Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Great Cleric (manga chapter 33 until chapter 61)

archbishop mardan, he favors the prosperity of the churh, a faction leader
munera, right hand of the pope, values the pope's opinion, a faction leader
reformist leader dongahaha, a faction leader vs mc's plans
bulltooth, facilitator and coordinator of the forum
dwarven smith grand, he makes equipmenrs for the holy church, commerce guildmaster of the hidden artisan town rockford
trett, a beastfolk who sells robes to the church, mystical engineer from a legendary family of tailors
palagis, the paladin who asked mc about his view on apothecary
lord reinstar gustard, the name of the founder of the healers guild
count gustard, the father in law of lord reinstar
lisaria gustard, daughter of count gustard
rosa, the cafeteria lady who takes care of mc's food, she used to be the pope's lady in waiting
reena, ownee of comedia magical implement shop
estia, a black haired receptionist in the healers guild
piaza, a personal escort of mc
mitis, ill daughter of bottaculli who he sent to the empire of illumasia of a decade ago
sharzah, the tigerfolk/beastfolk, yebice representative
doran, a dwarf blessed by the god of smiths, a slave with no arms, doran and grand are dwarven apprentices of the same master
paula, a dwarf human, a slave, grand daughter of doran
lionel, a betrayed human slave, a skill warrior until his tendons were severed, used to work as an official in a country
nalia, human slave, a comrade of lionel
ketty, cat beastfolk, a comrade of lionel
orga, the beastfolk mc met in the holy city. father of shiela
gralga, a beastfolk that escorted mc, lionel and ketty to a slave trader to drop off the 13 brigands. he was part of orga's crew who went to the holy city
gyres, the vice guildmaster of the yenice adventurers guild, brother of the guildmaster
godath, the guildmaster of the yenice adventurer guild
kefin, the leader of the infiltrators who broke in then healers guild
growhaller, vice guildmaster of the apothecaries guild
yarbo, a criminal slave working in the yenice healers guild
bardel, a criminal slave working in the yenice healers guild
hattori, a supposed reincarnator like mc, who died two years ago. he taught ninjustu to the men of the apothecaries guild?

cattleya, katria  and catherine freya are same person
holy church town is holy city
substance x makes it impossible or hard for users to level up
rockford, hidden artisan town
transformation mirror dresser, if the user touches the mirror, he may change to a different set of clothes or equipments, have slots for 10 different sets, if broken, all the items inside will pop out and no weapon can be place in it
sword/staff of illusion, the sword cane made by dwarven smith grand for mc. it can turn into a staff or a sword. it has a dragon on its hilt
comedia, magical implement shop
palagis the paladin became a personal escort of mc
personal escort, the 10 knights and 5 healers. mc calls them five healers and ten guards. (i wish they have a single name for it)
slave crest, the updated version of slave collar. has three commands, total control is obedience or losing sanity, physical control is like being automated and obeys orders and simlle control is the distance between slabes and master. if they get too far away they feel pain. if the master dies, the slaves get freed. crest are similar to curse and they can be absolute. slaves cannot attack their master
mc is great at using substance x, not just for training or for fighting monsters but as something to threaten others.
nalia, got assassin's? skills and can teach manners of nobility
brod and lionel are actually good friends
labyrinth fact, boss rooms, if one stays inside, the exits in other boss room will not open? as said by lionel (or something like the door to the boss room can only be opened inside once the monsters are cleared, and once a door leading deeper is opened, the other door can also be opened)
it's defin who tried to sabotage the healing demo in the yenice adventurers guild
(before chapters 59, kefin refin and defin are one person, i mispelled them)
(any names that says monic her is referring to monica the receptionist in the merritoni adventurers guild, i misspelled and i apologize)
extra heal skill, a stronger level of healing magic that can even regenerate missing arms
high heal skill, a stronger version of mid heal?
rooms to the cursed dragon can only be accessed by those with blessing from a god or dragons
blessing from the holy dragon and flame dragon would fate loom into making one blessed to meet the the priestess with a dragon god's protection
mc earned three new? titles: protection of the flame dragon, dragon slayer, and he who is guided by the dragon god.

33 mc is teleported in front of the entrance to the labyrinth. when he went to report to cattleya, she was very worried that she hugged him. mc had been missing for 6 months. she tells mc to meet with the people outaide. on their way, mc finds master brod, gulga, galba and master grantz by the chuch reception desk. they were looking for him. mc says he is got caught up in the training center of the church, he did not want to reveal about the labyrinth to others. the three asked the receptionist to let them borrow mc. the receptionist agreed and they carried mc back to the adventurers guild. back at the guild, mc ate gulga's and grantz cooking as well had a good serving substance x. mc sparred and trained with brod, mc cannot beat his master. he also healed the injured adventurers, they all felt delighted and grateful to have this service again. after a bit of talk with his former superiors in the merritoni adventurers guild, he warned them of the looming dangers and the increasing power of monsters, the three already knew about it. and then mc sent letters to both nanaella and monica, and soon after mc see the three off back to merritoni.

34 mc went back to the church to report his dungeon/labyrinth raiding. in front of the reception desk, mc meets with lumina and she escorted mc to the pope. they went to the pope to give his report. but before that the pope tells mc that, when it was reported mc was missing, she had asked for a rescue party to find mc unfortunately many were against it and only the valkyrie paladin regiment, lumina's team, were the only team that got dispatched. they only reached until floor 39 since they could not defeat the wraiths. mc then reports his findings. but when mc was about to report floor 50 boss, he asked that he will only disclose it with the pope, cattleya and lumina. when everyone left, mc continues. when he presented the floor 50 boss, his hunch is proven that they knew who mc was fighting and they were real and actual people. cattleya assures mc they were just memories of the past but argues vs it stating that it was not just any training facility butbare actually real. the pope confirms mc's statement. mc then tells them about the undead dragon and what dragon told mc, the dragons in every labyrinth, the looming darkness that will give rise to power to the monsters and the hero who will not arrive until a bit far off in the future. the pope orders lumina and cattleya not to disclose mc's info to others. mc continues on with the report of the dragon's request on mc about himself defeating the sealed undead dragons but mc knows he is weak and its only with luck that he was able to conquer the holy city labyrinth. when the pope ask for the magic books to be given to the pope to be copied, he obliged. but when the pope tells mc he will have them after they were copied, mc tells them it's fine with him but he will not be touching the forbidden holy magic grimmoire, revival spell, he got feom the floor 50 boss. mc then gave the others loots to the pope. afterwarda mc asks the pope why his level is not inceeasing, they gave a note to mc regarding the substance x. somehow, the subatancw x is the cause of mc unable to level up. mc planned on disclosing this substance x info to brod. afterwards, mc is dismissed, lumina and katria are asked to stay behind to discuss future stuffs. nefore leaving, the pope tells mc that within a week, there will be a celebration for the clearing of the dungeons and mc is requires to attend as a guest of honor. during the celebration/festival, mc is announced as an s rank healer, and have the same rank as a bishop, he is given rights to refuse order from other church officials except from the pope jerself and mc may use  the pope's name in any kind of declaration. when mc was asked to make a speech, somehow he used this opportunity to speak about how the greedy healers are putting to shame the name of the healers. he declares that a standardized treatment charge be made and that healers and holy knights involved with malpractice and corruption will be investigated and if found guilty will either be dismissed or demoted. mc planned on rebuilding the prestige the church once had. after mc's speech, the pope dismisses cattleya with what other task she is doing and is reinstated as a knighta corps captain. she will be heading the investigation vs the corrupt.

35 ten days after the celebration, mc will be meeting with other church officials regarding making new laws and standardizing charges of services and treatments and such. as mc spars with lumina, mc consults with her of what he will discuss during the meeting, they had a somewhat healthy discussion somehow. on the day of the forums, the discussion involved making a standardized treatment charge, insurances, involvement of the adventurers guild with the healers guilds and such. although those who were present criticized and questions a few of mc's proposal, all in all and without a doubt, they want to bring back the authority of the church vs the greedy healers and make the church great again. after a certainly great speech from mc, he somehow tugged the heart of the members in the forums. soon after, they are discussing mc's autobiography, security details and route for his journeys. mc have no clue with what was going on. 10 days later, mc and cattleya presents to the pope thekr finalized draft. the pope tells she's impressed at mc for having gained the approval of each factions in the church. the popes accepts mc's proposal.

36 the pope then discusses with mc what will happen to him. the promotion of mc to s class and the many changes that will happen in the church led by mc will be announced to the world only when mc turned 20. And by then, he will go on a journey to different healers guilds of foreign land. cattleya will be mc's head security. in his office? mc ponders what to do since he have no other obligation or duties as an s rank healer. suddenly jord, delivers a letter to mc. somehow, jord became a subordinate to mc? the letter was from brod, the analysis on substance x have been confirmed and tells mc to stop drinking it and start leveling up. other than advices and warnings, the brod seemed only want to beat mc up. apparently, a team is being form to accompany mc. jord is one of the five? to be selected into his team. next day, morning maluluka of the valkyrie paladin regiment comes to get mc. per request of cattleya, mc will be seeing his potential escort candidates/volunteers. after a mock battle, the personal escorts for mc are selected, there are five healers, jord included, and ten knights. mc asks granhart for advice on what to do and on what an s class healer do. granhart answered it spectacularly, to the point that mc deemed him wise and someday in his career would want granhart to be his advisor.

37 afterwards, mc trained for his journey, along with his escorts. he had the valkyrie paladin regiment train with them. mc also went back to the labyrinth to raid (there are less monsters now) and to see if hos abstinence to substance x will make him level up. apparently it did. when he returned to cattleya (she still runs the shop by the labyrinth), she tells mc have two guests looking for him they are the dwarven smith grand and the beastfolk trett. as mc thanked them for the equiments they supply to the church, the two feels mc's body. apparently, they were requested by the pope to make customed made equipments for mc. the materials will be dragon fangs and dragon scales, the ones mc got from the undead dragon. the two immediately and forcibly took and dragged mc with them to mc's equipments. mc can't do anything about it. cattleya was with them along the way.

38 when they arrived at the smiths in the holy city, they started working, mostly by mc. since they'll be making equipments solely for mc, mc had to show the two master craftsman he moves, his range limit and such. afterwards, they went to have dinner out, they have some nice discussions, cattleya is revealed to be level 312, they gave mc advice on using his SP, and soon after, grand tells of a dragon sleeping under the mines near their town. mc mood suddenly changed as remembers the request of the dragon beneath the holy church. mc tells them that he have some other duties beyond a healer that he must also accomplish. seeing how serious mc become, trett tells mc that he'll make him anything that mc as to lighten his mood as well to celebrate him leveling up. mc asked for a device that would immediately let him change into other equipments in an instant. trett already have a device for that, a transformation mirror dresser. soon after, cattleya immediately realize that mc is planning once again of staying in the labyrinth. she reprimands mc.

39 mc dreams of his past. it was when his superior was giving him advice. mc heads to the labyrinth to try and level up. afterwards, in the cafeteria, mc eats with jord. since mc is always being compared to lord reinstar the founder of the church guild, mc thought of asking info about the founder. jord tells mc the best person to ask would be the pope. then mc asks jord to assemble his personal escorts. they set out to the adventurers guild, the guards did not know they will be going there or even they did not know they will be drinking substance x. mc also ask guildmaster grantz to allow the personal escorts to have a mock battle with the adventurers as training. although depressed and feeling betrayed, mc promises that someday mc will ask the valkyrie paladin regiment to eat with them. this boosted the morale of the personal escort. then mc went to train his horse riding, he also asked yanbath if he could be lent foret noir as his own horse for his journey. afterwarda, mc went to the pope to report the decline of undead in the labyrinth. after, mc request to borrow book regarding lord reinstar. the pope tells mc they were treasure to her. if so mc could not return them or are damage, mc's title would immediately be stripped. despite the warning, mc hesistantly borrowes the books. he reads the heroic tale of lord reinstar. mc felt he was nothing compared to the founder. but after pondering and remembering what his superior once told him, he realizes that he too have what it takes. although not strong, he has friends who will be there to support him. he need not be the best but he just have to do the best he can. he is not alone, as said by his superior.

40 next day, aside the morning combined training of mc's personal escorts and lumina's valkyrie paladin reginment, she ask mc if he's fine if they go on "combined maneuvers?", a monster hunt. lumina says that its a way to boost mc's reputation to his escorts. mc accepts. when the escorts hears it, they rejoiced. when mc tells lumina the eagerness of his escorts, lumina tells that it was for mc's sake as well. she wants mc to experience battle outside of the labyrinth, where the enemies will not be simply mindless undead. during the hunt, although reluctant at first, with abit of side insults from others, mc slain his first alive monster kill, a forest boar. afterward, they had mc use purification to clean the boar, it was the first time it was ever done (soon after it became a thing for hunted meats). then they had a barbeque. they had a blast and lumina discuss with mc that they should hold such training once or twice a month. mc agrees, the escorts were happy and with this, mc increase their training as well substance x in take. three months after, mc is back in the pope's room to report of the proposed laws and guidelines, probably made by the forum. afterwards, the pope tasks mc to learn about guild and clinic management. she wants mc to enforce the newly policy and punished the corrupt healers and assist the just. although reluctant, upon hearing that mc will be his immediate superior, mc obliges and promises to do his duties well. after mc is dismissed, he finds cattleya waiting for him outside the pope's room. she tells mc that grand and trett have finished making mc's equipments.

41 on their way the shop, cattleya comments how the dagger looks focused on him dispersed and his whole escorts along with him are the target for the dagger looks. though, mc felt it more peaceful and better than before. in the shop, mc was shocked to find his new equipments looked mighty ordinary. but upon knowing the specs, he felt delighted. mc also acquires the transformation mirror dresser, it's a big ass mirror with a desk. and soon after thanking them, the two part ways with mc. after testing out the mirror in his room, mc decides to start learning more about management. he decide to learn in the adventurers guild. he take jord with him.

42 once they got to the adventurers guild, the adventurers immediately took mc to have mc heal them. afterwards, mc went to grantz for life advices, hair cuts and cooking. when mc asked about clothes shop to buy casual clothes, he is led to rosa, the cafeteria lady. afterwards, mc finally procurred clothes, aside from work clothes. mc then went to a magical implement shop, a golem greets him. thebownwr reena introduced him items, that are appliances, he knows and only have seen in his previous world, mc would want to ask if reena was also a reincarnated person like him, but chose not to. instead, he bought quite a few appliance and asked for some to be made. reena tells mc that it may take time since there are prereuisite to make them such as the know how, materials, levels, affinities and such. mc then tells her he'll come back some other time. mc then went to the pope to get advice with clinic management. mc wanted to enter work in a clinic but since mc's infamous among the clinics and some healers,.they don't want to be involved. the pope suggest mc work under the very person who caused him to be transferred to the main hq, bottaculli. although relyluctant, but since the pope would see the revival of the church glory, mc obliges. within two months, he will go work under bottaculli. the pope also informed mc, in a year, mc will be sent to yenice, the independent city state. the pope plan to make mc the head a fallen healers guild in yenice amd once the healers guild is once again revived in yenice, mc's job there is completed. afterwards, mc trained more in the labyrinth, with the pope's added skill restriction as sort of training? and then some more training with the escorts and the valkyries. soon after, two months had passed and mc is now back in feont ofnthe gste of merritoni. the crowd welcomes their masochist zombie healer. after entering, his guild superiors greets him. brod wanted mc to have mc head back ti teaining but galba stops him and tells mc to go first to the healers guild. as he heads to the heaers guild his escorts were impressed how the people show great respect and how beloved mc is. when they arrived at healers guild mc is surprised?

43 he went to kururu to complain about the outside the healers guild. mc asked how they knew mc became an s rank healer. apparently kururu became the healers guild head after the previous master ran away after find out mc is returning, she had looked up info about mc. kururu asked estia to handle formalities for mc. somehow, mc is enchanted to see estia who has a black hair. afterwatds, mc went the merritoni adventurers guild, he and his escorts went around and healed the injured. nanaella and monica welcomes mc back. brod tells mc he's impressed at his escorts who is like mc that heals the injured indiscriminately, mc says its how it should be. brod then takes mc to the training ground, introduced mc to the new adventurers and showed them how mc trains. like a punching bag. after, mc asks brod what his level is, brod reveals it's 451. afterwards, brod announces the mc will be working in the clinic of botaculli. the adventurers despised such idea. but when brod says mc'll be staying in the adventurers guild and will be healing them, they cheered on him. afterwards they throw mc a welcome back party. during the party galba said a bit if info regarding bottaculli's clinic. apoarently, some of his slaves are planning a rebellion vs him. and mc should be wary about his slaves. the chapter ends with a furious bottaculli, venting his anger on his butler. he is mad that mc is back in town and will be working in his clinic.

44 their discussion led to slaves, although boound by magic contracts, were able to harm their master. bottaculli caught wind of this rumor and have been hiring mercenary instead. mc must be wary of them as well. aside from the, the rumored betrayal says that the slaves have no idea how they were able to. brod tells mc that bottaculli was a good person back tgen but suddenly he changed. mc vows to right bottaculli. next day, mc and his escorts went to bottaculli's clinic. when they got there an incident occured. bottaculli was stabbed by his ead butler. mc intervens with the hysteric staffs. he heals bottaculli. then heals the beat up butler. mc then asked why the butler attacked his master. the butler says they were mad at their master, and they had just been holding it up which led him to stabbung bottaculli. afterwards, jord explains a bit about slaves. mc learns more but he never found out how the slave could have attackes their master. mc the tries a diplomatic approach. he tells the butler as well the other slave will be freed on the condition that they will not take anynore vengeance vs bottaculli. they swear. mc orders jord to call kururu. he plans on taking the slaves to the healers guild. he then went to the weak bottaculli and made him promise to surrender his slaves to the healers guild in return mc will fully heal him. bottaculli promised and as it became an oath, when bottaculli glowed, mc knew he will abide by it. afterwards, with the promises of the slaves freedom, mc once again ask the butler how they were able to betray and attacl their master, the head butler then confessed that he may not tell more detail but he had his slave crest overwritten.

45 the butler goes on that one day, while bottaculli orders him to go on an erramd, a cloaked person approach the butler and mentioned curses. the butler without hesitation had his crest overwritten. after wards the cloaked person just suddenly disappeared. the only thing the butler mentions regarding the butler is that person knew the butler is a slave, has sympathy with slaves and have a feminine voice. kururu enters the room and asked mc what was going on.she reprimands mc for acquiring slaves and if found out, they will be set free. mc says it was his plan. back to mc's plan, he asked the head butler to lead him to bottaculli's room. he need to investigate further corruption, correct them and set things straight. mc also asks kururu as the guildmaster of the merritoni healers guild to it's court of inquiry and some part of the guild as with the new guidelines set by the church, things will have to change. kururu obliges. as they investigsted, they found a few of the slaves were forced into it, mc used his magic to dispel the slave crest on them, gave them compensation and set them free. they also found documents which involves slave traders from illumasia empire. in the document are names of clients and slaves and their whereabout. when bottaculli woke up, mc went to him and asked why he sided with the empire. bottaculli tells his story, he did everything for the sake of his daughter. although a bit sympathetic to the fallen healer, mc had to pass down judgment. he  strip and ban bottaculli with his right of healing and will be sent to the church hq to be judged and have proper punishment be exacted, his main clinic will be made into an orphanage and his assets will be sold. afterward, mc went back to the head butler to ask him more question. suddenly, mc was confused when the butler asked him about how curses can be overwritten. it was as if his memories were erased. mc asked everyone oresent in the investigation and seemed that eveeyone forgot about the crest being overwritten by curse. but first the clinics must first take priority. they head out and fixed all the clinics owned by bottaculi, set new guidelines and standardized the fee. the freed slaves became adventurers and others worked in the adventurers guild. mc planned on making the healers if the merritoni town gain back the townspeople's trust. lastly, mc had a haircut from nanaella and monica.

46 after the bottaculi incident, mc had a healthy routine in the merritoni town along with his escorts. they hold mock battles for training, they went out to the healers to teach and have the town healers follow the new guideline and before long it was almost time for mc to go back. his three superiors in the adventurers guild gave mc great advise. afterward, when mc asked galba aboutnthe matter regarding overwriting slave crest, even galba have no idea what mc was talking about. when mc tells them what happened during the bottaculli incident, they revealed that bottaculli was not intentionally stabbed but instead the butler fell down the stairs and accidentally flung the knife towards bottaculli. mc notices the change in their memory. soon after gulgar mentions the black haired receptionist, estia, in the healers guild recently quit. mc said that she knew someone in the holy city and went there. mc says that she was going to become an adventurer. soon, their mission in merritoni is done, mc and his escorts went back to the holy city. he reports to the pope and applaud mc for his achievements in merritoni. after, the pope thanked mc for all the things he had done for the church. to show her appreciation, she showed her face to mc. she was a half elf and she is the daughter of the founder of the healers guild, lord reinstar. when mc asked how she is an elf when the founder and his wife are humans. it seemed like there was another woman. aside that apparently mixed race was greatly unfavored. back to the story, the pope now orders mc, 20, to go to yenice to continue the goodness he is doing.

47 on their way to yenice, on a special request by the pope, they had to stop by on every town they passed by, investigste the healers guildnof that down and report sny issues found to the church hq. somehow they became like inquistors of the church hq. it took them over a month, while fulfilling the special request of the pope, just to reach the border to yenice. also, their safe journey can be attributed to the grateful adventurers in the adventurers guild for clearing their path of monsters or bandits. as their team stop by a border town, during dinner, jord asked mc how he planned on reviving the healers guild in yenice. mc honestlynsaid he had no plans yet. the escorts then discuss a somehow possible discrimination towards them being humans. mc tells them he has a waybto deal with this possibility. back in merritoni, galba and gulgar tells mc if he they needed help in yenice, mc just simply mention the names of the two brothers. when their team reached the border, the gate to yenice is unguarded. mc was wary as he casted barrier to everyone. when they finally cross, a little beastfolk girl rushed tonmc and hugs him. it was shiela, the mute beastfolk girl who went with the repreawntatices of yenice. she could now talk. mc remembers he casted extra heal on her but it was just when he was still learning it. mc tells shiela that it was a reward from god that she could finally talk. soon after, the current representative of yenice, sharzah, greets them. immediately after introductions, sharzah says his somewhat demands, lower healing cost, healer guild own money to reconstruct the guild and possibility to hire healers. mc cannot make rash decisions and mc somehow politely refuses it and says it should be discussed after they have at least settled and learn more about the current circumstance. there is a sudden noticeablenchange in sharzah's attitude towards them. jord advises mc to be wary of this.

48 soon after they make their way, the were attacked on many instances. but with the healers to assist the battle, they had it easy. mc and his escorts, currently only 9 members, were surprised to find the ruined condition of the healers guild building as well its location is in the slums. mc tells sharzah that the rates of for their healing services will be a bit different. sharzah, the representive, took it as an offense. mc then says that instead of money they will ask for help in rebuilding the guild. sharzah then tries to escalate things as he accuses mc of making them slaves, mc reassures them it is not and as a sign of trust he will swear an oath to god with them. mc tells that if in case he breaks this oath and he will be punished by having his magic sealed off or remove, this will equally take effect on the both party. seeing as how reluctant the yenice representstive is, jord mentioned of a slave market in yenice, he tells the two during a somewhat deescalated debate that, the healers guild will instead get help there. and as it stand, the healers guild cannot operate under such condition of the guild building. but nonetheless, mc wanted to take out sharzah. sharzah was troubled by the determination of mc and just left them. mc wanted to speak with shiela but it seemed they are being forced to isolate the healers guild. jord says he foresees more troubles heading their way. as mc orders his men to start a bit of cleaning the healers guild, the sharp look and hostile whispers from the beastfolks around them made them feel uncomfortable. jord says that the slave market he mentioned was only a bluff but seeing how things are, it would be their safest bet. after a bit of discussion, mc decides they be separsted into two groups. one will go clean the guild and manage the horse, while a few will head into town. mc, jord and two others head to town to get slaves. the first two slavers turned them down. the third only allowed one person to enter the traders. jord warns mc theybmeant business and they are nitna charity. inside the traders, with his intimidation skill, he found two suitable slaves, a dwarven smith who lost both his arms and another one. both of these men did not get fazed with mc's skills

49 after talking with the other slave who did not get fazed by mc's skill, he find out he has this air of confidence much like brod. and much like the dwarf with no arm, mc ask for his loyalty in exchange of healing him he calls himself lionelz he also requested two other slaves to be bought with him, nelia and ketty. after meetinf the other three female slaves, mc paid in the full the five slaves. afterwards, the slave trader gave mc an invite to a slave auction. afterward, jord reprimands mc for buying fove slaves and two of them are disabled. mc laughs it off and tells them thst he'll just heal them. once they got back in the healers guild, while the other slaves were cleaning, mc healed the doran and lionel. upon noticing such feat, they alk kneeled in front of mc. mc is distrubed by this. mc then distrubted the use of room in the guild, mc has a whole floor for himself as the guildmaster, second floor for healers staff, third floor for the reception and the basement will be the slaves resident. doran then suggests using magic stones to expand the basement, after a bit of explanation, mc accepts the suggestion. some of the girls will help mc with the cooking. while the others clean. lionel will be the main security detail of the healers guild. soon after, mc tells that he will be taking lionel to town to get them some supplies. the other escorts object vs such decision since they are the one who must gusrd mc, but mc says that it's fine and that he would not want be accompanied by a large party. they also took ketty with them.

50 much like with their trouble for the slave traders, their trouble finding shops that will serve them was all the representatice sharzahs doings. but they prevailed with their shopping. on their way back, they were suddenly attacked by masked brigands. both lionel and ketty handled them with ease. they bound 13 brigands out to attack them. mc want to take then to the healers guild but lionel suggest they take them to the yenice leader. in case they take them to the guild, they might be accused of kidnapping. mc goes with lionel's plan. somehow, lionel holds mc's position highly that not even mc knew how important he himself is. when they meet up with sharzah. (holy shit did lionel and ketty went in and just said everything for mc) mc proposed as a reparation for an attack vs an international representative, instead the death penalty, the captured attackers become criminal slaves and will be assigned to work manual labor in the restoration of the healers's guild, be it publicly announced, have the healers guild be fully allowed to make trades with the shops and have the healers guild be able to use fully the area around their location. sharzah bowed his head accepted the conditions. accompanied by a beastfolk, they went to a slave trader to drop off the brigands. mc found out a bit of what happened in yenice. with a few changes in the tenures, the healers guild were put to jeopardy. the current representative was working hard in order to entirely remove the healers guils until they encounter a problem a years hence, a labyrinth not far of from yenice which was dormant became active and monsters began coming out. mc asks the situation about raids. there were raids but without healers and continued reliance to the apothecaries, they were limitations that cannotnbe overcome. potions became less effective and having different ailments require many different kinds of curing potions. as a result, they weren't much progress. mc shudders at the thought of having himself go in to release the dragon within. when they got to the slave trade they asjed mc's intention with them. mc answers truthfully. the slaver obliges, made the criminals slave and handed them to mc. they return back to the healers guild, all 16 of them. jord greets mc and inquired what happened. mc tells they picked up a few hands, criminal slaves, to help them in manning the healer guild. mc then meets with doran to happily report he expanded the basement a little bit bit he needed a magic stone tonexpand more. mc purified and handed doran a magic stone to use. mx then assigns tasks to the criminal slaves and then he went to the basement to check thebwork of dorab. he was surprised to see a very large hole. mc is impressed as he left doran with the materials he asked and some purified magic stones. he tells doran he'll just be called when food is ready. mc went back up as he ponders of how amazing the slsves he got.

51 their new daily life in the yenice healers guild. mc is the cook. they use the appliace they got from reena's magical implement shop comedia. the criminal slaves are guards, they are treated well. thanks to doran, the basement became 5 floors, paula made a magic elevator. a floor dungeon/prison, a floor for the training ground, a floor for both doran and paula's worskshop and smithy, a floor for slaves quarters, and a floor as a field for the horses and for farming.

52 following day, lionel reports to mc that the criminals slaves they have were not hired by sharzah but by the apothecaries guild. after, mc decidea to make a plan for the guild, mc asks his escorts of their opinions. it seems the apothecaries guild have a great influence in the country that it made healers obsolete. during breakfast/lunch? mc discuss to everyone they need to make a connection with the adventurers guild, they will have to demonstrate their healing all the while find out a bit about the apothecaries guild. when mc sets off, he took lionel, ketty and jord. the adventurers were wary of them as healers, it's nornal. they requested to meet for the guildmaster but instead they were to meet the vice guildmaster. mc inquires the whereabouts of the guildmaster, gyres says he is in the labyrinth raiding, it seems he is a key person to conquering the labyrinth. mc then says the reason why they visit to ask for permission to demonstrate healing magic to the adventurers, mc presented the standardized pricing, it's limits and requests the injured adventurers be sent to thebtraining ground fornhealing, as a demo, it will be free of charge. gyres obliges with the request. sharzah who was there in the office was shocked with gyres's obliging. as they leave, lionel tells to sharzah that the attack vs them were planned by the apothecaries guild. when they left, sharzah complained to gyres why he accepted them, gyres tells sharzah that mc is protected and blessed by the holy dragon. and as such, he cannot decline such request from one blessed. the angry sharzah gets more angrier.

53 whem mc got back to the healers guild, he tells the escorts that by tomorrow they will beading out to the adventurers guild to demonstrate healing. it seems that healing magic is very unknown to yenice which made it unpopular. he let dinner be done by the escorts. mc then went to the basement to check doran's status. paula made clouds and sky inside the basement. doran made some new equipments. mc's just realized how op and broken the 5 slaves he got. later on, they made nalia in charge of the cooking, although they may take turns for the shift. next day, morning mc meets lionel in the training ground, they sparred for training. then after breakfest, the grand father, grand daughter duo went to mc to present their proposal and to procure magic stones. it was lunch when he finally finished reading the proposal and promises the two he will get the the magic stone they needed afterward. after having lunch, mc and his escorts readies for the adventurers guild

54 mc, the personal escorts, ketty and lionel went to the adventurers guild. after starting the free healing demo, a hooded man suddenly attack the healers and with a black powder, tried to seal the magic of the healers. lionel retaliates but the hooded man use ninja skills to escape. fortunately, mc's resistance is strong that it didn't affect him. he used purification with the affected heals, theyball recovered and they all continued with their healing. gyres as well the adventurers felt grateful towards mc and the healers. they vow to find the hooded man who tried to sabotage the healing demo. after the healing was done, heavily injured adventurers were brought suddenly to mc. one of them insulted mc, mc yelled back at the injured adventurer and healed them all free of charge. soon after, the adventurer who insulted mc bowed to mc and apologized, he introduced himself as godath, the guildmaster of the adventurer guild. he tells his story of why he distrust healers. then godath tells he heard stories about mc. and so some of his beliefs changed. although the services is free for now since it was all just a demk, when mc showed godath the pricelist of their healing, he was surprised that the healings were far more cheap compared to the methods and potions sold by the apothecaries guild. godath then ask if the he healers guild could have a satellite clinic stationed near the labyrinth and if they could be hire for the adventurers guild, mc refuses and tells him that during the demo, the healers were attacked. godath then vows to keep the healers safe and help until the healers guild have a firm position in the city.

55 afterward, they have all agreed to establish the satellite clinic near the labyrinth. the adventurers will be helping as well. and unfortunately, the found no clue as to who the hooded man who attacked them. while they discuss the opening of the labyrinth clinic, lionel and ketty were excitied since they want to join the labyrinth raiding. it was apparent that they coyld have easily been picked up but instead they just chose to sabotage the demo. some adventurers feared the the hooded man is stronger than they are, so that's why they did nor junped in to help or capture the hooded man. and aside from the black powder, there was no other clue to k ow who the hooded man was. when they got to the healers guild they were in awe to find the guild to have been rennovated beautifully. the guards reports to mc that there have been fire and a break in incident. the culprits are paralyzed and locked up in the dungeon. and their equipments are in doran and paula's posession. mc went to the dungeon/prison and had paula and doran be called as well. mc commended the two for making invention that helpped vs thebinfiltrators but mc reprimanded them for not telling what they made and they did. mc trust them but mc felt he should be informed of what invention rhey make and will make. after he dismissed the two, he went to interrogate the infiltrators, he won't be using violence but he'll be using substance x. except fornthe leader, the other culprits immediately confessed that they were hired by the apothecaries guild as well the representative sharzah, the attack in the adventurers guild as well the first attack vs the healers are also their doing, sharzah and the vice guildmaster of the apothecaries guild are the one pulling the string. the guildmaster of the apothecaries guild is busy with potion and medicine development to care for politics. afterwards, he gave the prisoners food and promised to hand them over to the adventurers guild afterward. mc then noticed that their leader was trying to kill himself. he went to his reacue and healed the leader. he reprimands the leader for teying to kill himself. afterwards, he had ketty stationed to watch over the prisoners. with the substance x removed, ahe delightfully obeyed. soon after mc and the others left, the leader tried persuading ketty to help him, in turn ketty, he will have a slaver he knew that will help release from her slavery. ketty argues that her status as a slave is just in name and their master, mc, has a good heart. the leader could not believe it. ketty describes how kind and great a master mc is.

56 during breakfast mc and jord discusses his the plan for the prisoners. jord expected mc tonhave them hired as slave for the guild. surprising, mc wants to surrender to the adventurers guild. somehow, it does not sit well for him to hire them, even as slabes, since they attacked the guild and put someof their patient at risk. jord reprimands mc and asked the difference with the ones who attacked mc. he goes on to say that mc should also vslue and prioritize his life since, to them, mc is a very important person. (somehow, i think they are seeing mc as an actual saint at this point). mc apologized and thanked jord for telling him this. later on, lionel spoke his mind to mc for being too soft. lionel critizes mc for being too naive to others. he wants mc to be more strict, that way more people will be convinced to follow him without being belittled. mc is aware of this and yet he has a firm belief of the difference of being soft and being kind. yet lionel's words as well the words of those who tried telling this to mc is tugging something in his heart, if he continue to be lenient, mc would most likely wouldn't grow, and worse he would be setting a bad example to his subordinates. back to the dungeon prisons. the leader suddenly asked mc ofnm his view on beastfolks. he first thought of nanaella and then the rest of the beastfolk that he had encountered. suddebly thinking it would be like a trick question, mc gave his answer based on his bias. the leader did not asks for explanation as he said he gives up and promises to cooperate if and only if mc do not discriminate vs beastfolk. mc obliges and even swore an oath to god. the leaders tells mc that tsharzah, he tigerfolk as well a certain numbers of dragonfolk are in league with the apothecaries guild. the apothecaries guild somehow influenced those in power to put a stop on the establishment of a healers guild. in exchange, they provided money and discounts for their medicine. there were those who were unhappy and opposed with the decision of barring the healers guild. those who opposed were asked to pay double the price of medice and some were not allowed to purchase. mc asks the leader if he would tell to the adventurers guild what he disclosed to him. the leader confirms it so long as mc take care of the half beast folks. mc obliges. the leader then introduces himself as kefin. next morning, mc sent a letter to the adventurers guild, the escorts who waited for a reply were sent back to the healers guild to wait for their reply. since there was nothing else to do, lionel took mc to the training ground for spar mock battle training. before lunch, mc was immediately called to the reception area. mc gets there and sees a large numbers of beastfolk. there were also that were tied and bound. both godath and gyres were there to confirm the bound people are the ones behind everything. godath then introduces a prominent figure among the bound, growhaller, the vice guildmaster of the apothecaries guild, a human?

57 godath says that it was growhaller who instigated everything vs the healers guild. all the money used by the apothecaries guild as bribe will be handed to mc as reparation. godath then tells mc that it's customary for dragonfolks to be loyal to thosenwho have a dragon's protection. mc being one, godath vows that he and himself will keep mc and the healers guild protection while in yenice. the other criminals that were part of the plot will either be executed or be sent to slavery and while at it, will be hired by the adventurers guild as labyrinth frontline casualties. mc then noticed that there were some that were not present, specifically sharzah. godath says that sharzah and his men have just suddenly vanished. suddenly, growhaller spoke that he would give info on the whereabouts of the missing accomplices in exchange of himself freed. before godath could a fist to growhaller's prideful face, mc immediately realized that sharzah and his men are currently raiding in the labyrinth. mc hypothesized that sharzah and his men are trying to conquwr the labyrinth and in that way, once he doea, he will be easily be forgiven as the hero who conquered the labyrinth or simply have himself naturalized and hand such merit and prestife ti another country. the surprised face of growhaller says what mc guessed is true. godath wants to immediately head to the labyrinth. but gyres argues that they have not yet settled the issue. suddenly gyres suggest that mc and godath's team go to the labyrinth to go after sharzah and his team while himself and the rest of the healers will stay to formally settle the issue. it seemed the two adventurers guild leader have settled thinking that mc will just go along with it. but mc suddenly did not want to get carried away. with a loud clap, he silenced everyone. mc says that going on raiding will need some time to prepare and they must not recklessly rush in. mc assigns jord to take care of the captured instigator and accomplices. he asks gyres to take help with the settlement and negotiation. jord will work alongside gyres. mc then asks of godath to hold a conference with him so that they could organize plans and strategize tactics when they head into the labyrinth. (as of now, mc is taking the role of a leader) after procuring materials, discussing the monsters within, fire based, and forming a team of his own, they plan to set off to the labyrinth next morning. mc's team consist of lionel as tank, ketty as dps, nalia as cc and chef, and then the paula as a golem user and doran as the axe user. while the discussion for the labyrinth is going, jord had already settled with the issue. all of the attackers of the guild will became criminal slaves that will serve the healers guild. odd enough, most of them were happy to work in the healers guid. jord had in mind that the beyond help to the healers guild, the criminal slaves will help solve some of the problem of the country in the name of the healers guild. in this way, the healers guid would more favorability and trust from the public. aside that, the new criminal slaves taken in will come along with the raid. mc have found new great respect towards jord as his once superior and now as an ally. mc then warns jord that the guild might be attack hence the personal escorts will stay in the guild. gyres say that the other dragon beastfolk will be assisting with the healers and the healers guild. mc is grateful for this.

58 the assembled team for the raid of the labyrinth consists of 50 members. they are split into 4 groups. one team is mc's, godsth's team is the frontline, one team is to set up a base in the floor 30 and lastly a group that is on standby outside the labyrinth. godath briefs the adventurers for two objectives: capture of sharzah and if possible conquer the labyrinth. on the other hand, mc briefs his team of three priorities: safety, magicstones and sharzah. and as an optional priority conquer the labyrinth. mc divides his team into 4 squads. 1 is with mc and 3 others, led by criminal slaves. mc's squad will move along the main route while the rest of the squad will explore other areas.  mvp for floor 10 boss room is kefin and nalia. for the floor 20 it's doran and paula woth their golem. in front of the floor 30 boss room, kefin warns mc of adventurers' misdeeds and instead of resting with the camp made by the floor 30 adventures. there are adventurers who in the name of merits and glory, may betray their comrades inside the labyrinth, they are called janitors since they clean up their mess neatly. the mvp for the floor 30 boss is lionel, doran and paula. after the battle, they rested. lionel and kefin converses about well they are treated by mc. kefin is awed how they were greatly treated. lionel respects mc greatly and is willing to serve mc for a very long time.

59 mc ponders of the time when he needs to leave yenice. he will have the men he is currently with serve as staffs for the healers guild. mc orders everyone to be more cautious of the floors beyond floor 30. he values and prioritizes everyone's safety, afterall. some of the criminal slaves tells mc they were happy to have him as their master. somehow, mc remembers the words of his master brod. floor 36, they decided to rest, with the ingenius idea of using the casks of substance x, they are safe from the monsters. after a bit of adjusting the squads from 4 to 3, they safely reached floor 40, but there were no adventurers to meet them in front of the boss room. mc orders that after they defeat the monsters in boss room, they will hold a meeting, among themselves, to discuss strategy and plans for the raids of floors 41 and beyond. they're overall combined efforts defeated the monsters in the floor 40 boss rooms. soon after, their planning. lionel suggests the 3 squads will be maintained but this time ketty and lionel will join the other squads. although kefin was against it, lionel argues that in case they fought stronger monster like the ones they defeated in the floor 40 boss room, they would surely have a higher rate of survivability. mc is reluctant that his main forces to guard him won't be with him. paula reassures mc she will protect mc. after the squads have dispersed, mc asked refin a few questions regarding the skill he used. kefin mentions ninjutsu. mc knew it's a thing from his world. mc tries prying more. kefin says there was once a young man, almost the same age as mc, arrives in yenice, he has skills, their organization hired him, and he taught them ninjutsu. unfortunately said person died in the labyrinth, 2 years ago. mc asks kefin if he could teach him ninjutsu. kefin agrees to but on a certain condition. mc must take kefin along his journey. it seems, much like lionel, he come to habe great respect and adoration for mc that makes him want to serve mc. on floor 42, they found their first treasure box in the labyrinth. they want mc to open it. mc opens it and he got a giant crystal orb. although mc and the rest were not impressed with what mc got. paula and doran were in shock. the two tells mc it's a flying ship core. mc asks the two to build him one.

60 floor 47 and there were still no sign of the adventurers and godath. they got a treasure chest with a bracelet in it though. floor 48, they continued exploring and then they find shiela playing with griffins. shiela tells mc that they were being pursued and her father, olga, told her to hide. apparently, shiela and her father were with sharzah when they entered the labyrinth. the men who were after them were the adventurers. heals the adventurers that were beat up by shiela's griffin friends. mc asked them what happened and why they didn't wait for them. they tell that once they got to the floor 40, boss room, it was locked. godath assumed that sharzah's team are inside and so they pursued them. they caught up to them in floor 42. but sharzah's team managed to fet away. as the difficulty, some of the adventurers asked godath to continue on without them. them these adventurers found a girl being attscked by monsters which led to the situation of the mix up with shiela. after an apology and clearing up, mc let the shiela and the adventurers join them. they took a break at floor 50. afterward they continued their exploration until they reached the opened boss room of floor 50. they hear fighting and clashing. when they check inside they saw a giant red dragon. mc asks his team if they can face it. apparently none of their answers were able to solve mc's fear. mc wants to turn back and run away. suddenly mc felt shiela hugging him tightly. she was scared. mc sees orga among those inside fighting the dragon. mc is in a dillema of wanting safety and survival against his sworn duty to save lives. the fighting inside the boss room heats up with the adventurers taking heavy damages. mc took the courage and orders his men to make a move. their priority is to save lives. mc orders his men to retrieve the injured and fall back. once they entered the boss room, mc immediately casts area heal on the adventurers. he goes around telling everyone to retreat. godath somehow refused. mc casts barrier but a surprised attack aims for mc. lionel shielded mc from the attack. as his men lets mc fall back, he saw them gets thrown to the side with just one hit. mc felt agitated and decide to retaliate vs the dragon. but the dragon is simply too strong, it attacked mc. mc blacked out. in his unconciousness, he casted high heal on himself which woke and recovered him up. he is on ground and by his side is lionel, lying on the ground. the door out is burning.

61 out of frustration that he will die failing everyone expectation and ultimately die again without ever getting married. mc out of no where, with his will to will, takes out a cask if substance x in his magic bag, threw it in the mouth of the dragon. the dragon fell unconcious. he immediately casted extra heal on himself and high heal on lionel. afterwards, with the dragon still unconcious, mc chopped off its head thereby conquerinf the labyrinth. he acquired a giant magic stone, a sword and a book. soon after, he went to the adventurers and healed them. they called mc, the immortal dragon slayer. lionel who just woke up asked how mc how he defeated the dragon. mc honestly answered, he used the substance x. they were all shocked in disbelief. godath commends mc for his action and bravery. after healing more adventurers and purifying the room, godath recovers the body of sharzah who died facing the dragon. afterwards, mc fell asleep from exhaustion. when mc wakes up, he sees the same door that he saw when conquered the labyrinth beneath the holy city. lionel and ketty reports to mc that all the rest of the adventurers went back and are planning on capturing all those involved in the fiasco vs the healers guild. when telld them about the floor ahead, the two questions mc. when mc points out to the two the magic door that had just appeared, it appears that only mc could see it. when he touches the door, kefin approaches him. mc asks if kefin could it, he couldn't. he orders kefin to tell the others that once mc vanished they must immediately leave quickly using the msgic circle that will appear. kefin asks if could come with mc, mc olitely declines and says that mc was only one invited. mc enters the door, sees the sleeping flame dragon and just like last time, casted sanctuary circle on the cursed dragon. the flame dragon, thanked mc for releasing it from the curse of the wicked god.  he thank mc and grants mc all the loots in the dragon room? as well the flame dragon protection. mc question whether it's good to have multiple protection from other beings, the dragon tells mc that heroes of the pasr have done it as well. mc was reluctant and says that he just want to live a happy lofe and one day marry the wife he may one day meet. the flame dragon tells him that if mc gets the flame dragon's protection as well, he is destined to meet the priestess protected by the dragon god. although hesistant, mc asks if the priestess is beautiful. getting back on track, mc tells that it was not his strength that led him to where he is but it was his companion that helped him. the dragon commends mc's humbleness and tells him that having companion is in of itself strength. the dragon then pray for his journey to becaming a sage. as the flame dragon blessed mc, his sword staff glowed and the necklace mc acquired from holy dragon appears before him and a second bead got inlaid on one of it's slots. afterwards, he purified the treasures left for him, he got money unknown to him and a book he cannot read, he stashed them all into his magic bag. he had earned three titles: protection of the flame dragon, dragon slayer, and he who is guided by the dragon god. when he stepped into the magic circle, he got outside of the labyrinth. he meets with his companions who were waiting for him.

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