Monday, August 21, 2023

kujibiki tokushou musou harem-ken (manga until chapter 6)

kujibiki tokushou musou harem-ken

yuki kakeru, mc
forteis, knight of the mercury kingdom
helen, a princess
salamas, a merchant
miu mi myu, the beastfolk maid slave mc bought from salamas
kefka almosso, a goverment official noble man
iris teresia mercury, sister of princess helen
demon sword elenoar, cursed sword of the supreme ruler, rodotos, sentient, able to become humanoid in the gacha room. a sword of mc

mercury kingdom, the first area mc arrived in.
euboi fort, frontline garrison of the mercury kingdom vs barbarian enemies

1 mc wins a lottery. he gets to be isekai'd with a random skill. mc is allowed to re roll his skill. mc receives the x777 skill. mc is then isekai'd.

1.2-1.3 mc test out his powers vs monsters, he's op. he then saves a group of knights vs monsters. it turns out the knights are protecting/escorting a princess. the princess meets with mc, gave him a fan as a token of him being receive in the royal palace. the princess and her knights leaves. mc is left with the monster carcasses. after, a merchant arrives. mc sells them the monsters he defeated. mc sees a paper among the pile of coins mc received. when mc inquired about it, it was only mc who could see it. mc guesses it's part of the lottery. mc waves the fan he got from the princess. the merchant immediately bowed his head to mc and asked to serve mc. mc asks to buy a house/mansion and the beastfolk maid that served them. mc plans on enjoying his life in another world.

2 as mc enjoys his life. mc entrust the mansion to miu. it turns out the mansion is hunted. mc decides to exterminate the ghost. mc defeats the ghost, mc acquires another piece of paper. after, the two got caught in the heat of the moment and they shared a bed. after, mc checks out the paper he got. and remembers the words of the woman whobsent him to the other world. je enters the magic room.

3 mc talk with the lady. it's like a gacha. but this time instead of skills, he'll get items. the lady explains to mc about the promo ten tickets 11 pulls, mc chose to leave. mc eats out with miu. then mc hears a plot, regarding the town economy. it's thanks to his x777 skill that mc's hearing was also enhanced? mc is approached by a noble man. after seeing the fan of the princess, the noble man asked fornthebarrest of mc. the noble man says he is with the criminals. mc immediately resorted to violence. mc then found out he could use magic. he defeated the nobleman and after he received a lottery ticket.

4 mc meets with princess helen and hwr sister iris. the discuss about the copper currwncy and mc suggest to them a more efficient currency to help alleviate material costs and fight vs fraud. mc's idea is well received except by the advisor? iris then asks for a favor from mc. mc is sent to the frontlines to be a personal guard for princess  helen. after hearing mysterious happenings, mc decided to investigate. when an attack happens, instead of the enemies fighting they are seeking protection from them. they then find the leader of the enemies, he's attacking his own allies. they found out he's holding a cursed sword. mc defeats the enemy leader. but the cursed sword possessed princess helen next.

5 princess helen summons skeleton knights and raged on vs the kingdom's troops. mc is having a hard time but managed to get a hold of princess helen. he removed the cursed sword from princess helen thereby saving her. suddenly, the demon sword tried taking over mc. but the sword couldn't. mc defeats the skeleton knights. after the battle, princess helen tries approaching mc but collapsed. the cursed sword says the after effect of being possessed by it is having the urge to have sex. mc tells the kingdom troops he'll fix princess helen and they took off.

6 mc takes princess helen to his mansion and they had sex. afterward, mc takes out the lottery tickets he had acquired. they were enough foe the 10+1 pull. mc went to the gacha room. suddenly, he finda a little girl, it's the cursed sword elenoar. mc got a healing magic stone, a bunch of attack magic stones and, with the help of elenoar's luck, he got a warp feather. after, mc takes princess helen back to the frontlines. after getting received by the troops, princess helen vows her love to mc. princess helen became a part of mc's harem.

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