Thursday, August 17, 2023

hirasaka hinako is erotically cute but only i know (manga)

hirasaka hinako is erotically cute but only i know

hirasaka hinako, female lead
hirase ouki, male lead
mayumi? a convinient store clerk
maki, hinako's friend
yui, hinako's friend
sakamoto, a chuunibyou classmate
akutagawa, a big bossomed classmate
mizuki, little brother of akutagawa
kanako, hinako's little sister
sana hirose, the daughter of hinako and ouki in the time stopped world
seki, vice president of the class?

hoshinohikari highschool
hoshigaoka kindergarten
gem of 200 years of arrangement
akagi manor, the resident of the board chairman
star light highschool is same as hoshi no hikari highschool

1 hirase hinako and ouki can each other while others are doing self pleasure. they kept it a secret between them. it started when a witch makes a bet with them, if they can still love one another even if they found out everything about them, until 18? the witch will grant them a wish, if they couldn't, the witch will be taking something important from them. the witch's special condition for hinako is no sex before 18 years of age. ouki is deliberately distancing himself away from hinako. and hinako is always mad at ouki. although, they both truly love each other. other than them seeing each other while doing a selfie, they feel the need to try and hide it lest they find oit the other is indecent. if only they already knew that the other already knew.

2 a rain and a convinent store bathroom incident.

3 a failed confession incident at school. the two are still going strong, although mutual, it's unrequited for both of them?

3.5 a cosplay incident

4 a class adviser order, the two lovebirds trip, an special incident in a bus and a manor they are strangely familiar with

5 the two enter the mano while holding hands, hinako strangely feel elated. she wants to do the deed. but she puts up her resolve to save ouki. she opted to find a toilet instead to do a selfie. the two enters an isolated room with a strange note.

6 following strange house rules incident. the two meet and discussed with a board chairman, a sponsor of their school. the lady tells them the two are familiar with the place since they two are part of a kindergarten and they've been somewhere in the manor before. after the meeting, the witch stood beside the board chair. they seems to have a ritual going on and a successor emerging from ouki and hinako.

7 abstinence incident. the could seriously not handle it. ouki wants to see indecent hinako. hinako wants to be virtues. but upon learning ouki wants her to be indecent, she could not abstain no more.

8 an interrupted confession of ouki and the clean uo assignment by their class adviser.

9 a cleaning incident. deus ex machina just happens and the luck of the cultured is just way impressive.

9.5 hinako became obsessed with ouki's touch

10 a midterm examination, a great result and a happy hinako

11 a girl classmate, akutagawa, suddenly wants ouki as her dating partner. hinako is not please but she cannot tell her true feelings.

12 hinako is desparate for ouki not to get taken away from her. ouki is worried for hinako. hinako asked advice from her mom?

12.5 lingerie selection fan service

13 hinako is determined to look for the witch and break the curse? thereby maming her free to confess to ouki. meanwhile, mc ans akutagawa goes on a date. akutagawa plans on a home visit.

14 hinako went to the library to find clues. akutagawa household visit incident accident. akutagawa desires ouki even more.

15 ouki had fun in akutagawa's household. ouki had to draw the line. ouki visits hinako's household.

16 incident in hinako's room visit. confirmed that ouki has a perks of a lucky lecher. ouki runs away

17 ouki feels unfaithful for going on a date with akutagawa and with this ouki thought he will be punished by the witch. a phone call incident. hinako is determined to find the witch.

18 a psychological test incident. hinako is a masochist. after class, hinako goes to the shrine. ouki overhears it.

19 hinako went to the shrine. ouki follows. time stop, the witch appears, only ouki and the witxh could move.

20 ouki confronts the witch, a beach incident. ouki confirms his hunch about the bet with the witch. the witch stops ouki's time. hinako's time moved. hinako confronts the witch.

21 hinako loves ouki. she asks the definition of sex to the witch. hinako definitely want to do it with ouki. the witch tells hinako she'll give her a signal in case they'll do it. the with returns the two back at the shrine.

22 the two confronts each other. ouki needs to prioritize hinako's happiness to keep his end of the deal with the witch. hinako only thinks about sex. ouki sees a cat and time stopped once more?

23 the two went back to their home. ouki test out things with the time stopping. hina barges in ouki's house she plans on staying the night. there are apparations/shadows lingering outside.

24 a bathroom wishful incident. hinako got mad that ouki is not doing anything. a shadow creeps up on hinako. the shadow formed into a baby.

25 the two takes care of a baby. they look like a married couple with a baby.

26 the two have somehow decided to be a pseudo couple as they take care of the baby. ouki is worried about the time stopping, about hinako's happiness as his priority and themselves changing, they are growing older, while time have stopped. hinako totally just want to do it with ouki. the baby is growing up.

27 during a bath with the kid. the kid suddenly grew into a teenager. the girl explains she is sana hirose, eldest daughter of both ouki and hinako. hinako is elated to hear her and ouki will get married. sana says there are 6 others and hinako is still pregnant in the future? sana says theye are in a divine realm and there's a way fir them to get out.

28 sana tells the two to learn how to swim, they'll need it in the future. a swimming pool incident

29 more swimming pool incident

30 cooking training time. sana and hinako are together while ouki is on an errand. ouki went to the shrine to find an indecent scene, it's an adult hinako and someone, and he saw outside a little hinako peeping.

31 little hinako is getting absorbed in the indecency. the older hinako is asked by her partner if she remembers. ouki takes little hinako away from indecency. as ouki and little hinako became friend, they were soon engulf by darkness, ouki hugs little hinako as he protects her.

32 ouki took the little hinako. he asked if she's fine. after, the little hinako slowly fades away. the little hinako wakes up on her bed, she just had a strange dream. ouki is worried for the other hinako he saw. ouki went back and met up with sana otw, sana tells ouki he has the spirit of the earth god in him and it will cause problems for partner. when ouki returns, he tasted hinako's cooking. ouki couldn't help but pat hinako for doing a great job. but touching each other is the key for them getting out of the divine realm. before they escape, sana tells ouki that hinako's weakness is her lips. when the two wake up, they are back in front of the shrine again. when hinako wakes up, she felt relieved she and ouki will one day get married.

33 hinako returns home. felt relieved to be reunited with her family. she went to her room and had a selfie. ouki went back at home as well. he saw hinako taking a selfie. next day, the two met before going to school.  hinako warns ouki to remain the same with her at school.

34 school fest decision. no cosplay. the boys decisions to have a secret beauty contest. ouki and hinako are chosen, by the school principal, as dance partner for a ritual offering during the school cultural fest.

35 the two reluctant accepts the job. hinako wants to talk with ouki in her room. ouki accepts but as the two goes home, akutagawa takes ouki. hinako runs away hurt.

36 ouki and akutagawa had a convo. akutagawa is unsure of pursuing ouki. ouki confesses that he likes hinako. akutagwa is unsute of hinako for ouki. hinako appears and tells akutagwa, ouki is hers. the two do not admit love for one another, they just know the other person love rhem dearly. akutagwa is unconvinced and asked to have a bet. akutagawa and hinako leaves ouki for a girl talk.

37 the two had a convo. hinako is determined ouki is in love with her but she won't admit to anyone else she is in love with ouki. the two had a bet. hinako must become a couple with ouki before the end of the cultural fest, else she'll leave akutagawa on her own device. suddenly, hinako receives a phone call. her mom collapsed.

38 ouki receives a call. ouki went to the hospital to comfort hinako. hinako's mom will be fine but she need surgery. ouki's mom permitted the siblings to stay at their house. hinako and kanako stays at ouki's house. after settling for the night, hinako visits ouki's room.

39 hinako lies beside ouki. she higs him. she confesses she do love him but they have to wait until they're 18. ouki do not know her other condition to the witch. next day, ouki looks for hinako. hinako had already left and left ouki a letter. hinako visits the board chairman.

40 hinako visits the board chairman and asks for the witch to talk to her. the witch appears. hinako had already ieced the puzzle together? sana will become a great witch and that's why she's able to go back and forth to the past. the condition the witch placed on them is to make sure that sana will become a great witch. they need sana as the next generation witch. hinako then reverses uno them. she'll be dating with ouki unless they give her demands. first is to make her sick mother better and the next is to put her to sleep until she's 18. she admits she can't endure it anymore. the witch obliges with the first request but will think of something for the latter.

41 after the convo of hinako with the witch she went back to the hirose resident. hinako talks with ouki. she tells the condition she has with witch? and asks ouki to wait until they're 18. ouki easily obliges. hinako then confesses her love for ouki. ouki is simply at awe to confess he loves her as well. then the talked about the dance offer and something more important. back at school as the students prepared for the cultural fest, akutagawa confronts hinako. hinako says she is not dating ouki. akutagawa is surprised. hinako says she and ouki are getting married.

42 hinako are ouki are now engaged. akutagwa is surprised and backed out. during the dance, the two are very happy. sadly, hinako says that after the dance she will fall asleep and warns ouki not to cheat on her. ouki does not know anything.  suddenly a dark apparition appears.

43 suddenly, tentacles grab hold of hinako but she was set free after saying she only belongs to ouki. ouki did not do anything? hinako then saw a shadow apparation, she felt it sorry and hugged it. the apparition disappeared and hinako felt something inside her stomach. next day, news of hinako studying abroad was told to the class.

44 ouki went to the board chairman's manor weekly, hinako is lying there asleep. it's his duty to check up on her time and time again. he also put more effoet to studying so when hinako wakes up he'd be attending college. timeskip to when hinako wakes up. ouki was there beside her and told her she was asleep all the time. hinako asks what date it was and confirms she's finally 18. suddenly, she pounced on ouki and finally they did it. in the basement of the board chairman.

44.5 a nice happy honeymoon? end. ouki have to obliged with hinako's wishes.

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