Friday, August 18, 2023

To be an actor (manwha until chapter 32)

to be an actor

jang yeonguk, mc
jinseop, mc's friend in school
choi eunseok, author of kbc "drama man in august"
yoo sang, director of the first film for mc after regression
song jeongseok, a very famous actor before mc regressed
park sooyeong, the lead actress who will portray as the mother in mc's first act after regression
deukhyeong, cinematographer of the first film, camera man
yeonsoo, child actress, part of mc's film after regression
kim dookjin mayor of namhang market
mr. choi, fruit merchant in namhang
lee hyesuk, mc's mother
kim sunghwan, the ceo of songwon entertainment, he's the ine oark sooyeong called to check out an actor diring the filming of the first set mc joins after regression
choi taesup, a student screenwriter who visits mc after the regression. he calls himself a fan of mc.
yang minjeong, a rude actress of the august man series. she played the adult role of yeonsu's child role.
baek janghoon, a pioneer that revolutionized film making in korea. god father of korean film industry
ahn joonghyun, protegee actor of baek janghoon, one of the greatest actor in korean film industry
dah jangwook, the camera director for the 3rd film will be part of after regression
bong deoksu, the cultural song maestro who trained mc.
hwang cheolsu, co president of songwon entertainment

namhang, the market mc's mom work
august man, title of the first film series mc is part of after his regression
to jihwan, an indie film, the second film will be part of after regression

1 mc is a failure at school but he lies to his mother about it. their lives were impoverished. he then take up theater acting amd then went on to become a celebrity. years passed, mc is now reached but have neglected his filial duty to his mother. after getting an award, mc receives a call, his mother is in the hospital. after, his mother died, mc coyld take it and so decide to emd his life as well. when mc woke up, he was back many years ago. his mother is still alive.

2 mc decides to study harder. he gets 12th place in the entire school year. he was suspected by the teacher for cheating but mc assured his teacher he did not. after class, he went to help his mother in the fish market. certain entertainment industry people noticed mc.

3 the entertainment industry peope approached mc and invited him to become an actor. but mc is set never to go back to acting. all he want is to make his mother hapoy. back in class for job counseling, mc chose to be a civil servant. when mc got home, he found his mother slumped in a corner as she talked to their landlord, their rent had increased. without anything else to get help from, mc had to call the entertainment industry people for a job.

4 mc went to the place the showbiz people are staying. mc tried some lines, the director is impressed. it was all tgabks to mc's knowledge before he regressed.

5 mc aces the trial by the showbiz people. next day, morning, mc helps hos mother to sell fish. mc then noticed a familiar fsce. it was one of his favorite actor, song jeongseok. mc greets him.

6 song jeongseok is in a pinch since his wallet got stolen. mc remember him in the past, song jeongseok helped him when he was also down. so mc had tonreturn the favor. the actor wanted to learn the areas dialect, mc let him work with them in the fish market for the actor to learn dialect. after the selling, they invited the actor tontheir home, have him eat with them and stay for the night. the actor felt grateful and in debted to mc. regarding debt, mc tells the actor to do the same thing to other in the future.

7 mc signs a contract with the director, one of the showbiz people. mc reassures the director he'll do better compared to other other, as long as there's money. it's for the sake of mc's mother, of course. back at the market, mc does well selling fishes. after the day, mc's mom asks him if he wanted to be an actor. mc says he'll do it only once and nothing more. mc is determined to help his mother and he will not become an actor if by then he'll turn out to be someone like himself in his past.

8 on the day of the filming, mc meet up with the crew and was helping and getting to know everyone. everyone isndelighted with mc. mc meet up with the an actress, park sooyoung., the two had a convo. the actress tries belittling mc. mc just dodge and indirectly countered. the actress got irritated. during the set, mc overdid his acting. the actress park sooyoung is mad?

9  what mc did was just right, the others felt mc is a veteran who did their role dutifully and powerfully. the director and his crew are relieved at how mc is. the actress got mad but after the scene, mc immediately apologized. during the break after, a fight broke, the locals are mad at the filming and that their business is disturbed, mc shouted to aggro the crowd. he tells the local it will be beneficial since after the filming, more customers will flock their street.

10 the fight deescalated and they crew continued. after, they had a get toghether drink. aside the film, the crew are discussing about mc. meanwhile, mc return back to his mother. mc ate with his mother. mc cried because he just couldn't fathom how mant sacrifices his mother gave for him back then befote his regression. next day? when they shoot, mc met with a child actress, she's part of the set.

11 mc is owning the set. he goes far beyond what the script tells him to do and became the person he is portraying. despite the many setbacks on stage, mc handled it flawlessly. the director is overwhelemed. he did not stop the shoot for anything. unfortunately, it rained. they have to stop the shoot. nonetheless, mc continued until they realized the shooting stopped

12 during the break, the director and the camera man praises mc's acting. the camera  man praises the part where mc had to adlib. the camera man did not know it was an adlib of mc. meanwhile, mc and the child actress had a convo. she's amazed by mc. mc gave her an advice. she then asked mc where he's taking his acting lesson. mc answers his workplace, the fish market. meanwhile, the merchants of the market are planning to support mc. they plan on pooling money to help mc and a fest for the film crew after the set.

13 after filming for the day, actress park sooyeong questioned something in the script to the director, mc interferred and nswered her question. it turns out mc is more familiar to the character that is why he can easily connect with the the character. after, the director says mc's mom cook the crew food, this surprised mc. mc rushes to his mother and found out most ofnthe mamhang merchsnts were there. they prepared for their namhang honorable mc. they had a pleasant dinner with the crew.

14 the director talks to author choi. he praises mc and wants to give mc the more powerful scene. the author obliges. when the author check out the taken shots, she was amazed at mc. during the set, mc helped out his favorite actor back then. it was a matter of psying back for mc. after giving him great film/acting advice, mc finds the child actress following him. mc knows she wants to learn more about the film so mc let her on with her. somehow, she's attracted to mc.

15 after the set, the director talked to jeungseok, he praises the actor. jeungseong credited his sudden changed in acting to mc who gave him advice. the director felt more impressed at mc. after, actress sooyeong calls her manager?, she wants her manager to check out mc. mc and child actress yeonsoo are together. yeonsoo is trying to portray her character as someone who likes mc's role. mc just plays along with her. actress park sooyeong tries joining mc and yeunsoo. mc teases the actress. suddenly there's a fight in the set. a crew member is debating vs the director for the danger in the next scene. mc checks it and thought of an idea.

16 the camera man and the director are fighting for a scene which involved mc's safety. mc went on ahead and tried it for them to see it was safe. thr crew were extremely worried, especially actress park sooyeong. during a set out at the sea, mc did great. mc then found out the captain of the boat they rented is his father's bestfriend's. the two reunites and the crew had an enjoyable feast with fish from the captain that mc prepared for them. after, the captain and director had a convo, the captain praises mc and thanked the director for putting an extra on the scene. the director realizes it was actually a very personal request from mc.

17 it was the last shot for mc for the entire film. author choi was there to witness. there was also kim sunghwan, the man park sooyeung called to check mc out. they were both impressed. after the filming, the author revealed to the director and the kim sunghwan that mc did adlib everything. this even impressed both the director and kim sunghwan. days later? kim sunghwan aporoached mc and invited him to join his agency. mc decline while giving impossible conditions for him joining. mc leaves afterwards. mc then meet up with the namhang merchants to check out the pilot air of the film series mc joined. as they watch the episode. mc ponders that he will not be someone like himself from the past.

18 next day? kim sunghwan approaches mc and he's ready to give in to mc's conditions. this surprised mc. later on, the namhang market is on a buzz with mc gsinibg popularity and everyonr is bandwaggoning on mc's fame. they are teuly enjoying it. mc is just snnoyed but he just let them. mc's mother hyesook notices kin sunghwan. mc tells her they should ignore him. mc then remembers that the kim sunghwan in the future will be arrested for corruotion but it all turned out to be his business partner's deeds. mc already gave an ultimatum not to meet him again. mc's mom saw and invites kim sunghwan to have dinner with them. mc has got no say with it. during dinner, kim sunghwan asks mc's mom about mc taking an acting career. when mc was told to speak, he says he did not like it. suddenly, mc's mon said that mc being kind and caring for her is just him showing pity to her. and that she the one that's causing mc to suffer.

19 mc's mom asks mc to be honest and continue with what he enjoys. mc saw his mother before his regression, although hesistant, he could not lie. mc accepted kim sunghwan's invite. after, yeonsu visits mc's market stall. she complained that mc did not go to her last day of filming. mc tells her he's busy. she just want to hang out with mc. yeonsu left a bit hurt for mc not giving her a bit of time. back at school, mc is like a celebrity but mc did not want attention. after class, his classmates follows mc to their market stall. his classmates was most eager to see mc's mom and her workplace. while mc does not know what to do. mc is easily swept. afterwards, a man approaches mc, calls himself a fan of mc and hands over a manuscript. mc knew of the man, a student, choi taesup. mc is impressed by the sincerity and dedication of choi taesup. mc suddenly remembers yeonsu. mc leaves and hurries to the trains to meet her.

20 mc meet up with yeonsu and tells her she was braver than her. yeonsu felt relived and reconcilled with mc. mc tells her he'll also be acting. yeonsu promises to someday meet with mc again and then she left. suddenly, mc's mom comes after mc. mc tells her that he'll be acting and they'll be making happy memories together. after, mc discusses with kim sunghwan about the next film he wants to act in. it was an indie film of choi taesup because mc wanted to act. kim sunghwan was moved by mc's dedication to acting. afterwards, mc went back to his mother, hyesuk and tells her that he becsme an honorary ambassador of their yeongdo district and that kim sunghwan gave them a new apartment to stay in. mc's mom is hapoy about the first and reluctant with the second. mc tells her that he'll pay him back with his acting. he plans on staying by his mother and making her hapoy always.

21 mc is invited to the district office for a meeting and appointment ceremony. mc went to the district office and found the actresses he worked with to also be ambassadors, actress park sooyeong and child actress yeonsu. after the appointment, they went to the namhang market, lastly, to have a picture taken.

22 the shoot for the indie film have started. the crews are amateur so mc had to step up. they mostly depend on mc. they do the filming for the set. after, mc is havinf a bit of troublinf understand his character. mc asks fie advice feom his class adviser.

23 they continued shooting at different places. first on a mountain rural village and then it ends by the sea. mc notices something with their director choi taesup.

24 they ate out by the sea at a restaurant. jungseok is with them. mc tries learning more about choi taesup but was interrupted when jungseok tells them the chairman of the harbor are looking for them. after, they had a dinner party sponsored by the chairman of the harbor, deokjin. when director choi taesup gave a toast and then a speech, he reveales mc did not asks for money. and rhen reveals a vital person for the making the movie come true. it was a officer. the directoe reveals, it was auto biography of his. after the dinner celebration, mc's next agenda is the farewell party for the finishing of the first film series. mc is invited and actress park sooyeong is taking care of his attire and escorting mc. mc did not know how popular he had becams since he is stuck in the rural area. when they got to the venue, only did he found out his about his fame.

25 during the party, one if the actress was rude to mc. mc just let since he knew from his pastlife that the actress will be facing a disasteous end but park sooyeong did not like it. mc notices it and tries stoppi g actress park sooyeong. unfortunately, when left alone, park sooyeong just couldn't hwlp but get mad at the actress for being rude at mc.

26 mc receives a call from kim sunghwan. he tells mc that the film to jihwan is chosen as an opening in a prestigious film event. kim sunghwan also tells mc that the director baek janghoon, a renowned film maker, wanted to meet mc. mc knew of baek janghoon in hia pastlife, but he never managed to meet him since he had already died right when mc had reached stable stardom. it's also revealed that out if all the selection, it was the film to jihwan that was chosen as the opening film, despite being a debut of an unknown freshly graduate director. the one who decided this selectio  ja director baek janghoon himself. they went to the gala event on a truck. both actor jungseok and director choi taesup are hsving coldfeet while mc is simply enjoying the moment. mc lead the his two teammates. the opening was well received. mc noticed director baek janghoon to be observing him from afar.

27 a close for the to jihwan arc. director choi taesup shows his friend the award he got and tells him he'll be continuing in hia dream of screenwriting. he is very grateful to mc for helping him make the film. mc meets with directir baek janghoon. the director wants mc to stsy with him during school break to train. mc wanted to decline the offer since he need to help his mother and instead asked to get a main role from the director's movie, as a condition if the director want to teach him. after, the director talked with with his protegee regarding mc. it seems the director really want to teach mc.

28 when mc returns back home. everything was going grwat for his mother. they finally had their own store, more people are visiting the market and his mother is doing better. after, mc went to the director's place. he meets the director as well the director's protegee. the first day was introductions and getting to know each other. later that night, the director handed mc a script. mc immediately knew it, it was script only revealed when the director died in his pastlife. the director asks mc if he could act the main role in the script he handed. next day they start the training.

29 they first had a meeting with kim sunghwan. director baek jonghoon asks to have mc play a cameo role in on of his movie. kim sunghwan immediately accepts, mc felt excited. after the meeting, mc escoets kim sunghwan out. kim sunghwan then suggests mc to lay low from acting for a 3 years since mc also need to enjoy his student life. mc didn't thought about it until it was mentioned. mc is grateful. after, mc and director baek jonghoon went to the university mc attended in his pastlife. the director is looking to recruit an actor for his play and eill also be giving a lecture for a class. mc is there to support and show his capability.

30 mc is then introduced to a cultural singing maestro and thought mc. two weeks later, mc is part of a set. he'll be playing a cameo role of a child singing cultural songs. during the shoot, the cameraman isnconfused of what's happening until mc started singing.

31 later on, in the songwon entertainment agency, actress park sooyeong is touring mc. she also tells mc that he's invited for the end of the year award for being part of the august man film series. during the meeting of mc, park sooyeong and kim sunghwan, the  co president hwang cheolsu interrupts them. he was rude and mc couldn't help but feel something is off about him. after the hwanf  cheolsu leavea, park sooyeong complained to kim sunghwan about the attitude and work ethics? of hwang cheolsu. mc then remembers from his pastlife that it is hwanf cheolsu that will kead to the downfall of the songwon entertainment. mc wants to save the company. he thoughr of using a psychogy trick on kim sunghwan to be wary of hwang cheolsu. somehow it's effective. later on, the year end award ceremony. mc happily sits on the audience without a clue of what award he'd get in case he'd get any. suddenly, a trouble occurs with the event staffs. director yoo, of the august man, tries hecking if he could help. a few moment later, directoe yoo calls for mc. mc just found out he'll be singing in front of the stage. mc is obliged since the director says mc could and he was trained for it. after mc performed a song the event begins. the rude actress yang minjeong is staring daggers and disgusts at mc.

32 best couple award went to mc and yeonsu. mc did not expect this to happen. yeunsu was haopy to be on stage with mc. best supporting female went to park sooyeong. she did not expect this. mc the receives the rookie award. in contrast to his pastlife receiving a reward, this time, he has many who supports and are happy for him. when mc got to the stsge he thanked everyone and most of all he thanked his mother, as he remembers the pastlife he had. he tells her that they'll be living a happy life now. meanwhile, his mom's crying happy tears. his mentor, director baek jonghoon is impressed at mc. the co president of songwon entertain is scheming to use mc for his gain. after the event, it started snowing. yeonsu takes mc as they visit a shrine and prayed for a wish. the chapter ends saying 3 years have passed.

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