Friday, June 7, 2024

Second Coming of Gluttony (manwha until chapter 46 season 1 finale) °

@venerable gula
@gwi chang
@seul/red haired man!/seol ji-hu, mc, gold mark, invited, gold key no.1, warrior class spearman
@seol jinhee, mc's sister
@yoo seonhwa/sunhwa/sun-hwa, manager of a coffee shop
@hanna kim, team leader at shinyung/shinyoung, she gave her gold grade marker to mc as a special privilege of an invitee. ms. foxy
@han, guide/instructor of area 1 tutorial
@maria mariah yeriel, blonde lady, she does a self imposed vow of silence, her mouth is unfiltered
@lee seol-ah, bronze mark, invited, revived sister of sung-ji, archer class
@lee sung-jin, bronze mark, invited, warrior class
@lee hyung-sik/yi hyunsik, bronze mark, invited
@jung min-woo/jeong winwoo, bronze mark, invited
@hyun sang-mi, bronze mark, invited
@kang suk/seok, silver mark, invited, white haired
@yoon seo-ra, silver mark, invited, warrior class
@shin sang-ah, entered the gate through a contract, she's the first to complaint in the auditorium. she was with lee sung-jin after they got out of the auditorium. she got the priest class after her awakening.
@delphine, area 2, a french girl in area two, she uses her magic power to carry all the participants in her area. key no.2, she becomes a magician class after her awakening.
@tong cha, area 5, he wears a robe usually seen from middle eastern countries, key no.6
@salvatorre leorda, area 2, he has a bluish white hair, gold key no.5 or no.4
@hao win, area 7, he wears a business suit, key no.3
@claire agnes, area 2 instructor, sicilia's guide devil
@cinzia, the red haired lady in the neutral zone, boss/general manager in the neutral zone
@burrito, the bump guy who is having an affair with his partner in crime, leech girl.
@alex, a level 3 priesr
@hugo, a level 4 barbarian warrior

#paradise high school
#diary of a certain student, something like a "future diary" thing
#invitees, invited, they are given special privilege at the start
#contractees, contracted, they git contracted into joining the gate. they receive no special privilege at the start.
#their are participants in other regions if the world as well. the regions are called area.
#area 1, the place where mc and the other participants he met are here, korean region
#area 2, europe region, a french girl, delphine, kept every participants alive by her eliminating the monsters.
#area 3, german region
#area 4, north america
#area 5, asian region, the invitees in this region took the contractees as hostages. sacrifice are made to keep them from accomplishing tasks.
#area 6, africa region, failed to clear the tutorial
#area 7, china region
#area 8, south africa region, failed to clear the tutorial
#area 9, oceania region, failed to clear the tutorial
#neutral zone, lost paradise, participants must acquire 1000 survival points in order to get to the next level. various ways are given to the participants to accumulate survival points.
#vip area in the neutral zone, accessible to participants with 1k+ points. there are healing and full recovery area in here as well baths and many thing. the vip store is also here. the high points ranker in the tutorial area are each given a key for a room in the vip area.
#vip store in the neutral zo e, 1 its created by the seven deities to aid participants, 2 products sold are unique, only one item exists, once sold they won't ever be restocked, 3 the number of people able to use the store is very limited
#information board/quest board in the reception hall in the neutral zone. participants may take quests posted on the board, if they tear it, they will be immediately teleported to the location of the quest. quests have a limited number if attempts. failure of quests makes the participant/s do over  or face a penalty. success will grant them survival points. party missions requires more than half of the participants to not be in the same area region they came from.
#competence potions, boosts training effectiveness. vip stores are enhance greatly compared to regular bought potions.

1 post apocalyptic/war scene, a bloodied and beaten princess struggling to stay concious regrets trusting. an eerie apparation appears. the apparation stops by a man in even worse condition. his name is gwi chang, the phantom spear. the apparation asks the beaten man what his wishes are, since the man fulfilled his end of the deal. (only the apparation could understand the man, the man wanted to regress but he it will be hopeless. the apparation says it can't be done and if it can he will have most of his memories wiped and only his emotion would be retained. the man dies. the beaten princess spoke up. she asks why the apparation can't grant the man's wish. the apparation says the man returning back won't change anything. the apparation regrets he couldn't save the man. the princess takes out her necklace and showed it to the apparation. the princess asks the apparation to keep its promise on the royal throne. the apparation asks what the princess wishes. the princess wishes for the man to regress as the man wished for. the apparation says the man will lose his memories and only his feelings and regrets will be kept. the princess wants it to be done. the apparation does its magic. the princess will also regress? the apparation waits in anticipation for them three once again reuniting.) - ((this is a very confusing scene but perhaps in later chapter things will be revealed))

time regressed. a red haired person can be seen gambling in a casino. the red haired person goes all in with his bet.

2 the red haired person rushes outside. he lost the gamble. two men heard rumors about the red haired man. he used to be great at gambling untip one day things just changed and then he kept on losing. the red haired man needed money. he went to a coffee shop. he tried to scam them. the manager, yoo seonhwa, step in. she knows the red haired man. the red haired man demands compensation. yoo seonhwa transfers money to the red haired man. yoo seonhwa is indebted towards the red haired man and with the money transfered she says she's already paid her debt to the red haired man. the red haired man belittles how yoo seonhwa showed her gratitude. yoo seonhwa starts crying. she once look up to the red haired man and even mentions he was her mental support and out of the sudden, he just changed. the red haired man blames something he had lose.

3 back story of the red haired man. back then, he was able to see lights. when he sees green lights, nothing would happen. but if he sees a different color, something else would happen. the red haired man, when he was able to, tested it this abilities of his in a casino. he kept raking in money. until one day, he became sick and the lights started to grew faint. it was getting hard for him to use his ability to see the lights and finally after, he lose his ability. unfortunately, he had already became addicted to gambling and without his ability, he lost everything. back to the present, the red haired man, is drinking away himself near the pier. there is pocket in his money, it's from yoo seonhwa. he plans on gambling more, hoping he'd have another chance. the red haired man fell asleep. suddenly, a mystical gem appeared above his forehead and it flooded his mind of memories of a post apocalyptic scene. the red haired man woke up. he remembers the crying face of yoo seonhwa. he wanted to change and clean things up. he wanted to give the money back. he checked his pocket. the money is gone.

4 the red haired man panicked. but it was no use. the red haired man then decides to kill himself. he sees himself as a lost cause. the red haired man starts crying and suddenly, lights starts appearing. his ability returned. suddenly, a lady appears. the red haired man suddenly felt a deja vu. the red haired man seemed to have seen this scene in his dream. he saw himself meeting with the lady. the lady, hanna kim, wants to talk with the red haired man. she asks if they could talk. the red haired man went to her. when hanna kim gives the red haired man her business card, the words "meat shield" came to his mind. even ge himself don't understand. hanna kim then give a business proposal to the red haired man. hanna kim showed a bag full of money. she asks the red haired man to go gambling with her. the red haired man says he had already quit gambling and asks how hanna kim knew about him. hanna kim asks why he did and how he'd pay off his debts. the red haired man asks again how hanna kim knew about him. hanna kim says she, as a business team leader, did her research and she wants to hire the red haired man. the red haired man tries analyzing the situation and suddenly the words, "meat shield" came once again in his mind. the red haired man refuses hanna kim's offer. hanna kim does a business tactic to lure the red haired man into her business. the red haired man then says he doesn't want a contract but an invitation.

5 in his dream, the red haired man saw himself fighting an great number of monsters. when the fighting is done and the red haired man is at his deathbed, he made a wish to a god. he wish a do over. and in his dream, everything started with him meeting with hanna kim. back to the present, hanna kim is flustered at how the red haired man knew what to say. hanna kim inquires how the red haired knew. the red haired man refuses to answer. the red haired man then tries to blackmail hanna kim and her company. hanna kim says that the red haired man's statement won't make a difference. the red haired man says he knew it won't but hanna kim will get a penalty from her superiors. the red haired man then once again asks for an invitation. hanna kim tries to negotiated, it was no use. hanna kim then gives conditions to the red haired man. first, he must have never entered the other world once. the red haired man says he hasn't. second, he must tell hanna kim his secrets and how he knew about the other world. the red haired man refuses. hanna kim then entices the red haired man with a special invite. the red haired man says he will in the future if he gets to trust her more. and as for the last condition, if in case the red haired man gets to the other world, he must first make a deal with her before anyone else. the red haired man knows about the slave contract and as per their condition, it is not a contract but an invitation. the red haired man accepts the conditions. hanna kim gets a golden stamp out of her bag and stamped the red haired man.

6 the stamp on the red haired man's palm glowed, gets absorbed and disappeared. hanna kim gives the red haired man documents to read regarding the other world. hanna kim also says there will be a gate opening after an hour. she advices the red haired man to do everything he needs to be done before going to the gate and whatever he do, he must survive. hanna kim then hands over the missing money of the red haired man. she warns her of sleeping outside. the red haired man weny back to the coffee shop of yoo seonhwa. yoo seonhwa lashed out at him and hid in the staff room. the other staffs keep the red haired man from following. the red haired man asks the staff to give the money he got back to yoo seonhwa. the red haired man leaves and goes to an alley, the time for the gate opening is about to happen. the red haired man wants to send a last chat to yoo seonhwa. yoo seonhwa, gets out of the staff room, heard of what the red haired man did and tried following him. she went to the alley that the red haired man went to but before they could meet, the red haired man got teleported. the red haired man's phone was left on the ground. yoo seonhwa saw the phone and checks it. she saw an unfinished chat. it says "I'm sor.." the red haired man wakes up in his room. he checked outside and there were no people. an message alerted in a phone on his table.

7 the red haired man check the phone. he got a confirmation of his registration. then another alert came, he need to get to the auditorium of paradise highschool within an alloted time. he went to the school. on his way, he noticed there were no people around. when he got to the school auditorium a blond lady asks for a verification from him. the people already inside thought that the red haired man has a contract. the red haired man shows his invitation documents. the blond lady escorted the red haired man to a seat. the people already inside were surprised at how the red haired man was treated. when the red haired man got seated, he suddenly remembers something. he was meant tk be standing elsewhere and not where was sitting. it was noticeable there was two groups inside the auditorium, ones who are sitting and ones who are standing. suddenly, man in an army decorated uniform appears. he went to the podium in front and introduced himself as han, the guide. han tells the people inside the auditorium to think or say of the word status window or status. everyone does so and everyone sees their stats. han says the status won't be show to anyone unless the person deliberately reveals it. a person asks the person beside him what an innate ability is. han overhears it and asks if the person asking has it. the person said he don't. han explains it is something humans naturally do not have. the red haired man then asks himself why he has two innate abilities. future vision and an unnamed ability.

8 the red haired man kept his abilities a secret. han then tells everyone to check their marking grade by thinking or saying it. based on the grade, they were given starter packs which contains random items. the red haired man activates his, he got a gold grade marking. han was surprised as the red haired man is the second one obtaining it. the blond lady gives the red haired man his starter pack. the red haired man receives 5k survival points, a mark of survival, an update to a diary of a certain student, and three random boxes. the red haired man open one of the boxes, his unnamed innate  ability gets evolved and turned to nine eyes. after settling in his system, the red haired man suddenly realize he could see other's status windows. he then proceeded opening the two other boxes. suddenly, his nine eyes ability continued to evolve further. han, the guide, knows the boxes contained necessary benefit to individuals, it does not care any balance to what will happen here on. han wants to proceed  suddenly somebody interferes.

9 a lady in the standing group interrupts han. she asks why only the people seated get starter packs while they don't. han explains the ones sitted are invited while those who are standing are ones with a contract. the standing contractees suddenly want to complain. han says they are already late in time. the peope in the auditorium receives an alert message from their open. they have a tutorial mission and that is to escape the auditorium, they have 4 hours. han and the blond lady disappears. suddenly, something wants to enter the auditorium. the red haired man notices a light color of red on the auditorium door. he must not approach it. some of the people starts blocking the door. the thing outside stopped trying to enter the door. the red haired man checks his phone. he reads a diary of certain student, it's like future diary. he can know what would happen. in the diary, it says the door is their means of escape and that now it was block. and in chaos that happen, he would find a hole. one of the invitee, kang suk, decides to investigate. one of the contractee wants to follow and help kang suk. kang suk says they'd be not much of a help. suddenly, the contractees banded up to complain vs kang suk. kang suk along with his own group answers the complain. an argument happens. lee seol-ah, an invitee tries to deescalate. kang suk then asks lee seol-ah along with her brother to join them. kang suk is clear with his intention of segregating the invitees and the contractees. kang suk turns his attention to the red haired man, he asks him to join them. the red haired man uses his eye powers to see the light colors. almost everyone and everything is colored green. kang suk is colored orange. lee seol-ah has no light color. he then noticed the floor, it emits a red light color, danger.

10 an earthquake happens. the red haired man shouts and tell everyone to run. everyone did. suddenly, the floor broke and many hooks comes out. lee seol-ah became the first blood. she got hooked and was sucked into the hole. half her body was left sticking out. her brother, lee sung-jin tries to help her as well many others but it was already too late, when they pull her out, there was nothing remaining of her upper half. and then a huge monster came out of the hole. it was using hooks. the people panicked. one of the contractee took the chair holding the door and threw itnat the monster, it was useless, the monster blocked it with its chain. the monster started attacking. the people panicks as they hurried to open the door. the door gets open and the red haired main stays inside the auditorium. he was calm during the whole situation. he then takes a piece of the broken chain and armed himself. he readies himself as if he's using a spear. he takes a stance and faces the hook monster.

(at this point i'll be calling the red haired man, mc, my apology for not doing it earlier. 10 chapters in and i don't know his name yet. i've no idea if his name is also the one from the post apocalyptic scenario)

11 the people who went outsidr goes their separate ways. the invitees led by kang suk goes the other way away from the contractees. one of the bronze mark invitee notices something. mc attacks the hook monster. it was ineffective but it made the hook monster leave him be. mc is shocked at what he just did. the hook monster heads out the auditorium. the people outside started to panic. mc heads to the hole the hook monster came out of. he noticed the body of the first blood. he regretted that he didn't do anything to let her live. mc heads inside the hole. yoon seo-ra, one of the two silver ranker, who hid in the podium inside the auditorium notices the situation inside have calmed. on mc's side, mc walks a dark corridor. an alert message appear from his phone, kang seok, yi hyungsik and jeong minwoo have already arrive at the waiting room. mc checks out a map of the corridor he's in. a red light appears on one of the door. mc checks behind him, someone appears.

12 mc hides. mc checks the person who appeared. he was emitting green light. mc checks the person's status, he was hyun sang-min, one of the invitees. mc made him visible. mc gets acquianted with hyun sang-min. hyun sang-min wants to join mc. mc checks hyun sang-min's status, it says self centered and has great instinct. mc asks why hyun sang-min wants to join him instead of kang suk. hyun sang-min its more beneficial for him to join the gold grade instead of the other invitee. mc then why hyun sang-min was the first one to try and save the first blood. he replied he wanted to be on the good side of the others. hyun sang-min also says he'll follow mc as a subordinate. mc asks why. hyun sang-min's reply is survival. he has a better chance with mc compared with others. mc accepts to take him in. mc tells hyun sang-min to call him seul (finally after 12 chapters we got a name). hyun sang-min mentions he'll repay mc back. mc questions it and says he hasn't done anything for him yet. mc and hyun sang-min explores and investigates. meanwhile, outside, the contractees as well as lee sung-jin is hiding from the hook monster. they also got the alert that kang suk's team have already gotten to the safe location. one of the contractee sees yoon seo-ra inside a building. one of the contractees gets an idea of what to next.

13 mc and hyun sang-min investigates why they were given a lot of time for a simple task even with a monster hunting them. mc discusses that there maybe more missions for them ahead and with the given time, they are meant to find something that will greatly help them in the long run. the duo heads inside the main building. meanwhile, the hiding contrees and lee sung-jin devised a plan. they looked for something on the school ground. meanwhile, yoon seo-ra is inside the school office, she found a document which was something she was looking for. suddenly, the hook monster appears in the corridor. yoon seo-ra hides. a stone suddenly pierce through the window. this attracted the hook monster. unfortunately, the hook monster notices the group outside the building, the hook monster goes outside and starts hunting them. the group scatters. one of them tripped, he gets the attention of the monster. another person throws a stone on the monster. the one who threw the stone gets the aggro.

14 the group that lee sung-jin joins gets inside a building. the leader, a contratee, locked the door outside. he prioritizes self preservation. the rest of the group are outisde still running or being chased. meanwhile, mc and hyun sang-min find a grocery. they stock up on food supply. they discuss what to do next. mc says he has a hunch of something going on with the map. hyun sang-min is surprised mc has a map. mc says its a gold grade privilege. the marks on the map change color from red to blue after the team of kang suk arrived first and now there only blue marks left. the duo heads to the location of the safe spot, the second floor. they climb the stairs only to fight the path to the second floor is barred. the two went down to the firsr floor. the duo were cautious. when the two opens the door, the find a corridor with blood marks everywhere.

15 mc uses his eye powers, the corridor emits orange light, they must no approach the place. the duo went back up to the barred path. mc uses eye powers to check the bars, the have no color. mc tries something out. meanwhile, the group that are outside are being chased by the hook monster. one of them gets killed. the lee sung-jin group who are trying to get to the safe spot gets heard by the hook monster. the hook monster runs after them. lee sung-jin and a contractee ran together. the hook monster folkows them. lee sung-jin takes a sphere from his bronze bag and threw it at the monster.

16 it was a flash bang. lee sung-jin and the contractee managed to escape. meanwhile, the one who lead lee sung-jin gets to second floor path and find it was also barred. the leader holds the bar and suddenly the bar gets released. the leader is registered as one of the new user, the leader enters unfortunately for him, after he enter, his wife and kid can't follow him. the bar went back and blocked the path. the leader finds kang suk. he begged and pleaded them help. kang suk responds. they arrived at the barred path. they find the mother and child being hooked by the monster. kang suk tells the leader that a button will release the bar but it was already to late. the leader wants to open the path, kang suk dissuade him kang suk mentions if the leader opens the path, they would all be killed by the monster. the mother and child pleaded for the husband, the leader, for help. the leader, can't make the decision. meanwhile, mc touches the bar on his side, he gets registered as one of the new user.

17 mc enters. the path gets block. mc finds the release button. mc pushes it. hyun sang-min enters the safe area. the duo finds the kang suk's group. they heard a scream. the went to the leader side path. the mother and child are still being held by the hook monster. kang suk greets them. kang suk mentions that only the person who was registered can release the bar on path they took. the leader is still at a stand still. until finally the monster kills the mother and child. kang suk leaves. the leader curls on the floor regretting his inability to save them. mc's thoughts were on yoo seonhwa. what would he have done if it was him on the leader's place and yoo seonhwa is on the other side.

18 the duo mc and hyun sang-min discusses about the participant's circumstances why they join and why the place is called paradise. they did not want discussed too much. suddenly, the 6th user appears, it is yoon seo-ra. all 6 paths are now owned. 3 are from kang suk's group, and thrr are from mc, the leader and yoon seo-ra. mc says the other participant only have 50% chance of surviving. a group of contractee arrives at a barred path. unfortunately, the path they took is owned by kang suk.

19 they plead for kang suk to open the path. kang suk refuses. kang suk's aggression is towards the contractee who he had argument with in the auditorium, shing sang-ah. shing sang-ah apologizes. kang suk says he'll open the path but only for four people. shing sang-ah leaves the group. kang suk let 4 people enter. lee sung-jin, one of the 4 people let entered tries openinf the path but it was no use. lee sung-jin tries to force kang suk. one if kang suk's subordinate stops and hold lee sung-jin down. kang suk insults lee sung-jin with him seeing shing sang-ah as his new sister. shing sang-ah outside the bars asks if she would be let in. kang suk orders shing sang-ah to strip down. shing sang-ah strips. mc wants to interfere. hyun sang-min stops mc. mc wants to teach everyone who the actual boss is.

20 mc orders kang suk to open the path. kang suk refuses. his goons surrounds mc. mc is done with not doing anything to help. mc goes ultra instinct??? mc beats the three easily. mc then take kang suk's hand and pressed the button with kang suk's finger. mc orders shing sang-ah to enter. shing sang-ah enters. she is without pants. mc orders one of the goons of kang suk to fetch shing sang-ah's pants, the goon obeyed. everything settles down. except for mc. he's emitting saiyan red aura. his anger hasn't yet abated.

21 with the first mission over a new mission arrives. the survivors must get to a classroom in the fourth floor. they have two hours. meanwhile, in thr taj mahal, the a group of viewer is watching area 1, mc's group. they are arguing that area 1 will be laughing stock after the fiasco that happened with the group's mission 1. afterward, they were very impressed, specifically with mc. the area 1 group finishes the mission 2 at a record time. they are suspecting that mc is already an "earthling." hanna kim is amazed at her invitee, mc.

22 mc and the rest enters the class room. han congratulates them for finishing mission 1 and 2. he calls them classes 1 and 2. hans tells them of the final mission, scavenger hunt. 3000 coins will be scattered around. they need to collect at least a hundred coins to pass the 3rd mission in floor 6. the coins may also be used on the roulette in floor 5 to get random items. random items may be food supplies, equipments, weapons, magic items and even an item that can bring back people who died. the leader contractee and lee sung-jin gets alerted after hearing the last part. mc asks han why they need weapons and items. han says a cryptic reply that dead harbors great feeling of hatred towarss the living. the surviving group discusses about what to do. mc suggests they collect as many coins possible, get weapons from the roulette and then open the 6th floor gate. suddenly, they hear something outside classroom.

23 there are 6 rules for the third mission. 1 the starting room is the base, a safe area. 2 monsters will appear outside the safe area from midnight to noon. 3 the safe area is a guaranteed place, no monster can enter. 4 199 coins are needed to obtain a key and 499 coins are needed to unlock the floor 6 path. 5 the gate opens 30 minutes after the path to the floor 6 is opened. 6 when floor 6 opens, the 2nd floor barred paths also get opened. the invitees have already left. mc, hyun sang-min, lee sung-jin, shing sang-ah and the rest of the contractees are left in the base area. the raises the problem for cooperation. they let things be, mc and hyun sang-min gives food for everyone in the base area. suddenly, a quarrel within the people in the base area happens. a side wants mc to help them, another says that instead of relying on mc, they should do things themselves. mc deescalate the situation and had everyone check the time. the people in the base area starts leaving, they are now starting the scavenger hunt. hyun sang-min goes solo. three contractees who wants to leech off mc goes their own way. shing sang-ah and lee sung-jin goes together. mc is once again left on his own. suddenly, mc receives an alert. he was surprised.

24 mc's future diary reveals the coin locations for him. mc acquires coins. on mc's hunt, mc finds yoon seo-ra. he realizes thag yoon seo-ra also have a map to help her find the coin locations. mc tries his best not to go the same way as yoon seo-ra. moments before the monsters starts appearing, hyun sang-min have 100 coins, shing sang-ah have 70 coins, mc have 1552 coins, yoon seo-ra have zero coins. yoon seo-ra is tied up somewhere.

25 moments before the monsters appearing, mc return to thr base area. he finds hyun sang-min and shing sang-ah. hyun sang-min got enough coins. shing sang-ah is missing a few. mc gave shing sang-ah a few coins. hyun sang-min says that he thought it would be yoon seo-ra who has the most coins. mc suddenly stood up, mc has a bad feeling that yoon seo-ra is in danger. hyun sang-min suspects kang suk. meanwhile, lee sung-jin is in a room looking for more coins. suddenly, his deceased sister, lee seol-ah, appeared. she cares for lee sung-jin. lee sung-jin promises to save her. lee sung-jin gets out safely and continues his search. in the base area, mc is planning to go alone and look for yoon seo-ra and lee sung-jin. hyun sang-min wants to follow mc. suddenly, they hear a scream outside the base area.

26 mc, hyung sang-min and shing sang-ah hurried to the location. they find lee sung-jin. lee sung-jin lead them to yoon seo-ra she is in a bad condition. lee sung-jin says he might have seens disinefectant to help aid yoon seo-ra but it's in the room where he saw the ghost of his sister. unfortunately, it won't be enough. mc suggests they go for the roulette in floor 5. suddenly, someone unlocked the floor 6 path. the floor 2 paths gets unlocked. mc and hyun sang-min goes to the roulette and got items to treat yoon seo-ra.  mc stays behind to gacha some more. hyun sang-min went back. after, mc went back to the base area only to find kang suk is holding the survivors. mc checks what's going on, kang suk received a barrier spell that blocked their path. kang suk says he's also the one that opened the floor 6 path. mc realizes it was kang suk and his group who took yoon seo-ra's coins. suddenly, they all hear the monster from floor 2 below is coming. three leech contractees begged kang suk to let them enter. kang suk lets them. mc has a plan of his own.

27 kang suk tells the rest to leave mc. they all did. hyun sang-min, lee sang-jin and then shing sang-ah. shing sang-ah unfortunately gets abused first. kang suk continues to insult mc. fortunately, mc got a team of his own. hyun sang-min, loyal to mc, used a conceal spell to knock out kang suk's goon. lee sang-jin and shing sang-ah takes care of kang suk. kang suk's barrier gets broken. hyun sang-min mentions that he noticed the plan of mc but mc stopped. he asked why. mc answers he wanted to see how they would all react in a situation if they get backed to a corner. the three were surprised at how mc assessed the situation. after calming down, they suddenly hear the hook monster not far off.

28 they all enter the base area. kang suk's team were left outside. the hook monster appears. it cannot enter the base area. the hook monster starts killing kang suk's team. kang suk manages to get inside the base area, shing sang-ah stops him. kang suk gets hooked. kang suk grabs shing sang-ah's leg. she gets dragged outside the base area. lee sang-jin and hyun sang-min helps shing sang-ah. mc helps by fighting and defeating the hook monster. he used the items he has in his bag. meanwhile, on another side, the leader who left his wife and child die meets with their ghosts. the wife and child were resentful towards the leader.

(after this, i'll mostly be using the first names of the characters)

29 mc wakes up on his classroom chair. he's greeted by sang-min who's eating..the rest of the survivor have once more started hunting for coins. mc heads out, he finds sang-jin. mc decides to help him. they went to the roulette. they find seo-ra. she was having trouble with the roulette. mc let sang-jin pull. sang-jin gets a quill pen and a bunch of magic spells. they couldn't get the revival item. seo-ra then gives them the thing they were looking for, a revival potion. seo-ra says it was to repay sang-jin for helping her out. after, seo-ra leaves them mc and sang-jin checks out the condition for revival. everything check out except for having a piece of body from the deceased. sang-jin realizes where he could get it. sang-jin lead mc to the room he found his sister. they found the lifeless body of the leader contractee. they suspect it was leader's family that killed him. sang-jin desperately searches for his sister. mc reminds sang-jin they have a few minutes left until the hour of the dead ends.

(lee sang-jin should be lee sung-jin from 1 to 29, i made a mistake, i apologize.

30 mc and sung-jin looks for yi seol-ah's spirit. mc finds sang-min. sang-min joins. sang-min finds sang-ah. sang-ah joins. sang-min tells mc to check the auditorium. mc went to the auditorium, he found many living dead inside. meanwhile, the others found yi seol-ah's ghost by the gate on floor 6. mc rushes to the floor 6. there was no one there.

31 mc realizes he's on the other building. mc sees the three along with the ghost of yi seol-ah. there was less than 30 seconds until then ghosts disappears. mc jumps the gap between buildings. mc lands safely on the other building and doused the ghost of yi seol-ah with the revival potions. yi seol-ah gets revived. she doesn't remember anything after her death. after, han and the blond lady appears. the congratulate all of them for surviving until the last mission. the gate will be open but not for long. seo-ra appears with a bag of coins, she appears to be very exhausted, but she made it. sung-jin forgot that yo seol-ah also needed coins. mc says he'll give her some of his. suddenly the leech contractees appears and asks mc to save them as well.

32 mc asks them how much they all needed. after tallying, mc throws the coin off the building and said the three should get it. the three head down to find the coins. meanwhile, han mentions the points they all achievement during the missions 1, 2 and 3. mc nets the highest points of 21k. han mentions that he'll be able to use the vip store for having that much point. meanwhile, the leeches were picking the coins mc gave them. one of them finishes first. one of them got mad and killed the one who finished first. the two leeches arrived on the floor 6. they met with the others. the leeches said nothing. they all handed out their passage fees and heads through the gate. after, han bids the survivors good luck in the neutral zone

33 area 1 team, mc and the rest of the survivor in their region, arrives in a reception area. they meet the other area teams, who are all foreigners. they are then seated in an auditorium. mc meets with delphine. after, a status window appear and says start synchronization. mc felt a bit of shock? and the status window says synchronization conpleted. after, the people in suit who are with the respective teams started speaking. they announce if their team passed or failed. the blonde lady who was with mc's team says they passed. after, a red long haired lady appears on the stage in front of them, shr welcomes the teams to the neutral zone, or in her own words, hell. she then says individuals must accumulate 1000 survival points in order pass on the paradise, the next level?? after, the red haired lady gives out reward to individuals who have already surpassed or acquired the 1000 point. the first person, tong cha of area 5 is announce he could passed through to the next level, he chose to remain. the red lady hands him a golden key with no.6 written on it. next is salvatorre leorda of team 2, he chose to stay. hao win of area 7, he chose to stay. he is given a golden key with no.3 written. next is delphine, she also chooses to stay and she got a key with no.2 written on it. delphine then complained she got the wrong key. the red lady mentions delphine points to be 7500. unfortunately, some is higher than her. the red lady was about to mention mc's name. mc interrupts and says he will be staying. mc acquires the key with no.1 written on it. after the red lady announce the start of the next phase. the doors of the hall opens and the participants each went outside to the reception hall. various participants stands in front of an information board. mc is grouped with his team, sang-min, sung-jin, yi seol-ah and sang-ah. seo-ra,  and the other leeches are not with them. the group wants to look for seo-ra. mc wants to take a rest. mc leaves the group.  mc then meets with agnes, area 2 instructor, same job as the blonde lady. agnes wants to guide mc within the facility they are in. the blonde lady appears. agnes gives up. the blonde lady guides mc in the facility. thr blonde lady wants mc to treat her. mc says he has no money. the blonde lady tells mc he has survival points. in addition to the 21k points he got, he was also given an extra 5k points right from the beginning. the blonde lady says that the currency used in the neutral zone is the survival points.

34 the blonde lady leads mc upstairs. she explains that mc acquires a 100% discount since he's a gold grade and has the highest survival points. mc inquires about the points. the blonde lady says they get points by doing quests posted on the information board in the reception hall. aside that there are also points transfer and loans. the blonde lady also explains that it was good for mc to stay in the neutral store since its here that he'll be able to use the vip area. an area accessible to participants with more than 1k points. there is a place to heal and fully recover participants, place for recreation, baths and many more. the blonde lady gives mc a brochure then leaves. before she could go, mc asks the blonde lady's name, her name is maria mariah yeriel. after, mc takes a rest. when mc woke up, he checked the brochure mariah yeriel gave him. it has the rules and description of the vip store as well the products available. the items are very expensive. mc leaves the vip area and check the information board in the reception hall. mc sees other points ranker. mc takes an escape quest. delphine wants to get acquianted with mc, unfortunately, mc had already tore the quest paper he got before he could reply to her. delphine felt rejected. mc appeared in a dungeon, he have two hours to escape. in front of mc are multiple paths. mc uses his eye power to see where to go next. within 20 minutez, mc finishes the quest. mc returns in front of the quest board. the participants there were surprised at how fast mc did his quest. mc wants to try a higher rewarding quest. mc uses his eye power and check the quest which are alright for him. the papers glowed red, and green. mc notices a 1k points quest but it's color is yellow.

35 the yellow quest is survival. the points rewarded is only 1k. mc wants to try it out. delphine tells mc that tong chai, the first mentioned with points 1k above, died during the maze quest mc easily finished. delphine says that it has already been two hours since he attempted the maze quest and he hasn't yet showed up. mc is surprised at this info. delphine invites mc to have a cup of tea with her. mc accepts but mc had to do the survival quest first. mc leaves. the hao win notices the wuest mc took. they were all surprised and say that on the first day of them arriving in the neutral zone, two high points ranker will die. mc is ported in a dark cave. mc used his phone to shine a light. mc then uses his eye powers. a horde of skeletons are alerted. mc dodges and uses the magic balls he has. mc is at a number disadvantage, the hordes were simply many. a helmet wearing skeleton charges at mc. mc can't dodge and use his pack to block the attack. mc is ported back in the neutral zone reception hall. the people there were surprised.

36 mc went back to his room. his mind is a messed. he was almost killed. he underestimated the situation. it was luck that mc was able to complete the survival quest. mc is in a state of shock. suddenly, he hears a knock outside his room. it was seol-ah, the revived sister of sung-jin. mc tells her his messed up problem. seol-ah tells mc to go run with him to help mc calm dow . there is a quest to do laps, no merits or penalty for the quest. seol-ah wants to do a bit of exercise before she could go rest. mc joins her. the two party up and does the quest. they were sent to a track and field area. the two go at it. seol-ah easily finishes her rounds, mc is exhausted but was able to finish. mc asks how seol-ah is fine. seol-ah tells mc she's part of a track team. mc's mind gets cleared. he thanked seol-ah for cheering him up. meanwhile, in the sleeping area for the other participants, seo-ra is having trouble sleeping. her hands that were broken by the deceased kang suk were hurting badly. in her mind, she is causing trouble to everyone, and so she goes solo. next day, sang-mind, sang-ah, seol-ah and sung-jin are discussing about the missing seo-ra over breakfast. sang-min says they should just leave seo-ra be. sang-min says its proper courtesy to help someone out. sung-jin and seol-ah are indebted to seo-ra and so the siblings wants to help her. meanwhile, mc is planning what to do next. mc remembers a note they got from hans, the area 1 tutorial guide.

37 mc checks the note. a word "competence" is highlighted. mc went to the vip store to get info. mc hands the guide's note to the vip store clerk. mc is shown potions that enchances training effectiveness. the store clerk says the stocks are limited. mc bought them all. mc begins training. meanwhile, in the reception hall, a fight erupted between participants for making bad calls and decisions with the quest. tong chai is still alive. him as well other rankers were discussing about the difficulty of the quests. meanwhile the participants are discussing about how to get points. one of them notices delphine, they demand she give points to them in exchange for money. delphine rejects them and says if they complain they should talk to the red haired lady. the participant backed down. meanwhile, instructor agnes and the red haired lady is watching mc training. they were amazed with mc's dedication. they also talked about telling all the participants of the real deadline. every participants were told they could only stay in the neutral zone for 1 month but in truth they could stay for 3 months. instructor agnes wants to reveal the truth. the red haired lady suggest they just tell the participants they extended the duration. she argues that the participants will get lax if in case they were told the real duration and in turn would not get as much points. she wants to have the participants get as much points they could have. the two then discuss about mc's matter. instructor agnes wants to aid mc but the blonde lady interrupted her. the red haired lady shares a report about mc.

38 mc does the running quest. mc gets exhausted and while at it he thinks negatively. mc falls to the ground, a status window appears. his personslity trait weak will is erased and his stamina stats increased. mc also acquires 10 points. mc gets ported back to the reception hall. instructor agnes meets with mc and hands him a drink. instructor agnes tells mc that she's been observing him. she advises mc to change his training routine as he also need to take resting into account. she also advise mc to eat a balance and healthy food. she also says mc should start alternating his training. instructor agnes says she will help him. mc asks why. a bit of flashback, the red haired lady reveals mc is separate from hanna kim's group and that agnes should be helping mc. back to the present, instructor agnes tells mc that she saw potentials within mc and that's why she wanted to help him. mc asks if instructors could help and if they could he asks for someone great. agnes tells mc, she's the one he's looking for. mc begins his spartan training with instructor agnes guiding him. meanwhile, seo-ra is having her broken arms patched. the doctor recommends seo-ra to have her arms treated. seo-ra replies she doesn't have points. the doctor says she could use her connection with rank 1, mc, to get points loaned to her. seo-ra lives she's is having second thoughts of whether to ask for help, she is down to her last 23 points. she's having negstive thoughts on disappointing her father. suddenly, seol-ah appears. seol-ah invites seo-ra for lunch. seol-ah drags seo-ra. unfortunately, seo-ra bumped her broken arm with another participant. seo-ra fell to her knees in pain. seol-ah calls out to the participant. the participant went mad.

39 seol-ah demanded apology. the participant goes ranting vs the two. they are getting attention from others. seo-ra stood up and walk off. they let things deescalate like that. seo-ra wanted to leave seol-ah. suddenly, sang-ah appears. the three girl went to have a girl talk? sang-ah is mad how they got treated. sang-ah then checks the meds seo-ra is taking. she asks if seo-ra could keep up with the costs. sang-ah suggests asking mc could to help her. seo-ra says she couldn't. sang-ah says they have a deadline to meet. seo-ra says the deadline might not be true. meanwhile, mc is continuing his training. after their session end, mc inquires about the next level, paradise. instructor agnes says its like an rpg medieval game but with their actual lives on the line. she didn't mention to mc a coming war. mc wants to learn skills and techniques. instructor agnes says it's still too early for him and that mc should believe in her. mc says they have a deadline to meet and he'll believe her. instructor agnes asks mc to keep what she'll tell him a secret. meanwhile, back in the girl talk, seo-ra says the deadline of a month is actually three months. she tells the two girls that the participants must first undergo an awakening. back to mc and instructor agnes. instructor agnes reveals to mc that deadline is 3 months and that the participants will be undergoing awakening, this will give them specific class and only after that is their actual class training will begin. mc and the two girls, seol-ah and sang-ah were joyful for the news. meanwhile, one of the leech, the boy leech of area 1, hears the convo of the girls. the boy leech went the girl leech of area 1. the girl leech is having an affair with the man who bumped with seo-ra. they are doing underhanded tactics.

40 the leech girl and the bump guy are taking points from other participants by beating them up. a month passed, the red haired lady, cinzia announces that those without 1k points will be eliminated. the participants voiced complaints. boss cinzia says she'll extend the deadline. after, the participants went to the chamber of awakening to change class. delphine gets a magician class. next up is mc. mc enters the chamber, he hear voices. they argue about mc's class. some of them wants mc to become a magician. mc wants to become a lancer, a warrior class. the voices had a vote regarding mc's class. only one voice did not speak, it was gula's. (these voices are from the seven gods)

41 mc, sang-min, sang-ah, seol-ah and sung-jin are in a diner. they are discussing the classes they got. the discuss how seo-ra is worried since she got a warrior class and her arm isn't still fixed. meanwhile, boss cinzia and instructor agnes are discussing the numbers of the classes from the participants, 1 magician, 4 priests, 22 archers and 51 warriors. instructor agnes wanted mc to become an archer but mc became a warrior. she vows to help mc to become even stronger. mc starts mana training. instructor agnes gives mc a quest note that will transport him elsewhere in order for him to learn about mana in a week. mc uses it. mc does his training and after a short while, mc gets ported back. instructor agnes is very surprised. she asked mc to show her his mana. mc does it on his first try. mc acquire mana application (low) and due to mc's eye powers, the new skill evolved to mana application (intermediate). instructor agnes is surprised but hears that mc rejected the gods turning him into a magician and instead chose to be a spear user. mc then takes a spear training quest in the info board. instructor agnes is getting more amazed at mc. mc does spear training. thankd to the competence he used, mc's training is going well. mc gets a new skill, his eye power enchances the new skill.

42 in the woman's wc cubicle, seo-ra is eating food. she hear a knock on the door. it's seol-ah. seo-ra opens the door. seo-ra is in a really bad condition. seol-ah takes seo-ra to a diner to eat. seol-ah suggests they go to mc to get help. seo-ra says its too late for her. seol-ah says its hard living alone. seol-ah suggests seo-ra should stay with her. it's a way for her to repay seo-ra. meanwhile, participants notices mc have been always taking training quests. in truth, this is instructor agnes's order. after training, mc returns in front of the info board. seo-ra is waiting for him. leech girl approaches seo-ra. leech girl dissuades seo-ra from asking mc for help. after, instructor agnes meets with mc. mc had dyed his hair. instructor agnes tells mc he's now allowed to do mission quests. mc starts the mission quests. rumors in the neutral zone spread, mc have been doing a lot of quests, he had cleared a third of the quests posted. mc is in front of the info board looking for a quest. he is approached by delphine. she says mc will be needing a party if he will tackle difficult quests. mc says he'll consider it and goes off to another quest. the quest took is the survival quest that had messed with him for the first time after reaching neutral zone. mc faces the skeleton horde.

43 it was a revenge match for mc as he mow down each monster headed toward him. mc then defeats the skeleton with a helmet. mc succeeded with the quest. mc acquires points. his total point is now, 85k. after acquirinf 120k points mc bought potions. mc is left with 30k points. mc first drank the potion that will enhance his eye powers. mc blacks out for a moment and then his eye power improved. mc wanted to take another potion but it went missing. suddenly, hanna kim appears. hanna kim tells mc to be acquianted with others. mc then asks what's her real reason of meeting with him hanna kim says they want mc to help yoon seo-ra. hanna kim says by doing so, mc will be reward one way or another, with regards to the golden rule of do something to others what you want done unto you. after the meeting, mc finishes with his potion drinking. mc's eye power once again evolved. mc tested it out. mc spots yoon seo-ra unconcious on the floor of the resting room. mc takes yoon seo-ra to instructor maria. mc asks for help. instructor maria says to have seo-ra's arm be amputated. she can't help seo-ra since she's just a priest 4 and they need a priest 5. instructor agnes says instructord. instructor maria could be granted priest 5 but it has a risk. if she fails, she'll get penalty. instructor maria asks why mc is helping seo-ra. mc says it was a personal request from hanna kim. instructor maria asks for 82k points in order to help seo-ra. after, in front of the info board, delphine is looking for quest to take, mc appears behind her. he's asking to joing her party.

44 mc joins delphine's group, they are all the vip rankers. mc says his need for the 82k points. the rest of the team allows mc to get all the points for the mission. within a day, mc acquires the need points. instructor maria heals seo-ra. seo-ra gets healed. afterward, mc paid off the points loaned to him within two days. mc had instructor agnes personally train seo-ra, sung-jin and seol-ah. this is in a way for the three to repay, by showing they could make it. meanwhile, mc is still in delphine's party. last day for the neutral zone, they are eye for the impossible quest, the last quest in the info board. after a party deliberation, they did not take it. in mc's vip room, he is with seo-ra, sung-jin and seol-ah. mc finds a random magic note he got in the tutorial area, auditorium. they told mc that after the neutral zone, everything that was given to them as a bonus will be wiped. this includes the magic bag and the phone they got. mc wants to use the magic note. mc does the impossible quest, a destruction quest. prizes is 170k points and a vip store coupon. meanwhile, in mc's room where seo-ra is staying, seo-ra receives a letter from beneath the room's door. it contains a swordsmanship training mission letter and something else. meanwhile, leech girl is having a problem of her own.

45 leech girl gets a knock from her door. leech girl opens. it was seo-ra. seo-ra ports elsewhere with leech girl. flash back, leech girl had bump guy beat seo-ra. leech boy tries helping seo-ra by having a duel match or something. leech boy never returned. back to present, it's a revenge match for seo-ra vs leech girl. seo-ra kills leech girl. meanwhile, mc just returned. he beat the impossible mission. mc receives the prizes vip coupon and 170k points. mc's total points is 400k+. instructor agnes was there to welcome him back. mc had a talk with hanna kim on how to beat the impossible mission quest. when mc entered the quest area, mc uses his magic note. the note activates a the magic the user ultimately needed for that moment. mc quickly finishes the quest thanks to the magic note. afterward, cinzia announces to all the surviving pariticipants the completion of their time in the neutral zone. a large gate open and the particpants passed through. they were in the desert. kim hanna is waiting for him. they are returning back since 3 months have already passed and they don't want mc to continue being missing. mc and seo-ra went with kim hanna's group since they're part of the shinyung company, excluding mc. after, mc bids them farewell, seo-ra wants to get acquianted with mc outside the tutorial and neutral zone. she asks for mc's name. mc happily tells her his name.

46 kim hanna asks why mc doesn't share his first name. mc says he doesn't to disgrace the name given to him by his parents. mc enters a portal and mc went back to the real world. mc acquires monet from kim hanna. mc takes care of some business. mc had himself ban from the casinos. he pays back his debt from his family. mc visits yoo seonhwa. mc feels like after returning and repaying his debt, no one believes him. mc went back to kim hanna and asks to be ported back. a scene in a desert, mc is on a carriage with alex, a priest 3 and hugo, a warrior 4 barbarian.

(end season 1)

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66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

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