Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Infinite Mage (manwha until chapter 39)

infinite mage

1 backstory, mc (shirone) was left in the stable of a hunter family. he got knack for intelligence and wanted to learn magic. while his father may somewhat be illiterate, the father is kind and caring otherwise. as he was brought to the city to get a new book for him, mc who was told to not loiter in the street, went to an expensive bookstore. he did not find what he was looking for. as mc explores he got into the noble area where guards tried to capture mc. he managed to escape and ended up learning something about magic from a magic instructor, behind walls. the instructor advice mc to join them. mc felt himself the need to join as he climbed the wall.

2 mc joined the outside class, he gets to see magic and even able to learn how. the spirit zone is a magic that allows the user to feel everything. the instructor was impressed by him. unfortunately a caste system bars mc. he is a commoner afterall.

3 as mc returns back, he bumped into thugs. he was beaten up. a noble girl acted as a leader but she just wanted to scare mc. then the thug insults his mother. somehow, mc remembers the magic demonstrated by the instructor. suddenly he used the same magic and beat the thugs. the police suddenly arrived to investiage. knowing that no one would believe him, mc left before they arrive. the girl leader used her magic earlier i  irder to escape. back at home, the leader girl was flustered that someone beat her, somehow.

4 few days later, mc trains his spirit zone ability. his father witnessed his ability when mc cut a tree with one strike. the ability somehow let mc see weakpoints. in the father's pov, he saw mc using a thunderstrike skill, a magic ability. few years later, mc became more adept with the spirit zone. he got back after gathering some woods. back home, he finds a nobleman waiting for him. the father had asked a noble to hire his son so he could read books, something he could not give mc. instead, the nobleman is hiring mc to sort out books, the nobleman even insulted the father. the father couldn't take it and angrily asked the nobleman to leave.

5 mc suddenly accepts the offer and thanked his father for the opportunity. next day, mc went on his way for the 2 years job. the father and mother were sad as mc leaves but mc is determined to learned. in the noble's place, olgent, close to the king's ranking, he was assigned as a butler and he handles the sorting of the books that were to be move to a new library. he was not told not to read so if given the chance, mc will do so. somehow, even if the nobleman, who is actually a butler himself, is strict, they can be caring too. mc is determined to learn more with the books he's able to read. he starts of with history.

6 few months passed, mc is doing well with the sorting. after the ardous first book of hidtory, mc was able to easily read books. during his one time library duty, a young master (rian cogent) tries escaping to tge library from his sword instructor. the instuctor orders mc to tell where the young master hid. mc tells. the young master vowed for revenge. in the evening, the young master arrives for his revenge. he orders mc to follow him. he wanted to spar with mc. mc was an underdog but with the use of his spirit zone, he wrecked the wooden sword of the young master to surprise him.

7 the young master, rian, remembers his inferiority towards his other siblings. he orders mc to duel him after a month with real swords. mc did not want it but it was set. rian trained hard, mc read books and tried applying it, along with his spirit zone. schema is the opposite of spirit zone in the warrior aspect. spirit zone is feeling everything around while erasing oneself, schema is feeling and accepting ones own existance and being.

8 in a month mc learn the basic of swordsmanship in the books he read. during the appointed time of duel, mc could stand toe to toe against rian. but when the young master suddenly unleashes his fury, mc could feel the gap between them. somehow, using the knowledge mc acquired, mc could see the trajectory of the attacks. but when rian unleashes his fury, mc could no longer see the attacks.

9 out of luck, mc won. rian admita defeat and ready to be killed but mc rejects it. mc explains he was afraid for his life. rian realizes his mistake of having done the duel. then  the young master reqiested to be friends with mc. mc obliged. a year has gone by and the job of mc is almost done. he also gained a new friend as well learned a bit about more with his spirit zone. one day as mc and rian is in the library hanging oit, reading. the elder brother appeared and questions the strength of mages. mc have an answer but seemingly, he was wrong to the elder brother. since anti magic exists

10 after a bit of argument, elder brother rai explains that swordsman are better whilenmages are pathetic. mc then argues that it's just the same and that mages have their own good points. rian laughs as he saw his elder brother leave with a defeated feeling. 6 months more passed and the work has been completed, earlier than expected. mc then asked rian to show him his house. mc wanted to see where his friend live. rian obliged and accompanies him. after hanging out, mc find himself drawn to the elder sister of rian playing a piano. suddenly mc invited by the elder sister, reina to hang out.

11 mc joins the reina. at first she taught him a few keys then using spirit zone, mc slowly and gradually played what she was playing. suddenly, rian busted the door to scold his elder sister only to find mc the ony playing. somehow, reina got a good impression of mc, mc also saw her good side opposite of what rian always tells about her. also the friendship between mc and rian was supposed to be kept a secret but rian said it to his sister. it's fine for reina. unfortunately, to others it was not. next day, when it's time for mc to go back home, the patriarchborders mc to be killed. rian hurries back to defend his friend.

12 the patriarch rules out thay commoner and nobles shouldn't be friend. when let asked to say something, mc asked what would happen to rian. when he finds out thay rian would be fine, mc breathed a sigh of relief and admitted to the crime of being friends with a noble. patriarch rules out a speedy execution. suddenly rian bust through the front door and defends his friends. he readies his sword in order to do so. he does not mind getting disowned or fighting his own father for his friend. suddenly the grandfather, ogent klump, of the family showed up and seemed to have taken interest withthe situation.

13 the grandfather handle the situation in a more calm and orderly manner. mc was about to be let go without punishment on the condition of cutting ties with rian. but mc denies it and want to be friends with rian still. suddenly, rian made a knights oath to mc. something no one else could break. the grandfather laughs and asked for mc's parents to be summoned. mc got a knight and left to live. back in rian's room, as the two boys hang put, reina, the elder sister, comes in tells the two of the family's plan. both mc and rian are to go to swordman school.

14 mc's parents arrive. mc tells them his situation and the noble's plans to help him. at first they thought he was having delusion but when they meet the noble family, they believed all what the mc told. during their family discussion, the nobles will help mc on the condition that he will be adopted to thw nobles. a one way ticket to become one. but mc rejects he. he love his parent more than anything else, even if he have to give up his dreams he would do so. even if it's just for papers, mc is determined. the father of mc realizes his sons dreams about to be shatter and begged the noble to adopt him. he even told the truth that mc is not their real son.

15 mc still denies it. mc explains that he knew it all along that he was adopted. even still he wouldn't give up on his parents. mc's father apologize. he did it for his son's future. mc then tells him he isn't giving up his dream, he is sure that another opportunity would come since he works hard. later on, the family decides a plan. mc keeps his parents and the grandfather noble, klump, would ask the magic instructor in the magic academy for a special pass so that even if he's not a noble, he could still get accepted. a few days later, the two friends part, with reina holding her feelings back from mc. in the magicnacademy, klump met with old friend, it was the same magic instructor that first demonstrated and taught mc how to use spirit zone.

16 few days later, mc parted ways with his parents and he's admitted to the magic academy. there he meets with the magic instructor who taught him spirit zone. as he tour around the school, he felt himself in another world, everyone was using magic.

17 mc finds the girl leader of tgugs in the academy as well. mc hopes she didn't recognize him. during the test, mc seemed to be more than above the average magic user. even the magic instructor, the head of the academy, is surprised by what the mc is telling during the interview. convergent nature and divergent nature of magician. convergent stamina greater than size of their magic range. divergent is opppsitr, size of their magic is greater than the their stamina.

18 the interviewers were at lost at to where class mc would be put in. despite having high score, mc have said he doesnt know how to use magic. in the end, mc is placed to 7th class, despite his score. as mc starts studying, he understands its only the beginning that he hardly could keep up with everything, the same as how he read and learn the books in noble's family. during one class, mc's class had  joint session with the higher class. there he saw the thug leader girl. although he doesn't wanted to stand out the instructor let mc catch all the attention. upon pondering who the familiar face is, the thug leader girl finally remember who mc was.

19 the thug leader girl (amy karmis) remembers who mc was. she remember her somehow being misunderstood that the thugs she was with obeyed her order of stripping mc down. she felt that mc will tell her other collegues about her past which she made sure was covered. the class was about the shape of the mage's spirit zones. the students, as well mc, learned many new thing about the applications pros and cons of different zone shapes. suddenly, the instructor asks amy to demonstrate a high tier zone shape. amy on the other hand felt fearful towards mc that she felt not having any attention at her. it was the same way that mc felt before he introduce himself to the whole joint class.

20 amy obliged and demonstrated a high tier zone shape remarkably. however after her demo, she unconsciously look towards mc. this somehow seemed like a misunderstanding going to spread ong the students. but that's unknown to them. the two just felt each other remember the other one very well. this somehow placed a certain fear between them. when the students are let on to practice their spirit zones, mc felt himself successfully doing it, he asked the instructor if could use the stage since the stage have an image function that let them literally see their zone with their own eyes. he was permitted. mc displayed his greatness to all students that were in the joint class as he made zone very large and being successful on his first day try. amy felt her standing at risk and she feel the need to confront mc.

21 afterwards, mc also caught the attention of others. somehow, one of the instructors who interviewed mc who wanted him to join her class was able to get to teach mc's class.  her mian intention was to make mc thoroughly understand magic and advance further. since mc's class is lower, mc couldn't get to join her. she wanted to take mc under her wings. during class, mc understands his flaw. he knows how magic works but he doesn't understand it. mc is determined to learn and understand it. after class, mc was going to the library when suddenly someone snatched him. mc was let down to a nearby forest and was confronted by his abductor. it was amy karmis.

infinite mage

22 the tells each other that they remember what happened back then very well. mc just wanted her to apologize. amy felt herself being treated lowly as she tells mc that if he makes an enemy of an upperclassman his life in school would be miserable and he might also be force to dropout. she then orders mc to bring her coffee everyday as a sign that he won't tell anyone about her past. although it seemed mc never had the intention to do so. next morning, mc delivers her a coffee as many student saw it. amy's plan is to make mc confess to her as she just ignores it. so if in case mc tells on her, no one would believe mc. mc realizes this but he just let it be. all in all, mc just wanted to study. on the tenth day of this routine, a friend of amy asks her when she'll accept him. somehow amy did not plan this ahead.

23 amy karmis rejects the coffee for the tenth day. somehow this started a rumor about her being cruel or something. but this didn't matter to her. one night after a study session a rich kid courted amy but she rejected him. somehow, this made mc the rich kid's target. the next day, amy's friend gave mc a letter that amy was out to rescue him from a letter saying mc is kidnapped, which is a lie in order to isolate amy.

24 mc finds amy's friend and tells everything that had happened. mc wanted to run towards the location bit amy's friend teleported them to the place. they arrived there before the scheduled time but they find no one. mc tells amy's friend to inform the teachers as mc will deal will it.

25 as amy confronts the bullies, they tell her mc is not with them. amy unleashes barrages of fury agianst them. she was on the upper hand until suddenly the bullies used anti magic. a forbidden technique used against mages. amy was in a pinch when suddenly mc arrived.

26 as mc tries to go close, the bullies used anti magic against him. mc stood his ground and with his overwhelming force reflected the magic against the bullies. when amy felt her power return she finished the job.

27 the leader bully overhears a secret that mc and amy are keeping. amy insist on mc that the two run before the teachers arrive but they were too late. the teachers suddenly arrive. the leader bully then lies and explained it was all a duel. with all the evidence shown of bullying, the teacher determines itnas a ground for expulsion. the leader bully threatens that their family household would stop financing the school. the teacher was unfazed and tells her that it was not about the money, it about the students achieving their dream. somehow this changed the heart of the bully. back in the teacher's office, instead of revealing the truth  of who mc and amy were back in the past, amy blatantly lied and tells the two are in a relationship.

28 after confessing to the.teachers about their relationship, the rumor between the two spread like wildfire. although it may seemed going great in the pov of amy, it wasn't with mc. somehow, his classmates found out about his scores with magic, this made a rumor that mc is some rich kid back by parent to enter the school and get the girl he wants. this did not bode well to mc since he was outcasted by his colleagues.

29 although outcasted, mc still prevailed. he was even due to be promoted. when it was announced in class about mc's promotion to higher class, his classmates rejects it since mc does not know how to use magic. they tell the teacher announcing the promotion that they can do better than mc. the announcing teacher, sienna, also the twacher who wanted mc to join her class, obliged to the student's request and had a meeting with the rest of the school staff.

30 during off class, a classmate of mc, maria, approached sienna and tells her about what is happening in class. sienna late that night visits mc. she tells if mc is alright and also regarding the school bullying. mc tells her that it's alright, although he may not care too much about it, he knows someone do understands him. sienna also understands why mc lacks in magic. mc is deliberately delaying his learning of magic as he slowly try to u derstand the very roots and foundation of magic itself. during a meeting regarding mc's promotion, the board decides a test. a promotional test for whoever succeeds. an equal opportunity for the rest of the class 7 students. something that the class cries about with the seemingly unjust favoratism or rather bullying towards mc.

31 amy karmis finds out about the promotion test as well the bullying towards mc. she wanted to support him but she does so discreetly. later at night, she went to mc's room only to find teacher sienna was with mc. after discussing about the promotion test, both wanted to teach mc but mc rejects and tells them he'll do it on his own. the circumstance is that, amy is busy with her own study and teacher sienna will be a judge for the promotional exam.

32 mc studies books on hisnown while his classmates hired expensive tutors. the alloted time before the promotional exam is 1 month. and its only 2 weeks left before mc start ldoing some actyap practice.

33 mc continues to fail until it was the day before the exam. he succeess but he passed out. one of their classmate, mark slider, the one who actually started the rumor was out to get mc and have himself be promoted. he employs his colleagues to interfere with mc. on the day of the exam, as everyone's getting ready, mc is no where to be found. mc wakes up and he's still in the practice ground.

34 mc arrives just about the exam start. the bullies are raring to hinder mc but he focuses on the exam.

35 mc made a miraculous move and went ahead of everyone. the bully is waybahead when suddenly they started their plan. they wanted to take out mc. on the sideline, maria, the one who told teacher sienna about the bullying was actually targetted by mark, the bully leader, before hand. mark tells her once he gets promoted she will be the target. maria on the sideline is determined not to let mark pass.

36 as mc recovers from the blunder set by the bullies, a maze suddenly appear. it was the plan of maria to stop mark from advancing, teacher thad, the instructor who first opposed mc's promotion found out. the school staffs stops the exam but with the two, mc and mark, in the front line, they went on ahead despite the danger.

37 mark was ahead but suddenly an obstacle appears, he was unable to get away. suddenly mc saves him. he used his newly learned skill while he carries mark with him. the headmaster, let the exam proceed. the other classmate seemed to be recognizing mc's talent.

38 everyone who watched the race saw how talented mc is. mc dodges and move through the obstacle with ease but in truth mc have analyzed everything until the maze suddenly turned into a dragon.

39 (asura scans) mc passed the dragon maze as he carries mark behind him. the instructor who failed to see it asked the head instructor for word. the head instructor, the same teacher who showed and taught mc spirit zone, announces mc won and advance to class 5. everyone who bullied mc apologized to him. he was somehow unconscious as he spoke to them hence his weird attitude but it was all good.

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