Saturday, June 24, 2023

Re: Monster (manga until chapter 19)

re: monster

1 mc, tomokui kanata, got stabbed by his neighbor who he treated like a little sister, kirimine aoi.  probably yandere jealousy. that was after mc helped a junior at work, kiritsubo mayumi. mc got reborn as a goblin, it was just a few days that they evolutionarily grew to able to start hunting. he then made a goblin friend, named kichi/gobukichi. after hisfirst successful hunt, a prompt ui mentions his name, rou/goborou. his first hunt was a horned rabbit.

2 as the two hunted, rou and kichi. mc finds out he still have is previous life innate ability. consumption absorption. anything he its, the gains it's power. also anything he eats becomes harmless inside of him, including poison. after their hunt, he then met another goblin who join their party, gobbi/gobumi, she's a goblin that looked up to mc. as a new member joined them, they made many strategies and even crafted weapon in order to help their hunt. other goblins also formed parties and even made weapon to copy them. on one hunt, the three defeated three new mobs. an armored racoon, mc was able to get armor ability, a rainbow bat, gobbi took it so mc couldn't get anything from it and a snake. mc was able to acquire new strength after absorbing the snake. of mc absorbs a stronger creature, his growth also greatly increased. he then thought of using poison they got from the snake as a coat to their weapon.

3 since it was raining, the three did not go out hunting. mc made armors for both gobukichi and gobumi. they also learned about evolutions. once reaching a certain level a goblin may evolve into another stronger race. next day, after a successful cave hunt, mc finally gained abilities from bats. at night as they rested, mc was attacked by other goblins. he fended them off. gobumi was a bit late but she attacked one of them. after the attack, mc took a goblin who he killed to throw outside. but instead, he ate it in secret. also, the grown ups was okay with killing their own kind. probably it was a justified defense kill. next day, the three went further and they found a lonely orc, they defeated it. mc ate it and gained analysis and orc language. whem they got, mc gave foods to the rest of the goblins. the attack stemed from hunger and they wamted mc to work for them instead. so mc repaid the evil deed done to him with kindness. he even taught the other goblins how to properly hunt. as the goblins praised mc, it was all a facade. the moment things gets dangerous, mc knows the meatshields he will be getting. as mc rests for the day, a prompt appears, it asks mc for approval for his evolution.

4 mc and gobukichi evolve overnight. the next day they became hobgoblins. they made new armors and clothes. they also sparred to test out their new strength. next day they went out to hunt kobolds. after the successful hunt and going back to their cave suddenly, the other goblins asked mc to teach them to better hunt and in exchange they will give him a portion of their spoils. mc accepts and thus mc taught them how. later on, mc went to the treasure room, it was a place where he first found humans. they were women. as was explained in the earlier chapter, since goblins have low birthrate, they use humans as 'broods' to supply new goblins. mc tries talking to them but he got no respond, they were far too broken. in the end, mc asked them if they wanted to die. mc slips a vial of seemingly a poison or some sort. mc left and didn't look back. mc became a hobgoblin variant, with black color,  blessed by the god of origin and demise. mc kept his divine protection skill he acquired when he evolve a secret.

5 next day, the captured women were found dead. all evidence were also destroyed. as mc helped with cremation, he ate a few parts of them, mc gained human language, some adventurers abilities and magic. gobumi also evolved into a hobgoblin. they hunt more and stronger preys. mc also went to the treasure room and ate some weapons and he gained knowledge for the said weapons. as days passed, mc continues with the hunting as well training the other goblins. then they added a new goblin to their team, gobue or goblin e. she was next in line before the three. they somewhat made her a porter, someone who carries stuffs. but they treat her as a team and help her level up as well. in one of their hunts, they encounter a kobold mage after tailing them and having magic get demonstrated,the goblin team defeats them. mc eats the kobold mage and drastically improved his magic capability. he was also able to use one of the demise magic as a blessing from the divine protection.

6 as it rained, there was no hunt going on, it wad the same with the goblins. as a result, mc held an event to determine the hiearchy. after the event, mc came up on top. mc then delegates leaders and subordinates to help other goblins. next day, they went and hunted a spider and mc acquired spider silk powers. they also found a group of orcs heading towards a mine. they decided to just to investigate, attacking would mean suicide at that moment. on their way back they spotted a smaller group of orcs, they defeated them. next day, they defeated a pack of wolves. they defeated them as well. mc also gain leadership skills. next day, their porter goblin E, evolved into a hobgoblin. then after seeing the fruits of the training among the goblins he trained. mc decides to attack the orc that they had left. the goblins won without casualty. mc ate the spoil this made hia leadership skill even better.

7 next, after a night's rest, the everyone in the goblin tribe have fully recovered. as they were training a team of goblins led by a hobgoblin arrives. mc was ready to fight them but the elder goblin tells them they are part of the tribe and the leader may as well be his father. when mc greeted them he found a few human girls captured by them. mc asked to have girls be given to him but the hobgoblin refused and wanted to fight. as the arriving goblin and the team of mc was ready to stage a civil war, a goblin mage step in. goblin sei and goblin sato, both of them were hobgoblins. sato suggests the two to have a one on one match to see who will get to be the chief. both agrees. mc onesidedly defeats the hobgoblin. mc rhen became the leader. he first orders no one to lay a finger on the captured women. the rest of new orders and rules will be given out later. at night, mc talks with the captured women. although they were afraid of mc, only a red haired girl spoke to mc. she tells that they are merchant travelling to a city when they're caravan was attacked by goblins. the red haired girl is part of the adventurers hired as security detail. however they were completely overwhelmed and thus all males were killed and them te women were captured. mc let them rest with comfort with blankets and torch. next day, mc gave them human foods. they were delighted and felt at ease.

8 mc succeeds making the human girls open up to him. with this mc made them part of the community. since the arrival of the expedition goblin team they set for the orc mines as their new homes. mc renovated the place with his earth magic. later on he trained the rest of the goblins. as things were getting peaceful, one night a grouo if goblins decides to disobey mc's orders and had plans with the human girls.

9 the group who disobey mc's order were the hobgoblin he fought for leadership and a band of his lackeys. mc dealt with them easily. with all the ruckus, gobukichi arrives in the scene. he orders him to summonall goblin to the great hall. in there, mc showed why rules are meant to be followed as he tortured and healed the goblins who disobeyed him. he did it repeatedly to cause insignificant amount of traumatic fear. the hobgoblin leader died in the process. the next day, they went out and hunted two 3 horned horses. mc gained even more powerful. that night as he rest, the red haired girl went by side to rest. mc did nothinf and just let it be. later that night, gobumi also appeared beside me.

10 next day, as the goblin tribe continue to grow in strength, mc made the current hobgoblin leaders of their own group. gobukichi will lead the army, anger group. sato will lead scouts, hatred group, gobumi will lead archers, regret group, goblin e (gobu e) will lead the chores and other clan related matters, pleasure group and sato, the only mage, will lead the magicians, although she was the only member, agony group. as his other party members were delegated as leaders and having nothing else to do, mc went out to hunt on his own. he hunted a demon spider, a 3 horned horse and then a slime. mc grew stronger. he also once again practiced his demise skill. he opted to only his weakest demise skill in grave danger since it was that powerful. as the night creeps in, mc returns back. but on his way, he meets a boss monster a red bear. having the thirst to face stronger opponent, mc decides to confront it.

11 the boss bear proved formidable as it evaded mc's last resort skill. the two dished out into an all out brawl. until finally the bear succumb and gets defeated. the beaten mc tries to eat as he fell exhausted from the ordeal. with a few bit of his strength, he managed to eat the bear a small chunk at a time. suddenly a prompt appears and asked mc if wanted to evolve. he couldn't careless about it as he feasted on the bear he triumphantly hunted. after passing out, mc finds himself no longer a hobglin. he evolved into an ogre.

12 mc returns back to the mines. everyone felt afraid that an ogre suddebly appeared. only gobumi recognized mc. she then scolds him for being away. then mc went and somehow scared everyone he met back in the mines but with a bit of talking, they recognized him and showed him more respect than fear. gobukichi felt inferior that he no longer is stronger compared to mc, in terms of raw power, gobukichi easily outclass mc, but with skills mc always comes out on top. but since mc evolve, somehow gobukichi doesn't want to get left behind. the other goblins are evolving to hobgoblins as well. mc always give them reward when they do so.

13 as the final goblin evolved to a hobgoblin, mc enjoys his breakfast. suddenly goblin e, appears carrying a little humanoid creature with a gem on her forehead. she's a guardian of a dungeon that humans recently attacked. the creature, mc calls it carbuncle, requests mc to drive out the trespassers, she's a spirit summoned by the dungeon master. her name is returner. the dungeon is filled with many riches but the master who died long ago did not want human kind to acquire his riches. carbuncle says that mc would be given all the treasure if he helps her. mc obliged. but mc also talked about it with their human companions. mc won't kill them if they do not show hostility. as nc confronts the adventurers, they suddebly attacked mc. as mc tries to speak rationally to them, the adventurers launched an attack making mc flinch. this angered mc as he retaliates and killed all the trespassing adventurers. mc ate them and gained advance class knowledge, he also ate the magic storage they have and a status concealment ring. this let mc acquire storage and status concealment skills. carbuncle led mc to the treasure room. as she thanked mc, she disappears leaving behind the gem that was on her forehead.

14 mc eats the gem and acquired golden rule skill. they placed all the treasures into mc's storage skill. then mc acquires the right arm of the dungeon master. it attached itself to mc's missig arm, something that happened when he fought the bear boss. then they celebrate, due to the fact the trespassing adventurers have alcohol with them. something mc was yearning since he was reborn. next day, he distributed some of the item they got to ten other hobgoblin. as the rain pours outside, mc held another hiearchy contest. it seems, mc no longer being a goblin, he decides to give up his tenure. he couldn't even join the practice since he just a lot more powerful than the rest if his group. mc also kept other equipments, aside the new arm, he kept a new spear weapon and a bracelet. on a day they decide to hunt bears, probably mini boss version. the red haired human joins the hunt. but along with mc, they just watched from afar. the hobgoblins were doing well with the hunt. as mc sets out to hunt on his iwn, he considersof leaving the rest of the tribe. he also thought of making a mercenary group. mc hunted a stronger spider and a deer. these gave him stronger abilities and evolved the similar abities he previously have.

15 mc encounters a dryad, a tree succubus. somehow mc had sex with her. mc gainednan ability somehow. then mc went to take a dip in a nearby pond, he was ambushed by lizardmen. thanks to his mechanical arm and his magic, mc dealt with them easily. he gained new abilities as well. mc then went and pushed through out of the forest, there he was attack by a human faced bull. mc easily dealt with it, thanks to his mechanical silver arm. back in the tribe, mc finds out two hobgoblins were able to use magic, he immediately sent them goblin mage sei. they were her first subordinates. as she thought them magic, mc stayes and listen. he understood a bit more about magic and suddenly his interest for enchanting was aroused. he went to the smith human girl afterwars and practiced using enchantment, after many failures, mc succeeds.

16 back in the cave, mc finds gobumi hateful towards him as well as the other human girls. mc went to the alchemist human and there he found the answer. mc was found with kiss mark from the dryad the other day and they were all jealous. as mc understood, alchemist girl kissed mc. suddenly gobumi appears and ask mc to do it to her as well. and then the other human girls appears. it seemed they acquired affection towards mc. mc had group sex with all of them. after the feat. mc was disturbed by gobukichi as he rested. a certain matter requires the head of the tribe. mc goes outside to find an elven emissary. they demand the hobgoblin's tribe's allaince to fend of invading humans, in exchange they will give them food, enchanted equipments and women. mc did not like how they treated him. mc unleashed his intimidation skills and induced fear towards the emissary as well the hidden elves that was laying in wait to attack. he refused the alliance but telks them that in case the humans invade he will help and if in case they retaliate against him or any of his tribes people, he will show no mercy. the emissary left. it seemed the emissary was actually a candidate to be the next in throne or something.

17 mc went out to hunt, he defeats and eats a stronger version of slime. mc acquires clone making skill and body fluid encnatment. he made enchant clothes for the girls. he then was able to make his clone change in appearance. next day, a group of elves led by the rude emissary went back for a fight. they quickly subdue them. mc made a mock fight training with his tribe against the captured elves. the winning elves were spared and were taken as prisoners. those who didn't were killed. the women elves will to be used as broods but mc made sure it will be as humane as possible and only if they want to. the elven emissary was tortured just like how the hobgoblin leader back then. in the end, the emissary died.

18 next day, gobukichi evolved into an ogre as well a variant type. much like mc although mc is much rarer. the two once again was able to spar with each other. although gobukichi was much stronger than mc, thanks to mc's skills and battle intuition mc defeats his rival. afterward mc gave gobukichi his rewards of new set of equipments. mc also dreamt of something weird, a black figure creeping up to him. next day a few more goblins evolved, it seemed not everyone have evolved. gobuji, a new hobgoblin was able to manifest healing magic. mc made him a leader of his own group, prayer. they are in charge of healing. also hobgoblin sei, the mage leader also evolved, from a hobgoblin she became a half spell lord. one who specialize in magic. she requests to go out with mc to test out her new abilities.

19 half spell lord sei uave became way stronger cinared to when she was only a hobgoblin mage. mc then gave her some magician set equipments as rewards. mc then ponders the high rate of evolution among his generation. he attributes it to himself with the leader skill as well his way and time of trainjng his peers. also the captured elves were slowly giving in to be broods, thanks to the aphrodisiac mc induced them with. mc reminds the tribe that they must only do it with them with consent and care. somehow, mc did it first with the female elves. this did not go well for the older generation of the tribes. one day, as mc and gobukichi returns back after a hunt they saw goblins from the older generation leaving. mc asks them where they're going and they explained they had it with the new tribe management. instead of getting mad, mc let the deserters leave. he even gave them give with some tracking of sort. probably an insurance in case they do somethinf against the clan. one day, mc finds an orc dragging a dead human. mc dealt with the orc and cremated the human. although mc did ate probably a flesh of the human. mc gained a new class skill, monster taming. back in the tribe, the alchemist have made alcohol. mc calls for a celebration. during the feast, mc tells everyone that some left since they cannot take it long in the tribe. none leaves the tribe after.

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