Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Mercenary Enrollment (manwha until chapter 77)

mercenary enrollment

yu ijin, mc, former mercenary, went missing after airplane accident, gets reunited with family after
sergeant kim, a hostage during chapter 0 rescue op
lieutenant kang ham chan, a hostage during chapter 0 rescue op
yu dayun, lower year, little sister of mc
kim heejin, yu dayun's bully
lee jaehyung, a school bully?
ju hyukjin, a school bully?
park yungchan, seatmate beside mc
kim kisoo, older brother of heejin
chief, some sort of a cleaner or hitman who does work for the parents of kim heejin and kim kisoo
iyung, a friend of kim heejin, she's the first girl bully to witness mc's physical capabilities
kim inbae, the father of the kim heejin and kim kisoo
shin yuna, granddaughter of the owner of SW, biggest corporation in korea, a good friend of yu dayun
goh sukjoo, a bodyguard student of shin yun
(chief's real name is cha dusik, a pretty notorious person in the underground)
choi goseong, na underground rival/competitor of cha dusik, the chief
shin jiyeh, the older cousin of shin yuna, she got rejected after inviting mc and his sister for dinner
choi beomsuk, team 2 member ace of the team
shin ingook, shin yuna's father
sukhoon, lieutenant's crew member
jisuk, lietenant's crew member
soocheol, lietenant's crew member
kwangsik, lietenant's crew member
gu incheon, right hand of the leader in gosuk technical high
ki taesoo, leader in gosuk technical high
006, a former comrade in the battlefield of mc.
liam, 006
032, a part of the organization/camp who highly thinks of 006 as his own family
krasilla, the lady kidnapper who abducted shin jiyeh
aiden, the organization/camp's cleaner?
cha seoha, an actress mc is supposed to guard as per request of shin jiyeh
kim cheolyung, a bodyguard of cha seoha
director ki donggeun, the name of the director who tried threatening cha seoha
004, uses unorthodox method to defeat enemies
cha jinwoo, cha seoha's younger brother
jang yungsik, the school bully in cha jinwoo's school
lewis bailey, third son of the bailey group
billy bailey, second son the bailey group

goseong clan, competitor syndicate of cha dusik, the chief
seongsoo clan, competitoe syndicate od cha dusik, the chief
gosuk technical high, mc's friend had a squabble with bullies from this school
sw group, the biggest corporation in korea
SW security/body guards team 2, in charge of shin jiyeh and her parents
sw security/body guards team 3, in charge of shin yuna
grion, the location where the lieutenant and his crew got trapped by enemy forces
shinan high, the school of mc
mc is ijin and 001

0 mc goes on a covert rescue operation. 6 months later, he enrolls in a school

1 yu dayun thinks of mc in class. she suddenly gets bullied. in mc's side, bullies tried to humiliate him but mc held back. back then mc was told not to start a fight by the lieutenant. during class mc ponders that life in the city is peaceful compared to how it was before. mc met with yu dayun, his little sister, they went back home together. sudde ly, bullies wants to starts fighting them. although mc wanted not to, when he saw yu dayun got scared, mc had no choice but to engage. he covered yu dayun with his jacket so she wouln't see.

2 mc easily defeats the two bullies. the girl bully was shocked to even speak or move. yu dayun dis not see what happened but mc admitted he did it. the two went back home as if nothing actually happened. mc dreams of the airplane accident, he wkes up it was already morning. yu dayun prepared breakfast and went on ahead. their grandfather had already left earlier since he worked. in school, heejin targets yu dayun, she told yu dayun her mc will be facing her brother for the incident yesterday. yu dayun rushed to her brother's class, school bullies are starting to engage mc. mc saw yu dayun, all beat up.

3 earlier, mc hears the truth about yu dayun's harsh school life with bullies. kim kisoo enters mc's class with other bullies. yu dayun barges in worried for mc. mc saw her beat up. mc tells her everything will be alright as mc proceeds to beat up the bullies.

4 mc beats up kim kisoo. he wanted to beat heejin as well but yu dayun stops mc. mc walks yu dayun back to her class. the bullies had a meeting, heejin scolds her older brother and went back to her class. she plans on doing something probably vs yu dayun.

5 mc went back home together with yu dayun. heejin is up to something. back home, their grandfather gave mc a phone. next day, yu dayun went to school earlier than mc. on her way, she got attacked. it was heejin's group, they had yu dayun go to the karaoke with them. they beat yu dayun in the karaoke. she did not go to school that day. mc waited for her afterschool but she never came. mc wemt back home alone. yu dayun was already in her room. mc was worried she might nit be feeling well, as she said. mc decides to get medicine, suddenly mc saw blood marks on yu dayun's school shoes.

6 mc treated yu dayun. yu dayun lies and tells she fell down a stairs. afterwards, mc tracks down kim kisoo. the bullies were planning on taking revenge vs mc. mc went ahead and beat them all up.

7 mc warned kim kisoo not to get close to yu dayun. kim heejin arrives and saw mc walking out. she went inside and saw her brother and his group all beaten. kim kisoo then orders kim heejin not to mess with yu dayun. mc meets up with their grandfather and told mc how worried he is for yu dayun. mc comforts his grandfather and tells that he'll take care of yu dayun in school.

8 the bullies told their parents about mc. somehow, the parents placed a hit on mc. later that night, some men asked mc to go with them. mc told his family they were his acquiantances. mc follows them and beat the hell out of them. the chief, the go to guy of the bullies parents for clean ups, were a lot better but mc was simply far superior. mc also beats up the chief. mc found out who put a mark on him. later on, the bullies parents were waiting for the call of the chief. when they got a call, they received a bad news. suddenly, mc walks in through the room of their door.

9 mc is just freaking savage. he won against the bullies' familt without physically hurting any of them. next day when yu dayun returns to class, she found out that the bullies kim heejin and kim kisoo are transferring overseas to a different school.

10 after the incident, kim heejin met up with her girl group. they plan on dealing with yu dayun one last time before she leaves. unfortunately for them, enters the room they are in. mc overhears their convo. later on, news spread of the bullying done by both kim heejin, kim kisoo and their bully groups as well scandals by their parents. mc is just savage.

11 yu dayun messages mc that she'll be walking back home alone and mc should also enjoy some time on his own. mc decides to go with park yungchan, his seatmate. suddenly, two students got transferred to their class. they were returning students from america, shin yuna and goh sukjoo. park yungchan tells mc they'll go to a oc cafe and after if they still have time karaoke. meanwhile, the two returning transfer students made an investigation on mc. they planned on going deeper.

12 mc somehow enjoyed his time with park yungchan and the deliquents who tagged along. at home, things were getting better. next day, goh sukjoo confronts mc. goh sukjoo asked who mc really is.

13 shin yuna interviews yu dayun about mc. goh sokjoo tells mc that all his documents were fake and he isn't the real yu ijin. next day, the two returning transfer students were absent. the reason for the two return transfer student investigsting mc is that shin yuna suspects her siblings to be targeting her and that mc is the one employed. then the two suspects mc that mc was in it for the money that the real yu ijin ws supposed to inherit. later as they celebrates their grandfather's birthday, shin yuna calls yu dayun and asked her to come talk to her.

14 their grandfather was worried about yu dayun. mc volunteers to escort her back. meanwhile, shin yuna wants to tell yu dayun what they found out about mc but she somehow hesistate. mc appears nearby. he was suddenly stopped by goh sukjoo. suddebly a car hit the two and the two girls were suddenly kidnapped. the two guys almost engaged thinking they were the ones who planned it. upon realizing each other weren't they proceeded on rescuing them. mc went to the chief for assistance.

15 mc asks for info from the chief. goh sukjoo was surprised mc knew the chief. upon getting info, mc went ahead, he fears for yu dayun's life. it'a covert mission op all over again.

16 mc agro'ed the who team. goh sukjoo goes incognito. but when he got to the two ladies, the boss appears with a mini boss. although goh sukjoo was winning, a sudden hidden blade attack goh sukjoo. the mini boss planned on killing yu dayun but goh sukjoo caught the knife with his body. mc then enters the premise.

17 mc orders yu dayun to close her eyes. shits about to get real. after the fight, mc tells yu dayun to open her eyes. mc asked her if she was hurt anywhere. when yu dayun saw mc's bloodied face, she suddenly started crying. mc did not know what to do in that situation.

18 after the incident, shin yuna asked mc to have yu dayun undergo psychological therapy, she knows how hard things must have happened to her. mc can't shake the picture of yu dayun's worried face off his mind. after the counseling, the two siblings met up with shin yuna and later on with goh sukjoo. as the two transfer students ponders mc's feat, mc thanked yu dayun for making him feel and understand what a family is.

19 as siblings are enjoying their time. yu dayun suddenly got a call from shin yuna. she wanted to talk personally with mc. mc obliges. shin yuna thanks mc and tells mc that her grandfather would want to talk to mc as well. mc declines, she was only a byproduct of his main objective during kidnapping. later on, as mc walks back home, the chief's subordinate confronts mc and tells him that their boss is in danger for helping mc. as the chief gets surrounded and ganged, mc arrives for his info broker's aid.

20 mc is just brutal. after aiding the chief, mc tells him his debt has been repaid.

21 back at school. mc walked da yun back home. she tells mc that she's fine. but an older brother cannot feel worried about his little sister. in the end, he gives up and just asked yu dayun to walk home with him from time to time. on their way back, shin yuna's cousin met up with them. she thanked the two for shin yuna's safety and asked if they can be invited to dinner. mc declines and ignored anything else. meanwhile, mc's friends who went ahead to play gets confronted by other school bullies?

22 the three took care of the bullies. mc met up with his friends. later on as they walk towards the pc cafe, they found unconcios bodies of bullies on the floor. mc tells them that he beat them up when they started attacking him since they saw mc's uniform.

23 the four friends had a nice time. park yungchan also opened up about the other's bullying, the two immediately apologized to park yungchan. meanwhile, shin yuna confronts her elder cousin, shin jiyeh. shin jiyeh had mc investigated. suddenly they received a call. it's about mc's true identity. unfortunately for them the calls denies their investigation as well tells them to stop further investigating mc. it seems mc have backing from even higher up, way further than the sw group.

24 in school, mc meets with shin yuna's grandfather. the grandfather thanked mc for saving shin yuna and he also thanked mc for saving shin yuna's father back then
 mc immediately remembers. the grandfather wanted to employ mc as a bodyguard for shin yuna. mc refuse but he will do something if anything happens. mc remembers the past, shin yuna's father was a good man who helped the poor. mc was a assigned as a bodyguard in one of shin yuna's father's project. the father somehow took care of mc like his child. later in, aftrr mc's assignment is done, he hears a news that the father of shin yuna was somehow taken hostage. back ti the present, after class, goh sukjoo apologized to mc for doubting him. mc accepts it.

25 it seems mc accepted the request of shin yuna's grandfather of analyzing the body guards of the SW group. mc joins the training of tea. 2. goh sukjoo is in team 3. mc kept up with their training. some of the body guards did not like it.

26 mc spars with the ace of team 2, mc beats him. shin jiyeh steps in. she asks mc to experience more the bodyguard duty by having mc be her bodyguard. it seems mc obliged.

27 mc went on to be the bodyguard of shin jiyeh for the night. mc did well on his duty, the others who were observing mc were very much impressed. mc even went and prioritized shin jiyeh's well being when an unforeseen accident occured.

28 mc and yu dayun went to have lunch with their grandfather. during work, grandfather is faced with unruly customers in the park. when his two grandchildren arrived, they enjoyed lunch together. later on when his shift ended, grandfather met up with the unruly customer in the park. the convo almost escalated, thankfully, the chief's subordinate came in to deescalate the situation. as the chief and the subordinate drinks and discussea what happened in the park, mc barged in and threaten the two to not go near his family. the two, however, tried to explain what actually happened.

29 mc is training with team 3 this time. after the training, shin yuna asked mc for bodyguard duty, mc obliged. they ate out in front of a convinience store. mc remembers shin yuna's father from the past. mc the requests to have a 1v1 chat with shin yuna. she obliged. goh sukjoo leaves their table. mc first asked shin yuna about her father, shin ingook. upon hearing her bitterness towards her father, mc reveals to her shin ingook's final request to mc. mc told her shin ingook's wishes. shin yuna felt it and tears suddenly started sliding down her cheeks. mc also realized that the request was not only for shin yuna but also a means to save mc from the battlefield.

30 the lieutenant thay helped mc to return back to his family came to visit. the lieutenant visits mc's family, they had a pleasant time during lunch? afterwards, the lieutenants tells mc his visit was something important for him and him having a few days vacation allowed him to visit mc. the lieutenant tells mc that he's main purpose is to see his fiance. the fiance is shin jiyeh. when the two meet, shin jiyeh asked info about mc. the lieutenant refused to give info.  a few days later, mc receives news that the lieutenant nd his crew were trapped by their enemies.

31 mc is having second thoughts whether to go and help the lieutenant. but after discussing some matters with his family, mc have made up his mind and thanked the two, his sister and grandfather for being their. mc asked the grandfather of shin yuna to help him prep and be transported to the lieutenants location.

32 the enemiea are luring the lieutenants forces further down their trap. there had been inaubordination and mutiny in the enemy forces but the main boss remained. meanwhile, mc is making his move.

33 the rescue op went successful. mc met up with the lieutenant. lieutenant kang hamchan wanted to scold mc but mc argues he'd regret it in case he did not come. after they left, the enemy forces investigates what happened. it seems mc is called 001, they wanted to investiagate if 001 did actually died or not.

34 mc returned and started training with the bodyguards. after the session, mc was supposed to meet up with his friends in the pc cafe but when they arrived, the place was thrashed. the gosuk technical high had it vs mc's friends.

35 their two friends got dragged. mc hears the story from park yungchan. mc decides to go there himself. park yungchan tagged along. goh sukjoo also went with them.

36 the trio found a bunch of gosuk high students. beat them up, mc did not get an answer from one of them, only more blood. the two who were beaten were taken to the boss. the two were asked to snitch on their friend but they refused. the boss beat them up. unfortunately for them, mc is already in their door step.

37 it's 2 vs an army. mc was just brutal.

38 the gang backing the school bullies put a mark on mc and his friends. the chief caught wind of this and stepped in. mc night with his sister was peaceful.

39 mc is enjoying a peaceful time. suddenly a person from his past appears. mc calls him 006, and the person calls mc 001. it seems their former organization was looking for mc and once a hit is placed on mc, 006 will be hunting mc.

40 as the two converses. over a cup of ramen, 006 mentions 032. then suddenly 06 got a call. mc's hit is placed. after parting ways, mc calls goh sukjoo for a favor. mc is worried for his grandfather and sister.

41 goh sukjoo locates 006, mc went to the place. mc faces vs 006 but the latter got away. as 006 escapes, goh sukjoo rammed his car on the escaping 006.

42 mc caught 006, but knowing his former friend also wanted to escape from their organization, mc let him escape. 006 plans on helping mc as much as possible before going rogue. mc went back to his famy who was waiting for his return. mc also chat goh sukjoo thanking him for his help.

43 a normal daily life of mc and his sister. later that night, mc got a call from 006, he tells mc that he planted traces to confuse their organization if mc's whereabouts. later on, 006 plans on leaving the country and will be planting mc's traces elsewhere.

44 another daily life of mc.

45 after mc's training with team 2, he went on a guard duty for shin jiyeh. shin jiyeh found out mc and lieutenant kang hamchan knew each other. later on, while on guard duty, shin jiyeh got abducted. mc pursues the  kidnappers.

46 mc hang on to the car of the kidnappers but got thrown off. shin jiyeh's main bodyguard arrives. mc's sees shin jiyeh very important since he just found it she's the fiance of lieutenant kang hamchan. the two pursues the kidnappers. when they got on site, mc aggro's the minions while the main body guard head foe the rescue.

47 mc took care of the minions. the main body guard reaches shin jiyeh but they held her hostage. suddenly mc burst in to reacue shin jiyeh. the main body guard orders mc to run away without looking back.

48 mc immediately defeats thw lady kidnapper pursuing them. but not before she found mc who mc's real identity was.

49 mc assists the ganged main body guard. afterward the rescue team arrives and apprehended the kidnappers. shin jiyeh was worried for mc. mc asked a favor to have him live in their dorms while he recover, mc did not want his family to see him bruised. meanwhile, the one who ordered the kidnapping was enjoying that event though they failed, they somehow sent a message to the sw group to stay safe while they expand their company.

50 during interrogation, the lady kidnapper, krasilla, was impressed that se got "mercenary jin" as their body guard. the interrogator did not know what she was talking about. mc heads back home buf not before shin jiyeh tries stopping him and making him a job offer after he graduates. mc will think about it. later on, mc's family talked about mc's career choice of being a body guard. meanwhile, 032, the one mentioned by 006, is probably aiming for 001, mc.

51 while mc rested at home, he got a call from shin yuna. mc went to converse with her. mc told them what happened during the kidnapping. meanwhile, while yu dayun was about to go home, she finds a person getting bullied by schoolers for gosuk high. yu dayun tries helping, the students simply dispersed. she helped the person getring harassed. it was probably 032.

52 mc wanted to go school but his family told him otherwise. soon after, mc went for a walk and finds 032. he followed him to a construction site. the two engaged in a fight, mc is not in his good condition. 032 belives mc killed 006 and he's out for revenge.

53 mc gets beat up. 032 ran away. 032 met up with yu dayun and the two had a pleasant chat over a meal. mc tracked 032 with the help of goh sujook.mc is surprised to see 032 and yu dayun together.

54 mc engages 032. mc orders yu dayun to get away. yu dayun obeyed. mc asked 032's loyalty. upon confirming 032 tracked mc down for revenge, mc told 032 the truth. 032 felt at a lost. but mc is not yet done since 032 come i contact with yu dayun.

55 032 explaind the situation with yu dayu , mc explains the situation to 032. 032 tells mc only the top ranks knew mc is still alive and him being alive is kept a secret among the other members. mc ponders why they do so. when 032 leaves them, he meets up with a guy from the organization, 032 was immediately stabbed, probably eliminated, for going awol.

56 032 fought vs the cleaner? but he was simply too outmatched. 032 ran away and as the cleaner give chase, mc appears and beat the shit out of the cleaner. mc them hands 032 foods as requested by his sister to give to 032.

57 mc hands over the defeated cleaner to the sw group. turns out he's a wanted international criminal. later on, after the meeting the grandfather of shin yuna, mc meets up wity shin jiyeh, she asked mc for dinner, mc refused. she also offered mc a part time job. mc also refused. mc when was walking back home, he sees his grandfather. mc's grand father tells him that yu dayun's birthday is coming up. mc immediately calls shin jiyeh and asked if the offer for theboart time is still up.

58 mc's part time is to be a body guard for a famous actress. there had been stalking that she was involved in. when mc got there, the current body guard of the actress did not like mc.

59 after the photoshoot, mc had the studio on lockdown. mc found a hidden camera in the dessing room. the othe body guard was mad at mc for not giving him the hidden camera. mc tells him that he is not his superior. afterwards, they left to go back home. mc dropped off in front og cha seoha's house. later on, cha seoha tries going outside, mc was there. the two ate in front of a convinience store. somehow mc slipped and told her about himself.

60 mc and cha seoha went to a pc cafe and played with mc's friends. once they returned back at cha seoha's house, they were greeted by an angry bodyguard, it seems someone is looking to talk with cha seoha. cha seoha stepped inside the car to converse with the person inside, after arguing, cha seoha tries getting out but the other person tried stopping her. mc imemdiately stepped in and save cha seoha. they leave and mc asks cha seoha to enter her house and only then will mc go home.

61 next day, kim cheolyung reprimands mc for causing trouble with the director. cha seoha also got reprimanded for mc's action and demanded mc to be dismissed. the director, the person who cha seoha was involved last night, planned on having mc beat up to blackmail cha seoha to submitting to their request. mc enters the room and upon noticing cha seoha's trembling, mc tries to have her get away. but the director planned mc to get beat up. the director calls on kim chaelying and his other goons to beat mc up. mc easily fought back.

62 mc explained in depth whatbws actually happening with the entertainment company and cha seoha. mc deals with the body guards. afterwards, the director threatens that both mc and cha seoha's lives are over, shin jiyeh suddenly stepped in to assess the situation. mc escorts cha seoha out.

63 the issue got resolved. mc immedistely quit being cha seoha's bodyguard. cha seoha couldn't take it that mc left without telling her. she went to meet up with mc. mc tells her the truth that his injuries were acting up and that's why he had to quit. cha seoha tells mc to ask for anythinf as a sign of gratitude from her. yu dayun just recently told mc she was a fan of cha seoha, mc asked for an autograph from the actress. the actress one up and went to their school, personally greeted yu dayun and took a selfie with her.

64 as they celebrate yu dayun's birthday, mc suddenly rwceived a call. it was from 006, he tells mc 032 went missing. 006 tells mc that there might be other mercenaries in the camp that were out to get the numbers and 032 is aducted by those. 006 plans on going after 032. mc feels the need to join. mc tells 006 he will join him

65 006 and mc went to the location. before they could get to 032, someone else got there first. all the guards and mercenaries who took 032 got taken care of. mc remembers 004, an unorthodox fighter. mc faces of vs 004

66 they fended off 004. 004 ran away. mc wanted to help 032 but 006 tells mc for his life to stay, he must leave them. meanwhile, 004 realized it was 001 who he was fighting. when mc got home, before going to bed, he got a call from cha seoha, she ask for a mc to have a chat with her. mc obliges?

67 next day, cha seoha meets up with mc, they talked in her car. the actress mc to investigate and help her younger brother. she concludes on mc is one who could help him. mc obliges. mc went undercover, he found out, the actress's younger brother is getting bullied in school.

68 mc tails the actress's brother, cha jinwoo. the bullying was terrible. when the bullying sent cha jinwoo to the infirmary, the face he saw first was mc. mc asked why cha jinwoo have not yet told his sister about it.

69 mc asks what cha jinwoo plans are. mc listened. mc made sure even cha seoha hears it. afterwards, mc went to get the bullies.

70 mc is straight up the divine retribution. and before he left, mc made sure.

71 cha jinwoo's bullying got resolved once cha seoha came to their school herself. she scolded cha jinwoo for trying to keep it a secret from her while trying to the actress's image. later on, shin yuna and goh sujook just got back from america and only found out that mc had been a bodyghard for cha seoha. shin yuna did not like feeling left behind and asked to be with mc. they went shopping with nc and yu dayun. yu dayun then invites shin yuna to have dinner at their place, mc's cooking.

72 the four had dinner together. shin yuna felt gettibf close to mc as she help mc with the dishes. goh sujook felt relieved at what he is seeing. later on, sw will be hosting a very important guest. shin yuna is familiar with the guest so her team 3 will be the security detail. when the receive the guest, lewis bailey immediately became casual with shin yuna, he hugs her. shin yuna immediately pushed back. during their lunch, lewis bailey asked his proposal to be engaged with him and proceeds to belittle her that shin yuna does not hold much authority in the sw despite being it's inheritor. upon noticing the uneasiness on shin yuna, mc spoke out and told that they must leave for their priority. lewis bailey did not like this attitude.

73 lewis bailey immediately understood that shin yuna is hesitant since mc was there. lewis bailey cancelled all the plans ahead for their schedule. later on, lewis bailey had mc investigated. shin jiyeh reprimands shin yuna for being incompetent as a leader and not being able tonsacrifice more for the company. next day, after a business presentation, lewis bailey claimed the incompetence of sw's security team and proposes to have a friendly match between body guards. lewis bailey is mad at mc.

74 team 3 rejects the proposal, shin jiyeh accepts it with her team 2. mc felt obliged to join. lewis bailey was delighted to have nc beat up. mc easily beats any body guards thrown at him.

75 mc wins every match. in the end, the body guards of lewis bailey had to concede. shin yuna felt more relieved after. later on, lewis bailey talked with mc. he planned on employing mc to his company, despite the many offers. mc declined. lewis bailey then tells mc to stsy away from shin yuna. mc says he is a body guard who does his duty.

76 it seems lewis bailey have ulterior and grand motives. next day, during lunch, lewis propose to yuna and said that she could still go out with mc even if they get married. their marriage will only be for business only. shin yuna is having second thoughts. as they return back, mc noticed 004 outside the hotel  lewis bailey group are in. lewis bailey is in talks with a it hacker giving him files vs his der brother when suddenly they got attacked by a masked gun man. mc immesiately aplears to aid them.

77 the gunman incident got resolved and the joint project went ahead smoothly, mostly because mc saves lewis. as a parting moment, shin yuna rejects lewis bailey marriage proposal. lewis was fine with it. mc also rejects lewis bailey job proposal and he was fine with it as well. afterwards, mc and shin yuna had a 1v1 talk. shin yuna somehow understood somethibg from mc. later on, shin yuna went to her cousin, shin jiyeh, shin yuna tells her she'll be handing the company to shin jiyeh. meanwhile, the underground syndicates are stirring up something.

(004 is still missing? and mc hasn't yet fully healed at this point)

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