smile. mc did not mention ana's name. sister mentions that she fears a girl who hardly show expression, much like ana. then sister suddenly got jealous as he never say that her smile was lovely. mc amswered with:

“That’s obvious, isn’t it? Akiko’s smile is lovely. It’s not necessary to go out
of my way to state the obvious. After all, your smile’s the one I love the most
in this world.”

with that the sister collapsed as her nose bled. she was ecstatic to hear mc say that.

april 6 13th day

akito himenokouji, mc/brother
akiko himenokouji, sister
sawatari ginbei haroumi, friend of mc
*anastacia nasuhara
*nikaido arashi
*shouku arusagawa
*kyotsugu arusagawa
*arusagawa family
*takanomiya familya

mc talks to gin over the phone. their conversation was about the new acquiatances mc got in the school. gin tells mc that ana is probably from a very prestigious family and that is a good ally to have. the president, nikaidou, is a good person to keep as a friend in moderation. then gin, like before, asks mc to reconsider his decision of moving out. it's also revealed her that gin was also asked by their adoptive fostrr families to persuade mc. but mc is set on stone to be with his sister. gin had to give up his prospect for the time being. gin tells mc that he'll be visiting soon.

akiko was outside waiting for mc to finish with his call.

when the phone call finish, akiko enters mc's room. she was wearing a kimono and she appeared spectacularly elegant in mc's eyes. the sister then kneeled and bowed her head it was a sign of great respect and appreciation. the sister tells mc how grateful she was for mc for everything he did. and she tells her of her own shortcomings and aplogogized for her doubts while waited for her brother to come back to her. mc felt it was unfair that he too owed her just as much. mc tells her how grateful he was to have a wonderful sister and he also apologized for his own shortcomings and also for also doubting his sister. then mc praises the sister. this in turn made the sister bashful. when mc somehow feel her embarassment, mc can't help but push on with his compliments for his sister. this made his sister collapsed. probably from being too joyful and happy to hear everything mc told her.

Two sentences in their convo that are surprised attacks, according to akiko:

“Even more than back then, you’ve turned out to be really beautiful.”
... (other convo)
“You really are cute. You’re the number one cutest girl in the world for me.”

april 7 14th day

akito himenokuji, mc
akiko himenokouji, sister
anastasia nasuhara, blond haired expressionless beauty, vp of student council
nikaido arashi, predator gangster, president of student council
sawatari ginbei haroumi

It's the first day of school. still at home, the dorm the twins currently live in, mc is lamenting how weird he lookes like in his new school uniform. he find himself looking not good wearing the uniform in front of the mirror. so mc asked for his sister's opinion. upon meeting her, mc finds out the sister actually wear glasses but she decides not to whenever she's with mc. she says it degrades her cuteness despite being able to see clearly. without the glasses, akiko always have a hard time but she forces herself to be able to normally. their conversation went on to how akiko should wear it, while akiko tells mc that she planned on ditching them. but mc urged her to, so she had to. but as a compromise, she'll only not wear them when she's with mc. as mc tells her she'll protect her in case she couldn't see anything, as a sign of love, akiko felt ecstatic but had to control herself, if not her nose would bleed again. mc also rwalized asking her sister about his look is pointless as in akiko's brother complex pov, anything mc wears he'll look good. mc also felt refreshed and more at ease after having converse with akiko.

after that, two went off to school.

when they arrived, the first person they met was ana. she insulted mc. but mc knew she was just teasing her as she had already said. suddenly, sister got mad. she reveals that ana is the vp of the student council and also the one person mc must avoid othe than the president. but ana then casually insult akiko while telling her thst it was already too late, as mc and ana had already met each other before and akiko don't have anything to do with mc and ana being together, all the while insulting akiko. when mc suddenly tells akiko to calm, this agitated her more. suddenly, ana confessed to mc. mc couldn't have a response because this was all too sudden. and akiko just lost it and suddenly lashing out her thoughts.

suddenly, the student council president appear. she tells both akiko and ana to be her women. but both decline. then when she noticed mc. she tells mc to be her man. mc declines. suddenly nikkaido, the student president, appoints mc as assistant to the secretary, which is akiko. akiko was happy at first but when the president tells that she wants mc to be close to her as well, akiko suddenly got mad. ana also got mad and started a rivalry against president for mc. when akiko wants to join, she was disregarded as both say the two are siblings.

while the three are having feud, mc had somehow placed the three girls in order. akiko being cutest, ana in terms of beauty, and the president in terms of sex appeal.

suddenly, sawatari ginbei haroumi appeared to stop the quarrel. mc was surprised to find his friend. SHE was wearing a uniform the same as akiko. when mc asked why she was there, gin says it's her revenge on mc that she mentioned over the phone.

mc's thought on the matter:

"Something like that she’d pay me back twice-fold, that she’d prepare for a
proper full-scale review of my actions, and that before long she’d come to

mc was surprised that gin transferred to St. Liliana academy. but akiko was even more surprised, the bestfriend whom mc talks over the phone all the time was a girl. 

gin, as introduced by mc, is a close friend of mc while he was in kyoto in the takanomiya family. gin comes from a complicated family household which has yet to be said.

gin then joins the fued between rivals. mc suddenly asked why she did it, gin then answers him in cryptic message:

“You’re always treatin’ me so cruelly. When a girl goes to the far-off east on
her own chasin’ after someone, just what do you think that means? I guess
this proves that denseness isn’t curable. You’re a pretty good example for
that, if I do say so myself. Well, that’s just the way Akito is, I guess…”

with this, mc was just left more confused.

and then after a bit of introduction, somehow the president felt assured that everything was going well. she decided the three of them rivals, president, ana and gin to have a girl time and just skip the school opening ceremony. akiko on the other hand, was left out. she protested why she wasn't included. the three tells her that she doesn't need to since she's blood related to mc. when akiko continues to protest, the pres pass the obligation of explaining to mc:

“You’re a good girl, you know?”
“Really. You’re obedient, honest, and cheerful – you listen to everything I
say, and you do things without me even asking. If you’re not a good girl, then
who is?”
“So I’ve lived up to Onii-chans expectations…?”
“Of course. You did way beyond my expectations. And you’re not only a
good girl, you’re a cute one as well.”
“Really. Your smile’s cute. And it’s cute that whenever you laugh, your teeth
are showing. How your eyes give off that slightly vivid yet soft feel is cute,
and how your bangs collect in uniform just like a straight line – it’s cute as
well. Your energetic way to walk’s cute, how your back’s perfectly straight
when you sit’s cute. And how you easily start sulking’s cute, and so’s the
way you quickly recover your sunny nature. I’ve always treasured you.”
“Wawa― Saying something like that, wawa―”
“I love you, Akiko.”
“I-I love you as well! I, too, have always loved Onii-cha―”
“Although it’s still nothing more than the love of an older brother for his
younger sister.”

akiko suddenly ran off crying when she told her frustration towards mc. mc knew it would happen and so she let her be. the three rivals set off to the student council office have their girl bonding. gin was also offered the position of treasurer.

as a closing remarks, mc reveals that he and akiko are not exactly blood related as was known throughtout the volume. but he keep this as a secret.

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