Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Elf who likes to be Humiliated r18(manwha until chapter 54)

@lord theorad/teolard deharum/deharem, mc, known to be a kind and merciful lord viscount
@riya, witch of the black flames, the elf's disguise
@ashley pelgaroin/felgaroin, second daughter of a count, fiancee of mc.
@veneller, deceased eldest brother of ashley
@fred, second elder brother of ashley
@meldon, third elder brother of ashley, ashley resents him
@leobelk felgaroin, head if the felgaroin house, father of ashley
@vanelia/benelia von esteban, iron princess, youngest daughter aming five of the imperial family, commander in chief of the imperial army
@servant who scolded mc for employing a slave elf
@revera, the maid servant beynon is having an affair with. the maid servant who found out about mc's mistreatment on the elf
@havid, chief servant, butler servant who found the defilement on the statue of mc's father
@guram, deharem house servant
@kuracin, deharem house servant
@maltao, deharem house servant
@jobilara, the slave trader that mc got the elf
@beynon/veinan, mc's family knight
@noman, a servant of the felgaroin house
@maruhan, a servant of the felgaroin house
@hideltz froheim, captain of the blue flag knights
@loiren/roylen, servant to the iron princess, a professor in the magic institute.
@dremes, the head witch of the poison moon union
@lucus, master of pharos
@pharos, the troubled witch that riya helped. she helped riya get milk for the pudding
@hamtarsin labelo, the red hair inquisitor lady. called by havid to investigate the statue defilement
@rebiham, diocesan bishop, superior of hamtarsin

#witches can't bear children
#witches appearance don't change once they become one, but they will still die when they are too old
#witches is above or equal in terms of rank to nobles.
#poison moon guild, biggest organization of witch. they harbor hatred towards the church and the abolished witch hunt

1 mc, a lord, is being scolded by his trusted servant. The servant warns mc of the 250 years old elf he took as a slave. an elf over hundred is someone more powerful than a great human archmage. the servant tells mc that the elf is toying with mc. mc did not believe the servant. during lunch/dinner, mc eats with the elf. the elf deliberately wanted to be mistreated. mc did not want this. the elf made a mistake. mc let the elf return to her room. mc check his surviellance magic ring to check on the elf. the elf is mad at mc for treating her kindly. mc hurriedly find a collar, went to the elf and orders her to do explicit things. mc must do this mistreatment in order to survive. the elf is delighted with how she's mistreated. one of the maid servants finds out the mistreatment of mc to the elf.

2 the maid servant is in disbelief of the scene she saw. she is having thoughts that mc might have done something to the previous lord before mc succeeded. meanwhile, mc is still fearful for his life. mc believes the elf is acting out a facade of being tortured and that the elf is using her magic to make any kind of pain thrown at her ineffective. but mc must keep it to himself and make the elf believe he is actually mistreating her. mc questions why the elf wants to be mistreated. when mc wants to stop the act for the day, the elf seemed displease. she wanted more. mc tries continuing. mc wants the elf to lick his boots. a sudden change in expression of the elf questions mc's current action.

3 mc is taken aback and wants to stop. the elf took mc's boots and lick it. mc wants to finish up, but the elf is still not satisfied. the mistreatment continues. mc sees the elf is troubled, mc inquires. the elf want to go potty. mc in his sadist mode orders the elf to go potty outside. the elf eyes mc's father's honorable statue. mc realizes the elf want to go potty on statue. mc is hesitant but he must survive. mc orders the elf take a potty on the statue. mc is regretting ordering it. the elf obeyed.

4 mc and the elf went back inside the mansion. mc remembers telling the elf that after the humiliation, he will torture the elf sexually. the elf remembers. mc is hesitant. mc starts the torture. the elf takes it. mc insults the elf. the elf is displease. she wants more. mc notices the candle the elf is looking at. mc takes the candle and drips hot candle wax on the elf. the elf cries in pain. after, mc had enough and leaves the elf. mc went to his room and check his surveillance ring. the elf is unharmed and her face happy. she was satisfied with what happened. mc is relieved he could live for another day. he tries thinking of a way to drive out the elf in case the elf wants to go further than what she wanted him done to her.

5 next day, morning, a butler servant, found out the defilement done on mc's father's statue. the butler servant decides to inform mc of the evil act. mc in his office, had just finished writinf a letter for the slave trader mc got the elf. mc wants the slaver to get the elf back. after, mc needs to be ready in case the elf wants to go further with her schemes. meanwhile, somewhere in the mansion a maid servant and a knight, beynon, is having sex. after the act, beynon leaves the room. mc calls out to beynon and asks to teach him about sex. beynon is confused.

6 beynon tells mc a bit about sex and tells mc that he need to experience first hand. beynon suggests the elf. in mc's thought, it is the reason why he needs to learn about sex in order to satisfy the elf if in case she wants to do it. mc is troubled and couldn't say more. beynon hands mc a flyer. it tells a place that could help mc with his sexual needs. the butler servants appears and tells of a crime regarding the statue. the butler servant also tells mc he has a guest. beynon leaves. mc asks the butler how they would manage such problem. havid, the butler servant, suggests they shoulf root the one who did it and have them punished. mc knows what actually happened. mc did not want to be suspecting, mc gives havid permission to investigate. mc also asks havid to send his letter to the slaver via a witch express mail delivery. havid takes the letter and reminds mc of the guest they have, it is ashley, mc's fiancee. mc is delighted havid let the servants treat ashley well. until, havid tells mc that ashley wants to meet the elf mc got. mc is alarmed. mc knows the personality of the elf. mc blurted out the danger ashley is in. havid reassures mc that ashley treats slaves kindly. mc knows that to the elf, kindness is something the elf slave he has not to be treated with. mc fakes it and heads to ashley. meanwhile, beynon and revera are eavesdropping on havid's and mc's convo. revera suspects it was mc who did the defilement to the statue. she saw the mistreatment of mc towards the elf.

7 mc gets to the room ashley and the elf are in. the two girls are chatting nicely. mc asks havid to leave them. mc, ashley and the elf are left in the room. mc notices the displease look in the elf's face. mc asks how ashley were with the elf. ashley is delighted to meet the elf, it was her first time meeting an elf. the two lovers are chatting happily or at least only ashley. the elf is getting more displease. mc can't help but notice. mc inquires ashley of her visit. ashley says her father will be leaving for the capital since the kings is sending out troops for an expedition. ashley complains about the lacking of the crown. mc warns ashley of her words. ashley is open towards mc. mc lets her. ashley tells mc that her father appoints mc to take care of the land for him as his regent. ashley says it can be seen as a way of testing mc. mc is thinking of the task when the elf suddenly spoke and ask for an order from mc. mc wants to disregard her until he notice the elf's threatening gaze. mc immediately goes sadist mode. mc regrets showing it to ashley. ashley got mad at mc. ashley asks mc why he mistreats his slave. mc tries telling a half truth. he says he has a condition that he'll die if he treat his slave kindly. ashley did not buy it.

8 ashley goes to the elf and comforts her. ashley insults mc. ashley wants to take the elf away from mc. mc saw the risk and stops ashley. ashley makes a bet and says whoever the elf goes to will keep the elf. the elf goes to mc. ashley is greatly disappointed at mc. ashley leaves. after mc feels heart broke. on her way home, ashley think how mc is describe by others and how she saw him. she feel disappointed at mc. ashlet thinks deeper and realizes that there must something that must be making mc act not normal. ashley points it to the elf. ashley wants to learn more about this with mc. later, evening, mc is sitting by his father's statue. he is thinking of what had just happened and the possible breaking of the engagement between him and ashley. mc wants to vent on the elf for ruining his reputation and relationship. suddenly, someone hands mc a letter. mc takes it. mc thinks it from the slaver. mc is surprised the one who handed him the letter is the elf.

9 mc is afraid that the elf might have knew of mc's plan. mc asks the elf about the letter. the elf answers she had no clue. mc reads the letter, it was from the slaver. the slaver says it's not his problem anymore. mc then goes sadist mode and mistreats the elf. mc wants the elf to leave him. the elf in her masochist mode asks mc to punish her more. mc thinks of a way to punish the elf. mc invites the elf to the head office of the mansion. the head office is only accessible to the head of the mansion and no one else is allowed. the elf is naked when she entered. mc did not order her to be naked. mc plans on using wax to torture the elf. the elf is delighted.

10 mc orders the elf that she will become a letter. mc pours hot wax on the naked elf. mc starts writing on the elf. mc made a mistake and stab a little too deep with his quill. mc notices a sudden change on the elf's expression. mc gets afraid.

11 mc proceeds it was the elf's fault. the elf apologized. mc felt relieved. the sadism continues. mc finishes the letter and pours wax on the elf and then leaves a seal. after, mc let the elf go and asks her to read his letter to her. mc felt relieved he survived another day. a bit of the elf's past, many men have proposed to her and she saw through everyone's facade. the elf plans on killing mc in case he rapes her but mc is just too pure. the elf wants to break mc's purity. she is pleased with ehat had happened. mc saw the elf's pleased expression through his survelliance ring.

12 next day, mc received a letter from the pelgaroin family. mc is ready for the unfortunate news. the letter is from ashley brother, fred. fred is concern how ashley is acting weird after her visit from the deharum mansion. mc wanted to write a letter back but suddenly mc got news a guest arrived. it's ashley. ashley is having a chat with the elf. the elf is meek towards ashley. the elf mentions mc violates her for doing simple mistakes. ashley doubts the elf. ashley voices out her concern. suddenly, the meek elf changed her tone. the elf questions the relationship of mc and ashley. she belittles the pure love between the two and even goes to say it isn't actual love. ashley argues back. the elf gets annoyed. the elf fakes a smile and let things slide. ashley realizes the elf is hiding something and that the elf is trying to take mc away from her.

13 mc arrives. ashley tells to make the convo private. the other servant leaves the three. ashley inquires mc what the elf tild her while at the same time whispered to mc to slap her cheek. mc is confused and slap ashley. ashley screamed and had mc arrested. ashley takes mc to away to her carriage. the carriage leaves. mc sees the elf's menacing aura as they leave. the elf is mad at ashley. in the carriage ashley explains to mc it's the only way foe them to speak in private. ashley inquires mc about the elf. mc tells a bit about the elf. mc is relieved that ashley is on his side. the carriage arrive in front of the court house. mc is confused. the two enter. ashley jad mc changed clothes and told mc to meet her at the back again after changing.

14 mc changed. mc meet withs ashley who is also dressed very well. mc is charmed by ashley. ashley then tells mc they have to wear cat ears head band, accessories imbued with magic to disguise themselves. ashley prepares a lot of things just for them to get away from the elf. ashley gets charmed with mc in disguise. mc and ashley goes to a diner. ashley inquires mc about the elf. mc tells a bit about the elf. ashley deduce a few thinfs of the elf. ashley is on mc's side. after, ashley hands mc a potion to regain energy as she sees mc isn't doing well. ashley then head to the restroom. ashley checks her back, the potion intended for mc is still in her bag. ashley gave the wrong potion to mc. ashley gave a potion that unleashes a persons inner evil self.

15 ashley hurries to mc. she finds mc complaining to the server. ashley thought it would be worse. mc's evil self is a respectable noble without a hint of cruelty. he's voices out his annoyance but still acts noble. the two continues their date. ashley leaves mc to buy an icecream. ashley meets the witch who gave her the potion. dremes, the witch, did not recognize ashley. ashley removes her cat ears and introduced herself. dremes wants to give ashley the same potion. ashley rejects it. she confirms to herself that mc is a very kind person. ashley tells dremes that she likes mc, the way he is.

16 dremes felt teasing ashley. ashley returns to mc with the icecream. dremes used her magic to make ashley spill icecream on herself. mc evil mode, takes ashley elsewhere, to the restroom. mc wipes the icecream off ashley, in the process, mc exposes ashleys chest to himself. mc says that ashley is his no matter where they are. suddenly, the evil potion wore off. mc went back to himself. mc covers ashley. the two are embarrassed at each other. meanwhile, the elf is suspecting of ashley but let things be. the elf wants to eat something sweet, a pudding. the elf goes in disguise as riya, the witch of the black flame. she heads to her favorite pudding shop. she meets the racoon owner. the racoon sayd he doesn't have pudding since the supply for milk in unavailable. riya tells she'll get the milk. the racoon gives info to riya. riya heads out. the racoon wants to tell riya that dremes is looking for her but he couldn't. on riya's way, she spots a witch doing a graduation last mission. the witch is in pinch. riya arrives to help. riya inquires to the witch the whereabouts of the minotaur, the milk source.

17 the witch thanked riya and tells her that riya shouldn't impersonate the witch of the black flames. riya threatens the witch. the witch helps riya find the milk source. while the two gets to the milk source, the witch tells riya the many new things happening with the witches. riya is suprised but not concerned. riya reveals she isn't actually a witch. the witch is confused but let things be and says riya is a fake. riya says she is the black flames. the witch asks riya to show off her move. riya got mad that dremes gave her skill s complicated name. suddenly, the two found the milk source. riya unleashes her skill. the witch finally believe riya is real. she asks why riya disappeared. riya says the witches are just humans nothing more. riya orders the witch the fetch milk. the witch asks for a bottle for her graduation mission, riya lets her have it. after, riya went back to the pudding shop with buckets of milk. the racoon tells it'll take three hours. riya will wait for the pudding. thr racoon mentions the poison moon guild is looking for her, specifically dremes. she isn't concern about it. riya say's she wants two pudding but instead say she only wants one. riya also says thay the racoon must find another guild to supply him milk and next timr she goes to shop, she might be bring someone with her. the racoon asks if the person is someone she likes, riya smiles and says she isn't sure.

18 meanwhile, pharos, witch who riya helped, and lucus, pharos's master, went back to the minotaur and confirms that riya is alive. lucus is in awe that riya, who's believed to have died, had returned. lucus believes riya's return will cause a huge stir in the witches society. riya becomes an elf again and returns to the deharum/deharem household. she has the pudding with her. the cook wants to give her a tea to go along with the pudding. the elf sets the pudding aside to get her tea. meanwhile, mc and ashley just finished their date. they're on the carriagr and are now in front of the deharem mansion. mc remembers what he did during their date. ashley misunderstood and tells mc to stsy strong when it comes to the elf. ashley says she's on his side. mc gets off the carriage. ashley, on the carriage, leaves. mc felt the need to stay strong. mc enters the mansion and finds a tasty pudding. mc suspects it from the elf. mc thought that the elf prepared it for him. mc goes sadist mode and thought he'd insult the pudding the elf made after tasting it. mc tasted the pudding it was delicious. mc finishes the pudding. the elf arrives. mc insults the pudding he had just finished. the elf got mad. mc regrets entering sadist mode. the elf is furiously pissed off.

19-21 mc thought the elf found out about his date with ashley. mc inquires if the pudding not for him. it was not for him. mc wants to run away. the elf denies mc to leave. the elf orders mc to take a sit and be ready for dinner. mc obeys. the elf whispers to mc that he needs to punish her for her mistakes. mc asks what mistake she did. the elf suddenly dropped the teapot and cup on her hand. mc suggests of his previous tortures. the elf denies them. the elf wants sex. mc isn't ready for this. mc wants time to prepare, he asks for 10 days. the elf wants it sooner. mc suggest for a week. the elf rejects. mc asks for 5 days. the elf tells mc it should be 4. mc takes the flyer he got from beynon. mc had dremes visit him. dremes asks what mc is troubled with. mc is forward and says he needs help as he will be having sex within 4 days. dremes teases mc. it isn't effective and it backfired. dremes suggest mc having an aphrodisiac. dremes thought the partner of mc will drink it. she was surprised when mc asks if its fine if he drinks it. dremes is confused but lets it. dremes leaves the room she was in. dremes finds the elf. dremes thought it was riya but realizes it wasn't. havid then appears to make payment for dremes. the elf disappears. meanwhile, the elf is in her room. she almost blew her cover when she found dremes in the mansion. she is also thinking about her past and how she kept her virginity. she find no one best to give it to. but with mc it's different. three days later, the time has arrived. evening, the elf arrives in mc's chamber. the elf notices two potion bottles that mc had just drank. one is an aphrodisiac and the other is the same potion that mc drank during his date with ashley. the elf does not know what mc drank and about mc's date. while the foreplay deed is happening, the elf is remembering the chat and debate she had with ashley concerning love. to mc such act is his way to survive. as for the elf, she wants mc to fall in love with her. mc got a magic tool from dremes, its used to make the partner aroused easily. mc equips it to the elf. it's somewhat ineffective. they have do the deed. mc wants to survive but mc is confused. he did not know where to insert. the elf thought mc is teasing her.

22 mc finally found the target. mc is confused with the elfs reaction. mc does not believe he just did it witha virgin elf. mc is doing everything to survive. the elf is feeling euphoric. her mind is going blank. she wants mc to fall in love with her. after the first round, mc did not notice any reaction from the elf, he thought thr elf is still unsatisfied. the elf is just catching her breath. mc goes for the second round. the elf is shocked.

23 everytime the elf wants mc to stop, mc in sadist mode thinks she wants more. the elf has to concede. the elf vows to make mc submit to her next time. after the second round, the elf showed meek behavior. mc in sadist mode, feel the need to continue. the elf refuses. suddenly, mc realizes he had actually hurt thr elf. the elf leaves. mc's last insult to the elf left a hurtful taste towards her, she hasn't realized it yet. the elf felt defeated.

24 havid is in mc's room to clean up. havid gives the assessment of mc's mission. havid says he's proud that mc finally did it and even thought that mc is uninterested with woman. havid says mc will have to do better when it comes to ashley the next time he does the deed. in mc's thought he did it to survive. mc needed something, a magic tool in order to help him. mc thought of something that will aid him vs the elf. next day, havid gathers the servants in front of the statue of mc's father. havid asks the perpetrator to confess. no one confessed. havid sayd he will ask the church's help and get an inquisitor to find the criminal. revera is afraid that she knows a bit if the truth. meanwhile, mc is shopping in a weapon store. mc buys a c4. mc will be using vs the elf. mc think about thr miserable face thr elf showed after their deed but mc thought it was just the elf acting. mc must not have any sympathy.

25 mc got his c4. mc and beynons are return back to yhe mansion. beynon inuires mc about thr flyers he gave to mc. mc said he didn't go there but instead invited dremes to the mansion. beynon wanted to meet dremes and asks mc to call him when mc invites dremes again. beynon asks mc for something in return for helping mc find dremes. mc offers beynon dinner. beynon accepts it. when they return, mc is met up by havid. havid informs mc that he got a heresy judge, an inquisitor, to help with the statue investigation. mc is surprised but mc sees it as a advantsge vs the elf. mc welcomes this turn of events. mc tells havid to gather the servants to offer a pray in the chapel before the judge arrive. mc will be in his office doing his prayer. and if the inquires mc, mc told havid to let the elf find mc in his officr and she should bring a dog bowl. mc now has an alibi while he set up his trap for the elf. when havid left, mc planted the c4. the plan gets executed. the servants are in the chapel and the elf is coming to meet mc. when the elf is in the c4 range, mc sets it off. the c4 explodes. the elf's clothes gets blown away. the elf is unscathed. the elf continues to the to mc's office. mc tries to act cool and asks why the elf is naked. the elf is mad and tells mc someone played a prank in the courtyard.

26 mc pretends he does not have any clue. mc goes in sadist mode and reprimands the elf for her being naked. mc wants the elf to leave. the elf wants to be punish. the elf tells mc she will be waiting in his room. mc is relieved he thought the elf did not suspect him. mc has to obey elf to live. mc and the elf meet in mc's room. mc does the initiative. the elf is deep in her thought. her first thought is that her first time is what her lose and the second thought is someone is out to get mc, her plaything. mc starts. the elf suddenly felt she's in the disadvantage. the elf wants mc to slow down. mc, in sadist mode, thought the elf is ordering him to be harsher and rough. the elf regrets not focusing on the deed. mc gains the upper hand.

27 the elf getting silence made mc feel the elf is unsatisfied. in truth, the elf is catching her breath. mc goes rougher. the elf feels insulted but feel great pleasure. mc insults the elf. the elf just takes it. her mind is blank. mc finishes. the elf is frozen. mc feels the need to be kind to the elf and carries her away. the elf felt warmth and satisfy. in mc's mind, he just need to await the coming of the inquisitor and his days with the elf will finally be over.

28 three days later, the inquisitor arrives. she has hidden agenda on her own. she first met the elf. the inquisitor tried inquiring the elf. the elf ignores her. the inquisitor tries man handling the elf. the elf got mad. the inquisitor felt the elf's rage. mc arrives to stop the elf. mc welcomes the inquisitor. the inquisitor introduces herself as hamtarsin libelo. mc asks what happened between her and the elf. hamtarsin says the elf is not a normal slave. mc is fear that hamtarsin showing logical thought of the elf's identity in front of her will cause an immediate murder. mc reprimands the elf. the elf goes meek. the elf then exposes her and mc sexual escapade. mc cannot lie to hamtarsin. hamtarsin says its fine. hamtarsin then goes to his actual business. she requires a few things for mc, a place to gather the servantd and a private space for the interrogation. a mc obliges hamtarsin's request. during the inquisition, mc thought mc is safe being the heir and son of the previous head and the elf won't do anything as she is currently satisfied. suddenly, during an interrogation, revera, the maid servant got out, saw mc, and ran away. hamtarsin approached mc and accused mc of being the the culprit.  hamtarsin just learned of the truth. the elf who is beside mc suddenly woke up from her sleep. she is extremely pissed off with hamtarsin.

29 mc notices the elf's animosity towards hamtarsin. at this point, mc is conflicted between saving himself and stopping the murderous intent of the elf. mc plays it cool and questions how hamtarsin gets to the conclusion that mc is the culprit. mc says that an eyewitness's testinomy should not be immediately concluded as the truth. mc offers to take up the interrogation for the truth. the elf is visibly pissed off. mc's wants the elf not to fet involved with the investigation. mc and hamtarsin heads to the confessional booth. after entering, mc immediately confessed the truth and how the elf is holding him hostage as well everyone in the household. mc wants hamtarsin to let things go so that the elf wouldn't go on a rampage. mc also confess how he tried to hurt the elf but the elf is unscathed. mc hands the remote control for the c4 used vs the elf. mc requests for help to chase away the elf. hamtarsin hears mc but she cannot remove the fact that mc might be lying. hamtarsin wants to interrogate the elf. mc is furious. hamtarsin says she will be fine. mc fetches the elf for the interrogation. while the elf is called. hamtarsin can't help but think that mc is lying and he is belittling the order. the elf arrives. suddenly, the elf burst into the side of the interrogator. hamtarsin gets ensnared in magic. hamtarsin is in disbelief of how stronf the elf is. the elf is mad at hamtarsin. she thought it was hamtarsin who tried to kill mc with the c4 because hamtarsin has the remote control.

30 hamtarsin tries explaining. the elf did not let her speak. the elf placed a barrier around the confessional booth. hamtarsin notices the remote control and thought that mc planted the evidence on her. the elf says killing hamtarsin would cause an immediate end to her current happy life. the elf sexually tortures hamtarsin. it took hours until hamtarsin gives in. suddenly, they hear a knock outside, it was mc. mc is concerned with what is happening inside.

31 the elf places a death curse mark on hamtarsin. the elf orders hamtarsin to leave them be. the torture isn't over yet. hamtarsin answers the knock. although, hamtarsin still thinks mc is a bad person, she tries asking for help. the elf stops her. hamtarsin says the interrogation will continue and they must be left alone. mc obliges. the torture continues. hamtarsin wants to tell the elf the trith regarding the c4. the elf did not let her speak. the torture continues and then hamtarsin give in to the pleasure.

32 the elf fixes hamtarsin up. the death curse is still on hamtarsin. hamtarsin knows she must stay away. hamtarsin leaves, she meets mc. she tells mc everything is fine and the interrogation is over. mc is not informed of the result. mc thought hamtarsin will be calling back up to chase away the elf. meanwhile, hamtarsin just returned to the church. the diocesan bishop rebiham inquires her of the result, hamtarsin wants to tell the truth suddenly, hamtarsin felt the seal placed on her. hamtarsin it was all a mistunderstand and everything is fine. the bishop rebiham dismisses hamtarsin. the bishop rebiham knows hamtarsin is lying. the bishop accuses of mc being a vile person to even inflict great mental stress on an inquisitor. the bishop plans on visiting mc to find out the truth but first she must do her immediate duties. meanwhile, hamtarsin went to her room to play with herself. she got addicted to the torture and she isn't getting satisfied.

33 in the felgaroin estate, ashley is reprimanding fred, his brother. fred is planning to go out. ashley says fred must be careful and should be instead be managing the land since he's the next successor in line. fred does not to be concerned with his family affair. fred points to their ither brother meldon who should succeed. ashley voice her disgust. fred then suggests ashley should succeed. ashley says such idea is absurd. fred says, ashley should use mc's reputation to her advantage. ashley lets fred leave. fred supports the couple's relationship. meanwhile, in the deharem estate, mc is waiting for the aid coming from the church. suddenly, a carriage from the felgaroin house arrive, a servant, maruhan, is meant to escort mc to go to the felgaroin house. mc will become regent while the head of the felgaroin is out on an expedition. mc rushes to get his things. he is happy he'll get away from the elf for at least a bit of a while. when mc finished preparation and enters the carriage, mc finds the elf already waiting for him. maruhan says the elf introduced herself as mc's treasured slave. maruhan immediately understood and let the elf in. mc's freedom from the elf is suddenly cut off. mc and the elf goes to the felgaroin estate.

34 along the way, mc goes to sleep. the elf does sexual act on sleeping mc. the elf is remembering the past while she does it. the elf is hesitant to doing it on her own. suddenly, the carriage hit a road bump, things just happened. the elf couldn't keep her silence. mc woke up. mc wants to stop the elf. the elf stops mc from pushing her away. suddenly, the road got bumpy. the elf scolds mc. mc couldn't hold it anymore. the deed gets finished. suddenly, maruhan opens the carriage door to welcom mc to the felgaroin estate. she witness both mc and the elf on the act. maruhan reprimands mc to keep things in moderate. mc tries to explain. maruhan says her lips are sealed.

35 maruhan takes mc to his office in the felgaroin estate. mc can't help but think that fred, ashley's brother, should be the one in charge and mc will only be assisting. mc thinks fred is swayed to estrange himself from the family affair since the death their eldest brother. mc did not think much about it. mc asks maruhan what he should focus on whilr managing. maruhan says nothing much except for a band of bandits, the righteous ten, that are troubling the land. mc wants to work on the bandits immediately. maruhan dissuades mc and tells him that he should relax at the moment as there is a party held for mc, to welcome mc and to commemorate mc's first time being a regent. ashley specifically wants mc to join. mc and the elf went to the party. mc did not like the fake smile atmosphere. suddenly, ashley greets mc coldly. mc immidiately knew ashley is faking it since the elf is also there. the narrative to the elf is that mc and ashley had a fall out. ashley invites mc to a table. the elf is glowing a murderous aura. ashley could feel it. ashley wants to tell mc something about the elf. ashley wants mc to dance with her, that way they'll be closer and could speak more in silent. in order to keep the narrative, ashley ask mc to be forceful and rough with her. mc does so. the two went to the furthest corner away from the elf. when mc inquires what ashley wants to tell him. ashley says, she wants to dance with mc. mc obliges with the request.

36 ashley an info she got on the elf. ashley says there are no record of any elf with red eyes. and the elf mc has hsve red eyes. ashley heard of a rumor of misfortune if in case one ever finds an elf with red eyes. ashley goes on that the elf must have been so powerful that she herself destroyed all record regarding her or there is an organization that is backing her. ashley says the elf is a rare class of the elf species and that her being captured is planned out. mc realizes the slaver he got the elf is not running away from him to refund the elf but is actually running away from the elf. mc felt fearful. ashley notices mc's shaking hands. mc tells ashley that the elf is menacingly looking at them. mc asks ashley to slap him, this is to go with the narrative of the fall out. ashley does so. mc does a villain act. ashley leaves. the elf appears by mc's side, she wants to comfort mc. mc pushes the elf away. later that night, ashley is thinking about what happened during the party. ashley explains to the guests that mc tries to forcefully kiss her and so she slapped him. the guest believes it and says its normal between lovers. ashley couldn't get her mind on mc's villain act. she's falling more to mc's sadist mode. suddenly, there was a knock outside her bedroom door. it was mc. ashley immediately dressed seductively.

37 a bit of thought of ashley, she had lived a very strict and proper lifestyle. the way how mc treats the elf, ashley feels jealous towards the elf. back ti the present, ashley in a robe let mc in her bedroom. the two sits on the bed side by side. ashley is concerned that the elf may suddenly appear. mc says the elf is asleep and he's sure of it since the elf is having a nightmare. after, mc confesses his sin. mc's first time is taken by someone else. mc apologizes. ashley suddenly kisses mc. it's the first kiss for both. ashley goes on with her rhetorc that even if mc had done it before, mc will be doing first time with someone he love. ashley tells mc to do to her what he did to the elf. mc felt the jealousy of ashley. ashley asks what the elf did to mc. mc did not want to tell ashley. ashley insists on knowing.

38 mc tells ashley what the elf did to him. ashley tries to do it to mc as well. after does the act. mc is in his sadist mode?? ashley thinks mc is serious about the act.

39 the battlr continues. ashley mind is going blank with the euphoria. suddenly, ashley becomes concious, she is feeling good but she does not know if mc is feeling good as well.

40 mc answers honestly and says he's barely holding on to his senses, that how good he feels. the battle continues. the bond between the two goes deeper. the battle ends.

41 the love between the two gets sealed. the battle continues again. ashley swears she will not lose mc to the elf. few days later, mc is busy concerning the band if bandits, the righteous ten. the elf barged in his office and wants to get tortured. mc sends her away. the elf is mad. mc is tired to notice. the elf leaves. the next day, the captain of the blue knights, hideltz froheim came to greet mc. mc notices a tear on the knight's captain's cape. mc inquires about it. hideltz says it was mc's elf. mc apologizes. suddenly, maruhan barges in mc's office. she bears good news, the righteous ten have turned themselves in.

42 mc meets with the bandits. the bandits says they are afraid of mc. maruhan says that there had been a fall out within the band of bandits after getting defeated in a few of mc's ordered arrest, a conflict occurs which killed almost half of them. the surviving bandits surrendered themselves. mc notices the grest fesr in the bandits' eyes. mc notices who they were looking at. it was the elf. mc leaves the rest of the work to the knights. mc takes the elf with him. mc goes sadist mode. mc scolds the elf for tesring the knight captain's cape and told her she will punish that night. the elf wanted the punishment be done immediately, outside, in the pathway. mc takes the elf to somewhere a bit secluded and punished the elf. mc insults the elf. the elf felt meek. mc thinks hard that the elf is just acting. mc goes rough. the elf wants to kiss mc. mc blocks it.

43 the elf got mad but mad in a sad sense. she asks mc to continue the torture. mc tries insulting the elf. the elf orders mc to be silent. the elf is visibly crying. she felt rejected when mc blocked her kiss. the elf orders mc to continue with the torture and get rougher. she wants to what had just happened away from her mind. mc obeys. the torture ends. mc orders the elf to get dress and follow him. the elf is mad and tells mc to leave her. mc, with sadist mode off, feels he made a mistake. mc covers the naked elf with his coat. the elf feels as if mc is consoling her.

44 few days later, mc had the elf fix hideltz cape. the elf made a nice embroidery which spread around the estate. many requested the elf to embroider patterns on their own cape. the elf had been doing nothing but sewing. mc, normal mode, wants to ask the elf's past. the elf gave no info about her. suddenly, mc receives a news that the felgaroin head had return. mc went to greet the count. mc leaves the elf doing her sewing in the office. mc meets with the count, leobelk felgaroin. the count is wary of mc but he recognizes mc's achievement. the count commends mc's subjugation of the bandits and wants to reward mc. the count also inquires how mc's relationship with ashley. mc says he'll be proposing on the same day. the count inquires what happened during the welcoming party. mc made it a narrative that it was thanks to that scene that the relationship of the two is sealed. the count tells mc to go and propose to ashley. mc stands up to leave. before mc could leave, the count says there are royals who are interested with mc and that a letter may have already been sent to the deharem mansion as of the moment. mc realizes that the count have made a way for mc to be recognize even by the royalty. mc voice his thanks. mc meets with ashley.

45 mc proposed to ashley. mc wears the ring to ashley. ashley invites mc to her father's main study. mc saw many books and collections. mc finds a picture book made by ashley, he was impressed. mc praised her. mc finds the lewd book he also had. ashley says she understand mc being interested in such book. ashley kisses mc and says she's ready to satisfy mc's urges.

46 mc says it isn't his intention. ashley says she intent something to happen. the two engage in battle.

47 the battle continues. both of them won. after, ashley tells mc to hide the rings when with the elf. mc agrees. after, mc escorts ashley back to her room then leaves her. when ashley is alone in her room, the elf suddenly appears. ashley tries hiding the ring, the elf says she saw everything. the elf is infuriated

48 the elf says she knew about the narrative lie they showed to her. ashley did not deny it. ashley inquires about the info she got on the elf. about how the elf made mc buy her and how the elf made mc do acts mc don't normally do. ashley then mentions the words black witch. the elf is surprised. ashley reveals she knew the elf is the black witch. the elf did not deny it and says she'll just fake it. ashley says her word would be more believable coming out of a count's daughter. the elf threatens ashley she could erase her memories. ashley counters by telling that she had already informed her subordinates they'd expose the elf in case something happens to her via the hidden sealed letters ashley spread. the elf remains silent. ashley says as long as nothing happens the elf's secret will remain kept. the elf suddenly had a flashback of a young boy mc. the elf tells ashley she'll quiet down as ashley says. right when the elf leaves, ashley declares war on the elf. ashley says she loves mc and one day, she'll rescue mc from her. the elf is mad.

49 mc meets with ashley. it's his last day in the felgaroin estate. mc notices ashley is wearing her engagement ring and the elf is with them mc is shocked. the elf suddenly asks mc why mc isn't wearing his. mc is confused. ashley hugs mc and bid him to take care. mc tells her the same. mc realizes that ashley found a secret that is an advantage vs the elf but it is something he shouldn't know about. the elf is shock at the scene she saw. after, mc and the elf returns back to the deharem mansion. mc receives the letter the count mentioned to him. the letter says the interest in mc's rain making magic research. the letter says the mc has 1 week to complete the research and that imperial inspectors will arrive in order to assess mc's work. the letter is from the iron princess, benelia von esteban. mc is in a dilemma. the magic research is too great and complicated for himself to finish. even with everything the magic promises is great and impressive, mc couldn't do it. mc asks his servant when the letter was sent, the servant says it was sent 4 days ago. mc only 3 days left. mc then realizes the elf went missing. mc is suspecting the elf will do something just for her to get tortured. meanwhile, elsewhere, the iron princess decided not to let her inspectors deal with the rain magic research of mc. the iron princess will take the matters personally. she will be the one inspecting.

50 mc heads to his office. mc finds the elf with the research paper and a candle in hand. mc tells the elf to stop. the elf meekly says she couldn't since she has no power to control her hands. she had been tired from all the sewing she did in the felgarion estate. the research paper is one of the most precious things he has. it contains not only a life long work but also memories of his late father. mc got geniunely mad and hit the elf. mc got the papers back. mc is real mad. after, mc kicks the elf out of his office. 3 days passed, mc locked himself in his office trying to finish the research. the elf enters, mc is asleep. the elf helps finish the research. the elf sees the vision mc had for the magic. the elf can't help but think that mc is geniunely kind. the elf thought she is helping mc because she wants to keep her toy.

51 on the appointed date, mc comes face to face with the iron princess, benelia. mc is confused. mc is playing chess benelia. benelia asks personal questions to mc. mc honestly answers. mc gains an advantage in the game. benelia offers a draw, mc rejects it and says he'll be breaking a promise to the princess if he accept the draw. the promise is for mc to not hold back in their game. the princess concedes. mc is the victor. the princess then asks mc's opinion on political views, mc answered honestly with what he thinks. the princess also voicr out her views. mc is surprised at what benelia thinks. benelia is impressed that mc remains upright despite her political provocation. it was her main intention to check why the count felgarion speak highly of mc. benelia did not expect much of the magic research mc has. benelia witnessed the completed magic mc has. benelia is impressed. mc is confused.

52 mc immediately knew it was the elf's doing. the princess praises mc. mc couldn't accept the praise and says it wasn't impressive as it took him some time. the princess is amaze at how humble mc is. mc feels empty that it wasn't him that did the research but he couldn't say anything to deny it. loiren, the servant, commends mc and even want mc to teach magic. mc refuses. benelia asks how much is the maximum amount they could give mc for the magic mc just finished. it was enough to let mc live a leisurely life for a lifetime. benelia says it wouldn't be enough and orders to get a chunk from her own personal treasure. mc wants to refuse. benelia threatens mc if he's questioning her decision. suddenly, benelia asks mc a personsl opinion. what does mc think of the iron princess. mc truthfully answers his hesrt out and says the princess is a sad person. mc explains from his pov of how a daughter is sent to war at an early age when she should be doing other things. benelia remember a bit of her sad past. benelia is impressed how mc is able to piece together a bit of truth regarding her past. benelia, with a smile, tells mc she'll be seeing mc quite often.

53 mc receives the reward from the iron princess. benelia tells mc she'll see her again. the iron princess and her team leaves. mc goes to the elf and gives her his thanks. mc then promises her he'll do anything she wants. the elf wishes for mc to treat her like how mc treats ashley. mc obliges and promises he'll try. the elf is bit torn when mc said he'd try but that's good enough. later on, mc dreams of him as a young man and in front of her is lady with black hair. they talked of memories, erasing them and destiny. mc wakes up. mc finds the elf sitting by his bed. it was the next day already. mc promised to treat the elf like ashley for the day. the elf somehow do not like it. mc keeps mentioning ashley's name. the elf says she hates it. mc plans to go out with the elf for the day. and once again, mc mentions he'll try his best to satisfy the elf's desire.

54 mc takes the elf to clothes store. the elf is interest in accesories. the elf finds a magic accessory that records voice, it has a downside of irritating the skin of the user. the elf checks it out and records voices. the clerk asks who the elf is to mc. mc, who is asked to treat the elf as ashley, says the elf is someone precious and he hold dear. the elf recorded the convo. mc wanted to return the accessory since it's expensive and it will cause skin problem with the elf. the elf denies it and wants the magic accessory. mc gets the magic accessory for the elf. after, the two leaves the store, the elf questions mc's assets despite buying her an expensive accessory. mc honestly answers he's fine and thay he'll be receiving more. mc says he's also giving back to charity what he gets as he have always been doing. the elf questions mc's generosity. mc says it's a matter of choice, he can keep everything but it will make only him happy but he gives, many will be happy. the elf begins the question her memory of mc in the past. the elf remembers mc not to be kind and now mc is geniunely kind. the elf is torn in her own dilemma. the elf suddenly request for them to go back to the mansion. the elf wants to do it with mc as how mc do it with ashley.

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66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

9/10 A great read. The story so far is like a character development of the mc. And mind you, the mc is supposed to be OP who is from the anc...