Sunday, August 6, 2023

the classless hero, i didn't need skills anyway (manga until chapter 24)

the classless hero, i didn't need skills anyway

arel/abel, mc, classless
leon, mc's father, magic king
farah, mc's mother, sword princess/sword deity
evan, leader of municipal police
lilia, a girl mc meet whem he arrives in bresgia, she asks mc to join her guild
raina, evan's daughter, the red haired swordsman mc dueled with in their village
georg, leader of the black blade guild
gio, black blade member, rapier swordsman
masamune, black blade member, master fencer
deal, fhe adventurer who led mc, lilia and raina into a trap to fight vs the sword deity
dulgeda, a deminic being that once summoned an evil god. possesses georg dueling the sword divinity cup
mila/mira, younger sister of mc
lodd, the guildmaster of dragon fang?
kaito, red magic student
kufa, blue magic student
colette, green magic student
ratalia, a skeleton/undead in black magic school
royce, red magic student who used the eruption spell, mage class
skyke, green magic student who was able to use fligt magic st the start of class
bakassu, red magic instructor
hagel, blue magic instructor
grid, a reporter in the flight race
danbel, a magic instructor, commentator for the flight race
marko, green magic student
dione, air goddess, green magic student
rockwell, a magic instructor in the yellow magic institute
mastima/matty, a demon unleashes by mc when he opened a nameless book, a slave to mc
reddra akkamen, red magic institute principal
bluna aoline, blue magic institute principal
green elmidori, green magic institute principal
yellowa kiresh, yellow magic insititute principal
white allshiron, white magic institute principal
blagi rakkuro, black magic institute principal
major noel, the person who mediate all the principals
pururu, the gluttony slime that mc chopped out, it became a familiar of mc

classes, received at 10 years of age granted by the goddess. determines skills
feynot, a rural town
divine protection, inherent since birth, reduces damage received like a thin barrier but the person would still feel pain
bresgia, a city for swordsmen
dragon fang, the guild of mc's mother ahen she was still an adventurer?
swordsmen have class ranks, a to d?
guild war, a tournament of guilds with a prize money, 1v1 guild with 10 bouts for a 1v1 of participating members
sword divinity/deity cup, a sword tourney in bresgia
red magic, fire and heat temperature
blue magic, ice water and cold temperature
green magic, wind weather and atmosphere
yellow magic, earth and metal
white magic, light and life force
black magic, darkness and death
city of magic, island
magical letters, symbols like code that makes up spell
great six tournament, tournament of all the magic institute pitting vs each other
magic deity festival, a festival in the magic city, it's main even will be the great six tournament

1 mc is classless. his family was worried but mc is not. mc says he just need more effort to keep up with others. mc went to the sword practice group, mc was discriminated. mc beat them up. suddenly a red haired swordsman joins.

2 the red haired swordsman have a bad blood with mc specifically. his fathet is the one who supposed to be stronger but mc's mother is the strongest. the two sparred, the red haired have intermediate swordsmanship while mc have no skill. mc got beat in their first bout. but the two continued on. mc just lost. then, mc became motivated and started training even harder. after practicing in the forest, mc hears a scream. mc went to the place and found the red haired swordsman beaten by a hobgoblin. mc goes to assist.

3 mc easily defeats the hobgoblin. after tending to the wounds? of the red haired, the red haired asked how he got the skill. mc tells he practiced, since he hate losing, he practiced until he learned the skill od the red haired. to pay back to mc, red haired asks for a spar with mc. mc obliges. the two used the same skill but mc was further developed. mc defeats the red haired swordsman. next day, mc hears a news the red haired swordsman went to study? at bresgia for his swordsmanship. later on? mc joins a carriage to go to bresgia. suddenly, their carriage was attacked by a group of orcs. mc, alone, took care of all of them.

4 5 years ago, mc asks his mother tontrach every sword technique she know, she was delighted to abide. back in present, mc tries looking for a guild in bresgia but upon seeing his job no one accepted. mc then went to his mother's former guild. the master lost an arm and did not receive mc. instead mc met up with his childhood friend? raina, who mc thought was a boy, evan's son, the red haired swordsman was actually a girl. the two sparred. mc won. lilia, the girl who tried recruiting mc, had a change of heart after the bout, welcomes mc to the dragon's fang guild.

5 with mc as the third member of the dragon's fang guild, lilia announces they will participate in a guild war. a ten members group 1v1 battle. since dragon fang got 3 members they will be going in 3v10 matches. their first match up will be black blade, they have 8 rank a swordsmen. mc asks raina to teach her her swords skill. despite being classless, mc says that through effort, he could gain other skills as well. on the day the guild war, mc defeats his first opponent vs the black blade. mc also tried copying the enemy's skill.

6 mc won vs all 10 members. afterwards, they celebrated. suddenly, the guidlmaster burst their celebration as he told that mc is the kind of person who would not stay in their guild. mc then argues vs the guildmaster that at the very least, they as members were doing effort. the guildmastsr lashed out at mc and argues that if only he had his two arms he'd still be useful. mc argue vs the guildmaster's logic. despite losing half of his skills since he's a dual sword wtih only an arm now, mc knows the guildmaster is still strong despite this. afterwards, mc wants to trian and learn more skill, lilia suggests mc to dungeon raiding the labyrinth. raina will be getting ready for the sword divinity cup. meanwhile, the leader of the black blade, georg is looking at them through a glass orb. it seems he were planning something for them.

7 the three sets out to the dungeon. soon after, they met with a beaten and bloodied adventurer. the adventurer seek the aid of the three to reacue his team mates. mc suspects its a trap but he just let it be.

8 they are lured into a room and a transport magic activated. the adventurer was also pulled in. the adventurer confessed he was asked to lure them in. they now face a monster apparation with the highest sword class, sword deity. mc defeats it. afterward they left through the magic circle that appeared.

9 in a bar, the guildmaster of dragon fang overhears a convi of adventurers. the guildmaster inquired more as they have lured hia daughter into a trap. suddenly, georg of the black blade guild enters and mocks the one armed guildmster. suddenly, the trio enters the bar. the two were surprised, especially georg. the adventurer who lured the trio confessed it was georg who ordered them. georg then argues that whatever happened in the dungeon is on the adventurers. mc agrees with it. later on, georg somehow talked to a swird fuming with black aura. meanwhile, the trio are getting ready for the sword divinity cup. during the tourney, mc won in his block.

10 the tourney rages on, the match will be mc vs blaco blade's georg. when the two went on the stage, they find georg to be somewhat possessed by the sword he wields. dulgeda, the demonic being who possessed georg, trap everyone in the arena with magic. he planned on wrecking havoc once more. mc readies for his match and launched an attack.

11 mc won vs the dulgeda. but as they celebrate, the sword launched and took possession of the guildmaster of the drsgon fang. he took lilia hostage. but mc knew the possessed guildmaster will not let lilia get hurt. as dulgeda tries attacking lilia, suddenly the he could not move the body of the one armed guildmaster. dulgeda was resisted. and the sword was thrown towards mc. mc destroys the sword and that ended the demonic sword dulgeda.

12 after the tourney, the dragon fang guild once again gained popularity and more members have joined. mc left and went back to his hometown. when he got there, he sparred with his mother. mc won. raina followed and asked for mc's mother, farah/fala to teach her swords. fala decided to teach her how to be a wife. mc went to his father and told his victory vs his mother. mc tells that after the battle, he felt like he lost his motivation to continue his sword oath or rather, he will continue it but it will only be half hearted and so mc wanted to branch out his path. mc asks his father, leon, to teach him magic.

13 farah starts teaching raina with household duties. mc investigates magic with his father. upon learning, mc is able to use magic, leon tells mc to continue praticing.

14 mc starts learning magic. raina is getting better with her household lessons. later on, mc joins a carriage going to the magic city, city of sorcerers. he's with three others students who will be attending the magic institution. suddenly they were attack by a troll king. mc obliterated the monster with a single spell and they continued on.

15 the schools are divided among the six colors of magic. mc took all of the exam. he will be attending all 6.

16 daily life in the school of magic.

17 mc takes the promotion exam in the red magic institute. he passed it. mc plans on taking all the promotion exam for all institutes.

18 mc passed the blue magic promotion? then he takes on the green magic flight race to get a shot at a promotion from the principal

19 mc won 1st place in the flight race. 2nd goes to the firmer champion dione, third to skyke. mc met with the principal, got the approval to take the promotion and he got the promotion. next exam he will be doing is the yellow magic, he planned on using golems for his presentation exam?

20 mc got a help from a teacher to participate in a presentation event. the presentation was mc's golem vs the golems of the teacher who helped him, rockwell. mc aced it. he joined the rockwell's research group, got his promotion exam and passed it. next and last is for the white magic institute. the exam is raiding an undead dungeon. mc easily aced it. he finally got promoted from all the magic institutes.

21 mc opens a book from the black magic institute. a demon came out and tried taking over mc. mc defeats it and made it a slave/familiar/pet. on a side note, there was a meeting of all the principals of each institute. they allocated the budget and the black magic institute got cut big time. the rest were proposing to ban black magic. then the mediator? suggests the black magic principal to win the tournament of six in order to get their budget back. the black magic principal, blagi, is planning something to get back  vs the other institute.

22 before the day of the festival, blagi summoned a creature from the demon world but it swallowed him. during the day of the festival, as the five institutes arguing where mc should fight for, an emergency occured, the summoned creature appeared in the fligjt grounds of the academy and have stsrted swallowing students. the principals tried to subjugate it but it was useless. matty tells mc that it's a gluttony slime and that it absorbs magical attacks. mc tells matty that he is swordsman as well, he saves the principals from getting swallowed and readied for offense.

23 mc defeats the slime with his all magic extinction. the principals ask mc who is he, mc tells them leon, the magic deity, is his father. then he topd them the path to become a magical deity is to learn all magic. as the principals discuss among themselves, mc follows a survivng slime part and decides to have it as a familiar.

24 the principals discussed to keep mc in the school ground despite mc deciding leaving. blagi returns as a spirit to join the discussion. with info about attaining magic deity by mastering all 6 magics, all of the principals will be the discussing a reformed curriculum. meanwhile, mc's friend barged into mc's room to find it was clean. mc tells them he decided to leave since there was nothing else for him to learn in the magic school. mc's next plan is to go to the demon city to learn about demon training. with his flight magic, mc bid his friend farewell. mc first head back to his family, along with him is matty and pururu. (on a side note: all the students eaten by gluttony slime have went missing, either they got teleported as well or have actually died. the principal of black magic came to the meeting of the principals as a ghost and admitted he was eaten by the slime)

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