Monday, August 28, 2023

I Regressed to my Ruined Family (manwha until chapter 48)

i regressed to my ruined family

ethan ardan, mc
terron, a brother of mc that went to another family
myers, youngest brother of mc
drakkisyth, dragon king
king siegmund, the king after regression
hans, the servant/grand chamberlain assigned by the barony kargas family to the ardan
helmut kargas, patriarch of the kargas family
wildan, leader of the red scorpion thugs, thought by kargas of vision skills?
rorotia, the fire monarch that gave nc blessing
jaron bessus, leader of misas
heims, tax collector for baron kargas
menharten, knight leader of the kargas family
ruin kargas, son of baron helmuth, the one who tried to swindle mc of their allowance
dexter kargas, son of baron helmuth, the one who welcomed mc in the kargas house
raymond kargas, eldest son of baron helmuth
prexian, a book keeper/accountant of the ardan family
lawrence/silvia?, former life, tactician of mc, now an adopted son of prexian
chaimon, head of the fernes count family
grandmaster lowensen, knight leader of the fernes county?
marquis bloten, head of bessus?
paulten, a knight escort of mc's sister assigned by the bessus family, 6 star knight
willie,  knight escort of mc's sister assigned by mc
gillion, fenlorlen village chief
popolance, a dwarf commissioned by mc to make him a weapon.
william, a dwarven blacksmith rival of popolance
orbar, a subordinate of popolance?
jerone ardan, the founding head of the ardan family.
zipron lomenten, the baron of lomenton, one of tge collateral famiy
grandmaster murren, knight leader of the lomenton barony
naraxus, a general of the monster race, shapeshifter. brave general of deception
muster, member of the flame hammer forge of popolance
ilia/ilya peacecraft, creation sorceror, maker of potions
king muradny/muradeni, first king of the dwarves
viscount loken
melaycis, a weapon magician? a supporter of the wyvern tribe technique but not a worshipper
neria portacle, viacounty knight leader of the ithun viscounty
count wellington falksi bureau director hiedern/hydern's king affiliation
duke gerond racian? supporter of the wyvern tribe?

ardan, renown swordsman family
heidern empire, one of the seven nation in the western continent
mana rush, mana exhaustion but worse, it split the mana veins inside the body
kargas family, a baron family that assigned pseudo servants for ardan family
crime immunity, immunity to be charged feom any crime, a privilege given by the king as reward to ardan family
resonance, a technique that connects the broken mana vein, part of the ardan techniques
writing of divination,
vision, a family exclusive skill?
red scorpion, the group of thug that played myers before mc woke up from his coma, they do illegal works to profit baron helmuth kargas
mana breathing skill, family exclusive skill
misas, a merchant group
bessus family, an ally of the ardan family
phernes/fernes famiy, a branch/collateral family of ardan
poerit, minor city, hq of kargas barony
8 gates of darkness, org hired by baron kargas to do illegal activities to profit the barony
fernes and amelen/amelton factions. two factions of the collateral families that are taking advantage of the ardan family
godblade oranion, a family heirloom of the ardan.
jenon empire made the non aggression pact with the monsters after the dragon king hid himself.
eight ring, a slime object passed down in the ardan family. the body absorbs it and gains power.
fenlorlen village, a mining village with a dungeon
aphelion metal, not as strong as mythril, harder steel and can conduct magic?
wyvern tribe?
naraxus cult, an organization that hands book of dragon race to people
naraxus order, a jenon empire official organization
the church, an organization that worships monsters
greston, a city whete dwarfs make business
flame hammer forge, the smith owned by popolance
mana quenching, some sort of mana infusion to objects
ultran town, hq of the lomenten barony
circulation stage? the stage after resonance stage of the ardan exclusive skill
lomenton barony, one of the collateral family
book of the dragon race, a monster related book that teaches monster skills
wyverns tongue magic, dragon magic in skyrim?
language circulation, ability to read and speak wyvern tongue?
viscount dekun's land, a neighbor of the baron kargas's land. suspected of harboring cult that worships wyverns and distributes teaching of the monsters.
coverage region skill, a magic skill that's like the conqueror's haki.
the king has a strict policy vs the wyvern worshippers
dwarven william, the rival blacksmith of popolance is a royal dwarven blacksmith
artifact equipments are items that are imbued with magical properties that would let users able to use magic despite having no knowledge or zero capability
loken viacounty, a land where the wyvern teaching spread in the ardan land originated from.
loken viscounty is part of the fernes faction?
demoria city, hq of loken viscounty?
perntium, heidern empire capital.
1st division of count fernes forces, composes of 10 most elite knights, they mastered monster techniques. a secret group of fernes county
arcana magic association, a group of mage representatives
red moon, a secret group of spy or people that works under the king, they are vs the wyvern tribe

1 a war vs dragon broke out. mc's noble family, arden, fought vs them. mc became a hero until he was killed by the dragon king. mc regressed? he wake up and find his supposed dead sister beside him. her sister is wearing commoner clothes. mc regards things as the afterlife. mc is in icu. mc used his technique to absorb directly the dextrous supportibg him. his sister was surprised to find mc standing, she tells mc had been in a coma for 10 years. his sister tells mc that it isn't the afterlife and mc is delusional. their siblings are alive and well and their father had died fifteen years ago. and humanity made a nonaggression pact with the dragons. mv asked about their family riches and such. his sister tells him they have nothing. mc just realized he regressed 13 years back to his ruined family.

2 mc find out the family did a lot during the war and was given privelege, crime immunity, but was assigned by a different king somekind of handicaps. such as a collateral family and a senate that took over possession of their other riches and thus made their family live in shambles. next day, when mc's sister prepares food, there were servants that were hire by other family who did not want to get any duties done for the arden. mc hears it from his sister. mc uses his fist to do let them know of the ardan way.

3 mc sets the servants straight and then starts training. a young squire thennarrives bearing news mc's youngest brother, myers is making a fuss in a bar. mc remembers him to be dillegent and never drinking. mc went to the bar and finds his brother enraged and asking for more alcohol. mc find out myers is  friends with some thugs.

4 mc went to the bar fetches his brother and beats up the thugs who's toying with myers. next day, myers wakes up and reunites with mc. mc finds out their other brother, terron went to another family. mc tells myers he'll help him to become a knight. myers obliges.

5 mc trains myers. their sister is happy with how things are going. hans, the butler, reported to baron helmut's progress. after, hans reveals to mc his conniving with baron helmut. mc realizes that hans is just plsying safe in the middle ground. mc asks hans to get them things for training. mc tells myers he'll become a knight that will restore their family name. myers obliges.

6 mc takes myers to the red scorpion hq, the group of thugs that toyed with him. myers goes rampant and beats the thugs. mc faces vs wildan the leader of the red scorpion. mc find out a family exclusive skill used by wildan. wildan confesses he got it from the kargas family.

7 using a devive, mc finds baron helmuth giving a scroll to wildan that teaches the technique of the ardan family. he also learns the baron tasked wildan to break myers. mc and myers wrap things up in the red scorpion  hq. meanwhile, baron helmuth is mad his crime asset from the red scorpion have been foiled. few days after, the ardan's lodging is rebuilt to become a mansion thanks to the money they acquired from the red scorpions. mc then tells his family they'll go on a trip, only four of them, their sister, mc, myers and hans, as a rite of passage. after, they went to the pushke mountain and to the temple of fire. they make tributes to be blessed by the fire spirits. myers attracted ifrit, their sister the salamanders and mc got the fire monarch.

8 mc completes the trial of the fire monarch and gained her blessing. mc also requested his siblinga be given blessings, the fire monarch obliges. hans witnesses the feats of mc. after, they went to a mountain lodging to rest and eat. after, they went to a secret chamber of the ardan family. it was full of riches. mc assigns hand to find then a merchant that will sell the things they have. few days later, hans tells mc they found a merchant group, misas. mc meet with the leader. mc already knew of the sop in the misas, so he cannot easily be fooled. mc then proposed a business plan of potion making.

9 it seems mc and the jaron bessus are on similat boat. their families is on the verge and there are those who are taking advantage of them. both the ardan and bessus family have been allies in the previous war. jaron is hesitating to ally with mc. not until mc demonstrated a potion he brewed. jaron immediately accepts the alliance. after, mc finds out about the underhanded ealings of baron kargas. mc confronts the baron's tax collector heims. after, heims reveals a lot of things to mc. mc just go enough evidence vs the kargas. meanwhile, baron kargas discusses it with the other family of him becoming an underling for the ardan. although mad about it, kargas had to oblige?

10 mc planned to make myers go undercover to a branch/collateral family? they will make myers fight vs mc for the position of the head of ardan. myers obliges. after myers leaves. mc trains hard as he thinks of their other brother. after, the son of baron kargas arrives and showed rude behavior towards mc. mc did not like it at all.

11 mc bets the baron's son and found out the they also have mana technique. mc receives the allowance as well an invite from the baron. next day, mc went to the baron. when mc got their, the brother of the rude son welcomes mc. he was also rude to mc. mc beats him up but before mc could do a final strike, a knight from another barony stops mc.

12 mc engages vs the knight. mc is toying with him. after, baron kargas appears. after ruin is taken back. baron helmuth asks mc ti cooperate with them. mc did not like that at all. mc charges the kargad family treason and strips them of their title and possession. kargas readies to fight vs mc. meanwhile, a meeting of the king as well as other fmaily are happeningm the head of the bessus tells of mc's plans of stripping the kargas family of their title. the king did not want get involved and abandons mc by saying mc have to take care of such manner.

13 mc defeats the knights as well broke their morale. mc beats baron kargas and irders menharten, the knight of the baron to lock baron helmuth.

14 after wrapping things up. mc meets wity raymond, the eldest son of baron helmuth. he revealed to mc that the  7th family are the ones who sold the techniques to realizes they kargas family are just being used. after mc retrieves account books of the kargas family. afterwards, while mc trains, he caught a glimpse of his previous life. after, there was a commotion in the entrance.

15 it was prexian, a former accoutant of the ardan family. mc welcomes them. prexian introduces lawrence to mc. mc remembers lawrence as silvia, his war tactician. mc employs lawrence as his advisor.

16 lawrence at first declines and reveals he''s a girl. mc rejects it and accepts her nonetheless, there is no gender in talented. mc then tasked lawrence to take revenge vs the org that baron kargas employed that ruin her family. lawrence says she'll do it in one day. meanwhile, myers have made contact with the fernes family.

17 myers makes a deal with count chaimon fernes. the count will support myers to be the head of ardan while fighting the opposition faction, the amelen/lugon. the count fernes agrees to it. after, count fernes spoke with hans. the count knows hans is part of kargas family. hans propose he will be a snitch within the ardan family for the count fernes. the count agrees to it. the count then spoke to a grandmadter lowensen. they planned on observing. meamwhile, lawrence have finished her assigned tasked of the revenge. the members under her fears her methods. she now works as advisor to mc. after hearing the report from lawrence, hans arrives. mc welcomes his servant.

18 mc then introduced his people to each other. after receiving the news of the meeting of the kings with the senates? mc glad that things are proceeding according to their plan.

19 mc and jaron bessus had a discussion regarding the potion business, everything going great. after, mc leaves the business to lawrence. mc then went to the locked up baron helmuth kargas. using the news he received from the meeting, he made baron kargas feel he's the one abandoned. mc then found out about a secret passage beneath the basement, the broken family heirloom of the ardan and the non aggression pact made by the jenon empire.

20 mc and lawrence went to the secret passage, mc obtained another family treasure, the eight ring, a slime like object. mc absorbs it. mc tasks lawrence to find the other rings. lawrence immediately locates some of the rings. mc readies to get them back.

21 mc orders and saw to it the execution of baron kargas and his two rude sons. he vows to rebuild the land governee by the kargas, poert. mc had lawrence take his sister to the poert. they will be residing there. mc welcomes them upon arriving. the knight escort, paulten of his sister given by the bessus discreetly tried to inspect mc. mc caught of it and played with paulten. after, mc asks his sister to help him with administrative duties. his sister obliges. after, mc goes to paulten to make a proposal. mc wants to fight with paulten, a 6 star knight.

22 mc spars with paulten. despute powering up, mc still lost. paulten felt impressed by mc and asked to spar with mc more in the future. mc agrees. after, mc's sister scolds mc for training with paulten despite being tired after their travel.

23 there ws a break out that happened in the prison of poert. hans escapes and is rescued by the men of count fernes. this was all planned out by lawrence. now, hans gains more trust from the count. this is all a ploy of mc. later on, mc receives a letter from marquis bloten, he will be giving mc a gift in order to help him. mc knew what it is but first he must get ready. the gift, mc suspects, is an elixir. it will power up mc but at the same time no sword would be able to match mc's prowess by then. mc tells lawrence to take care of things while he goes away. mc will search for a good sword that could match up with him.

24 the collateral families had a meeting regarding mc. they fear mc. and now they are maming sure to point to others the way mc is heading. or so they thought. meanwhile, mc heads to a mining village, fenlorlen. mc heards of skeletons in the mines. mc is looking for aphelion metals to.have his sword crafted. mc enters the mines and finds a dark magician who uses monster skills.

25 mc fights vs the dark magician. mc defeats him. before mc could get answer to wherr the magician acquired monster skills, he uttered the church before exploding himself. with this much, mc realizes who they are and that there are tribes of monsters within their land.

26 mc looks for a dwarven smith. he is lead to the city of greston. mc meets with a dwarf named popolance. mc wants to commision popolance to make him his weapon. mc's guide warns of popolance's criminal records. popolance tells his story to mc and asks mc to have an exclusive contract with him. mc says he'll accept if the weapon he makes for mc is to his liking and if not popolance proposes he'd die for mc.

27 the dwarves made the weapon, mc infuses his mana to it. the sword passes mc's expectation. mc welcomes the flame hammer forge as family. meanwhile, lawrence receives news of the dark magicians and is tasked? by mc to investigate it. lawrence gained intel from the butler of the  late former baron kargas. mc returns to poert and receives news from lawrence. the mages can use teleport magic. add to the fact that they also have monster skills. the dark mages are threats to mc.

28 mc discusses with paulten regarding mc's sister. everything is going well with her administrative duties. after, paulten gave mc a gift fron marquis bloten, it's the elixir mc akready knew the marquis will give him. mc ingests it and grew stronger. the flame monarch rorotia appears and congratulates mc. mc also found out there is a higher tier family skill that not even in his pass life he achieved, the white flame. after, mc heads to ultran, an hq of one of the collateral families.

29 as they have planned, mc gathered intel and evidence implicating the barony of lomenton's sin. the count of fernes is happily waiting as mc is focused on their opposing faction. when mc got to ultran, lomenton's hq, mc is welcomed by the barony of lomenton. they prepare for a fight.

30 before the fight, the baron tried to persuade mc to join them to fight vs their opposing faction. mc rejects it. mc faces vs murren, the knight leader of lomenton. mc won vs the 5 stars knight

31 mc defeats the barony and claimed the land of lomenton as his. mc also acquired the second 8 rings slime. they will also be interrogating baron lomenton for the book of the dragon race in his possession, it teaches monster skill. after a thorough investigation, lawrence came up that the barony of lomenton is in cahoots with the church organization and they're easily recruiting in promise of power. and lawrence of tells that the baron spoke of naraxus. mc remembers monsters have the power to shapeshift and turn to other human. mc is pressured by intel they gained.

32 mc targets the distributors of the book of the dragon race. he gets intel of other orgs distributing it. after, mc heads to the nearby origin on distribution. mc starts the slaughter.

33 there was fight of mc vs the chief priest and his subordinates. mc emerge victorious.

34 mc tries interrogating the chief priest but succumb to the curse of their higher leader, the great spiritual leader. meanwhile, count fernes is elated to hear his opposition falling to ruin. he appointed hans to chief of inteligence. back to mc, laqrence reveals the naraxus org is an official org by a neighbor kingdom. it seems they are  deeply rooted in the church. after discussing things with his members, mc sets a new goal, aside from reclaiming honor and the treasures of their family, mc now set it as an objective to eradicate the monster worshippers. mc orders prexian to investigate more with the insignia gained from the chief priest and lawrence will deliver a letter to the dwarven popolance.

35 popolance receives the letter and felt they will have a chance to fight vs their rival william. meanwhile, count fernes had a meeting with the other collateral families? the lugon head thinks mc is in cahoots with the count fernes. count fernes thinks mc is marching towards the amelton factions. mc receives news from lawrence for the book of the dragon race circulation in the dekkun land. mc will be using the king's policy to eradicate them. suddenly, an unexpected visitor approached mc.

36 it was ilia/ilya peacecraft, the creation sorceror who is inventing the potions and things that mc already made and had jarone bessus sell. the sorceror is mad at mc and claims mc a thief for stealing her ideas. mc defends himself by claiming it was oart of the ardan exclusive skill that mx is able to know the sorceror's idea. ilia did notnlike it and unleashed an attack, mc retaliates and defeats the sorceror.

37 mc used a mixed monster skill and their family skill to defeat ilia. ilia knows of this. mc claims the ardan have an arsenal of knowledge at their disposal. mc let ilia leave. but ilia wants to learn more from mc. she proposes she'll help the ardan. mc is reluctant but let her join temporarily? after, ilya vista mc's sister to learn more about mc. mc then meets with popolance to discuss the seal of the weapon he acquired in his fight vs the wyvern worshippers. popolance claims the weapons are really made by his rival, william. popolance tells it was a betrayal to their race since the wyverns are atrocities that plague the dwarfs. and it was thanks to their first king, muradny that they were united. mc is surprised to learned of the dwarven king.

38 a brief backstory of the dwarven kingdom forming while mc is in a coma. mc kbows of the ardan and the dwarven connection in histoey and vows to help the dwarven kingdom. after,  mc and discuss plans to topple the royal dwarven smith william. mc already has a plan, make popolance a royal dwarven smith himself. later on, mc discuss the betrayal of royal dwarven smith william to marquis bloten. mc plans on replacing william with popolance. after, mc tasks popolance and ilya to make him some artifact gears. the two are confident they'd be able to do it.

39 the gears made were expemlary. after, mc  heads to the royal capital.

40 but first mc heads to the lokan land to enforce the kaw vs the corrupt official as well for contributing to the cause of the wyvern/monster enemies. count fernes is contacted by their allied loken viscounty seeking aid. count fernes thinks of an idea to make mc head towards their opposition, the amelton faction, lugon.

41 mc invades the outer walls, gather the civilians at their cause vs the tyranny of viscount loken. mc invades the main castle.

42 mc engages vs the main forces of viscoint loken. mc finds out the knights are using monster techniques. mc is enraged. mc continues his onslaught vs the loken forces. in the evening, popolance meets with the marquis bloten, they head to the heidern capital to make popolance the next royal dwarven smith.

43 mc won vs the viacount loken and claimed the land his. meanwhile, count fernes plans to quiet down, lessen the taxes on the people and stop the circulation if the wyvern books. he also plan to have mc killed by his elite group, the 1st division. meanwhile, mc discusses with lawrwnce about their plan of liberating the kingdom. mc assigns lawrence to further their cause as well keep the enemy factions in the dark.

44 mc interrogates their prisoners regarding the mage that appeared and the circulatuon of the monster techniques. meanwhile, popolance is part of a meeting with delagates and the king. popolnce hands a letter from mc to the king, it states the current royal dwarven smith is in cahoots with the wyvern tribe. meanwhile, ilya burst in mc's room and proposes to help an investigation on a magician mc is looking for, melaycis. mc accepts it.

45 mc and ilya meets with maycia. melaycis welcomes them warmthly. melaycis did not deny he's part of the supporter of the wyverns. mc asks about the naraxus order, melaycis answers they made a deal to satisfy their thirst for knowledge. as they discuss further, mc finds out the palace mage have already been part of the wyvern tribes or are still indirectly involved and worse is that the whole higher ups are already part of the wyvern supporters.

46 with ilya's suggestion, mc employs melaycis as part of the ardan. melaycis accepts. mc heads back to his people. they prepare to engage the ithun viscounty. the ardan forces engages the ithun viscounty but was blocked by a 6 star knight nerian portacle. mc appears and engages vs the 6 star knight. mc overwhelms the nerian. afterwarda, mc have successfully gathered a third of the kingdom, enough to head in the faction war?

47 the king discusses with his subordinstes of the wyvern supporters within teh higher ups. mc on the other hand discusses their further plan with lawrence, after, mc trains the knights he gathered to become ardan knights.

48 mc introduces to his men the dragon slayer arts, a mix of ardan techniques and wyvern techniques. after, mc discusses with lawrence of forming a new knight order to eradicate the wyvern tribes, dragon slayer troops. meanwhile, count fernes is elated that mc is rising in power and thought they're allies until a news arrive saying that mc will also be joining the senate meeting. count fernes felt desperate. while myers trains in the fernes county, mc is rallying his troops to bring back the ardan glory.

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