Thursday, June 22, 2023

VR Hero (manwha 21)

1 mc is living a sad reality. suddebly he felt joy in playing a vr game. even his sister was thrilled as she played it. mc then met a girl. she betrayed him. but before he could die, a magical wandering merchant appears and sells mc a sword. mc gets teleported to thr group as well the girl who betrayed him. mc immediately killed thengirl who betrayed her. the swords requires the user to commit evil.

2 mc slaughters the group who betrayed him. although the weapon grew, it was just miniscule. mc understands he must do more evil to become stronger. mc tries ks in the game but its not considered evil. mc then tries pk. but before he could see it actually happen, his mother forcefully logged him out. she was drunk as she vent her anger towards mc. mc suddenly threw a fit and threw his mother down. mc went back to the game and saw the sword's stats increased.

3 suddenly the wandering merchant appears and inquires mc about the weapon's stat increase. she also that the party that betrayed him, that mc wiped was only part of a greater guild. meanwhile, the guild sets out a manhunt for mc. but before they could go out, mc burst in their territory. he slaughtets them all. but not until he was about to kill the leader was he forcefully logged out. mc then ran IRL on top of a building and as he was about ready to throw a brick at someone he stopped. suddenly a man enters the rooftop.

4 as mc run pass the man, he was stopped. the man questioned mc's intention of throwing a brick from the rooftop. but as the man pursues him, the man fell on top of the staircase. mc tried calling the emergency hotline but opted not to. mc went back to the game, finished his job and collected and sold all the loots he got. mc then splurged his sister. everything was going great and he can see things turning for the better. until evening came, his ingame items transaction cannot be processed since an event is underway. he couldn't sell the loots he go to chamge to irL money. mc hurries back to the game.

5 next day, as the news keeps rolling about the event in the game, his sister tells mc that things they bought have to be refunded. mc is once more hit with a sense of cruel reality. as the whole world in the game goes nuts, the rL government also tries to help. suddenly one of the top rankers goes nuts and seemongly betrays the other player. when all of hope is at lost. mc suddenly appears and cut down the big monster that was targetting to end the whole game world.

6 suddenly the story goes to a vrtuber girl, her story of how sweet her life was before her older brother changed. she love her brother dearly until he passed away. she has come to accepting that the game world will be destroyed. when the monster and the ranker was about to attack the only memento of her brother, an arcade place, the vrtuber girl tries resisting them but it wad no use as she was easily overpowered. suddenly mc apoears and killed the top ranker only to find out the lackey who was sent to abduct the vrtuber was actually the top ranker. also, mc have finally defeated the monster.

7 the high ranker suddenly confronts mc. mc begs the ranker to let him finish the transaction, since he really needed money. but as the high ranker was unswayed, he immediately attacked mc. this made mc counter which immediately killed the high ranker. unfortunately, with mc's swing he also killed the many onlooker who just saw what had happened.

8 the ranker as explained wanted to destroy the game world. mc have to do evil deeds IRL in order to activate evil mode and increase his capability. after the ranker situation, the wandering merchant begs mc to continue to do so but mc chose not to. two higher rankers are now on the loose to destroy the game world and mc have concluded to go back the harsh and cruel reality. as the game world gets destroyed mc tries hard to live in reality. but in truth he really want to gain and exchange the loots he got. on his way home, he was met up by the bf of the girl who extorts money from mc's sister. mc felt a sudden rush.

9 but in truth mc got beaten up. then he went back to play the game. everyone was revering him as a hero who returned. he said he made an evil deed IRL but its not yet mentioned. he had recollections of her sister telling him how she's being bullied in her school. her sister also tells mc how she admires him for being strong. mc raises his sword as he confronts the two high rankers.

10 unfortunately the attacks of mc do not connect. he gets beaten up in the game.

11 but it was all an act, mc suddenly used the tenth high rankers equipment (thebfirst one he defested ENME), it converts all damage received into attack power. mc also mentioned he didn't actually get damage. mc immediately defeated the 9th ranker (ard) and then the next one 8th (giovanni). it was done ever so easily. suddenly the wsndering merchant arrived and congratulated mc. mc immediately attacked her.

12 after the battle everyone was praising him. but mc was just mad as he questions everything. he must do acts of evil in order to be strong yet the people revere him as their salvation. back in reality, although mc was feeling confused and sad, he somehow felt happy. as he come back home he meets hos school bullies.

13 it seemed like mc was getting beat up. back in the game world as high ranker 7th (nor) emerged, certain epidemic is happening. some gamers were reportedly to have been forced to logged out while at the same time they are hospitalized. sime of them died due to cardiac arrest. then a team of 3 rankers (11,15,19) appears in order to fight off the high ranker (GRANDMASTER). the other grandmaster also discussed that there were originally only 7 gm but they made it 10. with the info from 9th that the difference in level between gm as well as discussion between the other gm having only 7 members. it's safe to assume, the original 7 are on their level way beyond others.

14 gm 7, easily defeats the 3 rankers. vrtuber girl also went tothe scene just to meet mc. unfortunately they were also killed. due to this, vrtuber girl found out about 7th's skill/equipment. 7th could induce fear state in order to immobilize the target. it's not just a normal fear state but an actual fear. due to this it will carry on to IRL. as the scene calms down. mc finally appears. as he attacks 7th, fear state was also induced on him.

15 a certain back story of gm 7 nor. he was part of the early group. but he was greedy as heck. he collected many artifacts and equipment. one of them is the item that induce fear. back in the present, mc got defeated and forced to log out. he felt afraid whenever he thought of going back to the game.

16 thankfully, vrtuber girl (nize) came back and saved mc before he gets killed. the fear effect makes player log out but it takes 10 seconds to do so. in that time, the player cannot move. it took a few weeks before mc returns by that the 10, 9 and 8 gms have returned as they wrecked havoc in the game. as they continue to do so, mc suddenly appear. nize was also in front lines who tells everyone to stay in order to stall for time. it seemed like she is hoping for mc to return. and mc did.

17 before the fight. as mc returns home, he sees the loan shark are messing with his mother and sister. mc felt the true fear he has is poverty as he attacked the loan shark. back in the game, mc immediately dealt with 10,9 and 8. as he readis to fight 7th, mc was again struck with fear effect but suddenly mc acquired a new skill, fear immunity.

18 everyone was watching in silent as mc overcomes 7th fear skill. in trutg the fear immunity skill stem from mc's fear of poverty which is IRL. mc dealt with 7th but nize, the vrtuber noticed that nk death notification appears. 7th is still alive, somehow.

19 as everyone rejoice in the defeated 7th. suddenly they were all killed, except for mc. 7th became fluid/goo like as he scattered himself everywhere. as mc continues to fight 7th, the gm just regenerate himself. until finally the 7th was able to stab mc. mc's rage  state has only 5 minutes left.

20 it was not fluid/goo but more like dust particle. 7th covers the whole body of mc. with no more time for the rage state, mc flees. but 7th was still on him. as he ran out of time, the wandering merchant suddenly appears and gave him an advice. if the enemy can split himself to many pieces, mc could just easily dealt with him by killing him all at once. the merchant then tells mc of the skills his sword actually have. mc then tries using them against 7th.

21 mc used a skill, other than the rage state. mc traps both himself and 7th to another dimensiom and then used a fire skill which ultimately burnt 7th and along with all his infinitely appearing clones. as mc emerged victorious from the fight, the whole playerbase who were waiting rejoiced. but suddenly the rank 1 gm, lee el, relayed a message. he took off his mask in the message and reveals his face. mc saw his IRL face.


mc is living a very fuck up reality. somehow game is creepig up to him. in a sense that the game features are indirectly controlling him. with mc doing mischiefs in real life to get better stats in the game. and inversely as how mc's treated greatly in game, mc's life just keep getting worse or something like that.

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