Friday, June 21, 2024

A Hero trained by the most Evil Demon King is unrivaled in the academy of returnees from another world (manga until chapter 19)

@kujou kyouya, mc
@felice, cat of mc, a demolord that mc took from another world to his original world, the lost demon lord of the lost worlds, real name ferreolusfioniesherg, she summon mc to her world to free her
@imari komari, freshman, met with mc during the entrance ceremony, dropout heri, she wanted calls mc master, she is clumsy.
@minaho kuzuha, executive officer of the eugracia academy, a senior student in the academy, instructor for mc's first day first class
@rei, a hero returnee student, she stopped the berserking kishima takeru during an incident when the dropouts are segregated
@kyougoku arata, senior hero returnee, leader of team a-25, 
@shindou yuuki, team a25 member, support member
@kishima takeru, dropout hero, buff guy, first to voice out vs the discrimination on dropouts, was sent to a stage 5 world

@lala, an angel girl, a goddess, a superintedent in the academy, in charge of b-11, mc's team
@freyfeshia, a goddess in charge of arata's team, a-25

@darmess, king of rhamless kingdom
@anri, local hero of the rhamless kingdom
@demon lord gigjorg, the target for the 3k points to answer the dismissal warning of team b-11

#eugracia academy, an educational institution made jointly by the goddess and the japanese government
#hero returnee students thinks lowly of the government
#the lost demon lord of the lost world, a powerful demonlord no heroes could defeat. the goddess sealed the demon lord along with its many conquered world.
#savior's crest, a mark that the hero returnee successfully saved the world they were in
#dropout heroes, hero returnees who either failed saving the world they were in or were just caught in the return. they do not bear the savior's crest.
#daffodil dorm room 107, dorm room of mc in the eugracia academy
#lavanquin, a demonsword that even felixe warned mc of using.
#heroes summoned by goddess gain unique abilities
#team b-11, mc, komori and lala
#stage classification of worlds, higher the stage number the more dangerous it is. at stage 1, no monster exists and at stage 9, the problem can even go to other world invasions
#rhamless, the kingdom for the mission for the 3k points team b-11 and team a-25 is sent to.
#the humans of the original world is meant to become powerful heroes but because of that dangerous power, the goddesses bound them in chains and sealed them.
#roots, law, the soul, the essence that binds one to being themselves. heroes will be heroes. demonlords, demonlords.

1.1 entrance ceremony for hero returnees who just recently saved worlds. the aim of the academy is to place in one place the different hero returnee due to the pose of threat the hero returnee has on the society. those who want to be immediately released to society must have their powers sealed and those who want to keep their powers will have to stay in the academy. minaho kuzuha, an executive of the academy, speaks and discusses the matter.

1.2 minaho kuzuha unleashes monsters on the hero returnees. the returnees easily slay them. minaho kuzuha explains those who will go to the academy will be tasked to save worlds again. this is alsoto satiate the hunger for battle the heroes have. after the ceremony the heroes will undertake ability measurement. mc and other 13 heroes are called to another area. minaho kuzuha explains to the 13 that they do not have a crest of hero, saviour's crest. This indicates the 13 have not saved the world they were in. they will not be undergoing the ability measurement. kishima takeru, one of the dropouts wants to complain. imari komari tries to calm kishima takeru. kishima takeru shows off his skill but was easily stopped by one of the student, rei. after the incident, minaho kuzuha and rei talked about the magic of takeru. it was already neutralized before rei cancelled it. none of the two knew who neutralized the magic. it was actually mc. mc went to his dorm room. felice, the cat, teaches mc about his impatience. felice, the cat, reveals she is a demon lord that mc took from the other world to his original world. he wants to give felice a peaceful life. mc vows to protect felice even if she's everyone's enemy. felice is the renowned sealed lost demon lord of the lost worlds. mc fought vs her 30k years ago.

2 backstory of how mc and felice met. mc arrives in a desolate world. meets with felice. felice wants mc to kill her. because of so called roots or law of something, felice cannot die on her own accord. mc is also governed by this certain roots. she needs mc to kill her. felice trains mc to the point mc is able to. the time in the world they are in moves super slow compared to mc's original world. first to 50th years, basic and easy beginner training. until 100th year, combat training. 1000th year, magic training. 20k year, simulated combats. during those time, felice uses her magic? to keep mc alive and sane. also during those time, other than training, mc always talked with felice about his original world. gradually, mc views felice as a family. during one time of rest, mc asks why felice destroyed worlds. felice answers she is made that way, that is the law. the felice mc is familiar with is a glitch that just happened. the moment she realized it, she had already destroyed many things and she wishes for her end since's she's tired. mc's goal change. he wants to save felice. 30k years, graduation day, mc vs felice. mc does not want to fight. felice says the root/law that binds herself as a demonlord will soon take hold of her once more and when that happens, felice will go demonlord mode. felice gives her last speech on mc and then she goes demonlord mode.

3 backstory continue, mc vs felice. mc realized the felice he's fighting isn't same felice who became like family to him. mc uses all he was taught. mc beats felice. felice back in her conciousness, beaten. she wishes for mc to grant her wish. mc rejects her. mc uses his magic to rewrite the law etched in felice. mc uses the demon sword lavanquin. mc saves felice by eliminating her demonlord mode. felice also helped mc. felice turned into a cat but felice is finally free from her root/law. mc invites felice back to his original world. felice accepts. mc and felice arrives back in the original world. mc and felice had planned on living a normal life. suddenly, mc receives an invitatiom from the eugracia academy. they know mc is a returnee. mc cannot refuse the invite. back to present, mc and felice are in his dorm room. felice wants mc to go all out. mc wants to be a mob character. he wants a normal and peaceful life. somewhere on top an academy building, an angel is spotted. she is interested with a few students during the entrance ceremony.

4 next day, second day of school, start of classes. mc heads to his classroom. felice is in mc's bag. mc is anxious, after 30k years, he'll return to society. he needs to refreshen his communication ability. mc plans on having friends in ordee to lead a normal and peaceful life. mc gets to the classroom, mc is 1 hour early. mc meets an angel girl, lala. lala introduced himself as a goddess. mc says he never met a goddess. through telepathy, felice tells mc that only goddess could summon heroes. mc is able to save his skin. lala is suspicious of mc. lala takes mc's bag. lala finds felice. felice acted like a cat. lala buys it. the other students enters the class. mc asks lala if she's the teacher. lala denies it, she a superintendent. minaho kuzuha suddenly appears. minaho kuzuha is the instructor for the class. lesson 1, practicuum, survival. mc is happy for a warm up.

5 the students are fighting their own battles. mc's battle is vs a dragon. mc is in a dilemma. he can easily win but he must not do so easily, unless he wants to stand out. mc does not want that. he made an act. he thought it was good. he suddenly hear other students noticing his battle. they tell the dragon mc is fight is very weak. mc gets a go signal. mc uses his barehands to defest the dragon. the student who noticed the battle checks the dragon, they were wrong. the drsgon mc is fightingnis actually very strong. mc acts weak. others easily buys it. mc is safe. suddenly a shapeshifting monster appears. it turned into a hydra monster. it attacks the students and the monsters. the minaho kuzuha is asleep as things unfold. mc knows things will go problematic. mc uses his taming power to make the hydra monster stop moving
 suddenly, out of nowhere, kishima takeru appears. the hydra monster is his pet. takeru releases the hydra. the hydra disappears. takeru says the practicuum is over. imari komari, one of the dropout heroes, demands takeru to apologize. takeru orders her to force him to do it. mc tries to deescalate. komari readies for a fight.

6 takeru gives a handicap and let komari attack first. komari readies a skill. she can't unleash it. takeru laughs at komari. lala tries interferring. takeru denies her. lala seek mc's help. mc tries to stop the fight. takeru punches mc. takeru wants to set an exnample using mc's bag. felice is inside. mc uses blink and stops takeru. mc takes the bag and hands it to komari. mc vs takeru. takeru tries magic on mc. mc cancels them. takeru tries cqc. mc kick the conciousness out of takeru. after, mc had to fake it and say he got hurt in the process. minaho kuzuha wakes up and ends the class. she tells everyone that those who got hurt head to the infirmary. kuzuha went to mc and whispered that mc should also use his ability as well. mc tries faking it. it isn't effective. kuzuha leaves. mc gets to be acquianted with imori komari, she still has mc's nag with felice. she calls mc master.

7 minaho kuzuha returns to class and says the students will be divided into teams with a goddess in charge of them. mc is teamed up with komari and their goddess is lala. they are having a party in mc's room. komari requestd mc to teach her. mc rejects it. mc did not want to stand out and worst, they might get exposed. felice tells mc that he should teach komari. felice continues that mc shouldn't sacrifice his enjoyment just for the of felice. next day, mc goes training, mc finds komari sword training. mc heads for a convo with komari. mc inquires about komari's world. komari says the world she was in was saved but she isn't part of those who save it. her classmates did the hard part while komari who they deemed weak was treated as one of the natives of the world. komari did not do much heroics in the world she was in and she didn't save the world, so she was sent to the dropout class. in the end, all komori could do is train but that isn't enough. she was also afraid and so when the call arrives, she couldn't muster enough strength to fight. mc goes master mode tell that komori can still fight even if she's scared. mc then praises her for being more courageois than himself vs takeru in those recent two incidents. mc accepts to teach komori. 2 weeks passed things are going fine. suddenly, mc receives a dismissal warning. due to not enough savior points, mc and komori might get expelled. they need 3k points within 1 week. they check letter more, they find out it was komori's clumsiness that got them demerits. felice then suggests for the two go on a mission to gather the 3k in one swoop. it's a demon lord subjugation.

8 mc's team meet with the seniors who they will be with for the mission. kyougoku arata, leader of a-25, senior to mc and komori, is rude towards the lower years. arata says their team will be the one to defeat the demonlord while mc's team will just be om the sidelines. the world they'll go to is a stage 3. a passing student gives info about stages, arata attacks the passing students. arata is mad that mc's team is being taught and since the mission for b-11 is a bonus, arata suggest, they should just stay put. suddenly, a goddess appears, it's lady freyfeshia, in charge of arata's team. arata suddenly became kind. lady freyfeshia greets team b-11 then she opend the gate for the mission world. they enter and they arrived in the kingdom of rhamless, they are granted audience to the king, king damress. arata goes straight forward with his word. he only needed info for the location of the demonlord, he need not the help of anyone. and if the king needs help, arata assigns b-11 for the task. b-11 will be aiding and defending the castle. arata's team leaves and readies for the mission. the scenario goes like what happened in komori's world. she is left while the main team goes for hero works. mc praises komori. felice gets a bit jealous. suddenly, an assailant appears in the room of team b-11. the assailant wants to fight the heries.

9 komori takes the initiative. the assailant easily knocked komori unconcious. mc goes and binds the assailant in an arm lock. mc gets info that the assailant is anri, she is a local hero of the world, that is until the goddess appeared and prophesied of otherworld heores coming. anri, wants to test the heroes that came. anri is impressed with mc. anri then tells her circumstance and how dangerous the demonlord gigjirg is. mc assures her that b-11 is just a backup and the main team is composed of elites. anri is glad to hear it but regrets that it isn't her own hands that would deal the finalblow to the demonlord. komari hears anri's story. komari cheers anri. the two opened up to each other. meanwhile, felice, using telepathy, tells mc thay something is bad is going to happen. mc and felice also talked about their suspicion on the academy. suddenly, a circus appears in the air on top of the rhamless kingdom. the demonlord gigjorg appears out the tent. arata is happy his target appeared. the demonlord prepares for an invasion.

10 gigjorg's aim is revenge vs anri for killing all his 4 elite heavenly kings. the castle troops launch an attack vs gigjorg. it wasn't effective. gigjorg start his invasion. mc knows the gigjorg that appeared is just a dummy illusion. the real body is hidden elsewhere. team a25 appears and buff kyougoku arata. kyougoku arata launches an wipe out attack. gigjorg's troops gets defeated. the real gigjorg appears. gigjorg launches a counter attack vs team a25. kyougoku arata attacks before gigjorg launches his attack. gigjorg caught off guard and gets defeated. kyougoku arata belittles team b11. after kyougoku arata announces their victory, gigjorg suddenly appears. he's reforming himself from his sliced self. gigjorg is mad.

11 gigjorg escapes. anri warns the heroes. kyougoku arata ignores the warning and insults anri. the kingdom of rhamless celebrates the victory of the otherworld heroes. b11 team is keeping anri company. mc feels anri inferiotity complex is eating her up after a25 easily manages to defeat gigjorg. suddenly, shindou yuuki, part of team a25 appears. he apologizes for the rudeness of their leader. shindou yuuki apologize to anri and even recognizes her capability as the local hero for the world. shindou tells his backstory and his sympathy and similarity towards the dropout heroes, even though he has a savior's crest. after, shindou yuuki tells them a25 team will be leaving in order to track down and defeat gigjorg, as ordered by kyougoku arata. after, team b11 plus anri checks the plaza. the people are anxiously waiting for the return of team a25's triumphant return. suddenly, outside the entrance to the kingdom, a teleport circle appears. team a25, appears. everyone fall silent. team a25 along with goddess freyfeshia, lies on the ground, badly beaten. mc takes the innitiative to help a25. the concious shindou yuuki says they have failed. team a25 lost vs gigjorg.

12 team a25 gets placed in intesive care. they are in a coma. the reports on their finding is that their roots weres severed. without their roots, they won't get healed ni matter what help is given. mc is suspecting that someone more powerful than gigjorg was able to do this act. lala says they can't get help the academy and unless freyfeshia wakes up, they are on their own. anri, prepares to leave and fight gigjorg. mc tries persuading anri to back down. as the local hero and during a state of despair of the people, anri is even more needed. mc says they must wait for the academy to send help. anri accepts mc's suggestion and says she'll just check on the people. komari is worried for anri, she went to join anri. before komori leaves, mc gives komari a ring. komari misunderstands, mc tries to explains. komari leaves without hearing the explanation. mc stays in their room. lala is scared and sought comfort from mc. mc lets her feel safe. lala falls asleep. mc decided to take a walk. felice asks where mc is going. mc says he's going on patrol. mc sees the despair and sorrow the kingdom has fallen in. mc can't hold back. mc goes to the magic room fill with treasures in the lost world of felice. mc takes lavanquin. felice is observing mc. mc and felice have a family wholesome moment. mc will be completing the mission. felice gives her blessing. mc heads out and instantly ported in front of gigjorg's castle. gigjorg and his troops welcomes mc.

13 mc starts raiding. mc senses the backer of gigjorg. mc arrives in the boss room. mc and gigjorg had a philosophical talk about roots. mc vs gigjorg. gigjorg attack. nothing is effective vs mc. mc realizes gigjorg is just a subordinate. mc easily defeats gigjorg. mc's worries for the people of the kingdom. someone is puling the string. someone besides the demonlord who is more powerful. in the kingdom, a shadow is seen, and on the ground lies defeated bodies of the kingdom's soldiers.

14 back in rhamless kingdom, night time. komari wakes up. she worries and feels the need to do something. komari heads outside. she finds shindou yuuki walking on the castle hall. shindou yuuki is fine. komari worries for shindou yuuki and decided to call the doctor. when komari head to a corner she finds the beaten bodies of rhamless soldiers. shindou yuuki admits it was him that caused team a25 to fail. komari tries inquires the reason. shindou yuuki demonstrate his unique skill. he used the same skill of kyougoku arata. shindou yuuki says his unique skill is skill eater. the skill not only steals away skill but also takes away roots. shindou yuuki tells more details of his backstory and how he wants to get more skill from the students in the academy. shindou yuuki explains that he has to keep the students alive in order to keep the stolen power/roots. komari readies to face shindou yuuki. shindou yuuki uses his skill on komari. the ring mc gave to komari suddenly activates. komari gets save. shindou yuuki tries to attack komari. anri appears and stops the attack of shindou yuuki. shindou yuuki plans to make the demonlord killed thr local hero. anri vs shindou yuuki. anri gets defeated.

15 shindou yuuki prepares to launch another attack. suddenly, he felt the demonlord gets defeated. shindou yuuki changes his plan and prepares to kill komari. felice appears. she transforms to human form, stops shindou yuuki and helps komari and anri escape. felice says she only has one more fight. the three manages to escape. felice heals anri. komari feels pity on herself and wants to change. komari gives the ring mc gave her to anri. komari wants act as a hero, apthough weak and powerless, she plans on saving the people of the kingdom. she will warn the people to evacuate. felice wants to do it. komari says she heard what felice saud with having a very limited magic. felice warns komari to run away from shindou yuuki. felice gave her blessing to komari for her to act as a hero. komari heads but before she does, she praises felice's beautiful voice. komari heads to face shindou yuuki. shindou yuuki is interested in the cat and asks komari where the cat is. komari refuses to answer. komari is determined to use her own unique skill to fight shindou yuuki. komari prepares to use her unique skill. shindou yuuki takes komari's challenge.

16 komari's preparation for her skill fails. shindou yuuki goes on a beat down on komari. shindou yuuki asks where the cat is. komari refuses to answer. shindou yuuki beats komari to the ground. shindou yuuki plans on finding the cat on his own and decides to leave. komari felt pity on herself but suddenly remembers the advice mc gave her. komari stands up. once more, she prepares her unique skill. shindou yuuki notices and prepares for komari's skill. finally after, failing twice in the whole manga, komari is finally able to show off her unique skill. it fazes shindou yuuki but that's all. komari falls to exhaustion. shindou yuuki prepares to eat komari's skill. suddenly, mc arrives. mc praises komari. komari's real aim was not shindou yuuki but the barrier shindou yuuki made surrounding the kingdom. mc places komari in a safe barrier. mc faces shindou yuuki. mc says he's the cat owner and the one who defeated the demon lord. shindou yuuki felt delighted. shindou yuuki goes boss mode. shindou yuuki tells mc he will devour the power of mc, komari and mc's cat. mc got mad when he heard felice gets mentioned. mc summons lavanquin. the two gets ready for battle.

17 mc vs shindou yuuki. start to finish mc is on the advantage. although, mc is dead serious with the fight. he can't have anyone insulting or puttingin danger his cat. final scene, mc unleashes the sword of lavanquin. shindou yuuki felt fearful.

18 shindou yuuki's past, his actual real past. he has regrets of being a hero and some other heroes taking the spotlight. back to the present, mc took away the power of shindou yuuki?? mc and shindou had a chat about heroes. mc is unconcerned with shindou yuuki's trouble. mc deems shindou yuuki no longer a threat and let him be. mc tends to komari. chapter ends with a scene of team a25 waking up from their coma.

19 a celebration is happening in the kingdom of rhamless. team b11 is enjoying the food. felice, cat form, is now chatting along with the team. a brief flashback of what happened after shindou yuuki's defeat. shindou yuuki cancels his skills. those affected suddenly regain conciousness. shindou yuuki turned himself in. shindou yuuki ket quiet about mc and felice. komari asks mc how he beat shindou yuuki. mc lies and tells it was actually komari who did the better work of weakening shindou yuuki. anri wasn't with them. komari is concerned but understands anri is busy as the local hero. on the moment of departure. team a25 kyougoku arata scolds team b11 for being late. anri appears to say goodbye. mc asks permission from kyougoku arata to say their farewell. kyougoku arata let them. anri is hiding her face. komari, felice and lala, takes initiate to see anri's face. komari and anri recognizes each others as heroes despite their lacking. anri says her thanks to team b11. felice speaks and tell anri to stay vigilant as the hero of the world. anri takes felice's words to heart. after, the team leaves the world, mc and felice had a wholesome chat. mc declares his loyalty to felice. where felice go he will follow. for the moment, felice wants to return with everyone to team b11, lala's team. mc obliges. back in the academy, freyfeshia is having a dilemma regarding the recently finished mission. she is with someone named rose, a superior? rose tells freyfeshia to get back what she had lost on the event, her pride with her summoned heroes?? the next event,mentioned, will be a tournament in the academy of which team is the strongest. right off the bat, freyfeshia is conceeding the title of the strongest to the team of rose, the rosen children.

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