Monday, August 28, 2023

I Regressed to my Ruined Family (manwha until chapter 48)

i regressed to my ruined family

ethan ardan, mc
terron, a brother of mc that went to another family
myers, youngest brother of mc
drakkisyth, dragon king
king siegmund, the king after regression
hans, the servant/grand chamberlain assigned by the barony kargas family to the ardan
helmut kargas, patriarch of the kargas family
wildan, leader of the red scorpion thugs, thought by kargas of vision skills?
rorotia, the fire monarch that gave nc blessing
jaron bessus, leader of misas
heims, tax collector for baron kargas
menharten, knight leader of the kargas family
ruin kargas, son of baron helmuth, the one who tried to swindle mc of their allowance
dexter kargas, son of baron helmuth, the one who welcomed mc in the kargas house
raymond kargas, eldest son of baron helmuth
prexian, a book keeper/accountant of the ardan family
lawrence/silvia?, former life, tactician of mc, now an adopted son of prexian
chaimon, head of the fernes count family
grandmaster lowensen, knight leader of the fernes county?
marquis bloten, head of bessus?
paulten, a knight escort of mc's sister assigned by the bessus family, 6 star knight
willie,  knight escort of mc's sister assigned by mc
gillion, fenlorlen village chief
popolance, a dwarf commissioned by mc to make him a weapon.
william, a dwarven blacksmith rival of popolance
orbar, a subordinate of popolance?
jerone ardan, the founding head of the ardan family.
zipron lomenten, the baron of lomenton, one of tge collateral famiy
grandmaster murren, knight leader of the lomenton barony
naraxus, a general of the monster race, shapeshifter. brave general of deception
muster, member of the flame hammer forge of popolance
ilia/ilya peacecraft, creation sorceror, maker of potions
king muradny/muradeni, first king of the dwarves
viscount loken
melaycis, a weapon magician? a supporter of the wyvern tribe technique but not a worshipper
neria portacle, viacounty knight leader of the ithun viscounty
count wellington falksi bureau director hiedern/hydern's king affiliation
duke gerond racian? supporter of the wyvern tribe?

ardan, renown swordsman family
heidern empire, one of the seven nation in the western continent
mana rush, mana exhaustion but worse, it split the mana veins inside the body
kargas family, a baron family that assigned pseudo servants for ardan family
crime immunity, immunity to be charged feom any crime, a privilege given by the king as reward to ardan family
resonance, a technique that connects the broken mana vein, part of the ardan techniques
writing of divination,
vision, a family exclusive skill?
red scorpion, the group of thug that played myers before mc woke up from his coma, they do illegal works to profit baron helmuth kargas
mana breathing skill, family exclusive skill
misas, a merchant group
bessus family, an ally of the ardan family
phernes/fernes famiy, a branch/collateral family of ardan
poerit, minor city, hq of kargas barony
8 gates of darkness, org hired by baron kargas to do illegal activities to profit the barony
fernes and amelen/amelton factions. two factions of the collateral families that are taking advantage of the ardan family
godblade oranion, a family heirloom of the ardan.
jenon empire made the non aggression pact with the monsters after the dragon king hid himself.
eight ring, a slime object passed down in the ardan family. the body absorbs it and gains power.
fenlorlen village, a mining village with a dungeon
aphelion metal, not as strong as mythril, harder steel and can conduct magic?
wyvern tribe?
naraxus cult, an organization that hands book of dragon race to people
naraxus order, a jenon empire official organization
the church, an organization that worships monsters
greston, a city whete dwarfs make business
flame hammer forge, the smith owned by popolance
mana quenching, some sort of mana infusion to objects
ultran town, hq of the lomenten barony
circulation stage? the stage after resonance stage of the ardan exclusive skill
lomenton barony, one of the collateral family
book of the dragon race, a monster related book that teaches monster skills
wyverns tongue magic, dragon magic in skyrim?
language circulation, ability to read and speak wyvern tongue?
viscount dekun's land, a neighbor of the baron kargas's land. suspected of harboring cult that worships wyverns and distributes teaching of the monsters.
coverage region skill, a magic skill that's like the conqueror's haki.
the king has a strict policy vs the wyvern worshippers
dwarven william, the rival blacksmith of popolance is a royal dwarven blacksmith
artifact equipments are items that are imbued with magical properties that would let users able to use magic despite having no knowledge or zero capability
loken viacounty, a land where the wyvern teaching spread in the ardan land originated from.
loken viscounty is part of the fernes faction?
demoria city, hq of loken viscounty?
perntium, heidern empire capital.
1st division of count fernes forces, composes of 10 most elite knights, they mastered monster techniques. a secret group of fernes county
arcana magic association, a group of mage representatives
red moon, a secret group of spy or people that works under the king, they are vs the wyvern tribe

1 a war vs dragon broke out. mc's noble family, arden, fought vs them. mc became a hero until he was killed by the dragon king. mc regressed? he wake up and find his supposed dead sister beside him. her sister is wearing commoner clothes. mc regards things as the afterlife. mc is in icu. mc used his technique to absorb directly the dextrous supportibg him. his sister was surprised to find mc standing, she tells mc had been in a coma for 10 years. his sister tells mc that it isn't the afterlife and mc is delusional. their siblings are alive and well and their father had died fifteen years ago. and humanity made a nonaggression pact with the dragons. mv asked about their family riches and such. his sister tells him they have nothing. mc just realized he regressed 13 years back to his ruined family.

2 mc find out the family did a lot during the war and was given privelege, crime immunity, but was assigned by a different king somekind of handicaps. such as a collateral family and a senate that took over possession of their other riches and thus made their family live in shambles. next day, when mc's sister prepares food, there were servants that were hire by other family who did not want to get any duties done for the arden. mc hears it from his sister. mc uses his fist to do let them know of the ardan way.

3 mc sets the servants straight and then starts training. a young squire thennarrives bearing news mc's youngest brother, myers is making a fuss in a bar. mc remembers him to be dillegent and never drinking. mc went to the bar and finds his brother enraged and asking for more alcohol. mc find out myers is  friends with some thugs.

4 mc went to the bar fetches his brother and beats up the thugs who's toying with myers. next day, myers wakes up and reunites with mc. mc finds out their other brother, terron went to another family. mc tells myers he'll help him to become a knight. myers obliges.

5 mc trains myers. their sister is happy with how things are going. hans, the butler, reported to baron helmut's progress. after, hans reveals to mc his conniving with baron helmut. mc realizes that hans is just plsying safe in the middle ground. mc asks hans to get them things for training. mc tells myers he'll become a knight that will restore their family name. myers obliges.

6 mc takes myers to the red scorpion hq, the group of thugs that toyed with him. myers goes rampant and beats the thugs. mc faces vs wildan the leader of the red scorpion. mc find out a family exclusive skill used by wildan. wildan confesses he got it from the kargas family.

7 using a devive, mc finds baron helmuth giving a scroll to wildan that teaches the technique of the ardan family. he also learns the baron tasked wildan to break myers. mc and myers wrap things up in the red scorpion  hq. meanwhile, baron helmuth is mad his crime asset from the red scorpion have been foiled. few days after, the ardan's lodging is rebuilt to become a mansion thanks to the money they acquired from the red scorpions. mc then tells his family they'll go on a trip, only four of them, their sister, mc, myers and hans, as a rite of passage. after, they went to the pushke mountain and to the temple of fire. they make tributes to be blessed by the fire spirits. myers attracted ifrit, their sister the salamanders and mc got the fire monarch.

8 mc completes the trial of the fire monarch and gained her blessing. mc also requested his siblinga be given blessings, the fire monarch obliges. hans witnesses the feats of mc. after, they went to a mountain lodging to rest and eat. after, they went to a secret chamber of the ardan family. it was full of riches. mc assigns hand to find then a merchant that will sell the things they have. few days later, hans tells mc they found a merchant group, misas. mc meet with the leader. mc already knew of the sop in the misas, so he cannot easily be fooled. mc then proposed a business plan of potion making.

9 it seems mc and the jaron bessus are on similat boat. their families is on the verge and there are those who are taking advantage of them. both the ardan and bessus family have been allies in the previous war. jaron is hesitating to ally with mc. not until mc demonstrated a potion he brewed. jaron immediately accepts the alliance. after, mc finds out about the underhanded ealings of baron kargas. mc confronts the baron's tax collector heims. after, heims reveals a lot of things to mc. mc just go enough evidence vs the kargas. meanwhile, baron kargas discusses it with the other family of him becoming an underling for the ardan. although mad about it, kargas had to oblige?

10 mc planned to make myers go undercover to a branch/collateral family? they will make myers fight vs mc for the position of the head of ardan. myers obliges. after myers leaves. mc trains hard as he thinks of their other brother. after, the son of baron kargas arrives and showed rude behavior towards mc. mc did not like it at all.

11 mc bets the baron's son and found out the they also have mana technique. mc receives the allowance as well an invite from the baron. next day, mc went to the baron. when mc got their, the brother of the rude son welcomes mc. he was also rude to mc. mc beats him up but before mc could do a final strike, a knight from another barony stops mc.

12 mc engages vs the knight. mc is toying with him. after, baron kargas appears. after ruin is taken back. baron helmuth asks mc ti cooperate with them. mc did not like that at all. mc charges the kargad family treason and strips them of their title and possession. kargas readies to fight vs mc. meanwhile, a meeting of the king as well as other fmaily are happeningm the head of the bessus tells of mc's plans of stripping the kargas family of their title. the king did not want get involved and abandons mc by saying mc have to take care of such manner.

13 mc defeats the knights as well broke their morale. mc beats baron kargas and irders menharten, the knight of the baron to lock baron helmuth.

14 after wrapping things up. mc meets wity raymond, the eldest son of baron helmuth. he revealed to mc that the  7th family are the ones who sold the techniques to realizes they kargas family are just being used. after mc retrieves account books of the kargas family. afterwards, while mc trains, he caught a glimpse of his previous life. after, there was a commotion in the entrance.

15 it was prexian, a former accoutant of the ardan family. mc welcomes them. prexian introduces lawrence to mc. mc remembers lawrence as silvia, his war tactician. mc employs lawrence as his advisor.

16 lawrence at first declines and reveals he''s a girl. mc rejects it and accepts her nonetheless, there is no gender in talented. mc then tasked lawrence to take revenge vs the org that baron kargas employed that ruin her family. lawrence says she'll do it in one day. meanwhile, myers have made contact with the fernes family.

17 myers makes a deal with count chaimon fernes. the count will support myers to be the head of ardan while fighting the opposition faction, the amelen/lugon. the count fernes agrees to it. after, count fernes spoke with hans. the count knows hans is part of kargas family. hans propose he will be a snitch within the ardan family for the count fernes. the count agrees to it. the count then spoke to a grandmadter lowensen. they planned on observing. meamwhile, lawrence have finished her assigned tasked of the revenge. the members under her fears her methods. she now works as advisor to mc. after hearing the report from lawrence, hans arrives. mc welcomes his servant.

18 mc then introduced his people to each other. after receiving the news of the meeting of the kings with the senates? mc glad that things are proceeding according to their plan.

19 mc and jaron bessus had a discussion regarding the potion business, everything going great. after, mc leaves the business to lawrence. mc then went to the locked up baron helmuth kargas. using the news he received from the meeting, he made baron kargas feel he's the one abandoned. mc then found out about a secret passage beneath the basement, the broken family heirloom of the ardan and the non aggression pact made by the jenon empire.

20 mc and lawrence went to the secret passage, mc obtained another family treasure, the eight ring, a slime like object. mc absorbs it. mc tasks lawrence to find the other rings. lawrence immediately locates some of the rings. mc readies to get them back.

21 mc orders and saw to it the execution of baron kargas and his two rude sons. he vows to rebuild the land governee by the kargas, poert. mc had lawrence take his sister to the poert. they will be residing there. mc welcomes them upon arriving. the knight escort, paulten of his sister given by the bessus discreetly tried to inspect mc. mc caught of it and played with paulten. after, mc asks his sister to help him with administrative duties. his sister obliges. after, mc goes to paulten to make a proposal. mc wants to fight with paulten, a 6 star knight.

22 mc spars with paulten. despute powering up, mc still lost. paulten felt impressed by mc and asked to spar with mc more in the future. mc agrees. after, mc's sister scolds mc for training with paulten despite being tired after their travel.

23 there ws a break out that happened in the prison of poert. hans escapes and is rescued by the men of count fernes. this was all planned out by lawrence. now, hans gains more trust from the count. this is all a ploy of mc. later on, mc receives a letter from marquis bloten, he will be giving mc a gift in order to help him. mc knew what it is but first he must get ready. the gift, mc suspects, is an elixir. it will power up mc but at the same time no sword would be able to match mc's prowess by then. mc tells lawrence to take care of things while he goes away. mc will search for a good sword that could match up with him.

24 the collateral families had a meeting regarding mc. they fear mc. and now they are maming sure to point to others the way mc is heading. or so they thought. meanwhile, mc heads to a mining village, fenlorlen. mc heards of skeletons in the mines. mc is looking for aphelion metals to.have his sword crafted. mc enters the mines and finds a dark magician who uses monster skills.

25 mc fights vs the dark magician. mc defeats him. before mc could get answer to wherr the magician acquired monster skills, he uttered the church before exploding himself. with this much, mc realizes who they are and that there are tribes of monsters within their land.

26 mc looks for a dwarven smith. he is lead to the city of greston. mc meets with a dwarf named popolance. mc wants to commision popolance to make him his weapon. mc's guide warns of popolance's criminal records. popolance tells his story to mc and asks mc to have an exclusive contract with him. mc says he'll accept if the weapon he makes for mc is to his liking and if not popolance proposes he'd die for mc.

27 the dwarves made the weapon, mc infuses his mana to it. the sword passes mc's expectation. mc welcomes the flame hammer forge as family. meanwhile, lawrence receives news of the dark magicians and is tasked? by mc to investigate it. lawrence gained intel from the butler of the  late former baron kargas. mc returns to poert and receives news from lawrence. the mages can use teleport magic. add to the fact that they also have monster skills. the dark mages are threats to mc.

28 mc discusses with paulten regarding mc's sister. everything is going well with her administrative duties. after, paulten gave mc a gift fron marquis bloten, it's the elixir mc akready knew the marquis will give him. mc ingests it and grew stronger. the flame monarch rorotia appears and congratulates mc. mc also found out there is a higher tier family skill that not even in his pass life he achieved, the white flame. after, mc heads to ultran, an hq of one of the collateral families.

29 as they have planned, mc gathered intel and evidence implicating the barony of lomenton's sin. the count of fernes is happily waiting as mc is focused on their opposing faction. when mc got to ultran, lomenton's hq, mc is welcomed by the barony of lomenton. they prepare for a fight.

30 before the fight, the baron tried to persuade mc to join them to fight vs their opposing faction. mc rejects it. mc faces vs murren, the knight leader of lomenton. mc won vs the 5 stars knight

31 mc defeats the barony and claimed the land of lomenton as his. mc also acquired the second 8 rings slime. they will also be interrogating baron lomenton for the book of the dragon race in his possession, it teaches monster skill. after a thorough investigation, lawrence came up that the barony of lomenton is in cahoots with the church organization and they're easily recruiting in promise of power. and lawrence of tells that the baron spoke of naraxus. mc remembers monsters have the power to shapeshift and turn to other human. mc is pressured by intel they gained.

32 mc targets the distributors of the book of the dragon race. he gets intel of other orgs distributing it. after, mc heads to the nearby origin on distribution. mc starts the slaughter.

33 there was fight of mc vs the chief priest and his subordinates. mc emerge victorious.

34 mc tries interrogating the chief priest but succumb to the curse of their higher leader, the great spiritual leader. meanwhile, count fernes is elated to hear his opposition falling to ruin. he appointed hans to chief of inteligence. back to mc, laqrence reveals the naraxus org is an official org by a neighbor kingdom. it seems they are  deeply rooted in the church. after discussing things with his members, mc sets a new goal, aside from reclaiming honor and the treasures of their family, mc now set it as an objective to eradicate the monster worshippers. mc orders prexian to investigate more with the insignia gained from the chief priest and lawrence will deliver a letter to the dwarven popolance.

35 popolance receives the letter and felt they will have a chance to fight vs their rival william. meanwhile, count fernes had a meeting with the other collateral families? the lugon head thinks mc is in cahoots with the count fernes. count fernes thinks mc is marching towards the amelton factions. mc receives news from lawrence for the book of the dragon race circulation in the dekkun land. mc will be using the king's policy to eradicate them. suddenly, an unexpected visitor approached mc.

36 it was ilia/ilya peacecraft, the creation sorceror who is inventing the potions and things that mc already made and had jarone bessus sell. the sorceror is mad at mc and claims mc a thief for stealing her ideas. mc defends himself by claiming it was oart of the ardan exclusive skill that mx is able to know the sorceror's idea. ilia did notnlike it and unleashed an attack, mc retaliates and defeats the sorceror.

37 mc used a mixed monster skill and their family skill to defeat ilia. ilia knows of this. mc claims the ardan have an arsenal of knowledge at their disposal. mc let ilia leave. but ilia wants to learn more from mc. she proposes she'll help the ardan. mc is reluctant but let her join temporarily? after, ilya vista mc's sister to learn more about mc. mc then meets with popolance to discuss the seal of the weapon he acquired in his fight vs the wyvern worshippers. popolance claims the weapons are really made by his rival, william. popolance tells it was a betrayal to their race since the wyverns are atrocities that plague the dwarfs. and it was thanks to their first king, muradny that they were united. mc is surprised to learned of the dwarven king.

38 a brief backstory of the dwarven kingdom forming while mc is in a coma. mc kbows of the ardan and the dwarven connection in histoey and vows to help the dwarven kingdom. after,  mc and discuss plans to topple the royal dwarven smith william. mc already has a plan, make popolance a royal dwarven smith himself. later on, mc discuss the betrayal of royal dwarven smith william to marquis bloten. mc plans on replacing william with popolance. after, mc tasks popolance and ilya to make him some artifact gears. the two are confident they'd be able to do it.

39 the gears made were expemlary. after, mc  heads to the royal capital.

40 but first mc heads to the lokan land to enforce the kaw vs the corrupt official as well for contributing to the cause of the wyvern/monster enemies. count fernes is contacted by their allied loken viscounty seeking aid. count fernes thinks of an idea to make mc head towards their opposition, the amelton faction, lugon.

41 mc invades the outer walls, gather the civilians at their cause vs the tyranny of viscount loken. mc invades the main castle.

42 mc engages vs the main forces of viscoint loken. mc finds out the knights are using monster techniques. mc is enraged. mc continues his onslaught vs the loken forces. in the evening, popolance meets with the marquis bloten, they head to the heidern capital to make popolance the next royal dwarven smith.

43 mc won vs the viacount loken and claimed the land his. meanwhile, count fernes plans to quiet down, lessen the taxes on the people and stop the circulation if the wyvern books. he also plan to have mc killed by his elite group, the 1st division. meanwhile, mc discusses with lawrwnce about their plan of liberating the kingdom. mc assigns lawrence to further their cause as well keep the enemy factions in the dark.

44 mc interrogates their prisoners regarding the mage that appeared and the circulatuon of the monster techniques. meanwhile, popolance is part of a meeting with delagates and the king. popolnce hands a letter from mc to the king, it states the current royal dwarven smith is in cahoots with the wyvern tribe. meanwhile, ilya burst in mc's room and proposes to help an investigation on a magician mc is looking for, melaycis. mc accepts it.

45 mc and ilya meets with maycia. melaycis welcomes them warmthly. melaycis did not deny he's part of the supporter of the wyverns. mc asks about the naraxus order, melaycis answers they made a deal to satisfy their thirst for knowledge. as they discuss further, mc finds out the palace mage have already been part of the wyvern tribes or are still indirectly involved and worse is that the whole higher ups are already part of the wyvern supporters.

46 with ilya's suggestion, mc employs melaycis as part of the ardan. melaycis accepts. mc heads back to his people. they prepare to engage the ithun viscounty. the ardan forces engages the ithun viscounty but was blocked by a 6 star knight nerian portacle. mc appears and engages vs the 6 star knight. mc overwhelms the nerian. afterwarda, mc have successfully gathered a third of the kingdom, enough to head in the faction war?

47 the king discusses with his subordinstes of the wyvern supporters within teh higher ups. mc on the other hand discusses their further plan with lawrence, after, mc trains the knights he gathered to become ardan knights.

48 mc introduces to his men the dragon slayer arts, a mix of ardan techniques and wyvern techniques. after, mc discusses with lawrence of forming a new knight order to eradicate the wyvern tribes, dragon slayer troops. meanwhile, count fernes is elated that mc is rising in power and thought they're allies until a news arrive saying that mc will also be joining the senate meeting. count fernes felt desperate. while myers trains in the fernes county, mc is rallying his troops to bring back the ardan glory.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Zombie Fight (manwha until chapter 11)

zombie fight

ian, mc
sieun lim, went to the same school as mc since ever, part time at a convinience store
gunsoo park, classmate of mc
hana, classmate of mc, interested in mc
wongchul park, the man who dissuaded mc, also a fighter

0 mc is kidnapped? and is tied. his abductors made mc fight in the arena, although mc is hesitant, after being told he could not resist, mc collapsed, got carried to the arena and soon after, his body strengthened and he fights.

1 mc is from a broken family, his mother left after he was born and his father beats him up, he kept it in from when he was still an elementary, and had succeeded when he passed and got to university. unfortunately, when he got home, his father is being asked to pay for his debt. then his father asks him to work. mc obeyed automatically. he became like a machine as he did work. although classes are stsrting mc is working. and all the while mc is bottling his anxiety. as he walked back home adtet a days work, mc unconsciously stumbled a fighting ring. mc is asked to join the fight, the audience tells mc he'll get money if he win and another says he'll get money just by participating.

2 mc accepts the offer. as he gets ready, the fight starts. mc withstands the blow. although it was heavy, mc manages. a backstory of how mc could withstand attacks can be attributed to his abusive father. mc bottles things and up simply takes in the abuse without fighting back. the enemy felt more agitated as the attacks becomes heavier. mc somehow backs but still stood and gets ready. but this time, mc felt wanted to fight. he fought back, he was relentless with his strike. and with one decisive blow, mc defeats his enemy. the crowd cheered.

3 after the match, one of the organizer? hands mc a phone. they invite mc to join the next match event. one of the other person tells mc to keep away if he still want to keep his normal life. mc feels great that he fought back for the first time and he also got money. but it was all short lived when his mood once again reverted back to his passive self. bacl home, mc gave his fsther the money he won. next day, mc continues with his work routine. meanwhile, at school, his classmates are talkong about the student who skipped the orientation and gatherings. they're talking about mc.

4 mc joins class. after class, the classmates asks mc to join a get together with upperclassmen. mc accepts since it's free food. during the get together, an upperclassman tried to make mc drunk. but mc is immune. when mc tries leaving, the upperclassman grabs mc and tries complained vs mc. mc remembers his drunk father. mc retaliates by pinning him down. the upoerclassman hit mc. mc hit back.

5 mc wakes up, he's in park gunsoo's aparment. mc sees himself in the mirror. he sees his drunk father. he felt nauseous. after calming down, mc went out to go work. next day, mc attends class. the class is taught by the assistant teacher, the same upperclassman mc beat. the upperclassman is eyeing mc like a hawk during class but nothing happened. after, it seems the upperclassman is planning something. during break sieun goes to eat with mc. at first mc shows no reaction to her. until he mentions he remembers her and she's her friend. she enjoyed talking with mc. mc just passively listened.

6 back in class session, mc receives a low grade sieun checks it and it was all good. sieun complains and it was change. hana expresses her interest at mc. mc is passive about it. when mc went to his part time job, his co worker notices mc's changed in mood. they have a hunch that college life is makinf things better for mc. mc went home and he felt good. but when he open the door, mc found the debt collectors beating mc's dad. it turns out, the money mc saved up were used for gambling by his father. suddenly mc receives a call from the phone he received. mc is obliged to take the offer.

7 in venue for the fight club?? a psycho red haired guy tries joining without invitation. tge psycho even went to give money to the audience just so they could let the psycho fight. as the psycho beats up one of the fighter, mc barged in the door asking to join. the guy who tried dissuading mc from joining felt disappointed at mc. the psycho notices mc and launches an attack. mc took the hit cleanly. but mc was not fazed. mc counters, it was also a clean hit.

8 the psycho retaliates again. mc did not flinch and counters. during a brief moment, mc ponders how he could not feel any pain at all. the psycho throws a barrage of attacks, mc takes a defensive position. but the psycho overpowes him. mc collapses but suddenly, before falling mc is like in a trance and began his counter attacks. the psycho gets beat but not until he tries to outright kill mc. the person who dissuaded mc from joining saves mc and takes mc away. the psycho felt elated from the match vs mc.

9 the one who dissuaded mc was disappointed with mc but mc have to join it for the money. the one who invited mc gave him another phone. both person hand mc money. although mc still need to continue his routine of overworking, when mc got home, he collapsed. his body is exhausted, he did not know. the people at work is worried for mc for not attending. next day, mc did not attend his class. sieun lim returns home to find her neighbor's door open and blood scattered on the ground. she checked it out, she found mc's body lying on the ground on top of scattered bills.

10 mc is sent to the hospital. when he woke up he find sieun lim beside him. mc needs to go. sieun lim reprimands mc and tells him that she'd send her the assignments to him from school. mc had to oblige to her. afyer, mc calls his work colleague to apologize for  being awol and tells him his retirement from work. next, mc receives a msg from the new phone given to him he's got a schedule for his next match. mc then went awol even at school. his classmates soon have forgotten about him. mc on the otherhand is actively participating in the fight club. the person who invited mc tells him he'll be playing in the big league next. the one who dissuaded mc is there as a bodyguard? mc obliges to the call for money.

11 the three went to a more prepared ring. the one who dissuaded mc, wongchul park, gets to fight. they found out why wonchul hated fighting is because his friend died participating in the fights and wongchul joining is him paying off debt for trying to save his friend. the rules for the big matches is no holdbar, even if the opponent surrenders, thr fightbcontinues and only their manager got the say for conceding. wongchul park beats up his opponent. the one who invited mc receives a box full of money.

Monday, August 21, 2023

The Reincarnated 「Sword Saint」 Wants to Take it Easy (manga)

The Reincarnated 「Sword Saint」 Wants to Take it Easy

alta schweiz, pastlife raoul isalf, mc, a country knight
lemire eoin, commandet of the sirius black
iris reinfel, sole daughter of the reinfel family and a sword saint princess, king candidate
aria notreia, friend of iris
otz kolstar, head of school year?, teacher of enchantments
azuma kurai, an assassin sent to kill iris, one of the kenkakushuu
bel trouseau, blue sword, same rank as mc, part of the sirius knights order
folt masenta, part of the kenkakushuu
gallo reinfel, father of iris, a protector
fiss mieden, part of the kenkakushuu
adyl grats, part of the kenkakushuu
zeil tillock, the presumed suspect who hired the kenshukaku to kill iris. son of william tillock
william tillock, king of galdea kingdom

galdea kingdom, birthplace of mc
sirius black knight order, a team mc is part of
fiorum academy, the school iris attends and mc will be teaching
reinfel family, one of the 4 noble family in the kingdom
mock sword, a training sword, hits won't cut but will still hurt
kenkakushuu, an infamous mercenary group who does killing for money, they are called sword gang
blue shell sword, mc's sword, has the power if anti magic poisoning
purple lightning, sword of iris, heirloom of her father
mystic silver, sword saint raoul isalf's sword, leeches opponent's magic power

1 after dying at tbe pinnacle of the sword path, after reincarnation mc decided to live a slow life. after a successful subjugation mission, mc is assigned a bodyguard mission. mc wants to conplete for such an easy task. despite this, when great money is involve, mc is motivated. mc accepts the mission. in the fiorum academy, iris is popular in the campus. she vows to train hard ao that no one will be able to beat her. mc appears in front of the morning class. mc introduces himself as their temporary kenjutsu instructor. iris found it distasteful that a little kid will be their teacher. everone in class agrees. mc says they could have a mock battle with him. if he lose, mc will leave. mc defeats all of them. although iris was not defeated, she was not able to beat mc before the school bell rang. after getting everyone's approval, mc had infiltrated the campusm mc's bodyguard mission requires him to be one without having iris know about it. iris is the vip as a king candidate. before the class leave, iris tells mc to fight her seriously next time, she guesses mc is just playing with her during the mock battle.

2 mc tells iris he was serious during the mock battle. iris is unconvinced. mc is approached by another teacher who knows about his secret. it seems mc's undercover mission is an open secret among the instructors. in classes, mc is well received by the girl students, while the boys are jealous of him. meanwhile, iris is still desparste for a duel with mc. mc gave a condition, if she's able to catch him in the next 30 minutes, mc would oblige. mc manages to escape. iris tries following but ws suddebly caught in a trap. there were assassin's targeting her life. although steong, she's poison. mc apoears to iris's aid. mc kills one of them. although, one of them runs away, the one left introduces himself as one of the kenkakushuu, azuma kurai.

3 iris knows about the mercenary group. mc faces vs azuma kurai. mc is surprised by the strength of assassin but nonetheless it was an easy battle for mc. when mc hold his hands to help iris. iris claims he caught mc. as mc patches up iris, mc somehow told iris about his reincarnation but it seems she just let it. iris explains she does not want to be a ruler but instead become a knight. her growth had been stuck since there were no challenges left for her until mc came. mc proposes instead of a duel, mc will be giving iris a private lesson for her to become stronger. iris delightfully accepts. other than that, mc use his do anything privilege from iris. mc asks iris to use something 24/7.

4 after the kenkakushuu incident, mc reports to lemire. mc says he gave iris a detection item that would tell mc where she is all the time. lemire says the assassins have infiltrated the kingdom and other sirius black knights are tracking them, they also have blue sword with them. outside the royal capital, the kenkakushuu is discussing among themselve ms about their target iris. suddenly, the siriua knights found them. the knights were easily defeated, except for blue sword. next day, mc teaches the class with sword arts. during class, aria asks mc to duel with her. mc obliges.

5 mc notices the prowess of aria. but mc easily manages to duel with her. mc stops the fight when it was almost the end of the class. mc realizes that aria just wants to stsy at the good side of iris which is why aria decided to duel mc. after classes, mc and iris are on their private lesson. mc first taught iris battle sense. few days later with a school life. lemire visits mc at night. lemire gave mc the news that dead bodies sirius knights who looked for the kenkakushuu were found in a corner of the royal capital.

6 there bodies found but not all of the knights were found. blue sword also left them a recording dwvice which explained there were 3 members of the kenkakushuu. they were it otz kolstar as they discuss the situation. they have info that one of the kenkakushuu member is coming to the campus. they are preparing for a battle. weeks past and no incident have yet happen. meanwhile there is no progress with iris's training. mc tells her they should have a break for the day and reveals that aria is watching them hidden behind a tree. aria ask to be part of the private lesson. mc obliges. before they part ways, aria shows them that she could do the technique that iris is trying to learn. after, mc is in his night patrol and he's approached by one of the kenkakushuu/sword gang, folt masenta.

7 the two fought each other. mc has to use his family sword, blue shell sword. mc is abke to defest folt masenta. although folt is incapacitated, when mc's about to interrogate him, another member of the kenkakushuu aooears and killed folt.

8 mc gives up pursuing the fleeing kenkakushuu member. mc calls out at iris who saw the whole scene. iris comes out and asks mc if he's a knight. mc confesses he's a knight and about his mission of undercovering as a teacher and as a bodyguard for iris. iris pities herself for not knowing and only recently finding out her friend, blue sword had died protecting her. she still claims she does not need a bodyguard. she explains that she wants to be just like her father. mc realizes that beyond iris wanting to be like her father, iris wants to take revenge vs the assassins who killed her father. iris asks mc if her desire for vengeance is justified.

9 mc tells her it's not a bad thing. but if somewhere deep down she hesitates, it only means there is something that is telling her what she desires is wrong and as such leads her to not progress with her growth. after, iris felt relieved and have renewed determination to become stronger. mc is obliged to keep on teaching her for her to be able to face her assassin and one day take vengeance. meanwhile, the kenkakushuu member that flee is confronted by the lemire and the other sirius black knights. although without casualty, the kenkakushuu member got away and lemire is injured.

10 after the incident in academy got found out by the public. the school had to close. iris and aria continue their training with mc. aria is at the same level as iris.

11 mc meets with lemire. they got found out by iris and aria. mc let them on about their intel. iris proposes her be used as bait vs the kenkakushuu. lemire dislikes the request. mc agrees to it. mc has a plan.

12 mc and lemire discusses who might have possibly hired the kenkakushuu to kill iris. they suspect it was the prince. meanwhile, the last 2 members of kenkakushuu meets with the prince. iris is a hinder to the prince's ascension to the throne and that's why he wants her dead. after, the prince will use the kingdom's power to engage in war. meanwhil the kenkakushuu is supporting the prince, other than the money, after the prince ascend, it will be more profitable for their group afterward. on the day of mc's plan, mc, iris and aria went out to get the kenkakushuu's attention.

13 as they continue with their plan. mc led the other two an abandoned plce. mc senses the kenkakushuu are nearby but suddenly aria disappears. mc knew aria is already facing the two kankakushuu. mc worries and asks iris that they find aria. meanwhile, aria engages vs the two kankakushuu members.

14 aria gets overwhelmed by the two kenkakushuu. fortunately, iris appears to aid aria. adyl grats let fiss mieden fight mc while himself will take care of iris and aria. when fiss mieden, adyl grats introduces himself as the one who killed iris's father. iris snapped.

15 mc arrives before iris goes berserk. iris calmed down. fiss mieden blocks mc towards the other. iris readies to engage adyl grats. meanwhile, mc and fiss mieden fights. mc won remarkably.

16 iris and aria are pushed to the corner by adl grats. before a decisive blow from the enemy, mc arrives and saves his two students.

17 mc is determined to protect iris and have her grow to become a splendid sword saint who will one day surpass even him. mc and adyl grats fight. the ground caved in, mc and adyl grats are isolated from the rest of the world as they fight.

18 mc summons his sword saint sword. he fights vs adyl grats. it was an even match.

19 mc unleashes a portion of the accumulated power within his sword and defeats adyl grats. mc returns back to his students who were anxiously waiting. mc tells the two to rest while he call the knights to treat them. they still have one more person to defeat.

20 after, lemire gained hard evidence vs zeil tillock and had him within their custody. mc is glad to received bonus. lemire then gave mc his next mission. mc meets up with iris. mc mission will be to become a bodyguard to iris. iris formally accepted mc. mc will be escorting her and teaching her swords until one day she'll be able to become stronger or even be able to surpass mc.

kujibiki tokushou musou harem-ken (manga until chapter 6)

kujibiki tokushou musou harem-ken

yuki kakeru, mc
forteis, knight of the mercury kingdom
helen, a princess
salamas, a merchant
miu mi myu, the beastfolk maid slave mc bought from salamas
kefka almosso, a goverment official noble man
iris teresia mercury, sister of princess helen
demon sword elenoar, cursed sword of the supreme ruler, rodotos, sentient, able to become humanoid in the gacha room. a sword of mc

mercury kingdom, the first area mc arrived in.
euboi fort, frontline garrison of the mercury kingdom vs barbarian enemies

1 mc wins a lottery. he gets to be isekai'd with a random skill. mc is allowed to re roll his skill. mc receives the x777 skill. mc is then isekai'd.

1.2-1.3 mc test out his powers vs monsters, he's op. he then saves a group of knights vs monsters. it turns out the knights are protecting/escorting a princess. the princess meets with mc, gave him a fan as a token of him being receive in the royal palace. the princess and her knights leaves. mc is left with the monster carcasses. after, a merchant arrives. mc sells them the monsters he defeated. mc sees a paper among the pile of coins mc received. when mc inquired about it, it was only mc who could see it. mc guesses it's part of the lottery. mc waves the fan he got from the princess. the merchant immediately bowed his head to mc and asked to serve mc. mc asks to buy a house/mansion and the beastfolk maid that served them. mc plans on enjoying his life in another world.

2 as mc enjoys his life. mc entrust the mansion to miu. it turns out the mansion is hunted. mc decides to exterminate the ghost. mc defeats the ghost, mc acquires another piece of paper. after, the two got caught in the heat of the moment and they shared a bed. after, mc checks out the paper he got. and remembers the words of the woman whobsent him to the other world. je enters the magic room.

3 mc talk with the lady. it's like a gacha. but this time instead of skills, he'll get items. the lady explains to mc about the promo ten tickets 11 pulls, mc chose to leave. mc eats out with miu. then mc hears a plot, regarding the town economy. it's thanks to his x777 skill that mc's hearing was also enhanced? mc is approached by a noble man. after seeing the fan of the princess, the noble man asked fornthebarrest of mc. the noble man says he is with the criminals. mc immediately resorted to violence. mc then found out he could use magic. he defeated the nobleman and after he received a lottery ticket.

4 mc meets with princess helen and hwr sister iris. the discuss about the copper currwncy and mc suggest to them a more efficient currency to help alleviate material costs and fight vs fraud. mc's idea is well received except by the advisor? iris then asks for a favor from mc. mc is sent to the frontlines to be a personal guard for princess  helen. after hearing mysterious happenings, mc decided to investigate. when an attack happens, instead of the enemies fighting they are seeking protection from them. they then find the leader of the enemies, he's attacking his own allies. they found out he's holding a cursed sword. mc defeats the enemy leader. but the cursed sword possessed princess helen next.

5 princess helen summons skeleton knights and raged on vs the kingdom's troops. mc is having a hard time but managed to get a hold of princess helen. he removed the cursed sword from princess helen thereby saving her. suddenly, the demon sword tried taking over mc. but the sword couldn't. mc defeats the skeleton knights. after the battle, princess helen tries approaching mc but collapsed. the cursed sword says the after effect of being possessed by it is having the urge to have sex. mc tells the kingdom troops he'll fix princess helen and they took off.

6 mc takes princess helen to his mansion and they had sex. afterward, mc takes out the lottery tickets he had acquired. they were enough foe the 10+1 pull. mc went to the gacha room. suddenly, he finda a little girl, it's the cursed sword elenoar. mc got a healing magic stone, a bunch of attack magic stones and, with the help of elenoar's luck, he got a warp feather. after, mc takes princess helen back to the frontlines. after getting received by the troops, princess helen vows her love to mc. princess helen became a part of mc's harem.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Rescue System (manwha until chapter 19)

rescue system

kim soohyuk, mc
sangtae , a hyung of mc in the firefighters, superior of mc
go hanseon, leader of rescue team 3
kangshik, part of team 3
junwoo, part of team 3
lee jaehan, part of team 3
go seungwoo, friend of mc
lee kanghyeon, part of a other fire dept that went with mc to the peak of a mountain during the forest fire incident

danger detection, a newly acquired skill of mc, like a spider sense of spiderman
life detection, a newly acquired akills of mc, senses life form.

1 mc died failing a rescue op during fire. when mc die, he suddenly woke up, 10 years back. he regressed. atm he's on another rescue op and he's with his sangtae, someone who should've died is before him. mc the remembered the operation, he vows to not ket anyone die this time. suddenly, a mission/quest prompt appeared in front of mc. mc believes he's in a dream.

2 mc found the two kids who should have died in his pastlife. they rescued the two. after reaching outaide, the prompt appears saying quest complete. mc's relieved he ssved the two kids this time.

3 mc woke up in his room and only realizes he regressed. then the status prompt appears. he remembers completing the quest, getting rewards and becoming stronger. he also acquired a new skill. but mc is thinking of quitting firefighting. as he walk outside, suddenly his detection tihled and a fire broke out. mc hurries to the scene but suddenly a decision prompt appeared before him, it asks mc whether to change career or continue with firefighting. it also say, his decision will be final. mc wants to change career but he simply could not avert his eyes. he will continue his firefighting path.

4 mc is having regrets for not choosing a successful life. but still, he responds to the of duty. with his determination and danger sense, mc found the unconcious man. but as soon he approached him, his danger sense kicked in. the two now hang on outside the window, mc is carrying the unconcious man.

5 mc was able to broke through the window of the lower floor. he successfully rescued the man. suddenly the prompt appears telling mc he completed a quest and leveled up. he also gained another skill, life detection. mc is frustrated at the prompts for not recovering him up at least. mc carries the unconcious man down. but suddenly his knees fails him. fortunately, the other rescuers are right in front of them.

6 back in hq, mc was reprimanded by the team 3 leader. mc got out and soon sangtae scolds mc. mc's action during the rescue op was off the rules and sop. mc argues that if he didn't do that, he wouldn't have been able to talk to him atm. sangtae tells mc to stick with him for now. mc obliges. suddenly, an alert sounded. their team rushes to respond. mc checks the prompts, it an easy quest. mc wants to finish it quickly and level up. a fellow colleague notices mc's grin.

7 they arrive at the scene, mc tries working with the team suddenly one of the member, junwoo, pushes mc out of the operation. mc is surprised that junwoo is kind to him in his pastlife and now, he is rude to mc. the team succeeded in the operation, mc was unable to help much. after, as the people and team are getting ready to leave, mc notices the quest prompt isn't telling him completion. mc is hesitant to leave.

8 mc tells his team there's still a target need tonve reacued but they did not believe him. junwoo reprimands mc and tries outcasting him, sangtae scolded mc but after seeing mc's determination, they went to search once more. mc uses life detect skill and found there is in fact another one. they continued searching but it was to no avail. when the team was about to finally give up, they suddenly heard noise from the trunk of the car. they pried it open and found a body. it was badly beat up.

9 after the operation, team 3 is back in hq. they discuss that the man they rescued is a criminal. sangyae tells mc that the girl they rescued is alright. mc is grateful. a month later, mc meets with his friend go seungwoo. the two eat out and had an enjoyable time together.

10 mc have been doing quests, his skills have increased to level two and his improved capabilities can be seen immediately. mc had also been following sop so he's all good. although, junwoo is still rude and agitated towards mc. mc ponders about the future, the pastlife he went through. he worries for kangshik, a colleague in team 3. he wants to save him from retiring early due to an injiry. mc recollects in his thought of events that have happened in his pastlife. mc overhears a convo of kangshik and sangtae. mc remembers the exact date ofnthe accident that will force kanshik will retire, it's the day of his daighter's birthday.

11 on the day of kangshik's daughter's birthday, mc had planned most of the things through. suddenly an alert sounded in their hq. there is a forest fire and kangshik will be in danger. a quest prompt apoears before mc. the fire dept team responds. during the drive, mc tells them the best route to get to the site, sangtae felt mc alteady knew what is going to happen. their team gathered with the other team. while the teams are being brief, mc went incognito and proceeded with the op.

12 mc went to the camp site, meanwhil team 3 had only realized mc is missing. mc is lost. he used his life detect to find the targets. mc found them. theybare being led by other firemen but they are having a hard time. mc caught up with them.

13 mc tells the firemen their plan is a bust and it will only put the target's life in more danger. he ask the to follow him, he knows the place better. although they were reluctant, the firemen obliges with mc's request.

14 prior to the fire incident, mc had already investigated the place. mc led them to an open space. he tells them the fire won't reach them there and they also got supplies that mc had prepared. mc then tries to leave in order to find other targets. one of the fireman tells mc he'll go with him. mc obliges. meanwhile, the other fireman who just got to the rescue are making their move fornthe rescue.

15 mc along with the firefighter, lee kanghyeon moves searching. mc already know where to go. he remembers in his pastlife. it's also where he will save his colleague kangshik from getting serious injury. mc calls for backup, he was almost reprimanded but argues thst they should focus on priority first. he asked his team to go to the peak for rescue. mc also gave tue location if the targets he helped earlier.

16 with his life detect skill,mc is able to locate a family at the peak of the mountain. mc meets up with team 3. mc felt relieved. sangtae is ready to chew out at mc. mc tells they hage priorities. suddenly, mc asked aboutnthe team that went to the other targets. sangtae says kanshik was with the other. mc is shocked. he's aftaid that the future may have changed and kangahik will still ultimately get in an accident. mc asks if he could leave ans go towards kangshik. sangtae saw mc's detemination.

17 sangtae can't decline mc's instict. sangtae tells his team to proceed with the rescue, mc and him will go towards the other team. mc and sangtae arrives at the other team. mc is most worried for incident have happened and they were evacuating the targets. suddenly, junwoo questions mc's preparations and the equipments mc procured. before he could answer, a lanslide occured. they all rushed out. unfortunately, kangshik? got injured, mc helped him. as mc carries kangshik, sangtae saw the landslide approaching them.

18 mc and kanshik were buried under the landslide. the rescue oriceeded. sangtae then requests for back uo fornthe rescue if mc and kanshik. meanwhile, mc crawl out of the rubble. both mc and kanshik are fine but are heavily exhausted and beaten. mc still pushes through and asks kangshik to e carried. kanshik tried declining but mc insists and tells him it's the day if his daughters birthday and kanshik's daughter is waiting for him. kanshik obliges with mc's request. but as mc carries kanshik, enxhaustion catches up with mc and he fell. mc apologizes nd tries one more but suddenly he collapsed?

19 mc wakes up he's in the hospital. he's been out for 4 days. mc worries for kangshik. kangshik enters with a cast on his ankle. kanshik says after mc collapsed, kangshik is the ine that carried mc down the mountain to the ithe rrescue team. after, the rest of team 3 arrives and reunites with mc. junwoo apoligize for being rude with mc. the rest of the team bowed their head to mc as  way of thanking him. sangtae say that from then on, they'll believe whatever mc has in his instict as long as he mentions it. sangtae also says the disciplinary committee is also awaiting for mc.

Friday, August 18, 2023

To be an actor (manwha until chapter 32)

to be an actor

jang yeonguk, mc
jinseop, mc's friend in school
choi eunseok, author of kbc "drama man in august"
yoo sang, director of the first film for mc after regression
song jeongseok, a very famous actor before mc regressed
park sooyeong, the lead actress who will portray as the mother in mc's first act after regression
deukhyeong, cinematographer of the first film, camera man
yeonsoo, child actress, part of mc's film after regression
kim dookjin mayor of namhang market
mr. choi, fruit merchant in namhang
lee hyesuk, mc's mother
kim sunghwan, the ceo of songwon entertainment, he's the ine oark sooyeong called to check out an actor diring the filming of the first set mc joins after regression
choi taesup, a student screenwriter who visits mc after the regression. he calls himself a fan of mc.
yang minjeong, a rude actress of the august man series. she played the adult role of yeonsu's child role.
baek janghoon, a pioneer that revolutionized film making in korea. god father of korean film industry
ahn joonghyun, protegee actor of baek janghoon, one of the greatest actor in korean film industry
dah jangwook, the camera director for the 3rd film will be part of after regression
bong deoksu, the cultural song maestro who trained mc.
hwang cheolsu, co president of songwon entertainment

namhang, the market mc's mom work
august man, title of the first film series mc is part of after his regression
to jihwan, an indie film, the second film will be part of after regression

1 mc is a failure at school but he lies to his mother about it. their lives were impoverished. he then take up theater acting amd then went on to become a celebrity. years passed, mc is now reached but have neglected his filial duty to his mother. after getting an award, mc receives a call, his mother is in the hospital. after, his mother died, mc coyld take it and so decide to emd his life as well. when mc woke up, he was back many years ago. his mother is still alive.

2 mc decides to study harder. he gets 12th place in the entire school year. he was suspected by the teacher for cheating but mc assured his teacher he did not. after class, he went to help his mother in the fish market. certain entertainment industry people noticed mc.

3 the entertainment industry peope approached mc and invited him to become an actor. but mc is set never to go back to acting. all he want is to make his mother hapoy. back in class for job counseling, mc chose to be a civil servant. when mc got home, he found his mother slumped in a corner as she talked to their landlord, their rent had increased. without anything else to get help from, mc had to call the entertainment industry people for a job.

4 mc went to the place the showbiz people are staying. mc tried some lines, the director is impressed. it was all tgabks to mc's knowledge before he regressed.

5 mc aces the trial by the showbiz people. next day, morning, mc helps hos mother to sell fish. mc then noticed a familiar fsce. it was one of his favorite actor, song jeongseok. mc greets him.

6 song jeongseok is in a pinch since his wallet got stolen. mc remember him in the past, song jeongseok helped him when he was also down. so mc had tonreturn the favor. the actor wanted to learn the areas dialect, mc let him work with them in the fish market for the actor to learn dialect. after the selling, they invited the actor tontheir home, have him eat with them and stay for the night. the actor felt grateful and in debted to mc. regarding debt, mc tells the actor to do the same thing to other in the future.

7 mc signs a contract with the director, one of the showbiz people. mc reassures the director he'll do better compared to other other, as long as there's money. it's for the sake of mc's mother, of course. back at the market, mc does well selling fishes. after the day, mc's mom asks him if he wanted to be an actor. mc says he'll do it only once and nothing more. mc is determined to help his mother and he will not become an actor if by then he'll turn out to be someone like himself in his past.

8 on the day of the filming, mc meet up with the crew and was helping and getting to know everyone. everyone isndelighted with mc. mc meet up with the an actress, park sooyoung., the two had a convo. the actress tries belittling mc. mc just dodge and indirectly countered. the actress got irritated. during the set, mc overdid his acting. the actress park sooyoung is mad?

9  what mc did was just right, the others felt mc is a veteran who did their role dutifully and powerfully. the director and his crew are relieved at how mc is. the actress got mad but after the scene, mc immediately apologized. during the break after, a fight broke, the locals are mad at the filming and that their business is disturbed, mc shouted to aggro the crowd. he tells the local it will be beneficial since after the filming, more customers will flock their street.

10 the fight deescalated and they crew continued. after, they had a get toghether drink. aside the film, the crew are discussing about mc. meanwhile, mc return back to his mother. mc ate with his mother. mc cried because he just couldn't fathom how mant sacrifices his mother gave for him back then befote his regression. next day? when they shoot, mc met with a child actress, she's part of the set.

11 mc is owning the set. he goes far beyond what the script tells him to do and became the person he is portraying. despite the many setbacks on stage, mc handled it flawlessly. the director is overwhelemed. he did not stop the shoot for anything. unfortunately, it rained. they have to stop the shoot. nonetheless, mc continued until they realized the shooting stopped

12 during the break, the director and the camera man praises mc's acting. the camera  man praises the part where mc had to adlib. the camera man did not know it was an adlib of mc. meanwhile, mc and the child actress had a convo. she's amazed by mc. mc gave her an advice. she then asked mc where he's taking his acting lesson. mc answers his workplace, the fish market. meanwhile, the merchants of the market are planning to support mc. they plan on pooling money to help mc and a fest for the film crew after the set.

13 after filming for the day, actress park sooyeong questioned something in the script to the director, mc interferred and nswered her question. it turns out mc is more familiar to the character that is why he can easily connect with the the character. after, the director says mc's mom cook the crew food, this surprised mc. mc rushes to his mother and found out most ofnthe mamhang merchsnts were there. they prepared for their namhang honorable mc. they had a pleasant dinner with the crew.

14 the director talks to author choi. he praises mc and wants to give mc the more powerful scene. the author obliges. when the author check out the taken shots, she was amazed at mc. during the set, mc helped out his favorite actor back then. it was a matter of psying back for mc. after giving him great film/acting advice, mc finds the child actress following him. mc knows she wants to learn more about the film so mc let her on with her. somehow, she's attracted to mc.

15 after the set, the director talked to jeungseok, he praises the actor. jeungseong credited his sudden changed in acting to mc who gave him advice. the director felt more impressed at mc. after, actress sooyeong calls her manager?, she wants her manager to check out mc. mc and child actress yeonsoo are together. yeonsoo is trying to portray her character as someone who likes mc's role. mc just plays along with her. actress park sooyeong tries joining mc and yeunsoo. mc teases the actress. suddenly there's a fight in the set. a crew member is debating vs the director for the danger in the next scene. mc checks it and thought of an idea.

16 the camera man and the director are fighting for a scene which involved mc's safety. mc went on ahead and tried it for them to see it was safe. thr crew were extremely worried, especially actress park sooyeong. during a set out at the sea, mc did great. mc then found out the captain of the boat they rented is his father's bestfriend's. the two reunites and the crew had an enjoyable feast with fish from the captain that mc prepared for them. after, the captain and director had a convo, the captain praises mc and thanked the director for putting an extra on the scene. the director realizes it was actually a very personal request from mc.

17 it was the last shot for mc for the entire film. author choi was there to witness. there was also kim sunghwan, the man park sooyeung called to check mc out. they were both impressed. after the filming, the author revealed to the director and the kim sunghwan that mc did adlib everything. this even impressed both the director and kim sunghwan. days later? kim sunghwan aporoached mc and invited him to join his agency. mc decline while giving impossible conditions for him joining. mc leaves afterwards. mc then meet up with the namhang merchants to check out the pilot air of the film series mc joined. as they watch the episode. mc ponders that he will not be someone like himself from the past.

18 next day? kim sunghwan approaches mc and he's ready to give in to mc's conditions. this surprised mc. later on, the namhang market is on a buzz with mc gsinibg popularity and everyonr is bandwaggoning on mc's fame. they are teuly enjoying it. mc is just snnoyed but he just let them. mc's mother hyesook notices kin sunghwan. mc tells her they should ignore him. mc then remembers that the kim sunghwan in the future will be arrested for corruotion but it all turned out to be his business partner's deeds. mc already gave an ultimatum not to meet him again. mc's mom saw and invites kim sunghwan to have dinner with them. mc has got no say with it. during dinner, kim sunghwan asks mc's mom about mc taking an acting career. when mc was told to speak, he says he did not like it. suddenly, mc's mon said that mc being kind and caring for her is just him showing pity to her. and that she the one that's causing mc to suffer.

19 mc's mom asks mc to be honest and continue with what he enjoys. mc saw his mother before his regression, although hesistant, he could not lie. mc accepted kim sunghwan's invite. after, yeonsu visits mc's market stall. she complained that mc did not go to her last day of filming. mc tells her he's busy. she just want to hang out with mc. yeonsu left a bit hurt for mc not giving her a bit of time. back at school, mc is like a celebrity but mc did not want attention. after class, his classmates follows mc to their market stall. his classmates was most eager to see mc's mom and her workplace. while mc does not know what to do. mc is easily swept. afterwards, a man approaches mc, calls himself a fan of mc and hands over a manuscript. mc knew of the man, a student, choi taesup. mc is impressed by the sincerity and dedication of choi taesup. mc suddenly remembers yeonsu. mc leaves and hurries to the trains to meet her.

20 mc meet up with yeonsu and tells her she was braver than her. yeonsu felt relived and reconcilled with mc. mc tells her he'll also be acting. yeonsu promises to someday meet with mc again and then she left. suddenly, mc's mom comes after mc. mc tells her that he'll be acting and they'll be making happy memories together. after, mc discusses with kim sunghwan about the next film he wants to act in. it was an indie film of choi taesup because mc wanted to act. kim sunghwan was moved by mc's dedication to acting. afterwards, mc went back to his mother, hyesuk and tells her that he becsme an honorary ambassador of their yeongdo district and that kim sunghwan gave them a new apartment to stay in. mc's mom is hapoy about the first and reluctant with the second. mc tells her that he'll pay him back with his acting. he plans on staying by his mother and making her hapoy always.

21 mc is invited to the district office for a meeting and appointment ceremony. mc went to the district office and found the actresses he worked with to also be ambassadors, actress park sooyeong and child actress yeonsu. after the appointment, they went to the namhang market, lastly, to have a picture taken.

22 the shoot for the indie film have started. the crews are amateur so mc had to step up. they mostly depend on mc. they do the filming for the set. after, mc is havinf a bit of troublinf understand his character. mc asks fie advice feom his class adviser.

23 they continued shooting at different places. first on a mountain rural village and then it ends by the sea. mc notices something with their director choi taesup.

24 they ate out by the sea at a restaurant. jungseok is with them. mc tries learning more about choi taesup but was interrupted when jungseok tells them the chairman of the harbor are looking for them. after, they had a dinner party sponsored by the chairman of the harbor, deokjin. when director choi taesup gave a toast and then a speech, he reveales mc did not asks for money. and rhen reveals a vital person for the making the movie come true. it was a officer. the directoe reveals, it was auto biography of his. after the dinner celebration, mc's next agenda is the farewell party for the finishing of the first film series. mc is invited and actress park sooyeong is taking care of his attire and escorting mc. mc did not know how popular he had becams since he is stuck in the rural area. when they got to the venue, only did he found out his about his fame.

25 during the party, one if the actress was rude to mc. mc just let since he knew from his pastlife that the actress will be facing a disasteous end but park sooyeong did not like it. mc notices it and tries stoppi g actress park sooyeong. unfortunately, when left alone, park sooyeong just couldn't hwlp but get mad at the actress for being rude at mc.

26 mc receives a call from kim sunghwan. he tells mc that the film to jihwan is chosen as an opening in a prestigious film event. kim sunghwan also tells mc that the director baek janghoon, a renowned film maker, wanted to meet mc. mc knew of baek janghoon in hia pastlife, but he never managed to meet him since he had already died right when mc had reached stable stardom. it's also revealed that out if all the selection, it was the film to jihwan that was chosen as the opening film, despite being a debut of an unknown freshly graduate director. the one who decided this selectio  ja director baek janghoon himself. they went to the gala event on a truck. both actor jungseok and director choi taesup are hsving coldfeet while mc is simply enjoying the moment. mc lead the his two teammates. the opening was well received. mc noticed director baek janghoon to be observing him from afar.

27 a close for the to jihwan arc. director choi taesup shows his friend the award he got and tells him he'll be continuing in hia dream of screenwriting. he is very grateful to mc for helping him make the film. mc meets with directir baek janghoon. the director wants mc to stsy with him during school break to train. mc wanted to decline the offer since he need to help his mother and instead asked to get a main role from the director's movie, as a condition if the director want to teach him. after, the director talked with with his protegee regarding mc. it seems the director really want to teach mc.

28 when mc returns back home. everything was going grwat for his mother. they finally had their own store, more people are visiting the market and his mother is doing better. after, mc went to the director's place. he meets the director as well the director's protegee. the first day was introductions and getting to know each other. later that night, the director handed mc a script. mc immediately knew it, it was script only revealed when the director died in his pastlife. the director asks mc if he could act the main role in the script he handed. next day they start the training.

29 they first had a meeting with kim sunghwan. director baek jonghoon asks to have mc play a cameo role in on of his movie. kim sunghwan immediately accepts, mc felt excited. after the meeting, mc escoets kim sunghwan out. kim sunghwan then suggests mc to lay low from acting for a 3 years since mc also need to enjoy his student life. mc didn't thought about it until it was mentioned. mc is grateful. after, mc and director baek jonghoon went to the university mc attended in his pastlife. the director is looking to recruit an actor for his play and eill also be giving a lecture for a class. mc is there to support and show his capability.

30 mc is then introduced to a cultural singing maestro and thought mc. two weeks later, mc is part of a set. he'll be playing a cameo role of a child singing cultural songs. during the shoot, the cameraman isnconfused of what's happening until mc started singing.

31 later on, in the songwon entertainment agency, actress park sooyeong is touring mc. she also tells mc that he's invited for the end of the year award for being part of the august man film series. during the meeting of mc, park sooyeong and kim sunghwan, the  co president hwang cheolsu interrupts them. he was rude and mc couldn't help but feel something is off about him. after the hwanf  cheolsu leavea, park sooyeong complained to kim sunghwan about the attitude and work ethics? of hwang cheolsu. mc then remembers from his pastlife that it is hwanf cheolsu that will kead to the downfall of the songwon entertainment. mc wants to save the company. he thoughr of using a psychogy trick on kim sunghwan to be wary of hwang cheolsu. somehow it's effective. later on, the year end award ceremony. mc happily sits on the audience without a clue of what award he'd get in case he'd get any. suddenly, a trouble occurs with the event staffs. director yoo, of the august man, tries hecking if he could help. a few moment later, directoe yoo calls for mc. mc just found out he'll be singing in front of the stage. mc is obliged since the director says mc could and he was trained for it. after mc performed a song the event begins. the rude actress yang minjeong is staring daggers and disgusts at mc.

32 best couple award went to mc and yeonsu. mc did not expect this to happen. yeunsu was haopy to be on stage with mc. best supporting female went to park sooyeong. she did not expect this. mc the receives the rookie award. in contrast to his pastlife receiving a reward, this time, he has many who supports and are happy for him. when mc got to the stsge he thanked everyone and most of all he thanked his mother, as he remembers the pastlife he had. he tells her that they'll be living a happy life now. meanwhile, his mom's crying happy tears. his mentor, director baek jonghoon is impressed at mc. the co president of songwon entertain is scheming to use mc for his gain. after the event, it started snowing. yeonsu takes mc as they visit a shrine and prayed for a wish. the chapter ends saying 3 years have passed.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

hirasaka hinako is erotically cute but only i know (manga)

hirasaka hinako is erotically cute but only i know

hirasaka hinako, female lead
hirase ouki, male lead
mayumi? a convinient store clerk
maki, hinako's friend
yui, hinako's friend
sakamoto, a chuunibyou classmate
akutagawa, a big bossomed classmate
mizuki, little brother of akutagawa
kanako, hinako's little sister
sana hirose, the daughter of hinako and ouki in the time stopped world
seki, vice president of the class?

hoshinohikari highschool
hoshigaoka kindergarten
gem of 200 years of arrangement
akagi manor, the resident of the board chairman
star light highschool is same as hoshi no hikari highschool

1 hirase hinako and ouki can each other while others are doing self pleasure. they kept it a secret between them. it started when a witch makes a bet with them, if they can still love one another even if they found out everything about them, until 18? the witch will grant them a wish, if they couldn't, the witch will be taking something important from them. the witch's special condition for hinako is no sex before 18 years of age. ouki is deliberately distancing himself away from hinako. and hinako is always mad at ouki. although, they both truly love each other. other than them seeing each other while doing a selfie, they feel the need to try and hide it lest they find oit the other is indecent. if only they already knew that the other already knew.

2 a rain and a convinent store bathroom incident.

3 a failed confession incident at school. the two are still going strong, although mutual, it's unrequited for both of them?

3.5 a cosplay incident

4 a class adviser order, the two lovebirds trip, an special incident in a bus and a manor they are strangely familiar with

5 the two enter the mano while holding hands, hinako strangely feel elated. she wants to do the deed. but she puts up her resolve to save ouki. she opted to find a toilet instead to do a selfie. the two enters an isolated room with a strange note.

6 following strange house rules incident. the two meet and discussed with a board chairman, a sponsor of their school. the lady tells them the two are familiar with the place since they two are part of a kindergarten and they've been somewhere in the manor before. after the meeting, the witch stood beside the board chair. they seems to have a ritual going on and a successor emerging from ouki and hinako.

7 abstinence incident. the could seriously not handle it. ouki wants to see indecent hinako. hinako wants to be virtues. but upon learning ouki wants her to be indecent, she could not abstain no more.

8 an interrupted confession of ouki and the clean uo assignment by their class adviser.

9 a cleaning incident. deus ex machina just happens and the luck of the cultured is just way impressive.

9.5 hinako became obsessed with ouki's touch

10 a midterm examination, a great result and a happy hinako

11 a girl classmate, akutagawa, suddenly wants ouki as her dating partner. hinako is not please but she cannot tell her true feelings.

12 hinako is desparate for ouki not to get taken away from her. ouki is worried for hinako. hinako asked advice from her mom?

12.5 lingerie selection fan service

13 hinako is determined to look for the witch and break the curse? thereby maming her free to confess to ouki. meanwhile, mc ans akutagawa goes on a date. akutagawa plans on a home visit.

14 hinako went to the library to find clues. akutagawa household visit incident accident. akutagawa desires ouki even more.

15 ouki had fun in akutagawa's household. ouki had to draw the line. ouki visits hinako's household.

16 incident in hinako's room visit. confirmed that ouki has a perks of a lucky lecher. ouki runs away

17 ouki feels unfaithful for going on a date with akutagawa and with this ouki thought he will be punished by the witch. a phone call incident. hinako is determined to find the witch.

18 a psychological test incident. hinako is a masochist. after class, hinako goes to the shrine. ouki overhears it.

19 hinako went to the shrine. ouki follows. time stop, the witch appears, only ouki and the witxh could move.

20 ouki confronts the witch, a beach incident. ouki confirms his hunch about the bet with the witch. the witch stops ouki's time. hinako's time moved. hinako confronts the witch.

21 hinako loves ouki. she asks the definition of sex to the witch. hinako definitely want to do it with ouki. the witch tells hinako she'll give her a signal in case they'll do it. the with returns the two back at the shrine.

22 the two confronts each other. ouki needs to prioritize hinako's happiness to keep his end of the deal with the witch. hinako only thinks about sex. ouki sees a cat and time stopped once more?

23 the two went back to their home. ouki test out things with the time stopping. hina barges in ouki's house she plans on staying the night. there are apparations/shadows lingering outside.

24 a bathroom wishful incident. hinako got mad that ouki is not doing anything. a shadow creeps up on hinako. the shadow formed into a baby.

25 the two takes care of a baby. they look like a married couple with a baby.

26 the two have somehow decided to be a pseudo couple as they take care of the baby. ouki is worried about the time stopping, about hinako's happiness as his priority and themselves changing, they are growing older, while time have stopped. hinako totally just want to do it with ouki. the baby is growing up.

27 during a bath with the kid. the kid suddenly grew into a teenager. the girl explains she is sana hirose, eldest daughter of both ouki and hinako. hinako is elated to hear her and ouki will get married. sana says there are 6 others and hinako is still pregnant in the future? sana says theye are in a divine realm and there's a way fir them to get out.

28 sana tells the two to learn how to swim, they'll need it in the future. a swimming pool incident

29 more swimming pool incident

30 cooking training time. sana and hinako are together while ouki is on an errand. ouki went to the shrine to find an indecent scene, it's an adult hinako and someone, and he saw outside a little hinako peeping.

31 little hinako is getting absorbed in the indecency. the older hinako is asked by her partner if she remembers. ouki takes little hinako away from indecency. as ouki and little hinako became friend, they were soon engulf by darkness, ouki hugs little hinako as he protects her.

32 ouki took the little hinako. he asked if she's fine. after, the little hinako slowly fades away. the little hinako wakes up on her bed, she just had a strange dream. ouki is worried for the other hinako he saw. ouki went back and met up with sana otw, sana tells ouki he has the spirit of the earth god in him and it will cause problems for partner. when ouki returns, he tasted hinako's cooking. ouki couldn't help but pat hinako for doing a great job. but touching each other is the key for them getting out of the divine realm. before they escape, sana tells ouki that hinako's weakness is her lips. when the two wake up, they are back in front of the shrine again. when hinako wakes up, she felt relieved she and ouki will one day get married.

33 hinako returns home. felt relieved to be reunited with her family. she went to her room and had a selfie. ouki went back at home as well. he saw hinako taking a selfie. next day, the two met before going to school.  hinako warns ouki to remain the same with her at school.

34 school fest decision. no cosplay. the boys decisions to have a secret beauty contest. ouki and hinako are chosen, by the school principal, as dance partner for a ritual offering during the school cultural fest.

35 the two reluctant accepts the job. hinako wants to talk with ouki in her room. ouki accepts but as the two goes home, akutagawa takes ouki. hinako runs away hurt.

36 ouki and akutagawa had a convo. akutagawa is unsure of pursuing ouki. ouki confesses that he likes hinako. akutagwa is unsute of hinako for ouki. hinako appears and tells akutagwa, ouki is hers. the two do not admit love for one another, they just know the other person love rhem dearly. akutagwa is unconvinced and asked to have a bet. akutagawa and hinako leaves ouki for a girl talk.

37 the two had a convo. hinako is determined ouki is in love with her but she won't admit to anyone else she is in love with ouki. the two had a bet. hinako must become a couple with ouki before the end of the cultural fest, else she'll leave akutagawa on her own device. suddenly, hinako receives a phone call. her mom collapsed.

38 ouki receives a call. ouki went to the hospital to comfort hinako. hinako's mom will be fine but she need surgery. ouki's mom permitted the siblings to stay at their house. hinako and kanako stays at ouki's house. after settling for the night, hinako visits ouki's room.

39 hinako lies beside ouki. she higs him. she confesses she do love him but they have to wait until they're 18. ouki do not know her other condition to the witch. next day, ouki looks for hinako. hinako had already left and left ouki a letter. hinako visits the board chairman.

40 hinako visits the board chairman and asks for the witch to talk to her. the witch appears. hinako had already ieced the puzzle together? sana will become a great witch and that's why she's able to go back and forth to the past. the condition the witch placed on them is to make sure that sana will become a great witch. they need sana as the next generation witch. hinako then reverses uno them. she'll be dating with ouki unless they give her demands. first is to make her sick mother better and the next is to put her to sleep until she's 18. she admits she can't endure it anymore. the witch obliges with the first request but will think of something for the latter.

41 after the convo of hinako with the witch she went back to the hirose resident. hinako talks with ouki. she tells the condition she has with witch? and asks ouki to wait until they're 18. ouki easily obliges. hinako then confesses her love for ouki. ouki is simply at awe to confess he loves her as well. then the talked about the dance offer and something more important. back at school as the students prepared for the cultural fest, akutagawa confronts hinako. hinako says she is not dating ouki. akutagawa is surprised. hinako says she and ouki are getting married.

42 hinako are ouki are now engaged. akutagwa is surprised and backed out. during the dance, the two are very happy. sadly, hinako says that after the dance she will fall asleep and warns ouki not to cheat on her. ouki does not know anything.  suddenly a dark apparition appears.

43 suddenly, tentacles grab hold of hinako but she was set free after saying she only belongs to ouki. ouki did not do anything? hinako then saw a shadow apparation, she felt it sorry and hugged it. the apparition disappeared and hinako felt something inside her stomach. next day, news of hinako studying abroad was told to the class.

44 ouki went to the board chairman's manor weekly, hinako is lying there asleep. it's his duty to check up on her time and time again. he also put more effoet to studying so when hinako wakes up he'd be attending college. timeskip to when hinako wakes up. ouki was there beside her and told her she was asleep all the time. hinako asks what date it was and confirms she's finally 18. suddenly, she pounced on ouki and finally they did it. in the basement of the board chairman.

44.5 a nice happy honeymoon? end. ouki have to obliged with hinako's wishes.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Moon is Beautiful, but first die (manga from chapter 49 '14' until 57 end)

49,14 hayashi is determined to fix herself up to go back to the frontlines. meanwhile, a hifher up of cid receives a call from taruka requestinf alliance suddenly, the cid hq is infiltrated by iezaki toshiro. taruka have taken in iezaki under him. taruka wanted iezaki to negotiate with cid but iezaki got other plans. before he could take over cid, hayashi steps in and stops them. mizushima had transplanted neibu's arm to her. she is now fully healed and is able to use neibu's gift. hayashi easily apprehends iezaki and broke him. when mizushima counsels hayashi she says she wants mc to love her by making herself the very thing he woyld hate the most.

50,15 the cure will be done inna day or two. mc, mika, haraguchi, and mc's sis have notnyet decided who will take the cure. they enjoy their time while in hiding. meanwhile, hayashi plans on reciving their girl group. etou is just getting more and more warped. meanwhile, as mc rests, he receives a call from taruka. he is inviting mc for a fight?

51,16 taruka is using their former classmates as hostages for mc to go to him. mc tells the other of taruka's plan. hagaruchi and mc's sis tells them that they should go as haraguchi will complete the cure and mc's sis will protect her. mc and mika went save their classmates. as the two heads out, mc suddenly felt his bloodlust, he just remember it had already been exactly two months. it's the appointed time that mc will be able to kill mika. mcanages to control it. when mc and mika got to the location, taruka is on the screen. he ait that he had manipulated mc right fron the start and to taruka, mc is like a playable character he could easily level up. and now as a final test, mc's growing bloodlust vs safety of mika from those who wants to get her. mc worries if he letting anymore of his bloodlust would ultimately make him lost control. mc senses the girl group and taruka men are intent on them.

52,17 it seems cid have also deployed other forces. their brainwashed infected are out to get mc and mika. as they gey surrounded, mika suddenly felt the girl group. mika faces vs etou and sonoha. mika is getting overpowered because she isntrying to suppress her power, she does not want to kill her opponent. sonoha then went out of her to kill mika. mika was unable to do anything vs sonoha, she was easily overpowered.

53,18, unfortunately, in a battle of survival, mika who has a regenerstive ability would easily win out. mika felt sad for the death of her friend. sonoha wanrs her that etou went to mc. meanwhile, as mc is getting cornered by the infected and taruka's men, his friends from rudiments, kawamura and nishihashi cimes to his aid, punkyuu was also there to assist. kawamura tells mc to head to mika. mc obliges. as mc goes to mika, he was suddenly stopped by etou. etou is madly in love with mc as her bloodlust rages on. she wants mc to give her a child, that way, she could vent her anger on their child. definitely crazy. mc fights vs etou. meanwhile, hayashi approaches sonoha's dying body. hayashi kills her and plans on using her power.

54,19, mc used talkee no jutsu on etou. she came back to her senses. suddenly, as the two walk together, they were suddenly attacked by hayashi. etou was splashed all with sonoha's blood, that's probably why hayashi killed sonoha. hayashi appears ij a wedding gown. etou tries attacking hayashi but she easily overpower her. hayashi uses a scissor like weapon and cut etou's hand. she then cut her own hand, and stapled etou's hand to her. hayashi then takes etou as a hostage. mc begs hayashi to let etou go. hayashi then showed the hands of neibu to mc. hayashi uses the power of neibu to kill etou. mc felt rages and attacks hayashi but she somehow acquires the power of etou and beat mc up. as mc writhes on the ground at the mercy of hayashi, the ceiling of the church hall they are in suddenly collapsed. enters mika.

55,20 mika is enraged in bloodlust, she is in her awakened state. the two fight but hayashi with all the power of the girl group, she had drank the blood of sonoha, so she's able to use her power as well, and neibu's power, she beats mika. she even hurt mika's hurt as hayashi stole a kiss from mc. then as mika gets beat up, hayashi absorbed some of her power. hayashi then pierces through mika's chest and removed her heart thereby slowing mika's healing. hayashi throws mika towards mc. her main objective was to have mc go bloodlust, in order to fight her. taruka who was watching wants mc to kill mika. but mc did nothing of that, yet. instead of going bloodlust, mc uses his power of love to heal both himself and mika. hayashi is impressed/charmed by mc's determination

56,21 mc did not want to fight? but hayashi kept on attacking. mc is forced to use force. as mc is about to unleash his bloodlust, hayashi gets killed by an etou. kawamura appears and says etou is already dead and that het body is just moving in bloodlust. kawamura tells mc to go to mika as kawamura takes care of the raging etou. mc approaches mika, she is badly beat up, mika says she is beyind saving. suddenly, doctor haraguchi appears and hands mc the cure. she tells mc it's them who gets to decide and  not her. mc did not want to have the cure but instead chose to give it to etou. the enraged etou suddenly gained consciousness and afterwards died peacefully. mc went back to mika as they discuss an unreachable future for the two of them and how they successfully finished everything without killing each other. mc carries mika back home as she tells that they have to get ready for school the next day and many many delicious meals she would have to cook for him. as mika's voice wane, mc slowed his walk. mc stopped when he could hear mika voice no more.

57 3 years have passed. maetani of cid and doctor haraguchi sachi? are having a talk? the cid members are still busy? taruka is captured by the rudiments, he is abandoned by his backers. on a bright note, mc is studying in kiyou university. and mika is alive. her gift is regeneration. when mika died, hagaruchi tells mc that mika wishes to have her body used to make the cure. after a year, mika came back to life. mc and her a living together. the infecteds are still rampant but the cure is being made. although, mika have to subject herself from the operation to make the cure, it's seems she's happy as long as she's with mc. when mika asks mc if he'll take the cure, mc says he'll take it once mika takes it. but mika plans only on having it once all the infected have all be cured. on the last part, as mc was about to propose to mika, he suddenly got a call from kawamura that they have an infected assignment. mc goes and mika follows.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

The Moon is Beautiful, but first die (manga until chapter 48)

kamishiro taku, mc, likes to help others, called janitor since he likes to clean
hanasono/hanazono mika, female lead
shinomiya kouji, captain of football club
atsumi kouki, class 2-3 homeroom teacher, literature teacher, mc admires this professor, other students adores him
yashizawa, the school bully who got a hole in his stomach after bullying mc
yamada, an accomplice to mika's abduction, baseball club's ace pitcher
jinno, friend of mc
keito, friend of mc
neibu, school cafeteria staff, the one who killed atsumi kouki
hitami, a designer if the newly renivated amusement park
takumi, hitami's beloved
sonoha, a classmate of mc, she reads a book about poison, she is normally timid
hayashi, a new member of C.I.D. operational unit, her aura reeks of murder, her overwelming strength is comparable to those afflicted with bloodlust. she is defintely mentally unstable
tesuya kashiwagi, afflicted with bloodlust, the first hunt target of hayashi
honomi nakagawa , beloved of tetsuya
maetani, a colleague of hayashi in CID
nishihashi akito, he sees mc as a rival, infected with bloodlust, just like mc they have it under control, on the side of the rudiment, his nose is his gift
etou ryouku, infected with bloodlust, just like mc they have it under control, on the side of the rudiment, her right arm is her gift
kawamura tatsuya, strategist?, infected with bloodlust, just like mc they have it under control, on the side of the rudiment
haraguchi sachi, medical officer of rudiment
ueshima shou, up and coming DJ
kikou, the cid member mc encounter during the dj operation
mizushima kenzou, cid's sole medical staff
ogami takashi, a senior of mc in kiyo highschool, possibly the mastermind during the school fest chaos
ogami masatsugu, father of ogami takashi
ono, girl, to be a lead in the theatre troupe, juniors of mc in kiyo high, beloved of both kiritani and muraoka
muraokua, third wheel, to find a lover, juniors of mc in kiyo high, got afflicted with bloodlust from kiritani
kiritani, boy, to be ace of sports club, juniors of mc in kiyo high, afflicted with bloodlust
punkyuu, cid member, she says game controller moves before attacking
human, cid member, he got a knife arm
sasagaki hideto, in a coma, being taken care of by the rudiments, etou ryouku's beloved/boyfriend
dangai makoto, a leader of eguma religious organization
eguma shouhei, founder of the eguma religious organization
ishino yuki, nisihashi/nishibashi akito's beloved
yuuta, a neet who leeches of rich women
iezaki toshiro, infected, have the ability to increase the number infected exponentially, these infected are allies to him, he is terrified of neibu
nagai tomoka, the dead beloved of iezaki toshiro, somehow iezaki toshiro made her his beloved without ever meeting with each other and just only by having thoughts of her
goto kidai, leader of cid
sayaka, an unfortunate soul for sonoha's mika desire
reina, childhood friend of neibu, neibu's beloved
eudai, reina's bethroted

bloodlust, enhanced capabilities, sudden change in behavior and a great urge to murder one's love. they also gain special abilities depending on what their love ones most praises them with, be it their eyes or hair. afflicted with bloodlust, they will even go on a killing spree just to kill their loved one.
is it keito taruka or jinno taruka? taruja is the one who is an otaku and also have a relative who works as a journalist
ID phase, a next stage of the bloodlust where the person afflicted can no longer regain control
C.I.D., cid, an organization that does underground work of isolating and disposing of those afflicted with ID, current members 4
ID are what they call those with bloodlust
Kiyo Highschool, the school mc attends
Based on hayashi's first hunt mission, their guidelines are to first incapacitate those who can possibly become infected, this includes the loved one, and then disposing of the infected
neibu's org is called otherside by the CID agents
RUDIMENT, rudiment, the organization of neibu, their goal is to control their bloodlust and to eliminate organizations that will use the infected for evil purpose
(chapter 10 onwards became the story became like tokyo ghoul??)
I.D. means intellectual destruction, it has 5 stages
Gifts, the special ability IDs gain. they are the feature their loved one most praised them about. in mc's case, his eye sight or his perception.
ogami group, second largest manufacturer of medical instruments in their country
(id, an illness that changes love to bloodlust)
(etou ryouku, her gift is arms strength)
(nishihashi akito, his gift is his sense of smell)
(neibu, his gift is killing infectees just by touching)
ogami takashi's gift is his voice, he can make women obey his orders absolutely, regardless of sustained injury, he plans on getting rid of the infecteds himself
neibu has to touch an infected and utter the words joy and infected dies
zero squad, the group that confronted mc's team during the ogami takashi mission
keito is the one with a journalist relative and is an otaku, "keito taruka"
"NP3W" a phrase found in the chip given by keito taruka.
Shimoda Medical Instrument Manufacturer, a subsidiary of the ogami group
nishihashi akito and nishibashi akito same person
hayashi and hanashi are same person, her full name is "Hayashi Yuuna"
eguma religious organization, they abduct id infecteds.
eguma organization is called eguma cult
eguma cult got 150 members
by now, you should all know that the infected would do anything just to kill their beloved and they would hate it in case someone else kills them.
(before chapter 28, nisihashi, nishihashi and nishibashi are same person, a spelling mistake from me)
neibu is kawamura tatsuya's beloved
(in chapter 35-36, i forgot to include that taruka is still lookih for mc and mika)
sonoha's full name is sonoha mayu
(after the rudiment fet absorbed to the cid, nishihashi is no longer part them)

1 mc wants to confess to hanasono mika, mc plans to do it next dsy at an abandoned building. late at night mc tries to stop a fight between a man and a woman. suddenly mc got attacked. mc blacked out and woke up on his bed. next day, a murder had just happened last night and police were investigating. on his way to school, mc met up with mika. somehow, mc felt like murdering her. at school, shinomiya, who got rejected by mika, is pissed off. mc on the other hand has this uncontrollable feeling of wanting to murder mika. during break, mika went to the abandoned building. shinomiya saw this and went after her. shinomiya confronts mika and lunge at her. mc enters the scene. he wants to confess to mika but instead if confessing, mc tells mika he wants to murder her. shinomiya tried meddling with the two's convo, mc overpowers the rejected. mc throws a punch vs shinomiya, mika tries stopping him. mc hit the ground and suddenly the floor of the abandoned building collapsed. beside murdering mika, mc feels the need to confess his feeling for her but they just fell through the building.

2 next day? at school, the abandoned building had half of its structure collapsed. in class, shinomiya's attitude reverted back to it's infant state, he became dumb. mc, on the otherhand, feels like ignoring mika, he cannot talk to her. during class, mc got bullied, mc tries pushing back suddenly, mc saw the bully hanging himself. and right before anything, the bully throws up and suddenly started shouting he does not want to die. later on a news of the bully spread that he has a hole in his stomach and it was mc who caused it. after that, mc stopped going to school. mika found out from the actual janitor how mc feels about her. meanwhile, during the dayd of mc's absent from school, he's checking up on himself. he's trying to control his killing urges and also found out he gained superhuman strength. a few days later, mika visits mc's home. they had an enjoyable time, at least for mika. suddenly mc asks her to leave. mika misunderstood. mc's urges to kill her just suddenly returned. mika felt mc hates her. when mika leaves a car stops by and the driver asks for mika's help. as mc leaves his house, he found mika bound and unconcious behind a car. mc o ows who the driver is. mc ran after it. he wants to save mika but the same time his urges to kill her is ever growing. mc got bumped by a car. meanwhile, the person who abducted mika was atsumi kouki, the teacher everyone admires.

3 mc was fine. mc then tracks down the kidnappers and found out was actually atsumi kouki and a student, yamada. suddenly mc launched an attack towards mika. the tracher stops mc and then they explained mc got infected to. they explained all three of them are infected with bloodlust, it grants them superhuman strength and certain changes and the desire to kill the ones they live. it seems they all love mika. suddenly, yamada stabs atsumi kouki. yamada desperately wants to kill mika, all for himself. mc defends mika. yamada overpowers mc. but mc suddenly got a power up and fended off yamada's attack. suddenly their teacher, atsumi kouki, got back into the fight beats yamada. mc then fights off atsumi kouki, but he got hit on the head. mc is knocked out. when mc opens his eyes, he saw a mutilated corpse where mika was supposed to be.

4 suddenly there was an explosion. mc wad able to get out. the police came to investigate. mc flees. as mc rests, mika suddenly apears behind him. she was alive. mc was relieved but suddenly his bloodlust happens, mc runs away. mc rested after but mika was trailing him. she scold him why he ran away. mc tries making an excuse and asks mika to go home. mika then says after the abandoned building incident, mika had been forgetting things, the doctor says she has partial amnesia that there are times that she would forget many moments. suddeny sheblose conciousness, mc suddenly attacked her but he got back his self control and helps mika. mc only felt frustration instead of being relieved. meanwhile, their teacher atsumi kouki is somehow alive but a person passed him by and killed him. meanwhile, mc's bloodlust settled down as he accompany mika back home. he vows to himself that he'll protect mika. mika wanted mc to confess but mc did not. (shame) next day, news spread of atsumi kouki and yamada being killed from a traffic accident. mc did not understand what was happening since it was very evident of what had actually happened, mc then receives a call from an unfamiliar number.

5 the call scolds mc for going back to school despite having bloodlust. mc was also told things will only get harder. mc was surprised that he got a call and they kniw about his disease. during the ceremony as the school laments over the death of their beloved teacher and a student, mc is out weeding. mc is approached by a cafeteria staff, neibu. mc is dragged to the cafeteria and was fed. as they converse, mc felt the bad news from neibu, fortunately, students suddenly flocked in the cafeteria. after classes, mc is home, mika calls mc. she needed help mc rush to her only to find out she just wants mc's company to an amusement park. the two enjoyed the park as mc feels like it was back then a few years hence. it was fortunate for mc that the bloodlust is not kicking in as they are having fun. suddenly, mika suggest going to the horror house. as the two explore, mika suddenly vanished. out of a sudden, chaos just happened the amusement park as different rides just suddenly fall apart and caused accidents. mc worries for mika. he must find herm suddebly his bloodlust kicks in. but mc was able to use it to his advantage. he somehow used his byakkugan eyes like technique to try finding mika. mc then sees wires. he follows them. suddenly, mc finds the designer of the whole amusement park, hitami. somehow, she's also afflicted with bloodlust. she had just killed multiple person. hitami then explains her superowers are her hair and explain that she gain her power because her beloved always praises her eyes. mc realizes his eyes/observation were also the one mika would always praise. using his eyes, mc found mika. she was escorting a little lost girl as they try ti find her mother. suddenly mika find takumi, the beloved of hitami. as hitami rushes towards them. mc stops hitami. mc then jump on hitami's shoulder, started pulling her hair and soon after mc twists her neck. the raging hitamingot brushed off to the side and fell. mc stood up and took mika by her shoulder and escorted her out the amusement park. when they got out, mika suddenly forgot everything that had just happened, all she remembered was she was planning on going to the amusement park with mc. somehow, mc regain control. the police investigates the crime, neibu was there. he was impressed at what had just happened, it was what he was looking for.

6 a few weeks past after the incident, mc is back at hos normal attitude in school. it seems mc and mika have finally reconcilled or whatever. the stidents are getting ready for their school festival. as mc heads to throw away trash, he finds his classmate sonoha, slump in a corner, she has troubles with students of other school who are hanging put by their dumpster. mc confronts the students, mc thought he could ise his power but without the bloodlust being activated, he just a normal student. mc gor beat up. mika steps in and threatens to calk teacher, the students leave. during recess, mc's friend keito and jinno are discussing the amusement park incident, they believe the terrorist, as was spread by the media, who attack the oark used the event of reopening to perform such an impactful act of terror or something. mc then realizes that their school fest is also about to happen. during the festival, when mc saw mika in her beautiful outfit, suddenly, his bloodlust awakens. somehow, mc also felt other's bloodlust towards mika. mc bumps into sonoha. sonoha tries giving mc a box of takoyaki but mc has his priority. mc asks sonoha to stay with mika as mc looks for the guys who mc felt also have bloodlust. afterwards, the two girls had a time alone. meanwhile, mc tracks down one of the student who has a bloodlust, mc confirms it. but mc was overpowered and put on a strangle hold. mc could not escape. suddenly neibu appears and saves mc. neibu kills the student strangling mc. mc sees what happen and realized he could nit do anything vs neibu. neibu suddenly hugs mc and opens his umbrella. suddenly, dismembered parts of students came falling down. neibu tells mc that he only take care of those who have gone too far from their bloodlust. mc is fortunate he isn't yet. neibu warns mc to not go any further. meanwhile, as the two girls was about to have a nice convo, their classmates enters the room, one of them spots the takoyaki sonoha was supposed to give to mc and at some. afterwards, their classmate vomitted blood. mika tries to aid their ailing classmate. it seems sonoha have also been afflicted with bloodlust and her beloved one is also mika.

7 mc suddenly realizes that there are more people infected by bloodlust. the dead student's phone rang, it seems the infect ID, are planning something during the school fest. neibu proposes to have a coop with mc. mc refuses and would only want to protect mika. meanwhile, back in the girls, as mika thinks of a way to aid their fallen classmate, one of their classmate proposes to get their fallen classmate to the nurse. sonoha suddenly stopped mika. their classmate head on to the nurse. the two girls are once again alone. sohona them confesses her love to mika. a quick back story of sonoha after her affliction. she tries suppressing her bloodlust by killing herself with poison but she's immune to it. when her abusive father tries abusing her one more time, the father died due to poisoning. it seems sonoha became poison. she then tested it other people andi it just grew even more effective. and now sonoha wants to test it on mika. suddenly mc enters as he dodged a preemptive strike from sonoha. mc faces vs sonoha. even with mc's strength, he was simply outmatched by a biologically enhanced poison master. mc was only able to knock her out since sonoha lowered her guard. mc rescues mika to safety. soon after, their classmates found them and they sent them to the infirmary. as mc rest and ponders his weakness, he suddenly got a call. there was actually a group/organization that planned everything that had happened and they have a key students that is lead the attack on the school. the nurse was then surprised to see that mika was not there but instead someone else wearing a wig. mika is taken to the auditorium, she was on the stage and the audience are people who are in love with her.

8 mc heads to the auditorium. he sees a flock of students and on the stage is a tied up mika. mc is outnumber beside that, there were also other student who isn't afflicted. unfortunately for them, they are easily picked off if they were found out. suddenly the intercom sounded. they called it an event and there were traps set around mika. afterwards, weapons are then given to the students. those afflicted with bloodlust started killing each other for the right of killing mika. as the chaos heats up, shinomiya the one who became dumb after the abandoned building incident suddenly appears and takes mika. it seems he became afflicted with bloodlust as well. when mika gainer consciousness she saw the bloodied messed that have happened. shinomiya takes mika back to the abandoned building. mc rishes towards them.shinomiya admits it was him who made everything happened. his dumb state became a traumatic side of him becuase of what happened but he was conscious? mc engages with shinomiya but mc was easily overpowered. mc hangs on the edge of the abandoned building mika tries helping mc. shinomiya stabs mika's shoulder.

9 as all hope is lose. mc used his memory of mika to stimulate his bloodlust even more. mc overpowers shinomiya. but the boss still has a few tricks before the curtain falls. as mc brought mika to safety, they were suddenly surrounded by others who were afflicted with bloodlust. mc cannot move due to the recoil he has for over using his bloodlust. mika gets stabbed. suddenly, neibu aplears with a van and orders mc to get in with mika. neibu tells mc mika will be safe, they'll be going to a safe haven. mc passed out. when mc wome up he was on a bed. the first thing in his mind is to look for and protect mika. mc found mika looking at a full moon. as mc and mika converses. a blood covered stranger warns mc of mika. suddenly rushes towards mc. mika seems to have been afflicted as well and her beloved is mc.

10 one month later, somewhere in a facility, a bloodlust infected id is being observed. a personnel, hayashi, who visits kills the infected. afterwards, her collesgues/superiors praises her for her first murder. it seems to be a rite of initiation..they plan on disposing all those afflicted with bloodlust. it seems their organization is vs the org of neibu. they are somehow planning on acquiring control and something they call "sweet nectar?" during an infected hunt op, hayashi meets mc. mc tries saving the infected but he was easily overpowered. fortunately, neibu came to rescue mc. hayashi flees the scene. mc and neibu takes the hunted afflicted and his loved one. mc will work with neibu in order to find the whereabouts of mika.

11 hayashi requests for her superior for a better gun to use vs mc when they once again fight. meanwhile, mc is back in their own org, mc is like a janitor who likes cleaning. he is with other infected who are able to control their bloodlust. the other staffs who is not infected are wary of them. mc's mind is all about mika. a bit of story of how mc joins the rudiment organization to help him find mika an infected that can easily overpower mc, have disappeared and have episodic amnesia. mc believes the organization that started the chaos in the kiyo highschool have mika. back to the present, mc is called to have himself medically checked up. the medical staff sachi, tells mc that mc's power have decreased since his target have disappeared. sachi wants to give mc a rehab to get his powers back at it's fullest. suddenly ryouku appears and tells mc they have a mission of protecting infectees. during their mission, their target is the dj ueshima shou, but before they could make contact with the dj, they were spotted. the dj ran off as his fans tries stopping the four. mc trails the dj. when he got to the dj, a member of cid suddenly attacks mc. mc got defeated and the cud member took the dj as well his beloved. mc regroup with his team and asked for assistance finding the cid member. mc was abke to track the cud member. the cid member juiced up with a serum made by the cid organization for them to easily have equal footing fighting vs id. unfortunately for the cid member, mc undergone rehab and is able to utilize his bloodlust just like before when mc fought vs shinomiya at the end of the school festival incident. mc overpowers the cid member. meanwhile, hayashi and maetani are on standby and are observing the match of mc. it seems hayashi became interested with mc. mc and other other made a run for it when they hear patrols were on their way.

12 three months after?, hayashi became erratic. she wanted to learn more info about the rudiment but the other staffs if cid were given a gag order to her. she then went to the medic of their org to get info. somehow, the medic is some sort a man of culture. the medic gave her basic info about the rudiment organization. but she must be willing to give more for more info. meanwhile, mc is still busy practicing with his bloodlust control. suddenly, it toom for the worse and mc thought ryouku was mika and started attacking her. fortunately mc regained consciousness. he apologized and felt embarassed towards his colleague. but it was all good for ryouku. somehow she understand mc and the thing mc and mika has is soemthing that could be call a mutual love. mc smiles upon hearing this, he felt a bit happy with his convo with ryouku. after they part, it seems ryouku is having a hard time controlling her bloodlust. as mc ponders with his convo with ryouku, neibu appears to give mc two news. the could not get info from the cid member they captured and they will be getting a new mission, their targer this time is a senior mc from kiyo high, ogami takashi. neibu suspects he's the mastermind of the riot during the school fest. during the day kf the mission it seems, various forces.will be making a move, (the evil org that uses id have made contact with the head of the ogami household), the cid members are on their way, hayashi somehow made a deal with the cid medic that if she could bring one member from rudiment to him, and lastly, mika is in a organization that is somehow outside these forces and she's out to make things easier of mc.

13 a side story? of muraoka who got crush on ono who is dating kiritani, the three are best of friends. before the school fest, both muraoka and ona got a lead part in there theatre performance. after practice, they find kiritani on his way home, ono tells muraoka that kiritani have suddenly changed. muraoka receives a chat from kiritani asking to have a 1v1 talk. when the two meet, kirita i suddenly request muraoka to kill him. kiritani is afflicted with bloodlust and he wants muraoka to kill him before it gets worse. then they sent to the hospital, kiritani went to a rage, kiritani's parents was there. ono went there to fetch muraoka? on their way back, muraoka suddenly felt like killing ono, he too became afflicted with bloodlust. during rehearsal, muraoka finds a bruise on ono, ono admits it was from kiritani. muraoka wants to comfort her but he also wants to kill her. during the fest, muraoka's bloodlust is getting worse? during the play, muraoka's bloodlust is acting up, suddenly kiritani left the hospital to come barging during the performance. kiritani git a knife ready to kill ono. muraoka tries saving ono. muraoka pushes kiritani away. kiritani then praises muraoka for gaining control of his bloodlust while he couldn't. kiritani then slit his neck. ono tries to make what's happening all an act/performance while she cries. muraoka then confesses his feeling towards her and vows to protect her. as ono hugs muraoka, muraoka suddenly rips her apart. muroaka then stabs himself. they are a lose cause. back to the present, mc and his team are getting ready for their mission.

14 the group of rudiment, enters the ogami household. there was no one there. nishihashi smells the strong scent of blood. as they head in deeprr, they found a group full of women. mc tries forcing one of them to leave. suddenly, one of them says they're all afflicted with bloodlust and ogami takashi, the target id, is sheltering them in. a fight ensues, neibu let mc head to takashi himself, he is one who is connected with mc as schoolmates in kiyou high. mc faces ogami takashi, the target orders an injured woman to defend him. the woman obliged, mc defends, the woman, regardless of her sustained injury, she won't back down. mc had to activate his boosted bloodlust to defeat the woman. mc then corners ogami takashi. ogami takashi decides to surrender. mc is still in the state of the boosted bloodlust, she is seeing the apparition of mika. meanwhile on the side of mc's group, as they take care of the women, suddenly, new forces arrives. back ti mc's sude, ogami takashi have calmed diwn and started talking to mc. takashi says he is not the mastermind during the kiyou school fest and mika is not in his place. takashi aslo tells mc of a phone nber, mc immediately recognized it as the number who contacted him before the school ceremony after the death of mc's adored teacher atsumi kouki and yamada is announced. it was the number that warned mc about his affliction and how things will just get worse. takashi cinfessed he met the person behind the call and he had became a pawn for the incident. but before takashi could tell more, he got shot. from the pile of corpses rose hayashi, the cid agent. she smiles at mc as she introduced herself.

15 hayashi explains to mc they have similar goals of getting the infecteds, the only is their method. olgami is still alive but suddenly, hayashi, much like mc's first encounter with her, she incapacitated takashi by breaking his limbs, thereby removing his ability to escape, she also made takashi unable to use his power of voice. hayashi wants to fight mc for her entertainment. the two engages. meanwhilr, back to mc's peers, they are facing etou and nishihashi are facing vs two cid members. one in a hazmat suit and another in corporal suit. the cid members tries persuading the two to join them. the two rudiment members decline and started engaging. neibu is confronted by another cid member. meanwhile, mc is getting beat up by hayashi. hayashi tells mc she also has the same ability as his. she can see clearly and knows a lot, based on jusy seeing things and moreso, she isn't infected. hayashi then explains that mc's downgrade is due to his abstinence from mika. she nailed it right. hayashi then tries to insitgate mc's bloodlust. mc powers up but it was shortlived as mc falls down. he had exhausted himself. hayashi then captures mc and proposes that she be her lover instead. in another force's side, mika along with her companion is observing things from afar.

16 hayashi wants to date mc but mc rejects her. hayashi easily beat up mc. suddenly neibu appears. his battle vs human, a cid member was short as human suddenly backed out during their fight. neibu then threatens hayashi he will kill mc if they take him. it would be better for mc to be killed than him being used by cid. neibu then proposes that he instead be captured instead of his teammates. hayashi obliges as she wants mc to live as well. mc tries stopping neibu but neibu knocks mc out. neibu was captured and sent to the cid higher ups. apparently, neibu knows his value and fearless as he talked with his captors. meanwhile, mc woke up, he's in a van along with his teammates. they tell them that ogami takashi, their target is dead, and neibu is captured. the way things are, their defeat is bound to repeat. nishihashi akito proposes they get stronger and to do so, they must stay close with their loved ones. as the four ponder on their plan of getting stronger, mc receives a call from his friend, keito. at first keito invites mc to hang out. suddenly, keito reveals he knew of mc's power. as they drive on, mc notices keito outside. mc asked to be dropped off. mc confronts keito. mc found it was him who warned mc with the unknown caller number/before the clas ceremony and news of their teacher and a student passing. mc realized it was keito who is the mastermind for the school fest chaos. mc tries attacking keito but he suddenly lose strength. keito then indirectly tells mc that mika is with him. keito leaves. mc's team rushes to mc's aid. nishihashi akito finds a computer chip in a sweet that keito gave to mc.

17 they plan on having kawamura tatsuya on taking care of the computer chip while the rest go train theur bloodlust. since mc can't see mika, etou ryouku invites mc to go with her. sasagaki hideto is in a cma, he's etou ryouku's boyfriend. the training for their bloodlust would be prying into memories/recollection while powering up their strength. etou tells her gentle story that turned to her getting abused by her meek boyfriend and then her awakening her bloodlust. suddenly etou ryouku wento to a rage, mc tries stopping her but she easily overpowered mc. mc still manages to stop by telling her that much like what she did for mc, mc will listen and stay by her side as her friend and comrade. etou ryouku went to tears. after she calmed down, it seems her training is done. meanwhile, kawamura tatsuya have just opened the computer chip given by keito taruka.

18 the chip contained images and ifbput together showed coordinates to a location of a medical facility of the shimoda, a part of the ogami group, and a certain phrase "np3w". meanwhile nishihashi/nishibashi akito is feeling down after his training. after, mc receives a phone call from neibu but  it was hayashi. Hayashi/Hanashi is asking mc to go out with her on a date. mc is reluctant but suddenly the caller mentions mika. mc obliges to meet with hayashi. the two went to the amusent park where the hair infectee/Id incident happened. hayasho also gave a glimpse of her past, she is just all cold and cruel from the start. when the two part, mc gained nothing but recollections of mika. as mc sat and ponder on a bench, mika suddenly appears in front of him.

19 the two had a convo. mika confirms she is with keito taruka's group. mika tells mc that the incident in the abandoned building way back in the beginning is probably her fault as well the killings that have been happening. She just couldn't remember it since she has episodic amnesia. as mc tries comforting her, mc jumpa back. his blooslust suddenly awakens and he has to hols back. mika immediately realizes it. before they part ways, mika tells mc he mustn't look for her anymore and they must not be together. mika kisses mc and suddenly, mc felt her bloodlust. mika was trult after. mc feels determined. hayashi saw everything from afar. whem mc returns to the rudiment, he used his ppwers to decipher the code given by keito taruka. they acquired info to rescue neibu. they decided to plan neibu's rescue. meanwhile, hayashi talks with mizushima kenzou, the medic in cid. hayashi tells everything thay happened during her date with mc including when she saw mika after. she then ask mizushima if he's connected with mika's group, he did not answer her. mizushima then ask what impression she has when she saw mika. it seems, the doctor is trying to put emotions into hayashi. hayashi ponders about mika. on the day of neibu's rescue, mc's team set out. neibu on the other hand is met with a higher up from cid and got shot.

20 using nishihashi's gift of smell, they tracked down neibu, he's injured and is being transported in a car. mc and etou went after them. as they pursue, they thrown a grenade. etou throws mc to the car. mc lands on the car but the car jumps off a small cliff. when mc regained composure he meets punkyuu, a cid member. mc is being overpowered. mc tries boosting his bloodlust but it was not there. mc only felt love. mc fights back.

21 the clashed on, mc was winning using his power if love. suddenly, punkyuu regain control of the situation and beats mc. but mc's love uet again transformed into bloodlust? he easily overpowers punkyuu. she would have died if neibu did not stop mc. mc calmed dkwn and notices neibu's chopped off arm. afterwards, neibu collapses. he must have lost a lot of blood. afterward, human, a cid member, came to fetch the defeated punkyuu. as the mc's group heads back with a successful rescur mission, doctor haraguchi sachi calls mc amd tells them not to go back to rudiments hq. cid had just made a move vs them.

22 they brought and treared neibu in an apartment. the media is in ots vs the rudiment and so they cannot go back to their hq. they received news the cid are making attacks using the media. with all the news that floated, they then found a connected organization that may be connected with cid, oguma religious organization. mc's team investigate. they infiltrate the oguma religious org hq. they found out that each member have the same face as the founder and the id they captured are being disposed off underground. the founder knew of mc's team infiltration and asks them to come out, mc's team obliges. mc's team threatens to resort to violence but it seems the oguma group is unfazed and instead asks mc's team to leave. mc then asks if the oguma org  is connected with cid. one of the member remembers he went inside a cid building. the  oguma member quickly jumped off the disposing equipment and kills himself. mc's team is very much determined to defeat them but the founder suddenly tells info regarding nishihashi and ultimately his partner. the founder shows a live feed of her in his phone. nishihasho withdraws and ran away. mc wanted to capture the founder but he jumped down the disposing device and kills himself. but before he could die, he warns them that it's already too late amd everyone will die. in a far off place, a member of the oguma org realizes their founder had just died. the said member then assumed the role of the founder.

23 nisihashi hurriedly went to his beloved. it was the sister of one of the underclassman he saved. he's in love with her but he's hasin't said it yet. when nisihashi arrived, a bolt arrow suddenly flew past him, he dodged. nisihashi reunites? with ishino yuki. she was somehow abductee a few days ago and bolts would fly in case she move. suddenly, a sleeping gas is put in the room, nisihashi did not fall. he went outside and defeated the member of eguma who targetted his beloved. he got the eguma member's phone and called mc to go to an address. mc and etou moved to the address. it seems the ogamu are given a list of names to capture, they are all infected. when mc and etou arrived they found eguma members. they confront the brother ofnthe founder who assumed the role of the founder. the brother is eccentric vs ugly faces. the new founder the heck outnofntheir captured infected. mc tries lainching an attack but was stopped by a cid member. etou recognizes it wa sone of the member who stopped them during the takashi ogami mission. as the face off, the new eguma founder showed mc and etou an ad about a xmas eve event. the eguma founders tells them it will be the day when all things will be over. mc realizes they will be planning something like what happened during the kiyo highschool fest. although, helpless as they seemed vs them, mc is determined to fight back and stop them. timeskip, hayashi yuuna is getting ready for their xmas event with her santa outfit.

24 mc's group had just finished discussing their plan for the xmas event tomorrow. dr. haraguchi then suggests for them to have a xmas party. meanwhile, the eguma cult had just finished briefing their members and are warning their ally, cid, to be ready as they are. the cid higher ups are just letting them be since the eguma cult is very useful for them. hayashi is excited for her to once morw face vs mc. mizushima kenzou, the doctor of cid, is enthusiastic that more of their member will be joining the chaos. mc's group party on. after the drinking and most everyone's wasted, dr. haraguchi sachi takes mc to the balcony and asks him what happened when mc rescued neibu. mc answers that his power stemed not from his bloodlust but from him wanting to protect mika. the doctors says mc is a special case but even so, the moment his bloodlust took pver was more terrifying. although terrified, mc is determined to fight for everyone, including mika. during the xmas eve event, mc and his group gets to the place and wonders where the epicenter of chaos will happen.

25 mc's team is scattered around the venue, they are observing for any anomaly that may happen. in a gig somewhere, yuuta, an introvert neet, who joins his gf, notices someone get stabbed. he locked eyes with the killer. yuuta grabs his gf so they could get away but the killer caught up with them. fortunately, mc was there to save them. mc knocks the killer out and suddenly the current founder of eguma ult appears before mc. mc tries to apprehend the foundee but he was stopped by a civilian. no one knew of the event to happen, they all just want to have a good time. mc tries telling them that he came to help but no knew belives mc. the founder belittles mc's weakness of trying to be good. he orders the destruction of the bridge to the event thereby cutting off escapes and rescue. suddenly the main event starts. infecteds suddenly cause chaos and started killing. the founder exposes his plan. they placed in the event the infected they captured and have let their bloodlust run rampant. mc tries attacking the founder but he was stopped by one of the raging infected. the civilians tries getting help from the event authorities but they're simply outnumbered and beside, the eguma cult are barring them the civilians from safety.

26 the founder of the eguma occult tells the infected that their beloved is in the appointed location and that if they could not find and kill them before the event ends, the occult would be the one to kill them. currently, chaos is happening as killings are going on and the eguma occult members are stopping the civilians from escaping, they even have spear weapons. elmc and etou ryokou foghts them. they then received a message from kawamura tatsuya, thete are two bridges connecting the event island. one of them is destroyed and the other one is still remains. kawamura says many civilians will flocks towards the bridges. nishihashi is on his way there. mc tells them their priority should be the safety of the civilians. mc looks for the safest route while they both fight off vs the infected. as etou ryouku is controlling her bloodlust, she encounters an blind infected that has a protruding chopsticks in one of his eyes. despite a bit of a struggle she overpowers the blind infected. mc and etou defeated the rioters and chased away the eguma cult members in their immediate area. they then head on the other area. meanwhile, in another area, an infected who knew of neibu and connected to cid doctor mizushima kenzou is planning to wreck more havoc.

27 mc and etou have managed to secure a safe haven for the civilians they have rescued, a hotel. they are briefed by kawamura of their mission objectives, the eguma occult founder and the assistance/aid for the civilians. mc leaves the civilians to etou as mc goes to recon areas for a route outside the island. mc spots a smoke in one of the building, mc heads there to investigate. mc finds an infected playing with corpses. mc tries getting the infected to safety. suddenly, kawamura messages mc that the infected he is with is very dangerous. a couple appears before mc the two infected, mc and the other guy. the infected somehow felt. mad vs the couple. the infected somehow took control of the guy using his powers. the guy then slapped his girlfriend hard. suddenly the infected guy and the boyfriend have the same behavior. the infected iezaki toshiro. kawamura tatsuya warns mc that this infected have the ability to exponentially increase the number of the infected and make them his allies. suddenly, many infected appears around them, they were all allies of iezaki toshiro. mc tries fighting him but iezaki dodges and orders his allied infected to fight vs mc. mc is getting outnumbered. meanwhile, the eguma occult is planning on showing up on the spotlight. nisihashi akito, who went to the other bridge finds it was blocked by burning cars and blockades. suddenly, he meets up with punkyuu, a cid member.

28 mc faces and chases iezaki. iezaki just keep increasing his allies. kawamura felt the need to personally aid his comrades. nishihashi faces vs punkyuu. pinkyuu wishes to meet and fight once again vs mc but nishihashi declines to answer her. as punkyuu readies an attack, she fell on her knees. nishihashi knew she hasn't recovered yet when she fought vs mc. but punkyuu is determined to reach mc. meanwhile, as mc faces vs the infected, he drops his phone. iezaki picks it up and saw mc's group photo with the rudiments. iezaki saw neibu's face. he got made. the infected suddenly became stronger. they planned on killing themselves by holding mc down as they collapse the building they are in. as iezaki walks away, mc suddenly overpowers them and one by one threw the infected outside the building. mc wants to save the infected as well. as iezaki ran away, mc tries throwing a large rubble va him. suddenly the rubbly got cut, it was human, a cid member, who stopped mc's attack.

29 mc faces vs human, a cyborg? he has many weapons in his body and also have set up traps. human overpowers mc as they face off. meanwhile, nishihashi is facing vs punkyuu. although nishihashi has the upper hand and punkyuu is in a weakened state, cid members are not to bw under estimated. kawamura tatsuya runs to aid his comrades but suddenly stopped. on the other end, iezaki meets up with the eguma occult. the founder allied with iezaki, iezaki accepts it. mc is beat down. although he tries getting up, human easily throws him down. as mc tries to stand up, kawamura appears. instead of helping mc, kawamura attacks mc. human immediately knew kawamura's bloodlust have just ran rampant. human leaves the two and heads for the other two rudiment members. mc tries stopping him but kawamura blocks mc. as the two fights, kawamura tells mc, his beloved is neibu and kawamura blames mc for neibu getting hurt.

30 mc gets badly beat up by kawamura because he did not want to fight back. suddenly, kawamur aeceives a call from neibu, the latter was asking how he is during their mission. kawamura twlls neibu to leave as his bloodlust have reached uncontrollable levels. neibu tells him not to worry about it and he does not care. neibu tells kawamura to live on before then..meanwhile, mc who was thrown off was suddenly attacked by human, fortunately mc was able to dodge. but that was all their is to it. as human was about to launch is last attack vs mc, an electric shock attacks human. it was kawamura. he is about to fight vs human. meanwhile, etou took upon herself to evacuate the civilians from the hotel they were hiding in. it was a good call since there were building exploding in the area they come from. they are now by the sea and are waiting for rescue from a friend of one of the civilians. etou suddenly collapsed on her knees. she was exhausted. suddenly, hayashi offers her hand to help etou to stand up. it seems hayashi wants to have a girl talk with etou.

31 mc and kawamura faces vs human. using an insane plan of electro magnetism, they beat human, a cyborg. kawamura is badly injured but is alive. kawamura tells mc the location of the eguma occult. mc leaves, kawamura collapses on his back and thinks of a way to apologize to mc. meanwhile, on the bridge with the burning blockade, the fight of nishihashi and punkyuu were stopped by the eguma occult. the civilians were captured as hostages, punkyuu got beaten up by the occult members, nishihashi is pinned down on the ground. the eguma occult are planning a sacrificial ritual? or something. meanwhile, in etou's side. the civilians were rescued and only etou and hayashi were left by the sea. they had a girl talk. it seems hayashi is jealous? of etou for being close with mc. meanwhile, in the eguma occult founder side, the founder is using iezaki to look for civilians as they capture them as hostages. iezaki is elated to have an ally and a friend. while the founder plans on getting themselves renowned in the world.

32 mc receives a call from dr haraguchi sachi praising mc for beating a a cid member. mc heads for the eguma occult. haraguchi sachi tells mc the eguma occult are filming a live newsfeed. in their livestream, they explain about bloodlust and made everyone who watched aware of the sickness. the founder blames the infecteds for the chaos that have just happened and vows to eradicste all the infecteds. nishihashi who was captured and nearby, broke free from his bonds and destroyed their equipment. but it was nothing tonworry for the founder as they have already done what they'rw supposed to do. suddenly, the eguma occult, ine by one, committed suicide. iezaki, who thought were his friend became worried and tried stopping them but he got killed? (only implied) nishihashi tries stopping them but failed the founder tries killing nishihashi, mc suddenly appears, the occult members tells their founder to run away. the founder tells the member to continue with their suicide as he ran away. as mc saw the scene, he used his haki? genjustu? to wake the occult members to stop themselves from committing suicide. mc worries nishihashi, nishihashi tells mc he's fine and he should go after the founder and beat him the hell up. mc confronts the founder, mc beats him up. but as the founder sat on the ground beaten, mc's bloodlust suddenly surged. the founder tells mc the real event had just began? in the midst of chaos, keito taruka emerges.

33 mc felt mika's bloodlust and it was completely overwhelming him. mc tries reacher for her. mc saw mika, kneeling. near her is keito taruka. as mc goes near, bullets flew by him. they were people of keito taruka. taruka explains to mc that mika is a special case, she has a power that draws in love towards her and in order for her to awaken, there must be multiple bloodshed around her. mika is someone who would be abke to cause mass murders if she awaken. mc tries stopping taruka but suddenly, taruka shoots mika with a gun. mika was unfazed. taruka says her awakening is about to come. mc engages, bullets suddenly came flying. mika saves mc. suddenly, the two are isolated from the world, mika's black flame powers?, they had a convo. mika confessed that she was having thoughts of killing mc while all the while mc was doing everything to save her, right after the kiyou abandoned building incident, basically the almost the beginning. and finally, after everything that have happened, the two confessed to each others. there was a great explosion and the collapse of a building.

34 it seems the awakening have happened, keito taruka instigated mika to destroy a building. she easily does so. afterward, taruka orders his men to capture mika. mc protects her. mc engages vs taruka's men. suddenly, hayashi appears and injects mika with neurotoxins to knock her out. but mika still stands. hayashi them instigated mika even mire by saying she'll snatch mc away from her. this just enrages mika even more. hayashi was sent flying. meanwhile, etou is watching in the sideline, somehow hayashi tells etou that mika is one of their love rivals. taruka orders his men to subdue mc and the weakened mika. although beat up, mc was able to get a hold of mika. suddenly, the two got isolated again, mika and mc fought vs each other. but mika simply overpowers mc and pierces mc through the chest. mc held her and apologizes to her for failing to protect her, he thanked her for living him. suddenly, mika gained a bit of her conciousness and hugs mc. she decides to die with him as they let themselves plunged from the high floors of the building. they are hugging each other as they descend.

35 aftermath kf the xmas eve event. it seems it was planned as well for the benefit of the cid. with panic sowed in the people and bloodlust made aware, the effort of cid vs the infected as well for finding cure for them will greatly be for their benefit. meanwhile, the rudiment group are sad to hear mc died during the incident. they are still in hiding. as they are discussing what to do next, they suddenly got a visitor, it was the leader of cid. the cid have found a cure for bloodlust. the cid leader asks neibu to dissolve rudiment and join them since there is no longer any need to fight. their goal of curing bloodlust is now made. neibu accepts the offer but first asked for a majority vote from his members. majority voted to join the cid. the cid leader orders them to locate and capture a target. neibu already knew who it was, he knew mc and mika are alive.

36 etou, kawamura and hayashi works together for a targrt capture. it was not mc. maetani briefs them their report. maetani and kawamura had argument. although maetani is supposed to act as team leader, etou and kawamura don't see her as their leader. few days earlier, the cid absorbs rudiments with one goal in mind, to have mika join them. they know mc and mika are travelling together. the main cid group higher up are aware of the keito taruka, once a member of cid? meanwhile, mc and mika are enjoying their trip. when the two decide to kill themselves, their bloodlust were just way powerful that they couldn't even kill themselves. they are now having a trip as a couple, on mika's wish. as they enjoy themselves, mika notices something weird. she gets up and investigate. mc wants to go with her, but tells him to jist wait for her. mc obliges. mika found an infected killing his beloved. mika confronts the infected and asks for the infected to stop and leave. the infected attacks mika. mika is hit but she is unhurt. mika tries dealing with the infected but mc appears and beat the infected. mika scolds mc for coming once again to fight for her. she cries. mc tries comforting her. mc suddenly felt her bloodlustm the way things are nkw, mc is no match for mika. but with mc bing with mika, he is sirely increasing his power. his goal is to keep his promise to her to kill her.

37 mc and mika is in mc's elder sis's vacation home. they are having an enjoyable yet sad time. they want to become a family in the future, yet they knew that before it happens they would die. meanwhile, etou and hayashi went to mizushima kenzou for his promise to hayashi regarding info. they found out taruka was once a cid member and mika is the cure for the infecteds. unfortunately for mika, getting the cure from her means a brutal and torturous labor and it won't happen only once. mizushimatells them that taruka had already mentioned this info to mc and most likely if they eve rfi d each other, there won't be any peaceful negotiation. etou is having doubts about their cause and how mc would feel knowing what would happen to his beloved.. she fled from the convo they're having, she admits to her that she is in love with mc. as the mizushima and hayashi continue their convo. a familiar face shows up in a bus, it's sonoha the poison infected.

38 sonoha, the poison infected during the kiyou highschool fest, meets up with a date, she asks her date to become like mika. her date obliged. sonoha poisons her to submission. suddenly, hayashi appears and invites her to join cid. although reluctant at first, when hayashi tells sonoha that they are looking for mika, she decides to join them. meanwhile, etou went to see her beloved.

39 the two are enjoying their vacation. suddenly they find people. mc says they should not involve themselves with others.suddenly, there were kids who need help. mc was reluctant, mika says thry must help them and they must their powere to save them. mika went ahead and save the kids. suddenly, mika's bloodlust became uncontrollable as she remember her past with mc. mc attacks her to stop her bloodlust. as the two fight each other, the kids mika saved ran away in fear. suddenly, mika went back to her senses. as two patches themselves up back in mc's vacation house, they suddenly got a visit. it was mc's sister. she had a hunch mc is alive and it's with regards to bloodlust. meanwhile, etou visits his beloved. she wants to confirm her love for hideto. as she can no longer keep up with what's happening and her bloodlust turning towards mc, she tried killing herself. suddenly, hideto wakes up from his coma and saves etou. as the two reunites, etou's sanity is jist getting warped as her bloodlust turns to mc. she ended up killing her beloved and have turned her bloodlust towards her new love, mc.

40 etou is confined in the basement of cid hq. she is to be executed. as she gets interrogated, mizushima mentions mc's name. suddenly, etou powers up and escapes from her chains. the cid higher ups had mika in plan for the chains she was in. they now plan to have etou continue her service. they determined etou is now in equal power with mika. meanwhile, back in mc's sis's vacation home, they had an enjoyable reunion. suddenly, mika's bloodlust tries acting up. mc's sis hands her a mood stabilizer pill and made sure mika gets in a relaxed mood. as mika sleeps, mc recounts some of the things that have happened to her sister who is a freelance journalist. mc is told by taruka that in two months of being with mika, his bloodlust would've grown stronger than hers and he'll be able to finally kill mika. after their talk, mc's sis tells mc there's another way to cure mika and save her but they must follow her. mc obliges. mc carries mika as they set out. as mc follows his sister, mc realizes something. mc never mentioned cid to be following rhem and yet his sister knew cid is following them.

41 mc immediately flees off while carrying mika. suddenly they get attacked by taruka's men. mc got shot and mika is incapacitated. as they were about to be captured, mc's sis saves them using a flamethrower. she admits she's a cid member. she met mc during the eguma incident, when they found the second leader. as they patch themselves up, mc's sis recounts her story of her find out mc is infected, her having to find a cure, her joining cid as an under cover, her joining the zero squad and her meeting them now. it seems she is now vs cid, she wants to save her brother. mc is grateful he has sister with him. meanwhile, in cid side, hayashi, etou and sonoha habe now become a team to capture mika. hayashi is the leader. although sonoha's beloved is mika, hse isnoutnfornmc as well. the way things with this group is they harbor a communal desire to kill mc. they promise to each other they will each deal with mc at the same time and if anyone jumps ahead will be called a traitor and the others will kill the traitor

42 the three girls, hayashi, etou and sonoha are enjoying their company, or something. mc, mika and mc's sis went to a cid medical facility. a bit of a flashback, mc tells his big sis not to mention to mika that their looking for a cure. mc thinks mika has a lot of things to worry about. mc's sis tells mc to look for an item inside a top security building, she will be disarming the security and they will have less than half an hour to find it and leave until cid reinforcements arrive. before they start, mika confeonts mc and tells him that she already knew everything. mc tells her she's definitely worried for her. mika tells she just wants to be with him. as mc assures her, they suddenly received a message from his sister and the door to the secured building started opening. she tells mc to head inside as security will be on their way. she is determined to face vs cid head on for the sake of her brother. meanwhile, neibu and the cid leader are talking about cid's future. it turns out the two are connected from the past. back to the action, as mc's sis fends off vs the attacking guard, she suddenly realized poison in the air. she fell to her knees. sonoha is seen spraying poison.

43 it seems hayashi have planned ahead? or sonoha is just lucky that she was able to be on the scene where mc and mika will be in. sonoha beats up the weakened sister of mc. as mc and mika finds the cure, they meet up with sonoha. mc fends her off but mika asks mc to let her talk with her. the two had a nice girl talk until sonoha proposes to mika. mika did not answer. sonoha tries restraining mika but mika simply overpowered her. mika tells sonoha she won't be seeing her anymore because it will just break sonoha. this broke sonoha even more. as mc looks for the cure, it seems neibu is also in the facility. mc co fronts neibu.

44 neibu attacks mc, mc dodges but was grazed a bit. mc receives damage. he runs away. mc finds the cure, it was a person. neibu appears behind mc. mc asks about the cure. neibu confesses that he and the cid leader already knew about it. neibu tells mc to surrender peacefully, mc refuses. neibu uses his power vs mc. mc withstood it but saw a glimpes of neibu's memories. mc asks about it. neibu recounts his past. neibu is childhood friends with reina, the two have an unrequited love for each other. unfortunately, reina is about to marry someone else, goto, the now cid leader, suggest neibu to confess to reina before her wedding. neibu obliges but they found reina im the forest. reina points out to her bethroted, eudai, who is hugging dead animals and telling he loves them as if crazy.

45 not crazy, definitely f' up. eudai is having sex with not just animals but even trees as well. and what's crazy is, reina is still planning on marrying eudai. neibu understood, it's a sacrifice to save their village. next day, the marriage happened. during the exchange of kisses, reina suddenly fell to her knees. as it started raining, neibu approached the fallen reina, blood is coming out of her eyes and mouth. is she patient zero?

45.5 suddenly, reina confesses to neibu. the villagers scolds her. reina argues back and kills eudai. suddenly she went on a rampage. goto tries saving the kids and ask neibu to kill reina. neibu could not do it. the two men are thrown away. with the knowledge that neibu loves everyone equally, reina's bloodlust interpreted it that everyone is her rival. reina kills the children. reina aproaches neibu. neibu confesses to her. reina beats her up. neibu then realizes they're in different wavelength?, neibu's love for everything allows him to kill everything? neibu overpowers her and kills her with his gift. his thought of loving everything, including evil allows him to eradicate the evil that he must love.

46 after the incident, neibu and goto parted ways in search for a cure. neibu let goto take reina since he has no equipments to keep her. he never wanted to let reina go in the first place but after what had happened, he simply could botnallow her to be there. back to the present, the two continues engaging. neibu tells mc that him telling his past is a his gift to mc before he dies. neibu also tells mc that only reina and mika are the two person whom the cure can be extracted from, the difference is that unlike mika who can regenerate, reina could not. so it's a cure for all vs a single cure. mc did not account for this. he also knew that mika would not accept this. neibu caught mc and used his gift vs mc. mc is heavily injured but managed to stand up again. fights back but kept getting beaten. mc love for mika overpowered neibu's love for the world. mc defeats neibu and says they'll not depend on reina. mc will go on to kill mika after and lie to her that reina is the cure for the rest. neibu felt satisfied with mc's resolution. neibu calls it a draw, he approaches his beloved and kills her. neibu beheads reina, placed in a jar and gives it to mc. he asks mc to give if to dr sachi, she knows what ti di for the cure. neibu warns mc they must hurry since cid is already at the gate of the facility.

47 mc calls mika to run outside and head to the forest. suddenly, mc is attacked by cid goon members, neibu helps mc. neibu holds the others while mc runs to mika. as mc runs, mika calls mc if he's fine and how his sister is. mc have a feint idea if what happened. as mc rushes out, he meets with etou who is on her knees. she tells me that she have given in to her bloodlust and killed her boyfriend. mc wants to save her as well. suddenly, her bloodlust overpowers her and confesses her love to mc. etou was able to regain her conciousness to let mc run away. meanwhile, mika was able to save the heavily poisoned and beaten sister of mc. they rushes out. on the other hand, neibu who managed to escape got caught by hayashi. hayashi stabs him in the neck.

48 after the incident, hayashi was taken out of combat, she sustained heavy damaged when neibu faced off vs her. the others, etou and sonoha have their bloodlust go on haywire, while etou remain bottled up and not moving, sonoha killed a few cid staffs. the cid members orders to detain dr hagaruchi sachi but mc was able to get to her first making her dodge the cid. as dr hagaruchi congratulates mc, she broke the news to mc that neibu died from hayashi's hands. mc broke in tears. meanwhile, mika nurses mc's sis. the two had a convo regarding their worry for mc. suddenly mika hears mc vomitting and crying in the toilet. she already knew someone important to mc died. mc told the truth. as dr hagaruchi appears behind them, mc asks to make the cure and administer it to mika. mika tefuses and asks the doctor to administer it to mc. before the two could argue then fight, the doctor shut of both them up. meanwhile, someone in the cid planning something in the basement where the two other girls are confined and isolated.

66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

9/10 A great read. The story so far is like a character development of the mc. And mind you, the mc is supposed to be OP who is from the anc...