Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Ultimate Heal Heals Everything (manga until chapter 29)

the ultimate heal heals everything

1 mc, lars, since childhood tried his best to be of use in his town. but since he was too weak and not good enough, even the only skill he got is basic skill. without showing it, the town people felt mc to be a nuisance ehile keeping the facade that they're grateful to mc, they even take care of mc. he was an orphan, when his parents were killed by demons. a goddess, or something, showed him how to use heal ability when he was beaten down by the monster. fast forward, mc was of age, he knows he was just a burden to the town, somehow this is how the townfolk indirectly felt. except for the uncle who took direct care of mc. mc decides to leave town and go to a bigger rural city in order to get a job. unfortunately he was out of luck. as mc was about to run out of money, he happened to be in a slum and met a beaten girl. mc heals her and without knowledge, he even healed the girls in born disabilities. the girl, rino, immediately drag mc out of the slums in order to show her gratitude to mc.

2 rino showed different places of the town. in their conversation, it would be hinted that part of her disabilities that were fixed by mc is her blindness. mc got know many things around town, including meeting warriors who set up shop to make a living desite having to give up adventuring because of injuries. at the end of the tour, mc used his heal magic to fix rino's dress. something that is very different from the normal heal. mc thought his power is just basic heal and that anyone could do it. after taking a room in an inn rino suggested to him, he found out the goft his uncle gave him was very valuable a magic wallet/box that could store many things. there's also money in there. mc decides to find a job afterwards.

3 mc sets up a shop for healing and fixing things but no it was no use as everyone was just ignoring him. somehow, rino got to him and asked if he could heal her sister. mc at first rejects since there was a history of trying to heal a sick person and only ended up worse. after thinking it much, mc took a gamble and decides to help rino. rino also apologized to mc since she sold clothes mc fixed for her because they needed money to help her bedridden sister.

4 mc arrives in the house of rino. there he met rino's sister, minya, a cat girl who uses a wheel chair. she was attacked by bandits and after she could no longer feel or exert any force through her lower body. mc was reluctant to use heal on her as he does not know what cause it. if it was a curse or poison, minya might get worse. but she insisted. minya said it would be better to take a chance than to be a burden to rino. mc  proceeds with the task.

5 mc successfully heals minya. when rino tells mc that he'll pay him back. mc insisted to just have another tour around town. suddenly minya took her broken sword and demonstrated her skills. she introduced herself an adventurer as strong as b rank. if only she has a weapon she may proceed with adventuring. mc then heals the broken weapon she has and they were fixed. suddenly it occured to mc another sort of side gig.

6 mc thought of raking up broken items fixing it and selling them. but minya had a better idea, mc to join the adventurer guild. in the guild, they were about to be bullied when minya suddenly apoeared and save them. mc registers and found out his stats and skills were seemingly hard to understand.

7 mc, rino and minya went to a dungeon. only mc and minya were able to enter since rino was unregistered she had to wait inside. as the two travel, mc somehow followed a rat who stole a loot he just got. the path led to a big boss rat.

8 minya dealt with the boss rat easily. she was surprised that her weapon was able to use an attribute that she doesn't remember it has. she then scolds mc for trying to get back a broken useless loot. mc explains that it might have some sort of value. minya then praises mc as it was also his good point. she tell suggests mc to open a shop of his own. as the two travel deeper shadows of the bullies in the guild appears.

9 as the two continue travelling, they acquired more broken and left loots. but as they rested as they ready to get back out, the bullies arrive and took mc as hostage. fortunstely, mc used his heal to repair a broken sword and let him get away from the bully.

10 suddenly the partner of the bully appears and mc wa sagian caught. in order to save mc, minya allows the hostage taker to take her instead.

11 minya made a quick work of the two bullies. then she tells mc to heal them. mc did so. the two apologized and somehow promised to turn in a new leaf but minya was not conviced. she tells them she wanted to do an experiment with mc's heal ability.

12 the two went outside to find rino waiting. somehow, it seems rino has a teleport ability they went back to mc's room, he fixed the items and it all looked brand new. as mc raises one of the weapon they acquired, it suddenly unleashed its skill and split the inn. when the inn keeper burst mc, mc apologized and used his heal skill to fix the damaged it. everything was resolved in the end. it seems the equipments and items mc fix become stronger and gets imbued with specia attributes.

13 as theybsell the items they acquired. it became clear mc had no idea to how things were. luckily both minya and rino saved mc with the calculation and got a fair deal out of the transaction. mc then gave the two girls gifts for always helping him out.

14 mc ponders with the sum of money he acquired. he earned a lot but it's not his actual goal. he tells himself that things are only temporary as he remembers what minya told him. mc goes shop to shop researching something. minya and rino finds mc and the two sisters tails him.

15 mc goes from shop to shop and last he went tk the adventurer guild. he asked for a dungeon he could explore on his own. the two sisters appears in order to stop mc. mc tells them that mc must stop relying on others and that he needed knowledge in order to know how business works. he also gave consideration to what minya said when she told mc to open up a shop. the two sisters reprimands mc that it's fine to rely on others. then three joined forces in order to help mc. mc's short goal for now is a tool that would give him an appriasal skill for equipments they find in dungeons.

16 as mc and minya sets on another dungeon run, rino goes dumpster diving in order to find the item mc was looking for. as the two travel, mc tells minya that they'll split the reward, minya declines. she states that she don't need it. she was just looking for a place she'd belong to and she was happy just being with rino. then mc tells her to just work for him as a body guard. they sister could live in with the shop he'd hsve that way they won't be separated and such. minya tells mc she'd think about it.

17 as they rummaged to the loots they found and fixed they were losing hope as none were the ones they were looking for. suddenly rino took out a glass shard and asked mc to fix it. it turned out to be a msgnifying glass with the appraisal skill. minya ponders over how mc's heal ability works. mc finds out the strength and prices of minya's weapons.

18 as mc oeaves, minya ponders how mc's heal work. she explains it to rino as the two came up with the idea that mc's hel is more than just fixing but improving and enhancing. the more damage the stuff and the more magic mc pours in is the better the enhancement. mc then reminisce about the past of how he got his power. the two sisters determines that it's their duty to protect mc with his powers being op, many other would be out to get him.

19 next day, mc asks the inn keeper, stella, who is also a realtor, if she knows any place where he could set up shop. the two sisters were with him as they scout for a probably residence/shop/plot land. mc then decides to get a burnt down plot. when mc was about to tell he could easily fix things, the sisters stops him and tells stella that they'd find a way to fix things. as stella leaves, mc used his ability to fix the burnt down building into almost looking brand new. as they explore the new place, a certain seemingly magical smoke fumes beneath the building.

20 they checked out the new place. after the tour, mc tells the two sisters that he'd like to employ them. minya as the body guard/security and rino on the shop. mc even said that they should live with him the two agrees. but after, the shop/castle shook. tje three went down from the rooftop to find a basement stair on the first floor. as they investigate a spirit engulfed in fire appears.

21 the spirit, ifris, is the daughter of the spirit king ifrit. she was mad and bent on revenge and wrecking havoc as she was trapped. but mc and the rest do not know what was going on. ifris determines to go berserk as she burnt everything. thw two sisters were able to get away but mc threw himself as he defends the place they were supposed to belong.

22 mc endured the onslaught thnaks to his heal ability. he even fixed the whole house again as he protected the two sisters. the spirit then gave up. but instead of living, ifris became curious of mc's ability. somehow mc even got curioua of his own ability. he suspects it's not even just a basic heal. as everyone have already suspected. ifris then tells mc to let her live in the house in exchange she'll provide hot water. she also need payment, in terms of mc's healing skill used on her. mc acceptd. rino became wary of ifris having a change of heart towards mc.

23 a wholesome chapter to think about the name of the shop. lar's fine quality shop.

24 grand open was a flop. they got great items but no sales arrived. until in the evening the warriors who due to injury stopped adventuring came by and purchased a sword. that was his first customer. mc also takes note what the warrior said. demands should depend on the customers lifestyle and what they could afford.

25 some time passed, taking care of the shop was not as easy as mc thought it would be. they're on the red and they could at least survive thanks to mc's ability to fix cut up bread, like cloning them or something. mc could always sell his products to other shop but he must prevail with the shop they have. suddebly the weapon shop owner who first bought mc's fixed priducts appears.

26 the weapons shop owner tells mc about a few tricka tonget by. he even mentions main attraction, a signature to make mc's shop stand out. after the discussion, mc tells rino to close shop for the day as they go on a meeting.

27 strategy meeting to best sell their product. unexpectedly, ifris gave many valid and good points. products should be something to be rememebered if they're great. next day, mc was seen outside lying on the ground with a knife on his hand a building sliced in two nearby.

28 it turns out mc demonstrated the weapon. but since his knowledge about them next to none, it cause a commotion. it was forunate no one was hurt. the two sisters scolds mc for not relying on them. mc thennasks minya to test out the weapon they have on him to better understand them. he can endure them since he got heal.

29 as mc gained knowledge about their equipment, mc proceeded withbselling door to door. until one time, afyer a successful transaction, the customers informs mc about the coming harvest festival. mc hurries back to inform his crew about it. although rino was dead set on rejecting it, even minya have no idea what tondonfor the festival. thanks to ifris, mc got an idea. them having put on a performance show for the festival. rino agrees with it as well do the other crew.

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