Friday, June 30, 2023

I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, But the Other World was at Peace (manga until chapter 11)

1 mc, miyama kaito a college student, along with 3 other highschoolers, got summoned in another world. the duchess, lilia albert of symphonia kingdom leads the summoning. she apologizes to the three, mc and the two other hs girls, hina yuzuki and kuzonoko aoi, with the hero hs, seigi mitsunaga. they were wrongfully summoned along with the hero. mc enthusiastically inquires the reason why they were summoned. the duchess explaind that the war between humans and demons have long since passed and there is peace between the two races. the hero is summoned only to commemorate and join the festival they hold for the peace. after a year, they will all be sent back to their own world. as the three are getting are enjoying a tea break, the duchess tells mc they have only been accomodating women and mc is the first man to have been accepted in her place. as such, mc was accompanied by the duchess's aide, luna maria, to get mc some clothes for him to comfortably wear. as mc and luna maria walk the the street of the town, they talk of the history of how peace came to be. unfoetunately, suddenly mc got lost. then a girl demon, kuromu eina, came up to mc to help him. she immediately know mc is from another world because of his magic aura. she gave mc an artifact that would help him locate his companions. back at the duchess mansion, the duchess took the artifact given to mc. later that night, one of the summoned girl, kuzonoko aoi, approached mc and asked him how he could stay calm in a situation they were in. mc answers in a stoic philosophy. but afterwards, mc ponders  why he was sent there. suddenly, kurumo eina appears ask tells mc enthusiastically he could be the main protagonist of his story. she takes her up in the sky and shows him the land below.

2 that night mc dreamt of his tragic past. he wakes up and finds a magic floating note from kuromu eina. during breakfast, the duchess lilia tells them they will learn about magic. as mc reads the magic books he got, demon girl kuromu appears. mc asks her to teach him magic. in the demon world, it seems luna is a high ranking demon. her comrades or subordinates talks about how luna took interest on the otherworld hero. mc asks luna about the 8 element magics, kuromu eina tells him there are only 2 types, non transmutation and transmutation, more like elemental and creation respectively. during lunch break with the others, they were given invitation to a new year party. due to the king's wariness of men, he neglected to invite mc. this angers duchess lilia that her brother the king forgot about the otherworlder. upon hearing this and mc's dislike with parties, kuromu eina invites mc to go out and have a barbeque with her and and her other friends. mc accepts. next day, he was surprised as well the others who found that mc was to be fetch by an extravaggant looking carriage pulled by unicorns. mc was taken to a site near a river, luna along with her companions greets mc's arrival.

3 demon girl kuromu eina, introduces her friends to mc. the maid ein,  zekus the bone lich also owner of a renown company seiditch magic tool company, lazria the fairy, ahato the giant ogre, noin an armored person. as the barbeque goes on. mc understood having friends much different from how he lived in their original world. mc also found noin to be a girl also from japan she was summoned much earlier and chose to be reincarnated as a demon. after a while kuro shows mc why she brought him to a barbeque. it was to show a magnificent magic tree. as mc saw the tree, kuro let mc sleep on her lap and rest. mc flows into a deep sleep pondering how his story will unfold as he searches for what he wants.

4 it was night when the barbeque end. mc wakes up to find kuro's friend giving him souvenirs. mc got a magic box and japanese cullinary delicacies. as mc return, he thanks for. he wanted ti ask why he chose her but let it for another time. it seems kuro wants to look after mc with his personal growth. back in the duchess mansion, mc finds out that some of the friends of kuro and even kuro herself are high ranking demons as when mc tells the name, only a few of them can be audibly understood. he also gave some rice food to the two girls. mc also find out somehow, mc is connected with the two girls. hina's brother is a classmate of mc and aoi seems to know mc from a game he used to play. on the other hand, in the party of the nobles, thw two girls did not like it compared to how mc enjoyed the barbeque. the two also mentioned how the hero misagi is being prideful. chapter ends with a goddess looking like character reading a letter from kuro asking for mc to be given a blessing.

5 next day, mc along with the duchess, aoi and hina went to the temple to get blessing for health. as they arrive as customarily, the temple is filled with people. but today, since a rumor circulated that a supreme god will appear, the goddess of time, more noble patron are there to acquire the blessing. as mc gets ready on his own, since he is separated by gender, he suddenly appear in a garden after going through the door of the waiting room. mc is greeted by a goddess, sharo vanarou. without knowing what's going on, mc suddenly acquires the goddess'd blessing, it was the request of kuromu eina. sharo vanaro then invites mc for a tea. the two converses for a bit. suddenly, sharo vanaro offers mc everything he could desire for. mc declines it. he tells the goddess she couldn't give it to him. mc is determine to go look for it on his own despite the many things he may go through. mc pictures kuro's smile as he tells his thought. this however picqued the interest of the goddess even more. sharo vanaro cancels the blessing he originally gave mc. instead, she became serious and gave mc a seemingly better blessing than before. afterwards, sharo vanaru bids mc farewell and asks mc if he would like to have tea with her again. mc agrees. mc also got tea leaves from the goddess.

6 after meeting with the others, a rude noble, count ducas appears and harassed the two girls and even duchess lilia. mc notices the other's wariness. he interferes and introduces himself. the count leaves. it seems the three also met with the count during the noble party last night. hina is shaking afterwards as she held on to mc. the goddess of time appears. as the crowd gathers on the side. the goddess approaches duchess lilia and inquires about mc. the goddess then blesses lilia with her blessing and tells her to meet with her some other time. mc also asked by rhe goddess about the goddess of fate who blessed him and a demon carnage who is looking after him. after thw godess left, luna the maid suddenly orders mc and the others to go back to their carriage immediately. she carries duchess lilia with her. lilia aggressively asks mc to come here when she meets with the goddess of time. at night, mc went back to his room to fins kuro waiting for her. mc tells her whay happened and kuro congratulates him. but kuro did not care for those as she hugs mc, and mc let her, she praises mc for answering the goddess's inquiry with his heart. somehow, mc feels comfortably in kuro's company. afterward, they proceed with training. it became a routine for mc to train magic with kuro. she even gave mc a book she made for mcnto understand. mc wanted to show it to the others as well but knowing the circumstance that kuro want to hide her identity he decided not to but kuro immediately understand and gave mc other copies. mc then inquires her intent to be disastrous if she were keepinf her identity. kuro then tells mc she does so only to not cause commotion. and since mc wanted kuro to come clean. kuro oblige and tells mc that she'll propeely introduce herself. she made a letter and asked mc to pass it on to duchess lilia. next day, after reading the lettee, lilia orders everyone to welcome a very very important guest. it turns out, kuromu eina is a very high ranking demon, dark king.

7 a glimpse of kuromu eina's past and her connection to kaito, somehow same name as mc, this said person was implanted with 'cognitive inhibition magic.' back to the present, the whole mansion of duchess lilia is in panic as kuro, one of the 6 great demon king, is to arrive. next day, the day of kuro's arrival. everyone was serious at first. until they enter the dining area. kuro went back to her bubbly cheery self. the others were still in a serious stiff state. kuro also knew of luna maria from the past 10 years ago. suddenly one of the maid tells the king wants to meet kuro as well. suddenly, kuro felt offended. the king wants to meet her while the king did not care about her dear friend, mc. the duchess set aside and let them ignore the king's request. after the tea, kuro leaves but before that she gave a letter to duchess lilia and a warning about kuro taking care of the demon world and lilia should do so with the human world. there is also another glimpse of kuro's serious yet forgiving nature. kuro had a great time with mc's friends. even though somehow mc may have felt a bit lonely, even kuro felt it too since they both didn't have much a lone time together.

8 few months passed mc finds himself on  a date with kuro. before that, a day ago, while mc ponders over the weather, kuro suddenly appears and tells mc to go out with. mc tells her it will rain and all of a sudden it did. kuro is convincedc had a specialized magic ability that is perhaps unique and exclusively to various indiviuals, mostly otherworlders. kuro tests mc's ability and she came up mc is able to sense the emotion magic. he is able to easily adapt. then kuro asks mc if he would like to go out on a date with her. the date went well. at one point mc asks if kuro is fine with her going around. she tells mc she uses magic to conceal her identity to those who passed by her. after a few shopping and looking around, their date is interrupted by wyverns. it seems the wyverns have passed through the knights order's defenses.

9 kuro became furious and made quick work of the wyverns. mc felt something amiss from the wyvern. with his emotion magic, somehow he felt the wyverns were running away from something. kuro somehow sense it from mc. afterward, they continued on their date. as the fun time is about to adjourn, mc wanted to give kuro a gift but he somehow hesitated. he wanted to know more about kuro as well want to be with her more but he'll do it one step at a time. mc fell for kuro hard. on the other hand, in the mountain where the wyvern came, a girl seemed to be the object of their fear.

10 few days later, mc is out with the head of the security, a mute elf lady. she couldn't speak due to a neck injury she sustained. they are in a bookstire that mc and kuro went  to in their date together. later, while hsving a convo with kuro. mc mentions their meeting thenthebgoddess of time, chronois. kuro suggest mc to have maid ein come with them since she knows the goddess of time well. on the time of the meeting. mc tells maid ein he is glad to have her with them because he thought maid ein and goddess of time chronois are in good terms. but when they did finally meet the goddess of time, the two higher beings suddenly engaged in yelling and started fighting. duchess lilia requests mc to do something. mc uses his emotion magic to put on hold the clash between the two great forces. the meeting ensues and somehow mc felt left out. he senses the fatigue thay had been building up from dichess lilia and tries thinking of way to refresh her. suddenly, the goddess of fate that blessed mc, shiro vanaru speaks to mc's mind. at first this surprised mc but he just let it be after shiro explains that she could feel mc's boredom. shiro suggest mc taking lilia to a sacred tree festival.

11 suddenly as the convo between shiro and mc goes out of hand, mc spoke out loud which in turn made those in the meeting misunderstood mc. mc tells the truth but this just worsen the misunderstanding. somehow mc wishes for shiro to appear and explain the situation. shiro appears in person. the two great beings lower their hesd and kneels as the very goddess of creation, the real god of the world appears before them. unfortunately, although it was explained that shiro ultimately blessed mc, she did not explain what was going on and instead worsen the situation. somehow everything deescalates when shiro asks to have a 1 on 1 tea with mc. as the mc and shiro enjoy their tea, the others in the meeting talks about how great mc is. goddess of time chronois then warns lilia about other demon king as they maybe dangerous to her as well the otherworlders like mc. she also specifically warns about the death king, isis one kf the 6 demon kings. unknown to mc about the conversation of the other party, he enjoys tea with shiro the goddess of creation.

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