Monday, June 26, 2023

The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years (manwha until chapter 36)

1 as mc, lucas traumen strongest and most proud human, is fighting hordes of evil creatures, a demi god appears and traps mc in an eternal abyss. in the present world, a student, frey blake, third son and talentless, gets beaten up by bullies and was mention of a magical duel tomorrow in their class. as student's consciousness fades, somehow mc hears the student's voice.

2 with being disowned and having a very sad life, the student, frey commits suicide. as frey dies, lucas in his isolation hears his pleas and was suddenly made to possess the body of frey. mc now back determines to strike back at the demigod who trapoed him for 4000 years.

3 mc immediately meditates in his new body and purges all toxins within. mc mentions the his current body had rearched 5 stars. come next morning, the bullies even bet on mc taking on his life. as the classes start, the bully duel partner confronts mc.

4 the fat bully asks mc for his stuff for the bully's losed bet. mc shrugs him off. but as the fat bully, jack, trues to engage, mc immediately  overpowers him. the current professor, dio, took him to the ward and a sub teacher, Kevin and is a pervert, took over. the sub teacher also despises mc. professor kevin confronts mc and suddenly gave him a quiz with conditions of failing him in case he couldn't answer. it's about king kassajin. somehow mc knew who kassajin back in his previous life.

5 the question was about the magician warrior's equipments. mc suddenly had a flashback of a musclehead warrior. as mc tries composing himself over his friends achievements. a student, isabelle, tries defending mc, saying that the magician warrior never used any kind of equipments. professor kevin suddenly decides to harass her but mc suddenly gave all the correct answer. but professor kevin was intent on harassing isabelle. mc then insults the professor. the professor got mad and tells him he has more questions for him.

6 mc answered all the questions correctly. this shut professor kevin. class ended whem lunch break comes. on his way to the cafeteria, student isabelle followed mc. she tells how impressed she is on how mc was knowledgeable. somehow, mc's prideful demeanour, made him careless whether he gets exposed as the actual greatest mage himself. unfortunately, isabelle is a school beauty and with her and mc eating together this did not bode well with someone who was recently rejected, it was the bully david.

7 after lunch, the class for practical magicn begins. it was the waited event of the bully. but mc's mind was on the professor leading the class, professor jane. somehow mc's infatuated by her. even isabelle who was discussing about magical topics was confused with mc's behavior. as the pairing of duel starts, mc ignores the bully and went straight to courting professor jane. the professor then refuses mc but mc cannot be move. mc then made a bet with the professor if he wins, they'll go out on a date. the professor agrees. during the match, despite being told to use weak spell, the bully  used an ultimate spell. this did not faze mc. mc unleashed his weakest spell and ended the combat immediately. mc won with a single strike.

8 but the match didn't end with the bully being incapacitated. even the rule set by the professor adheres to that. match ends only with surrendering. unfortunately, david's vocal cord was the first target, mc then destroyed the bully's legs before he finished up with the match. the upper classmen who watched the show was both surprised and astonished. mc, as frey was a trash, suddenlt beats up the school bully. as mc walks around campus, an upperclass man, douman milost, approached mc and invites him to join their group, treuman ring, mc's name in his previous life. mc declines. but as mc walks away, another upperclass man, peruan jun, approached.

9 mc also rejects the invite of the other senior. that night mc went on the date with professor jane. odd enough, student isabelle joined them. as mc tries to make her leave, she mentions she won't until mc teaches her about magic. even the professor suddenly got interested. mc wants to spice things up but isabelle won't let anything happen. mc ponders why the demi god who trapped him never did erase any traces of his past life and his other comrades, despite being against them. isabelle once again appears. mc asks her who the strongest in the academy, in exchange he will teach her about magic he knows. isabelle tells student peruan jun is strongest among the student, professor dio pulsman and professor adelia among the teacher. but the one who stands at the top is her aunt, lady syris triznine, the director of the academy. professor jane appears and continues that the director is a 6 star mage. mc thought of knowing more about the demi god who trapped him. he wanted to use isabelle to get close to the director ti get answers but changed his mind. he did not want a child getting involve in his affair. mc then says he will get to 8 stars before the vacation ends. this surprised the professor but accepts it as one who aspires.

10 the bully david returns to school after patching up but as he confronts mc, mc just beats him with a 1 star spell, magic missile. later on, senior bullies approached mc to take revenge for what he did to david, mc just dealt with all of them easily. as mc continues with his studies, he find out his body couldn't learn any new magic. suddenly, isabelle approaches him and inquire more about the teaching method he taught her. mc answers her questions masterfully. mc then tells her that during vacation he will go on training, he invites her to join if she's not afraid. isabelle immediately responds with a yes.

11 there training is located in the mountain of yspaniola. they require great money to get there quickly, using warp stones. mc is also impressed and had concluded as to why magic decline is because convinient magic tools. but since both did not have any money with them, they opted to go by ship. the ship cost was free for students. they wanted to go to a luxrious ship but somehow it was full when it was their turn to board. luckily, a cargo ship next to it was going to where they were going. they boarded the ship but along their way to their next stop, pirates suddenly attack the ship. even the escorts were annahilated.

12 despite having two warship as escorts, since the pirates manage to acquire a help from a lich, lord dullard, escorts were easily sunk. the lich was suddenly taken aback. he jad intended to attack all three ships but suddenly his strike against the cargo ship suddenly vanished. mc also noticed it, isabelle inquired to mc about it. mc tells that there was someone with them that stopped it and that his current body is no where near as strong to stop the attack. mc also admits he felt afraid at that moment as he was powerless against the lich, it reminded if him when he faced the demigod. the pirates successfully boarded the cargo ship and planned on taking the cargo as well taking the student trainees as hostages. the students wanted to engage against them, suddenly the lich appears and demands the one who stopped his magic to come forward. the student peruan jun reveals himself to have stopped the lich's magic.

13 unfortunately, as mc analyzed the situation, peruan jun is nowhere near steong enough to fight the lich and it was only a miracle he was able to stop the attack. peruan jun requested to let the other student free in exchange for having only him, since he's part of a high nobility family, the pirates would fetch a higher price. but the pirate rejects. peruan jun wanted to use his last strength to take dkwn the pirates with him. but suddenly the lich captures him. as the pirates starts capturing the students,  one of them attacks mc. the attacking pirate suddenly got launched away.

(i somehow fused two chapters so we're at 15 now)

15 peruan jun saw mc's attack. it was magic body strengthening skill. mc kicked the attacking pirate in a very fast speed. at this point, mc treats isabelle like some sort of a little child. mc tells isabelle to watch carefullt and be on guard, she's stronger than the pirates save for the lich. suddenly, in an instant, mc appears in front of one of the pirates and impales his arm on the pirate's chest. he tells the pirates that they should have accept peruan jun's offer. mc deals with them immediately, there was a bit of an issue when isabelle was suddenly apprehended but shebwas just acting as she dedeats her captor. mc praises her.

16 suddenly the pirate captain tells mc that they are at impasse. he makes a deal sith mc that he'll half of the hostages go. suddenly, one of the students tells mc to save her in exchange for gold. and like a flock, many students offered mc money. mc asks isabelle what to do since they need money as well. as the offers kept coming, mc got irritated and scolds the students and tells them a mage is a hero and they must protect others despite the situation. then the lich joins the fight.

17 in the fight, isabelle suddenly caught a glimpse of mc and he looked like the strongest mage, lucas treuman. as the fight went to it's peak, mc blocks all of the spells used to sink the escorts. mc does it easily. as the lich casts a greater spell, mc breaks it and had a convo with the lich. he reveals himself as the lucas treuman, but as the lich won't believe it, mc destroys the lich's core thereby killing the lich. mc goes back to the ship and tells the pirate they will die next.

18 the pirates gets defeated. and as mc and isabelle disembark, peruan jun follows them and expressed his gratitude for saving them. somehow, even isabelle knows how great having owed a favor by a high noble family. mc treats peruan jun casually. this gets on the nerve of isabelle. mc also asks for abit of money from peruan jun. they were given a hefty sum. as they walk along the streets of the port town, peruan jun mentions he was on his way to have a talk of marriage with his fiancee. mc asks if his fiancee has an older sister or even an aunt. before peruan jun go on his own, he thanks mc for being a friend.

19 wirh the arp stone, mc and isabelle  ear the base of yspania mountain range. they went to a pub to eat. the pub owner warns them not go exploring the mountain but mc insists. the pub owner gave them details about the mountain ranges and monsters there in. the pub did not charge them instead he'll put it on a tab until they return.

20 as the two make their way through the mosnter infested region, mc tells that their main goal is the dungeon made by kne of the 4 great mage, schweizer dungeon. as the two continue to train, mc finds a hidden aafe haven behind a waterfall. there, mc showed the training method isabelle wanted to learn, battling. as mc meditated, his eyes close and he concentrated. isabelle observes. when mc opens his eyes, he sees ysabelle able to copy the technique he showed. mc is impressed.

21 after taking a rest, mc finally showed the actual training method. mc is somehow balancing two opposing force of magic in him as he meditates. mc warns isabelle to just observe. but isabelle tries it. she puke out blood as she tried doing so.

22 three weeks past and mc ia still contunuing with the meditation. isabelle tries doing it but she could hardly do it. still, she was impressed how far and fast she grew. suddenly the barrier mc had erected broke as a phoenix burst inside the cave they were training in. isabelle felt afraid. but mc knew it wasn't hostile and it needed help. it approached mc gently and let itself by hels by mc's hands. the phoenix is wounded by a stronger creature in the mountain.

23 as mc heals the bird. he remembers a phoenix friend in his past lives. the phoenix lives leaving behind some feathers that can be used for healing ir creating equipments. isabelle who witness the ordeal felt fascinated towards mc it was as if she was seeing the great lucas treuman himself. after month since they started mc had achieved reaching 6 stars.

24 after wards, mc felt fatigue as he had starved himself. when the two goes out to hunt for meat, they find dead minotaurs around them. mc knew it was the phoenix work. suddenly hear cries of a human. mc immediately went to it's location leaving behind isabelle. it was a group of bandita killing their hostage. mc saves the last survivor and begins his attack.

25 when isabelle gets to the scene he finds mc standing on a ground littered with corpses. he let one of the bandits escape, mc tells the survivor that he cannot be save and they are under no obligation to help. but mc vowed to defeat all that does evil. the escape bandit tells of what happened to their leader. the leader grew weary of finding a battle mage that fought them. he orders more sentries to look out of mc. then the scene skips to the bandit leader attacking a passing noble carriage. sonia aquareed, the eldest daughter of the family, was exhausted as she fights the ambushing bandits.

26 it was a few days after, the bandits were actually targetting the noble. sonia aquareed concludes they cannot beat the ambushing bandits. and after hearing what the bandits planned for them, she concludes it would be better to kill her subordinates herself than let the bandits get their way with them. the subordinates even consented with this. suddenly, mc appears and stop sonia aquareed.

27 mc tells the bandit leader he annahilated the rest of the bandits in their camp. then he proceeds to annahilate the bandits along with their leader.

28 the two parties introduced themselves. sonia aquareed of the luanoble kingdom. the retired accompanying them immediately knew who the family of frey blake was, son of isaka blake a 7star magician of castkau empire. mc then tells them they'll travel with them since they were also heading the same direction. mc also used his magic to gather the dead soldiers as wanted by the returned knight. on their way they had a convo about magicians. sonia aquareed had a fhange of heart after seeing how stronf mc is. mc tells the noble, his strength came from his effort. when they arrives to the port town after sending the dead bodies back to their families the noble party wanted to thank mc for his help. mc accepts it by letting them buy him dinner.

29 when they get to the pub, the survivor mc saved was actually the pub owner's missing son. the pub owner was delighted that he closed his pub for the night so he could accomodate only the mc and his companions. during dinner, mc saw the scars on the nobles shoulders. he was impressed and as he expressed they were traces of her own efforts. as they conversed they found out the noble is the fiancee of peruan jun.

30 morning comes, mc and isabelle have to part with sonia aquareed. she then invites mc to go to the peruan jun's house. mc shrugs it offm mc and isabelle proceeds to their prior goal, the schweiser dungeon atop a drake (dragon kid) mountain. as they rest near the mountain, a mutant red ogre appears. although isabelle grew strong, she hasn't realized it yet as her attacks vs the ogre were ineffective. mc tells her use a more effective element vs monsters that evolve in elemental attributes.

31 mc attack was endurer by the ogre. the ogre continued to thrash and isabelle kept scolding mc. mc then launch the same spell again but this time on multitude and only in a singular spot. thisneffectively killa the ogre. unfortunately, with the ogre's loud thrashing, the drakes were alerted and have come for them.

32 as they fought off and defeat one of the drakes, the drake king (a bigger dragon kid) appears. mc with isabelle hids as at their current level, they were simply no match for the bigger creature. as the coast became clear, they fled to a mountain peak and rwsted. isabelle healed mc. after a rest, they flew off to the peak of the drake's mountain. there they found the island. in mc's monologues about his past and his former companion, isabelle' questions mc's identity and somehow her suspicion of mc as someone like lukas treuman that reminds her of him gets clearer.

33 as mc and isabelle enters and goes deeper they find the door to the dungeon. with mc tinkering with a device, suddenly his friend schiwezer appears. in his younger form. but it was only in a recorded hologram. mc reminisces and trembles as he once agian saw his former companion. isabelle notices this. mc ponders hiw his friend had met his end and how is the only one left alive. they enter the door with questions and answer. mc answers the first question correctly and this had picqued isabelle's growing suspicion. as she tries asking mc about his real identity. mc shrugs her off and tells her they are in schewizer's dungeon ans they should be wary. they proceed deeper.

34 they are met with another and an a hologram of schewizer this time as a young man. the question was about their other former comrade iris phisfinder. mc also found out that she was interested in him but mc back then was dense. isabelle agrees that both mc and lucas of the past are the same with that. mc answers the questions correctly and they enter. as they go deeper, mc realized the questions were about his former comrade's life. the final door is guarded by an elderly schiewzer. somehow the hologram was ultimately speaking with mc as lucas from his former life. as mc answer's his last question, which only lucas would know. mc reach out to his friend's hologram as it vanished. isabelle was there to see how things unfold. she hears the hologram calling mc lucas, the greatest mage to have ever lived.

35 as they enter the final room, mc acquires the frozeb river elixer, a potion that will help him get to 7 star. isabelle rummage through the items and finds an earring. mc explains he made those 4000 years ago and he is surprised to find them among schiweizer's dungeon. this time isabelle does question's real identity. on how he made the earring 4000 years ago and on how he knew about many things. mc reveals to her he is lucas treuman and about the story how he got the body of frey blake. isabelle kneels and pay her respect to the grestest mage. mc orderd to be casual with him like always and just call him frey. mc tooks and equipped some of his friend's keepsake equipments, the magic earring mc made, the bracelet that schiewizer always wear. they also acquired a seemingly odd golem core. as they packed all the things what was left was a book and a desk his former friend always kept. as mc opens the books he reads, "lucas vanished."

36 the book was a diary of schiwezer, it recount how things have transpired when lucas disappeared. his friends grew estrange and parted ways. the many people around schewizer were never his friend but people who wanted the msge's demise for his treasures. it goes on in sadness of mc's sudden disappearance have left a missing piece that could unite everyone. as mc promise to take revenge against demigod, isabelle points out at theblast page of the diary, it's about the golem core they acquired. it's name is anastacia. isabelle tells mc to just create the golem for the core. mc remembers how he was inept when making golems. but before they could step outside the dungeon, mc orders isabelle to immediately go back to the port town. as they go outside, mc finds the drake king waiting for them.

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66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

9/10 A great read. The story so far is like a character development of the mc. And mind you, the mc is supposed to be OP who is from the anc...