Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Warrior Highschool Dungeon Raid Department (manwha until chapter 27)

yoo jaryong, mc
diyav choi, a famous hs adventurer, mixed blood elf
im jaehwan, a job broker for mc, he gets mc clients for works
lee pilgyu, body guard of an unsure client
yoo seong, mc's father, first gen adventurer, title: dragon slayer
jin saerom, first year, an elf?, magic ranger role, daughter of the company owner of jinseong
jin seung-gyu, father of jin saerom, head of the special development department of the jinseong company
yang dongyun, gold class adventurer
kang jungkuk, instructor in warrior hs, class 1 teacher, high grade warrior 1, retired adventurer, has one prosthetic arm
anisha eskersartom, student in warrior high, cousin of jin saerom
zeke eskersaerom, uncle of jin saerom, jinseong group director of research, currently 7th ranker in korea, greatest healer in korea
jung yeomin, golem expert, jinseong group researcher
kang geonho, rank 19 in korea, leader of nix
thunder hammer argeus/arges, elder titan
oh seungah, team 9 member of gaebyuk attack squad, dealer
kim youngmo, team 9 member of gaebyuk attack squad, utlity buffer
park jeonman, leader of team 9 gsebyul attack squad, tank
tir velkason/seok cheolkang, third student among the highest scorer in the exam, half human dwarf, first placer? solo adventurer, strong physically and introverted, tank role
seok yoobin, famous adventurer in europe, mother of seok cheolkang
jo yena, special operator of the adventurer association, former gold class, now retired due to eye injury, deceased
son changwoo, special operator of the adventurer association, former bronze class
cho dongyoon, college student, president of the dungeon research club
kim changyun, college student, member of dungeon research club

adhesion phenomena, a similar distant planet to earth gets destroyed and it's pieces fuse with earth. afterwarda monsters started appearing. humans also gained to an ability to awaken and become superhuman
danger zones = dungeons
adventurers, awaken humans that fights vs monsters to reclaim/gain control over dungeons
soldier highschool? warrior highschool? a school training awakened and adventurers
dungeon smuggling, an illegal trafficing/smuggling of dungeon items without regulation from the adventurers associations
Adventurers association, regulates adventurers and flow of items acquired by adventurers in dungeons
dungeon items are powerful items, that is why they must be regulated
awakening leads to skill gains that suit roles, training would get them mastery of roles (tanks, dealers, etc)
there are ranks for adventurers, top tiers ae callee rankers
empyreal wasp, one of highest difficulty monster
royal jelly, food? acquired from empyreal wasp, said to have great nutritional value and can even bring anyone back from the dead, can increase growth potential if taken by young people, can attrwct monsters
ranks of asventurers from lowest to highesr, gemstone, copper, silver, gold
gemstone, temporary license
bronze, adventurers who just received their license
silver, adventurers with 50 dungeons experience, can enter intermediate dungeons
gold, adventurers who solo 4 star monsters or with many achievements, elite of the adventurers
enkill's blood? an expensive item/artifact
equipments, power up items gained in dungeons
jinseong, business company, world rank, 4th.
needle technique, a quick stab to enemy vital point
swell technique, a counter strike
in warrior hs, there are two factions, members form parties among their own factions or their friends
the top 100 rankers gets a color according to their rank. red (100-76), blue (75-51), green (50-31), black (30-11) and white (top 10)
nix, korea's number 1 attack squad
gaebyul attack squad, a team who once took the arges/argeus subjugation mission
underground blacksmith, jinseong group research facility forge, dungeon boiling abyss
elder titans, only 10 monsters exists, near immortal in the length of their lifespan, known for forging weapons and equipments,  they view humans as inferior beings
scars, large ruined cities desteoyed by monsters or an aftermath of fight vs monster. while some are restores, some that are closer to dungeons are left abandoned and have become as somewhat protective barriers vs monsters

1 mc's friends asked him t skip work but due to financual problems and his father in the hospital, he has to work. when he got to meet his client, the client doubts mc. the body guard of the client wants to beat mc. mc is ready.

2 mc (damahe dealer?) easily beats pilgyu (tank).

3 mc's father is a great hero. but due to gim poisoned, he was sent to the hospital. his colleagues and friends betrsyed him and took all of his gains, achievements and profit. aside from poison, mc' father became mentally ill. they take on a quest to smuggle out a royal jelly? in a quest dedeat high rank monsterd, a top rank adventurer managed to acquire a royal jelly, an item with greate nutrional value, that can bring back the dead. mc thinks of his father.

4 mc went to the dungeon. in the dungeon, an elf hs, jin saerom was understaking her exam when she is chased by a 3 stars monster, sue couldn't beat it. mc appears.

5 mc tries fighting the monster but couldn't hurt it. he used a stun torch to incapacitate it and orders, the elf hs, to run away. the elf hs tries catching after mc. she wants to employ mc for aid with her exam. suddenly the monster caught up with them. the two beat the monster up.

6 in the process of fighting the monster, mc's mask got destroyed and jin saerom saw mc's face. mc took the down payment for task jin saerom asked and handed her id. mc then asked for her id. then he took a photo of them together, some kind of proof that they're accomplice in jin saerom betrays mc.

7 mc accepted jin saerom's request. 

8 when mc and jin saerom arrives in the target location, they find corpses of monster. suddenly, yang dongyun appears, he also wants the royal jelly. mc let jin saerom get away as mc faces of the gold class adventurer.

9 the gold class used equipments but mc was able to manage.

10 the gold class adventurer boss entered phase two. mc was in a pinch. jin saerom appears to mc's aid.

11 the two defeats the gold class adventurer. mc retrieves the package he needed. the defeated gold class adventurer managed to survive but as he ran away, he got killed by a monster. jin saerom invites mc to join the warrior hs. the two part ways after. mc went back to submit his items. afterwards mc requested to have the items beside the royal jelly, the broker gave it to mc. mc ponders of whether to join a warrior hs.

12 jin saerom returns to camp. her teacher, kang jungkuk, was there waiting for her. he spotted a monster, probably star and stronger than the one she face, following her. the teacher steps and and one shotted the monster. back in the camp, a student, anisha, welcome, jin saerom back. anisha calls jin saerom sister

13 jin saerom remembers her past and how her cousin, anisha eskersaerom, is always compared to her. mc rushed to his father. it seems there havd been a complication. mc needed a material, money is not the problem. the problem is the item being very scarce. feeling out of option, mc calls jin saerom for help. he'll enter warrior highschool if she could help with the item. jin saerom immediately agrees and tells mc that their company have a supply of the material mc needed. next day, mc went with jin saerom to have his status assessed. adventurers and entry to warrior high have a status requirement to be be admitted.

14 the test was to make mc reach limit but at the way he progressed, they needed to increase the difficulty of the test to higher levels. using them vs non pro or adventurers is illegal. suddenly, jin saerom's uncle, zeke eskersaerom, the director of the research, appears, reprimands jin saerom and upon noticing the potential of mc, he decided to let himself be the one to assess mc.

15 mc lost on their first and second bout. zeke eskersaerom insults mc and tells him that mc does not know basics and needs to train since all his talents are just a waste. with this comments, jin saerom isn realizing that mc never lied of how mc is strong when she asked him. before zeke eskersaerom tells the final verdict for mc's assessment, mc stands once more for anothe bout. despite beaten, mc is not yet done.

16 mc tries to perfectly copy the moves he saw his father did back then. zeke eskersaerom was surprised. but, mc still lost. nonetheless, mc got some sort of respect he needed. zeke eskersaerom heals mc. afterwards, he just realized who mc's father is.

17 zeke eskersaerom meets with a buddy ranker?, kang geonho. kang geonho notices a scar from zeke eskersaerom. zeke eskersaerom compares mc to kang geonho, the latter says that mc does not stand a chance. in the testing side, when mc wakes up, jin saerom reprimands mc for going all out vs his uncle. mc did not knew his opponent was jin saerom's uncle. mc immediately praised zeke eskersaerom for being good to her niece. anyone might immediately assume the worse if some stranger guy suddenly became close to their relative, a girl. afterwards, jung yeomin enters and gave mc's assessments, they were great stats. despite that, she tells mc that mc must not be complacent as stats alone does not determine overall strength. she also mentioned that desite being defeated by zeke eskersaerom, the director's stats is less compared to mc's and his role is also a healer. afterwards, when they were about to leave, jung yeomin invites them to go to the production department. the director, zeke eskersaerom, gave them permission and even told to have mc made a weapon/equipment suitable for him, no matter what the cost would be.

18 mc asks why he needed a weapon or equipment. jung yeomi says that the warrior hs will not be giving students free equipments and that acquiring one is in its own a talent of the students. getting free equipment is guaranteed if students are sponsored. the two head to the underground forge, it was actually a dungeon. they meet with thunder hammer argeus, an elder titan. jin saerom says the monster will be making the equipment. argeus then asks mc to try hunting him down as a proof for to make his weapon. mc obliges and with his current weapon, he strikes at the titan. the titan was surprised at mc's strike.

19 mc felt like he jist hit an absolute wall. the titan asks how mc got his weapon. mc refuses to answer. the titan monster felt mocked and started attacking mc. mc counter using the 3rd technique he saw from his father. butnit was futile, a 7 star monster is simply too much. suddebly jin saerom state laws of the titan's naturalization to try and stop the fight. but it was unnecessary. the monster titan already knew how mc acquired the weapon, he got it from his father, the solo ranker who took one of the monster titan's arm and let him live.

20 during the raid vs titan argeus, back then, the attack squad who went first was almost all defeated until yoo seong, mc's father, arrives. he was still an unknown adventurer, despite being strong he was unknown for his priority were only rescuing. however, the titan argues raid is what set him to rise in fame.

21 with an inferior weapon and nothing but his martial arts, yoo seomg defeats the elder titan. later on, the titan decde to makenyoo seong a weapon but since the materials needee are not present, the titan only gave a stick. it was supposed to be an axe. back the the present, the titan asks mc to give the weapon he has to the titan. the titan will finish the incomplete weapon.

22 afterward, the two left the titan to make the weapon. the two then oarted and promised to meet in another day to study for the exam. jin saerom digs into mc's past. suddenly jin saerom got a message, it's the result of the recent test. top scorers were dvai choi, anisha eskersaerom and seok cheolkang. few days later, the introverted seok cheolkang, who is having a hard time trying to fit in society in an internet cafe, meets up with mc. mc helps him out.

23 after the royal jelly incident, the item mc got from the royal jelly aside the money was a bag full of black hexagon chips? it seems mc had a free time as jin saerom is running late for their supposed meet up. mc went to the internet cafe to pass time and there he met seok cheolkang. mc helped the guy out to set up his account in the internet cafe and somehow the two got to play to pass on time. meanwhile, a monster transport squad of the adventurer association got ambushed? the truck they were using had an accident near the internet cafe mc and seok cheolkang are enjoying their time. monsterd suddenly go out of the truck. the two acquiantances arrives on the scene, separately

24 mc faces off one of the monster, suddenly an evolved enters the fray. without equipment of some sort, it is impossible mc to defeat it. the evolved monster attacks bystanders, suddenly seok cheolkang protects them. as seok cheolkang clashes with the evolved monster, mc took a sign post and made a make shift weapon, taking the opportunity given, mc one shotted the evolved monster. in order to protect the civilians, seok cheolkang lets out a taunting skill that aggro's him to the many monster. the two must hold on until rescue arrives.

25 the two duo divided theirntask, seok cheolkang uses his taunt to drawn in the weaker ones and mc will target the evolved. as mc faces two evolves, he somehow beat one of them. suddenly, the defeated evolved grab hold of mc. this time he's in a pinch. luckily, seok cheolkang comes to the aid of mc. also, in the midst of the fighting, mc sees the monsters taking dead bodies to the truck that transported them.

26 the two managed to clean up the monsters except for one that is guarding the truck. suddenly, the monster guarding it gets dragged inside and came out a more evolved monster, an estimated 5 stsr, compared to the evolved the two beat which are three stars. the 5 star monster launches an attack on the two, they simply couldn't defend themselves as they get beat up. when the 5 star monster was about to land a killing blow on seok cheolkang, mc stops it and unleashes a different kind of aura.

27 as jin saerom investigated mc's father, the supposed fake allegations and yoo seong's admitting to the allegation, she digs even deeper. in the info, yoo seong/seung, never had a son. but that's on paer. and with him acknowledging the allegations, jin saerom hypothesize that the reason is somehow involved with mc. back to the present, mc had a surge of energy, he feels confident fighting the 5 star evolved. mc clashes with it, barehand, he can go toe to toe vs it and even landed a vital hits. suddenly, the new energy he had vanished. as once more mc is in a pinch, seok cheolkang manages to draw the attention of the 5 star evolved. as the tank gets the aggro, mc took the oportunity to deal a critical hit vs the 5 star evolved. the two defeated the 5 star evolved and afterwards, the rescue team arrives. the two did not know that they were being recorded and afterwards, they became a hit in the public. the two became heroes.

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