Monday, August 21, 2023

The Reincarnated 「Sword Saint」 Wants to Take it Easy (manga)

The Reincarnated 「Sword Saint」 Wants to Take it Easy

alta schweiz, pastlife raoul isalf, mc, a country knight
lemire eoin, commandet of the sirius black
iris reinfel, sole daughter of the reinfel family and a sword saint princess, king candidate
aria notreia, friend of iris
otz kolstar, head of school year?, teacher of enchantments
azuma kurai, an assassin sent to kill iris, one of the kenkakushuu
bel trouseau, blue sword, same rank as mc, part of the sirius knights order
folt masenta, part of the kenkakushuu
gallo reinfel, father of iris, a protector
fiss mieden, part of the kenkakushuu
adyl grats, part of the kenkakushuu
zeil tillock, the presumed suspect who hired the kenshukaku to kill iris. son of william tillock
william tillock, king of galdea kingdom

galdea kingdom, birthplace of mc
sirius black knight order, a team mc is part of
fiorum academy, the school iris attends and mc will be teaching
reinfel family, one of the 4 noble family in the kingdom
mock sword, a training sword, hits won't cut but will still hurt
kenkakushuu, an infamous mercenary group who does killing for money, they are called sword gang
blue shell sword, mc's sword, has the power if anti magic poisoning
purple lightning, sword of iris, heirloom of her father
mystic silver, sword saint raoul isalf's sword, leeches opponent's magic power

1 after dying at tbe pinnacle of the sword path, after reincarnation mc decided to live a slow life. after a successful subjugation mission, mc is assigned a bodyguard mission. mc wants to conplete for such an easy task. despite this, when great money is involve, mc is motivated. mc accepts the mission. in the fiorum academy, iris is popular in the campus. she vows to train hard ao that no one will be able to beat her. mc appears in front of the morning class. mc introduces himself as their temporary kenjutsu instructor. iris found it distasteful that a little kid will be their teacher. everone in class agrees. mc says they could have a mock battle with him. if he lose, mc will leave. mc defeats all of them. although iris was not defeated, she was not able to beat mc before the school bell rang. after getting everyone's approval, mc had infiltrated the campusm mc's bodyguard mission requires him to be one without having iris know about it. iris is the vip as a king candidate. before the class leave, iris tells mc to fight her seriously next time, she guesses mc is just playing with her during the mock battle.

2 mc tells iris he was serious during the mock battle. iris is unconvinced. mc is approached by another teacher who knows about his secret. it seems mc's undercover mission is an open secret among the instructors. in classes, mc is well received by the girl students, while the boys are jealous of him. meanwhile, iris is still desparste for a duel with mc. mc gave a condition, if she's able to catch him in the next 30 minutes, mc would oblige. mc manages to escape. iris tries following but ws suddebly caught in a trap. there were assassin's targeting her life. although steong, she's poison. mc apoears to iris's aid. mc kills one of them. although, one of them runs away, the one left introduces himself as one of the kenkakushuu, azuma kurai.

3 iris knows about the mercenary group. mc faces vs azuma kurai. mc is surprised by the strength of assassin but nonetheless it was an easy battle for mc. when mc hold his hands to help iris. iris claims he caught mc. as mc patches up iris, mc somehow told iris about his reincarnation but it seems she just let it. iris explains she does not want to be a ruler but instead become a knight. her growth had been stuck since there were no challenges left for her until mc came. mc proposes instead of a duel, mc will be giving iris a private lesson for her to become stronger. iris delightfully accepts. other than that, mc use his do anything privilege from iris. mc asks iris to use something 24/7.

4 after the kenkakushuu incident, mc reports to lemire. mc says he gave iris a detection item that would tell mc where she is all the time. lemire says the assassins have infiltrated the kingdom and other sirius black knights are tracking them, they also have blue sword with them. outside the royal capital, the kenkakushuu is discussing among themselve ms about their target iris. suddenly, the siriua knights found them. the knights were easily defeated, except for blue sword. next day, mc teaches the class with sword arts. during class, aria asks mc to duel with her. mc obliges.

5 mc notices the prowess of aria. but mc easily manages to duel with her. mc stops the fight when it was almost the end of the class. mc realizes that aria just wants to stsy at the good side of iris which is why aria decided to duel mc. after classes, mc and iris are on their private lesson. mc first taught iris battle sense. few days later with a school life. lemire visits mc at night. lemire gave mc the news that dead bodies sirius knights who looked for the kenkakushuu were found in a corner of the royal capital.

6 there bodies found but not all of the knights were found. blue sword also left them a recording dwvice which explained there were 3 members of the kenkakushuu. they were it otz kolstar as they discuss the situation. they have info that one of the kenkakushuu member is coming to the campus. they are preparing for a battle. weeks past and no incident have yet happen. meanwhile there is no progress with iris's training. mc tells her they should have a break for the day and reveals that aria is watching them hidden behind a tree. aria ask to be part of the private lesson. mc obliges. before they part ways, aria shows them that she could do the technique that iris is trying to learn. after, mc is in his night patrol and he's approached by one of the kenkakushuu/sword gang, folt masenta.

7 the two fought each other. mc has to use his family sword, blue shell sword. mc is abke to defest folt masenta. although folt is incapacitated, when mc's about to interrogate him, another member of the kenkakushuu aooears and killed folt.

8 mc gives up pursuing the fleeing kenkakushuu member. mc calls out at iris who saw the whole scene. iris comes out and asks mc if he's a knight. mc confesses he's a knight and about his mission of undercovering as a teacher and as a bodyguard for iris. iris pities herself for not knowing and only recently finding out her friend, blue sword had died protecting her. she still claims she does not need a bodyguard. she explains that she wants to be just like her father. mc realizes that beyond iris wanting to be like her father, iris wants to take revenge vs the assassins who killed her father. iris asks mc if her desire for vengeance is justified.

9 mc tells her it's not a bad thing. but if somewhere deep down she hesitates, it only means there is something that is telling her what she desires is wrong and as such leads her to not progress with her growth. after, iris felt relieved and have renewed determination to become stronger. mc is obliged to keep on teaching her for her to be able to face her assassin and one day take vengeance. meanwhile, the kenkakushuu member that flee is confronted by the lemire and the other sirius black knights. although without casualty, the kenkakushuu member got away and lemire is injured.

10 after the incident in academy got found out by the public. the school had to close. iris and aria continue their training with mc. aria is at the same level as iris.

11 mc meets with lemire. they got found out by iris and aria. mc let them on about their intel. iris proposes her be used as bait vs the kenkakushuu. lemire dislikes the request. mc agrees to it. mc has a plan.

12 mc and lemire discusses who might have possibly hired the kenkakushuu to kill iris. they suspect it was the prince. meanwhile, the last 2 members of kenkakushuu meets with the prince. iris is a hinder to the prince's ascension to the throne and that's why he wants her dead. after, the prince will use the kingdom's power to engage in war. meanwhil the kenkakushuu is supporting the prince, other than the money, after the prince ascend, it will be more profitable for their group afterward. on the day of mc's plan, mc, iris and aria went out to get the kenkakushuu's attention.

13 as they continue with their plan. mc led the other two an abandoned plce. mc senses the kenkakushuu are nearby but suddenly aria disappears. mc knew aria is already facing the two kankakushuu. mc worries and asks iris that they find aria. meanwhile, aria engages vs the two kankakushuu members.

14 aria gets overwhelmed by the two kenkakushuu. fortunately, iris appears to aid aria. adyl grats let fiss mieden fight mc while himself will take care of iris and aria. when fiss mieden, adyl grats introduces himself as the one who killed iris's father. iris snapped.

15 mc arrives before iris goes berserk. iris calmed down. fiss mieden blocks mc towards the other. iris readies to engage adyl grats. meanwhile, mc and fiss mieden fights. mc won remarkably.

16 iris and aria are pushed to the corner by adl grats. before a decisive blow from the enemy, mc arrives and saves his two students.

17 mc is determined to protect iris and have her grow to become a splendid sword saint who will one day surpass even him. mc and adyl grats fight. the ground caved in, mc and adyl grats are isolated from the rest of the world as they fight.

18 mc summons his sword saint sword. he fights vs adyl grats. it was an even match.

19 mc unleashes a portion of the accumulated power within his sword and defeats adyl grats. mc returns back to his students who were anxiously waiting. mc tells the two to rest while he call the knights to treat them. they still have one more person to defeat.

20 after, lemire gained hard evidence vs zeil tillock and had him within their custody. mc is glad to received bonus. lemire then gave mc his next mission. mc meets up with iris. mc mission will be to become a bodyguard to iris. iris formally accepted mc. mc will be escorting her and teaching her swords until one day she'll be able to become stronger or even be able to surpass mc.

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