Sunday, August 20, 2023

Rescue System (manwha until chapter 19)

rescue system

kim soohyuk, mc
sangtae , a hyung of mc in the firefighters, superior of mc
go hanseon, leader of rescue team 3
kangshik, part of team 3
junwoo, part of team 3
lee jaehan, part of team 3
go seungwoo, friend of mc
lee kanghyeon, part of a other fire dept that went with mc to the peak of a mountain during the forest fire incident

danger detection, a newly acquired skill of mc, like a spider sense of spiderman
life detection, a newly acquired akills of mc, senses life form.

1 mc died failing a rescue op during fire. when mc die, he suddenly woke up, 10 years back. he regressed. atm he's on another rescue op and he's with his sangtae, someone who should've died is before him. mc the remembered the operation, he vows to not ket anyone die this time. suddenly, a mission/quest prompt appeared in front of mc. mc believes he's in a dream.

2 mc found the two kids who should have died in his pastlife. they rescued the two. after reaching outaide, the prompt appears saying quest complete. mc's relieved he ssved the two kids this time.

3 mc woke up in his room and only realizes he regressed. then the status prompt appears. he remembers completing the quest, getting rewards and becoming stronger. he also acquired a new skill. but mc is thinking of quitting firefighting. as he walk outside, suddenly his detection tihled and a fire broke out. mc hurries to the scene but suddenly a decision prompt appeared before him, it asks mc whether to change career or continue with firefighting. it also say, his decision will be final. mc wants to change career but he simply could not avert his eyes. he will continue his firefighting path.

4 mc is having regrets for not choosing a successful life. but still, he responds to the of duty. with his determination and danger sense, mc found the unconcious man. but as soon he approached him, his danger sense kicked in. the two now hang on outside the window, mc is carrying the unconcious man.

5 mc was able to broke through the window of the lower floor. he successfully rescued the man. suddenly the prompt appears telling mc he completed a quest and leveled up. he also gained another skill, life detection. mc is frustrated at the prompts for not recovering him up at least. mc carries the unconcious man down. but suddenly his knees fails him. fortunately, the other rescuers are right in front of them.

6 back in hq, mc was reprimanded by the team 3 leader. mc got out and soon sangtae scolds mc. mc's action during the rescue op was off the rules and sop. mc argues that if he didn't do that, he wouldn't have been able to talk to him atm. sangtae tells mc to stick with him for now. mc obliges. suddenly, an alert sounded. their team rushes to respond. mc checks the prompts, it an easy quest. mc wants to finish it quickly and level up. a fellow colleague notices mc's grin.

7 they arrive at the scene, mc tries working with the team suddenly one of the member, junwoo, pushes mc out of the operation. mc is surprised that junwoo is kind to him in his pastlife and now, he is rude to mc. the team succeeded in the operation, mc was unable to help much. after, as the people and team are getting ready to leave, mc notices the quest prompt isn't telling him completion. mc is hesitant to leave.

8 mc tells his team there's still a target need tonve reacued but they did not believe him. junwoo reprimands mc and tries outcasting him, sangtae scolded mc but after seeing mc's determination, they went to search once more. mc uses life detect skill and found there is in fact another one. they continued searching but it was to no avail. when the team was about to finally give up, they suddenly heard noise from the trunk of the car. they pried it open and found a body. it was badly beat up.

9 after the operation, team 3 is back in hq. they discuss that the man they rescued is a criminal. sangyae tells mc that the girl they rescued is alright. mc is grateful. a month later, mc meets with his friend go seungwoo. the two eat out and had an enjoyable time together.

10 mc have been doing quests, his skills have increased to level two and his improved capabilities can be seen immediately. mc had also been following sop so he's all good. although, junwoo is still rude and agitated towards mc. mc ponders about the future, the pastlife he went through. he worries for kangshik, a colleague in team 3. he wants to save him from retiring early due to an injiry. mc recollects in his thought of events that have happened in his pastlife. mc overhears a convo of kangshik and sangtae. mc remembers the exact date ofnthe accident that will force kanshik will retire, it's the day of his daighter's birthday.

11 on the day of kangshik's daughter's birthday, mc had planned most of the things through. suddenly an alert sounded in their hq. there is a forest fire and kangshik will be in danger. a quest prompt apoears before mc. the fire dept team responds. during the drive, mc tells them the best route to get to the site, sangtae felt mc alteady knew what is going to happen. their team gathered with the other team. while the teams are being brief, mc went incognito and proceeded with the op.

12 mc went to the camp site, meanwhil team 3 had only realized mc is missing. mc is lost. he used his life detect to find the targets. mc found them. theybare being led by other firemen but they are having a hard time. mc caught up with them.

13 mc tells the firemen their plan is a bust and it will only put the target's life in more danger. he ask the to follow him, he knows the place better. although they were reluctant, the firemen obliges with mc's request.

14 prior to the fire incident, mc had already investigated the place. mc led them to an open space. he tells them the fire won't reach them there and they also got supplies that mc had prepared. mc then tries to leave in order to find other targets. one of the fireman tells mc he'll go with him. mc obliges. meanwhile, the other fireman who just got to the rescue are making their move fornthe rescue.

15 mc along with the firefighter, lee kanghyeon moves searching. mc already know where to go. he remembers in his pastlife. it's also where he will save his colleague kangshik from getting serious injury. mc calls for backup, he was almost reprimanded but argues thst they should focus on priority first. he asked his team to go to the peak for rescue. mc also gave tue location if the targets he helped earlier.

16 with his life detect skill,mc is able to locate a family at the peak of the mountain. mc meets up with team 3. mc felt relieved. sangtae is ready to chew out at mc. mc tells they hage priorities. suddenly, mc asked aboutnthe team that went to the other targets. sangtae says kanshik was with the other. mc is shocked. he's aftaid that the future may have changed and kangahik will still ultimately get in an accident. mc asks if he could leave ans go towards kangshik. sangtae saw mc's detemination.

17 sangtae can't decline mc's instict. sangtae tells his team to proceed with the rescue, mc and him will go towards the other team. mc and sangtae arrives at the other team. mc is most worried for incident have happened and they were evacuating the targets. suddenly, junwoo questions mc's preparations and the equipments mc procured. before he could answer, a lanslide occured. they all rushed out. unfortunately, kangshik? got injured, mc helped him. as mc carries kangshik, sangtae saw the landslide approaching them.

18 mc and kanshik were buried under the landslide. the rescue oriceeded. sangtae then requests for back uo fornthe rescue if mc and kanshik. meanwhile, mc crawl out of the rubble. both mc and kanshik are fine but are heavily exhausted and beaten. mc still pushes through and asks kangshik to e carried. kanshik tried declining but mc insists and tells him it's the day if his daughters birthday and kanshik's daughter is waiting for him. kanshik obliges with mc's request. but as mc carries kanshik, enxhaustion catches up with mc and he fell. mc apologizes nd tries one more but suddenly he collapsed?

19 mc wakes up he's in the hospital. he's been out for 4 days. mc worries for kangshik. kangshik enters with a cast on his ankle. kanshik says after mc collapsed, kangshik is the ine that carried mc down the mountain to the ithe rrescue team. after, the rest of team 3 arrives and reunites with mc. junwoo apoligize for being rude with mc. the rest of the team bowed their head to mc as  way of thanking him. sangtae say that from then on, they'll believe whatever mc has in his instict as long as he mentions it. sangtae also says the disciplinary committee is also awaiting for mc.

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