Friday, June 21, 2024

Second Coming of Gluttony (manwha chapter 47 until chapter 58)

@seol, mc
@hanna kim
@shinyoung/seong si hyeon, a legendary warrior that suddenly disappeared
@gula, a goddess
@hugo, 4 axe wielding warrior, member of haramag carpe diem, baldy
@alex, a priest, member of carpe diem
@dillian/dillon/dylan, 5 ark shooter, leader of haramag carpediem
@cho hong, 4 holy warrior, ace member of haramag carpe diem
@samuel, long blondish white hair, member of team for the royal family, he leads the expedition team to the forest of negativity
@teach/professor ian, 4 alchemist, old guy who like to flirt with women. magician of the haramag royal family
@clara, bow user, long brown hair, part of the forst of negativity expedition team mc is in
@grace, shielder, short white hair, part of the forest of negativity expedition team mc is in.
@khan, 5 royal guard, acquainted with others who joined the expedition team, mc's in, that went to the forest of negativity. found dead near the entrance of the forest.
@vanessa, a deceased party mate of samuel.
@teresa hussey, pink hair lady, royal princess

#paradise, medieval fantasy world
#confederation, union of all races that are united vs a common enemy, the parasites.
#earthlings, the isekai'd warriors
#haramag/haramark, city of rebels
#fort arden, frontier vs the parasites
#gula temple
#carpe diem, haramag team
#forest of negativity/denial, its in here that mc goes to his first expedition
#tomb of the saintess, a noble lady was set in an arranged marriage. on the day of the wedding, the groom died. the noble lady, now a widow, had herself buried alive along with dead groom. soon after a renowned wizard cast a powerful negativity spell i  the surrounding that causes anyone to not get close to the tomb
#sherazad/scheherazade, the place where the shinyoung group is prevalent.
#march graduates
#quill of flowing conciousness, the user is able to read a person's or a sentient beings' thoughts. the quill pen is place on a paper and the pen will automatically write the thought read.
#fastina earrings, acquired in the tomb of the saintess, it has 3 charges stored, it takes 6 hours per one recharge. users speed is increased by 1.5x, the charges can be stacked. item binds on one user.

47 in the town of haramag, in a tavern, a team of the royal family is recruiting for adventurers to join them in an expedition to the forest of negativity. the adventurers in the tavern laugh it off and took the recruitment a joke. the forest of negativity is a dangerous place and that people don't normally go there. mc is seen eating. a member of team carpe diem took such act an insult while their leader is eating. the member attacks mc. mc easily catches the attack and overpowered the assailant. when mc tells his level as 1, no adventurer believes him and wants to attack mc. two adventurers, hugo and alex, enters the tavern. they know of mc. they vouch for mc's level. the adventurers were shocked. an adventurer heard of a rumor regarding mc as a march graduate who is an irregular, a gold badge and able to go up vs the legendary seong si hyeon. mc is taken as a guest in the carpediem residence. mc meets dillian and cho hong, hugo is also with them. the three introduces themselves as the haramag carpe diem. mc's eyes sees the three glowing gold aura/light. they want to recruit mc to their team. mc sees no reason of joining their team but only as a temp member. dillian discusses the mission they'll be doing with the samuel and his team from the royal family. next day, they set out for the mission, mc's first expedition in paradise.

48 since he's just level 1, they used mc as a porter/mule, he just carries stuffs. mc wouldn't join if he didn't see the three glowing gold. when the group is suddenly attackee by monsters, mc wouldn've wanted to join the combat but it was unnecessary or rather he was told to stay back. the team were easily able to easily defeat the attackers. mc is amazed at the teamwork everyone is showing. after, mc gets acquainted with ian, the alchemist. after a while, the difference between the isekai's with natives who they brought along with is visibly apparent. samuel wanted to work the native porters more. mc interrupts and say that he could take some of the native's workload. meanwhile, the carpediem team is observing mc. hugo wants mc to join them. dillian doesn't want mc to join. he argues that mc needs a team would truly support them. hugo and cho hong it's exactly carpediem. dillian says it's not them. the expedition continues on until they arrived at the border. the forest of negativity/denial is within sight. mc had a flashback, it was hanna kim. hanna kim told mc to leave scheherazade since the shinyoung group would like keep mc as theirs and if mc did not join them and his reputation preceeds him, they would likely take actions to eliminate mc. hanna kim suggests mc to go to haramag and continue his growth there as long as mc does no go south. the expedition team to the forest of negativity is at the southern border of civilization. mc thought of apologizing to hanna kim for not following her advise. the expedition team takes camp. ian, mc, cho hong and dillian are looking at the forest. ian says the forest is under very powerful and ancient magic. ian goes on to explain that anyone who steps in the forest will have a sudden and strong urge of denial of something. Be it in denial of the companions, in denial of their own weapon or in denial of their own existence. ian says they already have a plan and if it doesn't work, they'd retreat. within the forest, a silhoutte appears in waiting for the expedition to enter. next day, the group readies to enter the forest. ian gave them all a potion to resist the mind corruption. ian says the potion can resist to an extent and the rest should be resolved by the members own will and resolve. ian also wants them not to fall to the corruption since it would easily spread to others. after, the group enters. before they could head further, they find a body with a large claw wound on the person's chest. samuel recognizes the body, his name is khan.

49 some of the expedition recognizes khan. samuel gets irritated, he became highly emotional and was about to attack the other members. ian interrupted samuel and used a purification spell. samuel got infected by the spell in the forest. samuel is in denial of his allies' trust. the scouts notices foots steps. there were 10 pairs going and khan's were moving out of the forest. the team discusses that khan's team have 8 members and 2 must be porters. they then discuss who could have killed a level 5 royal guard. suddenly, a loud scream deafened the team and a giant lion-man monster, lioner, appears. the monster has khan's weapon. suddenly, other lion monsters appear. the expedition team gets surrounded. dillian takes command. the expedition team engages the monster ambush. the vanguards are getting at a disadvantage. mc is doubting whether he should join the fight.

50 ian joins the fight. the teams morale increase. the fight gets balance. suddenly, one of the monster roared. it once again caused deafening on the expedition member which cause them to stagger. mc felt their team will lose. ian uses purification spell on the team. mc realizes it was the spell in the forest that's keeping him from joining. mc takes up his spear and join. mc hits a monster that was about to hit ian. mc kills the monster that almost killed ian. the monster leader with khan's weapon got furious. dillian saw the opening and killed the furious monster leader. after, the other monster retreated. after, the team recognizes mc's strength and not just a level 1. samuel personally invites mc as part of the main team and not just a porter. mc accepts and joins the main force of the expedition.

51 the expedition team reach a strange place. the negativity magic is less up to a point the team feels calm. in the distant not a bit far off, there is a cave. ian says the negativity magic is used to protect what is inside the cave. ian says the cave is the tomb of the saintess. the team are enthusiastic about going inside the tomb and finding treasures and artifacts. mc voice his concern and is vs them in tomb raiding. everyone laughs at mc. samuel says the tomb is the actual main objective of the expedition. samuel says that if mc is insistent on being vs the tomb raid, mc can judt wait outside and spoils will be given mc the least priority. the carpediem and royal team heads inside. mc, cho hong and the other two native porters are left outside. the team inside hurries with also khan's team as their rescue/search priority. cho hong tries asking mc about his life in earth. mc denies answering. mc uses his eye powers to check the cave, he saw a black light, it means they have to retreat immediately. mc worries for the team that went inside. mc asks cho hong about dangers found in tombs. cho hong answers there could traps, weak monsters and ghosts. mc remembers his tutorial missions, regarding the ghosts/deads having great resentment towards the living. meanwhile, the team inside is lockpicking a locked door. before the team inside opens the door, mc and cho hong appears. they warn the team of the threat inside. mc uses his magic item, quill/feather, that reads thoughts, he used it on the dead's conciousness. the dead will surely kill anyone who went inside the unlocked door. ian recounts the history of the place. the team believes mc and debated on what to do. some wants to go in and fight the ghost, while others don't want to. mc gives them a suggestion. mc honors the dead by paying respect. although some sees mc's action useless, some believes mc. mc uses his eye powers, the color changef from immediate threat to caution. mc uses his quil to read the thoughts of the dead. the quil began writing. it says the ghost inside will let the party in as long they don't disturb the ghost's slumber. they took it as a sign if permission. the expedition team heads inside.

52 they enter the door. they find the tomb of the saintess. the expedition team were awed at how great the place is and the many treasures and artifact there are. mc tells the team that they must not touch the coffin as well the item the coffin holds. alex, the priest, sees the item the coffin holds, is an must-have item for priest classes. no offering requirement for casting holy skills and the item can store 6 different spells in it and the spells can be cast without incantation. ian, the alchemist, says it an artifact given only to the saintess, it's called the proof of chastity. alex took the artifact. suddenly, a tremor occur. samuel orders alex to put the artifact back. alex obeyed. the tremor stopped. clara wanted the artifact. samuel speaks his mind that if it were him, he'd take the artifact, leave and be rich. mc warns them and even readies his weapon to engage in combat with a partymate. clara aims her taut bow vs mc. hugo interferes. grace defends clara. cho hong readies her weapon and asks to deescalate the matter. samuel asks dillian's opinion. dillian's thoughts isn't the treasure but on khan's team, the team that were supposed to be before them. dillian concludes that khan's team were eliminated right before they coupd enter the tomb. samuel then orders the duel of the teammates. ian interferes and says he agrees with mc. ian goes on that samuel's judgment is clouded by his want to see his former partymate once again. samuel concedes and orders the expedition team to gathers the loots except for the artifact the saintess's coffin is holding. clara has a grudge with mc but she obeys samuel. the situation gets deescalated. the team collects the loots, they are hurrying up before the sunsets. suddenly, the felt something going on. the team leaves the tomb. suddenly, a shadow ensnared clara and pulled her back in the tomb. the door won't budge no matter how many of the team tried opening it. then the door opens. clara appears out the door. her face is bloodied and she couldn't see, her eyes were gouge out. in the last scene, alex is holding the artifact, "proof of chastity."

53 alex casts a spell. shadow hands suddenly appeared over clara and pressed inside her gouge out eye sockets. her skulls gets crushed. the ghost regrets welcoming the visitor. the ghost is furious. grace is next, the shadows binded. using grace's readied sword, the shadow sliced alex in half. samuel tried to help, samuel's rolled off with grace's sword. the carpediem team can't move. the shadows binding grace twisted her head. mc went to samuel's body and acquires a ring. mc took the artifact on alex's body. he plans on returning the artifacts. mc then takes a necklace from clara's body. suddenly, mc gets ported elsewhere. mc gets faced with the saintess. the artifacts mc got from his deam mates appears on the saintess. the ring is from her late husband and the necklace is from her mother. mc apologizes. the saintess is grareful to mc's respect to her and him trying to protect her. the saintess orders mc to close his eyes as she walk towards him. she took mc's hand and handed him gift. she asks if mc could return to her once in a while. mc wakes up. the carpediem were worried on mc. mc checks his palm, he now has the "proof of chastity" and a pair of earrings. ian asks mc if he's fine. mc says the saintess looked sad and lonely.

54 during a camping, dillian invites mc to carpediem. he tells mc that he knows mc has some sort reason why he went to hamarag. afterward, the surviving team plus mc is checking the earrings mc got. it grants user speed. the item binds on user. mc takes the earrings. mc tests the earrings. the some of carpediem team regrets not having it. ian receives a message from the royal court. when mc returns, ian tells the team that their has been a issue for recruitment. fort arden is undersiege by parasites.

55 battle in fort arden. the fort is under a number disadvantage. reinforcement arrives lead by a pink hair lady. the commander of the fort reports their dwindling numbers. he continuea that they need the strength of the earthlings. the pink hair lady belittles the earthlings and says they'll only come only if they're in the advantage. the pink hair lady leads the defense. meanwhile, mc and the carpediem heads to fort arden. along the way, they meet fellow earthlings. cho hong says the war vs the parasite isn't something the earthlings should be concerned for. ian can't disagree. the earthling arrives in fort arden. the situation is alot worse than they thought. carpediem greets the pink hair lady, the royal princess. the royal princess has her personal army with her who provided the first reinforcement. ian introduced mc to the pink hair lady, teresa hussey, royal princess. mc feels she knows lady teresa hussey. after, lady teresa commenced a strat meeting vs the parasite invaders. lady teresa says there is a medusa among the parasites and it must be eliminated. the earthling laughs at how weak they thought the monsters and the natives are.

56 one of the earthlings argues why they must head out to the field to eliminate the medusa if they have the fort with them. lady teresa says the fort has its limit and the medusa is continuously producing monsters indefinitely. the argument continues with the earthlings wanting to give up the fort while lady teresa wants to defend the fort as it serves a valuable advantage vs the parasites. ian says the fort as well the confideration is doing its best vs the parasites and if in case they loses, the earthlings would also be affected. the earthlings did not want to risk their lives. meanwhile mc uses his eye power to see the future, the cavalry of the fort who goes in the offense gets annihilated. back to the present, lady teresa had to adjust. the earthlings will go defend the fort while she and her army will take care of the medusa. mc voices out his concern. lady teresa regets inviting a low level. the other earthlings talks about mc. ian tells everyone of mc's recent feat. everyone gets impressed. lady teresa asks mc to tell what he has in mind. mc wants to help for the people of paradise. lady teresa is amazed at how mc is different from the other earthling. after, they follow mc's plan. mc goes on with offense.

57 the earthlings are in defense. mc is with the princess's cavalry, they are the offense. after the offense encounter the enemies, mc uses his fastinna earrings to break off from the offense team. mc takes the aggro from the monsters. meanwhile, the carpediem team are set for an ambush vs the monster. once on mark, ian let a giant piece of a mountain crush down in the aggro'ed monsters. after, mc gets isolated from the monster pack. mc heads for the medusa. after beating and dodging some monster sentries, mc finds the medusa. mc goes for an attack. an explosion can be heard in the distant from the offense team.

58 mc goes for an attack. mc messed up. an explosion occurs. it was a signal for dillian to go help. dillian aims his charged arrow towards the explosion. mc knows dillian's attack won't be enough. mc charges towards the medusa. the meduss gets stabbed. in the offense team, the fort commanders tells lady teresa the monsters are dispersing. lady teresa is grateful of mc's success. the defense and offense goes on the counter. after, mc walks back to the fort. lady teresa runs up to him to greet him. mc asks about the situation, lady teresa is amazed at mc's sense of duty. mc collapses in lady teresa's arms. after, the carpediem team are planning to celebrate for mc's joining. suddenly, lady teresa appears and greets everyone a merry xmas. everyone is surprised. lady teresa has a gift, a spear. meanwhile, mc went to the gula temple. mc checks his storage. mc thinks his making it big but he has this sense of emptiness. outside of paradise, back in earth, he has no where to return to. mc also had a chat with the goddess gula. mc wants to tell the goddess of his problem. the goddess gula spoke in cryptic message. the goddess also mentions to mc of different path from his job class.

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