Saturday, June 24, 2023

Never Die Extra (manwha until chapter 50)

never die extra

1 evan de sheaton wakes up from a dream. he reminisce it seeing a gamer, yeo banmin, playing for many many hours. gamer kept dying and restarting all over again. evan was surprised to find that the character the gamer kept using has the same name as himself. the gamers spoke to his friend about his repeated cycle as well yhe game having evan keep dying almost on anythinf. as if evan was actually meant to die. evan then realized the game the gamer was playing was about his life. as the gamer continues playing, he suddenly wakes up in evan's body. with memories from his previous world, he is determined to not let himself die.

2 chapter starts with mc waking up from a nightmare. in that, mc was still yeo banmin who jusy finished playing the game using evan de sheaton. suddenly out of his computer screen a sword passed through and stabbed him. mc ponders about his memories as yeo banmin while havingnthe body of evan sheaton. he then took a msgical book which inly the user can read and started recording his memories about the game. it was all to ensure his survival. as he writes and recounts the tale of evan in yeo banmin's memories. it was all futile. every route led to his death. but he then remembers evan was able to survive until the final boss. as he wrote, a maid girl, mabel, suddenly appears, it was one of the girls who will fall in love with him and later kill him, totally a yandere. he, as evans with yeo banmin's memories or vice versa, determines to survive until the end.

(i'm confused whether to see mc as evan de sheaton, the death flag charactwr in the game, or as yeo banmin, the gamer who stayed with evan in the game until the end. be it as evan who acquires yeo's memories or as yeo who acquires evan's body. for this i apologize)

3 mc then spoke about level. mabel the young maid overhears it and scolds mc for having thoughts of going to the dungeon. in truth, mc just made it seemed like it to better understand how the people think. since mc knew of many things in the game, he made a plan to keep him alive as much as possible. the start of it would be to acquire the slime summoning necklace, slime mirasol necklace, of his family. since it was his birthday in a few days, mc tells mabel to tell his father, marquis sollaine de sheaton, leader of the dungeon city they live in, to meet with mc. he planned on doing an exploit. dungeon levels are different existence level. former having gained inside dungeons the latter from outside. as mc kills the summoned slime, he planned in getting stronger. he also try to make sure that mabel do not fall in love with him as she's the yandere type that would eventually lead him to a death route.

4 mc meeta with his father, sollaine d sherdden. mc's name is now evan d sherdden. he oleads to have his bday present early. he wanted the necklace in the treasure room. althought reluctant at first, marquis sollaine could not resist if evan pleads to him with the cute face he has. mc acquirws the slime summoning necklace. back in his room, he used it.

5 mc succeasfully summon a slime and kills it. after training a few times, he became proficient at it. although there was no status yet. mc felt himself leveled up. he then ponders why as a mage character was able to hardly lose any physical stamina. then he berates the dev of the game into making evan a mage character if he's stats are gearing towards the physical route. mc then wrore many more records only he could read about the things he needed to survive, including important stuffs. he also planned a daily routine to strengthen himself. he also promised himself not be swooning women as it would eventually lead to his death route. in this chapter, mc admits, he is yeo banmin reincarnated as evan sherdden/sheotan.

6 the house servants noticed mc to have changed but they let it be. although mabel wanted to confromt mc, the rest stopped her. mc then had a tea time with his mother, reddine d sherden. his mother then tells him about when he beome 10, he'll start his nobility lesson. so until then, mc could play but mc must maximize his efficiency. his mother tells mc to go visit the city although she also mentioned a recent dungeon reverse/dungeon break happening. as mc continues to train afterward he thought of how to get stronger. on to his next plan to ensure his survival, mc must gather subordinates. he then remembers demi god race who are powerful. and they are to be found in the slave market in the city his father rule. he then asked mabel to join him to go on shopping.

7 mc looks for the demi god race silent knight, a very strongbcharacter only second to the main character of the game. when they arrived, his escorts, dain, a guard and mabel accompanies mc to the slave market. mc was warmly receive. as they slaver shows mc the slaves. mc was surprises to easily find who he was looking for as well another demi god character that was op in the game. he immesiately paid handsomely beyond the required price. finally mc acquired the team mates who will help him.

8 on their way back, the mc asked their names. the boy who was to be silent knight is named Shine and the girl who was called the blood witch is Bellua. afterwards, shine then aska mc why he chose them. they only know they are weak so there was no reason other than to make fun of that they were bought. but mc denies it. he tells the two to be very talented and offers them a trade. in three years if they are not to show any result of talent or genius despite being trained by mc, they are free to live. if they do, they must continue to follow mc. shine had a change of heart upon hearing it meanwhile it seems bellua easily believes mc.

9 when they got back home, the servants immediately took care groomed the two new membersof their household. after the grooming, bellua and shine arrives in mc's room. they rhen asked mc what they really needed to do. mc explains they need them to protect himself. they'll be with him at all times except when they train. he then asks the two what they want.

10 shine wants to kills monsters while bellue has not yet decided on anything. mc then tells them a way to be strong. as demingod race who are weak at the start but are overwhelmingly op in the endgame, they must start with their foundation. and one method of doing so is learning skills. he then tells the two to work as servants for their household while keeping up with his training to build their physical and magical capabilities as it was effectively shown by the hoysehold servants in the game.

11 mc asks the head maid and head butler to teach shine and bellua. as the training went on, mc was called to his father. his father asks how mc has been. mc says he's good and that he's doing magic research with the necklace he got as a gift. his father noticed thw necklace changed and mentioned that its a growth type artifact. this surprised mc as well but he just let it be. his father also asked about the slaves mc bought. mc tells his father they will protect him in the future as his own people.

12, 3 months passed and and the promised 3 years result appeared. both shine and bellue.have already shown great result of their training. this led mc to give the two training equipments. shine got twin daggers and bellue got a magic lamp. mc personally taught shine twin dagger techniques, while bellue was taught by mc's mother in secret even to mc himself. in another 3 months, the two have shown great progress. as for mc, he was now able to summon two slimes as his exp farm. mc now readies foe the next part of his survival plan.

13 next part of the survival plan is gaining poison immunity. doing this, mc requires a lot of money. this is why mc had an idea. mc dragged mabel along with him this time. mc meets with hisnolder brother, eric d sherden who had been recently tasked to inspect and manage the city. mc then showed him a detailed outline and plans in order to help the city. mc wanted to do business as well to get his own allowance. eric praised mc and decides to show it to their father as well. the business plan was outright to massive for mc alone, mc then suggests that he'll only be getting one part medicine business, the rest is for the city. the father, marquise sollaine, showed it to his cabinet members they were all awed at the city planning. they accepted it immediately but not first without questioning mc's desire to have the medicine industry. the marquis tells the csbinet members the explanation mc said. since the only way to get healing treatment is from the church, they made it scarce to the point that only those with money who could afford are only able to use them. while those who can't are not treated and left to die. mc wanted to make medicine in order to stabilize the treatment costs as well as help the rest of the citizens who cannot afford with cheaper alternative. the cabinets after hearing this accepts the proposal. afterward, the marquis tells his son about the acceptance of his plan. mc felt excited. making medicines will only be a part of his true goal. his true objective was to gain poison immunity through the facade of medicine.

14 unfortunately, since the church handled most of the treatment, medicines and pharmaceutical knowledge is very unprioritized. this is a great hundrance towards mc's business. mc needed a pharmacist to teach him to make medicine. fortunately, the slaver apoears and hands mc a list of pharmacists. as mc rummage through the names. mc spots a name he is most familiar with. garcia bernard, the greatest pharmacist in the previous version of the game. he quickky employs him along with hannah, a.cute assistant pharmacist. at first bernard was reluctant to help but mc made a bet. mc show a potion not even the greatest pharmacist knows, bernard will work for mc for 5 years. bernard counters the offer, if mc does so, he'll work for fifty years. if not, mc will be his apprentice. mc agrees. as mc shows them the building the two soon to be employees were amazed. mc then showed the cheat potion he made. bernard lose and had to sign the contract for mc. with a surprising addition to his rooster of a past character, mc determines to write everything he knows from all versions of the game since other characters from the previous game might also appear.

15 mc planned to have a perpetual circulation of material to product to customer. they made business with herb to potion to exchange and probably sold surplus for money. the adventurers liked the potion they got as it was even better than the heal of priest. although there is a probability of the church to intervene, mc was at ease since it was backed by his family. the business became a success. due to this, mc was able to focus more on his goal, to raise his poison immunity. it had already been a year and mc's 10th birthday is coming soon. he needed to train more. shine suggests they go in the dungeon but mc rejects it. he tells them they need two more years, as the promised time limit, in order to do so. also in the medicinal pharmacy business, mabel was set up as the head manager of the store. also, the church is doing something with the other pharmacy business. it's about to be investigated.

16 mc explained thoroughly that although they gotten stronger, the dungeon is something they mist not underestimate. the two find themselve to be much thought of mc as they let themselves be rejected. as mc trains with his slime, mabel suggest mc to get a weaponin order to keep them quiet as he trains. mc suddenly thought of an artifact that would help him with it. blood stained gloves. an artifact that was filled with many death routes. wearing it makes used weapons useless and using magic impossible. since mc will only be using it for killong slimes with his grip, mc is determined to acquire it. they head off to shop for items. mc led them go artifact huntinf in the auctions.

17 the whole crew went around the city bartering and buying the artifacts they needed. since none knew of their real worth it was an easy task. mc acquired the gloves he needed. shine got a dual dagger and bellue acquires a fire stone. after of tinkering, the new artifacts are now registered to their owner.

18 as the two leaves mc. mc.proceeds with his slime training again. at first he succeeded. doing so without being notice. without the slime sounding when they die. but suddenly, the slime necklace levels up. and mc is now back at square one. mc is determined that he must learn a skill in order to succeed with his current goal. this however placed heavy burden on mc. as his train, his screams can be heard throughout their residence. mabel went to the pharmacist for muscle pain relief but asnthe training went on, even his family have to intervene.

19 as everyone gets worried mc continues with his training. until one day whem mabel was out to give mc some pain relief potion, he was not answering his door. his family arrives but as soon as his mother spoke if mc is doing fine. mc opens the door. his mother greets him happy birthday. mc asked for mana recovery earings in the treasure room. the nobility training proved hard as mc had to learn many things that even his former life doesn't even know. such history, family tree, and such allnfornmc to get ready for society. all the while, mc trains in secret. one day, shine asks that mc must choose a weapon in order to get stronger but due to his gloves artifact, he went on for hand to hand combat all the while saying that he needs time to findnthe perfect weapon for him.

20 mc goes to the knights barracks their he meets with michael erlocke captain of the knights. somehow, the knigut captain was assigned to train mc's combat training. it was hell. shine also undergone the training with mc. a few months passed, results were showing but it has to temporarily stop since erlocke qas asked to join a dungeon raid. at first, the knight captain was reluctant to join but after an inspiring speech from mc, the knights captain suddenly became inspired. he promised to get backs stronger and once he gets back the training will be mucu morw intense. this was not in mc's mind. few days later, the slaver went to mc. he have new demi god race kids with him.

21 mc meets and accepts the two new demi god race kids. mabel quickly groomed them up. shine then had a conversation with mc regarding him being in the frontline..this however is immediately rejected by mc. somehow shine felt disappointed at mc's response. after class, mc went to the pharmacy to hear their grievance regarding their uniform. it was way too hot in the summer. mc decides he'll have them more comfortable outfits for the season. the pharmacist bernard felt grateful to mc and decides to teach him alchemy. this made mc very happy. meanwhile, the church is now feeling the success of the pharmacy as the donation the received plummeth.

22 as mc finishes up with his alchemy training, hannah comes on for her potion training. pharmacist bernard was surprised to find her early. she then mentions the chirch was giving out free healing as part of an event. in the church, the bishop felt assured that they are beating the customer numner of mc's pharmacy but a priestess tells him that was only because their doing free service. the bishop suddenly thought of plan to mess with the pharmacy while not having any bad terms with the marquise. the priestess was mad at her boss the bishop for being rude and not thinking right. as she let herself drown in alcohol, she met with mc. mc let her talk her heart out. she was mad at the bishop for nothing right. mc knew who the priestess is. she has a key role in the future. she's to be the grand riest servina bellain. mc triee recruitong her to his family but she declines. she promised herself to fix the church and so she couldn't just abandon her duty. suddenly mc thought of a way for them to be affiliated with each other. mc will be supporting her as an unnamed person. as she continues with her duties and such. also in the future, she'll be leading her own church.

23 although not really essential, mc also made a promotional free potion to give out. this also planned out during a meeting with his staffs. mc tells them that out of nowhere the church may suddenly attack and so he deployed various and numerous security detail to protect the oharmacy employees as well the pharmacy itself. add to the fact that servina, the anonymous snitch, also gsve out a list of names that might possiby intervene with the pharmacy. although the free potion event was a hit, it was certain the church have already made a move as an intruber was reported to be captured by the security hired by mc. on their way back, mc and dain were alone, an invisible assassin confronts them.

24 mc and dain dealt with the ambush easily. as the investigation proceeds although every evidence were found pointing towards the church, they were able to manage to dodge it.  when the marquise, father of mc, found out mc was attacked, he felt a sudden urge to retaliate against the church but mc had a plan. their main enemy is actually the greedy bishop. if the main church have nothing ro do with the fiasco that is happening. mc suggest that they wait for priestess servina to come up with such evidence in order for them to hand to the main church. in turn, if the main church find this fiasco was actually done by a part of their religion they may somehow feel indebted to the marquis family if they keep quiet about this incident and also this way, they can have their own way with the greedy bishop. or something like that. church gets their face in tact woth all the discriminating issues that happened and the marquise family having a better affliation with the church. it was a rather win win situation for them. they also get to deal with greedy bishop as an isolated case or something. they now just have to wait for servina.

25 on the day of judgment, servina served the evidence needed, the greedy bishop is arrested and hanged. the order ordains servina as the next bishop for sherden dungeon city, something like that. soon, rumors began to spread about mc's accomplishment. mc caught wind of this. somehow mc knows where this will go. mc ponders what to do next. mabel comforts him and assures him he'll do great with whatever he does. mc then musters up the courage to announce he wouldn't want to be the next head but instead be a knight captain.

26 mc wanted to became a knight dungeon. in the game it was his vrother that got the position and mc was left with city management. and this ended eric's life. mc did nit want that. but before he could tell his decision to the marquis,  miriam d sherden, the 2nd wife of the marquise gave birth to a lovwly daughter, elizabeth. ahe was someone that never appeared in the game. mc then theorized it is either mc had deviated the story since he started, or elizabeth was killed or died before she could even mature. mc then remembers that miriam d sherden was an evil character in the game and had xaused mc to die, but right now he couldn't feel any malice from her. maybe mc has to do something in order to change miriam in the future.

27 mc discusses with pharmacist bernard the possibility of a little child dying. then the he mentions disease taken from the dungeon and with the history if dungeon break that happened it was possible. the two immediately investigate and successfully found clues. suddenly bishop servina appears and informs of an infectious disease they can hardly contain. mc goes to see and thus found out what the two had discussed became real. but with the pharmacist knowledge and the effort of the marquise family as well the church. the situation was handled remarkably. but as they rest, mabel went to mc to inform him of elizabeth's worsening condition. despite the fact she was healthy before things have escalated and mc have also personally ordered her utmost care.

28 mc went to his sister along with pharmacist bernard. the medicine they have will be either to potent or won't be strong enough to immediately cure elizabeth. pharmacist bernard then thought a solution which he mentions levels. immediately, mc realized that in order to cure his sister he has to make elizabeth level up. without think, he shared his gloves to elizabeth and used his kept secret training method to make elizabeth level up. in the end, elizabeth was cured. somehow, pharmacist bernard gets to understand mc's origin a bit. the rest of the family were very grateful towards mc. the marquise orders mc to have a private convo, it is in regards mc's desire to not mentioned in any city management affair. the marquise felt it was out of his respect for his older brother. mc siddenly announces his desire to be a dungeon knight captain.

29 his father agree's to his request and he will ultimately be supported but on the condition that he must first be of right age and must acquire satisfactory training results. but all this was to ensure mc's safety. afterwards, mc had a convo with pharmacist bernard. mc mentions that they must make plans to ensure such a pandemic from ever hapoening again. pharmacist bernard assures mc that they need not think as hard since the royalty have caught wind of their feat. in fact, mc might also be summoned to the royal capital himself. this is something does not want to happening. he  had death routes coming from when he mingles with the nobility crowd. but unfortunately, the marquise suddenly orders mc to go pack up as they will visit the royal capital and meet with the king. mc wanted to get away but mc was specifically asked to come. mc reluctantly obeyed. he just thought of the situation as an opportunity. two weeks later they arrived in the capital and took temporary residence in the byern's manor. mc did not like to stay there since his knowledge from the game tells him that the said family will fall to ruins. he mentions his desires to not stay in the manor with his father. the marquise immediately agrees to mc. suddenly, a messenger appears and relayedba message of the immediate summoned of the marquise and mc to the royal family.

30 they meet and greet with the royal emperor. the emperor mentions giving mc a reward. then the two discuss about the expansion of the pharmacy business as well discuss as distributions rights of the medicinal products. right when mc wants to join the convo, the king sent mc away to the garden. there he met with the king/emperor's daughter serena i silkline. somehow, mc realizes the death flag he will acquire just by being with her. but right before mc could say anything more after introducing himself, serena, in a yandere way, mentions the slimes mc kept killing.

31 mc recounts that serena will become a great villain in the future after she was kidnapped and was brainwash. her ability was monster taming. it must be the reason as to why she exactly knew what mc does. mc then explains to her that he was doing it for the sake of his survival. serena was okay with it except for one thing. she points to mc something other than the normal slimes he was killing was in the necklace. mc only then realized that somehow, his necklace had just leveled up. mc used his summoning and a different slime appeared, it was a fire slime. mc hands it to serena as she was curious about it. out of the blue, she was able to communicate with it. mc concludes she was able to form a contract with the fire slime. mc gave the fire slime to seren and he also offered to teach her a bit about monster taming. with this, mx somehow made her capable of defending herself when she gets in danger. afterwards, he never wanted to jad anymore connection with serena. back with marquise as they enjoy conversation, marquis mentions that the emperorwanted the two to be engage, mc and serena. this surprised mc. thankfully, the marquise decided against it as they were still too young. mc just see death routes creeping in. mc tells the marquise he does not want to get involved with her. he tells that there are others who is much worthy than him for the princess, this again is misunderstood by the marquis. he though mc was just to humble and that he may also have his own desires granted. but mc's decision is set and ,the sole reason is for survival. the father is set to help his son. in a few days, a meeting will occur with regards to the pharmacy business, he tells mc that he may not go with them mc was delighted. but soon after, princess serena visits mc to hang out and play. it would seem the plan of the marquis and mc to not involve the two, just won't happen. the emperor truly wants mc to join their royal family.

32 mc asks serena why she would want to go hang out with mc. she tells mc that she mentioned everything that had happened between them to the emperor. and thus the tale almost only leads to the two getting engage. but mc had other things to do to think about it. mc, serena as well as shine and bellue went out shopping. first they went to get outfits that can magically change size depending on the wearer, each of them got a new one. mc also acquires a cursed coat that summons a krakken. this was after all, his main intent for going out to shop.

33 they purchased many jewellries, both shine and bellua misunderstands mc and thought he was splurging. they also went to eat on a restaurant after a few incident and play alongs to the mc, the four receive permanent growth buffs. it's a game thing that mc knew. after their shopping, mc lay bare the spoils they got for the day. it seems what mc actually bought were artifacts or have some sort of bonus.

34 mc made an exchange deal with serena since she wants one. mc gave her a tigris earring. it increases the users monster taming ability as well having an ability to make barrier if infused if magic. mc asked for an artifact from the royal treasury. afterwards, mc also gave bellua volcanic earrings, something opposite of mc's current artifact earring but they pair well together. next day, mc also decides to go artifact hunting but somehow there is something strange with shine.

35 shine's sudden heavy feel can be associated with the event that they did when they ate in the restaurant. somehow a ghost got attached to him. with the bracelet artifact that mc gave shine, the ghost went to the bracelet that shine got. the heavy feeling of shine vanished. he also acquired a ghost companion, something shine didn't like one bit. he seemed tk be afraid of ghosts. bellua and serena enters and tells them they are ready to go out again. serena also gave mc the artifact he wants. it's a limit breaker. mc immediately used it and increased the number he can equip, from five to six. as they went out, an unknown warrior in armor can be seen drinking in a pub.

36 mc's business this time, aside from artifsc thunting is recruiting maincharacters in the game. mc decides they should rest and est in a famous pub that strong warriors gather. as they enjoy eating, mc noticed a main character it's a boss character who is getting drunk in alcohol, ryan drukas. dain, the escort guard, tells mc that ryan is famous, for being a church knight even without any aptitude for it, although he has great attributes for being a priest. apparently it's ryan's dream to be a knight, so no one could chsnge that. mc approaches him.

37 after hearing the story ofnryan wanting to protect others despite how weak he is. mc concludes he is actually a tank. and they don't anything about it. mc then inspires ryan that despite being weak, he will always come in order to help protect others. mc calls him a hero. somehow, this inspires ryan and proceeds more with training. but just as ryan was about to leave, mc extends his arms and invites him to join him in the future when mc have finally eatablished a knight order. ryan drukas accepts.

38 mc meets with his father as he showed the spoils and loots he acquired. through the game knowledge he got, mc acquires a greay amount of money while theytravel through the streets. mc also introduced eric drukas who will he part of mc's own dungeon knight order. Druks will be coming along with them back to their territory. on the day they were going back, serena meets with mc. she wanted mc to live with her but he outright decline her offer. she wanted to always go out of the castle. the emperor was fine since she'll ne with mc. but since mc's leaving she can no longer do that. somehow, mc made her mistunderstood. mc tells her that she must be strong in order to go out of the castle. serena tells mc she'll become stronger and that one day she'll join mc's knight order. despite mc's refusal to involve himself to the princess, it seemed mc had to accept what the future holds. on their way back, they discuss a formed idea of mc's ability. they discuss that mc could see the secret of the world but in exchange his life will always be in danger. the three, shine, bellua and ryan vowed to protect mc at all cost. mc then talked about ryan's strong point. since he will be a tank, he must be a shield. this somehow reassure's ryan combat capability.

39 on their way back to the dungeon city, they stopped by a hotspring town. they decide to take a rest there. in rhe evening, right when they were getting ready to go take a bath, mc mentions of a small dungeon in the hotspring town. shine wants to go inside but mc denies this. mc tells them they will not go inside the dungeon but they go investigate the surrounding of the dungeon. mc explaind that mana form around dungeons and sometimes strsnge things happen around dungeon. artifact may even form. mc wants to acquire an artifact that makes a hotspring.

40 after taking a bath, as mc meets up with bellua, a nobleman kid tries confronting her. she just ignores him. the nobleman kid is crow von ferrati, a duke or something. as he finds out who bellua is and who her personal master, crow challenges mc for bellua. crow von ferrati is main character in the story. he's a mage swordsman.

41 the marquise somehow accepts the duel for mc. mc was reluctant at first, he knows crow is strong. but he thought that if he decline the duel, he'll just be making an enemy. the fight is for bellua's freedom as a slave or an employee. in the fight, mc somehow did not take into account his own strength. the match ended with just 1 hit. mc easily won the duel. this surprised mc as well. then he misunderstood things and tells everyone that crow was great at magic but not at physical combat. his father misunderstood mc as well as he sees mc to be very humble as always.

42 after the duel, crow acceots his defeat and somehow crow sees mc as a friend rival. crow asks for thwm to duel again in the future. the marquise then tells mc to come with him to great the ferrati patriarch, melthor. mc and the marquise meets with the ferrati family. melthor is the father, then mrs. ferrati and then he met alicia, who is the main character heroine. mc remembers her as evan's many death flag in the game. mc finds out and just remembers they were engaged as promised by the two heads of the nobles. as the two family find the two child to be goid partners, mc was scared. in the game, being engaged to evan, somehow alicia felk in love with the main character of the game. the ked evan to suicide because if the heart break. but mc is aware if this. after the meeting, mc asks his father if he wants to have a hotspring in their own territory.

43 mc tells his father what he explained to his friends earlier. next, they went on digging around the dungeon until they found a stone slab. it was the item mc was looking for. once they return back to the sherden territory, mc along with the marquise, his brother and pharmacist bernard, they devised a plan to make a hotspring of their own. eric, the brother will be an associate, the marquise will handle the land plotting, mc already had a plan where to put it and pharmacist bernard using his knowledge in alchemy and medicine will make the hotspring more effective with better healing capabilities. mc also asked to have a land beside the hotspring, it will be there where he will set up his own dungeon knights training facility. after training, it will be the baths.

44 mc heads the bath house and training facility building. he also had pharmacist bernard to help him the the generator. mc had the knight captain train him a new skill, heaven's weight, a hand to hand passive technique. he also does nobility training afterwards. mc was also able to give a necklace goft to mabel, she appeared to be jealoisnthay she was the only one not given any gift. mc was also able to summon 4 slimes which greatly added to the efficiency of his slime training. unfortunately the toll to his stamina and mana consumption is exhausting mc. but it was all good.

45 one day, after finoshing training with the knights captain, mc has finally learned the heaven's weight technique. afterward, he was excited to go to the newly built bath house. there was even a vending machine for cold drinks. mc set the price at a higher cost, although there were few adventurers who voiced their complains, those who paid immediately saw the benefit. even a probably adventurer guild executive ordered the adventurers to take a bath in the new bath house before they could enter the dungeon. it was somehow planned by mc to make it happen with the marketing. also it was thanks to pharmacist bernard's tinkering with the artifacts set up to maintain the hotspring as well his knowledge about the herb, the bath did made a rejuvinating effect. but it was all mc's idea that made everything possible.

46 the bath house was a high success. even mc's scheme worked magnificently well. the only other thing that had voiced a complained were the nobles who were not able to invest in mc's project as it was all done out of mc's own pocket. mc explains that he did so that he could protect the people from greedy rich people. his father was impressed. mc then spoke with mabel regarding lowering the price eventually and introducing membership privilege which would entice patrons more. but over all, it was all to help make the city better and stronger. but it was all a part of mc's goal, in order to survive.

47 an uneventful day passes by. ryan drukas ponders once more about his weakness, mc assure him about his strength and tells him he has prepared a training method specifically for him. also mc have finally learned alchemy as he had just graduated from. being an apprentice of pharmacist bernard. next day as a mc and ryan drukas begins training, mc mentions about cursed artifacts.

48 mc uses an exploit in the game to exponentially train ryan drukas tank capabilities. he let ryan wear cursed items to receive greater damage but in turn it will be great as training for a tank. mc then proceeds to shine's training. he praised him that he has gotten stronger but still not enough.

49 mc tells of a new method for shine to grew stronger. it utilizes the artifacts he gave him. it's a training for both shine's speed and stamina. next, mc just have to check on bellua. but mc couldn't find. until mc heard from miriam, the second wife marquis, that his mother have been teaching bellua in manners of nobility. miriam tells mc that his mother wants bellua to be his mistress. although mc was very hesitant to this. even miriam misunderstood that mc wanted bellua to be his mistress. mc went to check up on bellua, he had put pieces together, it is not that bellua is being trained as a noble while she gains knowledge in magic. mc confronts his mother and asked her why she never mentioned she was a mage.

50 mc's mother, reddine, explains that she is actually a witch. not a class/job but a separate species. this explains her knowledge about magic. and her finding bellua's capability in magic made her taught her about magic. after reddine tells about her secret, she then asks about mc's secret. this in turn made mc tell about what he know. bellua was asked to leave first before that.

51 few years passed, mc is now 12 years if age. (had to stop here for now)

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66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

9/10 A great read. The story so far is like a character development of the mc. And mind you, the mc is supposed to be OP who is from the anc...