Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Previous Life Sword Emperor, now a trash Prince (manga until chapter 8)

1 mc kills himself. he gets reincarnated as third son of a royal family, fai henze distberg. 14 years of age, he lazes around. his personal maid, an elf ratifa. the king summons every family, mc does not want to go, chief maid, an elf feri yon yugustia, arrived to fetch mc forcefully. the kings tasked mc to join a war vs invaders that have a hero. his older siblings were unable to come. the first is too important as he is the next in line, the second is sick and his elder sister is serving another kingdom. although reluctant, mc accepts and tells that if the going gets tough he'll just run away, after all, him being their was just to get the name of the royalty to one thay helped and the kingdom already calls him trash. his elder brother the first son, gleria distberb, appears and tells mc he's a kind person and stronger than he is. he tells mc that he should run away if the going gets tough, the older brother will be there for him. mc remembers how his past lives was full of war and loneliness. mc is determined not to hold a sword and live a normal life and die with a smile. the chief maid will also come with him.

2 they travelled by airship. once they arrived they were welcomed by princess of the kingdom, mephia tuvia aphris. mc calls her boar princess. the princess asked for the supplies, soldiers and even the maid chief feri as assistance, mc accepts and tell her he'll leave after. mc tells it's a losing battle. mephia disagree as she yells her anger towards mc. mc tells feri his dislike with swords. as they continue to walk, they are met by the king. he tells mc that thebking requested mc to take command of the war and if things gets rough, mc will take the princess away. mc agrees to it but it will uave to be 5 days. the king holds mc to a high regards as he sees him to be kind. although mc denies this, he could not deny how he really is. as he take away with feri along the city, feri praises mc as his actual reason for taking a walk was to observe the situation. mc now hopes they could win the war.

3 as they survey the land, they dealt with the enemy spies. mc says there is no chance to win and tells feri to tell the king and the princess to move nations. suddebly mc took off and helped a wounded knight. but the knight was beyond help. the knight tells mc to help the wounded knights he was protecting. mc was impressed by the fallen knight's valor. the knight then asks for mc to save their kingdom but mc respectfully tells it was impossible. the knight then tells mc of his goal to save the kingdom, that way he could have met a meaningful end. as mc let feri take care of the soldiers, mc takes off but not without asking the knight how he can he die smiling because that is mc's goal as well. the knight stood up and hands his sword to mc and answers him to live for others. but as mc declines it, feri held mc. his memories from his pastlife gor drowned by the beautiful memories he had with the elf maid. an enemy assailant suddenly attack, mc immediately dealt with it. mc declares to the knight he will save the kingdom. the knight fell on his arms smiling. maid feri then scolds mc that he must escape and not fight the losing war. but mc is determined. and to show his spirit. mc decides to take up a sword against the maid elf.

4 when the wounded survivors were rescued, mc and feri continued with their duel. mc used his blood based skill, a skill he has in his pastlife where magic doesn't exist. he immediately defeats feri. she accepts mc's strength but she ask him to survive and if do not, she'll follow him to the grave. mc tgen meets with king aphris. the king immediately scolds him but as soon mc tells there is a way to win, the king listens. mc only asks three things, the boar princess's magic tools, mc not to be disturb as he trains and they should not merit him any achievements and continue to call him trash. next morning comes, the kingdom was in an emergency as they have been totally surrounded by invaders and are about to launch one last attack. mc went to the frontline. boar princess mephilia arrives and scolds him for meddling with their affair. mc tells her about a gallant knight who requested assistance and he was just amswering the call. mc orders his men to guard the gate as he and maid chief feri goes duo to the battlefield.

5 it was not a duo play, mc solos a thousand men. as the invading commander feels their troops are weaking, they call forth the their disposal. in a moment of silence as maid feri comforts mc in his sadness for once again holding a sword, a sudden attack hits mc. luckily it was a scratch. the hero of the invaders appear, ildis falizatd master of illusion. mc was also surprised he didn't saw the attack.

6 as the two fights on, mc was suddenly trap in a world of illusion. his senses have been impaired. the invading hero orders her comrades to deal with mc.  but mc have faced a technique like hers before. mc dealt with the men attacking him while under the spell. the hero becomes infuriated as she also attack. mc fended and beata her. but as a last effort, the illusion hero uses her magic to make mc see his pastlife master in front of him. in fact the master was actually a disguised of the illusion hero. as mc held his master in his arm, the illusion hero readies sword to stab him. unfortunateky, mc always wanted to kill his master.

7 somehow when mc takes up his sword, he becomes a maniac killer. mc suddenly unleashes a spell that rained thousands and thousands of swords. it kills all the invaders. the illusion hero is impaled with a few sword as she lie on the ground asking mc to spare her. mc enacts the coup de grace and beheads her. mc once again saw the scenery he never wanted to see, an battleground filles with corpse. as he ponders over his sad feeling, maid feri hugs him from behind and reassures mc that they have won and not a single ally died during the ordeal. something only mc knew that is completely different from his pastlife.

8 after the war, the kingdom of aphris went on a counter attack and they were successful. after the enemy nation requested for a peace treaty, the aphrisi kingdom demanded reparations and payment for damaged that have been done. after a few weeks, princess boar mephilia during an evening party went to mc and thanked her with full respect in contrast to how she acted when mc had just arrived. the boar princess asked mc to spar with her as a signed of friendship or something. mc accepts. as the spar went on, boar princess angrily yells at mc for her not having the power just like mc. she then tells mc his ideals as to why she holds her sword and why she wanted to be strong. she wanted to protect. mc wins the duels and praises her for her ideals. when mc gets back to disterg kingdom, his personal maid ratifa wakes mc up. she tells the maid chief feri had just taken a long vacation, it was part of their duel agreemenr when the two fought and mc wins. mc tells a lie making himself appear more trash while also getting to win a bet against the maid chief. suddenly his elder brother appears and fetches him to their father. they wanted to hear the stories of what happened in the kingdom of aphris from mc.

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