Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Second Life of a Gangster (manwha until chapter 51)

second life of a gangster

oh joong seok, mc, once the leader of incheon
west gate dogmeat, a gangster that caused havoc in mc's turf
kim pan seok, school dean in mc's school
kim seok, gangster friend of mc
jin goo, classmate friend of mc
jong soo, classmate friend of mc
han jihye, homeroom teacher of mc, english teacher, scared of mc
kang/gang yong gi, a school delinquent that rules mc's school, drug user
sim jae hee, a girl student who committed suicide, mc bullied her
oh taeshik, mc's father
do joon so, the pro boxer student who was hired by jin goo/jong soo
jung in ho, glasses tree, mc's seatmate
jang seung soo, the first kill in mc's previous life as a gangster, a key person in tiger skull gang
choi eunjeong, daughter of choi dongseok, she had a connection with mc during his previous gangster life
choi dongseok, a failed gangster member kf the tiger skull gang
jo bong cheol, current leader of the sampo gang, new life timeline?
yeon gi hwan/yeom ki hwan, sampo gang's commander?, apparently, mc pastlife fighting instructor
joo yung sung/joo soo young, detective, the one handling mc's case vs the gangsters
park seog gi, ex strongest in sampo high
shin dae hyun, tiger skull gang boss
kim chunho, president of dae ahm

sampo high, the hs mc attends
sampo gang, the first org mc joined in his previous ganster life
tiger skull gang, a rival of the sampo gang
incheong underground, the turf the two rivals sampo and tiger skull gangs are fighting for
dae ahm, a notoriously infamous national organization, they control big firms and companies
(it seems glasses tree, mc's seatmate is the angel who brought mc back in disguise)

1 mc heada out to take care of a loose syndicate boss, west gate dogmeat. when mc, along with his gangs confronts him, mc gets betrayed. mc fights back and runs away. as mc is dying, his consciousness? gets ported to a white place and angel asked if mc regrets his life.

2 the angel is curious. gave mc a chance to relive his past however mc's soul cannot be saved. mc wakes up in his younger body. the phone rings, it's the dean of their school. mc starts heading to school. suddenly, a ganster friend of mc appears, kim seok. mc remembers it was the person who introduced mc to gangster life.

3 mc beats the heck out of his gangster friend. before mc could totally mess them up, mc remembers his promise to the angel. he warns his gangster friend to stay away from him. mc continues on to school. mc got reprimanded by the dean. mc argues and promises he'll be good. the teacher gave mc another chance. mc joins his class.

4 their teacher han jihye is scared of mc but was surprised when mc tries to to be a good student and studies. mc did not understand anything. during recess, mc is summoned by the school delinquent leader, kang yong gi. mc obliges and turned down an offer for a job. the delinquent did not like mc's attitude, they tried attacking mc. somehow, like with mc's gangster friend, mc easily overpowers the first attacker.

5 mc took attacker as a hostage and asked the number 1 delinquent for a 1v1 brawl. kang yong gi felt humiliated but he must save his friend. kang yo gi let mc go and vows to get back at mc for the humiliation. during pe, mc made fun of a girl classmate, sim jaehee. mc just realized it was the girl who committed suicide before. mc laments over his own worthlessness. mc wants to do something to make things right. mc looks for sim jaehee.

6 mc saves sim jaehee from two students, jin goo and jong soo, who are probably planning abusing her. as mc approach her to help her up, sim jaehee cowered in fear. mc remembers all his wrong doing against her. mc apologized.

7 mc returns to class, sim jaehee is in the infirmary. he reprimands his friends who tried to cause trouble. during class, he wrote notes of things to do fix things up. after classes, han jihye, asked mc to speak with her in the faculty room. mc obliged. before the two conversed, mc apologized. han jihye confirms that mc had changed and she asks mc for a favor.

8 teacher han jihye asks mc to protect sim jaehee from bullies. mc obliges on one condition. han jihye will tutor mc with english. the teacher gladly obliged. after class, mc finds sim jaehee who seemed to be waiting for him. mc talked to her and ask her to get her acts straight. mc will be helping her from now on. as mc walks home alone, the angel that brought mc back praises mc for trying but it was trivial compared to what he had once did.

9 back at home, mc ponders what to do aftwr graduation. mc wanted to enter stocks exchange for money but he doesn't have any capital to start up with and thinks it will be bad for mc if the angel sees this trickery of mc. as mc enjoys his noodles dinner, his enters their house. mc remembers his misdeeds he did towards his father and no matter how much mc caused trouble it was always his father who takes his side. he was grateful to see his father alive. mc decided to have his father experience luxury despite having to do trickeries in order to go by.

10 during class, mc plans on givng sim jaehee a makeover so she would be popular in school. later on, a school delinquent, a pro boxer, wants to fight with mc, he was hired? by jin goo and jong soo?

11 mc beats the pro boxer. but as mc readies to truly beat the heck out of the pro boxer, sim jaehee stops mc. mc woke up and remembers he must be good and that the mc is on the dean's watch list. mc already k ew it was an order by the number 1 delinquent in their school, gang/kang yong gi. as mc thinks of a way to counter, mc bumps with han jihye.

12 mc tries to learn english. during class, mc notices sim jaehee getting bullied by other girl students. mc asked her what she wants to do. sim jaehee says it's all fine. after classes, mc confronts sim jaehee and reprimands her for letting them bully her. sim jaehee argues she doesn't want trouble and as much as possible she wants to have a quiet life. mc got mad and orders her to follow him.

13 mc takes sim jaehee to the arcade. he tells her to let her stress go as they play. mc then made a pinky promise that he'll save her from bullies. unfortunately, the number 1 delinquent was tailing them. later on, gang yong gi approaches sim jaehee and asks her to tell the faculties that mc is bullying her. sim jaehee, says that mc used to and mc changed. suddenly gang yong gi got mad and tried to harass her. he also said that he had asked his goons to take care of mc. suddenly, mc enter the room. he was covered in bruise.

14 mc defeats all the bullies, including kang yong gi. suddenly, he tells everyone that sim jaehee is under his protection. but there was no time to celebrate when the dean suddenly barges in their classroom and orders the expulsion of mc.

15 as the dean is reprimands mc, sim jaehee stood for mc. han jihye was also there to save mc. mc was punished with cleaning the toilets. after school, mc and sim jaehee went to the adult district. mc plans on having sim jaehee a makeover

16 sim jaehee looked more cute after the makeover. as the two leaves, they bump into a gangster. mc immediately knew who it was. it was a person he killed to get promoted in tge gang. later that night, mc dreamt of the gangster. next morning, mc wakes up from their phone ringing. it was the dean?, he was worried for mc

17 mc rushes to school. he school the other delinquents. apparently, after beating kang yong gi, mc became the leader of their school. during lunch, mc forgot his. sim jaehee asks mc to eat with her. suddenly, the girl delinquent, choi eunjeong, who was always with kang yong gi asks mc to be with her. mc declines. choi eunjeong insults sim jaehee and even insulted her mother. mc slapped choi eunjeong. despite knowing about her father, mc orders everyone in school to outcast choi eunjeong.

18 mc and sim jaehee had a nice talk during bresk. sim jaehee worries for mc. mc says everything will be fine. before heading back to class sim jaehee asks mc to forgive choi eunjeong because she knows choi eunjeong was never always a delinquent. during another break, choi eunjeong asks to cinfront mc alone on the rooftop. she ask mc to have the announcement of her being an outcast revoked or else her fsther a gangster will face mc. mc got pissed and say that he knew the situation her father is in. and instead of forgiving her and do as sim jaehee asked. mc was mad at the delinquent girl for being bad at sim jaehee. as mc tries to hit her, choi eunjeong suddenly cowers in fear. mc realizes she was traumatized, most likely by her father.

19 next day, mc cannot get choi eunjeong off his mind. he even heard rumors about her. although mc was hesistant, upon feeling the angel that made mc go back, mc went to visit choi eunjeong's household. mc sees choi eunjeong in a very bad condition. suddenly choi dongseok tries attacking mc. mc got mad and beat the crap out of choi dongseok. mc then carries choi eunjeong out to the hospital. as they got out of the house, they are met outiside by jang seungsoo.

20 mc thought there will be a fight since a member of a gang got beat up. but jang seungsoo let them go. choi eunjeong badly needed medical attention. in the hospital as choi eunjeong is getting trested, mc remembers his pastlife encounter with her. she became a hostess in the club and apparently mc had ordered her to be abused due to him getting mad at her. back at the present, jang seungsoo covered the medical bill for choi eunjeong. siddenly the gangster hits mc, mc did not fight back. the gangster is impressed at mc's tenacity. jang seungsoo asks mc to take care of choi eunjeong. as mc heads back, he realized the angel is connecting him with people he jave mistreated in his pastlife. he then challenges the angel that he will do thing his way.

21 next day, choi eunjeong was worried that mc will expose the truth about her father. she was mad at mc. mc let her be and left her. suddenly, her friends asks her to come with them. choi eunjeong thought she could still get back at mc. it turns out other delinquents are not targetting her for her previous mistreating others. before she got abuse, mc enters the scene.

22 mc saves choi eunjeong and announces she is also under his protection. choi eunjeong was mad that mc keeps getting involved with her. mc argues and says it wasn't him but it was sim jaehee who asked. the two girls reconcilled with each other. few days later, the current leader of the sampo gang is eyeing mc. apparently they misunderstood that mc has a connection with jang seungsoo and the whole tiger skull gang.

23 at school, it seems peace became prevalent. when mc became number 1, he prohibited bullying in their premise, he did it with certain persuasion. sim jaehee and choi eunjeong are good friends now. choi eunjeong is wary towards mc. meanwhile, the pro boxer, do joonso, mc beat up, because some sort of his personal underling,  mc is annoyed. after class do joonso, went to follow mc to his house. on their way, they met with sampo goons. the big boss of sampo gang wants to meet with mc. mc did not want to be involved but his problem was do joonso.

24 mc fights the gangsters and asked do joonso to call the police. mc beats the gangsters but suddenly another one arrives and he was dragging do joonso with him. mc tries fighting him. but mc is outmatched. mc realized the one he's fighting is the instructor that taught him to fight back in his previous gangster life.

25 mc got taken to the sampo hq. he was tied up as he faces the big boss of sampo.

26 mc tries think of a way to get a way. suddenly, the tiger skull gang barges in the sampo gang hq. the big boss of sampo let mc go. it seems both the boss of sampo and yeom ki hwan is even more interested with mc.

27 on their way back, jang seungsoo tells mc that his friend do joonso was worried fir him and that's how they got to the sampo hq. jan seungsoo wanted mc to get him to their hq. mc declines he does not want to get involved with gangsters. mc went home and tells his father to pack up as the sampo gang is out for them. mc's father whacked him with a frying pan. when mc woke up, he got a note from his father saying that mc should just stay at home as thinfs cooldown. suddenly there was a knock on his door.

28 the person knocking at mc's door is detective joo yung sung. choi eunjeong was apparently by mc's house to also found out a detective got involved. mc was invited at the police station. mc know the police could not handle the gangster so mc tries to leave. unfortunately for mc, do joonso, who was hospitalize for 2 weeks have told a lot of info regarding mc's involvement with the gangsters.

29 mc obliged to go back to the station but he does not want help from the police. suddenly, the angel appears and tells mc that he must not ignore help from others. the angel points out to the detective. mc suddenly remembers him. it was the detective who saved mc's life back then. he was worried of mc going back to becoming a gangster once again after leaving prison. back to the new present, mc realizes the good intentions and asks for help from the detective.

30 outside the police station, choi eunjeong is waiting for mc. mc told everything possibly believable to the detective. poloce visibility will be increased in the area for mc's safety but protection cannot be guaranteedly given. whem mc wen tout the station, he met up with choi eunjeong. choi eunjong walks mc home. mc remembers his past mistakes and accepts how he is truly an irredeemable person after all. when the tao was about to part ways, choi eunjeong asks mc if he had eaten. choi eunjeong borrowed mc's kitchen and cooked him a meal.

31 after the meal, mc tries something out. it seems his hunch about choi eunjeong was right but not the right hunch. as mc walks choi eunjeong out, mc tells what happened and how mc got involved with the sampo gang how she could be connected in it as well. right before the two parted, choi eunjeong kissed mc on the lips and ran away.

32 the school bullies are teaming up and discussing how to reclaim the school since mc have been absent for a few days and rumor spread that mc got best up by gangsters. mc suddenly appears and persuasively told the bullies to live a good life and don't go any further. as mc heads to class, a love triangle just suddenly formed. mc have no intention of forming it.

33 as mc and choi eunjeong are getting close together. sim jaehee felt hurting inside. suddenly her mother came to visit her in school and suddenly started taking her away. mc saw what was happening through a vision that the angel sent him. mc rushed towards sim jaehee. sim jaehee mother tells her she'll be going with her to worship. she won't be attending school anymore since she felt bad omen regarding sim jaehee. sim jaehee retorted and wanted to stay. the mother wants to beat sim jaehee but mc stop her. suddenly, sim jaehee's mom points to mc. she tells that mc is the demon that will take sim jaehee's life. (at this point, after a very long time of having no contact, probably, som jaehee's mother wants to take her daughter with her)

34 sim jaehee's mom literally saw the evilness aura that mc exude. mc's past sin will carry on with him. he also knew he was bound for hell anyway. mc tells sim jaehee to go back home with her mother. sim jaehee felt betrayed and obliged. in her mind she was thinking if the promise that mc made with her and now mc betrays her. back in sim jaehee's house, her mother was about to teach her about shaman stuffa when mc suddenly appears. mc kneels in front of sim jaehee's mother confessed of all the misdeeds he did to her. mc requested sim jaehee to continue going to school and promises he'll protect her until she graduates.

35 the mother have divine the future and saw her daughter tied up and dying and she was calling for mc's name. she fears it would happen and that isnher reason of keeping her away from school and away from mc. suddenly, the angel appears to sim jaehee's mother. the angel tells the hardship sim jaehee hsve endured and the goodness of her heart and also of how mc was a bully to her and the one that save sim jaehee. when the angel left, the mother can't help but reconcile with her daughter. mc had no idea the angel appeared before sim jaehee's mother.

36 sim jaehee's obliged with mc's request and conditions. sim jaehee's mom gave mc a spirit attracting talsiman. mc was reluctant with it but the mother insisted. on their way back, mc tells sim jaehee he left her at school so that all the attention would be focused on him instead of the mother daughter. and then sim jaehee confessed to mc. mc who does not know how to handle love, tells her that mc and choi eunjeong are not dating and even goes to tell that the better person win. mc is truly a dunce when it comes to this. but somehow, this boosted sim jaehee's spirit. afterwards, mc felt jealous about sim jaehee's reconcilliation with her mother. mc ponders who his mother is.

37 meanwhile in the business district, the sampo gangs and tiger skull gangs are fighting for the location. seeing that tiger skull gangs are outnumber, jang seung soo propose to have a 1v1 vs yeom ki hwan. the sampo commander obliges. yeom ki hwan easily outmatched jang seung soo.

38 the police suddenly got involved and stopped the fighting. yeom ki hwan and jang seung soo disengaged and parted ways. jang seung soo ponders the many recents attacks the sampo gangs have been doing vs their business.

39 back at school, sim jaehee and choi eunjeong are competing for mc. mc who is an idiot does not know how to handle the situation and have just fan the flame even more. as the three head home after a date, they find jang seung soo with a subordinate, they were both badly beat up.

40 the subordinate asked mc for help. mc obliges and helped them. mc did the medical procedures for the two. when habg seung soo woke up. mc asked info. hang seong soo tells mc they were set up. they receive an intel from a dae ahm organization, they are  somehow also requesting a hit for a cop who have been messing with the gangster.

41 jang seung soo tried to contact dae ahm but failed. mc stops jang seung soo and narrates that they got found out by cop trailing them and soon after the tiger skull gang sees jang seung soo a traitor. jang seung soo tells mc he was almost right, it truth, yeom ki hwan, the sampo gang nd even tiger skull gang boss are in with the dae ahm, they wanted jang seung soo dead. jang seuny soo wanted to return back to tiger skull gang and save his loyal man. mc tells him otherwise. mc says that their org had been tricked and the one who did it was none other than the sampo gang. mc also tells the real dae ahm will not sit idly with people who misuse their name. he knew from his experience from his past life. meanwhile, in the dae ahm organization, they started making a move.

42 the dae ahm went to the sampo hq. yeom ki hwan bowed his head and asked to join their organization. suddenly, yeom ki hwan kills the sampo big boss and proposes to give the whole incheon underground to the dae ahm. the president of the dae ahm was impressed and gave yeom ki hwan a month to have all the incheon under his rule. and so, yeom ki hwan became the new boss of sampo gang.

43 mc hunches were incorrect. the sampo gang have gone more notorious. mc had to step in to save choi eunjeong.

44 mc along with the gangsters beat up got arrested. suddenly prosecutors came to the police station to free the gangsters. afterwards, mc have finally realized, the dae ahm did not eliminate the sampo but instead are now using them. meanwhile, the gangsters told yeom ki hwan about mc beating them. the new sampo boss feels more intrigued about mc.

45 somehow the sampo boss place a hit on mc. back in school, as mc suddenly went missing again, the school bullies wants to reclaim their place and wanted to start with mc's girls. do joon so triea helping the girls but he was beat up. suddenly mc appears. the bully tried attacking mc but mc is just on edge vs the sampo boss that he thought even the bully was sent by yeom ki hwan. only sim jaehee was able to stop mc.

46 people are worried for mc, choi eunjeong, han jihye, and sim jaehee. mc was thinking of how yeom ki hwan survived the dae ahm. and why a hit was put on him. after classes, sim jaehee wants to walk home with mc.

47 as they walk together, sampo goons showed up this time, yeom ki hwan was with them. the sampo boss tells that mc is fake and that he's only assuming the role of joong seok. mc wants to laugh but upon seeing sim jaehee's concerned face, he should worry more for her safety. mc orders sim jaehee to run away as he hold the sampo gangs. mc held on but he was too tired to face yeom ki hwan. after gettinf beat up, yeom ki hwan asks mc to join sampo gang.

48 mc refused and got beat up some more. suddenly the sampo boss calls out his men to reveal sim jaehee has been captured. he tells mc that they'll be taking her unless mc changes his mind. mc woke up two days hence, he was in a hospital, choi eunjeong was with him. sim jaehee has been taken in. mc wanted to rush out suddenly detective joo yung sung stopped mc. mc tells them that they have no choice, mc must bow down to the sampo for sim jaehee.

49 mc sneaked out to do as he planned. the angel talked about mc's decision. mc made up his mind, and accepted it was his fate to be a gangster. the angel commends mc and acknowledge his change fornthe betterm suddenly, mc got surrounded by people who are willing to help him jang seung soo, detective joo yung sung, do joon so and choi eunjeong. mc bows his head to them and asked for their help. meanwhile, sim jaehee converses yeom ki hwan as to why he wants mc to join. he wants to change mc. sim jaehee tells otherwise. the sampo boss threaten sim jaehee, mc felt sim jaehee's fear.

50 they made a plan to infiltrate and subdue the sampo gang. they executed the plan masterfully, mc found sim jaehee. suddenly, yeom ki hwan appears.

51 mc somehow beats yeom ki hwan. after rescuing sim jaehee, mc tries going back with the rest. they found out the police were called. the incident got settled. jang seung soo went back to the tiger skull gang, detective joo yung sung did a lot of paper works for the incident, the students involved got reprimanded for joining the dangerous activity, yeom ki hwan got arrested, sent in front of the dae ahm and was eliminated. afyterwards, mc along with sim jaehee and choi eunjeong enjoys their school life. (end of season 1)

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